brief opinions, r t i - , Co.voKE.s0jf .v Oates, of Alabama, ad visea thc'Djemocrata to fights tbt finance witiijaii tneir power, and endeavor to wipe it oat of existence. If hissentimeiit is in harmony with the Deiocratij party, it can bo easily- Been who ire, our ejiemies,,nd knowing them! we must rally out . forces - oi onr organ who are not forj ns are.' will .be fohnd too true,.1 STATE .HERS. THE DOINGS OF OUR PEOPLE BllIEFLY AND PLAINLY TOLD. HAPPENING OP THE I'WlEK COV- ' j DENSED.J j i a uc vartnage isime is now eihi-weekly. ; iJTe Tdlewild sale at Kaleigh last wefck was a decided feuceess. The to prevent the crushing put twZT iJ -i- " " -M '1ft I - " ' . - . . . - i fir. o r. v amngton, ,ot Avoca, ugaiuet ub, KOorbs havini? a a-ood rWi. lie v Ip a compromise measure for FUN T7ITH THE MM. i; Ills Cjniastles Anas the Farntr ail Lakrer. 'A tew luxampies of , the " the Money, poire r? Supplied to Cef- tain Anxious Inquirers Jtailroad Corrupt ionists Ho w " Monopoly Corrupts Ley islatum. ! (Copyrighted by tbe Rform . Prww Uureau.) : ' I . The gymnastic . performances of lars oi tne money wag to be paid at dinner time and fire hundred after the bill passed. At dinner man came to Shinn . and 'handed him a package in which there were five $100 bills. Shinn exposed the r. . y I iiji ; - . , . - - , juivayc vj i unuery. , dn investigation was nau, the whole affair proven, and it is now a matter of record. i : ; . , .'... ' It has not - been long since . "ravage" was exposed in the New .!tl T 1 i ' , ' xutk legislature, a member rose in; his seat and stated that he hid given $2,000 to" vote for a i rail thitafittoa; 'Yth i owjng to the hail stpm; but still his licaApress are more i wonderful and State .Senate,1; an that .he, had l croto eenerallv-ia far raiierior to that 0t.v . v: i.-J. given the money to the Speaker. r r - i; l. it. . r . . . .. .i r- - : S'lWuryWU i. iniiugnnited, it I tMt ff" 'll6 :'!"? "A"?'"?? Ttrsk cSoboraS IhHuS: llo ft JwiTiA f mnfm. " ' ..... j,-.. ..... uoa cicz uauueneu firoDi iiiek . .. i . : . I K. B.f BromrbtoTi. Senator B. f I days of the Olympian frames down ,i: t v -J i . j I JPocKi rroiB.. martin nolt ana wu-. one uav tnese papers vuu, -v mw KwloK. lindvin ninm Ha. r Will 'authontativelv" w i . wiuuiinvw m u ' - meut An investieration , was order ed and a Senator and two lobby ist were, indicted for bribery, but t& continue ad vacating ita' enactment sk-l 4U tvJT sav 'that Tkr;nT- t,-it tne nnnence oi . tne money power inhi u Uur : .PnV.T i-nMti.1. andlTVnmK .f fk-ii.., OM resents will stiuul firm v an. irl I ir . , . . "" .Mna A . .UU V .UU I ' T V WW V HIV I ...... J I ,1 i .. . - ii iL. t-i i ? 4nnv,4l.n. ,1 , ik. i !, uuuw,uiu lire, ujuu eorporauon8 loan , money .lor ana I , . '"'""s wi iibuiuuuju e" ' 10 per cent, and would not the .... i - . i L j to L Autf. the road which they' have traveled Was who exposed the bribery has been more abnsed ! than the men who did the bribing. election of ance Ihj th tiond, the officers of 1 the Alii- pjde?' to apend 5,000 i' :i..L.:n t .1. .r I """i.vt,i . men,; ; The best quaked men should Zl!? - r!"" oemucn send their' "time honored" heonlyones to hold these posi-i Ll ... . J dead) issues and theories 'to the rear, No one ean tell what the forth but 'tis said - future will brings ; that "Jjy the past ; ture," therefore in behooves lis to se lwt the very best t i 1- , A m a Wbodard, E,., has accented And then. oh. wfiat a nlea thev send col"lieF r?f r?8 .F18 a position to travel f or 4 Kichmond up for men to Ktand together ! and S2a,UDB,?1?-t0i e central x acme. meet the onset df the comintr foe." hx?ic T Z!? c . w v -v i uui cAUiiutfl'iiuiu ovuit; ictwrio nut- Cigar House.:..... We are krlad to note we aivine tne lu- the recoverv of.Miss Hidflie, nnnlrll . t . - . s . : . from her recent men to guide pur organization in safety through the LJ storms jthat it is likely to pass. Let ! every frnember kstajnd by his colors and by so doing, t organization There is nothin 'iiid detenninetl. Thehe is one ti amjising, - as ilhg mat well power of the in the land. ing earnest One of the most outrageous :"rav- 1 I.IV. T .1 ITT .1 1 - I -1 t ' -- w , a. awa aw - w . . a r r . . i vi nun ti w, . a a irT iifa i, amw i nr i J t . U I JDrac.......iut: nisrht at the l. " " - . aires" of the monev - nower was ex- uiwtnema pereen: i. ing of-the board of stewards of ;JaHLZZS luere are posed in 1874-5 in the Pacific rail- Wisdom must be exercised in' theJTririity Methodist Churfch thev de- iu:ll Xrl-T J onBlH road row in Coneress, when Tom j which threaten to disrupt v and i.p a Scott M as trying to secure a large Party : an0- anKiwltr frf tKa To Poolfin Wd I and! O. P. Himtinffton "waa workini? attaCK OI SlCKDftM. I Alinthcr llav thtiH rarwro frh ta iru jjx.-:-7. xiunnngton-wui oe sumcieni to-snow u taaug tne cooaa trom vou. )h. been finished.Rockv Mbunt Aran- known r the A 1 n-an.i tn? J anions ana unscrupulous nust maKe me your authorized agent say its members are the Bturdv M. Henry K Knor, of Norfolk, is bonnig for a water supply to establish .water works for the townJin the em ployment of the commissioners.. i I he pensation of the town for the past week has been the. tropical ba nana in its fruitage in ColJ Gnirkin'a must be beautiful flower' tmrtW fas interesting ten to General Coltou by C. P. A TRITE STOUT. How It Was DaeSaaIl It - tiaaei , For the benefit of your j i i . . ' . TOiera, ji aesire to relate gooiL Hat mayl these dull fellows win una out tnat your friend twditi- tjuMs someuung of a knave, and Nertk I nas oeen Uecieving UwaiT -Oh; by that time we and our friends GorddY - V !1x ii k a k - , -uurruiu, ana me boss carrier will TO THE EDITCRS. Carellaa PrWs Next fteanlaa The reatlaa's and trie 1 VK ; J 4 t -mi story that J think they will ann.;. it i ' . rl held in Winston . W! - ateJ" There was i wWlth 11 : 'P. Thnraaa.y, Auirtot i h abd T5.- narnfed Smith, who had upm his fine the shisGooZ ZLl l:!My.hS w one nunared tenant. All the says, Uncle Sam, "bring a Gnir vonr tenints were poor except one, Jones, pipers urtffito who hadi accumulated some efft !t.,t w.i . . Tr' iV ,VV was rich and fond of ease, ao one lv I rh . i n.;. . . . . tenant .T ' h "7. 1 1 - v? . T - lAua IXOUUie Off ' -. v vuvg tn. :ii i . ninirn lr i rnnw kA.i. x." . must be a very tran i Mrwno iu L x . l v ,rr? H"" uun me paper 1 1 - ouj;uict w ui mesei you and, Th rmiains'of ev-Vipr -i.I.Mit ianuin werv mtfrnxl lf i next meetinir of thJ Wrt 1. i IUnrnr f A rv1tn 1 ... . I " at 1- maue lor the meeting. Tha Wins- gne inf ;nior . grand time, one that will ,1 memor able in the Association's hintory. 1 I hope every editor who Will at'. tf m - -- . fcMio - i ir u iiir . iiii ii . m ... i ays,- Mr. Smith it your hands: Yon rhn.tWnu n.i ?.".i nW t on.V,I mnM ' t ---a. i m i iib a U . -V f . ... 1 1 ' c names of all who will iro as lom 1 -. it The fou r bmi rvl.rt-n . w lu n . ! . I focutcil at Sing Sing k. .1., . The great ftornu that ir..,r f i t at New Orlenns a f w da ac, gpiwrai ftirtMigluuit I fur Son h. The ertptkn of Viiiii U in-, creasing; A tnug 'rartlu.Uuke ShOCK was felt last p. nii.,' ,i T.. Mniuic, no IE IL mra formm Km tk I .x-- - . . i .- I wi iisueiuruiitnn. erf- A llhd ""xw hiiiiiii" I mm a iur. to offer that relieve it i. 77nW .i.f'Vr?? m ineicU.mlforriter. "f11" Vk' """tc.i.H asks farmer Smith " -vB a aa rwiii. - -.nil..- i ia r . m t r.uv. ni you Of aJL trouble. Well, what is it shall b the n va a ni . m -. w . m mm vai , uiunii mi an jrw ar a . . i . , I ..S-.x iL i . ' . 1 -x ilJlll VlUl lWMlIf .n rla.!M silver cents X)o not leave me to passes. thing. No one but . 1. 1 . m -l puonsner oi a newijier rvm iuul -JV the lTess Association and infer, any-1 wlitor or an North nnri TAimnT ms v. t .. , l. ,i i . , , . , -.j- ... . l4Ji run .tx-i) uowu me rw"T?.JwMJu.M lurmsn me tne troods dollar. Don't vnf w mo lU bulk, at sav Rn for 1n o7 t u .7 ; , rT- r r" v ar 50eformeal. &c. and I will 1 rY" "m Ju" No one but a bona fide tail itto these people at 12c for ba-1 Bondholder. I dnW to I rvll Ah H . 1 4i .If 7 - -- --- u-u txiO' "t xw uuui nu ax IOr meftL mnrrAAna hn) U .1. Helljthat is a good idea. How will hear a little infant' I'flll awM T ...111 a I - : J ---v wvi WHI tlTO VOU CMil I tTT-ratfl Ii .XF.l 1 tillw Al tkx . I . J" - Very irond. ; v.' r""' lu.B?11 w PJ extended w . . P " .. uin uuuiTCeniMia mil l .V.iwunl -n i i', . ' another rv.n.1!. . ' - - . . a ill oe SiriCtJV etlforcel. Smith; V(m mn8t let mi one : exPt ai d active w i ft - i w . u .w a tin aaii iiimv riurn an i. t a - - - i have one-half my land rent free. My, mirst! have paW lf vorsenfnV f2"" LUV H forWm ateral. Smith. : But there is tiou si Mr. V,. x I xxosjvFviouMu, mitt iiune om- ' news mat uis liHtllu r n. m soTf ?o w r"1 1; T ti Muh' M f f on iut? soil 10 pay I exfndfid in illnr- tk:- ...t I Aaa s Moirwp. A nre It hotlt and their vcls are in l,l t6n without amimmilion. r John e'titl i. Folev. a rtono fniii'f v..- .... ..... j,iaveiu UMiu, lx-eiM.l t-u r.l. cawe despatch Jfr.iu C a I ershipinicounty Kerry, ."Ire'laud. i . i. i a itone oth- ine news that his t a cm in . had his rule to $o.onn." t" -is use- UK my, says Mr. Smith. Then there is Rnt I ,1 .j 'F" - W'P tranporutH.u. Kvery i . - r . - I w cut a ua UD 1111 IN 11 1 Ln TMm a. I --.--.1 . . A. AT a I sna another condition, says tenant gentleman of your merits. wfrW 1 uonea. vou must nav m i l.O . ,.'.(. waneciea Wltn tlie newenarwr nU-r iT:'; VTV jpur pajier ana get the bills. buinei.rrn h-i..,..j; . :!7'S: m w --- ...v nuvivvauKlll HI. 1 1....' cent Interest on my collateral. My, my. sars farmer Rmith. Unf Mi. Jones, 1 fear the tenants will object Char otte, N. C. get W. G.rSiEELE. SOME SURE TESTS. m A u Jl . . J" ' ' , aaa. vjvxj : ? J "r""v xaraiers Alliance aim ,Aii- ...t.t. xt ,wi .:n . V .7 "o-;- . uicwwvua w nxuv;u iuc jiiunrj jiudci i ux vucji vm nae u taae tnem or bilitv of the land: that they are tried W wlien ng -he accom- starve, iiut Mr. Jones, you .will get and trne rrW n'n h w win tpnment? oi an oDiect. t. j nun ana iney jxwr, and they will not Deled away ter dated . 20 1874, grumbkv I have thoughtof all hat, ii i mi ii iiim biv IIMH7 , u iiou u iwi w 1 unf Tnono i ' jr - i a .Mv-r-v..ixvn uttM- Dared. or nrom ses to nav a lartre Plausible who can talV thm oecanse - it'js ures. veryinext day these same f ; ' ' x ?im i -n -3 U,.fi,iM Ww . Vfrrlof the Allmnre that, i ftfiii'i. papers will squirt; streams of abuse jiulv Thiir thi.;, Ui& a haVn: At w.1 xiTn butlfor the reason that by making ;t the mcvtiiTsr. Aimlieaufj fl,n. 1 11 I v........ wv 6 : ... . - T ... wiv.VUU ' VI lUitU ! . - ... " ""O " " I 1 1 i " I " vu. tuv i x f...-, 1 1 i.- . . ..f f K I -A.iv inna 1. 1.1 x l . I Flrt ITTil Ilfni T. ail inmrouL'iAn .ll I u. ... .. ,1 .. I IR.-IM 1 1 ) niiiar iiii u U'l iiui tr.. i ui vvfugicua win. uc wuiuuBcu vi xuv 1 ;w www Lfuiiiiiit a wp UUgrgv and a .rT"r u'vooivu auh iv; iwtuv -i- "t. ' I V iiimiiwii .-1-1 .--x ' x r : :xi it I .1 t. . . -" thor- thai.o onu f ll,.-.T.....l. .. I ullwh nU. 11,...'. ua i,uv:uaiail.c VI I.JJC UCXUillillH 21 ri I . " uiuvr Iran) IIJI'II lillieM I Or Marshal G tll4rtl4 Lt ii Ii- it i I? seize the- luta M1V. Th.. otr. , of the Itata offer tijviv ."hhi jh for. aai li ug w i t hn t c lea mia e ' ,m j h r . and it is n-portl hen- f hat ..r.l. n nae iKH-n m-eivetl frmiis U to accept it iMid dihare otVin f of college or school jmjKr br uujicauoiu ruivmg nothinci in com- ' At 4 oVl.K-k ThurMlv ft. , , mOU With the newsntifr imiMii llm If Ul.i. ... iwl .....I I ...... .'n ii . ., - 1 TI"-- ........... i-uiiuur I t.l 1 1 1 I t,l, 1 w to; Aseertalo the Slaeertty of uwersoi avern notdirctly en- Uomiiany filed "in. th ( hrkV ..(1 the Farmers'reteaaed friends. gJged an the editorial or lummeiw f the Cfiancxn' CourJ of thi -:itv i riu U T , , . nwuagement are ot ' eligi ,le, and deUl nf trust to the . ( Vntmt Tri,., Tbo. BnlHtreaaury plan Is being hot- figidJr .excjndMt V ('omnanv of i w Vok ;;,; ly contested, both north and south. -Members will remember that tbo trust com nuii v iiwirt.rn.r.. ..f! .1... the only demand 1 an,"al fees, $?.iK)r Khonld tat is obieetl to. I toe . beeretary and Tnxiin-if and slander "andj vilification -E.- City fe" orS"la; hungr&t Betof men ever got togeth- silk dress for his wife to?he? that the balance of the denuinds, are :-Ach 1 j tionas a villainous compound of d lfi d nl klf fc t tenants bought $5 suits for them- object onale. Strange to saymany J- ;n cranky socialist prohibitionist and thW will do." ' - selves and calico, dibits gxi melnbers of the Allialice, ari . is will Alliancemen, and Ifhat is to "hear the Hot cholera is reported in Moore ?T.J2? T they Will do. fI)enuratic press constontlyremai- . , . .i in. i ii hi i dinn ATTxhm TIhv3 ' onii, M:il I P . 1. . . I Inner thfe rlato of llpe. '.nrr iiJwmt 'the Allijiuee an d the third "inner, Mclean llros . eonsumea .oy Hre....L.iUdi: w. party, and from accounts there must be" no little uneasiness among them regarding, the attitude of the Alli ance toward it - The members of the iVlliance will exercise more sound judgment and wisdom in casting their ballots at the next election than ; they ever did before in ; their lives, . m d Ave 'do, not believe they .will vote : 'orenien who will not champion'their :au8e. This is something for both arties to reflect upon. v I For it murderers were electrocuted atSmg Sing, N.; Y., on the- 7th-instant. The application - of the elec tric current in .producing: instanta neous death, was reported to have bjen - most ' effective. ' XTnlike - the! electrocution Vf Kemniler, there was! npthing, .bungling in them. The privacy of these electrocutions, says the ISew lork HbrM, "is not a civ ilized hinefeentli.-cehtnry method of executing the lawj'aind besides,. haug- iito is. good enough, for cold-blooded murderers. in executions tne pep- ple''seem.! to have a desire; to keep ala-east of the times. Americans are no!t satisfied' -witlii -any"' methotls that 11 ! - are ancient, G. Page, for a -long time hotelist at Sanfoid, died on the 25th of June. ......The town Marshall had a sale of imported hogs hist Thursday.- uartnage lSuiue. . . i A conjurer doctor, of waylaid and killed the wif 0. h. W. Smith, a negro Millie $uton the murderessJ demented negro .woman. progressing on the Electri Kailway. A new invoice 6f saw mill, was whr" a":1 Under thfe date of XJee. 1, I874 a At,- xur-iTriIlx- "V xT letter contains the follow mm, vi iuc uieruuuuu .01 tneir disruption 'party'' and, of j course, the qnent ruin of the country. selves and calico dresses for their wives. I5ut fellows and on next crop. Jind of second wiiiviinffl avji meir . , -,. -- - -- - , , y ., . , -j they were humble minded led to heheve tliat the politicians as Jargt convent wn the At went to work with- a will a rule' would be willing to consent ver held. At the clow - X -.11' X1.U. -1 - -1 1 1 a 11 f -.1 . 1 i. 4 1. .... .... . . I hi id to rfv r the Conse- of the prol town of . . - . 1.1..: 9: 1 11 sslk-iation Close to alt ''the demanda nf tKa A I GOU VCUtioiY ttll V-lirim nil vnar 1 ... vx- -v. itiiiaill I .... .vm . 1 Have ahv of our people endeavored Jones bought a niano for his.ilanVh- excepting the subtreasury plan. This a'yj e ' taken to :tho live x .t 1 -lu: ...:iu t . t Ifn.wl 1 x ji 0 I is an error ' tt UkeKlMtro. atul' iwiauil.i- bie?. They are both men that ew lor. ; The other tenants patched ' pre is-liut one deiwaud at the cuwions will be on tlie progmnie. 1 :'s l a tx 1.1 1 t.i.t ,.i.w .. il -r t wuole lifst. I he rime h : wi'uk.- i'u not uei. nut writ' to n ut cx;n ; ai ; ,ti. xi .m .w uuiiiiiucu. - - it wuum m vivmta aim meir wives ; . VT " . . ...... - 1,', . " i ""- uuvu.. bxi..oc. iauci3 mil 1 T. 1 .1, 1. r 1 .1 xj , 1 -,.x r i c;ol.. x-xI. , f,i - . xieip ua very muuii u lie wuw iia up " vui, iui u new HOCK T TZ 21 ! Cal. Pacific income and extensions began to complain but Mr. outhd basis that was talked of, even we came around and prophesied oreinern;iocut out tne toiiowing better times and they tried affain. 1,81 01 T"!" anu get tneir con- Third year found Jones richer an,i gressmen, senators or other promi- the. rest! poorer and discontented wh puut-mius w answer mem and Plausible comes around and says, mv dear fellows ! you must not blame Jones and Smith for your poverty; ny aon t you Know the tariff on j.rvfieri ail MH Iiiii'fi amount of 2,tMK,HKjJ' v - '. - - 7 . ' '. : ' ; ! . The (VnHiiN Hun-ait will imm.u i.-u.-a bulletin ort the menNiMhij- ..f the Itoman ('aiholie 'i ( luireh it, th. UniM State. It will Uhow tjlat t he Church luU ' i?50,(XM cin'iiiuiii-.. rant over lifb-eii years of . J Thi-i mininmtn limit of age to tift,-. n . ., : 1 1 1 it . . - ' jeurn win iN' aillienil to lf the. tiKlies of other churchen. Vilson, Alliance, will wisely (?) forecast its e of Rev, political action,4 and will assert that tereacher. f the Alliance movement must be taken is a half I into ai 1 calculations of a ..political .Work is I nature; for its force and strength c , Street cannot be ignored. The very next material jddy these same papers will print an has been received and is expected that interview with some Alliance traitor mrs will he ninniTiirhv AnfAict -T'Kth land reneo-ade. or will rirint n. flflmtnir . ..... - j .ub...mV . . . r q 7 ..p.. fJ ... J . U4.UX.X1. I . . , . . , . . . 'T-l 1 CMjl. 1. Ii II 1 . - no tuufggn afoie isnrowae. 1 1 ueau over-an announcement -ithat !nol.lhorn wilt .tlittoii toe sub-Alliance ,L.aa 9djr Jl. ' Alliance . principles, istered at Moreheall during the hwork,"ffnian fnd the P,atnt antl Teacher's Ass8embly..:....THe reat- ioyal ff?r lo t these af tics est portion .of New Hope wnship forawMemuudisguisea.aiimzemen was visited last ThursdaOning bV t.i thfr unconditionally a tremendous hailstorm. ' Felices ;ani tjie ridiculous and incongruous outhouses ' were -leveled with the rty-burly thus presented and laugh ground and the crops right badly lo,, aDad . . '; ;, . , 17 It will be recognized without ques- xne peacn crop will oe enprmous. tion that all legislation for the past .Jm-MMT- VyX VlO UQTU glCailJ 11X11 VI V leir wives wUole "S1- The time has come i'o not ueiay, but write to 3k. They wIieu tliisl false position should ite OUCtV if you will go. : . r. Plaus exPse(1 Thv'&vwirist .wotild ask "';'.. rVjUernally,1;. ronhe;i tue brethern to cut out the follow ing ' J- H Shkuhil, Sc'y N. ( t if we had to pay sometlnng to con vmce Liow and rrisbie. Mavl, 1875; I I notice what you say of . Luttrelh he is a wild hog; don't let him come back to Washingtonbutas the house, is to be largely Dencrati6, and if y . . A. Concord, N. C, July 1, 1 8!i 1 . : HE WILL SIXK IKT0 0BLlVl0i; A INU-ket of letter from it nent official in Hie City of m a friend 111 thix clt I pioini-" MeV ico M-catiie jmh. to be defeatedflikely it wouldjhats is 50 perj cent, and 110 per send I them in for publication. Let the answers be plain yes or 'no, and be sure to get them correct Let the and address - of the sender be y written ou the list . t you iavor the abolition of for iname plain Do This Is the Fntnre' Predleted v Dr. Newtoa, If Iepoed. fThe sentiments of the t'welv tlenieh who have 'presented Dr. ton are of course well known," said a prominent -Lmseonul elenk- a a 7 . - rii 1 gf"r iew TiiE price of cotton nowi is lower probably than it ever has i been lor thd time of the year, and yve? wonder whv the cause? dan it be possible that those who control the market, flinowing that there is a good deal Of kKtrol? in the hands of the -farmers, nref0reing the prices to the lowest kcate in order to convince ihe advo- attM that the 'Sub-Treasury;' bill is ed.L....Buck Hayes, a colored boy about 16 years old, was.arrrested here Tuesday 'by an officer rom I Ports mouth on a charge of stealing k pistol, a pair of brass knucks and $23 in 4 money. V e learn that efforts are being made to establish, an Episcopal school at Littleton, as the most de sirable plaice for it in Easter Caro lina. Weldon Sews, i 1111 ractieable? We would not be at ill .surprised., if such were not their uirlKw'o. ; It is strongly -urged that T'V av'j' -i 11 , veif-ivroauction is .tne cause 01 tne !eereas.e iii prices, but such 'is sheer onjsense i hen there are, millions of weonle in theicoiintrv yvho can "not lj-tw. the bare necessaries of life. ' ii ii often asserfetl by its 1 oppo nents that the Sub-Treiisury j bill is .tnconstihitiohal, yet strange, to say that that particular section of the on; titiition that it would violate if ei iac ed.into a law, is never cited, nor d) -wl' tliinic it can be. All we; con tynd foV' is to give us . this bill or s mo jiing lett,er. Congress passed ai iut loaning money to the Centen nialKixsition" in Philadelphia in l.STfU and if the (lovernment had the . 1 . . .-' . '"."'.' - 1 i'1 1 ' ' 1' risrliti to renuer nnanciai am ior sncn nrtxse, so also has it the right to anyway and if he got the nomlna- couldu't exactly see how the tariff tion put up another Democrat and was keeping them down as they never win nmlinof kin. ...fl .... At.nX ...... . . ill'llOil 41 111 mmi'viril .. i. 1 . - T iuii agiuiioi, uiiu uuu. 111 ixiai . i ivy vui-u cm uuuyi im, ai uuc lu tneir elect a Republican. Beat him. , ' , lives, but they didn't know much Sept J 27, 1875: about it and Plausible was sharp, so . ..uanuotyou have Saitord call j the tney swaiwwed their discontent and Legislature together and grant .us such charters as we want at a cost rich in debts and Jones rich in bank say of $25,000? If we could . got notes. Mr. Plausible is again oalled L' T"t " , T .. a. a T ,....1-.. ' A ...... Ill V. . . f" vIiai. - .........k.. nll.?..M 11 t 1 , ... ouiu a . litii ao x c irvrw iv lull '"! "" in iur wuiuicuuca UAlHillii tnirt.v vejira haa frmio fhrnnn-Vi mtlia.l ... l . . . .: 1 . , .. ..I ..... ... & i ir J rT for it would be worth money to us. tarin tneyall shout "blast the tariff , "" v i:i"iiiwiu. pai y - if thee is airything to be done it and you with it" They thep march r - ili i,1 , "Inst bd done quickly. ' j up to farmer Smith's office ;and -say, T?y:rti ?lu rae? r Jaii.4.7, 1876: ; 1 jSee herc.'Mr. Sinitli-.we can't' stand mic uccu.aucticu, iniiueueeu anu ; t ,:.-.x.t i4x" -"w u urn buv lUtVO Ul L11C Jlllfll Do Vou favor an increase of cur- or a ial of the actual (jresi) Mr, r. W. J t liond, grocer, made an ovi il f.Alnrrvontti it'nohm rtrow" 4-- Faa'11 o n t onpen virhii -I -frt 1 4-l-i -Pi-! I-- mh!1 .... . j - i ca aa va. la iL.f' i aiim 1111 n,n iiiiiw iaiii iim i iiii u uii ia m a viz; i laiLin inn. m ii i ii- ey power." This phrase was used Li.. n rn.-.. xt. ; T.. . vi I11SA.V I I I iA IIIIU III r" . I II-" MM' .l ! Ill III r"N l I I iX. I I ' I a leiic at I money oirhind and non-perish t..A. TI..,.,.. f..t.. e. iai in urouueia. nicoc wc iotw tliAt t3ie ojxhents should consider.' Vr 'fa SeJ coi aire; tin the haj mi vieM dre a iso,! ful suu- bill unce he i lie vluii kil dit ul 1 iions this time 'everything is looking onitble for planters and farmers. g. has 'been done under good itnd political- papers are consrratulatinff farnfiers S on right p.rosjHH?ts, , and tellin hi they ought to be thankful! and d Itut supjx)se the season re- f . il . 11: ns'-Kooii: and.. suppose tne eartn s to the husbandman two hnn- -fold or more will this help therii? ahls! No. For wheii the bonnti- larvest shall have been reaped the granaries of the country "are 1 to overflowing 'with the susten- olj life, the producer will nd prKce ? of his products oeiow i..A. -V t.r. .t..:... .wi pm;e oi ins. proiui;iioii, "s ( he shall ask why this '.is so, he be 'told overproduction. Jic - assignment Tuesday to Mr. IB. N. Fields...... Jit is reported thatpfr. J. F.'Hartsfietd, of Jones, county.- shot 0V Al At W W AAA INI AA. A C V VlilVI 1 .dav. a We tean't find anvonrf- rthn r"v' ) '";. I.1 .' knows, the particulars. . , . . . jASt Sat- urday ; af ternooii Mary Conndr and MattG ardiier, women ; of illffarae. got into an affray at the honse bf the latter, in w hich ' Mary j Connor re ceived injures which caused her death Sunday morning about five o'clock. iViuston rjee rrw. ; ; Mr,- It, IL Hicks sold a few days ago $1,137 worth of tobacco. 1,800 pounds i of it brought 45 cents a pound, yet we have no boom ' in this part of the dountryA....A negro was shot and dangerously wounded! at a cock fight inj .Wilson- county-on JJ uly 4th. it seems tnat .a wnite . tarmer iA .. .. - . -'1. 1 . - was at tne main, ana wnen Other, Icolonsd people attack colored man 4 with him, he too part and was himself attacked b of the colorm men. lie ore pistol and shot him.-1 Rock v Argonaut. 'J s ; :;, Mr. G. T. Tyson, of Beaver l)aro fired a barn of primings Monday i TW mT . ' 1 -W morning. ' -lh r. I heo. island, J r., of Johnson's Mills, told ns Satufday that he had invented a tobacco hanger j x r . i a. t ii oy i.-resiueni aoik ,in a speech re cently delivered m Washington. The speech did not please the j lu dianapolis Jou rnal, which is the ac knowledged organ o the present ad- a "howling demagogjie," and quoting the phrase, "ravagesj of the money treated it cOntemptuouslv by exclaiming "whatever that is' Well, it is tOD big a thing to tell rent and loafs; we are starving, he is getting rich. Now. day all calling me will certainly pass his Texas Pa cific bill I do go over, and I shall Mr. Smith, we will give you our note go over to-night ' It cost with security, and-you must issue money to fix things so that I wduld the rations direct to us instead of know hisj bill would not pass. I be- through Jones." I can pass our about at one time, but a few illnstra- . - These are but few of a volume of ill ustratUns "Which , will show the ravages of the money power." It may be that when the method of the passage" of the subsidy t.r v.;ti :,' w. j r .i - --l .. iv tmn. a t,. . 1.: r & ."I " ' v"-"' yi l'K WUl U1UUCI, """" ""J " ?5. v" "m"muS known if it ever shall lieV- affair-- .i,a TTnU .i' u-l,. .' ' of ts size and shape. .. ' .. .. .i, xTT. - 7, ', J"1" v m i ; : .. ; etjuui in inieresi to tuose aoove may T . Qri.j :-:J ' , he developed. ' There is now a great w "-r -AV A WW MK7 W A IMU VtftLC l llil I tniMtinio I ' . i i llUtAllllUl that he thoiight Mould be a good thiug. Wei ' heanl a 'gentleman who is in a position to know, kind who. has .taken statistics as fax f . as possible, say that it W ill take $55" uw out or. tne crops made in 1'itt touutv this year to pay for the ferti lizers that have been sold in the county 1 during the Spring. Gn eu ville AVf-rir.l , r j Statesville freight depot destroyed by fire,...!... The store house and go jds of Mr. Levi destroyed by fire. I oss $14,000.......The High Point Plaid Mills have been sola- tor 25,077 John Miller, a farmer of Bethaiiia township, ran meadow . a tew back of which across a turtle in days ago j upon he cut his i name 1861. The letters were as "plain us the in as the j day , they were made. . ..Bjob Ross, colored, who has been in the employ of Dr. W. C. Galloway, Was arrested Satiirday evening uxm tlie eharcre of atealinir $130 in nioiiev from the. Doctor. Winston Sentinel. rel mlSew York State, and 'some of the ravages were exposed. M r. J. Gould was on the: stand as a witness, and when being asked, questions with reference to; the apKiutment of a committee to investigate, the man agement of the Erie railroad, said: "I do not know howimuch j l paid toward helping triendly men. Y e had four States to look; after, and we had to suit our politics to circum stances, in a Democratic district ! was a Democrat: iin 'a Kepublicau district J was a Kepublicau, and in a doubtful district I was doubtful: but in very district and at all times I have always been anj Erie man' Mr. Gould added the significant re mark when asked fa question, that it would be as iinKssiile to ,s.ecifv the nnmerous instancesi as it i would ; to recall to" mind the nnnn-rous' freight cars sent over the Erie road f to day." j In IS ew J ersev a railrojul known as Senate bill lf7;. w as isisjetl in the interests of railroads that wanted to secure the 'entire Water front of Jersey City. The measure was a flagrant outrage, and the Gov ernor vetoed Jt The Senate psissed it over the vetcy but the lllonse ; hesi tated, and then the "ravages of the money power r began, was told by 'Hon. J. who could not be bribed. named Cromer called oh Mr. Shinn and offered , him $500 to " vote for the bilL Shinn ref used and, know- that mischief, was). going, on, went to one of his " colleagues and told him of the affair. They arreed that if any! more offers ; were made they would accept them and have the whole ' affair exposed in the House. Shinn was subsequently Offered $1,000; for his! vote, and scandal , in Philadelphia arising troni the smash of the Key stoiie bank. It is openly charged that the officers aiuVnianagers of the bank, -who are active llepublicans and politicians were of such service to the liepnblican party in its cam paigns, and the belief "is that much of the missing money w as used to help that party in it? contest of last vear, ." the Indianapolis Journal else wants to know niore ravages of the money Reform Press Bureau the information. ; II. W. Aypr. Manager lie form Pres Burt-au. ton V. C. :-- - Now, in or. any body about the pjwer," the will furnis Washing "said alright" Five hundred :dol (Uen G rpwrrs Plams Prse to Limit Pr4artia. ClIA RI.EsVoX. S. .C. IJlll V ,The low r price ofj col ton is causing great di-satisfactiitn amouir farmers in thia bill, i State and various pixiH&itid.u have .. ' . .1 ii -i , oeen to limit proiuciion; i iv a decrease of acreage, by ploughing uj onefoiirth the preseut growing crop, anu yy omer ue vices. Ihe rarmers Alliance of Marl- boro county, j iii this State, has adopt ed the following resolution: That we pledge ourselves to plant only ten acres of cotton to the horse in the year 1892f prtided. that we can ?et A: man the co-operation of all the "Cotton States so as to decrease the produc tion of cotton and so obtain due re ward for onr I labor. ; "Second. jThat we request the State Alliance to call' for a conven-r tion of cotton growers of the South, irrespective of class or color, to meet riot later than December first, next to consider the same.w The State Alliance will meet at Spartanburg, July 22, and will prob ably take action' on the subject The I story II. Shinn, Mr- Bondholder goes to that veu erabldold patriarch, Uncle Sam, and says:' "See here, you .are the only constitnted autnoritry for eoiiinur money or printing iL for the Su preme Court says it is all the sahie. wow, we want to reueve you of the ell, an. We will place good paper in your vaults as security, and' you issue us bills at 1 per ceift. and we will dis tribute them at 10 per cent, com pound interest,'! ' "Good," says -Uncle Sam; "but 'mavbe the people won't take them.'' "Oh, but we have fixed that j Yon must draw in all your greenbacks and make money scarce and they will give us anything . we ask. nut if t hat- don t hx them just demonetize silver and limit it coinage to two million per month and that will bring them to terms.'' "Good, good," savs'tJnele Sam; "but who will take your money? . "The farmers, of course; they must have it A:. 1. 1'Tl- to niaxe crops. t it tney can give gofKl citv- stuntv we will lend to them direct If not we will let the supply merchant have it at ; 10 per cent, and be will let them have it in goods at from 25 to 50 ter . cent "Goo.!, very good, says Unable Sam; "bnt what if theiJe" farmers kick, which thev will do, when they find tliemselves getting poorer under your system. h we have arranged that;, You know' the politicians are alwavs with; the fellow . who holds the money-bag. If the farmers get discbiftented we will have our friends tell. them it is all ; from a want of diversity of crops, i Then when that plea fails we ! will : tell them their poverty is all from over-production don't produce so ninch and you will have a lot more. But if the argu ment don't quiet them, we will send our friend Mr Politician, - around, and he will tell them if is all the work of the tariff, j He will tell tip north the tariff is too low: raise the tariff keep put foreign goods, build up a home 'market and you will all get rich. Then 3Ir. Politician will put on a new suit, change bis name, go south, and say, Down with the robber tariff, let m foreign products, open the markets to theworld and will be masters of the situation.' "Welf savs Uncle Sam. "that is rreci- '. . . ... . i: ni . - j 1 . . i rencyl to hf ty dollars per capita? uu" V nrua s. r pouy, ani, thirdly,; Yes or no, ;i ior nis views on- insiHration. The however.! may A IrtW of the Church allows? Bishop T'btter w lormuiate rws own presentihent ir. -sn ewton a defense, as publ iklied in this niorn'ing's World, is like v to hiake matters clear and w ill proba bly bring about bis deposition. ' - j lhe reporter inquired if nol an- - - a n - -x.i - ew- nian national banks? Yes or no. Doi you favor ; government lOam yesterday. 'IIe w as presented J first direct to the people at 3 per cent, on for a denial of ; the miraculous t on land security? Yes or no. - fception of Jewus Christ; V sect! ndlyi Do you favor- the simnression of articles tof presentment Fourth year finds them gamMmg in futures, by.acfe of con- wnienvdraw.tlP b lhshon, and Jones rinh in hanlr gs? Yesbrjno' ' . . not take this shait all, for th Do you favor the free andunlimi- i uxilivyc: ut oil CI. , Aes.or no. Do you favor laws prohibiting alien ownershij) of land?; Yes or no. Do you favor laws that will tike frpm railroads and other corora tions all lands now held hi exee of their actual wants, and under some 8Wer vouI4 ,X! made, to Dr. N equitable provision place them again in possession of the government there to be held for. actual settlers onlv? Yes or no. V Do yon favor the removal of the fireseut tariff from the necessaries of ife? - Yes or no, - v. : Do you favor; a graduated income tax? Yes or. no. Do yon favor government control or ownership of railroads?, Yea or no. - j - ; ..,,'- ..;, The New Lake I Faraiir Has Its Searce in the CeUrade Rlrer. -:' I -. ' -- ! ;gelsJ Cahj July 8. The t out by the Southern Pa- Los Ax party- sent out by cific IL It Co. from Ogil vie last week to find the source of - Sal ton Lake have returned. The, report received at the railroad office last night saVs: "The water leaves the Colorado river at a point eight nple from El llio and flows! through several channels rom four to six feet deeo and ' from thirty to 'sixty feet wide. It flows westward along the sand hill on the. line of the old overland stage route at tnis station, making a stream one hundred, yards wide j or more and haying ayeloeityj;of tfpur miles an hour and gaining;. It was too deep to get the depth, jbuthe old ; s'longh at this point wasj formerly twenty feet deep. This is alout thirtv-five miles from the river. We followed the stream two miles further, in the ton's defensive argument "4ue i act is,; rejiiied tne Clergy. man, -ir. iewton is so comphely at issue with "the ordinary Chilrch thought that it is difficult to kjiow where to begin in criticising his views. Dr. Newton may be- an or thodox Puritan, a heterodox; Unita rian or a heathen Chinee, but be is certainly pot a churchman. So far from baptism beiiig brought into Israel by John the Baptizer, evfery Talmudic scholar kiiows i tllat bap tism existed in the Jewish IC'hufch .. . . . . . . i - j as a uiyine institution. . f or a ctf1! gynianvof the Episcopal Church to question .the divine institution, o baptism is a phenomenon fa church histbrr.'This is one1 of" the jmatay instance which ! Aewton gives wing ijiicriy i unit to be re-gnj4-d a a clergyman if the Anglican Coin munion. ;' . - . -, "Dr: JS ewton maV nin-ak - of t .- . 1 A .. - I lie jiroia'rty byiw-ci'dviij. The h tt. r- bring the startling -'iiiMl'ig'-nV I luU Mexieo is on tla- verge af uuuthi-r revoIutin, and tha already lar-" quanlities o jirms nml aninmniiWi are 84ret"l hi the leading ' ili. - ..f the country. . '! phjIOriOI f the tru direction Of Indian Wells.. Th way .from half a wide' anI from two water in all the mile to twoj niles to four feet deephaving a vebjcity oi two miles jeii! hour. . J he main channel es tended fifty-two miles from the Colorado riter. t This is the point whertf it eiitlrs the desert for Salton. Tlie old Istage route, with the exception of five or six miles, is 11-'. -m i i - - - - a ' ' an coverea wit" water-, . This settles the queiftion of the water supply cohclusively. as from the Colorado riverJ : j ' A mi?htV enjriheerihjr feat hsia Ijeen begun off Capfe Hatteras. where a gigamtic lighthouse is to be erect ed on the shoals. A n iron caisson, fifty-four feet in diameter, will be filled w ith stones and concrete . and sunk to a depth of j 125 'feet below the water. Upon this will be raised the iron superstructure, lined with masonery, 118 feet high. Around the base a rip-rap made ! with blocks of granite, each weighing two tons, win ue erected to a freight of twenty feet above the water line, to break the force of the wares. ... - Ti icene Creed as jnA-tic nun a mvHic svilloui o which is beyond all. uiU-iretathii, wui, inai is not tne view taken 01 the. Nicene Creed by the Church of whidh he is an oraaiiied ! tniniitr. i Imr. Newton ; sV?ems to; iake jiaTticulir crciit tor singing fli JSiecne Crew in his church. lie ought to kiioW that the monotoning or Bine-iutr the 'ere'! wan praHie! by the cliurcti - . -v - - Zi uni verbal long. Ia-frr the Anth memorial was eer thought f.. Y. !ll i i fT : a. ;i : . . win orjserve mat ir. j ewton care limy Hvoiurf any iiiUTtreta(ioii o the Apotk-a Crw'd' 'JI .prolafl Join w because he lindi the; myt)ca Charac ter of the Nicne Cet-d irtort congenial to bis mind . than I In plain ttateinef'itji of tle atlU, Dr, Newton harf in mm; of h sermon quectioiied the, antiquity of the apo tle Creed, but we find -it :in the writings f Tertullian. and it is be- yond question the foundation of the N'icene Creed. ' ' ' I , - N "Dr. Newton repudiates the au thority bf the Thirty-nine Articles.! but thej Church of i which he is" an an ordained minister does not :: It is rather :: amusing to the theological mind to find the rector bf all Sobl's Church who is generally considered a Theosophist but who is probably a Sebellfan, 1 declaring that the doc trines of the Trinity and of the in carnation, in oat Ije interjireted in the igbt of the ttionghtaj working in the Nicene fathers Dr. jNew ton would probably find hiinelf more at, home . church organized . on the broad basis suggested by Abraham L-ncoln than upon that founded by the apos tles anu prophets. i At Belfield; rirgiuia, a uegro,' James 1 lavis, w ;tf .imprisoned mi a charge of murdering anot her im-ih. At 1 o'clock tin's morning a1 n,h of fifty negroes mad 6 a v I e j intent tCmpt to get him out of jail- ami lynch him, but were tr- -i t -! hv officer. ;awih-r by whi ife U'iliz. iM. It is feared that "furt her nl . nqit will Ixj J made, and ii pfroug guard has ljjeejrplaced iirouml 1 he jai 1. It has been leurnHl tfmt the 1mhIv '. of Mrs. Julia Jackson-: 'hritan -the ' daughter of all Jnekxon. wum ; on Friday night, at 1 0 Im k . .'.. cretly removi-! f rom iN ret ibg phi. re in the city cemetery, and pl.u iil in the cryjit'in the viiiilt lMi.h- h. r li tinguisued father, w how- .remaiiiM will be placelunder t he Ja kM..h statute, f Her "husband on Friday gave hii-jv-niiisaioii fof the remov al of the body. '' i . i . - " - ' - - ; - Advice jHKt received frmi Ihring1 Sea state that there has ten -a g.N deal of bad I)1oh1 of late M twe. (l Canadian and Ameriean hoon.-i h there. t)ne aeriouM fight to..k ila.-.- between the American S hooj.-r Jiewis and the aualian k-Immjii. r Maggie Mack. ; The, caplain of the former was throw ir 'overfxjard, ami Capt Welwter, of the Maggie Mark, Waa so liailly hurt as to 1 laid up several days.; . 1 J A ietmipany haw jut lain orgaii izedi with a i-ajiitatof l,'oo,oo f.r. cultivating a farm of Il2,0oo hit. " in Florida. This will .) the largest, farm in the world, and ujm it' touhl )' ; raise! to utipply tlw i(y of New York with f4d. 'The farm Va? tk-eji the Indian, Saii S IMtiau and t St Jown' river. The farm, ha a miu-k Mil, rtimiW to that in the Valley of the Nile. Sugar can.- ui.m1 CiM'thhmti ar 't le rai--! im thi- - great farm. ,,;' , Harry Jeuuiiige, wlio'di'l on Suu-' - day at his home in New York. 3 ..' ' llnwmA Klmi had len hm w onU of times , by Miecunb to rlM-mnaliKUi and pu-mi- ina at laft. tnee, at Ieat the t- lh of;a dog in th- lat ilage of geijujnc , hydrophbia were. -iiil-.lil. J iu Ju band.- Trnt animal wa A.Ia t lar. 4 't -rrir, iinil afWt )ii- had hitb-it . the. Miular aclrew h, wa iM-iit to 1 Jeuiiiugs fr tn-aliimit IIrli'l , the foIlwiug foy from uiiiiri-lak- abte. rabii-f: but the .'dog faneier, w ho "-. alwavs affet-ted a conUtnl'titoiot di-. klief in hydrophohia, i denied tluit the brute had Buffered from anvthiin more serious thin iilejc'tit am ea vj overfeeding. , . ; 4- 14- Ildratio H. Beekrnaii, President of heJ, Edison Electric Light Com pan v' of this city, was present at the e.-c-tri-cution ai Sing Sing laat .week a- aif expert He has thia to iy. "It wa a great success. EyerthiAg worked smoothly. There wsU - bo hitch or botch at any point. A lady could have witnessed the . entire electrocution. By. that 1 mean there were no revolting scenes or etrug fflea, It was imply one inonjent a iving and an instant later a llfeb -j corpse, without a murmur or a sfhig igle, Ar to iniproyeim-nts, that sug gest; themselves loan expert I pre fer to have not Ling to ,ay on the subject at the present tinie: . There- were three electrical exjierts i)reseat. . - r ' :'''; - . ' -.I-- q KVu' i: -- ' --j . r ' -:. ' ' . V'-;-. ' .-" '-' "; . j ;: A " ..n i- ; ;'; u-: ' : Yl:-:. ';.';-V;'- , --: '''". '.?'".---': ,''--'-: !.' ' ' -:--:.'" v-. A.-i-Vj' '. ..; -; J -".-';..-.. - -.-; . ..j ' ;. - . ;':. ''.;;'..;,,-. -.vj. : -L -'.-'.:-.;.- ; : .;'! r '' ""-"A "