vol NO. 1. TAKBOKO N: C, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13, PRICE, FIVE CENTS! I: I ' . ' M 1 ; " - i -. i - . . . -. - - . i- ! - . r - - : ; 1 : . f t IT I 4 - I - s ' ' " - " i . t - . ' . - ' -. - ' : .1) 7 ief opinion: itKjvIh (hi hie (Falmoufh, When the farmers owned y forty Aycars -ago,' they its; legislation uilMj render- UStioJ business mfolif blo i. . - i 'ii thev ov it only 20 per wealth ot the Aeountrv. government STATE HEWS-. THE DOINGS (f oult PEOP BRIEFLY AND Happenings of S'LAIULY TOLD THE WkK CHn pfcxisEP. AI.KKKMAKI.E.---A- Boston, liii ...... - - . i ,' ' . iiuiiw uvititT --was nere .ia.t v ranenot the ou;i oi ih-fir hum, Us r!.ici,;,...i r.-. -.-A. , IS!! iini v to even oHtaiit Snl.- ' Tin: Jy are report 1 1 buying lumber ' ti ship north. of every c.)i;ira( t-The freigl aud it has b-fcosie i;f- i eci -' $.1 11 lit on t-adli ear-!o;id amount 10. IledUo gave d. Ai. R II ail Order for dni' thons-i.wl iIj... J- . I ,i ,f J :' names, uuae an itru tor i v ' . tjemur e.AYei-.s-. ;Us t tie n-ni.s. of go ver:. -j .i.pp.y K .i .....I . . .. ..! ; A of yowrj GouisiiOno. me?;f.-d out oevoud 1 your contro . i uest roved ft nice 1 well nr An iiu-en'diarv loiise H W Vour nunc s to- n'!,:. 1 n-mirr.i.o ;Mr: A.) J . I zzell. . of . e .v iailaireineiit iieni. or rbain 1 1 lopc township, ..ohdav nij II 1 rht. can- ....... 1 . ,f i tt, 1 . ' A duel with Winche.steV refle I f i. r iii- . . . ni Aibymir i .Norforl; a ) lr- M- Jaly was prevented at n.l Tiu-reaiiiile failni.-s: Cpruig.s J.lnirday night, I- oi:i . all jjarfri t f ll tl'u? timely inttrfeK-nce' o'f f riends.-4- ".-otuitrv, tlie !rprei-;sion in ' prU-es produce i-'iiji -arnuii ' the chief c-ii-v.i. ,'irhe-ie-faihirei aje th"-jrl'l! UerdUnht of ( nl'rirpt fttpeksj of di-c,i;i t tit market J t'gus de air.u lortii i .- t!;;if I h.- fr oi' i er-v m,!-ji;iM- i hierchant.s vroTi.A i jn EfiK .' A convict e capfd from the caiinn at (Jreat ViM- near eldon, last! . Katurtlny..' .-..,( lib i-ovpi'T ! "t' Sunday night -Wine, one entcmj ' , V I the .-tore of Mr. Hi J. Shields in Hot roid. Ile.was in 16.-Ie ui.(n.t!i tlieif that ho c-o'ii III do Ii tie nlund'civ Mr, Shields niisHtd onlv U tliiiL mi- hL nil t hiMigi;. -Politicians liM.t olerii,rodu-tit:t isine iuin.w' rh it Jh;it th'-v. .av Is :-'.faWv. -J ft'iits which was rtut into the dranu k of sunh-ient lV(' -Euruay ninr,.. one umli .1.1.:. t. a ; . . i i i i ' intr iiivf-Mintu . ji. iiiiie nini to puv iiii-. ut'u 31 - ti- , , - , , . . - . ncjir v eiuoiiv vta.s (lestroved ov tin the iMisines n the. Qao hm.dred doi liars worth prune and only cause ale. wrecking of lives And the people know ii1 ni;Iiliiiied coinage . ni'-d v t he evi 1. )Sv was destroyed pFrosvn.i.K. Horace AVhit.-ett I ia m.s, armed wit hi of 1 11 111 knives, set out a fjejtv davs,aro on ( .Musi t'-oni- sviillii -are' of o make fanners hc is t he ( an.se i tn;: ;: n- ,:: t)o;t its anv ce I cnii I 't'h t rvinu' U iie A Ilia ll,( of tt and i ec-k 1--.-S hiiiis.e oi poiitioa 'are iimiun alV.-hooil. T.he AHi.aii't Ire -( i'rarif, iu t he two It is tru 1 1 neighhor'si horse, .fight, 1 ndiaiiri. t lie wires and caught Hp wi th n sV-tt; when last he! ing toward Win learns that MlV V tihg his .son hack i.iovir-: imPrS:?lve iiitervi 1 ' - -i h.-'ck viii-d. AV'i th ' State i l!l t J';! ho: Wi i.son. Tht ('. AVouncr. a heei: in e.istfucc1 from' town, containing a large-quuiit if v of leaf tohaccf eendiaries one nig I'lrates. across a iiat ' L-nf hm . - - w . . . - one lower earn season ilso true that the same iy-tion in price Cotn .ears carih.-r, .when the f t he currcne v ;diis shinvn in an article this pajM i- in I)e( einlar. i ion, J'lie tli-d Flag," , . , i . v i uroi iin- r n;i:i . iron ic , '4 nit voijiliie coin- Vere replaced ha' a 1 riiT fiifin. t ne.se w Mr, Youiigaml Democrat. l'wo Peidsvjlle hovs land Edgar' W'ilf jiist.ols and howge for ! the West, i tb Their parents ;usim voujit Williams: was ; Aladiiion. Whit ml of, was liead don. I'he Revie illiams, after jjet ilioine, had. a vei y with him in" flit- p:ck iiouse of Mr mile and a hal . was urea nv , in ht hist week. " Th load which passe through Mr. Youhg's farm had beem torn down several I titn'os, and -not ici threatenihg further damage if tfte been posfod neai re disregarded i hy fJhe miscreants rd sorted f(j the tirch. The loss about $0,000,- witjh 5,0O-insurauct Atre ncc, vil io.as the rcd'.ic- nuonev I ". : lardin-iuur,, , SI : ;l'li'.;'' t lin t t h t !..) ami diu.-ine 1 I i I he A liiauce lit is ;i. iliiis-lion cash 3::-;s. mer nien mo', e- f il:e of t he won id nt itnd' all ess : of the 1 1 id i - -a.-h It Jl K 5t 1 1" KSif I .,V 1 1. day, about! one o noon, MaLryie, i , M r. and Miv. ( . rcsiues si x . liiile.i Polk connfv. d ' f rom a bfktle .which had bet a.roii nd the jiouse I The iSoison took n : Laiulruiu was nuiiisterekl all fh : but without availj i' during the night i 1 7 Mi'.". I lii-. on 1 v be 'lie by ' . - - - i nmy p ensy oi mone , ,rrtyi WK, ., i.:!-i ce ' i.f ':o:f!i! ry r (,f AIoinili A irr oil -Aim i-ion x.f beinlj i'l I !!e-e V"i over L'sf.Mo i the man1 wanted, in lieidsville ' fob -iiiool i!i:r a ciiar-maker in i'eccniboi 1S'.M. lie i E. Oti last ;Tiiui, 1 i . i I ! n , iock liv I lie a! tei uanr uananrer a Ik JlatiuHtbn. wh below ( -nlumlhu: auk carbolic aci i k-ii C . X. H j or several; rai tTect instantlv.' j)r summoned and al known antidof.i as- the liaht; die in great agon v.- hir Arthur oiis is! roifi over w Four of ere convict 'flitted. enced t' thig? froni -flVe t0te,u ti-ar. is. 1 rim a If nT GENERAL JEWS. Sn 1 1 i van has had a seri- rt lapse ai Mojnte (iaiflqj, where he iii.-cii 'endf'i rk. the la? ti'Mo "I'tkire II I.-'..'''!!' laud. ft diijiiiient ; of apple.-- frc;iLt.Iie ri;fed States !'. "ntlv in J the steam- vhich oarreis oi he last! s fHl-:ir, I 1 v.res, iler mqn died t lie f II egion o l-jlie steamer " Tf. .inc. wh Hf.ores, TJroo -iiif V news 'ate la.- ' Sue cpriroiiL'-tied cfeiw'd here o v ; VtPY lo; Th Illino ? State IndMitiT at the Id's Paid- (iroyn.ds was struck. i small eye-lohev 1at eek. wreckei boo and Hien.nrur bv 1 last -weekj and two rho tcritns of iaiirisoniieiit vm; k"fd ey C.lOVi en or lo I: recover Vv'alall I anarchists e con vit ted . .were H AT0. SATS- Goveramcnl Ownrrshie roaas. of Rail lie Is Ploascd With the Result of the St. Louis Meeting and is Cod. i fident. . 3iV or assi i Washington Post.' Representative Watson, bf (leorgia- j the candidate of the Pecpi---'& partv represehtativfes in the house swaker, was compelled to remain in ; , . -,' 3 ,,b v - , . , 1 , " ,i i ! shn Ot Jhe raureaUs, ir WashiDtou to lo-ik after the legL-;- ; , , c n i . t r i . i j- I ; ttKliroj as .snail answer i latiTe demands of his partv and did ,, i - , C. H, CREE!, 7! AtJl, KoTA. ior of 'th battle of C'artigny, has 1 died Kit. Ac was ii bn 't h e Red on btable. n bf the brder of the enlzuela i of the "Red ch itirrve3 at Watson's llvnl lks vefk, bronirht fj tlie. it volution in Ven-. it was. However. i a ! h '. cab'r ir?port.s re- rFhe r and haaf .of the Memorial Hall . - The loss lis between' :?0.(if'l(i. s 'Iwo police were iearl v killed. ubinsff-iiL wjh'is aTaiih plaving i V. u ro e, w i t b a pos s i b i li ty. of com - in? to this counfrv has satlopted an 'rTe-five plot) to prevent encores, Be- fjrr he comcj; balck hipb'n t?he stage in rpspoiKe to applhusse e 'lias an at tendant" nioijnt j tlife blatform and ch njrtlfe piano A Ht. PeteVs i reported' h mry tlispareh savs: it re that a steamer bound si ait coat . for Baku, in ea 4 with .ttvb hundred hid Cai-tro oficotton, has i alii ahoard.l It is said duf to tll) fact that greatly overloaded. Pfecaning Htillt "overshalow8 every- else in iifihlic interest. ; Last week tie was placed amqins: twenty cjther prisoncrrs andf wa.s" iflentified by fironi the T t)ie Ulack las;jeigers a Ijeeh l.ist M it I i master steamer tie tire lV vas was :rds of kholwn him undfr di!Terftt' aliases TIe Host his h ind at tack et df the peopl B quite evii isonyinced n J nsu ranee giire iii th h res a t A Lb .An liui llos. lis tb.a largt Ined am' :'l.le esrii inxvssibl 1H i: tit i a on lib itnr liiu i: A :i. AiiiY, Wash Wright colore is in at I'oiisdui.. fie is a l''S rested on the strei ,ih; i e ; : ';: ntry re-'p-udebied iVss amounting i oie i will tlo e weii'; down in tin drew a rev'.'.il ver and trie to e'vad'' 'arrest. say atik- . --re reekk-ss. and kicked i;u t .-Hid skill, 'it can ibcciinai le i-u r;es -w.hi.'ii (lie moiiey iw in . ': i. li -r ila.V by day, . ' T V- . I ' . -F . . I I ;l io I lie i'.'IIU li.1 OI ill in line l.'a'hd mil I 1 11 'r.'.: io-l r too "much for bin ted. burglaryat I horn in 'Mqkrs c make a ;sudden but the police v.ei right, commit l km A erreen nuiity at cmj)ted t orftine bv dealin with New A'4rk swindlers Aome daV a'o and -ot foi 'ie luiek 1-at : . j! uki:vvi 1 I K. commenced a prd paupers :) i the'Mct hodi?t ch Mie'st niau ! preaelu-d to larie -1 .sm San Luis'- lib , ii.il does lh '. i t lio.i t o on ter t lie I low lroi!-' is it? 'i'liesi . " ... i i ' r ii iH'slioi.:-are oi ten askcu ewiii -ay l hat .the Alii- - I :ie uo . efll 'iieio ai'miui-- - iut :u A. of t b?; people ii fnl.i. -1 t I i hc.-j.ho i .ey a r.it t i :i I .!'l ': Co '.UlUeil to . , lnurnMi''" and rrt thught Jiy the , . tand of Irish pot j Some planted sik -x'.vet up. :ice lli.t- Plie weatlier has been to- t 1 t M i cold. ami. damp n ! is to have a barre ' el is taking step.H I f'actoi v... Air. r them; .'. . . . .f Jri fton factory, and !eth4 to get. a kn.iUina 'sse W'anviv and ; i not k.ave M . t l. down h) (.ree: in on - tirieir. tu run in OA i (i t;ilice'?ilHJiit is excel km t hieve diiKirv i-oaos. 1 o i' : io; ! ions I' tin 'J.! 1; i :k w ant a . cIU-ck s'sive ' power ci" capital. Thev inks', aboii-hei o eniutenr '.wishes to loan ive aM a chance who, can. r. : . A e .ire in i he pu- e ir;i!;mr: i: unit r ovvii i a .Vlii.tn.W ici o W s tijis;To.. keen puizlil for Uionstroftitv whie -ii st '.inaclie of k coliu'ed. lie i rasi. wecK. sent for Dr. P. A t he doetln- called man siifH-ring from sick stomach lit the !elt soft: otT. In for aHnh as thev mail! a i .other a few i l f !i VS evcited. ! ' The dolctor wn,t and foani ' ai that there had 'be melni.ei s oi : sioinacii o. i ne j ' T I.. 1 ... .i C .. ceri u-.! . iiioiim niit. , " uim rH'e: Jl, mu ;i; coni!e a niemher-! A ' - i o.l dilation' I I K ece ri any poiiucai parry. - it is ; n . .one's tinker ! ; i:e natural t hat t hev 1 fo.rn"i-d. It' has e i.istr.uction and influenci' tll:lt :l S's U1rl il has n;either fee t hem in in whieh will s ! t i eir cenmtrv's i " : - ': A :.A i.i' to, a select ic4i or tins. . Tt ha? his, $:5om) a ml sawdust.; ! ' ' : lar: !iev: I 'pa (i. i-. Smith tract ed meeiinr uu uclj Sumiay, ami congregations both glit..-.,. ..It is not truckers that thd ifCH'S wiil be -Tood weeks ago are no voting Mr. Iaw siMi, of Conetoe. canul ille . Suiidavl mori ycles, makine.thd r two hours. 'I'lA h entv miles, i his 1 ftra eiipg for ofj lV7tv for. -Our people haij some. days over h was e pel led froni ntin hers wis sick am 'man . Nicholson, Wln'iJ he found the mail ose oi ipecac an niedicene and canu ininutes Ins was send were all A'erv rimchj n eypelled from tluj i t i e u t a u i os t t. 0 n jl It is bards xil it is about threi bout; as large arou ii and is perfect lj t head reseniluu e apjierrnce on ond i side as if it had I v:i aftached tightlil i io some bode. it wasIive when eJ polled. The doctor has it in alchohol The man has gotrten well. -Progress, 1 i;ec (In o. 11! r mi an! ;i:0,(!H(). loss to ( Many of their tiffiy eopIe who had leadiwlieu dliijs happened ana truckf one or two who identified him. It. Jlent t-hat Deeming is at nis face its run. eavoring to yesterday's but owing men aye en losses .by Difl-eans,' er' o; ew ulinifiei - w hi' "IMS h privatr Cltltes pert v ot nt iv w h l..-r had t Te iii:ii a deli ai uriis ol; el t eertai (lerma u "olv anothe njeruan. wt properf- , i ie! ;-er never oi I- Aiexicaa .wi-e i v hi? r. 1 fi ;i t i. I wil! 1- cCo 1 1 .O! rt fiii Tru dwellings tlieit insurance, anv i ; ' e at;- the bresent time t . hs esrim?itei xo-uav insiiraiK'e ilivs oil both fires h will sKvell the ac-idehtblyiver,000,-j ilei ha v e icen t h row 1 1 niej bv he fire and Vrhaps there is no otherjuestiou ieniaiid of the St. Louis graud ubly of the organized !lalxr of k count rv that is dearer to the' le of Dakota aiiil the Northwest own er as muen purpose d the i of our a rain 1 mail i nai u i ii? e a erninen he Te)Ult'elUelit..f f t!iiV):-ti i ji-ec-es-inril v l . .3 tii -.t T i . i Til l'i T . . .lAllVi .Sl'.Vl till nor atcenu tne nt. j.oius convenuon. i . j. . - . , , , . , ..ii l ciiif li illl-iU IJli fi'irb4r-' mor ' - earnest in nis, approval .oi an ' i ... v Ccfi rno. mort , i i . odiitv, tvhrcn nrie irmt to ..... . . - . T . , ' S urodticinir section, t here to re.' we take and thiuks that the various - nidus-, ..., . .. . , . , 1 the .privilege of often nc; a few trial organizations are uo'.r . tairlv t, ) ; : - ,' , , .. , . , ! tiioufrhts on tins rjufstion which ha united on a common plattorm aud i . - , , , . . . . . . . been go uiiainmousl v endorsed bv the into one punueai party. "The result of the St. Loin i above named convention. aid we. mav 1 ,. - , . ,i i i remars at this point tuat there 13. vention, said he '"has been a revela-i - ... , ,. f , ., ,. , '., ' i.e-t the frtwid feeii-iLT toward this 11011 to ine oiu poiniiuans 01 11m countrv. Thev have been predicting j ,;s zor weeivs now we were to meet- ai St. Lotiis,iight Kilkeuny cats, . and then go to pieces and retire demor alized, bttit nyt a single one of their -1.1 1 i . . . . 1 ouesuon. ami ine ue?i-cvfci svmpauiy farmers ot the izreat , North vvesr. , among their fellow .fanuwrs of the . flast; a'i there would be and o.isrh-io i, if. thev of the Past could nikater-General wants tm jgire 113 far mers' a better and more serviceable pdsial syeteni, nv increasing the goy erhinent emplojes double; their num Inri But thre ar peojile ' and pa Kirs who can swallow anything la bfJled Piepnblican or . tefaiocrat. In ccjnclusion, let me say for our people hre in South Dakota that we are ahie to the great struggle which is gding on, and which grows more ter rile as time passes, anid next . Xo ve'in her this State w ill be delivered over .in to the hands of itsjf riendiaud wfth a sweeping majoritiy will takd its place in the independent cbmiUj tajking as oar watch word of Patrick lie'ury, f'Sink or swim; live or die; sif rviye or perish;" W. are for" a fiiveriihient of the pedple. Jay. the people, and for the people. x - . v . fW-s - ; The First "Crank." Golden Uavs- - No word in the English );lauguage lis been more abused than "crank." It is tieiuentl'r applied to a crack- 1 bjrainad, visionary fellow, who is a predictions has been realized With less friction thau is . enc :o rtuo red the usual national con 'ention of either'of the old parties,, our people representing almost a score of -different industrial and reform organiza tions, have met afc St. Louis aud agreed upon a platforni and declara tion of principles .which are agreea ble to us all and upon which the fisht will be conducted all along the liae and in every state in the Union j iu-1 the .coming' campaiArn. I feel greatly encouraged -by thsfact that all these, industrial organizations coming 'there from different parts of the country, eacli with its favorite plan and principles, were yet able to be harmonious, to pool their issifees, and to make one declaration com- .J ii .11 '!i. l. . -ii .. . .1 ... . iifoii 10 an, wuicii win appeal waiiJi- ly to tne reiorm sentiment 111 trieir county. "f regard the-platforni as a very strong presentation of su.bstantially the same principles which have call ed these1 various v organizations into four tim: in. i 1 1 coS 1 j 'us s as muen our irrain to mrirket as lrom Per m it f armors of the' bust u nder th moiiojiolistic system' of the braille. 1 haves-aid it costs - uul, ! hree m j act everyuiiug lie to hiju-1 ban it d liiers. thiee to eto get does the present-freight the West to four market oal, and brought far- tbru tanners 1 times as much per -mile . to in. si 1 -.rod uce, and 10 -fi.! Ins-ci e Kastcrn And to'shojv that this is the ' ract,' we uiii say that wfci: fljit- writer j came to i ikota be' . i.iid osr goods I .shipped from the'Kasr to jAhieago, j.ist half wav,. just one-thirdjiis much I as he dil for the second ha In or from 1 'ili-easio to; Batit Soidji 1 lakota. i apnles and bucK- haveillso shipped wheat tlour over the same mad, and always one-third lss at ( 'hiciago than front 'Chicago :o latli. liv this is so we w ill leave for others t liaji us. to i say. - j " Now the first point we wish . to make is this: If the edpU', which. I., fl... ...... ,,...i,umt' .11 I ( I 1 i . l ii thl . 1 1 . -1 1 1.-5 Lii 0l.l II llll.;u. C1IVII lu ..! existence, and upon which we nave . - , v , , f. ; Vli:i. , , ' ,. 1.1 1 x-- . 1 roads, evervbody would tane alike. been educating the people for the . f l 1 , -i, llltt tl! (Mil. JJl. k tine ct.t.vi. .J last four or five Years, and it w ill now ; , 1 . - . .- -. ..i-,-!. 1 .. . .1 lueet- some ot the oojectious which, liitiuiauvi iiiv iini diii jvi ovyi.bijv.iii 1 1. r 1 v, ,il,. ...... . .. 11 , hue brought torvvard bv the piuto- duatnal organizations of all classes! i;(i,;j,i'a,f Ul 5lltllic iiiioj ULUiauu I had, myself, no doubt that this re sult would be reached. jSeither of of 'roads irojet-ted ul j: t he i foorfr clasacHl- especially, ;n is to be n4ted.. 1 ''" -' t . has ;i -tsep over the ids. II itlleij who 'died :e eii route t?) tsiljrornia arye interestis in ;.iesi- ieil a .rxiefin ladv and 1'CAidenee the will in b-ura. ..: bv.il IS oX'rtics I to jChi Id ren hS-rettiforei " unknown. .y'iife ; lias appeared, an ho claim apportion of . ;il;tiier. she claims. in.. tine i-niteu urates an t .-i siiied. from! .her there. iiT tb, Vt-i- 'U-jraV spotise. Widow tueAvifl. Wll!-il liCl'intleSS Mill ori'ilied 'of hri'Uirn aft si I n . tboe W FiKsh r "b. iiostjal f. hi Ihoi IH-rs en? !v W 1 11 1 'arkhursi i n tjlle ! ret. t re all writb ; priis't je'ct ive 1 1 luc;;.- jeHcrs. (an sou-niess are one person. ignt O'.i. i 'C .eoi feliii' Us' service I Sou vt.l fate bn t evi- 1 py one -person. ir. afraid' he will be killed iiibt.1 The letters 1 mi one l; niu 01 statiou- v, -.1 me handwriting. !so" i'.iaileii :yt; tlie same datibn.l 1 fie f-hirosrraphv. ndlv dii'guised, is Kit -A of hn educated 1 i-i are v. Sam art. of opelK a- l-i i l, li ti-! til iew s vi wart-house SlOtl, w 1 :ie, aim i v :ces hurches in ng jtliese m linlSin iu t i Jo S 1 1 'ri - he tii Lacliii:ir a n l da 1:111 C 1 alii t; v Sam 3 01 filling HMMi h A lid Kit! ! 11 Ne vas neve e enco er.be fori' ? o larue he Beth. !th -Bet he sive ! v hart Iii mgt n,:g e in trot anion? uava pat Tali nnetv iti v 1 v will al ts famoi; to be th i!! Ik? tb lieat.s 11 t oe m:ii and feet. i .reat siniilia J. 1 nn a a u'v,.-.i in list's 'Acs h:w b.-en lie -Ip't-i-sisfs" '' in the cru e ha - pushe'- with such ile -.hi; oeen 111- -s. .n.Utliby Rev. Mr. ine-ver. j- and Prof. reviv;jl nietitig in k. A '.-tlarire cotton kvn t'ttecj- 1111 ror the ats for !vi: thousatid '. ksxcetHhas a choir WYU.l life Methodist city ahf.elosed 'dur gs, thectiingregations ie revival services. 1 tu-re hifee t iines daiiv. Stan- : aprehfitum to-night said in his sermon ran a inljetiiig under 1; 1 1 1 1 : tr. -oiiicnmsian ces. iik Au.usia's historv 1 't ' i: 1 -1 . w tfinvu asstKiuneu . at a lei ll ern i roir pompany, ni. Pa., wall make an bit. iticlutlinsr steel ip sj-aftipg 125 feet Ms i'l-oiecinrs, an armor ciLdiini: 1W tons, and piiancesi 'the com ect a f.ull size model !-4" toti steim hammer, st in the -world. kit ill cv 1 avenue a peamt?es a perfect erv respett. it win ot .MactnRerv miles were in. .the' Western tile oraii it-eoiiiiti-y, and if w include Ohio: In'diafea and we wodld hav 1. . T ,i..ia il.-.J. il. -kl....- nave 1 any udiiui uitai nix- jiunua . - . , ? 1 11 , . J -ii 1 t 1 4. - ii nient nine billions ot dollarb to pin - convention will keep 'right 111 the 4, -, A . u e if :vi.n, ;...A.. ! chase the railroads thev say it IllIlALlI,v3 O L HIV .lUlUj JIJvllllililLO U-U- ceptablc o-vmdidatfes, J and that from the official beginning of this movtv nient at St; Lf-jiirsl we will have a brilliant -campaign which will bring the people into a ihore thorough un derstanding of thel principles of their government and tne changes that ought to be made than this conn fry has known since the foundation of the government. l"The On'.aha convention will put -.into official party shape that winch was-agreed upon at St. Louis by a convention of non-partisan orgii,iza tions. Putt it follows as "a logical conclusion that the eampaig n 'put on foot at Omaha will have to be ba.sed substantially' upon the plat form enunciated at St. Louis. I t-.'o.-it that the Omaha convention w-ilk merely teiterate fhe declarations of tho St. Louis convention, and that our platform may be said to be even ifow practically before the people. "As to who the candidates of the People's party will be," continued Representative. Watson, "1 really cannot say, tuit I think the candi date for the presidency will be some man who has been well ...identified b tand - a fid fully appreciate the liusance aud a bore, whereat '. its proper rueauing;i3 that of a enthusiast- on one particular subject, which osr niay. not ;be Visionary. The ori gin of the name dates back to 1835. ' j In that year, Morse - the inventor o.f the telegraph, first made his ap pearance in Washington, and when Congress met he.was on hand to tryto secure an appropriation: of seventeen thousam dollars to build an experi--iiiental telegraph line to from Waslis iiigton to Baltimore, j He brought tdong with him his wires, instruments and electrical geaerator. . 'I'he former be stretched, in and .irdiind th Capitol htiilding, with ilnstrunients here and there, and the generatdrv which was operated with at crank, he'placed in ;a convenient iocation and secured the services of a nan to do the generating. x The experiment created intense iu fjerest among the members of Con gress, especially among the- northern members of the Senate. . They be came eo absorbed in Mr. Morse and his experiment, anTl , they neglected fheir business in the Senate to such in extent, thit that body was fre quently without a quorum.- , . The center of their 1 interest wag the crank machine turned by the I man in his operation of generating the electric current for the wires. Irhe iirterest increased as Mr. Morse each day-more clearly demon-' fctrated the practicability of his in vention, and the public's business in the Senate suffered accordingly. ' Finally Senator Benton's patience bt'camle exhausted at the want ot a yuorum, and, rising" ill the Senate one moriiing, he, said: j "Mr. Pre:3b dentit is quite evident to my mind phat we will never be :able to pro But the puu'jjose of this artnj-le is' to cratic press at its birth. .-First we are met by the object ion, it would cost tin) govern- vrould bankrupt the goveriliment, it never could pay for the roads. . Let . -. . s- . , ,.- i .. . .. .-. us cousmer tins oiijection lior a mo ment. We find by the ctrnsus 1880 tl:;it: the total' mileage! in this count rv, running, j and. under construction, wja.s 128,-V-M miles;" we also find thait 59,413 States or e should Iichigan cansider.ilblv- over half of Iiie hiileaire- of roads hi the orairie coiintrv. but we will lkot count T. S. SI PRE.ME 0tlT. --, : , .A-f ;'.- : . ;A Decision in. an Original Packaf Case Aireriif l the Liquor Dealer The "Original packages" s rcae which anUnlates the lowax.-as herer tbfore decidetl ia the United States Supreriie Court w as aecideddast week. I 'i-e - ' . : . ' . j-.. ... . 1. ' ., . 1 nils case as apjeaieu uvui uic mont CknirU n- 1780, but 'was "-not His&ed with fhe same vigor s was th1 Iiwa -a St. Ji)hn C'N'eil was a liquor deaUr jat; Vliire 'Hall, New York, lit- received orders for liquor by'; hiail and o-th.rwi-e from IJut 1'aud, Vermont, and vicinity, a pro hibition locality. He . shipped hi,? gtnxls C. 0. I)., and . p;iynint was niade on delivery. lie was indicted for violatidA of the lafw of the ; State rbi: of Verniont, forb sale of i n tox Jean ta. ing unlicensed The trial re sulted in hU conviction of -'457 of fenses against the law, "and fines we're rolled A up to thej amount of $9,1 40 aiid costs. One - mouih's im prisonment was also ordered with ad ditional imprisonment In" cjc the fine6 Ver .uot paid. His conviction was sustained by the higher Court of Vermont. O'Xeil appealed; to the U. S. Supreme Cou rt and . th'irf Court - decided against O'Neil and dismissed The writ of errors holding that the sale took place jn A liutland, Vermont,' and not inshite JIall, Xew York, and that theije was do federal.' quest ion- in vol ved Of the vio lation of the Inter-State' : jConimerte clause of the Coiistituthm. Justice JCield and llarluud dissented. A Coming .tlonarcli. . iiese lie. iu on xy estiiiiat) , . 1 . 1 L J 1; is a well-known laci nun lue roans through t ins section di:l, not cost,- for track, -over .$8, n-H) per mile, h-l C :i I lowed : ) 0J' i ef nil A'.tio iiiik;3', and that would make tiieaa cost Ao;J 1.1 30,oo;. ' (1 will say here; ilia-t ' act-ordinsr lo the Now but we ? for the with this great revolt against the ex isting state of affairs some man wh. has made sacrifices for it, who is known for the fidelity jwith which he has servedi in this cause; and Pthiuk it is quite necessary that sticlia man sliould have a barrel.: I think the the best .. 1..-. ,i.v.-.- ..iV..llf lllil UUlIlOiliy HO. C !- "f""" 1 jjv same mileasze of railroads" ljluilt and runtiing as we had . hi 1880 built, ju-ojected and umler. construction.) Now in group 1. 2, 3 and5, which embraces tlie. rough . and mountain ous 'country, we have 69,o0'7 miles, 11 - : . ! . S -".I. . ui owinLr -i Ue very nu i-.i'S ii,.;- r.uie to buiit tne cost- or- the roaas, w-jviyn i i, y".2 lO.OOl)'. -Adding the! two we rul sinh of 130,- irack we have re tl !)'. ..I thk total of. ,o7,3,10.000. ferriiiV to the (-ensus we Utemriit: i iSosti r puuif.moiit SllS,lH5,4.rvS Vaive oX-lliij.s ;uid- i.iiildinn.s. . . Jl',:r.,Slj only question should be. 'Is hedtlent- f 'ivraph lnv? :'i'l iii.i.--ei:ai.eiu8rJU.io,i- 1 .3- otiier coiixjKniies ......... j:j4."J'.00,132 .Making a irraml total cost ''of every , idle of railroad ::J,05O.llK,l.3r.. But nanus tnat nus govern- i!ied with, us: is he a man of good standing, ami is he a man of broad ability, fitted to lead a campaign as a presidential candidate?' I do not !l think that our Success depends on) nient sbould'pure lase every mi la of the amount of boodle that we put in J road. 'This idea A as concjeived in the campaign. We arc not a party l he fertiie brains of some! chronic of boodle ami corruption. I believe j objector, and the plutocratic press has witii one accord .seized upon it. aud have built upon it a "st raw man'" which-' thev are trviiisr to knock i.v'iiii mik! dn.iiib w hen-e thev long that our strongest plan 01 campaign would be to appeal straight ami frankly to' t he sense and conscience of the- people, and to avoid as far as possibletha machine methods of-the boodle politicians against '. whom we have raised this revolt. beed with business" till this crank plan and Ids bill are; disposed of; ijind, with the ' object I of hastening him to fold, up his drank and get away from' the Capitol! so we ayiy have the attention of the Senators', I hiojve that t he bill j (appropriating eevjenteen .thousand dollars to con struct a line between . this city and iBalfimore be put on its; passage.' As soon as word went out that the bill had 'been called up, the'northern Senators flocked into the chamber, and in a few minutes; Mr. Morse was happy over -the passage of ' his 1 i 11 - A Jiut from that time on he was known as "Morse the Crank." f New York World : V A . ,.A Recent reports from Samoa de- Lscnbes a situation of affairs that; i full of promises as wellas- -of .-interest!" - It is said said that Mr. ltobert Ixuiis StevensoiiAi the well known friend of the South Sea Islanders, haslobtained a hold on he affections of the Samouns which render his po sition in every way exceptional,!-and to such a situation there should be only due legitimate linal. '. The simple --'inhabitants of those romantic islands cannot., .feel any more sincere 'affection for Mr. Stev;; enstih than he has Ishown for them. Ilis deep interest in their welfare has been placed beyond quistiou, and if his meditation . will, be ac cepted as a settlement of their diffi culties,' he may be able to do "for them what would otherwise be hope less; he may In? able to . save these lovable people from the doom of ex. temination , hich hangs ever the races of the Smith Sea Islands. . . Of couise tliey kiiow1 r.o other govj. ri oiuint than that of a king, and. Mr. SteTeusoi! would have to accept, no matter how unAvHlingl Y the hon ors of rovaltv. It would .not. b an UcbecomiBg elevation and huniani Would rejoice pyer the ireservation fof an otherwise ' fated race through the -intervention' of a 'monarch chosen f rom the Republic of Letters. Not Antageeistic. The impression that the National Farmers' Alliance '-attempts to- op- IIkalti 1 1 ) Kir a in 31 i:nt CONPCCTED 6V IR , P H rSl P EST-' S r Afl' K , 1 fi Z. or Hru NV.'J. TH Tne Kelaiin of Dhnkl! H ater Ts Snie infectious "riseaes B Y TII EOK LP S M ITH inuton, I In diictu health,' tii svu pi'. 1 .t-.;lt-i:t C have to 'facf two ek (ine class iimis-tir,'g easilv alaiiijed bv Trhich revttill'lH'ssible i - -. - - habits of lif e. A not'her class, tepn s est reuieT tqic.011 raged nothing sf'iituis ha far under prevailing play an Hiiriini i- utiioun ! me to :I: I ' 1- V -. h- Mdui i:v.l V " ;..j ' .-ms of by-rA.. . i-i: ,' .1 t Iio's,r : mo art1 ii v t! -el- i.resi langvr-s in tueiT' I. iM ron menu nting tb; o'her by the fu t tiiat haj'petievi tlnis eondii io: ii$- .iii- gros mi 1 '. nee. v- 1 1 . , Ullu m IK' e.ui'ts difTerence iuid even The invent igntor is such as an alarmi-t. theory for ev ptriencn thetooyn at the anirvUMi F t t ires 1 . '- T the crejU tires of his liut the' iadvancrs means sngirested for human lite, should from either of tl 'Phey can, at best, p and if they succeed few -lives twh vear death, the com pen: and outlay is a'mpl from this middle-' pi 11 d tne tol lowing r;iu.t:jk:i at e I he lnmiertfS Hn s- ' ' . (line htrides w Inch tiav !! -n -s .' : in 11 the lastjeiirht or tea ca,. in the 'e'tl of infect iotis or cJurnm n.i( a eases nave demon! rated', tluit wn int-a iit'.x 1011, -.-made and; l he the p' '! .'.i-'ii of not I loido-it at ie&e sbtuc ipf s. oceed bli. si ly in s; iru ly a from pid'-ipat u ro at hill AbOr ' '.'..,,;; A- It ii - .. .. X hat sideraole nainber iftM'ch n.; i- .'.. .i,. -1.... . i J- .1. . :..J. .. . are d i ivct 1 v d u e 1 1 the Ihnly by spet iti kl bar leria. Otfile naturally it . bcai.4t am me on r eu ri te 1 m learn .-whet her ?ny parasiteH uiuy le nutnlierless harmlJ live in the water anil fh in suriace 01 ine nouv aiu! the digestive tract of animals. In gem 1 uumerous. patient t tions have. thus far Disease gernis.do !ii't..ei-il iti-o.ur eii- vironnient 111 nundsri siOrn iecr to be iletected bv the "wet hod A of 1 acuef i- a .con-...die the ; ill vm-J .! of. liecyssirv to ex tligs in order to oi" these micro- found Aiiriong the v t bactt ri.. t hat ;i .1 t:. on tne L tl.- i.iough mail and 5l .t he re- It- of y in massed oiiverya- p.ovrd i.egati Vie. ohigical researelii. constantly p rest jit, Tie. ew lb.it are and Silver as Uloney. V,- F R A " CES (J. NK W L A N PS, BKKOIIK TH K. HOUSE C CKM MITt E K OS t'OIKAOB. The United States'Agnorantly, but none the less effectively, .was the first nation to strike down eilyer by the act of 1873, not only denying .silver, of "which it is the jirincijVl proilucer, coinage in'ita iiiints, biit depriving it J of its legal Umder quality. The re sult f the action of the united States was that Oennan v denionetied. sil ver a'fiw months afterward, and later on pose the farmers agaimst other' in- j thei countries of the Latin Union, rerests is wrong. .JVo intelligent finding Ccnuany was throwing her member of the Farmers' Alliance i Bilver'iutj'their mints, -finally stopped wisnes to uo any sucn . tiling. v e hjil'ver coinage, I he hnancial de- andT878 fol- tization resulted ..... w .v, ..j ...... tutci i.iji ir.iu, 1 ire 111 are not antagonistic to the great mass ; pression betA'cn 1873 -anti of laborers of the country. We are lowing silver demoneti.ati in sympathy with labor. Everything that will elevate , thei; workingman, give .him Tietter conditions of life, better wa-ges and a happier home, has our support. ve are inot antagonis in the liland-Allison act, fully re storiug silver ijs legal tender money, and partially restoring .it coinage quality. Two international cdufer- iences had been held since then, re- tic, to the merchants and business men-j suiting in n tolling. It Was hhmiliat- of 'the lamb We do not attempt to f ur to, an ! Ameracan to, read those become merchantg; that influential 1 conferences proceedings and hud ...1....., i.i. it- 4-t.;i . ,1 -. r . - 1 . - ii ' America 111 tne position aimoni oi. a It is Time to Act. For a hundred years, even in the most favored nations, tendency has beeir toward centers,'' where the enor mous pressure of population h is crus-heil millions. Who sunk beneath the surface never to appear except in the records of almshouses, crimi nal courts and mortuary records. In thje 'face. of this ccdossal tragedy of the.Xineteeth century, men playing the roll of statesmen' -have gone on enacting laws that intensify' the, con gestion and cause many more mill iolis to writhe in agony. Such is the effect ofAhe fcKinley bill, and of all Liws i li'at . authorize the govern men t to take monev from tlie many ami give it to a few. It is idle to spin fine, argumehts to show the' advantages of these enactments, so long as tlie number of those- who cry for bread in the cities is'iiicreased and the-poor victims from the out sideare drawn into the vortex with irrisistible force. Loud and angrv ttown ami oemoiisn wnt-iie caii drop the tariff question enough io throw a stone at the idiot ic scheme of tlie" nioss-bacj'ks. A e flunk if the-govern men t should own the three roads across the cont inent, with perhaps here and there; a branch it would be all that -is net-essary to sec-ire -protection 'lb -the- 'great agrir w no are so heavily essed, bv th - tax which thev now cultural class V'PPi have -.to pav get their jiruuufu to mar ket. operating th Should this be the I plan of road, then "what have M- i .k : 1. 1.... 1, .....1 v. e: 0 ijavq 111 i ne ueiy iuuoi hwu id iifteen thobsiiud miles ' of road whieh the 'government would pur chase.. -' Figuriu'g it at flieir actual cost' wouUranidji-nt' to -f 84,945.000, aihiwing .f "','. 5 i'-t 'per mile t r epiip iiing f he rootl, lauds, and Aulding3, andAieiegraph lines, and. miscella .ueous, w liicii is the .cost per mile of the roads as given in the census- One other objection is this: They say that it would .create .-itch an army of gqvernmeut employes ' Lati the partv" in power could, never ted of its j;ewer. We will tins objection very briefly, trespass oh your time or spaJ '.iuer; I tind bv tlirf- census that. there are employed - in vice of the railroad ll.SO'J ii.cltiditi '.erytl.i-rig, froin class whose bttsiu'ess it is to attend to the trade of this cotahtrv ia neces- i sary to our, common well being. . We S i -i' .j - ill s. no not wisn to pun uown an institu tion w hen we cannot substitute some thing better. We feel that the in terests of the merchanits and of the farmers arc indentical, and the mer chants have our hearty co-operation. We appreciate the services of ;the mercantile men Strange' as it may seem, we are also in hearty sympathy with the capitalists. . jWe recognize tne services of these men to the conn try aud know that without them we could not do business. So we would not injure them. We sympa thize with them and Awe know. the value of capital rnauy times bj its jabseuce and, would net interfere with its distribution. Jmji capitalists iftr'e ivt necessary bad men, and one whose principles prevent I his falling into injustice is admirable. ' ; -We extend our sympathies also to the ministers and lawyers and doc tor? be diver consider and not ein vbur report the sen iHjrsons, rr eident cleans spit- Tliis would as the protest of the farmers is, it. i nothin"- to the anguish of the Toor -- c - .c7 - . - -i needlewoman, who daily, in spite of ; down to theman wno nolntnl ntid imrtimittinrr ' tni!. fur I iiKHS in our stations. . - lT J.j. ..1 . il. . -i .!... , t-i.i..u3 ormn iiif (tl t t to al fieif'bt ot t awav ironi sunngui mm m me t-i- inair i-r'-'i"- " ' y----- A the lastl Pails exhi- i pense of health, sees i her children j thousand miles at three nidii to the ttl nnon was Httracted ! sinking from suffering into infamy, j mile) 4o,ooo men. The same press i b.-.. .- Viii-n ir the ' it is no wonuer tnai in ? nonunion 1 inat..aic sir4iiul -" 'i4"--- - 1 aiid professional men of thecitv jof Chicago na', even -to the politi cians of Chicago and: we sav, "(lod speed every good work." Every movement for the suppression of yice, crime and degradation has the ihearty ' co-operation ofjthe National ibarmers Alliance. -1-restdent Fow lers' Annual Address; 1- -o-fvorllk but ivpr'iventing'onlvi like that some, poor souls savs there lammer. 1 is no God. W. G. Cooper.; progress was jmade last Week in gettinkj the steamer Missouri loaueo wnn me nour anu meai 10 oe sent for the relief of the fa mi ne stricken peasantry of the eastern txjr- ptiou of European Russia, j It is reai- . ' i 1 - . 1 t 1 : 1 - -11 otianiy certain inac tne ve?sei win sail Saturday for Libha, in the Bal tic, the port at which the cargo is to be transferred for the Hon? haul by of government delight in the em p I oyes take great fact that, our Post- rail to the Mountains. foothills i of the Ural supplicant, begging European - iia- tions to help.; her to restore; silver which she was the- first to strike down. All persons realized A that this i the . age of -'combines" and trustsi As'" . ' . "' . . ' in t h'- sod which -are'.- prcswnkddy the agent i producing ccr.taiuriforiiis 0 -s ip, ration, septu-aemia, 'ami fAais, art little to be Teard, except ing4" l'y the. surgeou. during opiratioiis, j'lg'r.ig from the comparative inl rc (A -iicy of these diseasts. Jhi the ot her hand typhoid-feyer Lernii; im veAjxLui .Am hd a" mini bet' of times, within ! -cent rrf"try e a reK) ' 1 ' 4l-'a re h ing iispeet. ed d riii k 1 ng-waWl!'i n 1 1 .( ; ' !1 1 ', inediatvlv after - epiWtO- 'v" !l fun ml if 11 i-iiiir h i SiN'sl'ii 1,4..1 u f al? ."r T. .;. . T,"Vi'.'t cutta J during his re.-earcheiJ'; , in 1781, cholera hpiriikiTWl1- ' water bf a tank whiic.h was,; at ;li..A -time, the cciitre oT a loeaiit 'l hoie r epidemic. : ' ' . The scriipulotis' care ,v hi Ii -f was exercise 111 tlie selection ;iud .p'rrpara-'. , tion of our fiod conira -ts -tro.-iely with th.e indifference hj -li i - hibi- b.ul with 'regard 'to. tlje vit.r f -drink'. Miiny of oiir large cire-i, are supiied with rivet- Water whfclv not ' only rej reJe n t a 1 1 ie re si iftw 1 if a 1 a ge, but also diltted ..sewage; of large coiumutics and the refuse of uiann factorie8. We do not. he.Atate to cou tuiiio this in its rawest t ate, though we have learuel to ajmly s'i.eat to most, othor ftmds. juot nn-.n ly as a preliminary aid to dijr;t too, but al so to destroy any deleterious matter which may lx attaclied to or nicor- porated witli them come generally acc? thorities in hvg-iu Simpson oa iosibie Candidates, "In. my opinion," said Kepreset tive Alerry Simpson, of Kansas, ''General Weaver, Of Iowa, is moat likely to he the People's ; party can didate for the presidency. At any rate, he has tip to this time been the man most discussed in -that connec tion. But I would not be. surprised if "the'scntimirut i n favor of Ignatius Dolinell v assumed forniidable pro portions, tie developed greatfctrength QUt at St. IiOuis, and the preamble to flit platfo -m (which was written by him; is, in iny opinion, one of the roost vigoroiii? and at the same tiine classic prcfluctions of modern Itftera ture. That preamble has won.' Don nelly many friends, and he willbe a prominent candidate, if he desire the nomination.' . "A 9 a matter of fact, 1 do not think that Weaver! really caret for the nomination, although he seems to be a favorite and i-the man most talked of araohg te' Farmers' Al liance eople. I tbinlc there it "no question but that jPrtidei.t Polk, of the Farmers Alliance, will be the candidate for vice Preside-nt" Newspaper Interview. , '. 'A At the earliest jssible moment work is to begin on the colored Ag rictiltural and Mec hanical College at Greensljoro, and the plan is to have it in operation by the time the all term begins. Ex. . It has how be- pted ainong au . t hat water e jii- tain ing a lafg, iiuinber of bacieria should not be used! as a !cvcragA un less previously boilbd or tillered. The bacteria are evidence that fie; water represents surface jdrainag-, 01 filter through a very porous soil m re or less imjiregnafed with orgaiyii in tt ter ia, diving bactj-rta. ,'l'h.AJ it ia now known, live in the la.rge.Ji r-n em bers near the iserfaee of the -.oil. , At a depth of from njiw to -f we! te fet they are" either tntirely absent 'or present in vervf-mall nuuihrs, . W niu.it .wsuijij, then, thai water whicli in its flow '((ver or through tha soil becomes -loadk-d " with a large ntlniler of orgahisuis jijuV, '-.11 nder. certain circiUnitarj5ef gath'-r up di- scas germs for a short and tii tis act. as a vehicle f inie, ' estiei.iaii v d ,1 ring epidemics, s Thc-dtisea-'e :A rms may be widely distributed before they perish. Tie; maia'ilie 'whicli .ae now know Ufe 4-hicil v krarirottt- d in this way- arc Aoiatic chok ra, tvolioid- . fever, and d.vu Uric uffe: tloo. ' The hx-alizatiorMf tht-Jte uiww in the digestive frract "makes it ettr-.-mely probable, evenif, tacte'iiotogical evi dence were 'wanting,' tluu-the f pecrihe bacteria are in tfod need by vr iy of the mouth witli food; and drink. In - .jiatic .fhoJera the spirt Ha, now gen-, rally accepted M tlifati3 are found iif the ihtestines oily.' fn ty fAioid fverUliey:airtj not tmlj- jnSsent i I the : intestines, but jenetrat. thenc? into the interna . orgins, ; notably . the, spleen. Al)ysenterip Hsea-ei "hare; 5 not yet Vu thoro ihly "lud.ed, j that positive facts are- not at'.'- Hand,!.: bat they &o are,;wjthottt-'.dnIj. caused,bymicio oranisuilintrodli :k with the food arid . .drink. i" tni-.-si cholera neJ nov -liiim ourair-.tiHiot. aiDce it is to be hoped tht It v.-j;i tx A gain a footliold iiiour uwn K-jiAry?" h Whatever shall be paid i.u this :iti tele concern ingthe relation of dr;i.King water" to di-ase, will apply vith. even greater force "to tlU ma lady , shonTd it ajq--ar in . our . . midst. : ' m ' coirTiNUEP ix otK'Jsrtxr.Jv '3 f 5 ST I Ao '(" inatter i A- i tf ta

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