THUS' ABOCATE :E WEDNESDAY. OCT; 19. 1802, IfST If you receiysMe FARMERS ADVOCA TE,it U a hint for yorto uh mribe. If you hate heen resizing it and it ntt care to tubwrihti aim ply notify the rtmater. V; " ' - Jf you reeett'e the Farmers' Advo CaT regularly you are conthlered a sub ribtrZ -;. ' fivhteriptionH - are ahrayg itaynhle in , ADVANCE. . '. . - ' ; - V SecureJycur seats for Sappho. The weather Kasi been line for . picking: cotton and 'housing other crps. v :'. J' , - Rev. C- 3eCall will prejieh lit Lawrences next 4th Sunday eve ning: at 7:30. o'eloek. I ' ColV Wadl,ll of Wilmington ami i Ff II. Busbee of ftaU-iirl'i a w ader itise"d t5 speak heft on tin-20th. ' "Don't fai,l to hear "SmhW at the opera hoiiso Friday nifrht. The-r"' willjbe'adclitions arni improvements in tho play. j f The breaks at, both of tho tobae - ware liOwsftx continue arervr satis factory in quantity and uality o tobacco and price; ' -The Farmers' - Aiivocatk return' thanKS for an invitation to attend: the Columbian exei cises at the Wil- kinson Institute tOmoi row night- Dr. J. Ml Teni(h-tou, ea mlidate for Governor on Prohibition tichet will address the citizens of Tarboro November the. oVd, lb'.r. ' V J. Hi Sor'nicATK, : '-CL': ' - ''.'.-.' Be'cretery-. Thro were two or three hun dred people in No. 0 township Sat urday to attend the spe.Jkin. In the absentn of Cliairinrin Kimmons upeeckes .were m?t' by ben. Cox and Pou (filbaui.; Alt of Of the county; candidates onhe Dr.iuOfratijB ticket were present. f V I'c r?o iial. Frank Hart is sick. , - - John P. Battle is at homi- on. a visit, - ' .. . ; Laurio Wt'ddel is iiiilj: sic-k with pneumonia. ' , Jacob Uarron or !oltl'l1i C. was here Monday v Maior J.. -M. Mavo of Ocala la. wa.? in town Tuesday. - H. B. Hardy of t lie Sm?c f-V-ro'-. el was in tovrii last- week. ' Jacob JBattle, Thomas Battle 'of Rocky Mount and V. A. Dunn of Scotland Neck are anteiHiing court' Cant. W. V. Carr;ivtr. ti-tyeling agent if the Richmond l)hU?h txui W, B.l Jordan of tlie,VlnVu)gloL &tr Hre-attending eoiuV? " : v. . 1 :- sppho x; . . This charming play will be repeal ed on the nigkt of the 2!sl instant by Mrs. J. M. St a ton's pels.11 to class tor -' ( the benefit of the (iuild. It is decidedly the !'..t ? vperforinanee ever giyi'p in nineteur rarboro, . t-o e ii. f . Reserved seals' i .",., ceiN,- ieneral admission Gutil;3lwtiBir . -.The' regular n celinsr ot'. tho Guild wns held in ( d ; '.I'Vllojys : hall last Thursday night. James IK Lloyd pre siding. . Owing to the absence -f the form- er Secretary tln reading of ..the inin- utes of the previous mceiing uati i.o bo dispensed with, unaniniousl v elect I 'M ill Jones was 1 , 'f .(' re tar v Hr the ensuing' vea r- T here lu ii! no form of' entertaimtieiH (he at tend - ance wiw small, :i;i the 1 Hismes was swon transacted At tho ncixt -meeting Vvitich ; will be keld on th 2nd Tliutsday n.iit in November PaulJones will rey.ite.- ' Suvvc.rnttM!''ts I!fvp rt J For first month eii'liiie;- .-tvU; i 1 S1 - - .- - '- ''.-- " Enrollment wi-it.'i Cira.h-d S-1io1 :. 175.' A veraire pe,t . et. of ;U tend- ajice 9U per. cent, i Enroilment M-";;ir :- 1 WUltO.-sell.ool ; ii-ai'in'i ;ii'V ci ii . ot at t irSiaaiH' 1M5 per cent.' -Eurollinoi f eo:ov,;i Giaileu school l- A veii'ir .l'i' ''''it: o at tendance 92 per ceiiK Total emoll "ment -both races ."isjl HOI. V. tJONOU. hlUxv.auV ;Vi:-.zi.- Zoeiler.:; Helen i.wi j -.....;.. T... ,,, 15..n.ii J ,114 t H , ' ' ' " - . . . Jlavwood, Anna Iiakv-r Katt.NaslH Mary 1 oyster and IMwaid ': L . ..v I'. 1 1' iif i'.l V. liv ki i f Kii,Mif:i, : !it. . - . ' ,. 'V Nuneriiiv o;n i ', ,TUel Fall session , of t!ic -'aperiOr Court convened ; with Hu'lge George A. khuford. presiding..:. The charge of. His Honor t 1 1 :-' jury e.eispi.ed one , huur... aud i.-rtv mintnes.. ne gave n, recital of the. '..principal-1 !aws n the statute books, aud iniresscd upon the miv the. vcsr'r.srbihtv that rested upouthwin in tlse dischage- of j deiiednd oppressed are in no copdi tfaeir dutv- "' HeNgave them a general J tion to pay any txat allior govern- ideaiof the. crimifuil l;tv. and urged npontthemif th'ev .had ;nv Vnowl - edge of any person h-avi;-. . iumit-. ted perjury to l.ring the . T.?ond;-r" to justice, tor he regarded this as most -hevnous offense .' ". brief tui4liniof niost all of the crimes known to our 'kiw was iven Tllcr,! n ilsiitv-s-vvii enrr.inal cases ; on the do, k. t. Register. V (JO '1 v viMT r...T., ,, r l wi ii i-W I I !'; !" CfNfJT AT ON C K A J ) i ' KG IS- TER..B.K PUKPAWKj) 'TO; (J 1VH AGK. IMACK OK I iUirril AM) KOUM Ki; JJKSI i iKXCK. No Prejndiee Mr. Editor: Tin clipping doe so nt certain ones not a 1.000 miles from your office, as to prompt me to ask its publication in your columns n the hope that they may read it "to theii profit. . 5 Coming Critu (Colorado) gays i bf the spirit of, ignorance fostered bt big otry: ( - , .. . r : Hurl epithets at the men and wo men who are trying to. teac h the trnth that will enable 3011 to move into a decent house of your own, to clothe and feed yourselves as well as any- may live, and make ; you- better and wiser and richer. Tyrants have always fouud fools and Stools t help them usurp the rights of the people, and you are one of them, fa, in alleges have been denounced and Mtrayed by the very class of th ey were itryinfir to liberate. men But I we hate them riot. , "They knrfw not what they do." They are not wise enough to think, but they can be taught. The man who thinks s res- It i ' , . J - : " M. J, Battlk Uarrett Uarraioas -. York (iarrett Colored, j Repul lican nominee for the Benate," spoke i n the 'court1. house ' Thiirsday ' night to a crowd ot about fiftv .colored men. Ho urged the col ored( voters to ttand together In 'this election. He said hw iee was supejjr to the white race and he rejoiced in the elief tjiat some dvy a, colored .mah: ' r-6uld Ue President .of. the-' United Safes, and Governor of North Carolina. He said the first blood, spilt in the war. of the Revolution was th pas that. 01 i histocy of of a negro He related briefly the his boyhood days, aud spoke o he was reared and educated, that today by his education ho how Said Ould stand up on the judge's bench and jiiakii a speech, and if he were elected to the Senate he would represent :the people of Edgecombe as tfiey should -i.e. fj Though his opponent's ' . were' eated men ho. wow Id measure edu with any: of them in ability. (Jarreti was fulsome in nraise of the1 membrt rs of. his ticket Ho: spoke with emphasis, as luo be lieved, of the superiorit y . of hii over the whites and said than race .1 white people kiwiw that the ne are their superiors and are onlv T) intr'to keen them down. ! .".Garrett's speech was jiot o ; the kind to please the colored inan d f av- ecage iiiteIHge.nco. " . The German Thursdaj Kipht j - For lhc ,arIlicrs, Advocate. That perseverance conquer mi 11 r thingswas never better, illustrated than it is b the present success of the WahRie Club ! As the members know, a yea flrrfi the club was in a very, crippled difion, but now, owing to th con - Untir- ing efforts of the officers, it bidpfair to nourish continually in the fujture As oroof thereof,: refer our- readers r- ' to the accounts of tlio deligl htful Germans of this season Conspicu ous among the .rounds of social aity stands the Gern night, October d TaT-boro's-eVrps . of stands ' the German of Thursday 13th. Once inoro dancing yonn S la- j dies traced the hall, and the scene . " . . ' . i : was ono or dazzling oeauty Aue 1 -1 x andsome gowns Were tastfully and the writer re- ! .iv tfci. y ... .... w . - - - - - - - - - - , - ! . grets, exceedingly, that he isiio i v well vorsed in tao feminine art o j div ss as to be able to give a to i description of the different ones. BUte lue 1 followine were the couples id . t- mini, j tendance: Miss Mary Philips W. M. Pippen, Miss . Cornelia p.,-. ritt- mKlv Wlth .y l. Pancy, Miss 5an- i me ( .,.c ory with P. ilhams I -ii- , - t.;. iV.Tn,,.! witb' ( Wright, Miss Kate IWell witlJ Jas. Whitehurst- Miss Lottio Pancy with If. A. Gilliam. Miss Athv Cetten i witiiJno. Battle,. Miss Alice Ho Ward ; kvii- r with' L. L.xStatou, Jiiss Annie l.i;j,nts with G. A. Holderness. Miss j Jvnnie Boui ne with Chas Mehrt trail. ?Iiss ( 'ariie Gregory witlf J. P, i pen; Miss Lucy Myers with A mbn I 1 lartl Miss Gehie Williams witli H.J ii I) Uniir,i ii Sijillin IVnrii'r wn.i j i , .-.-.;. . .. i x,:..:. 'vtAU. , ; u.lti, f, ; .lM,j! Holde V .Messsrs, rcaton ali'l 1 1 Olucruess ieu. viiajirruu Ih's, (i-o Howard -Tr. and Hrs. WiP I r.., H.ivvnvd X. PC. Tha Issue WIsc-Msed..,-l?, , Glenn, of Win ton. Clevel inn Elector for the Stat at 'addressed ressed a coutt housu Ii coutt housu full ot- people- i,ueMinj;ai x v viw, i,. Ti er tla- court ioj.k a recess for dinner. AUiTJl SPUNK iiJot ,mu uwui., discussing at great length the flariff question. He pointed out the int- ' niiitit's and inequatites of "the paw, ... 1. - 1, t.i v li'iiil In- the ,.-i.'"Jt "." - . i - . i irns;; un r and laLoiii!? men fo the Jeiirich nient of the manufactu rers who -earjoy tho ptwtection of infamous and infernal 1 a most aw. I s lie s.-iid that there are 2r.000 mniifac- turers in this country who own moie i wealth than the balance ui tne u-i j miioii people-' ; ) ' ! Tif this be tiiio then the million !vh!, have been so long bur- j mental ptrriwse An income tax ! w.hld do awav with the thriff i Entirely amUtbe rich manufacturers witoleiiiov the blessings of protection X.a then be Comcelled to pay their just proportion to the maintenance of the government The wealth be- in out of their hand the great are in no condition to pay any The incouie tax would make wealth sustain the government. Mr Glenn's exposition of the lax. the Ed.) bp Ud, ,oini. tr tsi lit was very iu -..-. . v --- -l.J "",,u . d forcibly put. He said he wk-ote ' toMr Cleveland And ascertained bis ton tmsition on the free coinage ques that, if free t jur Vjicveiauu wiwit t- coinage meant inflation he was op-' posed to it; if it r meant' taking JGS cents worth of silver and making it I a dollar he was opposed , to it, bat if it meant pntting ine hundred cents worth of silver injthe dollar he,fa vored it. ' Mr Glenn eulogized t lev land in the highest-terms, denounced Harrison for faroring the Force Bill and denounced Gen. Weaver for his' utterances against the South: He said the Republican party is still committed to the passage of -the Force Bill The terrors of the Recon struction Period in this 6tate in '68 70 were portrayed, and., the speaker urged all to stand by the Pemociati o party L": r ' r .- J Ajrotnst 0Ternnient.IiHne Editor Farmer' t Adooeate.X th' is a .campaign of education and you read to me in your last issue extracts from the opinions of Jefferson and Benton in regatd to national banks every word of which 1 endorse,.;. I now ask you to publish for the bet ter information of your readers the opinions f these same statesmen on the power and policy on the govern ment issuing treasury notes: "I will say a few words on Jhe pol cy of issuing treasuiy notes in time of peace, or eyen in time ot war, un til the ordinary resources of Joan and taxes had been tried and exhausted I am no friend to the Vne of treas ury noes or; any kind, as loans of any thy art r,e a disguised mode of bor- lowing, and easy to slide into a cur rency; as-a-currency, it hi the most seductive, the most dangerous, and most liable to abuse, of all deserip-j tions of paper money. The stamping of paper money (by Igovernent) is an operation so much easiei than the laying of taxes, or of borrowing money, j that a gov . ernment in the habit of paper emis sions woven rarely fairin any emer srency to endulge itself in the employ ment of that resource, to avoid, as much as possible, one, less auspicious bto present . popularity, so said ten- era) Hamilton; and in that all the fathers of the Republican church Jefferson, Madison, Macon, "Rah- 1 dolnh and all the rest concurred with .1 x ; r him. These sagacious atatemns j resource, so liable totabuse, and so i certain of being absurd. They held : it inadmissible to recur to it in times j af peace, and they only could be i-thought of in time of war; and that j after exhausting the direct and re sponsible alternative of loan and taxes. ": ' Bred in the school: -of these great j men, I came here at this present s;es- j sion to oppose, at all risk, an issue 1 nf trnflflilrv T1ftt. f r s : I prefer a loi prefer' a loan for imany land! (niruiiJ rptsnn:. ThnmaH H. "Retlton ! in tho U. S. Senate ' Januarv. 16.! 1840, T Am awana that a use A may' be j Vhich is' ., ,3 ,. np tvnonr.T nntna i ; . i. quiteopposed to the.spirit of . the and James R. Gaskill, sutvivmg constitution- that is, to issue T them i partners of Farrar, Gaskill and, U without interest, or with a mero ! vs. J- J. Lawrence and L. A.Law nominal interest, and to ' attempt to j rence, the undersigned will sell at fni-o. thfm into pirpnlatinn asmonev . i the Court House door in Tarbot-o, Any such attem tempt ought to he tren - ted; being neither more m attempt to establish, a uously rosu nor -less than, attempt ... o rv :.,i wl VSLVIU VI KiaLVrL UAVUC7 lAIUCl ' tt m in istin : I 1 111" KJ J - Ai 1 VU W, . . ' . v . sVi.ll iti mnnov sind reerulate the value thereof : no state V- . ' eraifbills of credit, or make anvthine . I hut crolri nnd silver a 1 era I tender. 7 a ' Of,, - . . ji t.'.' - nere are positive ana iiecative unr i visionsa grant of power to Congress inrt a limitation on the towers of the i States in reference to tha currency I Can you doubt that tho wbject was to give to Congres. the cfmtbl of the j ..nrrAiVev' what else is ' the' me an in fr ; to reerulaie the value thereof . Can Jr-, I you doubt that the currency w;as in j ; tended to be specie, wt. at else is the .vtomntfv t i .fun mnna v .Ifilin I n I. ' houn in II. S. Senate, February, 5, i j84o Very truHy, H. C. Bourne. THE NEW FUOUJM. A New Week.v Paper. KPITED BY" ' W. S. Morgan, ,Coi.. jesse Harper, .Teriy Simpson, Mrs. S. E. V. Emery, . - ' Irs. Marian Todd, ', Mrs. Annie L. Piggs, " Geo Washburn, "' ' -"' H. E. Taubeneck, ,;:.';' Li. P. Featherston, and others. ; JUST STARTEP. The AVw Forum is a new People's Party1 paper recently, started in St. Louis, Mo,, It has the greatest ar. ray of talent of aiiy.of tin Reform papers, and will take its pi ice in. the front rank among them. This is the paper vhich he postal authorities are p ndejayoriuar to handi. cap by refusing to si?nd ot thesam. pie copies which the proprietors of tlue paper want to send, to tlie people. Mr. Morgan, the editor and General Manager, wanted to send out free to the people one hundred , thousand sample' copies, but after appealing the matter as high as, he ScouUl go to Mr. Wannamaker, the Post Mas. ter General and being refused-7 by him from sending v out, the . sample copies, he is now appealing, as he says, to Gjod that is to the people- -(the voice of the people is theJ voice of the people is the voice of God). In view of this discrination against the A"e Form we hope everj- reader of this paper will at once subscribe for" it. We will send it in connection with this paper for $...;', or it ican be had bv those who subscribe by the first of June, for CO cents for one j-ear's subscription. . New Forvm PubCo. St. Louis Mo. REGISTER RIGHT. ,r EVERY VOTEU SHOULD SEE THAT fl IS FULL NAMJ&IS ON THE REGISTRATION BOOKS. FOR EXAMPLE; JOHN W. JONES, SHOULD NOT -BE REG ISTERED J. W. JONES, BUT THE-FULL NAME JOHN W. J0NE8. HEfllSTER BEFOttK THE 29th INST. rJEW FALL AND WWTT.T. BE GLA DTO PENDER'S CORN E1L Tarboro N. C.f Oct li, '92. NOTICE. By virtue of the power and authority contained in a decree of tho Supei'l or Court of Edgecombe County, State of North Carolina, made in ihu cause entitled William Hodges vs.j H L Staton and ethers, I will sell at the 11 sell at trie V 0f h, IjtU y - - Court House door in Tarbo Carolina, on Monday the man ana outers, ana coniaining.voo a a mm, locc o n 1 Lrnnirn 1 a t n .v,lc, uiuiB i. .... oum uY- -.. ..v nuuocx riace: lor a more iariic urn r- description of sahl land referenJ,fer nereny maae to tne pieaaings 1 - in ine auove enimeu cause. . lerms ot sale, one nau cau ami the balance to be oaid in twelve i months with 8 per cent intexest-frpm the day of sale. Purchaser's note to be taken if or deferred pavment and)'. title reserved until the whole purchase money-sllaJl be paid. Sept. 8th, 1892. H. Li, Staton, -'1 rust erf". sep. 1-Mfi Notice. , By virtue of a judgment in hupe ribr Court oif Edgecombe County made in the special proceedings jen titled Robert Thoma.adm'r of xhiom as Flv airainst Mary E. Thomas and others on the 29th day of Septum ber. 1892. I will sell miblicly at the Court House door in Tarboro, Noirth Carolina, on Monday 31st day of (j)c tober. 1892, the real estate.-Treiil'.n after described, to wit: the, tract of land situate in said iiunty contarn- irtr alwmt 1 (V fti'WW A.1 1 Ol T1 1 II Of tile lands of H. K. Nash, th heirs of 1 Thomas Norfleet, and others, being the land on which the said 'Phonic Fly'resided at his death. Terms i cash: bond for the residue payable twelve months after dav of sale with interestat 8 per cent, from tho -day of .sale. Sept. 2n,thj 1892 HE KEY JoHXSTOXj, Commissioiier. Oeto 4t NO TOE t ..- - I : uetoDer.isuf, certa m traCl oriu Saturday the 8th day of Oc- ce of land situated in! the CountyloTj ,er lH92f a c0;tain tract or parcel Edgecombe S ate of North CareJi ha, 1 bf la;d 1n the County of adjoining the lands of Dr. .M4tt- i uj',,,., ja vk ndl.m. By virtue' of thepowerand author, parccj Qf iand situate in the Coun ity contained in a decree of he , tv 0f Edgecombe. State of North S Superioi Court of Edgecombe County Superioi Court of n,dgecomoe county State-of North Carolina,'made at iho ! State-of North Carolina, made at tho Spring Term, 1892, of said Court, in the cause entitled George B. Wright "Sa'tliA fansfi untitled GeorETe B. Wright v North Carolina,, on Monday the 1 th i day of October, 1892. a certain tract ! or parcel of land situate in t;ho rninitrnf Kilirfiflombe.fitateotJMortn i v. .. .... . j c ' ' fTnrohiia.jadioininsrtne lands or ill . ' ' - II. Hvman and W L Garrett and n 13- ters, contamuig twenty, five aerbs 1 more or less For a more particular description' ! f Ion-rofnraiiAn is liircln' - i muu,.nwvvv . : . r i to j to the pleadings hied in the ab ve entitiea cause. Terms of sale, one-half cash, i he balance payable one year afer the day of sale, with 8 per oont. inf r- est from the day of sale Hekry Johnson - Commission pr. Sent. 14th 1892; State of North orolina ) In the Supeio i Kil.r.wimbe Countv. - r t ourt i, e t.. . i - - 1 Penninirton Clt-r Articles of agreement for the IncorHira- ' tion of "The Tarboro Cemeterj- ASMX iation ha vine been duly 1 proven before me by j j H Johnson the subscribing witness there f to and dulv re-or.leil in the OHice of pie "'irk of the Suvifrior Court of Kdsrecoilitie ! Countv and State aforesaid, and tTtc Ic.i.x I ,iK. hv virtue of the SUitutes in stu b 1 rx iuvi TV1 5&1 lo and nrovided ' I. Ivl -I'ennington as Olerk of said t '.jert .4 .llnro tlint the said .lame B. 1 a v f.inv.l v K l.lovtnd l'aiilJonert Jmd their suwessors oe aim nipy ri u. . ..wj.. . Kkl... male a ' body corporate by tjie nrtnie and style of "The TarbOro Ometery A. ..:..i :.r..;-' HwinliniT to the tenns and. for tin purroseset torrn m." .L r.h.'lv nurnoe set forth in sanl Articlcrof a:.1n - .i .1 I... il,a lvr of Nnrt.h 1 Jiroh l.l )! i II" 11 Li 11 11 . 1 - ..... 0011 ..:.. ' tnr iiim nf lliirtv vP;irs ritli -orp ' ' , nf nv. thousand "dollar lli- vi.le,V into one hundred shares of fcfty . .. ...1. in witnoss whereof I. hl the Sonntv and State 4foresaif hnve lioie ri,er.0"n. v...-..lnd flffiket mvloffirial seal io se i in; ni - : . , wfvi " this ,30th day 'P,IS;Tt)X, Clerk Sunenon VJurt j. h9 BROwra harness and s$idlle maker has on hum a FIXE STOf K OF GOODS ill ins line, aiuu dll save money by giving' him a trial. REPAIRS DONE NEATLY AND PRO HP JY ANd Don't fail to call and see him, i ACptUtf wm m iii WINTER GOODS W. RICKS. 1 2 mo NOTICE Bv .virtue T the power and au thority contained in a certain deed of trust executed to the undersigned by B. B. Lewis on the 'list day of Peeember, 1891, and - reeOrded in the office of the Register of Peed uor Elleecombe County in; Bo Page -33, I will sell at the rnOUSe door in Tarboro, Nortl Book - iO, Court North Caro- U..iii.;:.'.i u, nt.Am. v.i r v " . . ... . 1 tnB- j whh. W. K. Warren . , 010 l j v-. mor;-'or. legf an being the . veyeJ to the said B-B. Lewis r i a .v,0i,ni nA w!f. -r, .1 - f, nnliv:(P(i intemt of B. R. Lewis in a certain tract of land sit uate in tho County and State afore-s-aidi adjoining the lands of ; Ivey Howard, William Owens and others and containing 123 acres more or less and commonly known as the K. S. Lewis Place: also an undi vided' one-half inteiest of the said B. B. Lewis in a certain tract of land situate in the and County State aforesaid and on the road leading from Pitts cross roads to the late R-T. Eagle';-- and on the north side there of, adjoining the lands, of the late Calvin Pitt, Nancy Sugg Rbbeit Walstou and others and .containing 3f9 acres more or less. For a more particular description of said realty reference is hereby made to the trust deeds aforesaid. Terms tof sale, one-third cash, balance in twelve months with 8 per cent, interest. ; .Toskph Cobb and W. G. Wxbb Trustees by H. L. Staton, -Sept.. G, '92 Attornoy, oet.lO-tf NOTICE. By virtue of the power and author- j-jty contained in a trust deecyexeeut edto tlue undersigned by Kate Wil Jiamt. on the llth day of December, 1S91, and recorded in ; the office of the Register of Peeds for Edgecombe Count v in Book; 75, Page 432, will sell at the Court Honse Poor in Tar bbroN. C. on Monday the 7th day of November 1892. ascertain tract or j aroiiua . adioining the lands of Mrs i fartha J- Best, the heirs of the late Mrs.' H. V.. Staton. Mrs Knight and others and containing about nine hundred acres, more or less, and being the tract of;land whereon the said Kate Williams no v.- reside and which is fully described in tho deed to herefrom Elias Carr, Adm'r os lteddin S. williamaand reference is made to said deed for a more I par iicular description thereof; subject, however, to the homestead exemp tion, reserved by the aid Kate Wil liams in saidutrust deed and hereto fore allotted to her by commissioner appointed for that, purpese. Terms of sale cash. H Lloyd wh,l.iams, Trustee, lv H. L, Staton, At'ty Sept. 8. '92," " r eptH-tf Lots For Sale Lots iu Oakdland Cemetery within half a mile of .Tarboro, arej now ivady4for sale. -Apply to ,i Paul Joses . Secretary & Treas. I.ooh Advertl ements i Ben ut if ul oxodized silver orange spoons -for sale by Bell j Jeweler. i ; tf. Ijook at those beautiful moonstone rings at "Bells. f- ' t For School books and Stationery Aprl3-tf. to 'Zdlcrs' Bookstore s-irini' maeliines sold on the in stallni-nt tnn bv Bell, Tarboro, -N, tf. v . Vnr Monthly's. Weekly's Fashion Journals and Paily Papers go to the News Stand at Zoellers' Book htore 1 Aprl3-tf. ced tobacco man d sires a position curing tobacco j in this cxiUntrv. All persons desiring t.i obtain one wh thoroughly under stands handlintr the leaf should ap- sply at this office. ' . I !,arr. .in immense stock of Ibajr- ging and ties and can offer special ;n.-tuetments'to all desirine to make purchases, also a heavy stock of pea ,,tJcVt. Call and see roe. omco next to Farmers' Advocate,; T, H. John.sox, Ajreht. Sept.l-L92 4tf. ' Special DeUarte uV.Tntr that where on person tl(di uT for art's sake there are ml who study health for i.n.ifi. a il-n. and a r orec ia tine the iicaitu - . ... - -irv- for sneh a meana of pro rootinff health, Mrs. Ji M. Staton ha opened a schcMjl for .special. tj.v TiftN" in Pelsarte "Jhese exercise are for eonaervmg the- nerve force ior oiu,as , wyi- r-nT ruwvnle. The eourse which 1 wil teach is now in. use in the rani t.v;ms ml ha.a oroven. of invalu- thJ meflieal nrofeasion- In auit nu v a ,i,m;T, to the Pelsarte elas ix bi- presios this will be special cl of instruction. - ' ."'" For terms apply to m " '' ! SI US. J- 31. OTATOS, Tarboro, N. C 1 JL vA " VV V 1 11 Krj (tiv VTfc A.ivau V w v OUR PLATFORCtQ PRICE CASH 1J All our giKMhall be the latest and newest and honestly made. There shall bo no shoddy good in our store. . ..' All good shall be prieed in plain figures and sold for- cash alik . to everybody. We pledge ourselves not to do any credit business and accumulate bad debts. By doing so we can sell at a very small margin. We will not per mit a suit of clothing to be carried from our store that is'nt a good fit. " Th n shall alwav be added new gools as the season advances and as they are brought forward by -the makers. If a customer, has chssei unwisely he shall bo permitted to ex change his' purchase provided th goods are returned in good eonditioa and have not been cut from the j piece. Will s1mw throughout Ihis Campaign ! the latest style, weaves and makes of well gotten up and substantial Bey's d Mi Wing . - HATS, FURNISHINGS AND NECK WEAR. -' i ' ' - .' We will continue to keep ia La dies' Goods'thebost stock oi , ' DRY GOODS . 1 '1r ' in Tarboro or elsewhere about here which "shall consist of ths newest Press Goods, White Goods. Laces, . Embroideries, Trimmings, Silks, Ginghams. Ch allies, Zeph yrs Outings, Chambrys, Bleachiugs, Sheet- S'ngs, P.ints and HOUSEHOLD LINES, to be "sold at a small margin- - . Heifbroner h Co., OXE IKICE ;ash HOUSE-. pi:offionfll and Snsintea Zaxii . DR. T. 1'. WYNN. Office Main Street nsxt door to . ii o rr ii o w a. ii TARBORO' N. C. April 15., flm PAUL JONES Attoney and Counsellor at Law. Office on Main street in tho Aus tin building. " HEADQUARTERS. (0)- (O) You enn buy powder and . shot of us lo wer tbaii any .... - ' lii THE COUNTRY We Handle jDTJP OUSTTS F- FF- FFF. 5000 Peanut Bufffl, 1000 Pounds, yiiito Cotton Hope, 100 Kegs Nails, All At Beince Prices, - 0. Lichtenstein & Co. The Queen And President, ' r: ':v;- Wlio will he PresHWnr.' rtii your nwer. whh ehfht iwo-jrriit tor a Mm pie rale att-i conditionii. ml cure one Ot Uf followiiii: valuable prize: . To th nm correct nwer will be wamJ c.u-. -Kik-M-in? IU no: the 2 next each pair of bemnttf ul Diamond Ear Rinp; tne next wn " " chine, ami to the lai tea will he rW' earh a full Kilrer Tr Service (value WO). Io aAlition to tbeae. every pepn correct ly narainK the next President wuU hare their choice of a mapnilV-ent Diamond Bracelet, a Mir of IMafnond Ear-Kings, or an tm ported cintestcVoaea Koremher 7th. Any letter postmarked that U e will be accepted. Daring the contort spenal prues will C riven to the first ten answer received aca dir. without wrxrd to name of candidarc. Xl prixep for the lr. 8. f ree of doty. The Queen Pob. Co., Ltd., TOBACCO AT EOCK3; ltockv ISIoniit, 'XI C.. .ajll Uue, ir r , ' '.v.. . '" i :nd itaV'ut .-c.v? fXini-cV-i r. .- '-' ' . si,ooo iLf mite PAIO OUT. BBVtn from ? '.io.. get the chaiit e io. :s bj 12" fVU-cr ! readr for the 1J 1 v- GRAND E -ON- 2 jr J3 oar 3&&J&i&i3T2tt n ui'.ieert Real BOURNE Estate r i ".;.! vPERMArTO-Y I Tarlibro For tho V iii-iiiiKf- f (ii!;M!iikr in the Halo Parties Miio desire Write ns Imnie(ti;rteh For Terihn, UivinI 'rices, 1 )c seri j)- tioii ot U V The object of the estahlis jiii'eiiev iisVt-o odci of thin section SEEK ! II IF YOlF,l!A Vb; LAXD WO: - VERY 'WE t-iiVV'E SOME jDESIRABLE PROPERTY I M !' '- JM' T l)V - T. A 2M) O 0 , . ( 1 J. TO OFf FOH SALt, ; Excellent Building Lots A i'lliijiU.!!) liUiii: BOUR15E i5 Heal Estate A;e?its. THK VOL I A W j KS;lHifv KT V JT. o. 1 . 'One trai-t. ofU' -t!i . ing; .will fortli'-o t-e!v t;nVr'.-.2 . n yen with i-rivnt. intpifn from ti . '. 'i. Kour town li iu l'''" " c t i No. 3 One trart of l.iA 4eOt1i5!:rf-WV' ni 3' nrref tinib'rj f 'ool for i'4tiiiiU. riit. dii'l - 1 JTrt. 4. On-tra(t ot U,i lrice ft V. ' Term h. 'Mi- tory tuiMyi out-i wr.-?t Urn ?i .j.-';..f. One farm 125 c rCf. ' ".1 ' '- ''.'-' k i'o. Va.' two iiniM t.JTei Ji ..' 1 Tn one tuHe I TJnST-rC on" ir;,l'-: j pin hotiiwrl hri bikI j.H I'mnry Krain biiiI fine luT xzyi:' ' . 135 i rn of Jan-J for tenant Iiooim-i jr'xl ljrn.V-January.-JO jl ... ; j CenraL BRING THEM YOUR TOBACCO lCplTZEsTT, m 1 SS2. .n-oihI Mimual Eijtwiton 6n the ;I m if vh itm . j:rii t !iri jrr t a' k'd ,'V XP0SJTION Agency! HA RC R AV;E. 5v ABtlSHED OF - tf-lf. ' t. i N their i'ropei'ty Sold JaniL inh( 'it of tbin the dVa tagesrf v v r?f EH T it L 0 ! Itfk J I WJ ADVIHI! I S; v "nf! AL8 KJ kTi -4 l-n 'Tiirhoro, N. (V NOW rl v for fru'it. :T: ' ( nh'i, I a!:ili kbA t' k ox or l !f .1 a: v II !! ".! fl rt". 1T5 'T l.t f!i ".U' f n.fn tnt f ; . I Vita t . Il.t H!r At If AM.H4VB, I : .i .''Y i K v r . . !( i I i.'i't !'Mtllr t t Vv'l'-l-."! ! 1- iriei' 4 !., f'i in i. t-J :-iv-1Ii.ii- Loa ii 1 .i:ih rn.lr4,sl in Wra !, i ,.'!n ! .! nt rliar i A :. i r.-t OmtMlf "' l: t! r it Ihtnitr. 1 -A I, V 4' . iVk 'lUUUir of room r t.-. -:. is n f.l i, -rti-l !) fn jht'.lAfi r!. 1 1'"' 0 ct30 Warehouse i. . -. . .

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