:!VVv rvs.yv:.:',-;-.:: !f . f-';-V. -. f , :v ... -vj a.,: I - - :. - X?. .a a'.'.-a, :" ' ; : a-.".aa. K t : -.:.;; wf ".--' IX i"'j ?.,---""-,a'a: - -. : ; -: v1 ' . . a T j; -" y i - 1 w i" - -a,, ... -f. S " ". . , ' ' ' ,' -fv aaa-a:-.-aaa:;-sa:a a "A T"W KY: .; -, Ya!-:::;a!a- :-Jmm . -i T M Mi'-1 f J i vAl D V f n:j.v; i i li iii . VOL. l.-NO. 44. J TAKBORCK N. G., WEDSESbY; FEintUJllia, 1802. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. i - -1 j' - . . ? 4 1- brief opinions. The elam from all over the country re gathering and getting - ready for ' the big convention to be held at Louis, this Htonlh. "The results ef this convention will be watched r vith interest. ' i ' . ! ' Thb greatconvention of . indus trial organizations will - be held in St. Louijon the 22nd of this month. These organizations will consider whether or not there is to be inde pendent political action on their part this year. What action will be taken by them can not be foretold, but they Iwill do what is bestfor the in terest of the masses, we may be as sured, as ,the beat rejm-sentatives of the various organizations will ut- . tcud th meeting. ; j CoiTOBEsaMAX Gradv of thisfState! Tftas introduced a 'bill in the house to reduce the salary of the Federal vf-j .fleers.' The bill pats .the President's i salary at $25,000. : The enormoui salaries pam xo me omciais, buouiu . be greatly reduced in view of the : l x i'l of-'. ' ' t ... .1 '. i .1 i zacti tnat, tnere is suca . wiuespretru deprsss'ion existing. We . dare say if these officers were aid with pro-' ducts of the farm instead of money, there wonld be a striking increase in the price of products. At any , rate . these officers should not be 'paid as much when they -bring good prices. Bb on your guard, and do not be . misled by the wily politicians, who are seeking offices. .Every effort will . b made this . year to thwart the pur-pose-of those engaged in the reform movement Siaud uiauf ully by your colors, Until the victory is sec u red. At this time the industrial organ iza tions cannot afford to do anything that will luvite defeat Therefore it be- s hooves every on iatreted Tin ! the cause of reform to fas.teu on : the i i armor for the fight, and struggle i with, all the 'strength that you poa ' seas for the restoration of your fiber- tiea. ' : ,.;;.;; :,' BtaVp or fall by the puinctples of te Alliance. We 'have espoused a . good causeone that iovolv,e .the lib- erties of millions of people, aud every . All iancnmn should be more earnest aud determined than ever before iu his life. The strength of .our organ ization will oe pu t to the severest tet , . this year, and let us liot be found waiting wheu weighed in the bal ance. Let this year be . the most , memorable in' the history of this country for the past tweu ty-fi ve years. If every All ianceuian will do his duty we need not be :foarfnl of1 the ' consequences, j - r i We want to see' Congress gt right dowu to busiuess aud do something for the relief pf the suffering million , in this country! ' Inetaad of Jtryiug to get appropriations for so j many ... public buildings they had better try to do something that will lift the burdens from the people There are numbers kof wasteful . expenditures mad 9, that if lopped ff thle game - money could be appropriated to giva relief to the people. . But w e, doubt very mueh-if thia cougrees is ."built that way."' The membars are too ac tive in manoueveriug for party suc ceaa. '."-;.' : 1 ' TK trouble with so mauyoppds of tba subrtreasury bill is iht they argue against it, briagiug the prw ent existing conditions against its provisious to crush aud demolish. The fact is that when the provisions ol the bill are law, aud the other de mands, which are its uuder-piuuiug, are law present conditions will uot -urge the power of ' speculation,! aa tioual banks and forsigu ' tinauciers ugaiust the measure, wheu to exist it must first do away with tio-m obli j" ditions and provides for it. The AlV ? liauce diaguosus these hurtful iu ' iueuces and kills them with the remedy; thereby saving producer and consumer . from their grasp. AIU ahic4 Watchmafu ":" . ' - ;J .j . ' Thk Progressive Fitftner says; lie ports of the late quarterly . meetings from co uu ties all over the State are - coming in on us so rapidly t iatit is impossible to furnish rom forjthem as they come. It is indeed gratify ing and encouraging to note the unanimity -d enthueiasip with which thev y'claim their solid and aud manly adnereuce to our pnuci pleti. On this important matter they speak as if with one Toicvi Stand by your guus boys and don't falter. The victory, will come as surely as we are - faithful . and true. Stand true to your principles j Let : the world know that you are : men and that you will staad or fall by ' your principles. ' v j Ix our last Congress there w ere 120 bankers, 99 lawyers, 14 . merchants. 7 doctors, 4 mecnauics and: not a Uiborer. CYa nrMtL v-tii tafk"! anrkAva ' miicf unite in the tight against plutocracy, if they hope for equal taxation and just laws for the masses. . STATE im. Tl E DOINGS OF OUH PEO LE BRIEFLY AND PLAINLY TO LD. Cos- h'Ippexixgs or THB Judire James 11. Merrimua haw re signed. I j !W IX8TOK The manufacturers' shipped 236,958 pouida of tobkcco lait -week- 'l'he shspmen s ror i tne month .tggrfgatea 1,074,2: Si piindj. bentmel i :'i Ra lkigh. Wake' t'armers 1 Al liance and merchants have com to-j gejther and agreed on $0 per cent, re duction in. cotton acreage and a cor responding increase in the acrea e in food crops, i The -Alliancenaen. are natifiedfo adhere to these resolutions. Other counties in' .this belt'will illopt the same resolutions. Ex: ilJW.UA.Td. I he -last f brick was I placed ou the tovsr of Trinity JCol leg-, aturuay evening the Lrlobe bays, and the crowd was there to. se it. All who have examined : the tdwer, aud they are many, pronounce it a very tine piece ot work, i be tniu- dilg itJ in 8pieudid eo w pushed through to condition audwiLl completion as iSsl.us possible, lue college .i hu is a marvel of, beauty and the progress which the workmen are now malkiiii' is a matter of surprise. 'Globe. (Windsor-) One of a part W of Northern sportsmen at the iJudite:)- Seld lioufee at Avoca,whil outpun niug "a few i days sgo accidentally shot aud killed a line dog beloa 'in 500. to one of the party. alued :Mr. Jonathan Baggett, w ho a ves about five miljfs from' town started home last Thursday afUruoon, j His horse became 'friffhteUd and! Iran ay, throwiag him out ; and bfeak itig'his collar bone. He is slowlv ina p ro vi n g. VLcilyer. IJStatEsvilli. The uiau who wrecked the train of tbe-Kl & 1). it fli Co. near btatevitle ; at Btiktian Bridge-Aug. 27, '91 has, been taught, lie was arrested in , Charlotti : on charge of cow-stealing .and eu h a uet work of evidence 1 was wpveu a arauna mm tnac mere seemeo jto oe ho doubt that the right man has bean caught He has made confession and implicated others in thediabi lical deed., . So the R. & D. K. K. w 11 be aqquilted of .the charge ; of hi ving rotteli rails oh their bridge. E r. : JAiTESvitLE.-r-There is. qui :& a seuBation atiJamesville, growing out of the detection of R. K. Memt tgue ajcivil engineer in -the employ men t of the Atlantic Coast Line. ' "hfee ok four weeks ago two gea tleiaen were rc-bbed at a hotel at -Washingto j, K. CL; of f 900 iu money and some valu able jewelry. Other robberies, 1 fiiiin ly of clothing of sleeping pei sons, have been committed at Washic gtou. Montague was detected iu the a ct of robbing the pockets of CapL. lIak'e. Ie has made a full, coufeesioa c f his various offences His. criminality causes profouud surpriee. z.. I Washington. Kev. W. P. Fife, the Drummer Evangelit ha offered to hold a meeting here in March next if proper arrangements are made for hini....4.Theri have been seven .1 car loads of rails brought dow u tn lay the track to, this place from the A. 4 R. JuuctitJn. , We trust thi t the work will be pushed rapidly fo -ward until the road is ccmpfetec We have tulkell with many farmers iu this aectiou aud thev all sav the acreage iu cotton this year will be greatly reduced.. One Mr. apruill was killed ou TnursdaT las.t bv a fal ling tree in Kjper's Juniper Swamp Progress. ' v - j WlLSOiJ. We werepaiuad. tp; hear of the death of Mrs. W . J. ISuiumer- iin, which occured iu Golds'oro on Thursday morniug. ' She was known iu Wilson, as the pretty and stylish and attracvive Miss Minnie MjcFall ......Dr. Nathan Audersou, a thor oughly posted and very sucde.ssful physician of our town, has been apr poi u ted Assistant SaKgeou off the Second .'Regimen t. . . . . . . Couiplaiut haviiitr been 'made to the Railroad Commission about the accomodations for passengers at Wilson- depot, the comruiasiou gave their; ateumon to the matter aud the railroad toiupauy hits aizred to remodv tne lucpuveu ience complained of. -Mirror. I W ELUON. -M r. W. T. Sledge died at the residence of his sister Mrs. Miles, at Littleton, ou Wednesday last, the 27th of January, of grippe, atred. 70 ' vears....:.. I he two men. Dred Francis and. Jiack -Jbrdan, W ho committed rape: tipon a white white woman in Kortbamptou county oi the; 23rd day f Jnlv 1 lastJ last week tried at Jackson tef-bre Judge Winston and a jury anil, con victed. . t rhey were senteuced hanged on March 5th. Emery says he iateuds to redu cotton erop at lehet50 per jaX year he planted j J ,300 to be Major e his I cent, acres; this vear he will ouiv ctiltivate 600 ir 700. Neic. , I I GrkekvillL -Owing t a 'falling off of freight traffic one of the freight trains' have. been removed froii the rjoad here and now run tri- weekly each way. j It is rumored thai on al ternate days the passenger tra in will have to bring dowu freight cf rs. If this proves eo delayed ( trains will .b frequent arid passengers may be pnt tio much inconvenience...,... ue day last week Pr. B: T: Cox 'lost about 4,000 pounds of fodder;, by 1 re. A hand was burning bruh iu a Seld about 50 yards from .where the fod der was stacked aud by tne- gras catching the tire wis communicated to the fodder befor it could be ex- tinsruiihed. The doctor's barn - and stables narrowly escajed burtiing.: jiejiecior. i i ! GENERAL SEWS.' Judge Van Brunt iii the Court of Over and Terminer flaat Thursday sentenced Noah Richardson, the! ne gro who murdered Policeman John L. .Sherman in' the II-er fiats some months ago, to be electrocuted dur ing the week,. beginning. March .31st. . A law hiki been pajed in France under which habitual drunkards can be declared to have loit the rierht to have charg of their 1 children, and the duty of looking after the yonng people ran be trarisferreu to the-department of Public Assistance. M -At a receni meeting of th'e '" S kip masters . Society of England,! the fact wa brought out'l that one fire man on board ship.' commits! suicide Id every 900 einploytjd, aj against one in 10,0.00 among J landsmen. It is suggested that the khigh tempera tu res in which the men are com pel led to work isj in. a large . iheaaiir, responsible for the jgreat - per cent.. age of suicide.. t The United States pupreme Clourt u p h e I d t h e con s t i t w t itj u a ! 1 1 v of f t he recent anti-Iotterv 'a-: of the Hast f Congress affirming. . the decisioJii iu the cary of Ueyne A apier'pnofis-hr.. ersor tpe- Jew Urleaus Mates raiwi .Mobile7iVt?r,: whoj v. ere indicted' ! on charges of senling through' , the .mails newspapers -conpuning.. tottery advertisement. By f common jcon-'i sent, their, casts wtfre made .tests suits as to the constitutionality, of the-law-, i ' '' ".' ; i It is .idoubtfnl. ifi any railroad company, in this . fcoimtry pays its passenger conauctors boiler than th Pennsylvania. The asser tion is. credited to onte of the com pany's officials' that-'sif.ter'; trying al most every to create- lonest dealings with the . men the .adoption of a higher rate of pay was eecflved, and it is believed that such a move has made the men feeT'so. they have no desire company. thoughtful that fto wroirg the The historic oll Appomattox Court ! House building was destroyed by" fire last week." All the county records and the courthouse furnish ings were entirely consumed. The su-rrou-uiuug nouses aiso caugni nre, but' were saved. ' The library of the clerk's office is said tb have been one qf the beet arranged in Virginia, and the- loss of refiords leivee county in fearfjulfstruits. ThefMcLayne house, in which Gen. gLee signed terms of surrendeo to (in. Giant, was at one time threatened witlj- destruction. 1 It is reported that' the Govern men t of Italy is aljoiit to resume full diplomatic; relations with , the United States. 'Batoai'' Fava, it;!will be remembered, quitiis pot on in definite leave of absepcelat the time of his controversv - between the two C o v en iicei j t s a r i b i n g: f ro m the ehoot of the Italians Lb tufe New Orleans jail. by the mob: It now reported tkat BarOii Faia ivpl Ik appointed Minister to Demuiaik, -vice.' Sjgnor Catalini, who will "btJ seat as .. Minis ter to .Washington, i I i I -'..I' " i . ' ' A Xonieviile, Ky., r dispatch aay: Dr. Basil Mauley, Professor of the' pid Tetstauieut Interpretation! and Bible luti:ouuction in the Southern Baptist Theological jSemiujry,i died here last wt-ek. Het- had been: sick several "weeks with"! .pneumonia, ' ler suiting - from grip.' He was, born December 19th, 1825, neai- Euge field; S.- C. He ' was a son of the late Basil Mauley; President of the University of , Alabama..' He j" was one of the founders- of' the South ern 'Baptist. Theo logical Seminary. A resolution has been introduced into the Housa of Representatives at Washingtoa recjuestng the re-call of Minister Eqrau. Mr. Esjau ouh't to be re-caild.. lle have bMJU sent to ouglit' never ; to. Chili.. ' -Ilid pres- ence in Santiago has been an oj&'euse to the ; people of Chili. -The Gov ernment of Chili ' haa apologized. It Has4 acceded to all of our demands. It has ev(ii t ithdrawn its own -demand for Egau's re-call. Itj is f to be hoped that " the .Administration will not await .the j jIow action of Congress, but will; have the gruce aud courtesy to act on its own behalf and bring Egan. home. " 1 : Landlord Jp B. Erhardt of the Sturtvvant House. h:t.s hud for a gues.t sie4 Dcmber Frauk Simon ton, an art dealer, i Simon ton ar rived taare from I'aris on Ia Gas eogne. Ife brought a number of paintings and paid the customs du ties" on them. Last ' week--Treasury Inspector TraitteuK went to the to the hotel, aud,- between the mattresses in' Simon ton's room he found an un framed picture signed Iiosa -Bon hen r. It was spread out between' the. mattresses, like a. plaster. ; At the Custom House it iwas ap praised at $1,S00. It is known . as "The Chamois," a Swi?s. mountain and animal scene, A week or, go, in overhauling pther mattresses,1- Col. Erhardt's men found two fi.00 bills. The Supreme Court of the United States last week decided the Boyd Thayer gubernatorial case in .favor of liioyd, the elected "Democratic candidate, w ho wa denied his seat by the Michigan Supreme Court on the alleged ground that his ' father luiners Th'ti rinion u trivan !bv nii;:f ',Tii;a Viil1;n(l.; r1..,i;M was listened to attentively j by a crowded court room- It was to the ef ect that Oovern Bovd, when elected to1 the enbe-natorial - r' .i -r-r' n .i l cj A. u.a u., '-:-iin.;4..k. i years next precediug his election. Unnivcrsary of their wedding da ptoa was complete. Te-i the v. call... All the Justices of the'Court, except-! at their old homestead, near .retersj- fplucers. and for euual ighi lug Justice. Fields concurred in this rg. Ioole from all over the -StatU the aaulbt the prtin, the piti opTnion, but Justice . HarlanV' Grav ame to congratulate tiie old coupU tocrat, will faiL - 1 here is: norou: u and Brown dissented ou a Xmiio'rmongthetaers beinga . nnmber of. for a reasonable hone that enher old point. i F. F. Vs.; j I faction will change its policy of tle- A lORRESPOSBETTS REPORT. He 'Comes Across a Russian Who Tolls 6f the Balaklava Charge. ! Losdox,! Feb.. 1. A correspon dent travelling in Russia has written a description of the sitnatioTi in" the Government of Tambov, wjhieh has an area of about twenty-ffvi thousand square miles and a population of nearly . two! and oue-hiiif millions. Although no death's from actual starvation jhave ! been reported -the dreaded hp 'iger typhus has ijnade its appearancejin a certain nnmber of vii Sages. Al ready 7,000,000" roubles have been expended in provisioning the province. . The correspondent has ascertained that from -aii economic poiut pf vievr, according to the popular. belief, the emauc.patidn of the serfs has been the curse.o the country.: Thi view is not confined to reactionary country gentlemen; t is the general .opiriion. Nothing hajs contributed more to. the impoverishijaent of J. the country, than unscientific use which has been made of the rai evstem". He goes on to say: f- ?.Tbe vaillways of Russia have been coustTuctedilargely with a view totu development of ' new grain-raising areas. Thtjy were run dov?p to some, fertile distrjet, the load, was worked oh the American system and exhaus1 -ed, and then fresh graiu areas were sought. The difference between the experience ot America and Russia is this: . In t id former country the native popu lation have been extermi nated, in Russia they have bt en left to starve. ! '.-;t'-'- ' : . "An1 agriculturist of authority told me that he lad seen with his 'own eyes how thp Sopth Russia peasantry, had been gj-adujally sinking "under the influence of the railway. Unable, to compete jvith the large farmer, who came dowu from, the north and exploited' tlhe land on a large scale, the native peasant was compelled to sell his oxen and his surplus laud, and now h has only miserable little horseF, too weak for the European plough.: S1 lie is obliged to content himself with a system of cultivation M'hich amoiints;to little, more than scratching the' surface of the earth. "The railways have brought out' the inequality between the peasant and the gentlemen, and ruined the farmer wittiaut benefiting the-latter, who, as a rule, squandered, the wealth derived frbiti his estate in Paris or at Monte Carlo, and now there is great lamentation; all over the country be cause the whole of Russia is exhaust ed, with thej exception, of its last new territory, the Caucasus, . -v . "Ou another occasion the , Zeniski Natcha link received a visit from' Count StroganofE's steward,-a retired major cf liuszars, nearly eveuty years of age. Couut' StogauaSL has done a great deal for the peasants of Lis .district, and iuU-d, laijta provisioning entirely -upon himself, refusing all aid from the Zeniitoov His stewarcl, Ivau Ivanovitch,; lui! received hi s cojaimission in 184:8, and had. "bedu. 'through. the. Hungar ian campaign and the (Jri'moan .War. He was weunded'at Balaclilva,; and gave mo a vivid ' descriptiqu or the Light Brigade. . t Me were ..so sorry tor tuem, ni saidl "they aiidjthey h; Were such fine fellows d such splendid horses. It. was the maddest thuijf" that was ever done. rl can't understand it. through our lines, took They broke our artillery,-' aud theu, -iustead of capturing ourguus.:ihd making, oft with them, they went for us. 1 had been iu ehiiirge'of ! tha Heavy Brigade in the morning,- arid vas slightly wounded.. We had all ' un saddled, aud were told: '"The- English are coming." "Confound them," Ave, said. ' My Colonel was very augry and ordered hisen to give no quar ter. -I waa lying.. at. some disbiuce with my wbund bandaged' when I saw them cjoining. They came on magiiiticehily. .. " W thought they were drunk from the way they held their lances. , In stead of holding them under - their armpits thiy waved them iu the. air, and of course they were- easier to irnard aarainst like" that. The men were mad, sir. They nevi-r seemed; to thiuk of the tremendous odds! against theba or of the frightful car nage that liacl taken place in their ranks ia the course of that long des perate 'ridel They dashed ia among us, shouting, qheering and cursing. I never saw anything like it. - They seemed perfectly, irresistible .and our fellows were quite demoralized, i "The fatal mistake wo made in the morning wjas to receive the charge of your-. Heavy Brigada standing instead bf meeting it" with' -a counter shock. We had so many-more men thaii you, that had we continued our charge dowii hillJinstead of calling a. halt, wc should pave carried everything before us. ,- "The charge of vour Heavy briH trade was ihaeuificeut, but they had to thank our bad management foil! the victorvi. We like vou .fellows. When our men took prisoners the usel toijivlethem oar. vodka'. Awfn stu5 it was more like spirits of wine than anything else- lour fellows! used to offer us their rum in eichange but we did not care for it it was tod Soft and nillu. The Kaseian soldiei uika." 1 i must have his vo, Jamea Johusou. who it is said, ha nassea msiUitn yettr. ana nis wuet :-i-.T-?iti tiiti wr T-riri(Tfr Iwifb rnll ored. List week celebrated due Toth Jf . .11 . Joscp h s. I re s t p n , I o r a . T Many pcdple a re look iug'jio pef n 11 but anxiously toward St. Louilv What is the object'of, ''tbii''co'i.fe'il eneer ::. fiat the mcasnre.of Lits; au-I thoritv? Will it eador-e lihUZiC '- " : 1 mands of the Alliance? Is it ao ad visory council, only, or may it act manstnal organizations to.' the ."TKh nsl u. p'-i k l-v -i -i"." port of a new political party -: Man y'f f", uVZ'i 'h- ''lL '':. W are. as King tneaa qaestioas ..... . .1 '1 ;. . ' It is Hot a part? convention. Iat . - Conference etking ,a"; ."tipVe r.peffieetj union " bet wten t he i nd ustriMl '.: Uus -1 es,j co uie tivd tnat they nutiy set ift concert in. carrying forward; certain reforms and enforcing cci'ti;.i! ld- mands. : ' -'-:! ". ' :"-'-""" 'j Cieariy thefirVt dirty :of!. ey.e?y-d'i-:lr: egate is to leave his "party fiilfcv'' at that he ever beloiiged t-d any pari;.. Leave , at home the pre ud !. : ,;.-:i,"t enmities eiigenderetl-by former .!. estsj tho jealousiea, cf;JocaIity,and Oceupatioh. " A' broad comprhe;fciou. Of the want?, the iieedd, thvf rights of all thtoorleJ onnrht to pervade I t ho conference.' - .:fr !;-:'" . h. Itis.a -gooli time; to .--'ejiiphasi''ihe;? fact that;ind.u:-tvy. islii '-.'the t'tiugli!; of i-'des pond," anil , :ias"t be - 'resi u eu ; before -t.ur temperance-;;frield,; our eniale.' 'suffrage . f tieii Us 'anil i:unypj' bthers eati expect more thiia out yia - l pathy. It jra good timu to poit!jouy ;! alij : mmor-;.matteia. ami , corieenHrutej ihe forces tin 4' f'. piesti0isofr'itra-' taqunt iamoctaiice. "t ' . j ' ;!' Depend upon it, 'the; 'chief t:;-v- aneevf maniiind is iueqtuUibk' "tittfl tribntion of good and rights. The ljeOple is concentration ot: wealtlifj aud; political power through j mopop-jj hi;.;.jUj-6at- v olization of natural niaterials samlftyf. tf'k' T;u:; e . . . , ' -.-;.: !" '. .'C ion:t'i. ! Poverty is the gulf that yawii thi door 01 the sheep, .by the. aid atii the field, iu the home of the ' laborer: poverty, the result of eiliorced lule jiess' talher than debau.'died uiiio lence; poverty, crushed beneath .thy wheel of monopoly's machine; pover ty," pushed into' the gutter i.y t!:-; combinations and .conspiracies ojj heartless greed. Poverty 'is--' . tiii'J; counterpoise to the plutocrat, tol,hH thd result of a. sj'stcm of; dislributb;.nf : unjust, irrational, and barbarous.. i It is possible. :to! lay ;at St. I. ouiwS; the corner-stones jof the' niOit lua'-ij nificeut political Structure of niodernpi times-: a new tfem'ple. of lit?erty.f May this conference rise 'with the! 'opportunity and lay- a foundation "; broad, so generou4;- so transparently! just, that the farmer, the -rnecha;iic,j the laborer, aye, the. -p He's t and thej prophet may join hand anil", carry; up the stones for its buildings. It should be - stibstanially ai heW declaration of- iudep.ndence, 'reaf-i firming the natural rights t iiuin the' .tKjuail Use of natural: ma'tt-riai-;: and forces. . It", should'- deiiiahd - ii!' mentality, whereby the prod acta .of labor-are distribu ted. The raijl .ay the telegraph, the oxpre., the jiiOiii um of exchange, till n'ublic diit'ribu tary "agencies, '"shon id" be c'Oi33t: L;et-.-,l aifd .operated, solely for tbe'bendit of the. people.' Corporatt'-ovv herrililp ofi all such should be abolished. , l'he title of the -people to all natural . tiia teriaU and." forces should ..be deca'rel' inalienable. " Organisation i seu,iing delegates should ? remember tfteii: morar obligation to '.'consider;, tne! welfare "of, all 'classes of peopl a.il: uo advantage or special favor, , ta!:e the motto each for all, all. for cat iii The' business of the conference ughi' tabo e,oiih"u''d to a few subjects.! Tq attempt, loo" mnch is bad tod little.: The reformation of onr g'hiini ciai-vstein; tiiy ieformation -ol oiir- transportation; system; the refrnn tioii' of oin-. svsten'i oi taxation; th reformation of oar bind .st'te':i Much as ai tliese' matters, and .'many more, necu attention, it ;pniu : f better to leave off ail; of these 4xee the; first two than to conf use aj:d ,d"ij-, virt. :H-ntio'.v by addim? tu'o're. . 'nmn' loses' his way '-. in" "a., straiglli road," so said : the, vri3e Adhihajl -! n lie. i ; s : ! uiauy years ugo.-'-' A-new - party! is'-iHe . "At ti',: tune; evitabie, for the reason 'that tho ' ill'- ' "- T Vrar-hv, dustrkil classes have no party ;-1is-..i:j-- : :4(rr.d svr a e;-. evitabie,-for the reacon that the in- cotintr;.; ; At dust-rial-' elates .have no party jd-evo-:: !i ,A.i--l ; he ed to their interest?, and, '.th-Cerk el-;fid at yi;K: no meaps of enforcing tlio'ir d(hiah"t3.':.!he -ti The .common belief that there . ch-A.-V h r--; a- two. great- parties: with wulelyj Uive! -; iu '' )V-Vi ' gent 'policies, is not founded opi ia-;t i1 ith iiAti ai:? but oh, ' tiction. 'There.; arc "indc- 'in; italic ; two srreat organiz-ationsj tile;, ai . mere, tactions-: or. one party. me part tiieir inspiratioi) Is th same to Xt. ot- nee. i l.hey are., control ieu S:v .i - i : - " eacn. . - - - . . r - - a j - The smoke of .these factional ednpi ; tests for a score of years. has 'liot rbeifih I the smoke of battle, but tne of ;a;di-..:,t I of a scramble for'oftlee j and pliticI I plunder.- ::" I .;." ; j. I I That the time is at hand ; wheretii 1 the we alth icer mv.A take a stand against the forces monopoly and the 'rgehius'.ofi ,pol.Uir same! forces, tne -commercial una- po.r j i-i- uis , itical huckster of the money nt'er. i '"ark They are mare bihg on the Same' t&M.iiA-, hiC'j in the same road.! in th samel diretp j pr. afriHAi tjon, and are destined; to. ca'sp toj- ;.';Hk',iH' h getherno distant "date. .-. Thej 'di'tfurf j in-r lir4 s.i ence between them is a -sighillcai'i. t g-rc-t;?iUoh. as the naarrels of the sub'-factmn? it ! nutrvfhr .i 1 - -- A-". i i : A .- ! c?J profligacy is as plain as tb? diii j iTe,-h(l-.lMa.b;e j at nojn. v Xecesfity kno'-.V3 no a'jirA j;f a in j I -You must stand; the life of vui.-i-) ja- 1 j father fat hei:depx-nds upon yon. io j ' raid the' Uusiau -general -as lK-1'ttirnMj The-hl.4-1 uDon tne r rem-n l v an '! inri.-iii rfflatt-S. "nothllliT COTll'J "tii f maud them; th destruction of an-i .a -u ' Ii.b Kiit;':j;or-.l'. l- J,,. ..-t.Ui-.I .-hi v.i ri. u .-;r r; !.; if.).. j.'.. ri,T,';:' - - it 1 ' 1 w o r u i ;m? 1 1 ' - I'ebnk .y til- .1-1-, i'!.oy . . i v -civ i. I - t , si' :i:ji.)':i'l !i:.ljc- fr::d." ' , T tv.i - Vt . i i1 ,;;-.i-,,..-!' 3 - 3: 'The i i ; .;.l, ?!-::. rr . " T r. !' : ".ii. I it.'-.v v-.; ''. -..:'-': ;ic-:ti thrt-. t'i:,.: n0: ; !f:, -t:nn - J, " 1 f t Hirst tuif. Viii , ft ! . :. ! i : d: ? ; f ivj-'ofi he -.h'i.j.' f ,,.,; ai ii: i' v. v-;, - -I'-.'i.-- a A- - - 4 . -t :.ur. !K-i'..vm!;K-aV-' u . I . f synip'uthv wen1- ;-'-.!,: !.'. lit-, .ain':-. i' 'i J'e- i . . i i. ,.. iWi d'viug i-f.T-'-f) l.r: n .- ' i . ; ' -..Ii h v. VK-i 'A ha:' i - I . i e --. !:i'..: v;Cvv ted- Co':.- ijHliri'ij; !' U....' lU.i 'J!. l 'lKti ui. ijji.'i ( lii. -1 1M il",pv i liioiis to ti ijfjvo lor i.:.- !.-:.- : ' l- V . . p: ti:: ! t'ii.li-U . I", th.-'-'gr''.ntiest 1. mo U'f'U-t .1:.: .- '...',;, e.w Ji.ai V.K ); ! --.'. ii' iV.'- ! 1 be v were froiii ; K.- . tiofis of ' .) i ' 'i ';. i i- .';-U':!aU., :.-,.- i : , .- : ... ;'".!.- !v' ! . -" i ... vr a' ii;. ii a v icliei'j. Mr- r:i:Mi- . lit i; i x , h a" , ia;;?a i!iy iu j. v. n ! v- i;.-r. ..:.? i astoroi I ' . - - - - 'ilii.IU i it'. ' 'I'.i.u'geoir 11 r.-il-- Hie -chop Ii t .'...; i ir. ti II..: All' if ted. in U t In; :;nf;l :irv, 'din '.''.- jl V (A ;;;;., i! "i ' ; i i. r Li! 1 a: ii ; r . ,- ,S l.-L- in leUburv i'.u;! don. - t 'it it, ! , : u ; :! v. i i ! I '.j-ioi A'ifi . ' -r i.oin-'tr a. vi r "'"jti ' '.V v-r: ! lit;)! ( :!.: -i-,' i it uii! i j h:; p.,s - enter ! . V. a .-.!; '-: : ; tuivv' ; j .-: ' ,l; M 'V; ;':," .v.. it vjii-i'ii ' 1 i'e iltH nut f 71 ; - ;.i U I: i V-.-.i ; : , .', an.i Ia:'; .u!.'i.; ;.r. i ' : . ; .vji 'i i ? J; , tA!n 'tlit?..-jK;!i'i-il . i , ' :i ! Li.;tii.i.;r w;:- a::.i;' !1 . ti'iiU i : iirii i i . i.. i .! ,l.o . i-uf : if .. ! !. t ' - i..l"-a J ' i ; i .-: via,- a ' a i --i.'- '.('-. I'tA'ai. !li,t. jjUti r. ti i-4i'e.n-!tcv 1 to eat? i.i: . J i i .- ;i :; ) V . is : ' '-; :ivii'!u.l;;:::-jK it ii 1 ?n';:un . ;.. ;.!'vv':. i - I vc ;;o'.fi : i ..... i- i Any. el in- 'a nV:ui.h h.rkt.U..-. -:o:!gn,-g or V -i. : fro '-'f-A? c " i ; ! . .a ati-'m V: bin i i i a. .i y a:.-1 I a a. i .veil.- il diuii ill -th bCA"li:A. - ! ''At ; . ia- a- ' '.e, i ' pri- J u. d. bv yo '-. , AA A ! ! I " - i '" any o; i " 1 '. !'. IX AS. I-j'l i :A i .-ia:.-' .'.i.tAV.A' O.th ai;4f l-ne t ! he ii, a J.aV-tJit i r.j ; A:,iv-,il i-'jt.j--Ji-j Ai-iAAKAi.i i ii;::.- "i I r I'll r- -; brie ' i.,: i a ; -. -X. c A ! - r - All:!? "''- -I- 1 ,. i e '!! eon- : i . 1 oT ' ". ..;.i".ir' i . UK- n li-AA, i, :: -he. pro-a- jhiau i aAvrn tjiqfAgrk'-ui-tHn i a'a.di.fwce n ausa 'A'; -r.. 1-1:,- i p i . i (..tt y: XaluiAt ' , i : a . !-. 1 d- ..-V, ! y '.':' Nff-p, an i l.l-.A h ii.l l i -1 !.-. a1 her iit;vf r,A; i . Charles, v;hi-c ciinreh iVii.ii .-ster.. at (JteAi.; -vvicii. :iu;gtajai. tiuj s icheJ-at l hi iVitlii r's ab.;eii.-.'. . i t.UWi'.i : 1 i ' j Xevr Zealand . " An eipiaiicri fcf'!g:i5 ' last - week- in J.;;i;huiiiel-& CV." hat.- taaimr, Xew- iirk, X. J., kiihd Ukar U-nrich, ar'cd 32 vcars. y- - I 1 1 m Lifts... ;?'fS;-- u IlKALTH S ,MUi ,1 fit ill .int. y. JOXIS LATE 1 . l''KK.s:ii;.NT '-':St.VTK . liOAKir " :f .;:'-i-: '.'!':' v."" HeMTH; . , j :" , ,;..!': z nn ri Tins a.yd fOMPExiiTjo vOr-TUE HlMLTH OFFICERS. I lvi ;;r.i the Standpoint of The. Health i .- '.'" -..; 0!hf er. - : - '. . iv j;uiN', M. !., XtLtS. ; :' ht i-;;tiori of, iieulth iflicer of a ei! V is not oise ot if.Ieusure ; .. ;;;::Ifaeij!nVibut it is one les;t u cv v'y hand yilh trials and obstruc ItuA LKfh Hoconrrilishmeiit of wlnt :, vt '--d . v L at is- right , a nd what is . "l !besi i n t trii t.- of ; the en ti re puialiottj..;!: A' fi'e'hks-'oeT',!!the? Ofe-l'-oT-.Atuties. all if. 3; '.'j '. hrpii are ahijo- try tor health. nttppi- :''S.i3...-U;ti'Ai p )h.-jer tjrf, : he;! Xt . ttlmost' to how and where to j knowing, as 'he doi-s, tha't al- .M it pna eis ry hand, he is . to' be rdyi '?' t h 'f ppo.s.. Uin-; both j loud and ..tr..:, t.. t i;t- chari'.ys and improve- jymi niat: are these changes and ''iH'ir "'nii n't s. ffo.t-'-"''A r ' they -sol.elj . ;W liiVown peiconal health and wel ';".; . ."ot by any m?aus.v .H the llu illLvk-(r, aa an individual, does i u t I i k h i h sn rrod iid ihg$, Ire ouh get i un an;; away Put it'is' for tin- health y a i; Ihajpines of h tiiidreds and; thou- ..iU ..o'i--'ot'hefs;' w ho are . helpless, 1 :.! .iia.h'y to tly ! anything or get iy fro:!i , iiie -death-dealing jM?stiW -v wiiieli" prey'a4s' ail a round th-eni ITii:- the iitulth o.uccr purveyks px-s-no-ramii ticioi- him, w hat docs 1 ..riioi -Yf )"&:' beautiful land : -. i ll bedecked with beautiful j. llC: .iJ ? .vt-. ?- Ci,: tfil- ilowerf, . with' its l. - ripp' i;ig renins iln'd .springs of crys t';-.l-'i?'iriv. l ho houses ail neat and wiiihie.-, j i -. it-,) .with'-.pfiHit or' white'-wah with i'aio .uini'j -iu jusd .vfl.th6u.t.,' The'vards and '.'"all is" ; i !i" siirro'iindfMg -free from everv u!d bin i tiring o.fT-nsi;e to; sight .or smell. !The .hi! ra I :Mx t ! 1 a, f i i eat ;a n d :1 ea n 1 y ai 1 1 red, i;ut. perhaps, georgepuslT, ''hut prc- - . stable in ail respect regardless of b.-' : i iir r tv&v '-or . th Of!cai.ional :tU-h to; extend th m:ef u lness of the ca'rnjc'uli--".i l'he! ;; inhabitants, -from si j di grandfather and' grand hyyn to the smallest - child, ;;..- ,!:! h -c'irty, ;ay and liaj)py, with tli;i3evableof. unhealthy atmos- ..:i ;r.' t it !ing around theui . ;:!., , ;!ii.s,l-JbaLagree-tj; i ;: viilifHT . aH not t he b the eve' an tl ful of t he i:-. It l i! he iooks over .1.!' i i - !i l"j;Liiif operations, s.- iu', i- niiii-t !a'b-r for the jood ; of jnaiuiiii ty."- Vh.u't -, does' 'hc': 'se? Jh !.! ,'.f iTol'si Green earth, all- be-ii- eked- y ith sw'eet-scented llowers, -, Ha- rno; her oaf th. 'devoid , of the !'";;..-!, ; Vettjge ; f grass, nowera. or -luubbcry. Houk- after .house, from iit" iLi'i niaiision to the lowc8tand i t.ilegn'ided hdveh ! all-comuiihg-t.::V logelher; cac-h . .Beeniingly1 etrug- Jvil ' TUT -'.)1.C4.'J ixvili ' ' o Out. r;: -.- of -the ;orld'a. great light, with ir.- -purifvihg and .healt hful rays and a iiial ai.il invigorating warmth. ' Ami iii jlave of the babbling iiw5-. ilf. rippling m! reams' and erys ipuntaiiis, we : havo stagnant .iKj.-:fonl ciiern ami .wells, whose vVurx t'i'e the .home oil' millions of :a .::-i.'.-. 'which readily7hnd a t i a i i:r tlu? Iranian .-system, "to . 'creatu aiul -death. The (pie.-itioii i.: 1-. the water of all Hi rrnp.iie o:'.' impregnated with i.--ri:i- if fciclvue. aiid death, that in . :.!''. l-o !.- . it to .quench our fii'iT A. iir fiHIK- hiV ' llira I?. 1 I! 1101110 u;; a A- iioj uot by any means. It is j -i ii..:- source, froai' whence . it comes,! 'ua;1 tiiA --.g-Mieiul! surroundings." Toj ; iv - i.are, a well iUii.-t.have asufneient iriith: an!, the trcauis from whence; i V f-AUA -j. lu'at ld tinlTiciuaittv fctrohi' kr;i up ii full iiovv of water. And; u:v thi.-, bjit the iminiliate a.-, v rj! a.i th;-l'cmole! fenrriindings,: ijj-t.Jje - taken into cofeideration,; ibei-loce piOxiinity of .'privies', jwater"-? a i aa; , :i,.( tv? pi-pensy .-r tables etc. Ana. 'l i'.i.i! remote', causes of contamina-i i of our"':Wuter-iip'ply, wc lnusf. "'-', i . i' . ' If I i A.i fronnd. If the' head .or, sou roe Is 1,; on high conlipar)dihg ground; tlui iiAi- !A!,i,l Asiuv-- healthtuL will be thd i lii.Ke ii,flI.- or ! springs oii A A. -.1 '.'!' nr. are more laule to 0v . i'f'i's-pt a.t'i'V-A-ff lilt ii. it id impurii r; lbe. j fa fAt)u t ne' watr-closetk,;:plg-pehKJ tUt'i'iV. -.'ii.i'ijlt-jj et(v, tv hie h arc vjji.U more ele- ( plane urectly above although the.-d-j.taiHV which intervenes" may n'.iv-s:::Ait. . ' Andy here; is." where':'; tl -f;:.A iu,pur'Utiice;'aiid.v idvatitagj i .A si wi-iast- comes in. to trotecttug i.r.::-ideii.t.5 from I the eontaniiuatriig ;a au evil in tf 'Vente of the. refuse mat :''- -:' i'i'!;!i4 a bo -.- . ' :.. .; . ' A .-- . to ,i.ir vatyr-fenpply, it is almii d i'h t - ahd, '? -lief al I jf' 'i-uking, of j.i .'i-rv.fi?H-i-or4il heu'thful charac ! u n : Jt cvusit4 of many.ftneweli i i ;.- .! :iMifi..'.' hid i are soma oi an arf h elmracter. situated on -h.ignL cu.'iVmah.diif -ground?, and wh'tse aaUr is of. a inaguetic quality. -Andj, l-c-Me9 these' fine wejls, we have .;'tb ,v'.ter' of Bar roh Iake, wldch i; .jof r-'- ptirest aud-J tinest quality. And for purifyifig a.;id .carrying off waste iiiatft-r. e'tei'. we'; have tha beautiful .-.' .! i river," running directly through oar city! bearfug upon its fH'igiitv'Vfeom,. into jthje great lakes, iiiuc iiuf dhe;: rcf uselmtter of; the AitV. -', '. ;::..' J- I ' ':'.'-.: i t" ,A:i again, wdiat dos the healtfc viKiX't; jfid on ; his inf?jK?ctioii tour?' lit jhd, oi and around the lots and hou-e which cvnstifntes mir towns 'sjaVi citie.vnai.y things which are pl-dehfteriouja'to bealtU and happiness; hi many instances .."-'pig' pens with from one (o a dozen hogs or pig, that can hardly breathe on account of the accumulation of filth. But not omy tins; as uie. - appncnea wir rrivy or water-closet, he bcbolda a p-ght mre fearful and repugnant than all else, - The ground, lor yards around the privy-building, is covered with grey, soapy-looking fluid w hich is the oertlow of the prij-vanlu'-aad the rickety bnildiug iitn uted in the midst of the tea of fijth upears to be nervous and ready fe fly from the upheaval of the fur rounding -matter and notions gma. And again, we have seen stable oc cupied with horses and cowi, so clon to the dwellinge that one can ttaml in the kitchcu door and taka the fo'w- by the. tail." Houses and barna hrrayetl in this close proximity may 1 vry convenient for tha 'good oli lady to sit in her kitchen door tsok ng her-pipe. and milk the cow. m the dable'.'but surely it is not rood for lealthr the organs of amcll. ' These, with many other thin?i iiusisrht 0y and unhealthy, do we find in andwAund the premises of maay jersons. And when, by. reaaon of (these obnoxious, unhealthy and an- . lcarable conditions of things, .tha health olTicer is callel to insicct and abate t lie nuianes and stop this r'eat source Of .sickness and deata, ia he received, by the iuiiabitants of these premises, .with open arms and a cordial welcome? o, not, so. In stead' of ppen arma nud wolcomi , land he finds closed fists and dark, Hjrtentoua frowna and, who in thua- ler--likc :nes, demand the object of lis visit. And, when told the object of his visit, the owner or occupant 1f the prourty IxK'omes greatly e erakil, Ix'cause he thinks his ; liises are the essence of purity ezaa- prt- aad weetnesn, anu tney exclaim, in no fiendly or modulated voice that, it vai owing to the. McKinlejr Bill or o .Mctnnty s big mouth that ha jbrought this disgrace upon theaa " mil, faithtliey had better look af jler tbeTr oliSuffaira, fori kuow it tvas them that 'made the complaint la nd sent you up, Mr. Health Q&ctr." These . pcKjple are reasoned with, mid theevils pointed out to them, but M is of no avail. In the face of avory jtliiiis: they still conUnd tbaL tat jsWectness of tc last roae of tnmmar Mill lingers ou and around their prw anises. And w hat then? The kindly words of amonition aud earnest ap peals of tjie health oflicer for pa rity and cleanliness are all uuheeued. And, then, there is nothing left for ' the officer to do but to resort to athar' hieah a, more harsh an d unpleasau t, to cause the abatement of these aviU which are couatahtly sendinf forth tjie- poisonous gasses to afflict and destroy mankind. Oh, then, what a purgatory af curies are heaped op- . pu the had of the officer for simply trying to do his; duty, and save nu- inanity from sickness and death." And not only is it the duty of tha health odicer to look after tall nnia aiics complaiued of throughout the tty, but, also, to keep track of all eonUgious diseases, and make w(k ly reports to the State Board of Health to keep them posted aa to the h'alth ami Haiiitarir rstrwiitinn nt , the.ci.ty,- Aud what pay or remune ration does a health officer get for ' all the time he spends, and for the ijibor he ierfpniiH, and for tbcctiriet. and. ill-will bestowed upon him in theperformaucw of his duty which ia for the good of all? fe answer, it -is precious ITttle. , Therefore; in coa (.'Iiision, tnay we; not ask, are the dn ties anl ; resMusibilitica resting Tip -ou a health oilicer properly appreci ated and rewarded? The Loulslaaa Latkry Wltllrawi. V-.' .-'. ' '.' a"'" -': fc'- " : '' '" Nbw Ouleans, Feb, 3. John A. jlo'rris, tlie principal owner and di ifcctxfr of thu iouisiaua State Ixittery (bompahy, will give notice in the iiewvpa)ers to-morrow morning that lie intends to withdraw hia propoai-, i,on for the recharter of the company and will Wind up ,ita business, re- tiring froni.the ; tiwld when its char ter expires in 1794. Thia action if . i lie result of the decision of the Untied States .Snpreme Court declar ing in favor of the constitutionality of the Anti-lJottery Postal law, which shuts the lott ery company out of the mail, prohibits it from sending .any t circulars or tickets through the mails, and prohibits andjpuhishea, under a ! heavy jjieualty, . -the eending of any newspapers, jontaiuing notices or advertiHemeuw of lotteries. Mr. Morris saya that he if a law abiding titizeii and Intendf to'obfy the law, and since the Supreme-Court declares that the Anti-poatAl act. ia constitutional it prccludea him from carryjug on hnaincM. Thif fo crip ples and injurfs .hu'sinesf that it il . krpjsd'ible to carry it on and pay the State of IxMiisiaria 'a. license of $1,250, WX a year. as the amendment tt i tending the. charter of the company jiroioses, without actual losar to the stock holderft He saya that should Uie.people"vote tu ex tendthe charter he wilirefuie to accept the proposi tion, ". ': ; . '' .; -o, i , . This enda forever th? great lottery war which has been waging in IOuili ana for the past two years and Which has brought about a split in the Democratic party and the nomina- j tion of two Democratic tickets. Th l: contest, lias been waging nearly three pears, and the lottery company is reported to have ex pended between .1,X0,000 and $5,000,000 in the ' tight. The proposition. it'aubmilted to the legislature was to pay $1,250, 000 for an extension of its charter for t went v-fi re years. After a brixlc light tit 'the Legislature this propoai- Was carrieJ A long campaign ioi lowed, which resulted ih - the suc cess of the pro-lottery men who ad mired a majority in the DemocrlUd Convention. The opponents 6t itb lottery; bolted and there were two Ciiveiitiong,4one hominatin MdlJA cry for Roveruor as a straighoUt DS4- ; ocraL the other Mr. Foster as anli iMtcrj Democrat " -. r ' ' .' -" -- - : ".'.A A."- 1"A:. . A-' ' 1 L