. " --1 I I II I . . .. " - .... - r i 1 u Oil lib I Wednesday; Nov. 2. isoT" i-sr ,1 you.ree4re th FAllMKliB AltVVUATK, it in a hint V y,w fo v7 v y"" receiving it and 4 nut care to tvkrir, w;,y i-oninianier. Tt' . .. ... v rit I akMeus ADVO CATE rr.pilarly you are ronu-hrtd a ul Hcribfr. v . C.I .- . : 1 ' 'I . ' . nwtrrtjHunu.re nly payable in, AI'VAXCKV . - : eit Tutsdny is election day. A troupe. will show here on tie 7th atni'Sth. . J: ';" People's j. party speakers will; . speak h(J-e Friday - t -r-The Clinton Ca't'canir.n is publi.sb. fil in thi.-t office for tho present. It is rntnoicd that rpany votevs will be disfranchised on account of Tllefral registration. ' , The Rev. Mr. ITnMi'ard will ofll . ciate at S. M-U'yV Hnnday..-after - noon nett at 3 o'clock. .1. J-l. Cutchin, Col. Hairy.Skjn ner and! -Mr. Philip of. Pit t . ad vertised to 8jealc herp Friday. ' :Aik' a nd thorouh sy.tera of water wovka will h i put dowfj. Every -portion of tUn-town v;!! then bo pro. . teeted araiiutVii-M Tha Faksik'.:.-. Advocate sir eerely henest'that tha coming election will pati.4 ini tly, anl -that no ill feeling: will be einre tidered- Grant to your 'neighbor a rif'M to tirnlf arit voto as ho .sf h fit. , !.( ( there bo r o 1 LMurbanof-iu Ihis t'lvetw.r! Minn Ho, t Bryan oj; the Brytn Uouse ceated nnivh laughteit ar.d ineriimeiitamOp,- both old ami y?pui.g people We-dnMd'ty wheu h Appeared on the atreetn antaslicaily attired in' red, white and blue representing Uncle Saih."' Thot.ph1 his hair is silvered, wo venture the opinion that Mr- Bryan is as young in felinj-ts any roan in town. May his lifl be Hpared manyyears yet. reryonnl. Ww are glal to noo Weddell and his sisU r that John Mrs Ellison are improving-. MirfS Nannie f " reorv who haVhien f visiting yihs ,!acK?ie 'Dapiel re turned Itoiiie Saturday. Paul Jones left yestei-!upfor Concord to be present at the marriage of one of his school mates. Mrs Faison Calvert has returned from .Baltimore where she .weat to have her eves treated. Peterson, local editor of the Clinton Cauxian, Nis here this week writing for his paper, which' is. being published in this oflice. .We acknowletlgo receipt of atU.ket of admision totjie twelfth anuual fair the Kooky Mount Agricultural and Mechanical Association which will be held November flth KHh and 11th, Excursion, trains will be run from Washington,, making connection witli the train on thoKj(stin road. Every effort will be made to make the, Fair a success in every particu lar. i.-' It aine ear l!f!ni allow Layt Frivlay Messrs' Phi1ijs and Bariihil!,' nominet's-for the General Assembly from Pitt addressed three or four hundred. peop-!o at Cnetoe. Judgn Douino iu response to tele grain from Natbttn -.Dawson, stating that-the speakers . would grant divi sion of time, went down but when he reached Conetoe there was some misunderstanding and t)u joint de bate was declared off- I Mr! Phili.ps.wsis the first - speaker. J He kept the erwd in a g.od' humor with nucedotes" illustrating the atti- ; tude of the two old parlies, in the present campaign and spoke- hopa fully of the,utcrss of t.lie .". People's party in the" tight in which t is.en gaged. Ho is ii ''.tluent talker, and speaks easily --without, tiring. He held his crowd well -and thero. was much euthu-siasm among thm. . Mr. Ba ruh ill was the next ?ieaker. He addressed himseilf to a disciis sion of the-priiu'iplr;' of the People's ' -party jdat form, contrasting them witli the platforms of the Democrat ic and Hepublicjin "parties. He spoke of the Force Bill as a terrible bugaboO used lo deveivo the people and make them vote for the old parties. ' lie said thi ro was no dan ger of the Force Hill. He discussed the tariff question nud advocated anj iuconuvtax as a -source of govern mental' revenue, ' Whil Mr. Philips was speaking the Democrats who were present rc juested Judgo Uuurne and Paul .'ones to talk Democratic. ' doctrine, for them: Arml- box-was jdaeod in front of MrDriwson store and John Walston in stentorian voice in vited the People's party men to come over on :hat side of the street and hear them speak- A People's party man rushed up immediately and said that it looked like ait ettort was made to break l.p tbnir speaking. Hot , words cusu;vd and it looked a though there might be a clash of frces. Rather thsn to have anjj- difUculty no speaking was belli. It was an pass; a way t'iirv v hinch ".Holy ('onuuunion , Sunday School Brothrh oud Bible Class -Vat;n ' ' . T 9.30 9:43 11.00 Scat s frc and unappropriated All " are cordjally invited. ( ' 7;T "vfbowoa how it ourit up a cia - f EfiJ mot was graceful anda, l---; wi?rii I rcrct to sec such bad feeling exist- yy onl6e one cl , of 1 therself tfe&J ,g; among aur pple. . It ,s all ( v,ry . on the By s,ial taW7liner. s P wrong and the conset vat, re element the anact.rer. re HTbeSentc effect was superb, iad 'h? -iTtan SrW5k5 of all nartifS shonld bo . m cuntfol. ' ,. A - . . - : - r -hi&e. 8nlt-3tae latn wrcZZ'"rA T . . . . , . ' - 1 . " . 1 m. t.UV NO fcV - W mfc . - I t'U a I lAXi , i -1 BuaLr(i ru ni-ereni ureia if u in u i ,t BnnirG-fTirri rA ua t.x ttsmnt i . . .n w iw wmn time vwk " x U" uvv ' "aV nu ullieruyT. , tition. and eel the benefit of ta'riff Lio rr th.rmdenr arid - loveli- w,th th,rvcdeet,ou.S y , ! aoty -that-wuld l -chared rox foi-fW tbe acenaa.-.; J iTTnnimnl n ... , ." T V r-r ' ' " n i lttUO tLtBS OP THE 10U5TY MEET AXD ORtiAMZE f clubs ad a ediesday theJDemociatic of the county met hre and bi day of it. Earty iii the porn- lag people from the country to pour in. At 11 v o'clock the fegan elnbs assembled in the opera house where mey w. re regularly organized Unto u association of Derast-ratie ( lnh4 Dotf Oilliapi, . chairman oflUhai . . i fill! 'IT J I nt .s . . I T v; -uivuauo executive 10003 uiiuec caiieqtbe rar fcting to drder. O T .1 m , A . .1 " ITT . I ff':elta. i.ArVndgeh ill tompcrary -chairman and Krak ft. It owf eu as secretary. -Kefv. ; if XJ numiuereJl offered prayers. , ine object of the meetiir :"trW e- Dlaiae J by Don O'illiam. Th4 fol ... .1 , I . ue num. each town kh in werd an poiLttc.-i II. R. Cuiley, C. M- (tobb, i. ri. t berry, Lr B.-Knjght, W p. Irel mc, v;-rsBn. .T.l I IF. r Price, i. It, .iloore. S '.VJriii?.-i Kin ..!. , 1.-;- w- i,J.vL iir A, ' l l r Bulloel W. 1. Jcnjiias,; an J v 7 - ' " ' " J " 3!. (v.-i ..'juubumuom. , uoa wiiiia John W alston,: V; J. Davenport. V: ' E, Kni-ht. MO! .fittmkn- Miteh'e.l.'J. Wl Powell. -Wt-R Mn ir r i . i, - ... . -l J. I T ' - r- i. ouuioru, rranit waistoul 1L.J L,4,qu, ae, C. V...KilleVreMu.J4. C. Bulloek. n,I W T" , u.vw M a : ' 1 e O TT1 Til 1 M raAmtnan.1a.l ,t vvu. msuUDU Dc. jTC7 It. rpeight s. as chairman rof the Seeie-arv. As oerniannt ofncpl- of Ii. Killeba ew, N. B Kiliebrew. Wal-1 ter Brown and fehnev (jay- -J. ' A nag was offered to 'the clnb yitbT the largest membership a'nd thi was awarded to the' elub of '"Wt. . lj wis. The presentation eoh . vaM iade by Paul Jones, and it was pronodhce; e very neatj appropriate and ac mir ablo speech. V.'Bi ShaipJa b't half of his ciubrespoadd. fc , j To J. M.'IIo Well of ;Xo, 4 town ship was awarded thL badsre wyjich wasthegift. onteSoUttern. I U of the members of pthe ;elubs urged to go to the poHs on cay ana remain iiu rneyeiis Tvexe ruevLventiOn I ue tollo wmg: ; Dr. ofapplause. Botbspeakert.ecvivod ' ,. peigh.. IrtK -beeretAiy- -and-, applause continually during the d-4 Tha one so noble" atfd manly, and irSta " Se8entioa Xzerlesi m ti i.i - v r- ..' - X - At mgttt 'tttere . xtas : tore.hwgt. cold -watery grave. 1. H. Cherry, .11 IJiighdjvA.. Bras- procession of men and bvS. There tit v ' i. t 5 " , V well. Jr.JW. II. 1ft - Sfaitt. Alias L 1 : 1 7L' . ' . A11 lluU3au . summoned i4 v.oc. xitviut.us "" "iabrtflfteell' iniiniteS,' after which and thoj parade .TOtS formed. pxl announo5d fnal ' t)imeeting was procession of men ..on hornet maa- shlreotJieHrsirsiMJtioi -ot-buhU through the prineir Justf'r,- w. Masoii of North- imm ediately following was the pVil- sob urass . Dana ana a nieano , m.iCffsv.-.'TUere wa a ysinof hu corps, composed of -.yopj ieii ol this place. . After parading the ,f aicaae oi o t aiieii.. na, Doy,-. eluded the march .at .the.' ' warchoiise wlere abcnft'-i.'.Ji) listened o sueeclles bV CVil Waddill fi Wilmington;; and rab ii. iiu.sbee li.sq. ot Jtaeijju. ?Jud?e verv hi I'PJ manlier inesented Col. . vv auueii Liier pvesente. ro the audience. He -' . . spote . NOl- vr .1.1 .11 .. a i !. nA .. "u,,r" p.iuc L u.c ,w'f Hut-in. aiwiiu yuu, .. ..-.... i. "..;.' "v..i. olina- No- intioductitiu', tsaitl he was necessary as th? eloquent" f& tit men not only was known - - brilliant, ispeak-er tluoughout this tate. but enjoyed a natiouai id Pu tat iou.V- Judge Phrftps " cbarad terf i?ed him as a - writer puiV aijd dctilVd English, and cumparad ' with Scott, Burus and Wickliffe. fCol. WaddelL 'capie .Jlpi""avd nnd said he did not know that he- had an enemy in the v odtl, ami though the appreciated "th iiitroduvtiyn ;ii! not deserved. A' - '-. Kas 1 . . 4 lltytuen began a discussion oi tire political issues of the campaign- He svoki of the. uetfcrtioa from Jthe Democratic party of.many Hieuho had heretofore "loiiglit uder jlhe banner of Demoeancy, and 'said 1bTat the rank and tile Are 'sincere ,imJ ua. auu 'pvt t in thwr positions irt-hTiJ ad ben mistaugl.it,' iAfW Knd hones they ha deceived. The. leaders jij-tJie ITeo ple's party tuovemett wroeretely denounced. A great roihon of Ibisi speech was deyoteit f 1 auXv of-Jfhe People's party in general a'her Marion Butler in particular . Th ''financial craze as he termed it was, agitaXiug-J theiuiiids of many who? had been, mistaught. lie said tho 'LMmoer itio platform on the silver "quvstion as rijrht, and souimI. Tier ranted "Vu- est money everv itto.Usi.of odftal value- Tiie demonetir.sttoc" of Mi- ver he sail, was accomplished in" his wayi .Vr. IIoopcT of MasSachus tts who was Chairmanjithe ;ewiBni tea on Coinage Weights atuj JJeasi res would render monthly reports ., ust as the treasurer of a lodge w.t aid make monthly repot ts of iitBIW itJ? tion. Mr? Hooper in submitting his report omitted lh.e, coinage - of sil ver and it was demonetized, jCol. Wad dell stated that he was in Congtesa at the time the fraud" was aoepm- plish'ed. -i y The tariff was 4hen Ifnefly-. cussel, and declaredAo -bo1 the source of alt of the evil's Vnd burden: oi in denouncing thepriflciples of thof, People's party adtho lea ders. hnd j said thatthe movemt-ut (was dad, that it woula belike the woman; Who ! bad a profane parrot-' ..The pijms, good ladyskedthtj.bejexcharj(ged for one that did not indulge in tro- t ; .1. 1. ; i lane lajjBT;are- - TV .-'-.. 1 1 the pairot Jold .hti that in order to stop It from cursing fo whirl tli'e i-i-e around rapidly and throw a bucket vieron tne parrot. Th lady told her servant 'the remedvfor tl.i- Vai-rot's "cursing'' ami t W!W tried . oon;hereafter the lady cam in the room and the parrot inquired: " Where in the Lell were yon when the cyclone struck us." ! Cot Wad dell said this could be asked of the- People party f after the 8th of November. Though we know Col. Waddeli to ' -Ul esK-f- cnasu. ana yea oninant sneak- r-..tt appoxnung to us and we have heard u.ehijomnientsj made -on it gQ Howard's speech in present - -m.r, ras Tery apprti- atccreHrered in a most AiKnrr-ienl manner. Thoagb-'brief it was ' excellent speech and was greatlv applanded. - - Mr. Bubtfe spoke foi an hour, on the. Questions. that are agita ting ihe .poiitieal world- He briefly alluded ' to Ore tariff question as Col. Wad-h dell Lad 'touched 'at 'length upon if . txue reopis. party a.na . "UiueouV . band'' we,re handled severely. Ho had no Tiarsh words for the njas-s of voters who had espoused the' cause, but denounced the leaders. He i "ePea to.'-rems or atuse npon them. i . Mr. Busbee's '? speech ttrs greatly appltided, and in our 'oomion wa - . , .. . . ... ..... ... ..... mreiMt.ane,out mere was LBiore argument in it tl-ao in f'o1.:vl- . , . .. . , 1 I . ii,.. .i, i . , . i T , ; veiv itc(-.f atr. isuspee spose ror in Jiamr an l in conclusion there was a-loud burst'! Both jH-aker.-i:-i eoived- 'ied' After marchincr , throairh the principal streets they brdko ranks at t the towp hall where there .was mere speech-making." r V1 Many of the lesidences intown were lighted with Chinese lanterns and they presented a beautitui spec tacle, "ThVstofe. of the Morris ,flo. yMti th most attraeti vely decorated of iaay -builging in th6 pimee", , Au immense crowd gathered in thP opera lionise to hear the- speech es, uon liu Ham called the meeting - ! to '5rder andorhsteh'tdd Friil jrood s6n chairnan of. the UlVoodaid accepted tke migWp. in -speech of j hampton made speeijh o'n flie poht-- mor in bis speech that won applause "ji-.-the audience. i.He'. denoimeed l . l! :' -People's party and said that two - ? years ag6 you cb'u'ld not tell whether he Democratic party had swallowed tho Alliance or the Alliance had the Democrat icv-party. At . Ithat time there- was harmony tjc- j t ween the Alliance and mat pat ty t Wild when an" Alliancemun was novi- ( infltpd 1 for - fifiTPrhnr ;t i.. - , . . ! tfiuucruttnere would bo no trouble, i . . . . ... . but some beeatne 'dissatisfied and a Pec People's party ticket was nominated This act Capt, Mason denounced ; UIUCIIV. ..V ' . Ttw mfisiv. bir fJl.A lnli'vi eued the audienco aud tho singers "ae'a'iiitt e d themselves verv eredifnb'lv ( - . . " ' Paul Jones.in an excelfohff'.siie-'icli-- ' i j JY.tv r II II Til 4 rilllM iraTl ;lfl r' K i' i piton.o of tbe best-wo have-'evtft lie ai d, presented Don Gilliam with a gold peri in behalf of the' young Democ racjr. Uis services rendered. Mr LQiliam tlhanked t,hem , for the t oken j of -their appreciation of his services, and 'skid that he would continue to . ugVhis best efforts in belvilf of the party. -'He' said -tbat Edgecombe jhan 0 Democratic this year. f. H. Busbeo then inbodu-.-e. Oleun who spoke aboulAa h .':.. i . h,ur. Tr- Glenn's speeeliw;. i verjeiv dennnciatory ot tuoso -Wiio left the Democratic pa ty. . i The meeting adjourned by sing- yerjelv dennnciatory of tho ifv oia North State,' the. audi- fj.e, - fd:i: in the chorus. - l. . ' - t Sapp "The ; opera ho ' . - wiin an appreciative .audtc ' Friday . night towithess the'eJiai miiig ' h cek play Sappho which was so creditably and ad mirably1, presented, by Mrs J. - .Mi Station's Delsarte Class. ' ' i 1' The certain rose a few mmutes af ter 8 o'clo'ck and throughout the eu- ftire eyeningthV audience was highly entertained. At the fall of the cur tain, after each act there w-re loud outbursts of applause- ; - t The.appeaance of Paul Jones tie only gentleman in the ., play , wa a rsirnal'pr Abplause whicji was bo.tr-1 ly ipTeB.'.riJones : as haon sns- f tamed '.himself-' admirably. Miss LiHaBeltwas'charinrng as Damophila a'nA Snierpreted her "eiiaracter most eieellepilj. Miss Daisy Oillespie is perfextly-ai-acme m--the stajre. She wiefoh.tained, graceful .and ahoWed belftalenit to admirable . ad Tan ta go as. 'crinna. Miss . Gattie Cloirfan a charming' blonde "-was, A i mnncr in which these yoang ladies f perrjm.4aad.aef to the -cart- ful. thorough and. pahistalring manner in which . Mrs. , Staton bad instructed them in. the Delaarte S xerelsea. In structions are given "in tbe arm movements, gestures ' and in fact evry movemect of hn&j. Deli developing and gi?ui& expression to I theiwers The people of Tmrhv wonld glad to see another play of.thii chai-l acter presented. r r ihe receipts, for t.he benefit of tli Cni Id, were over $90. Hi Ue la PoetteLiafo A friend handed the Farmers AIjvocatb the following, tribute tei the memory of the late lamented 5 J. Douglass, which we take pleasure in publishing.- i. uueraiutHi, iAt summer in oar midst there came. A handsome young man, but not of wide tarn; .. f- For his race in life had only bego. ! nut sw,It tdrfnc,n Q to i - ' - j t I i jBtHect,vbrigiit, hi narmners! suave. He was modest and gentle, yet noble and brave: Ar.d all who knew him his praise did proclaim-, V. For being a true gentleman, he was always the same. ; ; Those few hairv months flew iuickly on, " - ' '. As if anxious, t make us. distressed;.; and forlorn, For death had marked that ' p.dze as - liis own . And 'ere we ctrald know -it, , his spirit had -fl awn. ' , ' , One morning with, a heart as light and as gar, , As that of a Jird. on a "bright summer's day ; . . In trying to . board a steamer in haste -:; - He lost sight of his footing, andj his steps were misplaced, i . stream Went the body of dear . Peuerlas.: (oh it must be a dreani-) " vain. , And fruitless was , the ' efforts his 1 body to regain. . .. , . mi atter, live, . ions. weeKs or '' more, 'Twas found by friends and brought to shore. " AU hearts wer:torn, and grieved at .Hie sight,-' --- r.. ... To see one Hfeless, who' once was so bright. Kach vied with the other, who" most nonor could cive. " , Thiit his mem'ry forever, in thei bearts should 4iVe His grave is strewn with flower rare And daily renewed with the tenderest care, ' ' And are'waitered oJby the sacred , . tear. ' That can't be suppressed, ' for to them, he was so dear. To that mother , whose gieat, ; , f" loss it -' s o- X Our. poignant -grief, - makes- us hesitate , To offer a wrd - of solace just now, - v - - For she has learned to the Will of , Proyidence to bow. Following her noble example, let us all . Humbly bow with, submission t6 the ills that befall, Do-.ng well our duty, leatn to labor fl,i - .o-jf j -u ,,!' " i t the' bright golden gate Tho above linos were written shoitj- Iv after the " sad drowning of Mr! Douglas. ' professional anb J3usmres CO160 PR. T. P. WVNX. OSfioe Main Street net door to 1 O TE 1 II V A. Ii I . TARP0E0' N. C. April 15. ' . fim pAULJoyEs Atloney &i& Counsellor at Law. 'Office on Hain, street tin building. in the Aus- vF THE CONDITION OF TIIE PAMLIh 'O.-INAtTitAXOfi AND BAXKINiJ COM PAN Y AT TAItBQRO. IN THECOUN TY OF EDGECOMBE, AT TIIE CLOSfi OF BUSINESS ON THE 12TIf DAY OF JULY 1892. - Loans and discounts.). , . ... . . ..115 215 32 ()u from lianka & hankers.... 11 069 Qt Jieid estate . ... .... ,. .3 437 24 l.'iish anil cash items....'..'... ......5663 13 Furniture and fixtures........... 10208 Total . . . . . . ... . v, . . . ..J. :-.tm 395 sal . LIABrblTI w. - - I V apii &1 stock ' paid in. ..... ...33 960 0$ Surplaa and Undivided profits .... 34 396 St Dividends unDaid:. .180 00 Depoii' ....... . ..65572 1 Due to banks and others.. -....---1324 79 'Bills payable ...-vi...... ; 1 162 3 Total ; .. ....fl3B 593 Of "' J. Joi. Cdbb,- Cashier of th Pamlico Inj surance and banking Oorapahy, do olj nmnlv swear that the above statement is true f- the best of my knowledge and betiefj JOB. COBB, Cashier. " J f.,, Attest: H. L. Staton, Wm 8- Tark E. V- Zoeller, Directore.- - ST .TE OF NORTH CAROLINA, I ; County of Edgecombe.- f Sworn to and aabscribed before me this 14th dav of Oct-,, 1892. . ED, PENXrXGTOS, Clerk Superior Court; The Queen And President, "Who will be PreaKieat.' Sena 1 your answer. Wlt!l 1Kntf i . " - -. 1 rr ly naming the nt President rUl have th jir of DiarjonJ Ear-Eih, or an importod Snber 7th. W let . . .ws ... Am-m will he moLtSSttHm I '- Daring the contest special pme jiu civen to the Grtt ten answers received c Bea day. without l-rpard to name oiranaiaink A:l prixe foT tne v. a. u uj. - The flueen Pob. Co.. Ltd., Tomoarre Casaaa. TJEW FALL AND SHO-W V PENDEirs COItNEIL Tarboro X C, Oct, 1 k '92. IH FaRMEIIS advocaie. A WEEKLY JOUKNAL OF 32 " COLUMNS. , Published every Wednesday -morning " - at Tarltfiro, N. 0. In the publieaTion of the FaBMKRS' Advocate? the owner desires to place before the people aj firt-class news paper. ' ' This pa per is m the ha nds of a Drivat individual, and not aj corporation and' consedSently is- cot obliged to pander to-the wiil of ajny clijne or be governed in." its opinions by any particular class- of meri. The owner will strive on all occasions to treat all equally right and show partiality to no particular one. " ; The Farmers' AnyocAiTK is here to ' stay, tt is an e.-jtablisbed . ' ':1 ' terprisei ' , . : I o i Do you want a paper that keeps ' I ap with'inodern thought f Do"you "" want a paper that gves you the .., news in brief., from our county, . from our JState, from bur nation f Do you ant a paper for your family to read, a paper that de- iileth not but -contains neat, pure and cieau matter 'foij your cliild- " ; ren,?,; Do the farmers want, -a paper, that giveij . .tjjsem sound, i practical opinions for every. 4daj' 1 . use;, a iaper that advocates the principles tr toe Alliance as a . Liberalist, hot as anj Extremist ? Dp you want one f the best and largest weeklies in the State to subscribe' to t Friends, be sure to ',- ' .; t' j : - -. vlcrtb at vnce te tie FARMERS . ADVOCATE. We mean business in our new enter prise and truly intend to make the FARMERS' ADVOCATE . the pride of Edgecombe county and the i.- ,..' t - . East. , - - J We expect to place this paper in teveiy family in the town of Tarboro land Edgecombe county. Advertisers i would do " well . to note this. You lean find no better medium -through which to- tell "the public - what yon hare to sell -" " " ' We ask- every 9ne who rcretven ;.'" sampH'copy to read, this notict as it will not appear araui.. Stat of Nortlj orolina lit the Superior Court, Before Ed 1 Penninirtou Clerk i Edgecombe County. Articles or rreement for tne incorpora "tion of The Tarboro" Cemetery Association" baring been duly- proven 1 before me by J. H Johiison the subscribing witness there to an d dub recorded in th f Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Edgecombe Ceontv and State aforesaid, and the tax duly tiaid by virtue of the Statutes in such case made and provided - I -fv lit Pennington tn Cierk of said JC- lo novTflcclare that the said Jams B. L Court lovd S E. Lloyd F B Lloyd and Paul Jones and their successors bo. ano they are hereby made a body corporate by the name! and style of 'The ran)oro Cemetery asso ciat;on, according to the terms and.for the purpose s-t fortlj in said Article of agreed meet, wiih ail th'e powers and authority conferred by the iawa of North Carolina on corporations for a term of thirty years with a capital stock of Hve-thousand "dollars di vided into one 'hundred shares of fifty dollars each. In witm-ss whereof I. Ed Pennington Clerk of 'the Superior Court of the Sonntv' and State aforesaid hare here-, to' t mv bund and affixed bit official seal this 30th day of August 192 , D ENITIKrtTOS, . Cerk SuperiorCourt . " 'V. harness and" "saddle maker has on hand a FUS STWK f GOODS in his line, and you will save money by giyin him a trial. REmBS mm KEATLY ANd Don't fail to see him, call and septll-tf Register. GO TO YOUR VOTING PKE- CINCT AT ONCE AND KEGIS- TKIL BE PREPARED TO GIVE VOIJUAIJE, PIAUE OF BIRTH AND FORMER RESIDENCE. '? R1GISTER BIGHT. EVERY VOTER SHOULD SEE TTTATfUS 1TTLL NAME IS ON THE REGISTRATION BOOKS. Milt . T:XAill'L,r.: J'JUiV m. JONES, SHOULD NOT BE BEG ISTERED J. W. - JONES, BUT rirv F1TIJ, NAME JOB, W. tnvps REGISTER BEFORE THE 29th INST. mm mi mm - j WINTER GOODS isa: tototj W. R. RICKS. THE NEW HJKt M. A New Week.r Papc - z.. ' '-.-.. EDITED BT . W. S. Morgan, J. F. McDowell, . Col. Jesse Harper, Jeny Simpson, Mrs. b E. . Emery, Mrs. Marian Todd, Mrs. Annie L. Diegs, Geo Washburn, H- E. Taubeneck, L. P. Feth'erstQn, and others.' . i - j JUST STARTED. The New Forum is a new' People's Party taper recently started in St. Louis, Mo,, It has the greatest ar; ray of talent of any of the Beform papers, and will take its place in the front rank among them. This lis the paper which tho postal authorities are endeayoring to' handi. pap by Refusing to send out tbe sam. pie copies which the proprietors f the paper want to send to the people. 'Mr. Morgan, the editor and General Manager, wanted to send out free to the people one , hundred thousand saihplejeopies, but , after appealing the matter as high as he cou'd po to Mr.;jWannamaker, the Post Mas. ter General and beiig refused by him from ' sending out the sample copies j he is now appealing, as lie says, to God that is to the people- (the; voice of the people is the voice of the people is the voice of God). In view of this discrination against thTJew forum we hope every reader of this; paper will at once subscribe for it. i We will send it in connection with this paperi for $....,' or it can be had by those who subscribe by tho first of iJune, for 30 cents for . pne year's subscript ion.. ' . New f OBCM run. Co. St. Louis Mq. OTICE. of the power and author ity contained in a-trust deed execut ed to the undersigned .by Kate Wil liams on the lltli day of December, 1891, and recorded in tbe office of the Register of Deeds for Ederecorube Count v in Book 75, f age 43'J, will sell atHUie Court Honse Door in Tar- bor6j $1 C. on Monday the 7th day of November 1892. a certain tract or parcel of land situate in the Coun ty of Edgecombe. State of .North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Mrs Martha J. Best, the heirs of the late Mrs. H. V. Staton. Mrs W. T. Knight and others and containing about nine hundred acres, more or less, and being the tract of land whereon the said Kate Williams now reside and " which is fully described in the deed to her from Elias Carr, Adm'H os Eedain S. Williams and reference s made to said deed for a more par ticular description thereof: subject however, to the homestead exemp tion, reserved by the said Kate Wil liams in said trusfdeed and hereto fore allotted to' her by commissioner- appointed for that purpose. Terms of sale cash. - Lloyd wili-jaiis, Trustee, by H. L, Staton, At'ty 8. '92, ' sept!4-tf Sept Lots For Sale Lots, in Oakdland Cemetery within half a j mile of Tarboro, are now ready for sale. Apply to . Paul Jones. Secretary & Trtas. Loea Aavertl ements Beautiful oxodired silver oranjre spoons for sale by Bell, Jeweler. For; Sate A large cauldron, holding 60 or 75 gallons apply at this office. ".tf- Look at those beautiful moonstone rings at Bells. i i ' tf. For School books and Stationery go to Zodlers' Bookstore. . f Aprl3-tf. Sewing machines sold on the in- . . . . . . ii m t vr Htanment pian ny reii, isroora, C. .-:,!-- ,.. tf. For Monthly's, Weekly's, Fashion Journals and Daily Papern go to the News Stand at Zoellers' Book Store. " i - : Aprl3-tf. Ah experienced tobacco man de sires a position enrinjr tooacco in this country. All persons desiring to obtain one wpo thoroughly under stands handling the leaf should ap sply at this office." I have an immense stock of bag ging and ties and ean offer special inducements to all desiring to make purchases, also a heavy stock of pea nuts sacks. Call and see me, office next to Farmers' Advocate. - -T. II. johkros, Agent. Sept.U.92 4tf. Special Deltarte Class Realizing that where one r erson studies ART for ABT'a sake there are one hundred who study bealth for health.s sake, and appreciating the necessity for such a means oi pro mbting health, Mrs. J, M. Staton has opened a school for stzciav issTKtrc- Tiox ta Uelsarte ! These exercises are for conserving the nenre force-for old as well as yonng people. The course which 1 will teach ts now in use in the Sani tariums and has proven of invalu able aid to the medical profession tn addition to the Delsarte class IX EX pbcssiom this will be a special class of instruction i ) For terms apply to ' Mrs. J. M. Statok, iTarboro.NC Bv-irt m TOBACCO EXPOSITION EOCKY Kockv Mount, X. C, will have her and day of next 31,000 IN GOLD WILL .SdJnytrs from all jarU of the Union wil( lecn, hand ?t if v nih loet the highest pric-A for your tobacco as well as rutit;iu a chance to Get a Gulden ircmium. Be s ijreanu hav it uii h.tud bv 12 oMovk TUESDAY NIGHT, NOV. 1. 1 t. b ready for the ! " GRAND EXPOSITION -)N ;0:- Reduced Rates on ..Real BOURNE - . . a,' . THIS FIRM IS ". I PERMANENTLY ESTABLISHES IN THE TOWN OF ? v Tarboro, r; C. For the Purpose of engagiJlg in the Siilo '- --.! of 1 . r.v ". - RjEiL Parties who desire Write lis Immediately For Terms, Giving Prices, Dpserip I tion of land, i "&C. ::''' The object of the establishment of this agency is to offer of this section 1 tc capitalists S !E EI I N G ! -- IH IK .YOU T1AVK LANDI'OU SAII O SALE. TJ ''.';--' - i; - WE HAVE C VERY DESIRABLE -i - . ADJOINING TUK TOWN OF T A li B O K O , IJf . C, . TO OFFEfl FOR SALE, Excellent Building- Lots N A HIGHLAND HLTHY LOCTION. FOR I'AKTlt'ULARS Al'PIA' T( lieal Estate Agents, Ty E FOLLOWIO PROPERTY V One trart of land 105 sere,- all cleared, iiiK. will fell for 12.V) twelve hundred and flftf dollars 4 tatih years with ir cent, inUreHt from date of nale . No. 2. -Four uwn lota in rriheeTille. Trm ey "" j ; r - .-. . -J , H'tur. A" rtU'.i-VR. No. 3. One tract of land conUinlng'ST.i -rc4 S iileirfia Tr!.r. 17 i u r.- i .itf and 2i W acres timber. 1 cash balance in 1 and 2 year Iwifh .inw.-t 'mm iUt nf . riW. Xiood for peanuto. riom, and to Woo. Dwelling aud oot.oue. IVw ?.i..VO ( f Botui A Hiiaun. ' No. 4. One tract of laud 8 mile from Tarboro 300 aat, 2.2 1-rtfi. u.am tik bered Dwelliinc hotwe with 3 rooms, four outhouses and onetore. all in 00.I -reat4 I'rice 2.f0(l. Terniseaah. 4 j mnt A. htfc..itvr. 6. One tract adjoining the above containing 3U0 acrca! 110 clear and !J tuj.lr tac iwa tory bnddin out-houae, orchard pcanat and tobacco land, pruaJl UOO- ' , : . " ' ' - j , " BWK A if AfK.BATl, On. farm 123 acren. 00 acrwt eleared balance in pu4MUiiber. pot! iwr)litir l.-oy" tt imm and out boiiae. . Hituated oa tha wick Co. A' a two milea f roru-Lawerorille Terms $2,25if caali ami balance, H ona an ' -': .- : 1 2. In oh ini ile of Tarboro one tract of land Kin houeand bam and all necesaaiy O0t-botwe, O001I for fauntj' ioisaioarja h.. grain and tine soil for Krai. 111 ..nf i.nil fnr ul nne mil from tenant houne) nood truck I arm 7a inilt trees. Januiry , v . : Genral Toaaeco Warehouse h , My Stls3 hi BRIHC THIZr.1 YOUR ZMjO U JSJ 'J.', Sesoud Annual Exposition on ih Novetnber. BE P ; All Ru. I road.-. ID yb i . Estate Agency! & HA R G RAVE. tlieir Property the advantages VEST1EUT3. K ADVI.SK I'S: V PROPERTY Tarboro, N. 6. IS NOV jOFFEHED FOR SALE soil ' suitable Utr .fryii. urws 'J-i-.id r.i- k bliM iJ one orte AtLantic ii Ianville r-lr ad in f rx the coantjreat tJowi -1ko!s ar.d itcrct two years ercitt intt-rert (rom tUue of tbtte of -Vi ari. Gol iHellirijr of niae rnomi lit nr. fc JI vi.aAr. Tarbero ( acrea clearti. i--i'fiie a Tt I IV.urnet Uvrxrave li mmj Prion TODACCO. Sold r