t I; It ! I v - ," i7. : 1 1 V 1 -. . I . - 1 : i .' - 1 - r- : tTi'l-p-"'---,''-- . f j;- ,..'.. ' 1. ' i ' '' , ' - ' "' f I' ' ' 'j'" ' ' '" ' ' i ' ! " ' - ' '' " " , ' - " ; - " : Tit k AVr, publf :shtd at Whita- m riJ .. I ., is a new candidate for jr.ihlji: f ... v f. It faajids; firmly njxn rjc .Mliance platform and makes 'a -I -ginning. , I,. ng lift- to our l'eW olitl mporarv. j ,-"'"-i: P-eiped conienrjiorary, the Wt-i 1 --i I Ad mitre, juts tapiM-ared in a ! -:ti nd handsome, new- spniig'dress. i U 'r-t t v jajM-rinI we hojfe' our i- i f fri' iil ( 'lainln Vilii will al- Is- Mu c-fi-fiil in ; liH . enter- a -M'iriv of tlu h'csirtit'j't grat- i.'icritjoii .hi ii;,. tr liut' -thi liamlsonie fn.ii.t-i L'i w n of th'-:' Fakmekh! Ai- oca'i f lv many of iiir Wethren of Wf haf workt jl o!ilircijt- !v i'.'iv- mr r-.iI'ii a "Tok1 Jiajn'r, if:- 4 in mak- th'-i Fa kmehs' Ai- o: i . worthy of the ujnort and i- i I'leoiii-iii i'iM-nt of the ! fK.-jpIe of FariVitii 'orth ('arolinj. i ' V Xv. .faPliier.tsUoull not lose sight ..f i lij iiiiMrtaiie-, ye4. lieceswity of r':i r-1"; j wliat th v (.oiifiiinie, at home. lu-Mr h for thi-tn to etjntinue Vr Hiir ''tit eat house;! ami .ffrain ji'.-tt.-' i :.ti 1 lt- ' est. :ti (h.- 'AVest. (The laniW of .in' i. r.ooliim an ( '.iroliitu are tfiufet vflrtile - I'lUiio ' in.tke an v rannier. sell-sus- -i i rt j.iV I. t the fanner.i praetiuea )ivi i i ali'n of thei ero.s." fil ls. K'-ii I'.utjer was fowibly eject- f roll i lle eoiirt rOon lust Weelc in ('hi. whili- niakiiiffan effort to r. tie- eolith in pelialf of hid 1 1 ri.n. TIh eause itH.i":ii l was that hittlor- niailv lijaraiu . remarks :'.; lli.- .hull."-. If men, of the I', ilk! '-trin - weie-jei-ted'froin pub ! .' .illliee'-, tjie Colllltrv would he U , 1-lilul-fohl better Off. Tnjif tiieMxWrs of the llaleih Har iim t j(t w,eek ami many of 'them de li .'( ! iiK-t totiehinffaiii'lj- el(Miient t :-4. .t "). irpoii tie'4leat,h of the reat i " T.h-i. nte.l Danh-I i.lFowe, 'Twa ;'itiri'M.liat Miifti lnai'ks of esteem liiMild leiV' Wei ll shon to the IllelU ..," of t lie lii!!iant lawyer, ehxinent "itvtfol and true patriot. ! W'e were l 1 1 1 ij imp rois.sei I with? 1 he t ri bit ted vhd 'to the distinguished 'North 1 : ivljiiian. j I y jheiv is anything lor 'which we i,;'j c (-art'tv, to regret it, is to he in- . f ari!d of the lukewatniiieas iuid in- i vf !iieinberi w the Alliiance. !;o:ild not be forgetful of their o their oranizjition, .Should LI"' ; III' il'.IK-l VeilUlill III IlOlllf tll.llll ; ' 1 .-. : .. l. 1 1.. ti t hi' 1 Je.-tiiiffs. it doi-.Ji iot justify an- (1! li.-j -if: I lollOW Ills e 1 11 1 tainple. uojto .0-tj.Mn.vtilti's regular tv, Hint neyer drones in t lie , ,1 J i -,i nl-1 Mere ao- i l!)u. n ' nt trip f 'resident llar- 1 -.;i l lii'oiudi th'vfairjSoiit hlaml ..and ? 1 4 i i-il iiL -in v-ii4 ioiisj- h'lixleri'd ljiin, .! -.W j ' 1 1 ;l ' "'the hih -regard, the SuiHi i ii pt ople have Tor rt heir; Fres-' M-dVti be he' -Dijmocrat or; liepubli ii .Mit j T!if I'resiilent expressed hih'l ..'!!' : i- 1.1 lrijsed with Our people.' ; ii- -ho-.ild .-lay :anioii us awhile and ii:.i hi would ; learn that Southern ( '.pie. are a prosperous, law-alidiiif'( ;.i'ii..'i ej i 1 i't ei ills us any ' people 611 TitU-:'. I;ujy Sftt.fi' ('hroiiii h- annouii- s tii i! i-,'H ' clihirjjc.it ' to."-an lo't.coltiiiiil:- ilaily. Svtrely. this . is . I- ..1 - -: .- 1 . ' i , -.-i.x,- jiournaiisuii--e,ieeeoiiii:iv , id, iu-e I hat tlic Sfnte Chhm - - 1.- in .1 iifopcroiH conditio. It j J ,1! the best papers ill .Norm , iv aiid ills edi tor il am- ; ' lie! t i k iir.r it tit bet DtttHT. . 1 1 1 1 1 I - ,i"i.;i itullate (,uri)steciiiod triem V.l.ns l;iie!s. Fs :ii:it Sie w ill jnake a njh.de Sa1e iwill and .Ik Ucvc 1 t UH-rot wnicn promt to r t devo't .our Od Storial cohmins v 7 t,-ek. t.fa sketch. of the life of orsey Fender 1 i..r m m. Villiam r- 1 ,r. in 1 11 . lien 1 inil h one ,w no, in 1. Tli d isifiv iishabl 1 lust rje ujiyn his brill iajit itate. I. M bv tieati. miw.emng anil 1 in lo calise 3 II' i.e iie.oijin i tlie I -.great k i t !ve S.iith esjoi(siiU;; ; Wo hoje liforv ..if his lifd will : serve to i;iive'hi I'lilliahr inditary -ca-; i "1 Ir !.. !. 4....1- ,tn..if ; iiitn .eh ira?ter jiud-, gnit ; !olh Nan li. His life is v.imple for all men to ei it le ,m ofl Senator (Carlisle !- lej- rnnietit can have no .0 i.iil' to t lie fanners th that tt ' .-.. i.Jj.w i!t fiives. . now I .t.ttetT. fi!H-:itctJ, ifi. a iuom I lie irutQ is,, inv- ha- I 1 luf ve no nliOncv not hrst r.,t -.-"Miiipiv" promise u just, ami Me metiod of issuing money, i. 1 lie .' ivt ilium. : . j .......v..,- Mil e. aiiil will.acilept ; 11) adjust-1 r.1':. r-v;: that dos less.-i-r rsaupnai -jvn- !i fnoiiey furnifheil, direct to f.inn.rl on tion-dcstructihle t 1itv thf count rl would soon 1 1 ..tr.,,r - V it- b.:iei ren oved und UxejovcrseiT to w tt V , ' . . .1 . f - -r ! the little boy v.ua-couhj Jnvin liWs of their , - . ii-tiad of paying" tribute to !i n uiat shojibl e tneiro. ..nefitl tlie agtSeultiiral class- -u-ui.- ijii ipe;pt' :rv hilj t'liacti'd I'he sub into u law uul content- Uhriiiir i:iPliness id the jeople. BHIEFjLY 1KI PLAINLY KSiS OK .THE C ON'"- ' 1 i 1 f ' i - i. I!NSf.Ii. 1 the S ate r rni t s ! t ii-. t J -:;: .A--Jiil.W fariijjerH ji ,! hu:'i in f'hi ir v.u A 1 - eon Hi v ' -.! : t I ay 7; The, li?r4 i ffi'sW wm Oe; tfie if ! H a It i . I am fv-attire. ' From the f VfW we )4rn t h.-J ii V; -fV--f 1 F. A. Aj.hr ' 1V - i , A jfohtt the to ivill- Jorehesul. nan. ni tile m riv-i ii at Vini.or lart ;WY'; ) imvtf ; '! nff on nov of t l.ihe MA Fiisiih ; II'omh rax i4jn J. f m coHrts now; r ! ' )Vjlniinfft(Ht p';yf?nmsr r i Sniiitner m nths bv I havii ;'i r in:i! tlitt-liert aiul lw- j.lae-- i';aiu welLilrainel j.!' , : Henry Bra 'Jiiam, ttie rx ti .1 W :MbV imur4rel th 'Italian of (;h flOjt'Ci-; i hurt itfvn fouiduilty of (tniir bid i Willi I , ; It i s? til rim irfat leekv Mou At t '1 t " the LI k'l Lii i-f will niove tiieir 1 I I from ' eldo'n and put a hotel at Jioeliv MotinY It! W rum.o-Ki d in 1,'aleihM railrioao! shoj of t hej Suioa4 TAi.ri A i r-" Jane jare to n- renio if! lo :1 : ?i R ii're - cent Hi I poiritj x 'ii I!. . . ... i, ' I j;e 1 11.-1 w ,'ik of .the railroa'l ''o:,1:-t inissinuers is u - - -. ltd have the ' ti'Al no t h i 3111 d Janvill load; ti l u'il Foint h'K-k- to' par throw irh f roh "" j :'.' horo, Mr).1 Aiiffir i(s Kespiiss of I '.i t'lj'-ift cotniiiw was u.-tantlv killed lA hi-. ningi past wt- ;. lie wn ' seatt t':l-v the tf leplaee, h' li 't h.C f ton'u .' v.-d overj ';j ! ;f. thf- and : '"I 'Vf tiid nutrdier if .M v .Mike .Juim.--, y i motht r : f I ertford ('minty . wasj nn h.. wa-? iu'a.fl cbticl tided la.-l 1 week at I'm The c efejn.hu t was ae,(tii ted.; i tried In , j Iertjford l.n f..n- ji- ( f j:i trranted him, Mr .Iihn "Ii. Mers, ; a'citi4.1 i. .o lertifaire 81 hears, is a hakv man. ire wprk.s uaiM ever I -1 " !;-. lie has lived (wi,tli his. pre.-ehf; f7 vcjji rst- sly loo is n ( fl, ..ln-art active and uife - -all' or Jthv r ) aiK,d Iious' Ao'rk p-i:taiiMi! farnu 1 Majiy of 01 cottoi) and so r farmers 'an-.p! it in' lie luive jdanfed .1 hei f' corn Mr. A Snell. is.f j . tshie NwkJ state til at some of Id c-igh. lwrs ayelcdt; growijng tiin.1 1 anove iBe trnuu ld, . We do ' lioj-i in. al)iindaU j h 'in''t.;fr' T.cilac)-. ago Mr. K. '! . i I i.tJs . mav mil uLaii r.esl. this i'iir-- I A few dav.-i hM: a ;tra horse as "earing fudd'v k in th feic' inn calf 14 jnont is old reached throu when ki the eniek for the I f the hor c hik 1 lie ,cali'-s I supposedyhe ale id llf'.i be found off, aid ii v. a j.as the mvi-i' ;;'c: He had to have t iJ- ilalM kill.' iU-4 - (- :hf're.f. ' ., ; ' t ; : t. ( Mi FrUlas s( Vv 111 Vi ill ft-ii to una t.ujpl t -oad lit vsinan 1 ,vo- ear;- nt tlievtl " - a ' 1 i r. !-- burg his i!aee M r. Ml ia. the thl- a 1 .ral I trie roau, s! ...1. .. 1 :..!.. - 1V11I ciigin eiigin er to.l ;miovi ill IS I I O W ' ;i 1 ark. the i'-uii. the e;rsheiri: broke!? the ! W( CSiJUC togetl eatel illg M r. Manikin' n-ad ! lK'twci'n ' t hen , gi ing hi ni a evere niush.j It m -x close now call ilhl In I 1 11- iitjunid man is to 4. -ilk about bit A 1 iy or iWo ago. ;i:coivu"t, w uiow.n i 11 trustv, at oiu. or tte 'Citlw U I- '-, tweenl hei-e ai 1 liah'iifh. coul i:f.i' 1 A ..1 7 ... v - . . an oilitraire, .iir n nisiuv n i'.-u ladv, o I veai old pear ,t J i:.' nlTeri i j The ladv ha 1 1H M ihI 1:1 I ;! I rniv 1st. Frfe aV file eitle!:.-- 1 1 7 -t IJope Mii;is!. dise;ts. t Kf i,i 1 ifH'-l. A larj Sje ri"o i iitteiided jd tl I'i'M- ri" "ll . iiulign.i ii;u, aiiilit' 1? :iJ !'i7 i that, ill is'lirolj . . ? II r Mdv the . '"negro tak'n! lro.n'i 1 4 tic : auttiov.in lynclHlv- 'I'j kly- i. Ihighlv CifU- niH'ted aiul ii loost -et - ireet 3 and ii nii. There tas niiie ecitt iiiem eh, F.ntlay; lug he,- .-o ' Uapti t j oliu ill faet inuch th:it ir ahoiu by .'fill t, the si rvicie for. the tune in ing. liev. some liuittcr.'wii'f yi'f-i liiicr of f he li-.irm r to tt.e la! i i - tlectoH llahei ;np a.nd : of th." . .fdli.de. ou t t till - top .'J'hi -' n.tud:; frigh elied t- CiMCXlt'garto: tilery vas u rusw '1 oil t lie lu-.-;. dauvf whail a er; from was ji ic -re- : tlectoi . as 'tt;! oil ) .tank; U'oii piiV.'expl Li!ji.v 1 ' ilr ana ..11 liei-iU ' v. ; : i..! siniplN to loier the burrt l i the stamped',' for the' d.Hr- w .tsdire'l v. ,tl iij-reroit? :;:u! Ikar 'ge.tfii-.t;-- A per.- js raiiu1 a m 'lit usn htti'.y.--',! tHoroiiirlHy iiidignanf' a iinv; ? ! ot ' : tbi.-- i . ' 1 ' 7 ar id a .; -by ! h- i-lthe- SO 7,-1 it was (ha lirt-ji -. H euAie in ' liii-' wiv SYlve tetf' Flotii.iii', oe.e of "1.1 irest tarmers 11 t.he . e--:it:tv. i er, ..Joijii'- 1'iov ijght lUlle -:'.. s' .!(1. t n.'iu '' coloreil ovvrsij name,j dml 12 or 14 ve LTcel, NvfcO soul ,mu k in n ii"! ;l i A . s ' ,' "-I- vita worK u .-f t fariw iind iiroiiid t h bariivh tipiK-ajrs. tnai : . L - Mr. 'Fleming ha'd w hip- i-ied .the lov . 1 , 1 ! ! 1 . 1"' . vt i-al l iyles " last authorized the iip Tiini.'F ()u Jve. k. 'ixl f iday; ana nun aiso went on tee s.vat m a' i cunoe inon ine uegro ' 1 . .- him ik 'hi? x , eh,ihidr iitml ;cl whipTrted him tintil the IwyV 1U tdiethi 3 As S lareratetraud it wafe disioi .end the jiew.- over, lilie tovvi 1 11 kc n uasiij iiw as Ik-cii1 nwel-(' indigHutioii 1 i.u.: i WitMuyfon fazife. ' ' i ; - -v . f ...... i,7:' ; 7 . , .......--;-,-":"-' - s 7 '- if ; :L" L ; . '' -: 7 ; : . 7 ' -, - - :, ' ' .7 : -.' i '.-''..'; - ; - '-.-... - . ' . - ' ' - - ' l ' 7 - ' -.. .- : --: 7 i -; ! ! : 1 ' .' j i "" - ..... - - ' '' , '- ' : ' '; ". ! ; !. ; I :-'; jl' ;; -:11 -:'';'': ; " "': : ''-'''" ""'ll-'.:'-"' '' '".'- Ll'-; '.-7'- .. ;' f -".- :7 ' ' i: ; ' - - ". ', ; ' 7;'"- ;' "7 --',.': ..-. -;Lp;. -1; ' '.. .L '. 7' ; -r: : 7-"' .-- ' ""..:.' V ;- -' , '.;" ;' .' r- ..-; ' -- ;.". -. '' - ; . -7 7 '; : . i ,"'"' i 1 r " ' ' - - ;oll Kcxiit- EAqi ; .'day ;Ait 'oXDEKSED FOU THE ' - iiiiiihani a 'xluliiiuv canine ran over litiL- girl and. cut her - to pieces. 1- I'roo-t of San Aiitoiiia fckip- : ! : jLfor Cunada w itli Ji.oOO in j his 'iket itfler aving sold 2Ay000 head ',f .sh'iv lvl-jnffiuff to a bunker. . ri. u : '' : i t. 1 he Kiiglih'governnitMit 1y bucking up its : representative uimI" tendii:g:t'lic prieve of flesh lo the. British .;,pvcf- nor.- An Alliaiux- has !een imade ; 'U-tw.ceii Knglaufl and .'Italy.. -i-The : banks of 1. ami A )Ioiiarju, t don . failed for 25.W)0.o- Tlke :-di ath rate roll Is-ivpo!ek as , j-Kepiblicaiis svvce . '3itonLin.i. -A goldmine lias K4u discovered .-.nt the 'lied of Swift biier. Me. (all has leeii elecUd Senator froin Florida:- Five men di,l fr.mi drinking water' from uu'olil well neir '""r",u jvtit. x lie- btnui .'atjii-' l 1 lA':iUtl Lou vent 1011 haw dee la, red in f;tor of protection and f :' ':' " ; reeiprtieity an incrwist' "in currency, j J V l"'iJsions, prohibition : of innnigri rit.4 khe ' lion." lon. J. S. Clarkson was made l' A id' I 'resideiit. Uuroii FaTa' has af- '';i'iv! - 'd at- Uome If? is renorteiT that ii m-vohition i? about to; lreak outi!n Fui t uga, -The Senate Finance '-inmittee met to investiffate the xi wi kii:gs of the McKinley. Tariff I ill. 'I'h I- f'i kill ltl Tf t i't tVill fi i'- (ft i lt ....... - -v.. v.. ........... v 1 .ni. juvif r-tat ist iealinforniation. They Mill loeU again next, week.. - :- ; ' j i in I'.-va v, April, ;"::. A ternfi'c expo,-:ion ' of '5(1 fam'a of gun' powder bii ilac'e near : Ifonie.. iTIie -VatK (1111' .was injured and1, live jorsons kiilv-u.- War is fcrtilr goiifg on 111 ( hili. -Trouble again s in Cejke Kior,. - -iVvtoii'Jiaiidoiph, Wasli- fugtoii. I). (?.,died at his home. He was third, vice-1 'resident ,of the il. -ct 1 1 1 1 D." Svstem. -1 ndians out. i.e.-i arc enlisting in the U.'! S. Cavalrv. A' great combine hi!.? take;) pfjii-e hetweeif Korburg Bros, iiiid "ail 'A Ax 'Supt. I'orter Js prosei ul ing t lie I yteinyer Sugar IIi liiiery for "refusing to give informn 1 ion to ccrfsii.-) 'bureau. he Neiv VoVk . .Allimice isj. . oi'gunized. . ; Henry. U'attersoir thitdvS the next .eain'paigiV -cry will ' l!e tari!"C reforni. The (jerinan ; go'vernment Hs koepiiig her tijixips in order for ;iu ex peeled outbreak- of Socialists about the I irst f May. AS statement prejirti-ed at the . Treasury I )(axt uteiit .sh'o'v, 4 t'h'ilt the receipts-from c:ism.rentiin nt - t he port' of New fi ork ror the kvst twentv : days in April.' 1 :771,(m, ;;as against, '$,'11. fov-fhe corre- .spti;i(lii;g'pe!rjij4. last Var,'nmking 'iiv .) i.er cent. Yi.ry J )ep:irtment circles, Secretary Foster, especial v,' ii -. stut viifg , theni v.il'. a; -view to fbrtning.au idea whetl) c i he receipts from custom-3 are; 1 ike ly' L.o.c'fiitin-ue'' to decrease or wheflie:'-' 'tli'.' de'crr-use.is cau.-t.d-bj' .spasnioJi'c c uiisitiiizis , f " itibines. In Atait-h 1 lie ' cii.-toui reeeid's also declined. ' i.c.ij iioi in sui-'r, a, startling ratio. : .1 ... i k inancicr on Our t- iaanrf . Ci!K:;d, April- 23. ,Iay (iould semi parry arriieu in t. nicago yester-. 1. . ,a t.rf.t- . tl'av;; afternoon anMat once started .for j the. .i'.as.t. , iln an interview "iilll j .-fiV. it .it . . . 11 . 1 r 1 . livravl reporter 1 OUul satti:.. l i niy unud ihe iiiiai.cia! condition of : tjie ; :'..; Si..if.7-. I. I.i.ft... tt...,. 7 4 IsAl- K-f I J,l M r lii Ll-p- 13 1 'VI 1,1. 1 I 11 till I 111 1. UL - - ' ii. - . ... 1. ,r. . i.V 1 i I a iv o.i tier . count rv in t ue w orui. .: cr ' t oitiitrv in' the world, , - ve are exporting gold jusi ! it is anatural, operation at this! Wliih. we K-.,h l 1 JH VCitl. t lie "tlill UU J 1 ' m 1 1 . g.iiiir. a'broTul will give . great p4ief to V.nv .ie.;- I,nter it" will coine baekr! ;'flf '.' . he-r.eceiiirs inrJEi iistoiiis at- JNew ; , ., 'i rapidly spreading. 1 ( i-' -v v- .. . ,1 r : -X ,1 1. e :,, discount are opiwsed to these phms. ! - , TV n- " -u ! H-k..i oyk. are abwit" twvd.hu ds of. the .., , ... r..- 1, i An Idaho eleven Alliances have .. ; 4i . e ,v Anu their 01 'portion arises Ironr the 1 , . r , , :, . , oat-u receipt .tvom the-t-usioms of . t Ite f.wf , ' '.11' - 51 been organized, and the work .has ddi r" u i Li4 1 .-'n- . tact that thee "plans, really provide : . a I 1 i - a . . lit-: : Htcd.St-de.A- Uicfce luivsare at-; ,t. ... ih , J.1I(1 k,n -J, f; , , just been introduced into that a.,. . . . ... 't'lrtijtoo m it-'i:n e us jio --M.1 i i it--i i h r i . - . !' 1 I 'll .. :l , . " J" .... ,, I.. I I i - . : . . I' P. .1 .V VJHV 11 V.... . ..X O ... . J OII.V 11 t ilil tlX 7. , t ' ) - llttt.-tli'Ll 't.llll. il iii O-Ilt'IOIi lit 11 t ilzt t . - -- to pnrcmify; our secnnpcK at a great p : ot pulMic men have alw:avs un-.i deal higher price t hauM hey bring at ' atood bi-metalim to mean; (in ! l'n':l,,t' . ', ; ': '! Jeffea, etpial rights ; in coinage t,f have nevvrseenistS promising an bot-h gold and Silver. This -would ; ouit'htttk'for crops as on this trip, i nieaii, under existing; circumstances, 'A- l i.i-.h i- J.i foi-i' !i.;ivin'r I)iii!ih? ! ... ;tUs.to'have.HVeVycnlnneand. car on 1 't lie. 1 ',n ion I'aeiiic and .-Missouri. Vt'l chic sVs'tt-nis ready for service Wj 'A 1: u' l-i. i. as from that time on these ,; v. o ';. will Jiavc luor.. 'irin d. to handie the" tr v i ? i ie oneretl: than thev dUe which i . .: i - Afoul politic--!-'. Well "I think the i';i i in ii i.--; ration i ut :'as wt-U 1 lionig aiKii as.'eo'uld Kt e.-cej:ted. If peojde are j s 4ii. :king iiiei.ev, there,. vv ;!! he reiac,-. t;uce- to-change the; p-iitiejr-.. of :id;iuiiti ;;i ton at next ekvMoit. pji'i. ' lev. ktiid ;,dn!iiustriition v&s very .Save a m-twl riv-ord o'i,; whi -fl to i-.'Lirge-.fo h v.:!! )v l.fa'rvifi..i.; .tiV w 'lriTt-I 'l.:irtlK-ttmk'l1 his in tenriou qf writing, an open moh . d t -Vv -I --'T ; v ' iT 1 - i rL"" fl ItH-ivs -Vv! I, lcfiiilatiou vvim ii seemea Tlie -Jnter:stao Comuu-re law lias vttiea grUrt Uefofg.K ,1md m.h -C l . ..7. -rt fri. ,-,.-.,v.f ,;i .- it-lii it. evil, -l-ne v.oTst e 11 eotiit?. w litre i AVedeVraktS to make tiiv-coniiui'iVn t;u!tes ahd to contfid -.grait systems ;-hjf road-t.-"'. Tse-. siVbject itoo vast f or aiiv eiuniiioisers to acjuatnt theiu 'A'his . with.f "j&.ih?ya"d nkinagers" -l'idv made it d.'Ufu:kudy. to- : develJp 1 1 hen r-.uus. k i noir prospepiy ue .a. Ll oeiuis on tnis iteVeionuhfiit. an tire nuiurallv anvioiis to le. illd iip ' jV ,nl f freight originate, thus mtching t i ..y , ..t t .; sanie result ana in a sinijner way. l.;ilY-u i tueir, liift iK. I li.i protect 10 LJ ..v , t: Z ' .,..u, li.l.,, snouia attempt at present no nenen- - ! ... ..'.i-. j .LL ...Jr . elent leirislation. as that would onlv dmlge vet, bnt a ! T T ,v.:.i i.. ii,'., 'iL, i ha givin"- the Ilepnblican Senates- a tius kmd will i !-" ,M ,. : ,:-,, . ' , -.,r lHv L chunce to tuyide honors With us," ; sition very shadowy tv.-iuf : t -rs tic .Ot'iatiau call le"aliv st- c .; t. i " i 7 i ! ....:' .:..-.:..t . i.;.to -i xothisg tax be Accomplished vs- keaul-v twxlve LETTER How It Bffuddlfs asd C'eofases the ; President's Fr1leB4. A Rfiuarkable Feat f Standlne No wheri AceomplIslied.J He May lie Asted to Explain. Tie PrctgrmMm fur thf Xest C'vn--. fffenMA f'M'&terly IjariiHff to Hi the )uri-f)e Sifte Afraid 1 the Ofhrr Side Wilt fi?t?i' the- Ifott?rt of Ijyifih'tiim A'-1" a front th? State Thf Affiant? Motfaetnd Itt MitiigL Ttie Siftdot of. it iHM.Ige 'Wire Mt.r.th fithftf Tite. . (.Cot-yritrhtt-l hy tiie lU-fortn Press Bureau.) .pIZEfelliEXT HAUUI'SOX WHITES A LET ; ' ' .;' TEll.. : j ' " , - ; President Harrison dias written "a letter wrote it to the phairman of t he great commercial con ten tioii. held at- Kansas City this yvwek. It is a wonderfully curious ' document, but seems-toi have created ; less comment than any letter ' ever, liefore written by u man in: such high position, ilr. I lavrison'f wannest friends and most ardent admirers are dazed and confused by the document.. There were some good points iii it, but; they are not ""presented in such awavi ias to define tlie 'President's attitude to ward the matters . toucheij j upon. Here are soine of the, sample points: ; ROME SAMPLE J'OIXTS. ; . "A.tiv dollar,- paiK-r-oiv coiuj that is issued- bv the -United StajtesJ mtist -be made and kept in its commercial uses i good as any other dollar. : If 'we hayc dollars of. different values, onlytlfie pwrest will circulate. TliQ farnier and lalMrer, who are not: -in hourly touch with tlie ticker or tele graphy will require, jaliove all other classei of our eomiiitmitvV adoliar of full valiie. Fluctiuitions and depre-. ciatiofis arc always jut - the first cost of these clussek of1 bur coinnuuiity. The banker and speoulator antici pate discount, . and often profit- by such fluctuations." : , HOW t'A N" Tli K DOLLARS, BE MADE ; -,. i;ooi. ; ';: . Of ourseA 'All this is good. We knew.jt before. , iint the question is, how cm such dollars as are desired i,i'M,i ir.,,;,;,., i , i i u. jx .i i? iiauwm wqiwiii-u, uuu uw can enough of "them; ; -be put in the j hands; of the people?: These are the grave ;piestions, ijiid Mr. Harrison ! does not answer them. The only plaijs now before the, public for get ting an increase, of these dollars are the sub-treasury plan, the . land 'loan plan (not the Stanford plan), I and ; the freecuinage trf-silver. The ''bank-j neni a liit'nil will make t lieni ,-safe j ,' and',- miifoi'm) and p.ft?vent. .' speenh turn. Seer1 '. . ' ' - ' : ........... a ; Ma.H AUiU SO.v't. OPl'OSITION. ... ' 'Mr. 1 InrrisOii has- heciy regard ed Us-an i.':poiient of i Tree r ctin-"' age.frt'1: it was fully ..understood' during t, he" '.session of hist, .(.""ongress that if V, five coinage Jiill Kissed It would be vetoed fb1 the. ' Ift-esjdeiit. : Me never :i 1 1 ri'i r.lci ; it ruMTccf. fi;.t j . ......... . boort ioA m., i. hk i. T-'i: ., "I lutye always believetl, ana do i....... . il . ', t . t - , l- !."" uiuit uiau fu-r. wneuMii . 01- metalisin, and favor the fulh eaL use tif H'ir 111 -.it . 7l uii t liMla t-ltf ..lit- Mir- n ivi iif .v.. 1 I '- - 1. 1 uu it itii viii t.tn ; .jieuev, laasL-js corfi;tuoie. wan ine .. .. 1 . . : . . : 1 1 . . . ! . 1. si. niai!itcna!icv',ot Ihc party oMhe gold unVl till" cilvfr -tiitllai- lit tli.if innml --' - V'. -v.-'.iu.. ..i ....i t .vui" j il .. - 0 ; .... - v inercuil use; v ' : : This is one of the in .the letter and the anti-sdver men.: .1 ... . I 1- - ..... .....1 1. .j. i 1. 111.. ' "Vf luivntv.iui ill w iitii 1 111. j l vol- i r dent means bydt. -V, ' what is.iu-metai.ism. the free coinage. of silver: for HO 01 u - , - . . has pSered objection to the free coin- iige 'jf gold .! . ; '.,!.. 1 sir. iLAKKisox j!AV HE ,sk ep to EX- I -L.AU.- Some wMv Uepublican kilver K x 1.1 . , V Senators have unreservedly announc- lu-uiai iii.i.,Min 10 innifi tumu ...i iu, :..i.:i t i. 1 the i rmwii - portion I hey are w his - 1 'rmS 'it around that this letter, was written some aavs iietore . it was sent i eui u.ttti tiiut. i.t ;ts fciioituiteti tt) i .1. ... i ' .1 .1 i . ' numoer oi... w-it i refiaenus mentis lyho strong ,y ml vised against-itlemg !,15 V illT UlliUHIkiai VUiJltN it - . - t "'- . , f ' ... , . i re.-5iu.cn t sent it rmat along S A PRESIDENTIAL oer Ul g,;y"d m v. it i i.-i record pro or con. jthie neo-.dwn snatov has express- ! tetter- to the President and- asking . - J i,.hnu to.sit;ue plalnlv- and ' fully just Kha tp n::'ii i'ml w;iien.':iiq..'5tantls. t ' V the oLO ia Kt v 1'liO'i u v M me. i .. . ; - - ... , - : rity in the House, hut;vi I tho Denirats attcni ' ue oi ine njeuicers,, teii. t . ii. r. ;.. ... , ,,. . j , - i'Jf 'from' the Kigiith district of.Vir- gUiia, naa uupoiiu,: uiii itruitpb ' ..!i.r.. .li Ai -7 . ' L 7r .1 .. 7.v l . unwi.tti.ngU', "given awav the Whole ftoliey, ''Iii a recent; interview, he iaid: r. ' ' '';- - 'V .'-. ; i; ' "As to our itoliev in Consrress, if ''seems to in there can Ie but lit- I tie tiovibt. 'Whiit we should do is i enplv to Atssuuie and niaintain a j state of mafeteVlv ilnactivity. ? Wei ie j ? 7 PER SUCH A PliOGIlA.3IJlE.; Aha! putt's the game thelu. If May Lee's policy prevails, 5 as it; iin dbnbtedlv illt" e are to liave a'(n g&ss for'twojvears which umst mab tain a state : of masterly 'iinactititv; attempt no Unelickiit legislation, betaU!se the Kepublicani Jmight di vide the honors. Ami bv i the same token theliepiiblicans Wit! niaintain tliat same state of masterljir inactiTi ty; Ix'cause thev wtm't waa the Dem .cTats to divide honors and hence noithiiig will W done for the eople. But listen; ih&&. Setiator'' ' knd i C?D-r gressmen will cost the ieope as much nigtey as an' activ Congress wx5uiacost. Ferhans thevi will vot" - 'Ag - aiiother billion of tjiie people's - - money and let the oppressive tariff taxation remain as it is iuf order I to raise the money; for of coiirse if this masterly inactivity prevails, there cim :le no reduction of the tariff; there can be no free eoinagj-; noth ing can ; be done. Now,' will the people be bsimbx)zled . and. honey sugared and deceived and ijiisled by the partisan politicians any longer? J I t hey wi 1, tlley deserve 4 not hui letter than thev have. . f PKORE.SH OF ALLIANCE ,:W0 KKi The Ohio State Alliance was or- ganized on the sixteenth instant at Columbus. Xatioual I'resideht Polk and Xatioual "Lecturer Willetts were in attendance. Nearly every county. in 1 he State was represented at the Aliiance meeting. I he Alliance is haying u phenomenal growth in that State; and it will be the great pow er jiu. i'cononiics "before the close ."of tlid year. The sturdy farmers are earliest and enthusiastic', nd they ha tj" thousands aSd ' thousands of friends who are in sympathy, with theim. . . ' ' . . '. ' - ; f ; IK .PEXXsYtVAXLi, , Cherry news of the increjise of the Alliance comes from Pennsylvania. Seventeen organizations, were effect ed in hiit' dav. last week, and lKtveeeii . - t j f . - - .. ; sixty and seventy sub-Alliapces are I now being organized per month. The luiuoua oiu ivebtone nutue is eomiug right up to the front. j MICHIGAX IS iloyiXO. ' . President Cole, of the AJicliigan Stalte Alliance, vvrites thatfh "work is booming in 'Jlichifrau. I We have now about iive. hundred ;snb-Alli-ancies, and a large number of or ganizers at Work." Everything is ericburasrinjr in- that State, IN' MINNESOTA. Alore than eleven thousand meiii ' , r - v i V , ihtk luive oeeii eiirmieti 111 .1 1 F' sola since last ivovemoer, anu suo Alliances are now -.being orga f1 . 1 ; at tlie rate of one a day. rihe total number of sub-Alliances is 2,315, with a total membership of 52,G00. . OTHER STATES,. 1 The Alliance is going - into the State of Washinartom hive sub- orgiuiizatiohs have been effected Arizona is fa!lling into line. Al- ieai)ly organizations have been ef- f celled and .numerous applications ! after the war? It. was a time that for literature and" organizers are ! tried men's souls. I am" a Denux-rat beiijg1 received. ' . -." -:from tooth to toe nail, always 'have In llregon tliere is nuicji. eniiiu - siaslm in the Alliance -movement, Forty-seyeiii organizations have beeii effected and ten national organizers, besides , a mini oer or uemiues. are ......'.,:.',; ti-,x.-t- I,li.ii-.h.i1 . : ii:.iouui luv u.iiiv nuivi., . , , .': ...i . i... ,i,.t. ' dueled 'in . Wvoniing, and aiplicay tioiis for organizers are ooining in " ,t-. troiii Alontana. Juvervnning ismov- hing ismov- graiitllv forward everywhere., toti al RifiiiTSTo ALL,Bi'ECtAL fkiv- t 11.EOES TO N'OXE.- tlie7Vr mr, l'resident f K' ;L vi'.'.i hrtitk t ..'ll- j3 X ii,:,etii;;.m.p 't p. , 1 01 s paper, 111 a: recent issue naa 'Plta ,.tt i. .,i tbaf th: firmi.r , the owner of the land means towVllwnwnian ,,f ,-North., Carolina . k; ;t ti,.,t hi. .11,"nr. -arU- ahu'ses . the Democratic 1 party , he ,i0t discriminated a-ainst in ; abuses mmseii, ana neaps coals or adiiinistration of government. . xVt " head. . ; ,; 7 t mustn.ean more than .this It 'I.aet !. "hle; to, see how mu-t mean that the fftnners who.the Democratic iuirtyyf this nation 0wil land and have it . cultivated lw ; caii.be held accountable . tor Jhe I - - -. ! t-dlittia lar tutntul f en 'nve t'veir''i tenants as fair .a chalice to inhey are not Jo blame for the present soniething enduring and sui liJrstjtntial as : that w hich j they themselves de- l.-f.i maid. ; We want it understood that . IlItllllLl. 1 t V ituiil. tt uuui-ici'vv. ...., ' thetAHiance movement was 'not i. 1 . , . f. . - i angurafed'simplv for, the benefit of i the land owner. It was orgamzeu ! for the ltenetit of all men, including;. j teuHnts upon farm?. j 4 . tiie 'shadow op. a popcse. Senator Vance, of North Carolina,;! k.j inaCitl -'-arinwihinir wh eh bus t jUt the shadow of a dodge -about i ' ; i I- He was returned to the United i States Senate under instructions 'the effect , 1, he accepted) to he shoal(J . U5C al all honorable means to sec-nre the legislation con templated in the Ot ala platform of i ,inuciap nf ornu Ihas been asked i IP iJi-fw,I1,;,irMi . hmWlf nletlired ".to ! supbort the siib-treasurv im. His 'f , , , . ; self pledged. for th jrticailar bill . tba w P . now. With rencto. mat xtariicuiar out m eii ! t. . . .... i venlion passed the; following resoln- i uou; ) , li . Iiesolyed.4 That this national con- vention of th4 Farmers Alliance and Industrial Union do most respectful ly and earnest lv ask that said bill be f euatrted into law as soon as possible, lor some other measure "that -will car- ry at tbese principles and ; meet the necessities of the toiling masses. ' 1 ue renaior, mav . not uacc wauc little more talk of begin to make -his po- - i 3OXTHS: BEHIXD ;: ' ' . . " ' TIME. 7 : t TIie I ndianappolis Journal thia week makes a frnthiiig onsilangiit on the speech of I'n aideiit Folk made in Washington last week,' and iud up br -callin IVesidewt IVlk howliugdeniagiie." Well! Most of the lurtisan H-rg in tthe Wst said tnM Kveral months ago. and now they are all trying to take it Istck. T"he Jonrnarmnst have very sleep v. It is nearly, t wel ve months tietuiid timev ! ' CHl-VSiJlIDATEs' WITl TH E A LLI A XCE. ' . The Patrtiis uf jToil, of West Yir ginia, part of an organisation ' KaTing branches in several States, have fol- j lowed the example-of their Pen'nsvl- uw oremrenanu vousoiiuaii wiin the Alliance. This was 'don,e at Moiindville, W. Va., this wetrk. at a joint inciting attendetl by Fhident Folk and Uxtiirer Willet ts. - ; II. W. Ayeii,' Mauayerll'furtrtPrettjtu'rraH'. Washington, I). C. From orth Cderombe For the Farnum' I haveiid it lie fort-' and jiuvw 1 lt aain that I am a man of eon servatism. 1 have a tlisiositiou to stic to established instituiious, "un til I am thoroughly convinci-il. that these iiistitutions are injurious tu t he public in geiieral and should le changed. When a man understands his own position welk, and too how lie obtained it, it is natural for him to cding to it, as he would 'to tnitlu Xo niau, knowing it, will take a leap in the dark, for as the saying goes, self preservation is the first law of nature; and; this preservation re-; fers to man in every condition',:' and his every relation -with the outside wyld. But I must go to. my sub ject, or else I will exhaust'inyself in the prelude." I lielieve in every man saying what he is, if he is honest iii it, for the world hates dishonesty of eyery sort,- . and opjonent3, if . they cannot likeeach other individually, certainly do admire honesty 111 each other. ,.ovv wny do 1 say -all thisr Because, it relates to myself right here. J was a wnite nian, f)eiore 1 .was u Democrat, I was a Democrat before. I was an Alliance maul J state these facts as an illustratij'i of what Fsin tend to say. Who jare t he 1 )eino crats in the State of North Carolina today? The majority are white men? Who compose the Alliance of this j State? By far Democrats. Demo cratic-A lliancenien, nominated bv ; t . t t , t ! democratic conventions ana ejecreti rbv Democratic votes. And tomy mind al i.- , i vn; n uiir uk ii9 1 'tiii't. 1 tw. y auu 1 1 1 v - i o - ance of this State are all so eiitwihetl, so close! y connected. in interest, that to make ,a distinction; iK-tween any would be impossible, yea as impossi ble as to take .-'a way the water -and sugar from, the brandy and -all the drink a '"toddy." . What has Democracy done for ..the State of North Carolina? Is 1 1 possi ible that here isanian in Edgecombe oiinty toilay, over forty years of age, as he" may ; be, . t hut tux not know what 'Democracy.' has .Hccom iilished. j Do .they recollect the years , ieen, antt jirouil or. its now, l am j an Alliaiiceman ttjo.- - But iiinst I ! forget all that f know and act the part of a base ihgrate? . u& 1 see tne Avnoie tning irom mv i ... .,,1 . 1 1 !j .. 1 1 it ii cami iim i, tin i i oiiuiii.u in tot , v,.,.i, .1;.... 1... By that I mean, it aptnjars : "'to. -..niti ; that things in our Htate are'iiot sim- ilar to tiling.-' 111 some of the A-sCerji liar to mmg.s 111 some ot the vWbLern States. The iK-ople of -North Caro- Ah cannot afford to abuse the Dem- ocratic partv. 411 us huiks are our 7men .01 an Kinas ana proiesions. '' - 'pieftw the people. and by -the tieople, Carolina is due 'in a ccrUiiji way, to : - - , rr o , V .7 1 . . . , . .A.-,.- . A. 11 1. ....7 i.me jwiiiwrauc, pariv. " t neit an - . . -. I k . .uuiillTItll J T OTT. .fi.l.lHtll' wouo-ivii m ainuio'-iLtojjiij ."system of tariff aiid the coinage bila- fiii'essA 1 hev have.juot had control j of national affairs'i Vince . the :an - - - -. . , . irnc they hijd a Frcident but at no ! time, have Wipv ever had eoinrvlete H t,mf have rhev ever had complete t :! fniiiml TInw din ilifv li. 1 liiliitil-' ;! , . V: : ' 7, " -i - ir mere are rrouoie ana woe in ine land, it falls at sotneixidy else'soor. 'j" And again it looks to ri'e lik the Democratic rtrihciViles are more in harmony with 'the Alliance' demands U ,.... ' . . wc -havef 'Cver S hL V ' - J hava -been watching the move- mtints of fhe Alliance very' closely now ever' since its organization and it 'is indeed a great organization. Its principles are brpad, and none but a Dem.x'rat could have termed its con stkition. , I -ijelievtH just , exactly whak I have eaidl and t am honest in my belief.. . If s any than believes otherwise, let him tpeak out and"de clare himself. With all I liave said, I do. not think 1 1 hayejf written Xpne word against the AlHajfiiCe, of which I am a memWr, and a true one too. I reganl theprx-sCnt condition, a very deplorable bne foney . is hih, finances are badlv managed, class legislation is damaging, and taxa-d tion is-destroying. these are gime; of the evils of, the present da. and time. They are blots in our politi cal history. And it all is the work of gre4.-dv monev-hjvers, lobbyists and treacnerous i politicians, inat a cliange ' for ithe Ix-tter niav be in the near fntnre when cqnaf rights sure for all, and; sjiecial privilege? for none, is the heartfelt wish4 of your humble and most, obedient servant, , The Tilleb. 1 . - ' . . ; . 1. .' - - l ' 1 t . - : The .iUUare Marrli bi 0awar4. -kiiiirri.fi- w.. v.mafuvji m ir..,ii.. - i-i ..! 2 1 fif lkuti-ar .vMiitrS-iI! 'mitrt uonb' wUo is oiicd to tlw; ''Siilc-lVcaitarv.; J .l. : n.vn - . . v " "! - ...... i 7 1 . Uiscuiions piuance imncinu-s are CRw:n? w a 11' 1 and cstLiting: Thtf iW.H and hoi shutsvart? th ing.' 1; ;MtrisirPi.--The wiiAHiahce 4P Xlississtppi is mvtit;g with cf able" t ifi ruction, nevertheless the brt-thnju arc" gting ahiL I lLUKoK-T; J. Hinckkr al old corresiHMideilt of the. A 34. . -: -. 1 1 !. . t 1 . S V L,.i; hals taken t hafge'- of AUuitiM Vr AI X X K EsmtAW il oi-e l1an inemlstTs have Ux-n MlAAaMir:irr. 7u"n,V'a i5!,;' order in ,M inmta si net' the .XoVMii per election- ; ; i - I.. .... . Fexs. The camp gatlu-rlltM s Wact, Texas, will Ik a feat her- in Allianue cans of Te.- It in euce will In great, and no doubt ; (good will Wthe result, 'i ic j , Nourn Cakolina. We artJ yg1U to lean that lr. 'IVrrell Viet tiil Noxfh 'artditia JiHvv 'tlo'nV- ki Itujich Uhh1. ''rficv werw well m-Viw4.1erv- wherk' ,. . i M - - :; i t he AltxiiEStrrA.- m m According' to rt-Uty of the Minnesota Alliufe there alte over 50,0t)0 meniVrs of ffte organization in that State; and Infr placed the value of the m of the political. Jwrtiw.i"iirt..afmiaj m tahli ami berry Crops- t-hippvd fn-m its power.;,, V ;",;"-:';-;;.;,jj--Nr W.iat l.TST.r.lS, .liih for th,-'' Kansas. The leaders jpf'thei Kii- Census yeitr endiiig JKu lK-.'iy ti e . sas Alliance are preparing for jhei ialiie. sff. the, vcgatablo- cri.p..hip local" clectiops next niouth.1 - 7he menU akue itst to .f,.,;::t,;:,- in women are even more active i 111 lire auuwiou vnere were ii.miuh-i as in iolitical field thaii they were ; hvst ! ia,'f ""Irt i.eitrly IHwi.wiMi-' ine!.Vn--." vear. 1' ----- -, .' -it-i J- ... ' :: ' .; .' :: i ."rr -'f . . u.7 J ; ,tt ' , j,. i ' iKOALEfi, lhe Knnsas Alhaiice i -i It1! 1 i 1 1 - t r ji 7 iJ leauer u nut jaieiy lioiMeti t ue iiaiue ; . of ?ex-Sei mt or I u gal J s as ;t he " A 1 1 ia ip-e I: , I.1IBUIIIJIV 1UI ,1 IVNIinm ILIBMIWItn met with an v encourageiiu'ut.- 1 Dheoo The' National orgamier of the Fanners''--Alliance isLhow i jin Ort-goh aiid li,e tskiul word Hhat ?the wheat -raisers: then? -are';. Hocking fto 1.1 1411... . . 1 .. . L inq .vii ance siauoaru. - . .i.K t.w ciitmiwiT. . 11 notox!. -The A1J umce J Ki eofA'ashingtou, wLicli haHl dion lately, tuok 1.0 act! 1 f f at hirA party, but fa.o'nnl iV.vsiii notox. -The A1J iance thve.Sta a coiivn m liiiMl m turn j - 1 f ..." -:f 'ill.llcliliWMit tf tifautJU'i i'TluliL. gesamt 1 co-t! rat i vo tnills, if N e 4i' II A M i' s H I H I--.S brauclus of the Kannersr . Aniaijce: havcTecently been .organised in Nw Ilampsiiiitv ' The charge that Stfli a tor. Chintl lt has been cr iltk-t t i with the Allianee is th isubjitft r, great tu-ai or sitcitiauon ii it t t . ! 1- 1 tti .parties jn the state. -J 1 it A U Af il i;,-.E TTs;i-iTli' ' Bostpn J le raid rhas -obtahretl interviews ; 'gardjngit he; Farmers' Alliance fri HJ a large huniiK-r of the "Id firangv of Massjichu.etts. - Nearl v evt ry o them -wiVs tliat the Alliance caiinl.t fiiid; fiiAor in the. ; New Khglantl; to t he frigitl North,' w rtti it Alir States. : 1 Cv''. ; Isununersj. for? t-jiu gii-.- fi i p A LA H AM A. I li': bul lie-iS Ufa agers bfj the Southern rarniers Aj ance' Exchange held a convent iour 1- Birniingham, Ala., , MA-aures ' wt- Adopted regarding thy i hasidhng of ' this ycjti- 8 etitton crop and t Jmesui lishnienjt of a eottoua ie'fucjiiiry,. aih otheit biksiness-of apractica'! kind W IS transacsed.' ; -!;,; ;'. ' '.'.': ;.'-' ", .. -51 ih ik i(Vh ; A tlai r j c i i U l-ttrnifn savs: 1 he Alhaiice tlm-s pbt t;xpfct v get every ' reform that I needtil At oiicie,''ru't'.'rets tint w hat U IS ! Miiri-d tio be 'done, and will ke- p tin ptiretl no Pe tto'iie, ana w in ke j i lu-tJinintntlv Ik -fori the people ; proniinfl-ntlv i.-tore ttie jH-ople, pri t ing forward, neither to right" nor lejjt', but kf ling for for the priat th- e.ld of tW contest, ff,HKl govtfIini.l-nt f r all the Uvple. , 1 - . -i j- "1 m ' 'HitOilE Isi.AXP.-t-TheNHtioiiaUs of IIIuAle Island, who.- are anxkfl -J tt jojli forces with the- rariner-j A4-, should decline to aMMime thy in-!. liaiic!, bave nominatetl a ; full Stle. ; tjiWl U-h jrrsoij jm the l ei-latin. Jicketfir the spring elections on, a ' miht H-Iet l, tlie Iioiim- to U h . ti Viik:ie.pIatforni.' i-'i:be t-andi'bu liUi nd tvsnt-'h of -hi-. bhnl , for.ioyiTUor'i-i.aii -iiinjer.thaii f fjjjv, M ftav-tlit. naim- j,f IVdk; didatj for Uentenaliit-tSoVeriior . f'-) preferring the m-urert , Iru, but (i uewsdeii ler, and thit other citndidates.j tju.re tM, (tU. ,ia,iietl ; Polk, theiHh -are mtianic or .shopketpcrs. ' 'f e iul,. ty V Uh1 brunch other bhAi Xeu j Xtifion savs: "To the N.t-; t,j.,l)?)'jt(4 ril;4V i..:j'jrn.lt. L h it.ualist; of llhoile Island- lias -been ; ; provided that w hoe.er up'. . . reservetl the distinction of bringiiiig 5 tj ;. yftall k p it in V--i.:iir ai.-i . . II f . . H ll t . II . . .J. .. . .. .. ..... . . ' . . . oui.-jne nrst . itui-ue.tgtti party t;.L-.K" 7 i"::-1- - '-' -. ' 1 "V"11- - I : Xb Third Party W antf i. 1 lOH S ELlJ-i V I LL E, CoL i I k, I'residt nt r :U I'olk, 1 resident of th.- 1 rarmcr Alluiiice, .hev. s,; cluiphm, of thtj -V - and?other ofheer pf?tliat National IL Davis, rviiianciv a.m:m.i?rwiyvVf organizition ;met oite 7 humlredf fifty.de egatcs f rom in the State hair- iners Uia11ce , here to-day. h 'I he niomlhg session was die and the delegaMs ere atldiess-l hi lletirv i:ickVaud 'IV Ik. ilainiire. of the Knight; i of Iajbor, who expressed j . lx-insr 11 svmpathy-with. the object of the Al liauCc. -N o . I-usiilesS was done this morning: At l:30 the 4n-ptf ysJ-Uw i throughout . h. -vention resembled, ainl was pr "1"" pro-Terutg gt-neroi aid and sidetlov er bV the National Alljahciel f-VkU-tifl re. f ,w 1 Kiueu over uv ine vta-uouaj ;viyami.-:i President Polk, of Was hi ..uj HU'iuItlrr -'wldctfcoujuiiii! nearlv the entire afternoon, was devou-d.; to the work of. the organization.. 'He outlilieti the w'ork done in the . West and Son t li, and epokeeniphaticAlIy on the question of jjolities: ;Vf He deefar cd f list . fhe Alliance was no asyltini for tlisg! untied jdiUctHS, and adjM ed the Ixral litxlies to fehnh anything in the n dure .of ioUtics. VV wknt no thirt partr, he said only a just and rea- onable set of laws jfor the farmer, and a more economical adl mfrJtr! f ion if "tivt-mnn'tit. J .1 ; ' It will avoid sw eeter happinessji in u the iionjr of death, to hare wiredone m ' , .11 ... 1.7 ... . ii:s tear rrom ine cneeic pi tsorrow, man to have jrnled an empire, to ha.ve jin- inered million or to hare enslaved . t . - 1 i ttie worio. - . 1 .... ifftwl4 !. ,-oirk mi i Wori t. . -: . . - intePit in tin mat it r f tret k i.un:- "f It l certain, that, i i ' . !. lUng Lt h e.u in lie s-. :i. . - .v Nofifi ( V.i!iBiC 1 ttie akiis-r 'th- ;-?. 'H iliutHgJou nnd W, k! j inmumi Mjlin I!. U I-" fO Jrertiin that it is. prorUat my-. . . s. . . 1 - jnsa.bv ha lmi-fiuUtrk 1 i u ? ha.if'!r''.it!li 'w sili ' " icirhtrf-t.it J..".- t'r,f : ' ... t - i' thii trv;tt coiintrv Nh.i;. . hae K fore liJeittioi l, for 1"" : Un' itf uaMn:i(U-uj Ui t-id.:r'- t I jllnf ; census of JmhC Mor i:... lep.iK'HJjii'H mry r-'rtHf.n-' ' io ...-.-? ' . Vti - 1 i.t.iw. i ;it f-f.. ......I ... , iiciui aim txuiuiiMoi' wen -"'.7,t ". - After all p -t u,t 4 nn u nieltubiig ia"r,ti, f, rti ; etc;, tle ii t iv. -alts wen liio-t . in r - y ; it Metmrwirr t 'IH rnt a t iu Mliagin:, atid mteh.-d , the rn-at -.:! Hi;of .'r.'.OiHMHK.) -. . ' v ? ' North : Cannnia is u rv "ifavonddv ! Mtustt-tl rfor the Irurkiii Iu im '. iT? U .r.wy. air ..it .tl. rft' m.iikets If thetnak fan ; I vr A'-'OM1'; 1..' .rn.n . a",H 'lM iP"1 ir..i.i j-tfU-ir;. v - :;v. NV " ,rii - -"". e-! ! natf uom surely tn- i.f j,.r:i, - : I fliii ("iii do in.. Liif.r i. f . Unore nial and a' .ft -r 4 We lef.ro' that tn sliiuate r clif.ttt. - HUHU ,1 11 -i rn $n vr j ,tou u re nioue I... l-J . 1. ...;:...; .:... 7 1 . . ' .1 i- .' eni tteMueu jo iiioioiifi in I lie I, u l U o.Lj . . r;..' '-':. it. ; t : J -ttvJV .?f.nv liti iiivi 111 1 f.iwom t inic.f v : a.V inade J?1mh) rliiir oii 'Hi in -Imi Svteet J'i'Jili - ! fcniWIJ l.w...;...r ii ...Vtl',. (tii.;ii..j . t- ,-. 1 thii Ulelight ful priMlnct. ", We tr-arti I' : tlmiliiVcuthef StateH :in truckhi" it- fhigN as sKXi aii wre tn farms w bit h . 'jfo'riiiorlvi'-'i liarelv net cvihiim-s has 1 ' 1 . V .. . f i'cen ivaiizt s. t nieow iu-r 01 ..oi uti-c- ; V.IMIU1I.1.1, '111111. lit i Ul u."i qi I. ' !l,;rjS 'T' - harle-. .;." Va.; 'rhan tl ! ve.tr frVin 'hi-ttuck. or 1 uU- UJ h V'' ': i , AlpbiM ck.i:nty, Ala., hij led u. 1 . ! " l""4? vtars vegetalties uggn -gating jiAlW '.".StiiiM pf: fht.ui.i J ..truckers Kit Mates lurther oitt It fiivv . i.iiide from ?.Wio -"to"- the jirr. )u kvhie farmer working lit. men ! ,. L ,,i-fIirtV-vf n .- iv:t . . p roli i. L .;: ! - ' ' ' . .We '.aihe'r ..tliese facts a!id tt 1 - tics hoping to stininlati' ':u i 1 1. .. truckers jto ieiiewtd dili.-Kc juii hoj4 atul ttV intluce .others to tr. theirhaiitlrf struck, fahning. 'V hen is niont-v ii.ot. and that iiiqait-1 irsf ;: . 1 !.. r . '. . ' -a 1 JIIIU tllUfM iniH-e. . Vlf Blit if tb'TC: l ' P ( "t'.:i ,M H.j trucking ur-i-ople mn.-t learn I 'H tlii-ir; tire table. t vdur I own .Vetabl ana 1 1 I'M if 5 t That h th. jUijtortant thin': Wilmington j should h iiKtrW canning factorii i-. ivt .ul,.,- .'X J Prol icnt folk's Home. TIk hoiiH,'of JTi fidi nt "1.AU.MU ine, "iii wnic-ji it.- jtgc'i wia..v. I now teside-i, i?t adcrli-l to be . otl :Tircjty taven.''iinioiiiiting U 1.:'h. hJiv's thi' t Meinphit 1 Aitrni. " r-. ;( I'olk'irt iUHpU abji'.IO pHV.tl.e; tae. i-havyig 11 jM-)l.-ioil Of .f.'llHHl jnid !l iv iiig nearly -7.,,)"Muft r it :: I.- i State; bondfif aul- jn-rliii-t h "VK'iVf t$"iu iU,1,rf ,'; ," ! 4 M!U. 4 '1l'7r i'i the;t4aioif'-ili. thc:faiik for. , r b;. j Jiltojjutjatliliig lt-ii"ii ..ni.-t wiiett -ut-ain to the State of 'IVnnesM -. to Ik- held ! ju trint by.'the (r'overnoiV 'br if h : r,:iV tiie taxes. I he . relatives with ) .- li.'it: - - tr. i w Horn :irrf. ?roiK iittvv jitet ares ue V blood relativert. It i4c.oiitetided;th;ir. rfttild tfte ptospcrtv le -o!d U'-Uf -...! i A . : - . . ' i x. : . Ni !-J ' -i'oiitLde icirty for taxc and it ded l rV.V' rl'ri? T1ladtbi4 Would d. f.-:tt the t. n.- U tht,iU L ml StaP- conhl W ou f jf tmH uj-.r-ft. 1I,ei)roprtk- i very xuluMlSiuz :: i t ninh, th, . . uUxtut a'ntl '"him.' m the j tt .( ;i.t.L5tV: - h - ;f i. ..:;., - . '-' --; '..':;.-,. Encoafajjlnz Affleo f Ibr IUII-, road. Tlie Hue pA of Jfiilnisrrfttioa" 14 u! r-alv rt 1 i? 1 g b-1 1 - f ro n 1 . nt i ! r a itflicial r.'pri'ii ting all the ni't j- - 1 -v - j . . .11 ti htN.ulhrr.i Ivvp-.t.on to h- .i Hi IUh-lgni.niKrioiw-rnexL, ifir':..- oncraiiou int remre ini.ai ut a. ;;. .1 e t . . : . ..it the oTr of t h.-ap rate.; anil ainpb-etm-ekiic-sjfor the tmio'jmrtittion f passei?er to and f ro, and a!. i . fo"r4 the tpiick, and n-tfe nn em n? "f . artif k-s dtignetl fr xMbtV- Th'tv also prop 'few trarouii.. tfwnt.-iS-t'f. the j-t-Oplc:Jiying aloitgth-ir jin --, and stimnlaU'! them tojUnstrate- th' ir 1.-caliti-s bvU'pUyi! of their pr-'u m ? and fabricfi. . ' We rrfer hf thin now !-n-e "f ! the imrortaucethat mu.-t 1-e att.u '..-I to .th rail raids. Whether tie iri:. terest fritJly or selfish m--l hot ;: mi iiKfuired- inbilVWe ascriUo tlieta the bestlJirAei,and;7;w.elcoii:e them i;. as fsencrrons, i'owerful Indi-p rHabSe, oSeration W flte great worf tv;'; harefiu hanJ.r-'.'t'e Chronicle. 1