PRU K. FIVE CENTS BRIEF OPINIONS. THE: IXlfNGS OF ,Ol;K i'K KRIEFLY AND I'LAI! LV ''( Bankeiw are coniplaiiiinu off a shortage of tr ltl. 1 Tl.evnow know how the other fellow feels about 71 ppfviv: ni AND PLAI :'LV Week Tiir thirteen itio;, 1 ' w th'; year, .rj--1 dexsko. ) " Ctt?0 2F X-". 4 .(mirwW. VVood'w ho ( liiiai- -: Tim Xtsic A.'' Observer Las learned (per ceut. fur m gociating 5 the. V,; through a special correspondent that Harry 'Jkir.neV-has erosMd the river and burned the ljiidge3 behind him. and that K. A. Moye jhas done -the same thrng-r-Vf7i (7- farmer. If there, is i tit- f c .1 that' it a big gl r fool than th other,- it is the man that thinks because he has labored hard and saved something, that he ha kept all that he wad entitled to : keep of all the wealth that ' hs created.- liillinya (Jfo.) 'Time. What srt of republican tbrni 01 government do you cull that which keeps a standing" anpy to protect capital whilu it refuses to enact ami enforce laws to protect labor? Is ' this the 'government established by t the patriots of 1770? Alliance Sig nal, ('onzalcs, Texas. - TlUKK of the government donat ing to the railroads territory equal to nine states the .size of Ohio uud 1 . ) AshevilhiV .40,000.. bond-.' h stituted isu i tr for his ebiHhiis.i A.-.heville Gazette. - : A led of iron ore is le'ng"e- hear flowing Ih-ck, which is th to be equal in quantitv a;':d sr.; in 'quality to the cel. !-;.'( d 1 berry iron mine!. Morgan ton Country. ) AcjDurhani li'st week a e gave! way while some, workmen handling a' stone' buttress eap. bert Cole, colored, of ("old i was killed, and .Sa n Mel ed, was badlv wounded Brown Bros, of hverv stable lain. had twelve acres in -wheat. Wisenheiniei .threshed it and re ed two.' hundred-, ami seventv bushels. .These same Brown arc soim; ion taters. They; phi oue amfone, quartei -acre.-?, am twlb hundred Liibb:it Snn,dard: .Jr., , II. II. fThe Industrial Manufa;! . . . . . ; Louifniuy has 2ne into voiu yttheiKHple don own a crcwstie. J H,.u4ltiJon. fir.lK O'i-o iWe pay for the roads every sit years utrwe never own them. They : coii 1 inue to rob us to ' ' pay interest aud dividends on watered stock. Vutare (t'al.) Valh tt 'it ju n. , Will ! n ni-' The Michigan legislature isin ei-j fori. 1 tra sesiosi to redistnct the State, 1VS 1 th'C present apportionment having utul . been- declared unconstitutional by gift the .Supreme Court. 'OllCOril i A i i.v i,iv.j trriili ;u mli1uH liv . " - "j S inasked men Dear Calli , Cal. They j.blew ojmmi the ' express -ar door with Till merchants and ; iralesrneii UeiH-ndjJii the ' wording tiian liquid; J. I). Bellamy and . .trutnej-s nave oeen ap ,ed a d-oinmittee to uispoe ol plant, pay off the indebtedness company ami divide tiie sn among the Stockholders.- V, "ih ton S tar. . If he : j . is not well paid far' his erviee.J, his There We learn that the town cu eioncrs aie cousiuenmr .tne- mim ... . . . . . . , .,,trn'.,.'r,. uill wni tbh ss, 'I'here ! ot utilizing the ow llea.l , i .1 ,1 :. . , We do not know whit sleps 1 are so few of the rich that their iit- , ... i. 1 . iHvii taken in ine inaiter or rouage amounts to nothing anv way. j tieh. views ur6n. the' subject ar Ss UiainanlfcsAly to , the! interest of it would be advisable thai thd tliik oIiism f. sei- tbat laborers Iter-should be thoronirhlv ant gets a decent hire. ,S', Marshliellf; i ''..r!'! 1nic'l:i !t , - - , niuii). 'VvuKhmfion. routes. iillll ition i the The repr.blieaii piirtv, through its leader, is now seeking to create jsynipathy for the BinkerloV by re porting that the chiefsrobber some tiine in 1 the ; DO's" escorted "Honest Old A Ik?" to Washington without mis hap. The Republican party would ajioligize for the inisdeetls of the tUril tx'cause at one tiuie, IkL'fore he fellhe was an ! angel in heaven. Plow and Hammer, TiiTiri; Ohio. " '.' ' ' - " 1 .' Ik, during the war, the ..'-'capitalists 'would have stood behind the. green- ! biM-k with their weaUl like the ohlier did with his inusketj there wuld not have been a ito'Ilar'of in-"; teret to pay nor any depreciation in the value- f the nioncy i'ssued. It ju thene cow arils that licit .her. "fought nor furnished that are now talking bout an "honest ilollaiY- Siwfon (S. 1)) Standard. What would you think of two crews who would quarrel over the honors and salvage of a grand, vessel which was stranded at sea, and all on board were threatened-with des truction?. What do you think of those who have the means to rescue the ship of state from ..perils; which threatensto swamp it 011 every hand, and stand quarrelin'g about thejion rs and emoluments of ollice. Alitor Iterieu", Argentine, Kan.- j". litCAfSK his nant. U Henry ('lay Krick dou't for a m,nneiit suppiwe he has got uny of the blood of Henry Clay in his veins. If he had. ben born ' to. power in a ihonarcjiy f,.he 1 1 . . .'.' wouul nave oeeu a iviaiiu. jh.ivi m beeu a man iii 1T7' he would r . 1 1 Kepoits nave Oeen receive ni co lector White, of the destrjictiin of the distillerv of J. B. Kodger iear Newnort. Carteret count v. ofl j MnO gaVlous of rum made fromi. in It appears that the revenue ollicia'ls had for ' Konictimc bevn watthing Kogers has permits to make whiskcv and f4uit bra tidy, ami are gbverfimcnt warenouses a place. -Ilijleigh L'hivnicle. Th3 TvJicHers' Council of He son countV w ill meet'at the ; Aca buildiiiir on the tirst SaturdiW September, at 12 o'clock. program will . finbrace Histoi North Carolina. 1 )i sc-0 ji ii t. Cu History ai taught by llKjlnews Teiichers'' Ktf riences,' and other topics "as may be deenied All hiehit)erS ot the .cojin-a art quested to prepare for fhe: disci bf the above named topics, special leaders will be expected ready to introduce any Siibj llender'onville Times. have Mtr At the' DeiiKwM-atic, .Coiitfresliortal convention -hehlMn t lie towtrof rde:i- ton 011 Tuesday last. Hi. W. Branch was renominate;! wiihoi position for and 1a. L. Suiit uominated tor I residential ei On ring a heavy thunder Sunday luoiitiing lightning sir small tenement 'house n the 1 t roail near town, kant.ig awav a ' uoiit and .-11 achic;; tl;-.i.e,s up ' - :... - I : . era lv: One of til" oeeiii;.;:its w: "iA-eii a severe shock biti w.n tec- o ----- ( etedj Kojiuoke .item on ' . ! ' . -: , I '1 he tjhipmeiits ot : H:elt peaches front South C;jo!ina ai meudoii J. Yesterday 1 1., i-ais i h rough die iv, in seven s'ectiion ;to car -loads of peaein-s .... S. Boy lie, one of the .largest holders in the i?elniMii ; fomitanv tells the (l'x:.w r In St;ttc4.iiianacrs of the Woi ld - e been a Torv. , llJlt' ne ,HVU :l in 1800 he would ".1. been a fedor- i it desire a spvcimeii ot tb leopj Mfutl lu- Urn: born in t Ik -South 101 im 11 nu- im"..i in slavery times he would i 1 uroieriv is n-oteu, lo iii.iee if in iiae ocen ; n - l t,.:..., 1. , 1 oiaie exnioii. 1 nis sione Press, (Jiand f;inl an .vitereelse i i .tlnis j trv But at this ; pot jiear Ciia the' rareness and beaut v 01 it s a Igree. Morn '.nj Haiuds, Mich. . 1 . . . i -.1 l 1 v..v y . -."" t be mare anmectated !v the m-o articles that are constantly publisheL tiH citv and section, ; ibeold resnectab vf.i nioss-. nut retl u 1 semi the sihciuu il as desia L i - a. 1 . M. a'Ticultufal p:tiers. j When you dis- Charlotte OMrer cover these morphia doctored articles write a protest to thee old resiecta blf imd threaten them with Inncott if thy don't take the side of the fanners without anv shambling and sheepskin disguises. Tney'are everv one cowards ami will stop -fjoolingif . threatened. Mfdhtnd Joururl. J!i.i itnj Sun, Mil. . . . In riome.of ' the Southern Stales i be liKked inuuase;1 shoukl see that his premit-e 1 ' 1 1 : . r .. . M-.. in a cieaniv comuuuii. ne sonne t 1 open on Jlouuay, repieuiDt r Mis.scy liearv Jackson bad Kd wards have Ikimi elecwl teaJ ......Mr. ,L W, Blount, I lerk countv superior coiut. lost IiU !ence near Snow Hill by tire weeks ago. The house was in for 000. ..The town is m clean" as it oii'dit to he. 'This s after, l-'.verv ara the DenuKTats, in order to the people and satisfy their desitv for uiore currency, declare in favor of State banks of issue. and some mcml'icra in Congress have gone so far as to introduce lulls repealing t lie prohibition tax on tl e same. .No eusible, thinking man. will Hvde- hvs at Mwthmhst" church ceivetl by this tax and .establishuient ''evening Uev. U. V. Troy, pre of mich banks .would mean an era of of Murfreesboro Female Colkg ! '.' . . - '11... lw.r.i !. 1Kt .f iA WiH'K: til MUM i ITll " IIVl I ll 1IIOV -r. -. have heard complaint that, town draiuasre wells'- tuvd filling arbund so that water won't staiilland becoinetagliant. Health i ! taut, and tlie towii will not be h lv "uii less it is kept clean. I jM. Sbainburgeifr is. ronducting sevi- evcr. ident will tis.-i-t the mletintr IWill innnV! ili'VDUl nf Mil 1 1 a . . . . , , . t Mr. Shauil-Mr'rer m mate ,t govi, nav, igno no debt-pavjng powers, and ,no legal ijjrh- bicyclist. -will oh Se endej rejuisites. It would' destroy : bei 1 st, start from C harleston, t-cbufi(Ieucei beget increased siH-cula- ! in oonijany with another weee PLE" 1 n'' '''-'"t crop of Kansais said I).t to tie alncjst:an entire failure.1i liurn- ed i;p by the heat. Con F t ' J-; of s ii,-n. Alien Carter c r , .- ! olored, was lynched a? WyMji, Ark., by a mob; of negroes, lie was -charge'. I with, assaulting his 1 J- year old daughter.. ! I SOME BRHEW-0RUS. ri r tTold wer Al- ore, dor- asa result of the laV, is the cause of j ' the itovertv of the poor. - Now we are read v to take another ! Senator Pallyfr ct loiiiois. Per. DeliTfrrd Snniay. July 10, 1HS2, gtep. If there is ah engineer in this ; c--ivrs f fere and is uot by W. II. Tan Omaci, at, Wft .audience, I waut to ask him what he! ' i A frail (6 tell U TirlHh Ktrt Tnrur Hall '!.-',..,..' I ,l ir I.; . .....';.. I I cajr, at a Meeting of Working- au a v. Why. he' wJuld shut off the en Callef to Sympathize With ; steam. w..ui d'ot he? Well, that is The Strikers at Homestead. Pa,', fjust what we have trot to 'do. The And to Protest Against The En law is the engiuy that is killing us plojment of Pinkerlon .Ueu For The 8ippre!ion ofStrikes. Gettle- loy,. .Abbett last week;iflued the 'coninnsKioii of Mayor 'Wanser of ders-ey City as Brigadier General of the j-irst IJngade, X. (x. N. J. .1 Mb Vas. Okki m, .Said: Conirres ' ad iourned last FridaV. -Vr' Chairman, LaJie an l The World's Fair bill .was coin- .,nen- pro:ui.-ed by making the appropriu-; It is with more than tion ,5,'O,000 uistead of $o,000,000 j pleasure that mingle mV wice ' '. ri 1 .... f iftLi i with yours in protest against! tin-in- i 1 be accounts sav that 10,000 neo- . .. J . , . . i , . , ,i " , At. . ' . iusuc wnicn is aiteuimea ro te uci orUinarv We must shut oil the sUain. What is the steam that runs the law? Why it , is taxes. The .ls.w doesn't enforce itself. Jt requires taxes to do it. They can't call out the militia with-' otit taxes. They ,'caut run the courts' without taxes. They mcst pay th- jHjlice. Everything costs nioney. ; ! JS'bw' ut everv session of the" leg- ' i-slattwe. and of congress, thev come most awful volcanice eruption on . v , 1, , . and ask for an appropriation toexe- tf a. u -Tii- 4t m 1 'stead, who are so nianfuily idefen 1- , , r t (ueot Sangtr Island m the .Malay . ' , ... t- t cute tne law. And it takes both . .i- , 0 J their homes ami Jireside iairain-t i . , , . , . .. ArHup lasro. , i i ' - ; houses of the legislature and tne r - - - 1 mercenary soldiers 111 the service 01 a . p . . . . , Alier- ' Vlit,MI -mnrtfer! .V l.J - i ; governor, it in a - state: or both - - -------- 7 ' - . i t . h astja aiiuir. is 'r u:. m : t i . i ivuii iiinu ai jieuiiMii.-", leiiu., . x rejOlCC lllli was found to be insane by the jury. was attemjiUtl i:e was put m the insjine asvlunt at sympathies 1 1 - 5 '1 - f . . 1 Momai, leuu. j tne lengtn riUJT 1 :l v'ii:iiiiirc. 'I'llfi :lll)llillh nf lilltliev ttarv 1 the v secured is not known i'-I'imv ' g':ntic conspiracy to nA five l0ji,t 'M-'hicaico banks has leeu partially jsu.ece.slui... 'er ;o,UOO was se- cured from one concern aud $20,- i.i.. ! "OO, it wits reported, from another. .;. ... Sureties lhade ijood the losses. 1 1 1 1 ! th. f tie .1 . ' houses of conirress and .the president. 11 tne outrage uiai;., ,. . . . ha awakened tle f at ashingUm to pass ..that: - . 1 ltj it .n-i' virt It 1 KmV full , mT ifliir of the people thrviugbout ! VTr . 17 J V .; aud breadth of the whole I U1!t U1 "rw . "J 1 t money, . . . in ,.,!,..; Suppose ! land. I glory in the heroism of the workiugnien: and the j some road out. You cannot ad mi ! the ttbsol ute right of caplital; ot I cau not ad 111 i t 1 b abi-o'. u I e .1 'i o j lalor;voi! hax- ;f -;! adpl tbet j rights -tip ui sonn'1iii-j-. A o; i-,t Tha t t he man 11 f. t u. i itH . . . .' ' . I. t Uielil is:l,pu'lc ne-.i . : ' , S railroads are held In t r- -;-Vbi ;: . .. I. ..w" f.-ir t Im 1 . 1 i ii' U - .... . . , ; ! Uv.. tiwnU!Mfc .1 i :ni;M 'V U. . ' . i Ik illll. Illtll tut-, iiii.or . f I r.eiis were ri: !if. 1 in.n'iia'n.accoiii i t: .,..,, . . 1 ieiiti.-:ir imon inenu. lor ioi nun 1 - ,i In tne .-vnrsil of hi-: reni iikin the T'tiilel State sene. .1 . '..;. t be ne of Illinois, aid: I main tail 1 1 in.XiNia'o.aeeoru , f , . tui r ,tt. tu ir.g to the.l;iw ,f'.t!iiand,nocas t.iej law is generaur 'inuerioo r. ouj , -,.., , . l- 1 Ai.. ; .-; 1. . t. ... nun 11 it.. coro.iir loine pi inclines .-; iietl to s Thus ' we Vvw' i-ogiii.v i - riirht of the caritaij ' to ,,-.e co..: , o his proper! sal .' -his. .rt-. ti f a reaoiiuble re waril -.'' . -1 s ;i . nieiit, and ve chtini lor' the i il ue enploviu.i u i during irooil U-ha.ior th vuirit h, v and thesep . ., . , ,. . - 111 .- i certainly tx)tniH de:f to .-it. i n which, in'-ujst hetH after be .iPiH the solntiA: ef i h J;e t :ou!!.i- - tl.i it IUI1T Ulll 111- iiwv -.-y " - ' That makes it -im- u:i f tne to assen uiai m- -o-........ ' . ' - the right fo pmau it fmnloyment there. tt-vbd earuel I ... ... ; . ,, .'... the rijjht to he there; ic in' 1 . r...: ....... 1 . 1 . -1, ....... f ! aim icere is no ueer ro..u v,... " t profits are small, the parti- derstood to le jflblic establishments in the niodilied sense, which I will extdait in a moment; in w-hich the .In in. 111. divide the losses; where the , protiH mar lie dividrtl. , 'I hat l? the e.4aci1 condition; that is tha exact hiw ! daj'as I maintaiu, lv-ause th la 1 & CIVI f All HIV UCIUIOIU Ul AMI A AATJ 1 m . . ... JL;J ,.. .1 ,toll.t i farmers, the protlncers r rf Ii - " - . i i . i.:. k ! countrv -those who have been iob- lor Jiueriv; lor me fcuniiriiic w men , . , . . ,B 1 t T ' I 11.. mnitiin j iTiintc in 'iPfKi iii.ii nil . , . .- --- . ,s he rwrfection of rm. and wv owners of i he?K nroiH-rtu-S Illllat IlCJe-! . .. . , ... after be r'garded a- holdings their oroiiertv 'subject to the correlative rirht nf lliuMf withieit hnSi Servl- i i.,;,i .,; : . i i... ' . .. .. . . is being carried on at .'Homestead is "l "S 7 "5 1 ces the projx-rty would t.e utterly 1-;...:.i.,.,f, lUflwiui of the law should coinbine.u.i.1- 'r.h:ii: i..ion which I make only concedes to. them to a right to a reasonable pre'!! on the ' capital invested in their enterprises. nnl. . . r I. . ... t "1 -1 . .., r , ,-. . ..-i - and elect a majority of one house, as old as humanity itself, jit has .A. ! A come down to us through im.. i : n fti n ifiii t if ill a:la uvinl -ill b 1,0 1' " hat? Why, nothing, abso- .....l .:n ,A,fii ;.,, Inteiy nothing. Mmply be on hand. , ,11!t;:,Liin" furthermore. id iiuvi naii. vyu tiiniv, u uwi ( . . 1 . . . j - ----- --: ? . T . -.' -.e,- " -" these laoorers naving uetn in are free. until tvrant and task- c-very 'proposition. They need not Oulv that that there. masters are no more, and until the P . - l" " servic:, having Lkh-u engagi povertv, avarice, brutality auk greed cu.a 11 or amend a sing e Jaw unry ; havi t ves iuHhis pe- f th!-l.rlinr,V m- .efined nv,:,e. ! Iefllse to llw opiate a dollar for the (;uHar ,:Iie of t.t.rvice. have the. right leaving nothing but the purcjgold cf - a redeemed huntanrty. Hut m spite of these feelings of pleasure which I experience, then execution of any law. What will ; be the result? can't collect a tax. built ti: Si p bv a tenant. : I pleasure which i eioeneiiee, . tuen r.,.- , .. . ; w : Hob,-, an aeroiunit,. made ?V"" 1 loom up in the distance the darkest;"1"1?; Jh. ? collect a, -..Wi. talk about the chil service ! at L 1'aul, . Jiis l Whute oMbodhll!S for t, whom ; we byebV ev tau , keeP i meu qS the i law as applicable to government em-j H-ihVoke and he fell into, a slough on 1 . thi w cl Th-C,nd. They can t oppress any one i meut , j ai5St.rt. that there is a ! i to insist .up-ni me j-erijianency ot I. hey : tu ,,,... ,nf .mti ft,,..- K.-ivJ the . - , ... .. . , ...... --5-,- liiev can t evict -ilf I 11 11V fc' .a i . . w' .-" . v . . . . - - I riM . 1 inev cant iorecioae a . i,i ilnn f,'ir tiwir swvippil have seen the law step, . , -' . 'I recollect IiC IS-iO l was cnmH pelled to hold thai the -legislature of Illinois had no riirht arbitrarily to fix the rates for the citrriage; of pas eenjrers bv railways, aud ;was c.Jn; jellel to hold that the railroad conir n;iiue-t I-.iid no urbitrarv riubt to ii- t . . w them, but that it was a .piestiouv ;J reasonableness on IhmJi sid 'S. It w-i:-then clai.nieV'by the railroad corjx.ra tion that rights vtr alidivtelv u i controllable. The same nri iK-ij;'. must now be applied, to the solu.tioii of these troubles, - . . The inhersjty. nore or . tiie river. lie iter, ifnyn ien leet in the gronud and at j !inf rton dsLres not ,t. weuti ..-. . 1. oirusruic la lci lain lu lit; :ir:icw.m. ved ive it when riie;more police and j militia they law wiJe uiul i;roaaer than .i. i. i. a... i.:-.. - - .1 l ; " I" mm UUh ueaw' it is. The Carnegie Company dares lie iell.y00 feet, llofc leaVe " where jt is' '"'le slave The coiinnit tee' Appointed by con-i masters from Maine to CaMfornia grc-yg to investigate the charges, made dare not let " it. rest. All ibe re by Wats(ju of (la., of druukeuness j source; at their command will "be among Jthe members reported that; drawn upon-to crush out such irbold they arc not true hnd thaj1 it was an i and audacious move on the part of unwaranted assault: on the honor ! the steel workers. 11 nefcssarv,'Kl. II ILL, N. -C, .Inly Within the past two inoiiths over ' a that. I f liniissiriil letters ti.'tve oe, n rel-el . have, fhe weaker they i are, because t u.v.i, ,;:., ... ii. ..j.. ,,,r.,, .vlio .Imic Lf ri, Hill A.n.niriu- w'bni ..i they can t pay them. Ine vast vol- j j,, i)rej iu tlesc cjial pursuitt, j University offers to young n . n. ,ume ot debt becomes a means of , as fo eUJipl il the ge, viee of i l,t ns answer this pi.,stion ..brie, r restitution to the workers aud redis-; ,. ,.t. iif:.ftinin.r eshiblish- f r...- .H. i...fH ..f th. iIhuikmikK h einpioy- have not written' and who d hot trihution of the wealth of the world. Men becomejfree. 1 hey can go to j t , ht tt hich cau onlv be de know how ca.-ih Is, and make homes for them-. fejlU.d hl rnifConJuct on their part. wt ,iu North Ci : ments. a rlht to demand the 1 selv tix. and dignity of the house. Thc'correspoudent of tlie Temp who was sent to renezuela, tele .,-..,.1,:, f.-,..., M.. fliot V... . li, i UIO ll Vlll aH(I llllll ll" l ' V Mhr 1 : 1 , I was , w.t allowed to land, and was re- ' arm-v eTer oue of tben.1 111 the Sel corn here his turning home. He says he found in a slate of utter anartdiy. tien. Crdaueta- had j)roclaimed himself iiiefcafurof the Western States. tly they ni-.iv M-eitn liv trtipcouduct on their-part; - wit hii'i North Carolina the-very : he-it -.i l .1- . j : i . . es, can tate Horn its exnaust- j .lli,;li,i; . therefore, tnat at oi?i.rtiinities for limitl and' .liberal le?s resources, without money and j t.i1(, :,,,. ft,., aisauk noon these ieiire. every oii of them will cornel to the " . , 'X . " i Jieopie at uoines.eau u. . "C n 1 1 rsiiiKKHiTY orFit.H.s to- Yot'Nt- e .t f, - . their wants, and that too ; without ; :. i, ...... .1...,. i... i .f ,-ivbt to be thev rl i ' - assistance of the Carnegie Company, , .. ' . . w heie tiiev -..i.ui a iignt io ni, men. i . Then there are the courts, the po-; m' ,u," U.H,U '1""J v .. wort .upon ground they Inut a right lice, militia, and finally th4 standing: .. 1 1US' , f. 18 ? yJfhe..t defend. 'Do yon ask nfe If, the- n noie oiuuieoi u.juoiiee, tu un.i. R ,uav ,y -force la He lius-;e..SSon ot 41... ....:..,.: 4 .. ...I..41 1 1 ...wl . . . . . ,,, vice of the 'masters. Did yod ever ' tne property ot anotherr. .'. 1 nev - . :i im 111 iii'iici'i 1 11 11 1111 a. 11 ii 1 i- i 1 . . . . . - 1 . . . . i . j r-vv . - i were eonuau:tinr luemseives ... know one of them to come to theas- .......1 41... 1..... ... 4 1 1 sistauce of the workin-gmeur Neer ; . rP.- iu-' i.:. u Ihev are always 011 the side of the;1 , . , 0 mast-er. !,The law is always foi!the Tti.i iWijuy fllr.ho a-iv'il tha t. thf ! :!. .....1 lU .' 4-.. 1 ! 'P K . .1 L; j .1 L ,i ,sfu.., .iii.-..-aa fi, tt..;4w1 .... it a. ... i .... - ,l ..a ii. than it is two. It is easier to ucder ..1 ... i c i..s - , , i. -.J. , i'. stand "no taxes than it is even . iivnr; .tifii ui v.n-.ii, "UK"" oe crusueu as iuaL tue ; uiunuwo su-i body of financial experts whose jndg-f will rise. They wage ;.. i,, Mil i uoiirva fn frrv irrwit .1 . M'l t 4-1..-. i;I.t,,4 tiiit.iu Mi uv. in i mi in- ..... '".o"i i iv ........ o t cuui'Kiu A line la uui lAie onanu-si. ; . . , f r i .1 1 v . The f 'weight if , united. , Xeverthelst, the hope iu their present liiie of defense. I i,T. Vie fonus of 1"W' " : of the operati ves to assist in its Q,et Juf.1 niuiu issue .is so perplexing thata! I regi t that the struggle for hi y iper-leiuy line of their rights, is T' understand fhom Hiiiiiess was susDended. and rcjuires both houses, and th?,-, gov- t tjlese men were simply awaiting the ernor. it is easier to elect one nousej fini4.iv-. of the di'simted oueshons w.... ....... - - ----- . 4 - .i between thein.aud their employers. "Murk ni. 1 maintain the riirht ! ill-l.rlu t;IV 7 mill IT IS 411I14 trt I1-J.V ... r 4.. ........ 4 an uiU'.iiuU ! t , -Z r i - 01 Qe owners 01 juopenv T v. 1 ii 1 n 1 v i 1 ii f mii in ur 1 r nun r vuii'ii. : . , i i t : . i, ..... i i . , .. . i v kMiou 't"iv. . ,,r r heir vi 1 n 1 u 1 L iu i"ii ! for vio- IV 1 1 pers, tneh i bet. : ." re- i ssion no tobe; ct. vidleuce-; and they can briu to then- assistance unlimited resources: to rush out resistance. It is , to att the enemy at his strougest oint. ick I look for a "bloody slaughter of the ... 1 . : 4.. r 1 1 . . .. . 4 1. ..." .. ............ j ui . iul tin-11 w ivjiiuiv turn urn iui- . , , . r I j fe 1 j rule ot the master is ended. And ary success. ::M 4 ;i, -ve::t . . . -. rini;. it the bib-'-.lite tings strong-stiitagonisiii of opinion h like-, dustrial freedom seems to be taking J iv. , - ; '...: ;- I Iiast. week a new warehouse at Old l'rii.lge. Xesw iirifnswick, belonging to Morgan Francis, the 'distiller, was 1 est roved by tire. There was a large amount .-'of whiskev In the place, and tliis was lost. It is not known what oiiused the tire. The loss is about !3.00(., urtly insured. . The House of Ijords has confirmed the per'uission givenjto Lord i-Ailes-bury l-o sell his ancestral seat. Saver- to IiOiti I veagli, formerly brewer. ' ith the iiee-i:iarters ofaniillioii thus ob-. taincd, Lord Ailesbury's creditors hope he will pav 6ine of his debts. Kddie and Willie liennelt, 7 and l( years obi, respectively, ' were drowned in a poiid between here and iidnieutown about & o'clock this af ierimon. Kddie stumbled into the pond and his brother jumped in to help him out. The father, w no was orV't're other- side of. the poml, was unable to reach them in time to save lien.. len ce. , aitiotis;.! maintain tha a : .r.l.. - riffht of both t o:j Jiii, i M as b-in ;':-k a .Mill do"!- J'iiot -harles Mitchell, an esteit for i iii personal ing I'hief of. l'olict ,) h h V. M c Kane, of (i raveseiid. and -obtaini'ng slo fiDUi liartholeiiiew -:1c Car rick, a tug-l0at captairiV of No. 497 'Clinton-' street, Bnxiklyu, was 'sent to jail yesterday by Justice Sutherland, to - await! examination. Chief Melane savsihe will prosecute Mitchell. "; . Mieiiael Valsh, a lalxrer, of Xo. Z'Siy Pratt streeL, Meriden. Conn., while-drunk yesterday, took a walk "on the elevated tracks at Flranklin S'luare. ' lie was arrested bv: jofficer daines Walker, of the Fourth Pre 'cinct. and put away tor safe keeping The public school 'of Kmstoii- vill in the Oak streets, station. He had Tti. a slight scrutcii on his right leg, . piesMinaUly made -by a passing train. - A horrible bull tight isj'repored to have occurred at Xismes, capital of tin Oepartnieut of (taruVjiC the far South -of France. Twenty-thou- saud t coide were presen t, bix horses a i i- .. n.i .i :ould ! tieu . u 1 1 - , Il.nte. I'-Cill ):;ot 5 I'C 1 1 eu.--. ir iiirfies to reasonable compensation (' ... 4.1... t: . r iu' v. i . . . . . . .1 .... .i... r ti ft...: t?uinvv iuvihuhchui i..wi.w for- iheir. services: . l maintain me form of all others winch is n.bst. le-! f ?ir lasC uteT'' right of these laborers to continuous sired by the, masters. If thev. cau . Ja" cMr majority of one house , iojmenl, dependent not upon the provoke workmen to theaCt ot yv-'. bJu resultv .Ti1lcf would ieiee, it tri es e.eiiae iu. iiie.. uvn . , i i i i ii i. l game, but they would, have kindled a tire which. would : have swept this country. 'From ! the' "moment tliat agitation ! is seriously beffuu ou this line, the , , 1 w hy should we vota taxes upon our which i.. ... ... i ...... ii- 4., 'im. : . .. 1...44,. . - i w . , selves n.erely to enable the rich to jri ves uu excuse xoi ; siauy iiiei or iu- lence;away against which tne mas ters can make no defense. All it heir i continue t rob us of our earnings? i o we so love to be roblied that we ..i. (-.villi, fxxili- f AP S 1 1 aT ! tl armtesand their navies, their courts , .1 n,;,,,, hinl, i . . and their hirelings are but sources of weakness, and make their defeat, more certain. Now those of vou who know nre, know that I am no politicianjf that L nave no couhdeuce in ordinary po litical methods; aud that I am fullv stands itetween us to-day and ' a gld ri.'inl humanity, is the law 'which men apart, builds up classes, Keel erect & harriers between them, pro motes jealousies, hatreds, wars aud . j slavery. . i am here to to plead for a i -broiherhood as bouiidless as the uui- brotherhood which knows aware that the ffame is stocuea4 .1. ... 4.1... i ,i: a-.. .. ,i ivei'e; a .P y i -4 i i no uistinctions of race, of tongue, rhuri. 12 ! il-Mi- in ihih ir ..-111 1... I - ' i..v o nui 414 n iiivu aj . Ai. done.: j Now I want you to follow ni carefully a little while and I will t in to give you some Kints which may, ... :. .. . .' .. 1 open von r eves pretiv w iue. , L. ,i ..... i . lot caste, or .conditions; one wnicn acknow ledges no master. and admits of no slave, This is clearly within j our reach wheuyer we do but stretch ' forth our hands to grasp it. I care - .. .. .. ...1...4 1. . 1 . . 4" u..i i .i 1 i-fit r ir l . . . . - . .. . tO .1 iiab OIIWI V4. OV 11 . M. liwaiii w ran yuur aiienuoii, -ui si , , i.4i,.. i...,,. 4.iQ e ii 4 ii 4? i. .i 11 1 vou belong, whether lyou are trades of all, to the fact that the weaJxhot - . . ' ... ,rs, i. .. j ' ii i. i i ,i : unionist, socialist, single tax, or an ting; world is in the hands ot the . . ' , 7 ' , . , , , ii arclnst. 1 here is not one 01 you meu who never: as a class, produced.? , . . . ... . . . . "it 1 i7 r . 11 ,1 -1 1-1 w ho is interested in maintaining the a dollar of it; wbil those who .did 1 - . of societv.; That er as a class .are 111 poverty . - 2sext 1 -1 Jer IIliurt dtroyrf before a Let want you to remember that it is out v s ;.i-' 'ri,i. 1 a 1 e c 41 1 .1 4 41. ". ; ter on can take its place. the bv the. forms of the law that thin 1 . - , , ... , . i 1 e a . i 1 l, i plan l nave ouiiineu is on upou fKf11 bat !JTU iibr0lhL r.vl.ich all can unite; and which will 1 Mi 1 ii i it. .,; realize the. utmost that any 01 ou bacM by the courts the army, he Thetimesare ripe Jfor great navy, thir police and all tlie ot ier s - Are vQu read, , appliances for its enforcement, the 0 - M 1 men who produoed the wealth 'would;' N A!iiviLLE; Tenu., August. 11. 11 Ini-, inf.! resi-: two; Hire. ,1 1 1 i.. 1 . IV were uiseinnow ueti ami iwo 011 u killed.. The, sptHdators applaudeil everv incident- of ' brutality. The tion and corruption,! and rivet the for a trip to San Franckco ovr the 1 - 1 . 1 . . rt4TI . . . n A lillpor- is uuoer euaige oi iuiNiijo- I . -. . -1 . . r , . 1! alt h- -pnatihg lands, is in a ieeme conu 1- 4iv. v tio.l. L lie- liiipiL.iiu iu tuaif;c iy- bids fnrt lh?r examination at present 111 regard to the charges against him lest he should break down entirely. 1 lis' wife, who was arrested with him is a pretty woman of( only 19. She was- subjected ti, questioning at Ty- "vnn, der's reijtiest, and made statemeut item to shield him Which were considered .1 : t , .i.ri S. ( . . bv the autnoriues to oe piaiaiy taisc rhis led to her arrest: bince then he has been questioned several times Southvrn l'acitic route, lie chains of capiUil more ; firmly round , . fhc cntire year; olt the l-'heel. Her position excites public sympathy the necks,. 'of opprese.1. labor.--- '.j lrip there and all throailh the i but little feeling is shown on. behalf A riai a.s iSearcu) Economist. iiiirtbwfst. Kinston Fret 'Treks. 1 of Hyder, not have given it up to those who (Jovenior Huchauan was as asked produced nothings In other yord. this inorninar his reasons for .the the earnings"' of labor havr- been ' comniuUitionf . King's scntiunce. stoleu from labor, by law. iN'ow it' ! Ae replied: "First, I thought that you tihd stolen goods in the posses- should have had a change of venire. I ion of the thief, vou dou't regaru it ; .-VHithix its to the effect that J uror any hardship to the thief! to be re- ; Smith had communicated with Oftt quired to make restitution. And j .de parties, un expressed an opinion that is precisely what we are coming j about the case, were filed with" me tot " V I These a fti dav its could pot be intfo- oThis wealth which has been taken '! duceu in the court of record, because frum latr. is now in-'the form of aiKtmi lati. The action of Juror Ma-vor and feriect withdrew tronM fa-ids in the cilvniajd coun-Mustin and of the jury in going to the scehe, teat did not attempt to m-U tocks bonds ..fmortsraires , securi--Arkansas to deliWrate on the case reriere.1 !,'' I ; Mr- Hyder, the American Consul, man. f will and has made contradictory" replies. ties of all kinds, patents, f ranchises j had their weisrht, too. The dissent- and such things, on which rents, j ing of one of-the supreme judges in interests dividends, royalties and j the defence of part . insanity; the profits of all kinds arele-vied. These f pleadings of his wife and childreu constitute a tax uion dabor for the j aud the most prominent men in the benefit of their holders who -do "not country; besides the hundreds of let labor. These exist solely and -only j ters and petitions; these were my by virsue of the law. By . meac of ( reasons for commuting the sentence, them, labor is preveuted from em- J am responsible for my action. I ploy men t, is rendered, helpless, thonght I was doing right and 1 act must loo fcfor a master, and must led acccording to my belief." He take what is offered or starve.' J then banded the reporter a petition 1 These rich people tell us that thisi signed by twenty-six IT. S. senators government is the best the sun everfj and congressmen. King talked shone upon", and it U to them: i very little on the way here, He But, what has it ever done for .you:! to the sheriff that he would see gov Xow don't all spenk ai once, gentle- j ernor Buchanan in hell before he men! 4The wealth of the rich, which j would ask him for a pardon,! Kings they have obtained through the favor j wife and daughters accompanied him of the law, and wriich they hold only i to the pentitentiary. , e ,.t-; u" : -''i.'i ' ft.i'iitiiil witW i ."(" X i il.ili M !!.: Tin .- ,r lal mi It y. tieidogy, ; 1 v - ii-?. . ; -Ir .... v , lnuniml ' t t. all wi . in- . 1 .1 id hi ipplird 1 viw -4.:.1 well iraiiievl 'mi : -'; I -' !', ,. .' - ,'m. ! :. ' it t-e ' n.f .';n:i.i!ie-. i.. ; , ' 'pie in ji-nutwr, " , 1 ,'.' no:i! 5.-r Jonnitories ; cti iv halls. .' - (ir fu . f,r- b.-t ball n -.nii.- 1 e" 11 1, and uiher - f .-vl-iige, well gi. idol aud I-;.; 11 t : . bi ; n ,-.). will alone of the employer, but de pendent upon the good conduct of the employer, bnt dependent upon the good conduct of tht employes. t "Mr, l"rcsident, this is the only road ' out of th difliculty. You may call out the millitia of the state of Pennsylvania, and you may ex terminate all the inhabitants of that beautiful and thrifty village, and what is done? Human life has again beeu sacrificed in one of thse strug gles for human rights. Io you es tablish the right of t hese 1 urge estab lishments to control thvir business? On the contrary, the iLilxring men of the country, .so conscious of tli"cx istence of this right which I assert, the right to continue iii empioyineiit during good behavior, will, continue to resist, and this social w ar w ill be upon you, aud it becomes thev duty of Christian statesmen, rep;iiblican statesmen, to find some road out of this difficulty. - " "Withiumy lifetime I have seen maryelous changes. There was M time when individualism was the universal rule and- men lived aloiie almost, because thpy could support themselves; but matters have changed To-day the world is practically - di vided between the employers and the employes. : I do not take intqaccbunt those neglecUd agricuI'ttiRist'ri.ct, those farm laborers fir w hotii nolody seems to care for,, in all r the discus sions of tariff -policy we have, nobody ever speaks of the toiler upon the farm. We speak of organized' labor aud skilled labor, but when we come to talk about the white or the black men who toil iion the farm from the rising of the mi n "to the going down thereof, and sjeak of the in fluence of legislaiiod uj4u these men, we do not regard them. If we. pi ay for them, we pray for the,m very much as LJrougam j said the queen Was prayed for, for the desolate, and oppressed; if we legislate,, they are not regarded; but this organized labor is a power in the state. . You must regard; you must adjust it , How cau you adjust it? You cannot do it bv assertins I admit to be true, thatevery man has a right to the control of his! own property in his Own way; if he! does not like to go to work for the Car negies he may go to w ork; for v some'--body else. 'on cannot settle it in that way. You do not settle it by saying thatj Mr. .Carnegie has a right to employ 1 whomsoever he pleases. Those are old truisms ..whic h have not application in this "changed, con dition, when organized capital , fur nishes us all that we have; it furn ishes all onr food; it furnisher all our clothing; it furnishes our phy sicians; I believe it is now fun-fishing our lawyer? and it is said thai it has furnished our legislators sometimes although that is a slander which , 1 mm not disposed to indorse, That being the case yOu hove got to find 1. Five oeneral citurcx tft ttu fy eae 1 dilteriiiL'- from th.' other, each furnishing a broad', liberal cd ucatioii .There are jij-i.atih an; (Jreek course, a Latin eo-ir.-e, -; Science course, , a Literacy course. and iv -Mat hematics (o, lhigitueiing; roiiirse. J Kach (jf these cotfrsei . se- 1' - cures a degree, and-riiiYdlres-ordiiiari-I y fou r yea rs of. study. .The vari e 1 of courses ts intended to meet the needs of I various , ydung ! men vlr. have difUercnt purpo.-ies in lite.. In each course the studies iir the first two years are fixed, but the, -studies of the last two year 'may ba selected niaililv by the student under the ad vice of the Faculty. A. student is thus enabled, not only to -select si course of study carefully arranged to give him geiiial.culture, b;it al-j so W shiiTM that co;fi;se hy wi-j se lection 111 the last two years un to ut hinrfor some special profession. - . . 1 1 . .. ' 1 a. Six One rvyrxes or iuiy; vac 11 reouiring two ve;rrs of studr and arranged for the ' lieiieiit of - ; y.iiing men who have not Hie time or the hieaus to spend four years ot college.. These courses are 'intended fo'.uiiply the briefest : possible: preparai 10,1 10:: busiiiess, for law. for leacliing. fM fartniuir, for medicine, for joun ali in and each course includes only I "ho. -.j studies essential to th pnfiou se leet-d." . ;': !;: - ' ' - 3. Three Professional course.' in Kntriueerh in Mtvlicine and I'iiar-; iiiacy, and in- Iv. . Fach of thesr (i-iiirstM furnishes six-cial tecliuieati t rain i tig uhder accot 11 p I ishel a 1 1 d ex oerience teachers. - . - 4. An unlimited number ol' ye. ini courx. These special - courses ,ar. in auy subject that the student de sires, lie may confine himself t one subiect, if. he prefers. A greaJ many students have; taken special courses in Chemistry, littiiig' tbd-j selves chemists; while otbei have taken special courses in draw ih" and draughting, or in Kiiglih Literature or in (Jreek or; in I'll. 1 osophy or in History. Any stuN ht in the ITniversitv niavJ W selected for a special ''-course, anl i may tK'fuirsiied as long as th tu dent desires. -( . ; -. f. Graduate course, rhe.He tri offerejl i n a 1 1 s 1 11 d i es. t i g ra d 11 ii t s o col lor(s i or .uuiversilies wh: wis SiK'cial advanced traiiiitig U !.t them selves better for prof. r7-i.n1al life, ol for literary careers, or for M a. 11 1 u in colleges. 'Five .Btudeuts purine these coiirses last year, two iiii':ist H two teachers and a iouriiaiist THK.l'XIVKUSITY tiFFKUH Ji Ki-l' .WELL AS INSTRUCTION'. 1. it offers time to . tho.-e w n-.' proiMsrtv is not now available. 2 It offers sixty scholarships t needy young men ot, talent and chaij -acter. 3. It offers loans of money to thk- very ueedynw ho show j unusual ! tii! ent j '' ;. " " f v.y 4." It offers, free tuition to youn men afflicted With bodily iiitirmiti to 'tonajul; pa'Wic. school teachers, th the sons of all iireachers, and w young men .intending to iecmf preachers. - 1. . .-. i ' 5 ' It offers'.-I instriictiV'ii free to the graduate of college TH K t-XrVKKSITT OFKUS AX Pquipmext, which is a guaranty o good ; hoi.est work. Its equipmen includes: : f ! '. 1 ' ' ' 1. .1 Fartualtu of twentv-twb nrofessors and instructors, w ho jep resent the culture of tweuty of thfe foremost American and tKurojKaji ITniTeraities. 2. Give Scientific Ijuboratone, ob n tsiii44rkbl ' v. Their halls eti-.r.i of oil por .. ho have beeu !-ji'irtu-':if lif ;.nd 1.1 tlu- ii ition, 1 bent ;ir. Ht- ifi;its. . .S i.' x for sp;Hiatcultnr, th i-:ju.i Mitchell Sieinific Sgctctj a:i I the iiakj're Club, which otfT U;iii .Ii X.e'iliiii fvr original re- riau.ti...Mi .-.tu'). lit. I V-mjj fu' i 'kr, Att h"A ; ii'tun. w'hi-h im-eti five times each week, i.-l "active, healthy and US- fill. ; . ' Til V.. ' I ' N I V rv OKir'fcR! a ,. 1IS- jel.iNi: 1 t j'ui. iiianlni.s4 and ,- l' reii.ic ; I l.ereii-- uu vstvua of s.- ing,,ii.)i nf demerits, nor of un !;. ees.,iy -a.i'1 .jnlty ill t rfelHUC! with f-ttuf- iii me, nor of couipal rfoi pb-dg -s, dMic discipliut aims to .leveltp cliaracter through th ed -citioii ni the conscience. 'I'll K (' SI V Kt-ITV OKKkHS A UKOill a ii M v n f. v s im u 1 T; It places citi .euliip. in'anliuess hud huuisuity almVe'sectionalisin, :.:tai ianim. aud political parli.anship. It is a StaU iu'hiitute, .iv'eriud by lh Ii;il tuii, invites 10 its opportuui Ii. - oft il 'lire all- the youth of tu .tate, of w h!iteer religious faith political beliet br geograjihicaf -ii-.n., It is'a little world in itself, a Moi't of r.i ihi.ii Tire btate, Wher ywuug ui'':i "1 ail i la.-se.-, .conditions, faiths, teiuperuine'iits' and talents miugle freely tiigct her ,on terms of epjmiity, he" he atmosphere of lilxfral cuHwVe, and learn the priceless let sons nf .s If reliance, of reStHct for tie ojijijotii .if (iilurs and of lovefSr Iru'th. 1 .here is no place where a vu ing ii.ia.'i learns .so ipiickly that h "must s'and n his merits. (1K0. T. WlNSTOS. From a t'cldnrss Ovrr 4e Wftttc. So'iir oiic iigaiii Jasks John Sher- ! . l" I I ''-!' 1 .'.eii.'1-i-i line laminar inetious is tlirK f -dloiviiigi V "Now tell us 1 ' 1 t k . ' I why j. ih'? i'.itl .National naiiK ol Aev, ork had tiie, tree tise'ot lU'JjJtl).'1. as 'i's ohow'1 by its .sfat' lilellt lU- b:ne J 1, IK7S, while tll jH-ople paid i:itereftf. on IhumU that ougb't tii have bis-n paid with that nioui-y and ilie .:'.i:,l'(;:.0(Mi,.r. held iV the 'vyO I s nat ional banks as a f re loaii:' 'Si- ( oiniii rulh-r ( i the car- rCne;, 's ivp;.;-t, I K5'JKJiagf I. Not .11.1 I he hVi ;m 1 1.-1 1 luii ii I : Imtitr hrSva so a;nar.i'iigly. as -ju-j staU'iueitt for .1 ii ii,. IXlu: r-liowy.! TheNew York I'reniuii Tuff mivs: mIh a capital !t."i).i.ii'M I bey hiive divided iiO per eent .- mr the - year, afterauuinx ,r,i'.).(UH b, their surplus '00,000 i'nd after : leaving f2o7,70K,84 in il l.'ll .ill;! itSS IKT'tlHIltf . - ;. , . .Sherman's manner of anuvreriug jiii -i ions remiiuls us ol throlu f..irkj. who. .iberniaii-like, .was ei- pati.i!in;r upon this true gxdii-i. in tact i igliteousuess,- holiness, aud viii a citizeu. ' i'i ! i ti g ii liniste r i u terrupt- witii the iiuestiou, How iiboiit deili .chickens. Vou' stole last night:" !. ' . - .,- I be old t hief replid, "Oh, brud- der, don't 'nu iisji tin chickens on di s'.iJhiii'. caio:!'.. It frows a coldut-M over the ii,.' faUir Uiruld, Washington. Ind The pie (l him The Ka lrsats. ' ! -. ' . " -t ; i, ncje Sam willcarry 150 pouuds ttj pajier from Nvw York to Han Fruueivco for l On the same Xrain 'corporation i-arries a 150 poutid inan but charges him $85100 for th b.niie diUne.- 'an any turn tliao rite 4 goo 1 reason why there should U sjich a great ditTercuce in the pricp ilr hauli .ig J il.,Iiinds of jwjter and a' ina. i ot the or less weight? t)u. is iji iiiinia!', the other an ani- iiub i- i .i'. but feeds and takes care of it e If..' I'oth weigh the same and 'K-cnj.v the kuii. 'pajo. the only dif fcjr nee bei ii- that the man has a little niore s fcxpvtiive apartments thau-'lh?.'iiiail VacJ; " The mail sack I . t 4 ' " t ' M - - - ;i!ii. r t ne ciiM Ciai care ana aiien- tion of the corporation. The man sff ai.''; comjgets off and on th irttiu'lahen and where he pleases, the coin pari v gi ing billion further at tentioii Uwiii'to si that he pays his fare. It h not exjecteil that, tb rai 1 road -i carry vou af ros the on ti tien t for I .."(, ba t, reader, don't yon think the difference in. tht cae ive have cited, and they are true, is txgr ij . hi v iew of the fact that the Kjil-'Iice department is practi cally wlf-sfistaiiiiiig wjith out cheap letter and new njiajier itage,' it IS strange that the eopte will tolerate the exorbitati t pa.-.nger and freight tariffs by railways. The remedy lies iu govern men tow nersa In of railroads, and it is coming as sore a.-the rising and jetting of the sun. Xe n' Forum. , . - t'ob'en U t!ie capiUl of ' Hhenuh I'ru-ia: VaMendear is -a village of :,.) .-.'-lis, northeast of Coblenz; Kuis, or I5adFni, is a watTDg place oh the Luhn, as is Neider-Iahiii-tein, ' ; f'1:' .-V