4- , . . ..... 1 - 1 - ' : . --, - - - t , . .. r - i ; I . ; " '" Jiiiswpi1 wwiwswi a nia in 1,,. n"--iiti , .. , r n iin ..i THE' WEDNESDAY -8. 18914 1 1ST V vovyeceiti U FARMERS' ADVOCA TB.il if a AM or & ecribe. If you hate been receiving it and do not car d eubteribe, tiihply notify ike rottma$Ur.t : Subecriptiow 'are alway$ payabU in ADVANCE. , I OCALimiEPH.! " -Tobacco ii growing rapidly. The crowd in town Saturday w r-ery large, . ; The county Alliance will be in ". ewion here Friday. Additions are being made to the Wilkinson Female Institute. -The email boyV were rending their goods on the street! Saturday. Subucriptionii f or the Farmers' .' Advocate, will btakenat the post? orace. -. j . ! '-With two tobacco warehouses Tarboro Rhould be a lire town during the tobacco neaeon. . Some parties were before the Mayor Monday morning for' engag- r ing in fights Saturday. j Clerk Pennington is! kept busy ip drawing up papers for those who re- ' ceive the Direct Taz.y j -,-"'. Rev. Mr. Hebbard will hold di- vine services at Old Sparta Sunday i . afternoon at'4 o'clock:. -r There will be services at the Poor House, of this county, next Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. The . small boys were .granted perminsion to explode their (He crack era on the- 4th and they had a jolly time, - f ' - ' . v . . Rev. D. H. Tuttle will hold di vine services at McKendree, this y county, next Sunday afternoon"; 4 o'clock. ' Many of the young people en ' joyed an impromptu ' dance in th Armory Tuesday night of last week; fllandw are busy at work remov ing dirt for the foundation of the to-j PerMaa $ss v Peari Morris View. ' i -a:, . ! 1 I ... . . ' III--" " ' - - ' i- I - - - is at Tarbera Alliawee, Ocean The monthly taeetin of this Alli ance was heU here Thurftdar, but Mrs. KweU. of WiUiamston. is rit 1 1 attndamc '. . . i .. ' i - - BIv4U-XataWj- The town . . - commissioners were in Ckmetoe IT. B. Bullock, J. O. Htr- Medoc, irfl iting in town.; j Miss Lucy Garrett,, vUitang at Judge Philips. Mrs. George P. Hebliard and son are at Chapel HU1. ':..'; .'-; . Tblomas Battle, Mayor of Rocky Mount, was in town Mo iday. Miss Annie Whitehead, of Weldon, is visiting Miss Annie Hart. William Porter is sie at his mother's, Mrs. J. E. Porter For the Farmers' Advacmie. Tntlu t.A;.t. n V V t. IseSStOH llomllV nivht vi'tli all Af I roltj was nos-aa age a cation of this . Ithe membera of the board ' nrMont Lawrence F. B. Bellamy. vTrr" v. .v fv Mlitmn fif tha min f ,.;. I crui wramiuionn 1 1 1111a.m. ' . I Aiouni wtaM l nrner. ould say it is 13 miles from f ! T"f eomauswoners on Fire & j Arthur Crarvey, John II. Hunter, J. WhitM K-I water reported hose h bad condi-i J. IIrwr. Jr.. John H. Short. business was f i ansacted. r..u n.i:.'. i. Ition ud tli rlort .. nwi..i l lnnUt-nvii. Kk.nnn A committee eonsutmg viona meetiag were read, a'ad adopt- J i,, j W( PfF "f"! ? r?nMy LTarboro. 12 from same from Enfield. HIif rv: luon ana me clerk waa ordered to B. I jri I iL- ' IbnT hose for innnVlinir tm v . . i. . 1.1 s m . n n.niR . nmm rwmr m i ar . ..bw . . w.m kk. Bradley, William Redmond and W. and proprietor of the niereantile in-1 i A proposition Was made by West L. Bailow waa appouited iUrreo-op- terest in this T U ..M T.- Tarboro Land and Improvement erate with the; North Caroluia'Eiper- lt mT'irA xx. Company that if the bdrvinir of iment SutionJ in regard to agricul- nlfo contradistinction to the host I P"n in the corporate limits be tural and kindred topics. Any ques- of iPittmAn, -uhnA w5tvnt prohibited the Company would set with fever turn on wnicn a member may desiie ho inhabit tbi. .nf n.- Prt not less, than six nor more E..V. Murphy, J.' H. Johnson and W. F. Hargrove, went to Norfolk Monday. ' Mi is Agnes Cot ten, of Pitt County, is visiting the family of Judge Philips, . Frank Mebane who h ing ollegemates here, pas gone to uolda&oro to Visit mends. information be presented this ness of this plaee has its than ten acres of land or as much hoasa cuiuuimw, uu uuvuifu i cMirmna ,K.. j-. j, .n(i iu A. 1 may justly be deemed necessary will be sent to tne Experiment bta- oartment rW .K A Aiui oi establish a cemetery for Cottendale, I ai been, visit- tion for an answer. cemetery for whites In this way the f t DP.eti.-i iMtifrvrwffl 01 8ch suiUble site on there prop- members hope to derive much infor- where lefUn ean mailed free of ert y as may be agreed upon for mation; , (k .1... v.:j. .t.. Ithis nuraose. the lml tn rw a11 tn datiine Mr. Jam. Kttn,. ..V, eompany to be organized, or Uke iy Tlk Doehead D. H. Barlow. Old Sparta W. Q . - Webb. . Kinpiborb-E. K. Thigpen. W. J.j Lancaster, his store. Princeville Ham Lawrence and Or- ren James. . ' Stjlwis K: C. Lewis. Coakley-rM. A. Jame. Whitakers A. L. Parish A Co. Township No. 2 W. H. Warren. Pitt's X Roads W. E. Warren. Townfhip No, 6 Joseph Weeks. J. II. Anderson, his. store, Frank Denton, his store. . ". The treasurer submitted his month- nn AT mm mm I hnx A book on the disease of the horse recently issued by the Stati'on was received by the secretary and .same , . - i . . y examined. The book contains manv valuable . ! - w 1 . . I . ... I vapt. carraway, tne gf mat, jovial articles on the diseases of the horse (raveling agent of the Nm Obtrver j and it will prove highly beneficial to those who seek information therein. The thanks of this Alliance are due pa,id asua call last, week. 1 1 Our esteemed friend, Dossey Bat tle, Esq., left Saturday fir Wilming- assume control as local editor MeuengeV. He will also ' assist nothing but good will from the men and smiles from the girls to act as P. M. They haul goods from Tarboro and in many, cases ean sell them as eheap as they can be bought in that city. charge of the same and writing to give space to may be adjudged paupers commissioners. i" On motion the proposition regard A petition presented bv John War- agxee in I ren for ai public road in No. 2 town- such as ship'waa anrant ed and Sheriff instruct- by the jel to .summons a jury of free-holders to lay on same . ana assess damages and expense against adjacent prop erty holders and the ! county to pay le lust nut on siilo 3,000 yards Outing at 6 j-4e, - 5 ' AND RKItUt'KI) T1IK PIJH'K OF MV 12 JrgjB. Outing to Sc. ton to of the, in the! editorials i per man The Dr. Battle for this valuable book. j The following delegates were ap- wntingof short aid pungent at the meetingl of ' the , county Alii-J MmAflM r.. eash in hand $223.41: amounts due The clerk was ordered to advertise J r xt xr r L i- and paid bv John W Cotte Chief same according to law. iwio. jur. jn. liawicinw xa uio i r .--- .. . i iiis ability as & newspa- the is too well, known jto peoplej of North ; Carolina to need any. wbrd of commendation from us. The Race. Teel-Holderness luff JAm A aw . ; A .1 . I f I . . 1 & i. v wbi nx'eu uu vcui no pan wereoi. a. ,r .' iuaeies ap- The M E. chnreh has a flourish in e I euir7 committee was authorized to pearfa oeiore tne board and asked Sunday School in a hotise belonging J the. matter., , .yl. fJ to Uie same "Bix," also have preach- report of the finance yiBea place" for the reason that the ing by the Rev. Mr. Tuttle of Tar- mittee showed receipts to be $11.- said road! is not used and there are not disbursements $11,272.9J, I sufficient; hands upon same to wor kit. IN 1 PACT, I HAVE MADE Reductions' on all Goods. pointed to repreMllt thUf ub-AUUnc. oA , 4th 8nnd.7 try MM AM S. B 1 iUl C3 Superinlendent of the Sunday School J PoUce J uly 6, 1891, total $9,555, ance Friday; :E.j Bradley and D.?E C. Knight, Cobb. I race Lloyd, Secretary, W. L. Barlow, Treasurer and Business Agent. W. place at the Fair Grounds one week Q. Turner. Chaplain. William Bed ago yesterday. ; Three o'elock sharp ttond Lecturer. E. C. Knicht. Assist- bacco warehouse near the boat land ! -H. B. Bryan, proprietor of Hotel 1 Farrar, wilj move to the old Gregory I house formerly occupied by himself J sometime during this .month.;; ; The weather for, the past ten daya has been , all ' that ' the faruieis could' winh for .their work. Cotton in that length of time has improved wonderfully.. '".I W. O. Cherry has ;been- elected; Secretary of the Coakley Alliance. We will say here, thai when any change of officers .in , the different j sub-Alliances take place, we would rbe glad to be notified r . j, T. W. Howard's two year fold Roanoke colt is improving in size and speed. He is a beautiful chestnut ' sorrel, well developed and Sir. How ard, thinks that he will make a valua ble animal. A! certain young clerk while at tempting to handle a hogshead which . had W small (quantity of ' molasses in r it, in some- way knocked the bung put ami much of 'the "sweetning" ' was spilled on him, 'tQtally- ruining his suit fof clothes. .1 . . i We have not had an opportunity to-seev many of the farms ! in . this ' bounty, but from reports we are jit the opinion that the crops have im proved Wonderfully of late. The prospeet for 'a good crop is growing brighter in many sections. , r A colored man wha was drunk on the'streets Saturday attracted a large crowd when he was arrested and taken to the ook-up by a policed man." "He resisted the' officer and it required some effort before.! he was lauded in the lock-up. ; j Saturday, the fourth of July, was not observed by our people. George T. Williams had the : Armory of the Edgecomb Guai'ds tiedecked with flairs, and save this there was no observation of the great epoch in the history of our country:, j CompJaints still come from the farmers' that "King Green" is giving them'all they can do and many say that their st length is hardly suf ficient to conquer him. ; In some sec tions of the eouilty the rains hav was thje time set, but it was a few minutes later, owing to v naVoidable circumstances.. . . After some exercise, the horses started. The third trial, hey went. Teel's jiorse was behind tiost all of the firjst heat. .Holderx ess' horse rotted! beautifully. Steady as a clock, he worked out his first mile. th The officers elected for the ensuing LnJ bv hi, earnesV eordiar,man-6r eredil 820822 leaving amount year are: l.. U. knight, resident, ner j and hearty singing eaptivated dtte 1--7.29. : S. B. Bradley, .vice-President. F. ;B. I Li-; j - thji t: . I Dr. Don Williams. Superintendent draws the children to him. Pf I Health appeared before the Most of the girls are at hdme from Doam ana -stated that nog pens school ready for a vacation, full of I should not be allowed within -, the fiolic and fun, pie-nics and flirting, j corporate limits of the town, and Miss Maggie TUIery is boarding WA AHra ; f;- with Mrs. S. H. Draughan and will ) . . add her charms to the attractions of ut lown 111 oaa conoiiion. this fVille." The farms of Dr. Wi, J: H. Bell appeared before the T. Mayo, L. L. Lyon, J. B. Latham; board and made complaint of hog r ' VTJwg o. w. w niinem ana pn owned by Mr. Hyatt. After vreorife wee jus ddiwmi : ineir unu Hamilton Briefs. I ant Lecturer, J J.J. Stalling. B. Lloyd, Steward, Doorkeeper r andD. Cobb, Assistant Doorkeeper; Teteraas' Renal on. some discussion it was moved and t . . . I nnnwuut nf mVin mmMininfi tiy The excitement ran hii,h l 'HnU. reunion and celebratjon of their iio'b Kfmo A.mA iir. Ui, second anniversary on the titMrl a rirkW I qaasi Yi Va o waat swaaav : lvwaias4Ai w hi fnr , around this thriving "Ville" in walk- adopted that no hog pen be allowed . . T ! ' - . . I Jtio. ilictonKo nf tYia ntiir. I . . I within th onmnrtttn limitu of ing distance of the center, i I within the corporate limits of the Brb. M. N. Cutchin spoke at our town under a oenaltv of ten dol- un xi oi..i.j il. - j:a I ; t . . uittu.pioiuru, u. larsand ten days being allowed iFoij the, Farpierg Advocate. , i Mr. H. H . Hyman, a respected farmer 8 years old died at hia hom (about six miles from mwn)i last Wednesday. . Mr. W. H. Steward, Jr., died last week of typhoidl fever, m JacksonviUe, C. Mr. Stewardmoved to Jacksonville about t wy uiuuuu ao irom mia piaoe. ne leaves a wife and one child. . , Captain 8 lemons who has been quite pick at the Hotel! Darden, was able to leave Mon day morning for. his j home in Salisbury Maryland. . Miss Jennie Boyle left for Scotland Keck last .Wednesday; to visit her sister, Mrs. Mi A. Gotten. !. 1 Miss Betti Clark, Principal of the Oxford F'emale Institute, after upending several days in town with, the (Misses Darden returned Tarboro', April 8, 1891.1 f fftifinnntftTTi 11 - t mm. Cgricnllnral Jmplcmcras. r. WALTER -A:. "WOOD'S !oand, ahead several lengths. Twenty minutes ! interv ned, and gain both horses were on the track. Eyerybtiy could see that Bll Ar- rington: was mad, and Doe Teel had used hi rabbit foot. The tables were turning and Dawson no longer was able toj hold his own; aslhe had so Well thje first heat. ; Holderness' horse was badlv rattled, and had lost his grip On this, the ,seiond heat, WilIiam Gton Lewis, anniversary on the 6th of ! August. . '? ; A big barbecue will prepared for the occasion and! special .. committees for each township were appointed to solicit subscriptions in money, pigs, &.c. for the dinner The secretary was instructed to in it a fh fnllowino' tTMakMi Hons A i'l Ai : ..--- ..r -r; t cuts migm do covereaover oy piow- f l it' tmnr. Thomas W. MasonWi;1CpPX, Col. ing and then come out and leave the y lVf ,Jttyo5; T.i T. . Pollr Jiirio-f Philina flpn. l crass out of sicrht. ' - 1 receiyeu uy :ii : : . uats are not srood ana it is aimeuit muaiu i xa . urj 111 I il I I it was piain that Teel's horie was the I to act as Chiet, Marshal the in wiay anead. George Holder- victor, as he came Do'o Teejl had won. ness had lost. ! : 1 Both these young men class hoi-ses. The jtidges were: Dr. J. Dr. L. Ii. Staton and A The fastest' time made horse, 3p2; fastest, time .by Holder- ness' horse, 3:07. i f Angust' Races. Edgecombe folks love fine horses and good races. No county in the boast of pie found casion The iikhnn nf f ha unHiemu.. itltn u.knnvl. J " ; uuiik uuuj, in the aualitv of "brains and eaca owner to remove same. , I Miseji, Lucy and Burnie Mayo are visiting hrpfl.h" hv HflliAiitfllv. rfiforrimri tnl The Mavor reported 1 ten cases I ine orotnees in ixlgecorabe. the presence of sisters adding to the tried up to July 1st, and the amounts Mr' ?eu 'P-livin ner oos prosoeritv of the Order, n i L ' was awakened last Sumlay night (June, 28) Wa ava omritintfA hitf AfTi.Yl.anidKI ' " I uv VXB ITW UI BU III- ni for this Summer. Plefitv of nice fTO-&v- im, ana on going to tne hoot round lying nr trriA!i RtH in iihni.A- W. Winborne Superintendent of onmeBrepsa oaoe, apparently about two uneArtnt fhA "enttnn is eominir nut Polie. renoHrf that h htLA Anlllo.. months old, I with ,a bottle' ot foilk and ai "l -i j t.i : j i i il.j ''.-." . I note of direction iinHaii. 1'it.jft.rnm THHi.pnmv I mm.i. imr. i .1 ii -it 1 w. H .4 x . 1 1 ' r . j . r . 1 n k . r n f iiiirrn Aim itiihi. n N i i'i mt . ... - . a he ' total amount the .treasurer , for the June was $8,53,28 cash to bal-j g ,1 ! - VI.l l II v S.EtQySO?EI?, &c CO.. J ... Mri TAIMMUIit; Vets, 'after; roll call at to get cutters.' It is my opinion that ance man should be a every; Alli- lecturerV out- ive first- ' - Baker, I M. Fairly, e by' . Teel's paid $3.43,45 cash in hand ance July 1st, $5,09.83. T ;r 1 I 1 T T the side of the hall; especially among the x CII"lso'"" WMS ""- u y ennrt bona, will inarch ,tnth fair brethren. JSVery member cannot au1 lw iwenty ieei w rear pan grounds where the speecbel will be read,butall can thinkme wiU not of his store and same was granted. H j . , t ! V T. - . read because it is not their habit George Howard Jr. made applica- made and W. served. lt wall be a others are too tired. Those who can tnn nnnna:tlXL!!t -ii,: l,Li. j -wi,. j -L:n j' i. ii. i ..i. l ii.' tion for lot opposite the residence of by its side) as to how it Hasket has taken charm of the little pilgrinj and it is doing well. ; Miss uattie; Cloman who has been quite sick for several days is able to be up. ! ; ' Mr. Mitchel Parker had the tnisfoJtune to lose his fine imported. Dutch belted cow last- Week, he had recently purchased her a; cosi oi one nunarea tma seventeen dollars. phe was the largest cow in this section nd when in good keeping, gave sixgallons of milk per day i ' JI. iavji, lyyim.f - M . ... A -.v.. . 1 . , .. . ., ; . : . estate, oti anywhere else, can) finer horse flesh, than; may in old E4gecombe. ! The Lihre Stock Association, gahized several months ago good work along this line, and their will be felt !for years to innuencei come. The AusTst races are given under their - supervision Below the' terms as set forth celebration such as Edgecombe is 1 and will , capable of having. The following others aay o T ' . : : , ! V : snip: : -j No, 1, BJ. K. Nash, W. M. Edmund- son, M. L, Hussey, R. C. Brown. j The No, 2y J. T. Howard, E. E. Knight, and Mechanical College W. Asa Williams.! ' ( I circular letter to the county . No. 3, W; S. Long, E. T, Speed, W. J. Davenport to continue steadfast lest the ur- u- u' oaton to erect a tooacco election find them .unprepar- warehouse and prize house. ,: Dr. L. Oke op Them. L. Staton beintr present made ob jection to sale without Examination Day. I Jecuon lo- saie witnout ma King same '.President of the Agricultural lic and offered $500 for lot and has sent i !Barn Burned. Tuesday j nightof last week,5 the arnof M. H. Jveathersbee was de stroyed by fife. In this barn there were between fifty and sixty barrels of corn which were also hurried. Farrar, Gaskill & Go '. ; ' i 'I -V IMPOHTKliS O.F4- ' DRESS GOODS - - : : ;. -i' - '':.': '' "y- '' ' : '-j ' . : FOREIGN aHD DumESTIC JJrofcefiional n6 Unoinros (TtiiJ) Super intendent of Public Instruction stat ing that any young gentlemen who No. 4, L. B. Knight, W. J. Lawrence desiie to enter the College as pay students may be examined! by the .obligated to make any improvement j The origin pfxthe fire has not been I upon it that any other purchaser A learned. or- V. B. Knight, j No. 5; Geo. R Gammon, John Mc- is doing Dowell, W. C Bradley. we give by the been very frequent, and Work was delay.od. ''; -; Ve" are in receipt of . an inyitation to the Art display and reception given jy Miss Mollie Rouse, Green ville, N. C, July, the 10th.. Miss Rouse is a native of Edeecombe. We are glad to note that she has met with marked wucces in her new ihoihe. !" i; . The catalogue of the Wilson Col legiate Institute has been received (The various departments of the In ktitutare conducted by competent Und skillful" instructors, so says the catalogue and knowing peisonaHy the Principal, Prof. S. E. Warren jwt bespeak liberal patronage for this Worthy Institution. : See adv. -f-Ouite a number of the" business knen of tlie town made a call I upon he Mayor for a special meeting of the loartl of commissioners Friday iight to lk'ar petition in regard to hitching horses only on certain jjtreets and asked that ordinance be repealed." A compromise measure requiring a special police to prevent t bstrttction of streets whenlarge erowds are in 'town, was adopted. -lhe office ofthip Superior iCourt ( lerk has been a iopular place during 4 ie past week. Everybody was, apx 'I us to know the'amount of taxes to'i be1 tef landed.' j A list; of those wsbo 'pja'id the Direct Tax is published in this issue of the Farmers' Advocate and we hope' it will prove of advan tage to" those who cannot conven iently come to town to ascertain the &c Association: ; i U OENTLKMAN RACE' RUNNING. Sweepsftake $20 each--h. f .1 with i gate money added. Welter Weights f mile. J First horse 75'; jer cent purse, second horse 25 . p r cent. Gentlemen Riders Nothoro lghbred horse allojwed to start. ' j entl:man RACE TROT' INO. y Sweepstake $25 each, $ld f orfeit, i gate money added, best three in five, mile heats.-' First horse GO par cent, second horse 30 per cent., thi: d horse 10 per cent, for horse with nc record. All .entities close ' July 18 th', and must be made to the Secretary. ForT feit money must in each rajcev accompany entries These races promise to be interest ing; and it i;the desire of the Asso ciation to liave as manv entries as possible. The President sayjs there is room, for one m6re always, and the more the, merrier. ng thunder. -A No. 6, R. H. Speightj A Bras well, J. M. Cutchin. . ! No. 7, J. K. Lawrence, H. S. Bunn, D. H. Barlow. i ;; No. 8. B. F. Eaarles. W. T. Knierht. Theo. Pitt, Elias Carr. No. 9, .W. S. Crisp. B. B. Lewis, W. T. Dunford. . . ' - - ' : '' ' No. 10. K. C. Lewis, J. .Dempsey Brown, Frank Walstbn. No. 11, P. S. Sugg, H. C. Bourne: 'N..B. Killebrew'-f f t Hp 12, Jesse Brake, H. G. Worsley R. F. Thomas, ,W .0. Bullock.. No. 13, J. P. Jenkins, D. L. Lan caster, John Lancaster, N$. 14, W. E. Bradley, J. D. Bos- manl, J. I. Killebrew,! M. W. Proctor. EaglesTllIe Notes. For the Farmers' t Advocate. We had & fine Tain on first of July. ; Wheat and oat harvesting is about over. It is' not a successful crop by any means. . j j ' . k' Miss Sue Overstreet has returned . , r ... . i $ ...... to tak,e charge of her former school.; At the preaching 1 at Otters creek on Sunday Mrs. J. Q. ; Matthews pro-' fessed religion and -was baptized by RevxfB. B. Pitt. j ! .- Henry Wooten Srj has; the araly Superintendent. . ' -Thisj county is entitled to one free scholarship. For the benefit of those, who desire to stand; the exami nation ;we quote the following law: "And it shall be the duty! of the Su perintendent of Instruction in each on the days fixed by law for the animations of teachers! of public schools also to examine i canaidates for county students to said College; blanks for such purpose to be furn ished annually by the President of said College to t Public Instruction in each county. Next jSataroay is the day on which the teachers and students will be ex ami would make Committee. It was' moved that VVUiUllil-CU ; LVJLV7 1UIU the salary of the Ma County Cemmi Referred toFinarce thef mance nsideration The oners' Meeting. ommissioners l were in nday with all of the mem Conetee Items. .For the Farmers' Advocate. The crops of this section have much inv proved during the last month which shortens the farmers' faces. : - The Conetoe Oil Mill is making its last run for therSeason. . The town commissioners met Monday night and revised the ;tovrn ordinances and voted to make some improvements in the town. j Dr. C. L: Jenkins reports a great deal of sickness, jin this section j 8winson Bro, Co. have Closed their business owing to the illness of their father. I liss Sue Pitt, of Old Sparta is visiting Mrs. John Warren, -Jr. ' Mi Annie Madra Of Scotland Neck is vis- Haaks Barne. fearful storm visited th s city sis and is suffering intense agony. louiiuy , luuwarus j iias maianai 'fever. . . ..: :-. t.. ' ' i, .-.' v Its to be hoped that the Edgecombe Guards will ,go to I Wrightsville in The count session bers of the board present. The monthly allowances were made to e paupers of the county. The Sheriff reported he had col lected since last meeting $1850.00 Bills presented to the. board were allowed. C. L. Killebiew, B. P. Jenkins Superintendent of I and S., T. Cherry were appointed a committee to have Cokey and Spicer's bridges repaired; 1 also to have old Town Cree.k church bridge repaired. The board of equalization with Capt. Orren Williams as chairman, met in the afternoon. The raports of the several assessors and list takers were adopted. After this business was transacted the commissioners, pursuant to -an adjourned meeting; reassembled for the transaction of business. . W. Hi. Powell and G. L. Wimber ley were appointed ia committee to re pair the canal bridge at W. H. Pow ell's residence. '' Capt. Williams and James Pender were authorized to put out.: the in solvent taxes of 1889: The following jurors were, appoint-J last night about half past nine 6'clock. jmi I ! ' - i ' ' ' :?: ' I . 1 . rain. came uown in rorreis ana accompanied by an enormous m : i. t . I i.i .1 Biuuaiii ui nr u -li-iikr. niuiuei uuuu- i i in intensity, and loud pials ,of ruu tnere fining to pre- . li i vent inem irom going-ana naving V li " ' I ... .-L !' '.'- gentleman who was atsth4 R. & tne nonor oi oemg S gooa ot tne D. depot said great balls of flrd roiled sl f"1 company in ine DraTe. around ttre promisconsly and the 11 they do not bear the honor it will wire wer4 covered with, a ieb of not P because vney uav ut goi a fireJL At th ielectrici Ught house vf.-.. man in laciics ana nas ine nonor or much damage was done. The dyna mo of thej incandescent lights was burned out and ' Mr. Dick I 'anks, who i! runs j it, . was severely . I urned about the ace. His eyes are ; very much swollen this morning fit m the effects of tpe burn and the marks on the face show that he had a tough time- of it. To use his own expres- sion; 'he fas nearly burned, up." Durham Si. f Quite a number of years ag' Mr. Hanks liveil in this place. His rela tives and friends here will learn of going and obeying the commands his accident with much regret. I and representing- the! E Gs as thev t. riiti should be. They have been known j ? ; as E Gs for many ; years and they E. V. Murphey says he ha : five should.be highly respected by . every J .' ' i .l . , member of the com nan v and? then more snares aaaea w ine sioc ior ------ y T -- . f tnill. This looks! t like J i:t I ; r iting her sister Mrs. J. E. Bullock. .Mrs. Ilulda Dawson,', of CJoldsboro, is ed for the August terra of the Inferi visiting her sons, Messrs. N. B. ahd O. T. r (iourt being a high tone gentleman as all companies should have, not only cap-1 tains put privates, and all . that be long to the State guard should bear the honor as their captain. Privates obey the captain, and I am sure he will represent. Edgecombe as it should , be represented. It is sometaing that should be kept up for the sake of our fore-fathers, and oui country. .- j ; " .. ' Now, prentlemen, as the drum is sounded fall in with the intention of ThetialU.- the " peanut business inj a hurry, and it means nothing more (than a peanntj mill here! this Fall. It ' will be the only one in, tne j state, ana our peopie hitrhlyl appreciate the efforts of those, who ate to be credited with it. 148.500 address. . hubject . 1 4 Will: hold its regulat meeting next Thursday night at thej Odd Fellows Hall. Paul Jones will deliver the Sketch i of Dawson, here. : Mr. John 8 laughter and wife, of fiokls lxrb, Mfhoj have been visiting relatives here, returned home Monday with a sick baby which cut short their visit. ..' Mr. W. I. Dawson leaves Wednesday for a irotracted visit to his old home in Lenoir county, i - . Misses fella Howard and Mattie r Jenkins left on Monday's train for jEveretts, where they will'spen! several days with friends and relatives. ' " .;'. - ; : ' Miss Martha Knight and company Miss Bryan, of Ala., and Miss Bet tie Taylor spent a few hours in town Monday evening. The young men are highly pleased with the visiting ladies of this section, and are willing to make any sacrifice for their en joyment. I t " i .''.'".-...' Prof. W.o. Howard, one of ConetoCa j pointed to hold the most promising young men, leaves Monday I July 2Sth for ilinain, La., where he will take the chair of Modern Languages. " We congratur late the college on its selection and join the girl of this community in their regret of his departure. Good hick to you, Bill. . '; - ' y- '-.'- 1 -' Wt (CXMTespondents must sign their names when writing for am. This is to insure good faith; Their names will not he published if they do not desire.)--Ei, i Jos. Hobgood, B. Bryan, J.C .;Pen der J. Of. Worsley, J. .D, Andrews, F. L. Tliigpen, W. D. Lancaster, Wm Edmonds, Ollen Warren, Jr., M. A- Curtis, N. M. Lawrence, G. W. Mayo, B J. Keeehv E. M. Bryan, Orren Williams, Jr., J. D. "Barnes, Frank Gotham, H. A. Harrell, A. T. Wodten, Chas. Han ell, W. S. Clark, J. D. Taylor, C. W. Proctor, A. M. Wootetf, W. B. Bullock, F. G. An drews, Jonas G. Carr, W. H. An drews and W. H. Bellflowei, Ollen Wairen. j - The following poll-holders wereap- sehool election f Special, Meeting. -' members of the Edtrecombe i - - ' G uards are hereby ; ordered to . meet in their Armory on next Friday July 10th as a special business meeting must be held to make preparations I for attending the encampment. - James B. Llotd, Capt. Commanding. W H lU-'-B G-OO CHECKED AND STRIPED! A W S O O t i . H .List of Letters Remaining in the Post Office at Tar boro', N. C. for week ending, July Oth. Persons calling for letters on this list will please sajrthey are "ad vertised." j J. J. Martin, P. M. B Otis W. Baker, Miss W. E. JJeirne, Sidney Boykin, Bissie Bjil look. . . ;. . - C Catey Carroll; So.oraan Clark, Anna Uoiheld. I) Rosa Davis, Cherry Dosier. H Frank IHolms, John Heart. J Emanda Jones. K Dempsiey King. L Ednie Lawrence. " M L.? I McNeir, Merrill Meredeth. P Martha! Powell, Rosa C. Purvis. S Henry Lewis ; Savage, -Lein Savage.- . '. ', . Wj-Charley Ward, Celia Ward '. ' '-f-r. 1 ; Local Ad Tertlsements. STTi-KI MTJGXjS, All. Shades, at COc. per yard, 50 inches wide. Jn INDIA MULLS, white, cream,' 'pink, blue! black, from V2e. to 2Th A GREAT VARIETY 1 O and HII4re4 Ketes. Precineit No. .1-Jos. Zander, Na than IFilliams, Ben orfleet, D. W. Harris! - y Precinct .Noi 2 G. S. Lloyd, R. A. Watson j1 H;: A. Dowd, T. H. Ruf- finl ;- " K, I ' Precinct N 3 ir. S. B. Bradley, Turner Prince, Harry Smith. ! II M. Edmondson, It was ordered by. the board that For tlie Farmers Advocate. t th nona.lfiM fnr. nnn.li.tincr nt i.rnrv. Mrs. J. 5. Hodges, of Washington ertv and po be hereafter rigidly is visiting her old home. enforced except foi valid and legal . Theie will be preaching here next excuse.1 I Sunday morning and night. The following were allowed to, re He notice the i farmers aie still ta,iriiquod H. Morris, Jri, Howell shipping potatoes. &Jeffrevs! Garrett & Chen v. W.J ans nr fin p rfiwnBmi c r n - .ftr vra vw i ' Tobacco Knives. Tobacco Barn Thermometers ; and T6bcco Barn I Lanterns,! jut received at T. II. Gathns. - . iv8-4t Bobbinet mosquito nettintr. -that will last five ears, eheap at Farrar, Gaskill & Co'. iel7-tf ' Johnson's Chill and' .Fever Tonic on sale at S-' S. Nash's. . ) ; tf 1 Try a bottle of Johnson's Chill ant- Fever Tonic if vou are afflicted with 1 . f malaria. : ! ; " ' . tf r -4 1 T M Ice I have just received a large amount of Northern Ice. Will be supplied nil the summer. Give me a call at II. T. Coker's old stand. .! J. K. Bui.T.or3c. April 22: i ' i tf I make a specialty of watch repair-! ing of all kinds. Work entrusted to1 me is sure: to receive careful, and skillful , treatment. A eood' time piece should be entrusted only to a i competent watchmaker. Clocks re-1 paired, and set in fine running order. Jewerly and all small wares mended apd , polished. Our motto: Neat, prompt, reliable. Prices always reasonable at Bell's. , je24-tf In Siik and Kid Also, MUSifJUI T01RES, different knirths auJ colors, frtm $1.25 to $1.7.. '.". f Laai ies' GauntletH, . ' ' ''' :--u': - . ' Mv ' All Shades, 1.7.".. LADIES' HANDKERCHIEFS A verv handsome lineof Em , eied Handkerchief, from fTl.0( - tojt 19.00 p-r dozen. toid- Gents' WbitB Silt Hasuierciii from 0.00 to $13.00 per doied, ft, Gardkeb. -In Norfolk latt week, the wife of F. S. Gardner. Her re mains were .interred near Bethel Sunday. ; - '. Gents' Neck and Underwear A SPECIALTV. , . Tarboro, April 29. , Jfrrn -Jldorrtisnnmls. married Thursday night, and we are glad to know he won t have to steal Burnett, B. F. Spragins & Co. Bullock ex Co., R. Lichtenstein & Co., II. Parker, D. '.J. C. Allen. J WILSON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE FOR YOUNG LADIES, WILSON, N. C. Fall i5Es.siox;()pKyg Sept. 7, 1691. v A thorcms. rqaratorv coarne of cttulv. with a full c-eIW.au oouroe equal to thai or any female eollce in th South. btamlard of achoUrtiup unusually hifrh. Facilities for ihr ruiy of Mojmc and Art unuraNed. lVtrtraent of Telerrarhv. Tii-T-a-Writino- I arxl f-hort-hanJ. t IVautifaf mrWi healthful J,- j wjrsutuaL 3i4K.K-.raxc .t-narjm. itiuly m- ". ! rrmtne of raairrm-uap- . . For catalocue. atkfrew . TO DE SOLD. I will aell JOIINSOVA. CHILL 4 AiXD "" .... ':'3--M- ! , - i FEVKR TOXIC under a guarantee that I bottle will rure A'Y case of ! . Chili anJ Fever, Iiilicu Fever, ' Malarial Ferer, Typhoid, Swamp ; !- ami Hemorrhari-r Fei Also XeuraUda ail La firip. and failing to do o yrm n funl the jriotiry. J 1 50c, Price, of Meiiie. S -VASI er. i. .. l Ain:. IKXT1T ; jOfnMover S X'a."h'i "torf.J - TAHHolto. X. I'. : I W J ON TV 1L1 J j;.. - ' f AKliURO, S. i : Ofn . UKtnin Holel Ilowanl. In . huilillntr - niljuiniii" IK i iMiTri t - Eye, Ear, flose and Throat, i Nt to Fanner' Ai!vhhm OfM.v V - TARBORO', N. ''. Ortirf Ifonrx, h t 12uiil 1 toj':- I y DI., T. i WYNNV sAj ' )ltl Main is t reft, next l.wir li ii 'i' i:,i. 1 v'A ic' r. TAl.JlOJ.O' . . " - March I V ... " : X A T 1 1 A N W I M. I A M 'ft Barber and Hair-Dresser, H V ' , TA.RUOHd', March .15.- ly V. IL:ZOK!.LKR ' rHfTKAlHKK, j - BOOK'S. A XI) STATION KM V, TAj(iiM', x. (i - H. K. TJAGH, JRL I COMMISSIOH MERCHANT . 1 WHoL KH A IjK IiK A I..KU IN FertipzersProvisions antl chinery. Pratt Gins an 1 Buckeye Llowersi : f.la- 1 ; i)at5matr and &totcrifs. SASH, DOORS,BLINDS,PAIHTS, Oil and Putty. (imps, Carriage and Buggy MATERIAL . Stelf and Agricnltnral Hardware. xkvli:k AMI- NKV PATIMJN Gooli Stoves, I1KSTJ. MARKET. One and Two . Horse DEER fAOKNT FOR-. Mi MO WEILS Heavy 'Groeenes f A IW ON H A L K AT r I a I iriTririrr. Wa W - f I lid J .' ,- . j 1 tAS WARREX, Jalyg, 1-s.L-tt. I-rincipaL amounts due' them. Tarboro. Jane 10. I . - Crh Tarboro'. May 13, 11. V i 1 have been up to date subscribed. , j Shakespeare. his girl. C.