, - a tin ? AMMfcliB - - AD V yAajE. - '' ' "-. :-- " '-.!- . i ' ';,- ;.; - ' ; ; - '; : ' " 'j - ' " . -!' . .V ; " j : . ' ' . . ;'-. . ' - ,"' ",.-.:;, !:--:" - -' -, .7 ' . - ' " -.- VOL. 2.-NO. 20 TAItBORO'. N- C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 2,1892. CE, FIVE CENTS -j. r : - r . --. . - - -.7. " ; BRIEF OPINIONS. 1p that Tennessee woman who re cently gave birth to six children had lived in New York, Commissioner PeCk would undoubtedly have claim ed the increase due to the McKinley bill.- IaOhjt Journal. , v Capital and labor are brothers, we are told;-. So they are, and ho were Jacob and Kaau, But one of the. brother wants the apple on con dition that he shall ive to the oth er the core after he has Whs wed it us close as he likes.- A", of L. Journal. "Altiiol'oh Ave have etruck the chains, the fetter, frem four mill: ioivblucka of the South', them ii a monetary aystein growing" up iu AmoriCa which will sooner or plater fasten the chains on nil the Ameri can People. Alt rnJtan) Lhirotii. ; Wukk this nation was -young and weak ifc declared "thnt Congress shall hare power' to coin) 'mosey .and to regulatein value." Xbw it is the 'greatest ; natioa ou earth, and the leaders of The two old parties -say we must have an int-rnalirjiial coa-fer-euce. Shame on '.the little weak lingi! . Where i-i liw .spirit of 2'our fathers? Kansas (.':'' Sun.' " ' jIt- is just, a dangerous to the state, and ought to be. ai criminal to se cure rotes by lying- as by buying. To get votes by lying U the same a ohtaihiug goods uitdir fabe pr tenses which ranks with theft in the law book", yet the caudidaty or political party that geksHtes iujLhM wayi is looked upon as yjryclevcr and ranks high as an adept In practical poli tics. -Piti 'MjU7V Knmn, Tnn total receipt of cotton at' all ports' and interior towns is--already mare tlian 000,000 balesle.-s.fhan at this date k;t year. The weather has been ijuite fuVoruble-' for picking .' all over the cottort bHj.. too. If this le an indication ofYu.' shortage, .and it is reasonable to suppose -that it i., then the cii inav fall-at least two million bales short ofjthe amount re jHirttd lul year. Too price"; should go up correspondingly, but will it? jPriynusivc Fiirmer. J .!CTii see about this howl that the govci niai-nt cannot fix values. Hy ct of paViianicut the baaK , of Kug land is compel kvi to buy all the gold STATE HEWS. ft,HulwUf3 OF OUR PEOPLE rnijj l,x A1SX) PLAINLY TtfOLD Iappexixos ! OF THE ; DEXSEP. ; WezkJI" COK isitan, Bio'nor- bf the Our young friend and tow Ir, Johua?Ta?loe, has been ed with the chief mar.alMT liocky ilount FairVhich coitc; off on the 8, 9 and loth of next iionth. V asJiingtu Profrex. 'XTT w w r !' -' n. ik. iienrv. of ILendersonUs one of the strongest men in thtJ 5tat. Ins Ut ile can hold out 50 pouYids on tlo tiojer and 80 poundsSnhM han'd He is 6 feet iu height and w eig 450 pounds. "lie k?eps u strength br daily rxerciiie with lells and -Indian, clubs antV-ot!ier ap- pararud. iiiiton iMtML A large English syndicate ing to establish a -:?250M' 3tigt;r eottou mui in uocky Mount. ; A Jartre ci- 5rartte factory-" has-been t'arjiigal fr, while two other j factories , are preparing to locate beie. A oojupauy to ouila a large hotel is being ized and other sew enterprises nig arranged for. Arrjinaitt. x ne urron i.iiuinr mui- n among others, an order secr ago from one, house in Chiac 3,1 GO doxen hose,amunting to f4,K)0. The maehines. for inirises nose, eisrht in. number orders now on hand thai-will b utihoat. capacity until the mi V ebruary. ivmaton. Free Pre The Enterprise says the season at Moreheau now cpen ises toget better and better, ji Ji-gan- kre he- vivexl, I days jo for ne.tr! v itakiuic have it UK-jr Idle of ftshirig days shipmeat by rail; recon 300 boxes and 40 barrels Joseph Fulcher a fifteen year caught $4.00 worth in a icj wJth hook and line and the Crew fsons of Air. Josephns caught SlfiO worth of Spanish erel in one night. 'Anothe made$S5 and others' have be successful. A. I.McIjaia well known the sportinsr creutrv, had trr;'ib soiue one JSatnrdav Patrolmen Wild and Hampton and Fe;ftherston'J where McLain was, to inved ! Mc Lain supposed he was to irnong e with afternoon and Henry : went to bar, tigate. be ar- h:iiruii offered at 3 Vo'urids "17 shil ling I) iiehco tcr' of: n civs' ant.farJ, Is character, this not ail attimpf" to riv valnee?! .'Pco appohjtci an ig ,n . :.. . .4 j - uncoutB negro inaii. i rs or Have they .ueeeeded. (.oblis h caikI upt product and a comnioy ;tyj, what. ! 000 bond, and1 ia order him in ' the bond was rested, and as "Wild approached him pulled his pistol and lired iik'AVild twice-m rapid 8ccje33ton. ie,ither shot hit' the officer, who 'stodp-d to avoid the bullets. V, The shootir then walked to the door andf disappeiiVed Aslieville Citizen Tbe postmistress at Kenapsyille, several entire preouai knd in lorant s tlii.; ve tin to "tret ho has held the office for years and given, perfect "aud satisfaction, a lady of high) has been removed other pfodutt has beau' treated thu. .Kn-g'aud has passrd tliis I .in fixing the price of tu! ti.on , and 'Hays thst gold only .shall l e freely ceined; Hint it a the onlv iruelraVis of val ue. They' are-reiponsihlv' for the de- his special convenience - to The citixena are lustiy i;m but petitioning against the ' has availed nothing as vet dhronide. - ' , .1 af f ii rtl t-ir iiArtur :r ffViiitlt. IV- inoneuau.u, L ... O.clock the CourMIoune in .aud say that free Kil ver is m the in- : ton wit h nearly all -the le; k terest of the silver kings. Free gold, jffa and Registers record's was. thv "interest of i-The origin of t tire is not is ? opposed sok however, i irold' .not (ri in kings; Hmj one j must have thron a C'gHr '"I- ' - ' ' j carpet and possibly caught fid Tuk "cotton crop ot lsJ was l,-; It is a sad loss to tiarnetr, lT0,3Sitn;ies, averaging pou-ids j The taxes will have. t be .list i... V...I.L ...! c.vlil" in A"(v "ork . , , , . ,v tat books at 17 cents tcT- pound, making the !.1rt.-, n sang little sicin aud a i the wirA uone ores were all -bi!r;: of various n Tin. uiL- thw year silver was. demon-1 vuluaDIe papers etized. The croo of -180) h is 9,035,- J Duna. Times. 1 - - .3?U bales of tvr pt r.nds eacii, and Elijah Loftin sold iir.Ne;, pound, inakin rsil,.7. l 177- pounds. ; each, ,;-and j Elijah rofthi, colored, vi ho at Vork at 7 cents ,pcr tended the' jail, of this co:mM for a if!Vi 'f ,:'.'240,-J number of years, died after "1 short s r '.o,. . .. I ! illness but-Moudav. asred about 50 tl:e c: ot the crip sold at, t lib H.mi'.- price 18T3 hrou;ht, .the .i iiave been .J?oS.,:'iS,ss.s,-i l, which shows a dilTereii.e c"f IO,-t 3.8,201, 74. Tins aai l it t!i :; cotton farmers hnve boeu robb.'d by the de-..-iiiorn-lL'arioa'u: .-liver, ia one year. Nuw tale aiAlie, .e.u-i frotn". 1873 to the p :...! 1 1 'I i!id 5.i.iiil.r caiculaLiou for eeh shj'.v- sonu'ihing of the enormity the crime perpetrated on ; tlx greatest i nt us fry in America by this '-'in fatu An dni.ine.'.iii:.t.ioni act ;of i8i:t'.lIrtf;rfsfre Fftr.rtrr. v'.- 1,K endorse C etr word of the ap- lul llllieSS Itllt :MOUUiM.gro , ' rears. 1 i ic was iii tjooo je:iiocrii - 01 j had never voted -'anything .Uuf t-bpi- a ...i.ii . .. --, ir i muuni wou.su strai'rht-Peniocratie ticket. an honest and feithfal aegr instance .will givi an insight honest; and faitiifiihia-.. . 5 ed Mr. J. . liirrotti tei-niN hi con, Albert, when thW wer in this section, to V)iii and kept the swirel faithful true white i meu respect a" uch a faitluul-.. negr.-H Free Pre?. pcud see h of Wayne.- MacVeagb. llr "know a whvre f he.-iHaks: "lnir jng the lact Uwid y, voar?i by very slow appro'ai luv, .'. large n timbers of wiltUv iiKMi i:v XM eountrv. have pcrMiad'J.l thine? at - libirJ.y to" p from it no'i!e :,ves i rv ;rd loftv nnna:cr into the b,a Hlorraded f u.u tioa of taxiiiiT over ..r : . .-...... l '.II II. I MV L 1 I ilk. .i. greatest Lves that tliev ar nment f nnetiou to the e and Iie'ma- those The Ttople's party BiecV in th-is place o "Moin!:y wa giitherinsr, but those p reseat to feel enthusiastic over the in this county, esjweiallv as secured the promise of.nou, ocratie veteii to elect thcii ......The 'death ot. Amos' (col.l which occurred last moves a- faaiiliar figure f stroets of Soiithport. O'h the : wootlcutter." with shoulder, was knb w n to ev Amos' was said to have fou was on the Federal i' tide wounded at the battle of i -Southport Leader.' ioritv ia or!er to barol .axe as bounties to inch j arsons as, in return for ibo.e f;osn, will con tribute large s'.im-s 'f: m ney to car ry eleetio:. 1 distinctly ullcg that thevaie)now makinsr themselves parties to a stmatic corruption of the balhit in tlie hands of the Ame--ricau voter, and that whoever collects ' or contributes money for such pur pose is nior.illv guilty ol treason to ihe institutions our fathers'founded, and upou whose continuance in their strength ainf purit the welfare of our . ehildrea depe JZiitnoiiiint. 1 or Mr. 1. C. Sinipkins si vesterdav the finest bis uclJ we ever saw or ever . r-spfs.! There were seventeen on oi and the little twis aba'kuig within a spactf of 18 inched almost a solwl block of tej were at first four othcrs.ou tae branch then we doubt not tit- waf block, iudieeit. -The.' wei twentv-one pears was pounds. Thev were J gn .man Davis, ot Mnvrua, oa year old tree purchased nursery of A. 1. Pratt w ds." X.ifiotiftl 700 of the poars Ibis seas are of the Duchess r Oe '-Nl variety. A'r. . is over i " his dumb prom- J single .was tiah. Id-boy hours Willi? Willis) Mack j crew n verv reciuded for RS,000. giuu.it, titrate Htate GevfrnmeBt Omership roads. of " Rail J. M. Hanhburn in Soutliern Mercury. On the mention of the ownership of railroads by the government ' the time politicans of rcMublicauand democratic schools become scenic if not tragic when reason and l-.giciare lost in the pathos of impetuous ex clamations. In their remarkable senility at a new measure they seem menaced with tkingcr from some in cui-able atrophy, j Th emotion is too great for anything bin, acclai'V ttons and they iterate and ..reiterate ''it will cost eight , billions to buy ad to hold the railroads." .Having sir exclaimed, mute astonishment icizes them. They imagine! the ur giiment isexhau'&te'a, ti.e projosition is reduced to an absurdity, nd noth ing is to Lx. said, "i'hey- will! "cost eight billins. it will bankrupt the country to pay such a sum of mone-, even during the period of a 'genera tion." Who now can sdd anything Have these anti-deluvian noli ti leans thought or do they, witho-it ihy-.-ght, conclude a thing must be wrong if Washington and .Jefferson did. not ad vacate it? These imprest) ion able, t heatrical gentlemen have for tv gen eration imposed a cruel opjre.ive tariff; on the people! This has iiofc frightened them and -thrown' Them into irrational eestacies! F:r Ham i I to:i, Jefferson and Cai lwnri have advocated a tariff, and that makes it stereotype orthodoxy. '. rt j itit now as we- approach; A. I). 11)00, let us think a little arid com pare the cost of railroads with what the tariff. has cost "the poj,le"' in the last thirty vears We will give, results rather than procerus, though those sire based on facts aud mathematical eal-.u hit Ions. It might" be well for labori.- g rnn to look at a new facts, if the obsolete f - politician refuse to examine a new measure.- Under the tafriff let ten million men use, each 3 cigars a day for 30 years. Thestra cost will be at least 2h cents each. And how art- they astonished to find that they have paid extra, under the tariff policy. $8,212,500,000!-' But look airain: Five million men elrink 3 The extra cost cents workiuff glasses a "da. .illing- Shef- burned. known. nokJjisr on uie pi 'ir.au bo'tiut v. d ujjain wi he !1C CO:-, in v f , lo-t nut.-i. - a drink. In 30 years the extra cost under the operation -of the- tariff,' is 8,212,5000,000.- Ten million' men chew tobacco aud three millioa cmoke pipes. In 30 years the extra cost' of chewing' and smoking is $4, 10C, 350,000. - Now notice you have paid fr -thej railroads more " thau twice aad a hhl'f-bv the excess than these arti cles cost yow, for you have . paid - the round suw of $20,531,250,000! JLook still again. In 30 years ten million laborers have paid for cloth ing for themselves., and their chii- klren, buying, one doent ne?it suit ) year and have an ovrcot every three yars for . theiaselyss extra, ntAler the )eration of th tariff, the sum of-$9,5'79,375,o0pr- A ad in 30 vears have paid extra for famale clothing,. $13,515,000,000. ; In 30 years the extra cost of the table to laborers and-their families is 50, 04 3,750,000. ' . Fer a hand red pother '"'ne-cessaries such as stoves, ca.rpds, iron tooU, brushes, paints, bniiding materials, shawls, shoes, books, and ".viral not laborers havepaidy under tl.e opera tion of the la-riff,, ev'ra in 30 years, 50 billions more. And the last esti mate is a very low one. : It is probable that "our innocent oliLtiuia politicians, not given to the uuuciiial inriruiative of thiukhig, i; aver had such thoughts as 1 these to cross the horizon of their iueutal visiop, becaiise-AVashiiigion or Jef- fersou never suggest-' such Cau the govern meut buj the niil roads,and pay for them.'' If ihe tariff was eased up a little, would not the dailv toilers pay for them (by 1922, and allow the 30,000 with their wealth to c-ujoy. cheap . rides and cheap freights on ihe goverumeiit's railroads, and pay nothing for thejm? If our statesmen could be assured of thcses facts it would not cost tbem no thouhtjave them trom their Sn vincihle jiorror and from the paan ful work'of "straining at a gnat and swallowing a camel?' It would save them, too, fro'mx the drfficult breathing caused by attempting ti have a new ideal. I The government, a the people, has the absolute right to recall the railroad franchise, which is always a defeasible title to be divestetl for a sufficient reason, and revested, in the sovereign people. Government is In stituted ou . the idea that private rights must yield to the general good. It la pursuant to this prinjei p!e that the railroads obtained their franchises, andpurtmant to the sahie principle they iaust. peld back he right in turn to the higlter right auel sovereign' well being of tjlie country. The franchise is granted upon the express or implied condi tion that it shall not be used to 1;be injury of the citizens; , and if it js so used, the condition is violateel, and the franchise may be reclaim ?d On this ground, there is no doubt that the government may justly possess itself of the railroads. Hut especially may it -do so by paying i.he equitable value of the roads. This is the just, the easy aud the natural solution of the apparently perplexing 4Uestoin The government "has both the le gal and the moral right to own and to control the railroads. As a ques tion, hot pf prudence and good poli cy, ought the government to ovn them?. When truly considered, in the lightiof reason, this proposition must be answered in the affirmative. The scheme is for the sole good the peoole or country, l'he busi bcss will be conducted for the wbl- Thdre is it is one that should be conducted ?Sb4 Silver t lews bT GT. Pel- them with families t EuVjiort, V bo a:rj f OrtfiTon. There is po mcst!u now tI per'o of no great importance stsj a ton -the t!ie restoration of the sil vpr dollar to; of tha cci d it uobr the con-'work. bv the Deople. thromrh". the "ove rr-1 ment, for their own good. The ownership of the roads byt the government, is no more f item-! tl at than management f the posUU service, the granting of patents the construction from long as uaus e as to go to war, tae national i was acmonciiseti ova om ui live i.uiruau9 is . u:'." anuv sino' inui nnu n i.as-J-ten uej firat importance as a part, -f thejgetl fnrn the high i piac aligned yu.uirjk .a jtit aa uatss-ii j it fv bemg dcUiettjtt) c!r!aU" .of CO'-U- J are out of emidovmcat and out of ! money and who, ow i:: to t h? f-:u-r:iH before stagnation of busimsi, consequent airamiitio! t: tho voiu:m ! . -.1 or lire piace assinel i )cstruction bf a national rsJ fsdtutio?Vaud ocemits b. it for more 'gon can t Washington; to L Louis. 80 j tho eighty years. "as a f iiti legal ten- j V What a is the nations continue barba-J dercpiu of the realm. In 173 k1 are thev currency., are ;siab!(, Kvtry buS:s tell the s.in are thie mtn to' to- pnvivi tin mna storV. iu fl. do? ilw iH-cessr age ecjcajiy with gold, anu iy beiug lref t cf its f ii 11 legal temler quali ties, hy was this- done to enhance tlie valujf 'i 1 . . . as 19 nave a navy lor the raaie pur pose. ;. ' - But the chif and' unanswerable argument ; why- the nation should own thejrailrouds is thatJt- will yerytfe1.nt bonds h-!d I greatly promets tho prosperity of all the people. Carrying passengers at the least possible; cost will "invita travel t evewv purt cf the country ovir cw Simply our govcrn uiiiiiisis of 'country and Earojwv Th. groat portion of the nr.tio:i! dht,at the clos? of the war which amountetl ative met 1 to.l and cioth:nff tor Ineir wives ud children? ! it an? wrpadsr ti.'at ou asy"ixiusud 'prisons are becoming greatly overcrowded aud teat the lists of crimes and saicidws are swtiling to alanning proportions? liat April theiight overland express ran-mr and ' killed a man just o;ith of Albany in this states A exaudn. tion of the body showed that he ".whs a fine appearing .t:;d fairly well dressed mail. He h&d n hslf-cnten toj nearly three billion '-'dollars in davrful mouev was nassad- was In bv-congress ilb- This will tend to f nwke the ;eopie rnade thvah! acquainted with each other over all j IS.'JD-.-fi.xrat-r. the country; wil allay prejudices, j pldjgmg the nation to pav the pnb oreatefri'eiidsbips;. extend confidence, iljc debt, both nriccioal and inteiest. incrtaai trade throughout- the counHal "'coin or lis ciuixaleit.t,:This try, itiiiy the nation iu the form cf 1 added huudreds of Lulhons to th the hirh; and best civilization. wiUh r l..i.ll..;i,7.,re burdens of the a v Is and will be a bond erpetually to land to the strengthen the state and the national j taxpayers. In 1870 another chauge government. j was mado, mid congress stipulated tof ,eiousies-anu prejuaicies removou j pay the debt in '-coin of the tmwnt the local productiveness of the dif- j standard value." In 1 873, a; we have fereat parts of th- couatry ' under- ! seen, silver was demonetized-,' thus steod, the cheapest "possible cest of ; limiting the pa ment of the bonds transportation afforded, each part of j il gold"alor-e, again very largely en the country would devote its iudus-1 tiancinj their value. ;, In 1S7G. when' tries to the production of the va!-;gilycr was mrtiallv reh;ibiiiated, the uea of which the climate and soil atCj vicious provision was incorporated loaf of bread, an einpu lejtter from hi$ wife iq Teunesec be ging for meney with -which to -feed herself and children. .Tkuv wbui story tan be.britfiy told. A fctran- Mrerin a strance lamb feekiair em ployment and : tiudiug noiie,' without mohey and without hope and with the cry of his . loved ones for help ringing in his' oars, in 'despair he sought death as an end to his troubles ho cau measure the ;nffcrinrr aud fitted. With the greatest araouat of values produced, haw great would bs the interstate nation is almost a self.- With inj the. law in regard to the? silver dol lars to be eoi'hed uuder it,which was commerce:, ihejalso iucorjonttedl!! tLe'i-fw of 1S0O world within it-"j pifovidi ur. for th issuance of silver industry, fairness and I certiiiCates. that tliev should not be a honeSty, in a generation or two, there i legal tcuder in.ca-J the creditor de-1 won iu not necu io oq a reauy poor miiude-d a sUpul itnon for" gold. . As parson in the entire country. But to; wjj have ricen, it is a fact wbieii cuu have such management we shall coed j not'be 'disputed, thatTirovidiugtloth statesmen, not politicians meu men 1 gKl- and silver be full legal of brains, hea.rt; integrity and true ! tsiuder monev, the business re-iuire- t-he world, dem; addition. Tbe md c-t pap?r foated S 1,300,000.0(0 U- and most sacred political trus the new plji Iigeat man of moral iategrity eaough to make hi a good; citizen who has aay considerable confidence in the republican or the democratic party, or in their partisans to work put a saccessful destiny to 'the people un der our form of government. Can there be any solid reason giy- j probably en why the pople, as the govern- other of fare of the whole people. will be- no proiits made. That not the objects It is the people act iug for, the good of themselves. It is their government, their enterprise, their railroads and their business. But the politician of a century ago, fuller of objectioDB than of statesmanship, now becomes theatri cal again: "It will require an army of men to conduct the business Jof the roads! and, think of the patron? age, in an election, these will give to an administration!" To the states men whose chief care . consists in drawing their sularittS ia living high, and in smoking and. drinking, this may eeem to be an insuperabjl objection. But to other kinds of statesmen, to whom are committ 1 new questions . fraught with gold to a g-rtat nation, there ought to be little trouble involved. These aire deemed, to be men ol thought, wijse men, men not racked by ambitipn nor sold in slavery ta their own self ish ends. Thev are, bv the theory ,,r ... !,.. 1.1.. 1. . .. 1 1 hev love darkness rather than are evil." patriotism. The--nation is wasting nients of by the atrophy of moral and civil J nioney in impurity. The dcopie hae little 1 world's supoH of connd-nee in ptlifcscians or ia the ! verus sapplenjehieU with b3,U!)0,000, political parties, j Still they are de-1 00 paper. It makes,, as any one can coy ed into the parties aad there j readily eec, a .rxst -. diffen-nce to the AVr 1X4 ViiaiUO KJ J I 11V. 1 1 IV, 1 UlIMUV J t the artful politicians. To-day there is net iu the United States an iutel- hvlders of securities 'whether therare to be pa,idiu gohl and silver or" gold alone. If they are U? be paid in gold alone, its comparative scarcity makes it more valuable, and thereby enhances the value of their Set while, at the same time it increases the burdeu of the taxpayeiV.- From seilrish motives the' holders of securi ties . 'are , monome'tallists, and will vote for oil her one ov the tike -;-moi:ometallistf camli- losse inflicted by this great crime of diminishing the volume of money caused by the deiiionetiimtioa vf sil-. ver? Believing as 1 do khat th&re is! a lif levond this in vrfttch au nc-l count must be given of pur deeds1 here, 1 would not for a. thousand world's become responsible for that crime by giving my vote for those who uphold it. The ' prophetic promise that "He that "despiseth the ain of oppressions, his place of de fense shall be the munition of m ks. will not be voucliNtfed to th'ojsu who abet the gjih of -oppreTioiis by sup ortiiig thoiw? candidates w ho at the itstauce of' monoinebiilists and-r'o'r their gaiu, would stagnate the. busi ness and check the prosperity of the whole civilizeti world by ref using jto use silver as monev. Sotne superVi- ciI so-called" sUteemeu' insist thaf, the silver dolIr, if made a fall legal tender, should possess more bullion. .They forget that .fifteen years ago the. ca it-wheel tiade dollar of 42U grainjj, not a legal teiuler was at a diacrfunt of froai 5 to- 10'per cent while the present standard dollar of mrities ! 4 ll grains, a partial legal tender, is at par,ajid would always remain no if made full leal tendejr. ' . Men e I dej elo-ju this Ming.jle, some and crtnrfc years fJ Cvrtintedl money enough give thd an apr nai opu patty. The t Pie to tli aw ques..tioi present The euspm( 1:1 m?nf,-ft UMUe'r b;;f to of thoe Uftal U TfJ u lay before yvf oiae t th.sr, "Co Jiroi;rd ia ib: w nld indicate 11;. Irih'u ha J kttr.eu reaiou ytiue. for ixtva: -Mnhe lid South huWa on with del ieht by the flower' a sure to cast vots in the; Kfeetoral College i so cl!eb l)eaiocritic ptrt .farne ? re.tl and iubUu -:t'on .to the Kcpublicaa n-c?y tMj-.'.r suw that 10 ot- dor to rfdiicw thr agricultural 1- to -yr,7, that it was npcriarr ?.V intentions aajr f rum that if. di.,-u would tthat me rs t consuai"iatioai.f tboddee'ded upon by the as o ta!e poaseeaiea of the Macbiav-y d the two old par ties auu ix t iMt t nev were ket nr foongh ciual tomake the aiaxtsi t h i a k there was aa actual coatesV n i7r for the first time TTall strvt tlk control of a Natloaai Herau'erltic Conyention, and from itil now the rarty misiM- !r take -of! the faVor of the .oner, has len absolutely the ticket. A fewi. bankers i demands of (iDe-Uatbs wjbo have faithfully vt4 in vonr Soother 1 w j.aie cit a P"?se'of hayb bl en cait. Dcmocri ililS', Si! ears to tides' oppre.j! lican p crsl in i : . houses jC coni rdl 10 enjov 6iecial prifilew t'evntnade rich the es thrrcxt rural nopulatiosu ncv incease tfore the gota assuming, to reprteeot the ry of the "Solid Suth.' v luisrenmntexl yo Tta 1 knott aiih two well. For eitrhteia have p;itiently voted the Hoping toy -reiier iron the -legislation of tha liepuU rtv, and just when kM d-fj be realized with, a Dene - che Whilo lleuse and both I ngrese practically ! tha f the prtv. lo and behobi th I'xe.-Jufnt you had fclec(et coolly ment, should uotown the means of jlites, whihifrom .the same motives, carrying products and. value to all wjitfa "the"al.dit.ional - prompting of pa ts of the country Just as letters. Justice and fair .pia! . eery 'other etc., are now caroled by the mails? j-pj-i'spu in jkho land t h, uild -vote again at - The' earn to the j farmers alone in i tlierri in;ordtr to restore silver to the five years would be ecpial to tlie 6ott i place assigned it '" by the framers of of the' roads. the traveling: The-reduced public woulJ rate? t in jlive rodi- The 1; years, pay for the! roads.' gal waste of the last two congresses iu sixieea years, woahLpay the prin: cipal for the rait roads. Then, if the mat'.er is so plain, why do men it. the general answer - 1.1':. Fll III M IT 1 1 I S III HP : rif lTIf I l " .. -. . .' 1 7 Krrtif tl,ir t0 i it is the curse or Party; the love 01 V. ! .... . -t, . ,-.' tbe coiistitution 1 The evil consequeijces of the de monetisation of silver by thia and oiher -countries, : by -which the legal tender money of "the worl baa been reduced about one-hail, can never be measured. fully nation of the "reat fcic ts liu. j i nese are to uevise means of obvia culties. To .:i:e.-h"en.- in not such away of rpsis- otdnsr as. ' the -"following free f rom ' . tn? P-pl j self; the laziness tr think; the oppo-rj tilings. .v'ununing, up we have $i3ir39,37o, laboringmeu He was i (Me i!ito hn O-'help- tl, -srtul h'aTikees 8.000, v. All honor Kinston (:0i as the sum - the have paid in ' 30 years, extra , under uperation of the -tariff,'.' it not. ai":onishiu? and more astOiiisliing what our politicians have beerf toe in 't . ijcen t' of . thought, te: discover i the facts?? . ; . I Now let us pay the eight -billions f pr the railroads. , From $1 43,o60, o75,00'0 take the cost of the- rail road s . $S,O00,000,O00 and ' w e have bfi the1 sum of $1:35,00,37-3,000. We had a billion Kepubjican Con-j gieis,. uuu a hulij C'oMgress, the latter the ovei iating incidental (Jl!ki-! eition to what is n9ve!: blind adher these exalted, unselfish'; fnce to the raitogether with the ill tricie staud in thts -vt-'tc ii..- K..,.:i,.; war ot tins anu ot an progress, in that is to be conducted, and those rcli:-la:V i" -is?e, who conduct it are the hired agents'! ,hi tmedtcmc,; in of the people.. It is their solei badness to do the work as are tli-' .rec ltd; and the law of congress di rects now the worK shall be uone. There are grades in the work;butall the employes are simply agents, and l,no one has tne slightest right to say how the work shall be done. Vell what? I'av men' fair and honest r . .1 , wages ior tae services tney perform. ljet Their time, talents aud services their work. Let the oe suspenuea so 1 r Dcnoc ratio ni polities, the arts, men h-ate -'wJiat: is-'hnvei. worse than they bate w hat ia evil. The priaciple is a nightmare 0:1 the world's" progress. I'oxpnralion iloldinrs. Who ov. r.s America? The railroad carjaul exami- bf history lnContcftably shows that at periods and in i:ouu tries w hen and ' where money isptynliful )io-j)enty follows, While ai varsity and retrogression' follow a shriukingof it.-f volume. It sfiows 8.viui ' eminent histonVn has aiserteiT tbat the fell of thRomai. ebipir-rVuMy the result of u do cjine in '.the silver - and "g'id laiues of Spaiii and (IreecV, that the dimn riiti'in of coined moitey; from $1.S00, d0O,00i) at the CbtisIaiiera to less than :$20o,00.0,(00. a4 he close of the llfieent 1 ccnturv w.tthe real cause of t he relapse iiito Kcii-ibarbarisih 4111911 occurred during. that interval, and it has abnndasitly deruonstraied that in stibseoiient. periods, wlien monev was -plentiful prosperity fol- i - - cosci.rsiov. . . ' Au impartial survey of our nation al affairs discloses the uadeuiablo fact that the feileral government 1ms, been for years and is iiownifiiler tli- ilomination not of the people but of plutooracy. Its : legislation his inbred for nearly a third- ef a ccnturv past to tbe benefit of the rich. They have been the favored -beneljeiarie of its generous bountiw. y By tariff legislation., manutactnrcr of ' pro tected industries " have become wealthy baroiis and by Cnancjanegis lation bond holders and bankers have become money lords, t Munificent grants of land; sufficient in extent t copr;se empir -8, b 'dei -large gifts of mouey have been bestowr.tl 011 railroad corporations, whwbv railroad magnates have lec!iTie ptv tent rulors in the land,' while': from the trauamission of intelliTrno-j a ri th t and duty thrvt' befong- to Iru informs the i:? itr. nbje iuuutnk piles yrili i.ol waiti 1$ liit :il (iiu-i T'Tth vlc.u a ha ii Vwiii'ii LP id orir'inaUy 'ei: a f ic fri' tin . ;i C W tl be iri ven to franchise elective long as they are iu the employment 4,000.000; the Standard Oil Com- ot the government, voiinyr shall be fost The honor iu the high honor of service; and. to attempt vote or .t influence another how shall vote, shall be a and shall forfeit his employment, j ally he ! Schenlev misdemeanor,.! which the heirs have received' annu- r held a small . Iniiued pre spoi't hev had h im- ,L-ongest. ?e?k, ro om the -.iiiistermgalde, to filland imprisonment. And ,verpnient?! economical. oj h?rein u ths fioIutiou of tbil. rdr years allow the statesmen a . th. nestiom A new needed- n uri; oricinated in theonffoius of ecouo- 111 oO billion dollars a-year for theii mic admiuiotraiion. 'l hen .re iaare Ji3o,69,375;000 less $o-C.(-od,('0l,-UdO, leaviug $10a6u.37o.000 Ac eorihugly, iu 30 years, the inborerf of thecountrv hue paid eirnH billious for the-railroads, thirty bill ions for thi "economic administra tion of the goverument," :md the ex tra sum of .103,2Gl,o7o,000. J How wond'Tfnl that our- learned arid acute statesmen cau find no wy to pay eiht billious for railroads ia mo- Ujue 'geBtiatiou! on his rv one. j t"in J he.' 1 . 1 Jutd wjts aft Rh. companies own 211,000,000 acres, or ! lowed, while 111 ienoUs when .money j . ' . . - . 1. t? .... 1 .1... 1 . ..rii f.v i.,gL-u cit siutoj i-irm Dr(aiiit! scarce a ienriii u-i nm- m The Vanderbilts own over j values, .enterprise anu 2,OO0.0'00 acres. -Mr.' Disstoii. the inevitable result. of - l'eensvl vania, owns' over as Iowa of ; p:inv, 1,000,000, and Murphy, of r I California, an area erpual to that of to the .-Uite ot- .Uassachus-tts. -' 1 tie estate owns land from of meas- so the in cief v, must gather; about it all oiden ts necessary to give it effect. The true ground is, That, the-gov erniaent should carry on whatever is for the general gootl; for, when crrupted, we must ever bear hi ind that the government and people are one aud the same, urate the government from the ni and its management bv them. and-the management goes to saiities which are managed by politicians for personal and class purposes. Mhe How natural and unaviodaole that t result is seethiuir. corruptive, resalt- laborers i-e groaiaug under a gov- ing in the beuefit of the few and the ern ment managed for fh last 30 oppression aud the distress of the 1 I 1 1 T- -. . 1 I I . j years oy i-iopuoiicans ana 1 euicK-rau many. 1 have beiore me the uetaus 01 net . 111 the peo- lion '$1,000,000. Twentv-one acres are owned mil- TV ho owe no allegiance to bv foreign era. our Gov-." ernmant, and are no friends to a re public. What will our children own? A right to pay rent Ex. And still the laboring musses will p-nst in'voting for and , keeping tin power a partyfchat, bj their legitla- ive enactment,1 ave the above lands away. And still the New York W ltd, persist in advocating the cause of a man who never reclaimed an acre ot this niched public domain and a party which assisted in the transfer ence; ' "'--. v ids. S7 or ..a 4 '. ';. -4. ca::ie I calruvml- 1 :. 1 ii ii-frrj til- 1' It v ' "1 re t fl- puy ??'-! i it, -t;i "dqie ; a if obir-i t awed us of peais ! to soe. f br.neh but irorif- It was ere those iralculations, but tli?re is snax-e to give oaly results. Will the obso lete politiciams become thealical over these figures? Do they care; hew the people Jare oppressed aud dis tressed? Does the Democratic or Republican party jcare? Far from it. These" figuresy with an - arguraeut coutaiuing more-thau twenty thoa- of the ! frauds of iheiarin! jxlicy, were of- tweutvr-two; ferd to ..the rsatioaal Democratic by Mr. I t'oniiniitee for a campaign document a sf ven ; aud the committee declined to ac- from thelcept. : -; ? . lieii Mr. I Let us return to the- question No intellisrent aud fair minded man can deny that for a score of ve;irs theJ,wo leading political pan ties in this country have beea bank rupt in moral and civil integrity ap pealing to the passions and preju dices of voters for thei' purpose of e enring places of honor, and especi ally of profit. , Now, there is presentetl a great onestion. vital in its importance to tbe general welfare of the country. It is a national question, fundament al in character and all embracing in character and all embracing in its m a w ' ! a W consequences. uio6eij connciciea the well-beinfe ot everj m i i, withitis 1 Mmpfcins ana his brother represent, Uh ovnershm of the railroads bv tbe ! person in the nation. As universal TIia trw u-9J itinuffil f.ililivA li'n.-! -1 . tk. ..1 If. o a . tVa wncfwl into milnads by tha eovernment. i And 'l ia y rWve. that fer the sroverument to i'gnleilie fOWll them, is for the people to own I tuciu in an orderly maimer. littttB Eggs In Kansas. Pkiscktost, Kaj,'., Oct. 3. Con gressman John O. Otis, was rotten- egged here by a crowd' of roughs while reparing to his hotel after making a speech. A letter to his wife at Washington, D. G., of Oc tobers, says: My old straw hat is somewhat seiled and permanently stained, bat I can bvy it away as a memento in after years of tlie conflict now go- in z on between tbe "irreat common i people" . and the aristocracy of wealth." Tin horns, brass bands and stale eggs are about all the ar guments now left to the Republicans, si nce falsehood, abuse andTidicule is failing them. T Great indignation is felt over the disgracefnl brutality of the affair, and the silence of the Republican in it reach as the postal interests more important to the prosperity of PP" t while loudly dnounc- le. And of all the matters I ,n ueavers xreaimem ui vw&u. the peoplt iro2ress was If this-be r. : . . .i en.. true aui ic caruiou w snv;t;r3iiiiy controverted "how atrocious has been the 'crime comuiitted by civil ised governments at the ieck and call of the money barous, .of iliiniu ish ing the volume of moisey by t he deniouetuation of silver. It will not do to sav'tbat it is st;il" in u' as money, for in the true and' etrict sense it is not money if it baa not that necessary function of luouey a plenary debt-paying attribute. By the deprivation of the leg ii; tender qualities of silver, the volume of real money bar been vastly reduced, anu not only o;r own ' :jHtioi but all the nations of the1 cirilized world are , taking t bo-e ni rograde --'step's which eighteeh humirtd . year ago first led iivto tiie giojuiy peiiod of the dark ages. This is- no .lar.cifnl assertioa. Jook where we may and we find business -pursuit la'jsr'iis'i ing and enterprises'-baltinjj.- Where should be growth and prosperity tbee is stagnation if not decline. A late number of the Iondou Financial News, in alludinir to tbe t-jjiiditions now existing in that conntry, gaid:y fWe are sitting, as , it were, i on the edge of a volcauo. Something must be dbne to relieve the ruinous tension or in a. few tnonthe time ' we shall wake up to a state of in In atrial dis tress in Kaglan,d of apialiiug iind perhaps. nncoatrollable dimensions." The widespread strikes in this coun try and the increasing army of" the juaeinploywd, resnltaat ou a stagna tion-of business, should awaken u here to the dangers impending. Nero liddling while Rome was burn ing did not portray, a more criminal callousness thau is evbibitkl by th mouometalliats in adhering to their fatal poltcv io the very face, of iU injurious results. At my mill in Portland as well at my office in Salem. I aic repeatedly anu constantly imrortuned by men able and anxious to work, somui.. ot in-;;Vo; ' i l n: ihi (;- la U,:d i VOM, ' ce:-t." nricr, C'i" yvi that ih? uscal policy f iblican party that had fr " t the gold standard with tht " fr,i th federal govdriitnent ; aloo oib?rji-,- I dividual - have obtained immo!iei wealth and iiiflnenceV -" Private cor poration.Sj exercising, governmental f auctions, unbridlodby laV,- ar i;ji pofing heavier burdeus upon our people than are required -by the pres ent profligate administration -of the federal govern ment. When we con r sid;r the great fact thai the intlu ence of capital aivl corporations dic- Ute the policy and tlie .li.omfoeiss "ofJu'g tifA both tl)e old pohticKl j parties,; nun that the machinery both of. the gov ernment and of ; jmrty Lis unscruiti-lously-usel to perpetuate these flag rnt abufes, the contemplation is in deed most dishearteiiing. I'fit let trs not despair. Even tbeso adyermt conditions should only serve -to in spire oiir courasre and redouble o:&- efforts. , . ; - ' - '- ! 1$ it a just srovernTient : that . ub duly taxes tho poor, while , entirely exempting wealth: that best'jws its bounties upon favored classe.; that renounces iu bchaSf of private ; cor lorations its prerogative in the is suance of nioney, and that ilftinone-tizt-s one of the precietu metals for the sole benefit of the creditor cU-ts? Ix-t us uado these wrongs and restore the government to its ; original pnr jMise aud practice. No higher mo tive can' prompt ur zeal, nor worth, it r object demaud our service. The performance of this grt duty imposes neither ! the privation of thecamii uor the v dangers of th- batle-tield. The heroes, who, by their yalor and by their patriotism, founded our government, furnUhed us as' a more rwtent aud peaceful for the redress of Wongs than the bay-i oncu leL us use iv in. inr t uw and defense of justice. .. " TliVre is a weon firmer et. , ; 1. And urer tho tbe bayonet; ' .' A weajion that come down a till ' Aa unowfljikai on tbe winU-i' vyi. Yet execute freeman's will . A lightening doee the will of God.1 And from it bolt nor ban, nor locks Can shield yon 'tia the baUoi box. 1 - eerfdt'm which that in to be adhered to. lit did ven until he was iaauFur a ted, but. by a pblihd letter pro claimeti bifnsrlf Wall street's taaL He slajlpiMl in the' face the Deoio- crutic uttes: whe had voted for bin thai he might curry favor with the money ow cr t hat haddoiuinated i ih'-r Kejiublican party. Under hit ftdrninistration more thau'. eizhteea millions of' dollars were prrsen tad t3 the bo;lhulders uuder. the liana of prcTtiiuijis o:i bond. Tbe rovers- kd uuder lhi law au uudis- ht to pay tbeMf boedj at never the,gteiibek wsi ex- Mr -"at pior i-ofu aud vet .ivvbtn(r was (Mi kwlicitous b i;or of the uutiou that coat ouly a0' i the doll u. that had aJJri m?a;jd r;nre for the patriot- .ru'. fioltrer to carry oft. Lest feU iie banks should forget bin v, ben there wna a "strinja- he money market and the vere 'horf. llr. Clevelaad th.f ir.aiHtance on the first loaned; them eeventy tail u.-.nr- without in Urea L ;ie- Mac. t;ecu collected I rota by I t.fet.fcosoe taxalien. l itiw-c o'f the JVjuth hea ' Foliar of that fame inoaey j . i m a tu oj ol iuac ret banra, yon fca4 rm f' to l per cent, for it.1 a,k for mctuey at perceat. iiovirtmitiit oa arapur vou. are informed bf ths oi tivi- ! H-tncjcFiitio party laat liUititutional," and caa't be ujt.thej lind.no conititutioa fiou ' ti tb f ioy'f rniaent loao at.ono jkt cut. up fci Viu if tha security, and Ui to -pay i',terctt to the basks wbojW' face of th Seclriij ,-i creating. nationaFbaakj), tii.re,i a 'Stringency" wits i can! .borrow thisne BSf" lonev bv puttinjrinp docllt ii' on ou c-tttle the' j lriiV- , of tl' T!! 'jtie,ti aiV a ppa a a arid faying H ta 15 fr titt rt in -advance. - Ave ywa t?r wUl you justify the as- ion oi- the wall street ana ird Oii xiique whieh forced jfnionli'Vii f CJrover Cleveland iiir.il.ring party, that you are f-to Lk driven iu hertl uader ij ! t'h to tbe prdls anl toU foe T C-S Ui p.vre fceliii Ofid man land vorid had own "Gentlemen of the Cosvtntoa, sid a delegate at the Spink county republican convention., I nc to nomiaate a man - who went into the war with two coad less and cam. out with three. nated by acclamation which motion was discovered the name of the three legged warrior had i not been an-, n on need to the convention. OnidLj JaujjnaV ;'.. : ;;:-.';-;:, . . vote Olhit. !.- I he tnoM. impiacauie i:rliitrial classes r v say the, silver and cognate) n4 of-furVeucv are not is i V,, bat tha only iQe is that rv doininatiou." a II there ';'-f-i';!? i l.i'm, arouse tha -t fa ii'ltieS of tbe aaiud by as to racs prejudice? Tbe real . - .a . IT J.;i.rp;4-e n.w kej alive tne prejmu oi tne past, ana vou and the colored ffrom fixiti yoar eye on tba - w a . leen robbing yoa I laTiieramrc both muti- thieYt that have twisty years past. Tht gpiritj that. prompts this attempt ta revive ."ami laa race preiadtca aaa a into a flame now, is toa low botitemptible for devils. ? knows letter than (! rover Cleve- that the Fore Bill is dead be- resurrection, and that it was killef by .Kejmblican- henatcrs who courage enough to fight t self arty atid etand by your inter ests In thefircal question. All ho or, I say to thVa men who could rise - all. Iarty considerations asd with toar Moriran. your tl- your Daiiiela and your BaUW for frrt; fciiver. a measure that woubl J ilihtpV: lighten the awful bnide rjUn .xor uie --F51' j - juestion, if fuUf anstyeraa. Continued on Second Page.J f