; ':'-t "-":'-:-:"ij.-v rM X. X- P) i- Lc- i"-'-- .' .i ilfi ;Jf ii-mVAB-mfev jriil V xJJA lick If 1 i VOL. 2w ,U. - i. ., '". t 1 i . ' , r-, .- , r- -. : , : . - - , , . . Ml' - I ! : : - raafii: I BRIEF 0?!H!0HS. J.l st ut thU timp th.ne iscins to J) muuh cU k-Oi.s Rniongtbe lAinily tbov'II laKr j:""1 l03s o "physic and gtt right 1 I '., Tin: Xtiou,:t Economist pi April 30tli oijtuii'.'.'tl an aMe amf conTicc Klkorial on the . Onsiuial pUnk ill tb Lou i platform. - There ate no ablfir writers on reform ques tions in iliis country than those who write U- 'lifirals for the E'-ono- STATE HEWSJ . ! , THE DOINGS OF OURi PEOP LE BRIEFLY AND pLiIMLYTOLp. Happekings Of THK CINSED. Wkek Cpx- Kitty Rogers, a white boy em pi ed tr Mr. J. 1L iloody, Lad an cnt made in his head Friday bd piece of tia.ber with two . nails in falling from the upper ; piaizza of tlije American House npon nja heaa Ihe Laslne has been much swo by the recut heavy rains and aDron on this Bide of the .new brillsse lei the .UONuriJ-HSMAN Liv.ingstou wjll hae a 'hearing before the committee in the li-MJs.- on the Snb-'i'reasnry bSH .which, "1 be icccntly introduced. He ay:' be will make a desperate fi'bt lor the' enactment, of 'the bill ihU law. V'e ti -istt.iathisiettortswiVl not U'liintvailing. ; ' ; ; If tb- vliUr of t'be Wiliningtou Mwiiya Is! not ery careful ho will havo a eii.--o." u -tvous prostration. Ile.scH'iiM't'j "k: very miensy about th. ; political affairs and .i entertain. it everything. will go to the an'ie iheinafses haye a?sitniad the uisinhgehi.Mit of )o!ticB fur. thm- was washed nu. : It sliould ins bo securely down. Windsor Ledger, tii fear devil b .Notwithstanding the cold sp tha tobacco plants; are doing many of them being large enong transi) ant. ; If the weatner is sti blc, planting . will ; conixnence week The 1 toefc y Monnt ; provemen. and Mannfactnring has sold 'lots-on the Nashville rlacl, near tlie falls, to both theMeihf- flist aml Rantiet clmrches I of place, oil which substantial jchurJhes will" be at . once erected. IttJekv Mount Argonaut. Mr. Edmund Ksts, aged letwee;n 75 and 80 .rears, died at ihis hinje 11 p4- Iff- ins' .1 . .1-. . i.T UVi -ycarai.- taar me h in in . 'exUtenc-2 its - ucte.i in linitv upon nk.it t. rs t na er- e.--ntiar. in c iir-o ot -I'UiC i.j .. el re a n n p r-;3 pen ty. . c:r.fer of action if o aLOOMipiis'hed. Let 1 every uienibi.- o t s -Order c in.ihvnt- n.ii.d. ; .Tint ii:'.ii ' 'AMiunci. !r'i members U.i tna 0 .Ot ti-.il to their There must. -anything is.;t vt-r a-" 4"M on John's fiiver, above Cbiirlettsv last Wednesday evening.. l.,.tStal the C'heirv viile suspect, was put in t he calaboos?. The aiayoia J.- :. I vised the nnii-ehal tliat he c i neitlver tie him nor put him in i but nuist stay with him., j The ! shal'sat up with him Saturday u the f stuck close to him Stfnuy and jart l td to sit up witli him that nighUbhtf went to sleep, when he escape Leuoir Jhj)ir, V V bear t his ' - ' I I'KEHtl'.K. entertain an nemies-. imk ' i?adcr. .Ma. iikd (rii tb 4 jji.-jve tevii i n fi hb-jii J be w; k lril a.Jt rwy bv t lion to t l;u I circulated..!- l.S i his T;t'p! Hi man who h:v and .who I lionet ( t'.ii' i people iff thi.i bi.i hcrvirei). . t ' to the t nasst every iodividu, HtlV movement every lvu for his con n- rr.. to see justice niing and laboring tottntry should enlist NY hat Mill M ft benefU will bv ' benefit to il. thet efuio 1 we think every man ment io relieve. the suiTvriii: and list re sbt uld aid in the niOve- TlIK county says: of tails n,wat! Wys amount of la be CO!l!p('llrd went were tn would like to now. (Yrtau the freight bii , ST? -Trace it Kl KWII KliV. lie from the the pri ib'A li.U It M t It inai n rains ib.r at t lie ' 1. 1 a i ' u! fr.r a iiibnknt ii i ii: any n portjour n v'ato aboat our ; i a ' i i i s r o t r e- u ta t i o n i '! ', dnuuniafioii j eiicf cliUratorrttics r, of the AUi'.nce riwi in the cause or i-ni. Pay no atten sehoods that will be Ou . Mr; Kornegav's j planta near '(Joldshol-o. during j-tbe Friday eveninir. lightning struck instantly killed Mr. Uosea I ion, OFm i Miiins and his child, whom he was hollling in his arms at the time.' The was terrific and tore even the off his feet Messrs. 0. K I and Jas,, Taylor, pf near .Core (i peo s. fe of their ill- L V-T.i. (M.oHm riieie is a great' deal ibout theuormons at ion the people would to i -ear, ii me guw- m y t he rail roads.. We L n o v w hi paid'for these were befoi-e Commissioner l'trrf .last j official week, on he charge of illicit ji stjll-: e;:ercises of f ra'hclme was ben- fM ?f ing. Mr.' Moore wai j dischai -gt-d. ; eQCil n that State, I ' ; ' - f "VJ Mr. Taylor was bound over to - i ' I -i ' t-'t j- x Inderal court at Xewbern this in the sum of $230, -which he K i n stop Free 1'rezs. ' Rev. S. B. Turrentiue, of Ce arv unnrcn. win preacn ine ai keek: The Qongest term of imprisonment rave,. , ever imoosed in the -. .'Philadelpbia courts wasi last week confeired upon Charleb 8.1 Elliott, -alias Johnson, kermon at the commeiieement Thompson High School....... n al childreu while playing in a g near Seventh street, i.ast Wji ITfijiair si-f fprnrwin. nnfai'thed - t mains" of a colored iutant. Tbtyfre; ported the f;aet to the.bfficeis, have siuced secured suilicieni deuce to place the guilt 'upon Hairston as, -Facing the mother o chilcL.... .Manatrer E. S. Boswdll ar- says: rived here Tuesday from Xewi t arransre business "' preparatory ' to taking ehartreTof ' Hotel inze as soon as it is completed Ston Sentinel; i f n;ads and wl.f is 'ay)g the expenses kly the peipu? who pay Si and buy'tickets do on aeN, aiiii-vwn n uu 4he fanner' ..i4d lalttn'ing man has it to l iar afterfcill. . - ' 1 ! A white man na.tn.d I Jasper came here on the afternoon. Monday from near lioykin, ,V search of a mad stone.! lies was work in a; with Mr.; Josh Powell who lives near Bovkin last Friday : while taking in abaru from the rain ;a ed the door i and ..rushed all him sliirhtlv in tl dOffl I bitins: I and tearing and will Ix' fouud an arti- )l;io Stttte Jouritl on bf lawveis and journa- mely "and to the point. th.it lawyers in. pleads sr biiouui oc lifiu io strict. accountability for all they say viliiliYivg a'Hi a - iv- the uttusrt . .niii-t them. ;vwspa- . V . i i ..1 ... K ' . !. tiufi one hand seiciely.' w'tud- labt. :on- bioke si . A ii. l: 1.41.--. ...... A severe , rain-hau sjorui passed over this seen Fridav nisiht. The hail did siderable damage to truck and wiudow paues in some tmildiii stable was blown down at Mv.j Kitchen's and an o! ias 1 ki .Scotland N ec k PemocrfiL gge lil J.-iw rs Siuiulvr (Iviiiiu.-d stir t.b-iU la- shouldn't an. v, i A I' !t with? I con- ( Tiir, I he. M. i.i J - of the lor.e- ' While ho w;.: th minister . --' ta heaven C7 i Iiithman" wvie Then he! as'i-vd lr'v ami why iiiiii.irly d-.i f.su - e should iv iublic. ' . ,' J. w ho opposes reminds us !i it!n .Hi in church. fully slumbeiing, lkeU all wlio war.teil to U ri.e. All except the 1 '' ' - . i."... I' ... ii tnvir ieeT i uiiuv. all . who wanted 'to met rvian ti'i.irt(lv,1 .iV . pfac li the lUibucs o: the lower regions A second stroke of paralys tackel Mr. H. It. ltosea oii ville township, Thursday, anilj writing is in . a' critical ' coi Tlir fust stroke occurred twi ago..t....lr.AV 1. Ex urn, the most substantial fanners county, has in his possession cotton made on his farm las and the year be ore....... a i preacher named liyder, it tried to imitate the Hex. Dr, . . . . . At '1 ;l . J hurst iv roiUL'- into tne biiinia "Smokv Hollow,"" to learu h half-world is setting along inmiortal nraetices are now hi vest i "rated, and it is to bd -3 ' that the Key. I'M r. Kyder ca ish his innocence. ' j oldsboro light. . j. aroused !'J'.: Irishman, .1 u noise or tne jeopjc j, arose. Finding e fieepn; the f ' . tkm' tneiv himself LioH be said, don't know I ' ! . - : r . - Mi, unairmaii, a hopeless min- The recent hail storm did a 'great d(;l of daniagre in smo sections. ."-v---- " 7 a - : II f Mr. J. H. l'arhaiu, of our ovh fconty i what the msotion is, but voii 'aa4 1 are iu oritv!" the the th?. j yit Utf7i'pv:iWMif truthf nl i.. I iu,M',..i: a viist dilerence betweei. ih?-man who advocates par- lv for tl e, take of , reform and oviss w'h. advocates reforms, foi .V rtf i Party. The one will say, gie ruennythiug labvfleAl reform cet i ivi party ucces, ami the ot will ay.:give me-, any party to secure lb Li reform. The true cause of je f.m is heavily loaded with men who wither, understand or care for the reforms that are popular, but are .lo.n-rthe most. asrn4us ." " to jrts't' a nartv that 11K Ulf 111 V v. -v. o - will give th. m'ajob. Their Jgaor : - ,tv.I orr.mM.IS SUPUOrt 01 DieUS nre$ Ihev do nyt understand is often strong e-.idencjj against the cause, 0t!t Of it is made root ot is dwelling. He also! had sme 500 to had 27 window lights brokeiJ His house, and the hajfl stonjjs, n!il. were so larire that thetf ihout 100 holes in the tin yards of plant bed-clota I Pieces... .... At 1CH avwu OIH day, the little sou' of I r. J. h along wiUi several other childre, was playing in -.the woods near ttite and was having a socxl time bowing i little ones generally do. ioyiug their mirth little, Mckii pencil to leei a seeir aoi ralf of one of his legs .and down and there was a largl' hich had bitten him. rittlelmv was badly ; f rightdaed and naturally ran to bis father, him when the snake had hi Mr. Moore took in the onc. and having fm liandput tbe boy luirtially ukider its inHueuce to counteract the fefTect of thniivnin . .It had a good Iflect of tbeoi-on. It had a good effect, and he is now all right, hulfhas not forgot leu the snake. Oxford Isdjer M eniofal pay w:as more gen erV! I y obserTcdjin Havannab," Ca., than it e ver h as jlxre i . - G e. Warl e I lain p tocr delivferecj an .oration at the Coti federatecS soldiers' moimnient : in ths presence of j five thousand px-opte. All of the white military of the city paraded iin Honor of the dy. .f : . last this ueptiewj TV It ' '.ill t t t i i r . vxi t -k : Khali- - i" tiuiuiUp tl iTt rX ? , Thre teil WilliimtPtor, whose death week wan aLfnomietid- bv cable rnornind, w43 reit bo hisl W'illiamj Wjilddrf.' Astor, probably the richest citizen of America, his wealth being recently estimated at (10.000 0001 He was a brother bf 4 near the late John 1 Jacoo Astor, who died February d, tO. 1 - jindsis per cent-' interest ou billieu ; paid. In f prircbes. The mist 5eriou3 objections urged Pfrcenf cf this latest .11 coyer to this plank ' of oar C platforja- are: ri ; luu 'I lirsl tV greatly increased feorern- ll .euc per centl ment patronagebyreason of Ihe in- nld boa sink Og fund that wouhj creasednumbe of employees: nd,i theirnmense cost to the government i the whole uebj, m 33 years-that ,i i t purchase of roads, Thl pres- f the bors. ; Tnrst one being pauj L ftrU.,wnt,lef5 the first yearaud o on to the end of is estimated at about 175,000 Add, rhem. At the- expiration of - tne 3a to this, the employees uecesiry forJv- 2w i A thotelepraph and telephone H,Hes,pf ri oe -ca Ken j . w r-? which will very certainly charge ofbv the government 1 tion at l2,000,ODO. this wofald give 1 bombs A, Edrsou ougnt to have m, 1iL.pl K-ngeoV by the ' barty ii esmbH-arheht.i'ti ths' Pafoitf L. pttinol the': votingfpoDnla; otlice toft la 'special yen eat. tienas ja"en cnit more, patents than any izen of t he RJ nited States recotr and is still 4t it, - ; JI;i3 credited witb. tl e LW;:- The question arises; will f Having Bior? tnan six nuiu.reu men-. the condition' of the peple. fty Hth. government one vote fri every Jft .murt eitf own Ihe. h. . hs., o 1 with fi.. TUiWMmmriW will f have, the roads. How? By right o in ven-! ti ' t,..hn;t;rir of the peplel under tions and hia taken ipt as I man y &j circuriistarices, be bctterp worse six. patch ts in vne week. . . lt is most likely. to hi. f under fntureL.say'7(r,0O.a. eiupiovees areesnmareu a. jw,uw, ... A Thii will give the goverumeuv pat 1 " : . . . -it. ronn-eof 750.000 votes, which will - ira - i . - h- ; i ' was doae. i find o'uSAvo put the cart-idge there. th; dbc a men t's showi ng that IcMd: A caijiegram iroiu i,ouuou ui nv , ., aitli Aprils says: iu mu ifouac.ui.. Coumi'ins todav rrir Albeit Kay Kollit. Inovied the second reading o h Vi Anvil's SiiiTrawe bill. !ile de- i bti-l fhal although much bad been Hes fsaid defogfitory io women exercising i thA fiviimhise. in Wvonuu:?' - where "H''i 1 tbev iXl the right to vote,., he had It r T - J iten- ; alias li iilley ston, ,'coufessed burglaries i (.lite. tilnd G3eu: as I Tn -Ai t.i Tr.'viMit v.-orl: 5 !-!' IViCll v. ' I s r " . o " - . . .from st4alirtg oiirtiidges'.from dyna mite fadtoncs m Vieuna, and selling them at a lohv pl ioe, the police hayei' ordered that everybody using dyna mite unlst have a certificate showing where -it wiis bought Pailve;to nrodncd Kiich certittcate v ill be 'vie-. titcd bv be Wvcrest peiinlii-.' Cousmlerable excitemei.t . .wfis cans ed in Xtipbls last week i-y a report I that anarchists had attorn? tedj to blow up the, j!d trasnry ilenaitm-nt. Dy namite cartridge; had esplojed jj&i .1..- Ki,tt;t;r. l.-.it itis -ntH U t I t U .11 Li IK ..'iiv v J lieved- tJhat I it v as placet ...r , , anarchMs.- Only triiti in tb ! charges, aiid with more efficient andj Tile K. K. satisfactory service to the people, i i the meiin time, v Alter o years nave; expired and the roads have been paicj for, the transportatiop charges, foi f 'tight and pasftger;, will not h more than half of what it is now. It h&s been said, that , the govern or be- :. th. re by ig. damage fnnknritr. influences, with tfceir re leutles and remdrseiess octopus grip TutSns tP According to the. late ceninsf'there are 1G3.000 miles ll. K. in the U. S. J.j Could; and, those actiku with him control, it is said, 72,600 miles of derbilts and Morgan, 25,000 6-1,000 to be divided among er ,c orppratipus, 'whose every towards con'ceniration. Th combine of the i'ensylvar lioads (Reading; eteXmay lie in point. It is thought, by the; knowing ones, that, in j these roads; the V'an- leaving the otli- " step is i recent i:i Ctfal cited, as many of ess than 20 Uars, tbeentire railway System of , bout thb? way: fhe countrv will be controlled Dy not. , nui w . mo c than. 3 corporatioas. Tne police "ar trying , to j rati rule is nowj more despbtic 1 1 t'of the autocrat of all he What may we expeql, iiifperial power is t few handst With t ital of 10 billions and relentless grip in acepus and sto Wl eminent domain, if thev. refuse to sljll m Xixonf Sr. inlhe Hertford Dispatch The -Reason Why. them to go-befoie the public and ad mit all that the AlLianceiuen claim ;d then to tll jthem if you, pnjt tisis in pt.ictice, we will -loose the places of poolaiaster and revenue "of-Decrs-rtvhile the b'nancial condition Till continne the same--is mose' than bonest men are going to do. Lairyer and Jnraallst. . "So money," Why U it that; tb . HKALTH Dl.l'AlH MENT farmer-tAuds bv-ud.-see lus ., corn j i fortr his oeu j is conielitiv ted Siimnu ! '.-- - i ;- .i- Hickory Mercury- . ' . Some of our brethren of the pressi, are disposed to take credit to them selves and their brother aim -Alliance papers, 'for ..their great courage' dis p laved by -them in Jigtttmg tne jr- Uahce: and they are disposed to chide the men who have formerly led the bemderat s, .who are not members of the Alliance, for not. 'aiding them and leading them in thc-ir warfare. We supposi.' the -men. accused, reason Who is it . that l Answer. The men been cliie'ly in g me to attain t am- I to' fiht them kboutr ; . ' lst They say, they are in a bad v. and th tt," although tuey . make Corpi?- ! P ho have heretofore ,jc than; strumeutel in aidin liiis.i success? ,..Wht their ten-'larger crop; Oii the S live harder thato ever, their facajlies uri ell,, the colored -burglar ad more economically, .i ! -,rvi .L,i , 1 kit tliA'j np wKinc "nf-.n debt deenr naclies ot tneiT0.uv,uyv eajjuo,), - o . - ; x KV t.!J-Witoet at -deli-.Men year, i .am .cxpeiw .w 4,c . luv I uu. ."i - .... i ... 1 - I . -..I.' ".il i :ii.- j .j .! v il .-.-,-.;. : r.uein.-tiiat l nis is tl tie ai toiie tnei w : i ? 1 1 " -. i,i m iK'wnio. i iiv. iuii thd government! itself? An ad o .unU -A K-iTp freifht on cot fV.i.on-niirf ha ir :t '. Eiie PUUilU as Stfil WIJWI Lvi?- -it Dave some interest in laming ni- and know, hyboth '. observation situation is lid give them lion, with which to buy pur tir'oanrl M Vtj. Ciimnwssiouc; :?, ;C" 1.L11V O .." ' camti to this country, iiihd intecest of the rbld standard people: baciced hvlk'half million of dollarkl What became of thej half mill ioji is f the ' uu'estioui'-.-' But there ' is nd (iuestioa- &v,i. - 'r' . "i.-.u -;t-- LinothAn rinit there 1 i t IT V C tj 1 VI-. .r-. M , ! ill.'UUb OilVti JFi,jc1 v------ . aUd is a native o oaui-uuiy, fiu. , . .-,, i wt,f .i,08.U, -.Innft Ill niial i wh6 wis sentenced by Judgej Finelet f IhelHer to fbrty years in the Eastern f em evferr j tentiuiy. Fumelly as he was fen own to having coiuniiKeu il'h . Pnrnell .was appareHtly e- ; ttnmoMed, llnd while being dvi.veHf to the1 prison whistled, f (iooa-Dy my lm ' bonov. I'&d a. gwiue lie. 13 M ytars v j, - - 3 cj f vi- old V1 n ! iKo .At lfenattca ironi ',-priii!:ue;vi, -i ii -i .-i i . .:..int i.- Ulib 01 tne liirgesi. i.emoeii.i.-r Yjork ic con i-e.nj.ions in the hi--i.ory of tlie rvi to State lonMened in i,his city Wedues- S '.r'ilsiv When It-heTionyention. met it 111(11 1 - " 7 " - I T vK., fd)iind thd 1'almer -men '"-. . ..u . , ., .i . . . i jiid in iklent and tne sieveiH.m r 'ivfed tol make a vigorous Sight aganjsi. strubtiohs for the ' Illtnoi? cadi Jolhn r. A It geld, of j Chicago. John C Ulack v ere named .m(!i3itt's for nomination for Altgeld, was chosen -on Ah agent of the demonetized. j may be done Beal ain in m he I TT land ii ,:)i.4 oilot. Shelter , J Aftfcrl pass- him,.. leg tion off ediistitiitiOiiiility for a tinie, tee to tion ( made Tb even iphenvthattnis is.uue . aitogenei gentlemen ii Vnie ilmestand; improvidencpn. tneir ihQ wWtd.& otbu,rt.,? do not care to appear before . w-. ted . liar. t . T- i - .1 -f- If..- and make laws void, . in oui ; court s;ind experience, xna, as To them. O ie cent per liushel, oix' f they describe it. that the 2nd... Thev have formulated iplan iv jrcr-i. j . " floor, pork etc!,- would, : givb tbem.aor tneic reiie-Twmcu t y consumption fund of rmllUs with ladopiion to the people-but at -the which to control Gongress-f the defame, time say if any one else fean Oil 11 j, 1U1 .lUvin.v . t.O... - ill ." - , 1 ''I ii-iil- i-of Etio-laiid (good, they are wining -to accept it. , Ohio State Journal 4 The flocking Sentinel calls atten tion to n important fact Members of the journalistic profcssioij are held to stricd accouniahility at the bar of public opinion : for all unnecessary' personal abuse or yillificatibn of in dividuals, and are libel to ihe vexa tins acjd expenses of a liable suit if they are reckless as to the charges they make ill reference to the coor dilctof citizens. - : . This is all well enough, for journ alisjm while it Jiiust necessarily deal with persons should do eo conscieu-; tiiouslv and truthfully, and not ac cording to the personal dislikes quarrels or enmities of the journalist !ot,aecordibg to that taste for de traction'and slander which with some, men seems natural and instinctive.' j. v' But while the profession of journ alism is rightly held up to this lofty standard the tientinhl wants -to know why it is that the legal profession sliould in practice be almost w holly exemptfrom.it- A lawyer may stiiud tip J.U. a court rooiL. in presence oi tne assembled public and launch upon the individual whose suit he is op posing Land upon :that individnaljs witnesses and friends whole torrents of vitnitCraliou, obloqiiy and abuse without being called to account fox it .and without liability : to be calleil to account The bV purest and most honorable citizsR in a cominunf tv seeking iustice in the dourts may thus Wmade the vietim of iha fqal est, vil Jst and most damaging on slaught upon his reputation, stand i.ig auJl character, and has absolute ly no rjedress whatever. 'He is but a common citizen, while the lawyer; is 'privileged." 1 ' '-.'j- Of course there are High-minded ltlehieu in the legal profession scorn to indulge in this - -I t- . i 1 ii Deration aud slander. Jut tnere are otners wno aengnt in ir, , w noye principal stock; in trade it is, and vho are perhaps sometimes employed- by dishouiorable clients solely on accou n t of their ability and willingness to vilify and abuse. And, indeed, it may be said that the license accorded to "lawyers in this respect is a stand ing tehiptation' to the entire profcas- ld to the highest-', bidder cents, end buys It back to mke ci-op. at one 'dollar ..on wellicured pa per? "Want of money.' Why ii it that the difference befweeit cash and creditls . fifty per "cent? "Wnt of flaoneyl' What is it that plT into the hands of th"rkh and crushes to the earth" the poor? Soarcitf r of raoney;v .he paramount duty of Cohgre-s is' to increase the supply and make it enal to the legitimate vrapts of oiir people, . and provide . for jit equal distribution.: Let the coinage of silver be unlimited, and make the supply of and nlverbe the basis of an increase in our supply of paper currencies, issued directly by the government to j)eople iu the form of treasury notes. ' ' '. '-' ". .-' " .'-' " . Money should be brought within reach of the people at reaiouable rate of interest. This will be better for the farmer, mechanic merchant, aud; in fact, all classed except the men who speculate aud corner. - The way it is . now ten men can Iwrrow ten million; ten thousand, inen can't get one dollar. The- ten men want it to .peculate, .'aud 'corner; the ten thousand want ' it to pay debts and meet the-absolute necessities of life. Don't sell anything on a credit but ; money; but first; bring in the circulation a sufficiency to meet -the demands of trade at Vecrular rate of interest Jx-t all speak out on the mohev question. II. J. Pearc in the Southern Cultivator n Ad Dixie Fanner. - -" -:' 'JoxprcTEP y Dr. J. W. Joxfs, latm IKESriENT STATK PoaRD ' - or IIkai.th Tke RrlatUo of Drinklcr-Water 1 Satac Infrclfeas rdesseb. BT TH EOUAI.lt S-tlTH, M " ,; lu:ton,H. V P. Wash- A vague notionjseems to tate hold of the traveller! and -the. summer boardr thai the couutrv b$ safe, nd the pure air is an antidote for all ill-' iess. - Yt thi migration vrv fre . cn"ntly carrie the same diseases that tnreaten'us in the crowded citiea into the where the gtne'ral unsanitary conditions are. of ten more favorable r ti their dissemiaat.ion than in th citv. In all cases it i best not to uri'nk any waterthw source of which we do not know or have not inspect ed, unices boiled, Vrv or tbould we rvly njxjn soKallcd .filtered water, al most of the filters in the market are not to be "trusted. The eame rule ap plies in travelling. A receut collec tion of medical . -tlotv U" suggests ; that weBuoiild Bot"orgeit our driuk in cups. Why nofinclnde what we drink as of more imirtiiucei . At the. IkJt IntcruatioiiT!! Cm-, gres of Jlvgiene : and Demography held at Yiehna in Septenilr of I past year, the relation which drink ing water bear to cholera and .ty phoid was quit thoroughly discuss ed. 1 There wh i general agreement, as to the propagation of typhoid fe ver by' drinking water, although there were not wanting voices who ttbjeeted to too -dogmatic - assertions;, since the proof was not vet absolute. The following proposition? wos adapt ed, by a large majority, represent-, iag thetposition of "the . Congress: "The possiability of the propagation . rf infectious disease by contaminat ed drinking water being rp.ved, one cf the most imjortant pitfeyriptiviis cf public hygiene should be to, sup- 4 in Important Itlorc. ''':-j. . ;' ' '- The infamous betrayal of -silver in the Democratic House supposed to bfe the house of its friends may yet beat, fruit tht will not . be bitter to the people. ... -' The llockj Mountain ,Xetrs of March 29,'pnblishd an address 4 of the Statt; executive committee, of the Silver Jjeaghej of Colorado, to the 'wealth producing-voters of the ua-. tion. i iii that liddress, a plan is set f.irflu " u hieh iu.iv bav.e au important i plv communities with water absolute hearing upon- national' parties. fly' pure;" , 'After au tloqwent ud " In (.Colorado noa partisan silver I c ress made by Dr. l'ruanielof the club.- are being organized. orty of i French wniteMmttittifd'hyijienejiub theiW have' already been organized j ?:que'ou this eubject, he concluded While there are some things in their T 'uian which 1 do not like, yet 1 lutye nothing.' iu;. its .stead to offer, and rl ha v'e-top'l uKK-h rospfc,.' ir vniysclf ' aadi-foV therV to enter into - a each- ppaigh of black guardisniaud billings'- gate; aud it 1 were so uisposeu, tiae nuibiitv' of them are better posted 1 on these i uestioms thaffi the people been upon political ques- and snch cenduct would pass at aving -considered the ques- k.Vio Tlonse Judiciarv Commit daVrdecided' fo repdi-t'a-i-esolu-ireqting an invc'Stigatioif to be i n tp the Pin kerf on sysrein . efomhiittee' came to the concivi- sion tbatlas the. charges alleged the Pinkertua men by inter-Mate I . ' -i i .1 , i!.:' comrifcree carries, and aiso t-nar. ii:eu vmL'nt ad re? Knowing the clmruc-. .. y...V.W.-ifwJ.iva (ill HP V !! u.JLn ...a r- a nirtn-ifibtrl)('heve"s have ever fi. ,Hi,0u ujill TK.h :ivai 1 t belli 3 seivss of anv and iall meaasl to gain Uits trne. value wjth them their ends? It is said that Van der- biltj' when some concession iwas asked h-j i he nponb-. in has Ii iu manager injjhfcsaid, "the peopled heidamnied" Jay tion id is repoiteu as naviug sum i' r ii. . t J.: oJi,! ..'il.i no was tne ixiaiawuc, o i j ,v...v hh mm hlf "!the farmers to shoot 19il 1 Let us look! "in ..." ............ proposition oi . -.govciuiuciiu. vT ni.1. 4 I cmplu to J)C woub rsons tut will s si hip roaa auc;if . ized ; vas: 1 : a poi . railroad n;,i.', -ii (litaffi i city :ivcd in violence asd property, th; it 1 - . . . -.11 1 7.1.. refommeiiu .,.an. liiiesu.yuiiui... to ar-tivjatn if the char-res v.civ f rne. The dommitU-e will report a subsui jjor tSi'e- Watson-' voliitioLi; ; It rile out "the , al 1 tiroVide-ior'aii iDv 3rd.: When they put forward their A I . ,...-!. il. .. .,11 ll. la.11 1 uemanus imee vcitoaw, uu uv tun ers of the Democratic party in the South, and niost of the papers, made liaste to say 'that they endorsed all the demands- except t he sub-Treasury; and members of Congress were clairii- what thev ..! .i i 1 1? mi.:. ..i.r -.nin. mo t nar, i, ev uoiiutiiieu tii0 otner nan. i viS?j i --o 7 ,. . , . , Ined to ,ho4 .the animus aid that had been laboring io fii,Hn -P i5 Uor overdrawn; ' their terms of service. 1 -cannot llroldS at the Nt somerset' j-t because New "oishioof the roads. As I iaid, put : 1- i - . t -1 ig the. government paironu at. tlirec-fonrth 6f a iniilioit-rUiat is oiie-naif million v for 1U J--, one-. foiirth million for telegr phone, etCi, or of the voting ; 000. Seeing irih, tele- 17i York 1- oite vote m lesrery lopnlatibu )f ; 15,000, and knowihg of this imminent dangeivcau not some piUii; bl devised, to so niifigate the .evil, ii render it harmless? In the el -1'hL Mirgiuia-' km sold last -ivOe.s Carolina at rail plltiiiC tp the ciiy of . IVtersourgf for ; w lAke- this ion.. vears ot the vear arham seems, llark- of bW'the. i 11:. 1 . r ma being lioped ;000 jowird the enterprise and in re-ebtab- ; tui.u itved.- tirt.-mort:g:ge ;bonds. fJea mid the East "has sneezed. ... -i ! i alie lor instance tue xicc coi cage of 1 sil yer; a qnosti in ' upon, which a kiidiner papwr-of this sec- tioii gets from one side, to1 the other with'tbe agiiity and uHquity, "of a saow bird oil an ashe bank." A vote iu the House of Hepreseirtatives lasL week, showed over two-tnirds of the 'Democratic purtv favored free coin- evil, as' j age; yet, we are told it inustuot bedu lec-ithjSatioaalptattorm, nor anv wie. h i . . 1 . : r -r .... w..,viw- ant vv- nn Ttvtirs tiQ'i bv the people of the principal nonnuaiw i.i-nu - - - the ' dilfereut states throUgn s wmcn a, l-r " ".Z if roads pass secret ballot, etc., j nuia lor tne .. - Cgation and ( lone-0 which safeguard could be you do. is it-not to tne .,ulci- J3. -i: ... i v ' . u .1 . - I ,n! tKr.i-.fii-c t.v Ivavp free coinage? We ocs .i"u.i-wii. r-j,i,,i.i sio'aitist li. lw coirpuriiii ju-!) 1 "-' , -.TO - Now, all this is wrong The law ver should 'no' more be. privileged to recklesslv libel and slander his fel low-citizen's than should the editor The power as -public Opinion shonld bo brought to bear against personal law practice as well as against per sonal journalism. And the 'lawyer who unnecessarily ' assails individu al character, reputation and motives, and falsely attributes immoral and wrong doing to citizens in a court room, should be made legally re sponsible therefor as much as the journalist who does the same things iu th-columns or a newspaper. : Neither lawyer nor journalist should be held responsible; for any thing said or printed in good faith and with no intention to - j do ..injus tice or wrong, for the public interest requires that the tongue of a lawyer and the pen of au editorshall be alike free; but as no public interest is sub. served by personal slander, libl, falsehood and reckless abuse of in d i viduals by the editor, so no' public interest and no requirement of justice is subserved through the slander, TMt.ftne ration and personal abuse of iki1vifta.ls on the Dart of the law ver. Both --journalist and lawyer should be "privileged' iu .the true" and nobler siyisef of the term, but neither shouM be privileged to disregard the ri-hrs of citizens or to commit will. "ST" - - ful wrong. . . , ' -' - . tvitb an iaggregate membership of i),W)u voters. "i.ach member, ujon joiiiibg, 1 pledges hi tiiself in; writing thatfuut 1 this question shall be set tled imdi silver restored - to its rigbt ful position in the money of the na tion,) he AvilP vote for-, no candidate forianyiiuiportant ositioh: who is not'fuih4 committed to the rcmoneti zatioii of silver." ; The league,'-lww- to forsake his yith th following wsrdt: 'I'"x)urienc(! has .taught us. that it ' irj the large tties which perHrtuat the epidemic's of typhoilevtr and from which ib trausiniasioVs of this disease radiate. .It may le uurdcu some .to obtain pure water find distri bute it to a-community, but it. is possible.- lias it hot been . said repeat e'dly that nothing co8ts so dearly, as an epideniic? Is it not true that a 1 everj asts no memoer. . pparty until the national 'con yen tion j malady which kills one Or two tbou . T of Ins partv shall hav negledted or f sand Ixrsons every year strikes,' from 5 -- ;.: - ... -.' n V ... . , - v....)'. refused (to comply witn tne icaguy 1 an economic poinvoi .v iew, u jniui requiest o nominate a f reel; coinage ; Hon more cruelly than the taxes, candidate for President .upon I a freeiw hich might haveifpared the lives of coinage platform. The league will i several thousand from la, to 20 yeati make a strong anp, uouotiesu a 017 ipiu, cnt uowu at au at which coinage they have cost so unicu and return so con ven-tlittleto their 6tate? If -we bhare tions of --all' parTies.j Due notice will I these viewawe should make an en- be given that no candidate nonuna-1 trgelic ellort in every county 10 pro- .e". i - 1 ..i..ii1 , ii 1 i;t.i ... cessful effort to send free delegations to the hational uu-aer tne thoi-e vo;td be 1 ne t ornpauy it tea vears ago. rvu f ioiu '; -Wiirreii' ii he road Jiibetipny auo -aston UlOllb i0 111' m.iit. would employ none but- thoroughly qualified, both by educa- r - - . . , 1 .-. l ,i.... iiion und training, wno aiu;,w !t ilCl Ir T :. w .,1,4. - w I TtS" fs' r..,.,;.-v: i Ibid to a sharp rcsponsio lity. auy parup I ou..,v.-r.. , v""",,rf if the defects of the preAefit svKtem tion Uoik nvas .begun. Nearly the P 1. j ..--;T 1,1,; vi lA.luii tfiOO.000 was put in bv -i: ..S. .. 1 . .1 .Ti . I. im.,. l-'.r-..C!l?Tl' u ir"M-U;! miles -was tiaid. miles from i'etersburg. I . to for. I -j . . . I . 1 AOO'.lt I pit .liiilca ai --'iii i cii.ici.u.6, Q-viLded. but XiO raiU were " 1 y. 1 cs - . - I 1 !! ever mia rag Several cases oft arsenical poison- ro;li will : paper have- recently i-iiirtetl in Netiou aud . . Ir. v. -v Moore, as stoe the Jiiie en- re hap on the looked lack The .1 .. 1 i ....: . a tne !aie-ju aun -.3jyjn j li Ill; ...... .... j , . . , - , u:..i - .. s ht the pricti 01 'celjof about 100 uub-s. ; The JlV.H'.W.'ti. 1 - ' WelleS- UTood I of wall es- orn M-ifiir- Uv. Mass. Wellblcv iliiii, a va'ii'injuw u ucuui in ihiA loitv has been in bad health for 3earki cspecialh- ;Mo,n(hiys'--:gtter .faiil.cy. at. linnie "Suiidav?. Three he fainted in his -iifl bri Hlodgett, who was callod, kaid Hi was s?ifferiug from nrseniQal pOis'uiigV ' Sp-cimens of the t:iivlr is his house shwed upon aiuihatou bv Proi. Wood large hnaititles bf arsenic. A lp-yoar-oid 1 ' .1-1 -. f .1 11 d.iujrhter of Judge v mte 01 cuiiaai , ?! f A .w,. 1 1 i j. .1 vi4 llt.1- tpn mm. , K M llTea lti - '-r,"- ...... .:f..Lin -1! v sad nKv hose heaiih uus mr.cn iin ouwi - v r - . , r il..- .11 lv-Jv,.-; rt 1 nmif it Lsmcc the removal 01 tne au p:i pf jr. 1 .H rsfciuttiuii -i .iii Id recently diUl from. 'in the opin irttilnf the consulting physician, the othbr cjases are awakening wide terest and alarm. vivrrnriioil L niaukgemeii't,' - . r, . 1 triKes.. ue-t 1 lu more everv !eniplyex? I have asserted it for years; our leaders "Cash or Credit-" xOhgreSii- our ticking for their now assert , , 1 i ...... w-,,-. ,.r,-rf tii iifTieuiinre . . . . . . , . t 1 - 1 . . 1 , v. . - . 1 1 ( utiLa 1 v v . . w ' 1irilivi ivu-; ! rfW 1 . - . . 1. .. r -... , -, . i iti.r :i.iii '.iftii'r ro fvnee . iuuj- i. i.-.h 1 l 1 . ; i.iinn.mittii wiiiit i tn' believe is services, because it vuiu f? "''"t ; . - L 1 .vmntic.The traveler ana tcrtsc. . ; , i fk-om the managcnient, wnat woui;. f transportation 4 vu- 1..; -vxt.-.mA Would be otiite as eftif t. us''' now1, because the those -in your "Thoughts for the moiith ! for February you advise the farmers whether thev if, and yet i to "choose this day , n.iiipp our will Iscrve under cash 1U- figb.Liug .'l.Kifore gagenseiit. instfers, that one tzipital, ten bfcliiou, ik j water bat is the roads did tt,.i no.hlf the anion ui, or 1 " ; r - . i . .. . i - t i- - :T t . .... .1 1 I- ..j' .1.1 Mi mI.i.iU rnrl HIT.. KPIll -i.Silt llh billions: tnannov wu.u '"- r-' thn. e- ;liriitted. t peatm cuoiun--..vv that sum. Itis said, aud Ii what we are we go into the en- It scenis to us - that this " . 1 is about the line of reiisonuig inai, iroverui! the accused Iers wouid pursue. It should certainly iud tne iormer leaders of 'the.;. Democratice party, who arparsuiog this cotirso in re ttuiiibg the con'Mdfence of ; their fel low 1 emoc rats and opponen ts, : who are Alliancemen, that: they caiinot be driven into u course oi vitupera tion and denunciatioh against .their friends and adherenU by -the inlly courseof the uowspapers. to "lire . 1 ue 1. .hi Pl.t. n viv (i. siich as detective cfar-coupiing, .""wm brought about by the desire to save money to the managentnt. Now, let us examine tne quesuou uL iup iiwt tn the ffovernmenw 01 vup li. people estimate tneiri . ... , ...lV.:ii: ... A vi.ii-J! ;.: Pnrm? the attack on Thev do not propose road. The RJ properties at that is they imounu it j . , l :l.;.i i .1-,. f-::.-i 1 r.iifl by tnose wno na.c "".rr I'l ...,- bHl i' iden ino crisis) i pv i.:u;.... itrtil-.ra-J-I..-- uanng .:..nl-ii -..f i...!f Miin. hr tne dit-w a-Coh.net aasuiug t.h-"-fHt -' ta - where a Uttterv are caoiianp;i as. is confidenil v assr Led, 0: the city of lrces. fro :n i was or credit?" If they decide at once you may in your thoughts for, the next month, write two I other very significant words, "Steal or Starve." For most of them ...it-.'f wt the "cash and a great nf them can't obtain credit. h'ftV had to Day out?- alii their', .caab to stop the mortgage Sale and partly, satisfy their, creditors rthey cjau't K,irmiv fr.fnipv. then how can they t,v feash? If "thev take the f'studs, nd refuse to buy oh'l time, they wil h.jvi trv 'tal or stak-ve.". Now, the h-onbleis. there isn't1 money enongl in circulation among the lieople flhe oulvl way to stop the credit systemus to pht a sufficiency of money in cir culation to meet the 1 demands of the bofrovvjers at a reasonable rate of in tereit, Jobtainablo at all seasons of t lie Tear! Osgood ieenrity- as well ten iiionihs us thirty d: ys, or on cnll. bMoi ev should u ever tmmaod more tn i ner cent. 1 nfierest, It is Very . j - ; ted by. any of stich conventions shall receive the support of the league un- - .1 i ess "huj shall nuqualiiiedly lavor tuo j nil reinonetization 01 .Biiiei, .. nu shall stand squarely on a free coin age piriform." I ; ; . H ; -' It is urged in the address xuai "Colorado delegates to the national conventions shall makeit a point to j ' 1 .. , 11 1 : a? ..11 conler witn tne aeiegauoua nwu -n claim the good light, vihe prcserva tion of human life. Our prooff are buflicient. The authoi ilies.ncttl only to ie convinced. They besitute be cause tiny linti dissiiLenta among phy sicians. Is thereone uiiioug you wh dares maintain au .iial verse view, or who has" opposing belief vigorous enough to bay, No, th water into which the.BUioU of Cvpboid fever ar the other Western and Southern j poured does not produce typhoid?' States-4-who - represeutSthe wealth! jt him arise and assume before our producers instead of Hhe money 1 euccessorB ;the responsibility or the Kvvr---to joiu them ill caucus, tiltha which his resistance will have the end that they mav act 'aa.a unit ejitailed. A Hang Mediral AnnaU in making their .demands:" It- Is f - - cdNChCDKu - further urged that each mem!er 01 j . - the league shall "regard his written ! Sklnnrr Thanked. pledge as absolutely sacred,! and to . - - ' UC 1 il till JUlli T S Luvviwvx .-w A November next, even to the support of a Third partv candidate for the presidency, should, 6uch ' a course he necessary. : , " ... This . mve on tne part 01 m su- !-jT ' 1 1 1 . ver jnesii may lean to com- iuiui taht results. Er. j . . : : . ' The Wealth -Vodncerv4 ccniman Siuith ; - hunt 1 nre.' .C4Pi live i iotnnT to tn: irwui. n' .-ri-is i.i..- 1 he (Joioiiei re winding Up the third kinte with, hy in trie lieu uo;i i. (W. S'uifb calbtl to the goant "to -to lire The Sergeant Jtsemp itiiat these corporation- (U. u.) col lect, from" freight and passeiigeis, a iSicient sum fcvpay all running e ... -..Ir5 -4t. jind at least 5iv r ' 1 . , . i v.;i 1; v,i 5 .-.ii niiMsiiv lit 1 win 4 im. -i. per -ecu t. interest on L1' '7 " v . , T rirfi?- . The WLUt ,vruiv - : I C'atain replied, "nre at me '5I- ; if ,,w .shovr thm that the course ,1- goyern- j r.l Captain, the feujiwisr. for our: government to. have i..,L.v i w.rw. and interest fo uigu 1 .j-s - , .' -" 7 . . i .T 1 i . 1 -1 u rwl fiiriil J LU I!1IIC ittinru'X .-..j, aifidug - u? to loan on f . iieopie. money -.ltia'rale of interest able! here, thus fasteu on our Jan of the All iam emeu is likely to 'bring in- U.nJtnb Wr will sav lae i .- -.. .: v.;i ment purchases tne rixws.ai lioii, issuing its bonds for that amt. bearing interest at, three per cent, (it is iiow"lioating the extended londs at -., ii,-itv;.33-" Ata. t , , x . t , -, U, t fft.,,,il in the tniCe. 1 . . . . . n r r Tc 1 1 1 i 1 1 i - j - -. - ... , De-'inuiiiK -;tUvr .i..w, 0 . . eve. is for the rfr -I la-I l 14 11 1 II. ' Ln - - ' Htxl loreignera iveoble ;s than obtain- oA'ing them to nutrl it is be-' coming monoton ms to say the U-aV of it. "-' ' j " - r' What is m the way of general. pros ;ertv? "Want f" money.'- Why arejeottott and farm products so low? "Scarcity of money." ,' Why are the women and children going nan cuu, Commissioner. Nesbitt, bt has this to say of the - farmers as; a class:'-) - -- " -- -; -;'-' " - H Thej farmers constitute fully 80 jxr ceht. of our population; they are the wealth producers of obr couutry. and as a rule the . most cjanservative lass of ottrt citizens The policy of the government .has -discriminated against them, and their burdens are becoming each year more; oppressive. The government owes itto them at least t listen to- and I investigate their demauds. " Give us a graduated iudonse tax, which only be just,.mas uinch; as t he few who reap ben eh t from Ithe lalwr of the many should i2rili;nr o liberally respond to the silpiort of the government, whose stiou arm in time r of .danger is stretcficd out,. for their protection- Didlii ever occur to yon ;triax wnen- Tn- t, imreof the rich threatened it U this strong, conserTatiye laboring class which stej into tbei breach and standls as a bulwark before 'the ex It hthe privilegrof this'iaM to demand a reduction of iir tjixe-fedcraU tate and inunic- ipal-L-and they should strive, in sea- i , r . . .11 .Mnittnnltfll mti aud out 01 sea.-, w ; ..uuii-.i this result. They have! a rightto n-L- .t the rentrictive feature of tne national banking system, which im poses a tax of 10 per cent, on all state or local ban ks,; lc abol ished, ajso that silyer be remonetiiecL' " Johnson's Mill Pitt Co. Apr. 26 '92. The Farfners' Experiment Alliance No. 957 requests the publishing of thejfollowiug resolutions: ; Ave the members of' Experiment Alliance taking into considsration the many excellent services of Cil. Harry Skinner in defending the principles iand advocating the de mands of our order in different por tiiAns of the State and WHEREA?, We desire tocx press our appreciation of the same. .There fore be it t " , Jlcsolved, That Exjienment Al ianee No. H57 of N. CL do hereby ully eudorse bis conrse and fully ecommeml the good will of all true Alliaticemen throughout tins Ute to lie extended to Cl. Harry Skiniir, : io long as he may etand by the po.i- -. Hon he ha taken up to liow iu our cause, and, I!cote&i, Further, that acopyci these relntion bi sent tue r akm Biia' AuvoiJAllt for-pribljcatioa.' . F. il." r-ILlATUlCK, '' ' ' ',' . Secretary Jl-jUi'lvr, please tcopy.; ST.LOrWfL-f FORM EiD3RSEI) By ExpeilMfBtl Alliaay ! TIU barm npm the these gt-'it lmeii. Vrt lnau is of the opinion 1 -rTtpii arm cmioreii :oiiik u-n-1 ---- 1 . - " a til. oi : ui-vikv "- 1 1- i , -1 imwo-iou. tnen 1. from freight and pagengpra, to pay I tereft of thepeopl- , Hut to 1 I ; x .T" r-a -tt-it -miP it'Kth whjc ri St of the . fight, Uor lOrty u-iiarac, ! mm iorone uuu'ir un v.iSi " ' " - time, the pay mcot well seenreur la- expect tion of serious one promotes. mer; ry disr-J-itioti. What a lUJanousiy happy set most of the modern novelist- must be, then! . ...-j , - t WHM-AsiiU i profxr and oppor tune that wc.idioul I give exprcsiion tour -iilimnts in, regard U the w-jtiouof tho labor v organi nations as sembled ih St. Imi.- on the 22nd Feb. 189f. Therefore : Ibsolred. -That we endorse the ac tion of tbi convention in every parr ticalar. . . i liejl-el, .Th4tweile.lgnrei to voU- for no man who will not sup port the detnam of. said organiia- lMem,lcl.' Further that our oon-od.-nce in ihe affairs of our Nalional and State Alliance and our National and State organs remain unshaken. ; F. M. KlCPATEICK i , Ml St , i