Editor and Jrop'r. THURSDAY, FFB. 23, 1881. The Smithfiblo Uuiu is published every VirdaY. Covr Oa Year, f 1.60: Ob Copy Si ionths. .Hcts.; Ose Copy Tare Months. Ia fnture, bo name entered without paynseni, aad ao paper sens aTar expiratioB of tiaie paid far. Erery bo It ri!l ha treated alike, aad rule utrit-tly ett forced.' Kntered at Potofticeas second clasp matter. EDITORIAL AIIttlTZO SCMOlDElD. In the death of ex -Gov Haritio Sey mour another faithful, wise an! sincere loader ef men is removed from earth. lie was seventy-fix years of age, and nearly thirty of these years were passed in honor in the services of the people. In 1SGS, while presiding over the delib erations of the National Democratic Con vention in this eity, he was nominated for President, much against his inclination. He was defeated by Go. Grant. lie was through v : : and un- . t l- V -A tT. kflKiivAi) in narfv i , . , i T e Wilson A Jcincc savs: '-The lie and he believed in democratic lastitutions. ! - . ,. . j publicans of LJireeoiube are figuring on the He was Jeffersonian in his ideas and he i i5 -, . , . , , tt i . fold slate already. The Southerner says had fs th in the people. He Was singular- j J J W Tsnre and urricht in all th manifold fe--i f . . . -it u lations of lif. As a eitisen and as a pub - been chanted recently ta Worm to the uf lite dominant paty. I wili not cmKarriM bat aid il and the President in all proper effort! to purify :.a - th- aublie service for the mora capable and ef ficient are the public servants the lighter will be the burden af the tax-payera. Bat few, at neat, can obtain poblio pow--iona, and the government anast be admin aiered for the benefit of the people and not a favored official class. "No one cLuma that thu law ia peneec Tt m',!d be linsrular if each a tentative measure should. It da amendment perhaps-important amendments, and they will doubtless be ansae. "Its repeal, however, is impossible and c Mtrinn attermt now looking to -non an atoooipllshmerit would result in division, if not disaster, to the party attempting . Fir the people are not forgetful of the flag rant abuses practiced under the spoils sys teJQ ct the Republican party." Editorial Paragraphs. . The Tarbow Southerner has this to say of cotton futures: If we were to say that in this county not loss than one hundred thousand dollars had been lost in the last twelve months in eotton futures, we be lieve we would be understating thcamount. Is it any wondar that times are "hard"? It is said that speculating in futures is not gambling. Jore money is thus lost than over the card table, faro banks and terse racing cvmuutd." BOARD OF COl'HTf COM-HIS-SI OX CHS lie servant he was without blemish. No stain ever attached to his name. He was an honor to the State and a credit to our political system. His death ia a loss to the whole country. 1 trvmsr to arrano a!slate Tor the elective officers to be filled this year. The trouble J i that there are not enough to go around.' Gem. Cx anal Civil Service). General Cox has been interviewed oa the Civil Service reform question by reporter of the Brooklyn Union. He said: "There hi much general misrepresenta tion and prejudice in regard to what is known as the civil service law, which is simply an act to put into effect the old Jeffersonian doctrine of henesty and ca pacity for public trusts. This misrepre sentation arises from the employment of what it is insisted are impracticable seho lastie tests for admission into the service, and the rule in regard to the age of ap plicants. It should ever be borne in mind that the law does prescribe these qualifi cations, but expressly declares that such j examinations shall be as practical as may b; and such as will test the fitness of the person for the service he seeks to enter, and it is silent as to age. To repudiate the law for the manner of its administra tion is as unreasonable as to condemn a statute because you find fault with the judge. uTk T m . -i I.:., V. 1 ott i xiiu iiui7 bi niiim fcuc taw Tt aa cuics- ed aroused the apprehensions, if not prej udices, of many Democrats, from which I plead no exemption; and preceived opin ions are most difficult to combat. Thia 13 exe nplified even among enlightened mcmb r of the bar, where, as a rule, the old members will cling to the most crude and obsolete precedents, from which they are only emancipated by the new and vig orous blood of their juniors. Even par- : tics are often disposed to linger in old rats i and cling to useless theories until dispos sessed by those who present living reforms and vital issues. 'Many members of tht now dominant party fear that this Isw may prevent them from wltau.ing that equitable distribution of the offices to which it is entitled and demand its a" a h t ; repeal, which would be like one who should take his own life because, forsooth, ho was disappointed in some love affair. Every reflecting man at all familiar with the abases of the former system will cot cede that the purpose 5f the law is good. Then why not amend instead ot repealing it? This law does not prevent the dominant party from get ting its full quota ef oScea, bat it does prevent individual members from forcing their favorites into the classified aorviee. It rovides a test of merit and not politi c1 iatrigae amoeg party friends. I, as a Democrat, believe that parties aze indis rxssable.fo a. wholesome administration of pabHc sffa'nu " "When the people invite a party to snr f tadi r the reiSa of pawer to another, the chiefs of every buretrif at least, should be in acctjfii wtth the administration, to so eur a ttdt and fair "investigation, and ex pewuro of abuses which may exist, and tha people may know that nothing is held b wk, nothing cencealed. "This law does not prevent the Presi dtnt from making all such changes as he may thintproper. It would be unconsti tutional if it did. There are over 99,000 offices to which this law doea not apply nd Jwhich may be filled an heretofore. These embrace all local offices, such as postmasters, route agenta, etc., nd the higher and low positions at Waahintton. There are about 14.000 clerkships at Wash ington, New York and other important peinta to which the law applies, and the Democrats will get a due proportion of these. This law will not keep "the rascals In," of whatever class they may be, and I would repudiateit if it did. - MAt an administration Democrat it is tny purpose to sustain the President in giv ing thii law a fair trial, and by proper leg islative covering such defects in it as such a trial may disclose. I should m toon think or deserting a friend whom I had led into battle as to hinder one who ia en deavoring to fulfill my political pledgee. "Th civil service ecmoiisaion ia to aid,' not control, the Preiiaent in making pro Pr aeieetioua .for claries! dutisf. It has The Piltaboro Rrwd pays Judge Ckrk the tollowiag handsome ceinpliBieat: "Judja Walter ClaTk ia not enly a learned and epright judge, bat is an offi cer of extraordinary administrative ability. While he transact business more rapid ly than any judge whom we have ever seen, yet th ro L ir- unseemly haste and every thing moves aloBg sKOOthly and with the utmost deeoruia." Aoeordinc eo the Secretary of War's statement the militia force of the United States numbers something over 8W)0 men and officers. NEWS ITEMS Around ilie World. David Kelly is on trial at the Police court in Toronto, Not., for endeavoring while intoxicated to roast one of his chii -iren alive. His wife succeeded in wresf ing the child frem him. He then chased her and the othor children eat of the house and kept them ia the street all night. The ashes of a lady who died abroad and whose body was cremated, passed through the New York euis'ona house as 'sain j lea of phosphate of lime A man in Rihmond, Ya.,has built a house by a most singular mode of indus - try. For many yean past ho has picked from tbe streets one brick at a tiaie and a year ago he had accumulated a sufficient umber of bricks to build a small house Hon. Samuel J. Tildtn was seventy nine years old last Saturday and is in ex eellent health. Becanse he reninds one a msch ef An drew Jackson, the President is now called Young Hickory. Senator Georgs, of Misfhvippi, promised his constituents that he woaid never wear a dreef-coat whil i in Washington, nor ride ia a wagon. Ho has thus far kept his word. The Kentucky Senate has passed a - bib establishing a ?fhippinj-post far wife-beaters. February Neetla;. FSBUtJAET 1, 1886. Board met according to adjournment, all o&the Commissioners present. " Journal of last meeting read, corrected aad approved. Tbe foliewing account were allowed; Ashley Wallace, $69.T9 for boarding paupers at poor house. E D Ford, 80.00 for boarding prisoners in jaJ. : Wm Richardson, 12 50 for removing r1f frora Richardson's bridge. Wash Ray nor,. 12 50 fbr removing rafts from Smith's bridge. Edwards, Broughton & Co., 19 00 for two record books, for Register of deeds. L R Waddell, 5 94 for stationary for office clerk Superior court. John W A vera, 3 00 for burying Mir. to. Sanders, a pauper. . . R D Lu nee ford, 58 80 for sundry ser- I irn na plrrt tn bnard. Samuel Booker, $2, for publishing notice of Board of county Commissioners. D $& H M Barnes, C 00 for building desk for Register of deeds office. Also 125 00 for repairing court house room as per contract. R J Noble, S 33 f u month's service as Superintendent of Health. I W Grice, 6 00 for painting jail. D W Fuller. 8 SO for 5 pair of blankets for jail. WL Woodal, 2 00 for Superior court office. W M Alford, 4 50 for removing raft from Wilson Mills bridge. P H C Dupree, 19 80 for two days ser vice as county sommusiover, mileage &t miles, 5 days as finance . cooimit; , one day service at poor house; A M Noble, 12 90 for two days service as county oom- - m a miseioner, muecr? lb n:ilej, two dayv -finance ooa?nimktee, one day as romrvttee on repairing court house, one d iy x oor house. Q W Johnson. filed his official tend as a -w-a . a i eonatabte tor rjKvaici fownsftip. The following magiatrates made reports: W M Estridge. J B Rej,v6, G W Atkins, ; f B Hardee, Y J Law lion. W II Green was relieved from paying !oublo tax n land. Tbe contract for keeping raffs from Smith's bridge for one year was given to Wash Raynor, he to receive 50 00 per an nntn for his service. Bryant Mathis and Miles Mitehner re lieved from paying poll tax fer 1835,' D B McDonald aud Isaac Barfield were relieved frora paying double poll tax, on payment of single tax for- 1885. The committee to settle with Jesse T. Ellington, Sheriff and tax collectar.was a' lo.ved until the 1st Monday in March tn make their report. The bondsmen of Wm ilinnant. late Sheriff and tax collector, wcr relieved from paying interest, provided the full imonnt of judsrment and cst is paid by the 2Sth of February. 18s). If not paid exeeutioa to be issued fer same. J W Wood Sled hi official bond as con stable for Meadow township. Adjourned. Smith fiald Collegiate iEStitnle. JMA IL.E.ani FEMALE .SmithflaUU Jflhnstoa, Zovnty, Jf. C. L. i. fcarls, A. M4 Ira T. TarUagtaa, Fa. B "BISC1P11S. Til first teri?1 of tbis-InstitHtien will begin the first day of March. 18S6,aad contiaua sixteen weeks. Tuition Per Month. Tuition must bo paid monthly, UHless special arrangements are made Primary Department,......... .82.00. Intermediate ' Department,....;.. . 2.50. Higher English' Department,.. . 3.C0. Latin, Greek, French. German, Al- gehra, Geometry, Surveying, Book-Keeping, rack ... 5 0. Students will be charged for tuition frora the time of entering School until the rud of the. term, except in'cwse of protract- vd iSlaesjjyOr by special contract.' - Board, including. Fuel and ; Lights, can be obtained in good families. from $6.00 to f 10.00 per moiithi 1 :: "I; : Slsclplina . We'sliairiBhforCe'a strict but reasonable eode of rules. ' W3 shall" devote our best energies to -the .moral cultivation of our pupils, and causa them to observe proper irespect for each other. . ..... HIicspf-Instmcticn. . We bhall ad-pt sfh methods of Teach ing as will' best cause thouKht.mind-growth and thoron 2hnea-'aeceptiri:hoif rejecting any method siuipiy bcoause it -.ir nmo or old. . '", Special Advantsiss Are onerea to tnoe wno are pr paring to teach in th I'obhc bchools, as we shall teach all the studies etubraccd in the com mon school course. : Building. We have - in" construction a large and well arranged school building, furnished with proper apparatus, and with a suffi cient number of the "Victor" School Dcsks to seat, wrofortably, one hundred and ten pupils. (TW " Yietor is claimed to be the best desk ever made.) Th e pupiis of the Primary Department should supply themselves with 7arring- ton s tDeIIers. Appleton s Keabers; and small Slates. Fer further information ad dress the Principals; i iii I ii i - l btihii ir- t in i.iiiiiin inirtri'if- :ir, " - ir ftiwin i m. , ADA M S FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. STATU ITEMS. "What Our Xxekangci Say. The GreenviTe Stamlard reports six failures in Pitt ecunty darisgtwe months. Statesville boai ts of a 12 year old girj that weighs 22$ pounds. A move has 1m q made by ' the inhabi tants of Warroe's . Station and the snr roanding country to expel from their midst the whiskey deal sra and their shops. Says one man "there are seven barrooms with in the hearing ol my farm bell," and w the petition has beoi signed by some of the leading Primitive Baptists for this move ment, ehancos of saocoss are flattering. Tarbero Snlhn-n-w. The Baptist scd Methodist churches at Durham are to be illuminated with electric lights.' ' . Winston has organised a Mechanics Union, says the til. We know of no county ia the State than has better edaeational ..advantages than Lenoir. Excellent colleges at LaGrange and Kinston, a veil conduced Graded School at the latter place and good schools all over the county. Kinston Fre Prets. D wight L. Mcody, the famous revival, ist has been invited to visit Raleigh. - Hon. W. H. Kitchen has besomo edi tor of the Sootlat d Neck Democrat. Six miles of grading has been done on the Clinton and Warsaw Railroad. ts. S0UTHEBH FAItn HAVE MADE A Big Mistake HOW'S THIS ! TEX ilNXJTES is not a Very long time, but it ia sufficient for us to convince yoil tat we hare a prixe to offer every man, woman and chiM. that wishes ta save niuney. A riit to our store will result in yaur ' ' - Inir ostiAtion, Ad sai i ivit ion . - - Negotiation, QraUfioation. - A BIG BARGAIN that will iaterRt and pleae you. Now awaits you in tur select new stock af Family Groceiies, Con feet ionerfes and Farmet's Sup plies. GOODS THE BEST, PRICES TnE LOWEST Oar ehaiec newtaak doih gla'ldea eTry eye, And thoe wha eometoloak. remain tabT. They finJ aur price source effect their tore, Ana when they ve bought feel richer than be fore. - We are selling the following brands of fer- i -DAILYRECEIVING Fall &t1 winter Coods Consisting oT DRY GOODS WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, CLOTHING, BOOTS, SHOES, -XJATS; CAPS, HARDWARE TIN WARS, QCJtSNS WARS, WOOD AAD WILLOW WARE, Hetfy Mi Mi Srecerii, IN EVERY VARIETY. We wish to return thanks to our eiis tomers for the liberal patronage - QIWEM US LAST YEAH. We hope to deal so as to merit A GOpiSGE OF .iffliliffliH'' - - 3.-' i L - , We shall spare no pains in- trying to please them, both ia " ; We are i closing out onrrsto'ct 6f f.-x-- and after now we shall . ddfeote but en, tire attention to the sale f TEN THOUSAND TABDS Clothing, shoes, Hats and Trunka This will enable .us. to keep a much larger sto.-k of these goods, and to suit oar Customers in whatever they may - ITH ISHHESES. Bat they still have left a "mine of wealth on very acreaf waod-Iand they poseai For 25 yaars yon have been paying ruinona prices for rertuuers. All or them are ma(e from the very sam material as Wood A-hes- com bined with a small per cent of ether matter. That is to say.' 100 pounds ATth - bett ferti lizers honestly aaade. contains abatit 70 ptnnds of Lime. Potash, .S'otla. and Phosphoric Aeid. about 10 ponads of Nitrogennous matter and about 15 pounds of wa'er. While every 10 ponads of dry ashes eorfcuni !0 prnnds of Lira, t'atasa, Moda. and Phosphoric Aeid. in a early the sane proportion as the fertilizer na&ed. Add to this a few pounds of titra geB. ate, which hare es DeL a J a ning the woal and just enongh water ta dampen, aad wa hare, aaeordiag to the analysis ef p'anta, the very best plant faod that can be made. Touaaathat yoaeaa make the daad wood, drift, aad trash, lying 1b catt-of-the-Way placea aa land that yon will narer apen, sara you afcaat f 28 a avery to af guana yon Bead. Yoa have faaea baying ail the ' Lima. Potaah fta., aaadad for your arer a froia tha guano aiakar. Ua pays first east af the raw m tarial and tha freight' fram all directions ta bring it into his factory. Ba pays for axper sivc raaohiaery, and hires lahsrat city rates'. Re pays for bags to held it Me pays a chem ist ta analyse it. J9 pays for State license to aell It. 7a places it with yoar guana ;' mer chant. Then yon bagia to pay. Ytn pay him back fbr the raw material and first freight; yea pay far the labar aad machinery, you pay for the aRstyal and. the license. yo pay the general agsat aad tia merchant dealer, y pay the freight' U yaar depat, ypo haul it haras for niles through nod and" aver . hills, yon saw It, and ia tka fall yon wish yau had never aeen it. You know that it has cost mora than it eames to, and you have simply thacen- alauon ef anewiag that yaa have not only paid back to the guano maker all of his outlay. bat such handsome profits on the money inves ted that yau haye made turn the farmer's friead." . - TODD'S RECJP Prapases to add to the Wood Ashes sirapjr what is needed ta make then eomplate manure at a cost otz.&u per ton-, . Todd s Recipe adds to when not only the ammonia, which has asoaped in . burning the wood, bin the (jnioridesaKCl Sulphates which are known to chemists aa the atost powerful eoiTents and digestive agents.:: These not only make the ashes more soluble, but tbev add to and stake available the plaat-foad already in U SOU. .' Ashes cannot act wellwitFani this heln.and tEeir value is increased tan-fold by uing it. x au eaanat anara ta pay $39 tor what you can make at home at a oost of oaly Three .' ( Ibis is to certify that T J. May is a BDecial Agent for Todd's Recipe in Jahnston ceunty, N. C, and he will canvass the county for this season, and will be at Smithfield tbe first Monday in Marsh at which, time he will be pleased to sell to the farmers in said canntr. It will please them. We aruaraBtea that it is superior ta any guano you oan. get in the 91 xianu iroiica. ) Appl? to WILLIAM JOKING, General .Agent, CoatahVN. C. i T, J.'May,' Seial AgtaV" Anchor Brand end National Tobacco Fer tiliser. " ; Anchor Brand for Cotton, High Grade Premium for all crop: - ' -Boykin, Carnaer k C?'sJIome Fertiliser, Orchilla, and Genuine German Kainit. . Thanking our friends for pat f ivnr.v wa respectfully ask a co;iCimiahce of their patron age. Very respectfully, Banflsrs & Masseagjll, Third Street, Next dour ta Peacock A Bra. EV ERY NEW SL BSCJSIBER WHO SEND.i . year 8 subscription ($1.60 to the West ern and f- cents sor mail in jr and tub ing picturo, will Represented with a handsome Lltaegraphlf Portrait or&errmer Alfred Tt. scales. The Sentinel is a large 32 column Illustrates! Family Newspaper, containing the news of the day, interesting storis, original humor, farm, household, fashion, labor, and many other de partment, with iaterestingmiscellany and out spoken editorials. Send $1.65 at once.and receivethig fine por trait of tha OoTeraor of North Carolina, and a year's subscription to 4 live, interesting news paper. Address ..'' Oldham Iab'llslins; Hohn Wi.vstos. N. a IN ALL COLORS AND OF EVERY STYLE SILK and WORST JD PLAIDS, Mm M Nuns Yeli, Of all Clors and Graues, Shepherds Platds, Etc., Etc. 29000 white Goods, FIVETHUCSANU M 1 Aid H D I Mouo Complaints Lces & Hamburgs, Cream and black Spanich, Oriental. - 0): - A large Stock of UMBRELLAS -()- mm m m mi ri ifi m liwe have the largest SCOCK OI This xaedlehie, eeeftMr.tef Iron with y v.etafcla totUea, ankialf and coaapleWv. ara thnegwlii. lavjH.eatlswt Wwfcut' .aipwre BIm1, MaJstrlaCBaUa mm Swreev, Nawrmtarla. 1 1 is an unfiiiUasf nmeAj fat TJ&oaaw of tl a Klilaeya mmi. Over. It la inraluabla for Diseases peculiar U.. . Wotmb, and all who lead sedentary Uvea. It does not injure tbe teeth, cause headaehc.cf produce constipation other Iron medieme ri It enriches and purifies tbe blaod, stimulate., the apnotita. aida the aasballaUea of food, re r iiaTca Heartburn aad Belcbing, and strengtU- f the moacles a&d nerrea. Foe Intarmment FeTers, LaasHnde. lack ot - Energy, Ac., i baa no equal. - The genaiae haa aboTe trade raark aiv t rowed rad lines on wrapper. TaYe bh tbar. Mutrkr aaowa cBaawcAi. BAWtnemi, mt (6 We believe fair, honest dealing is the BASIS FOE PERMANENT P1SPITY." RESPECTFULLY, SASSER, WOOD ALL & COi WHOLESALf AKD flETftlL DRUSfilSfSr .Railroad Street, Smithfield C HEADQUARTERS FOR .: '. CIGAT, 7 PIBE DRUGS, Hed-nes, Cliemicals. Paints, Oils, Glass, Vaitv'VmVkes iyc-uiuiiB, iuaw, vifr, iruw, acnooi tsoots and Statioaarj. A full line ef standard Garden and Field Seeda. Onion Beta, in ' ally kept m a J FIRST CLASS DRUC STORE. Special ternwt U Phjsidana and dealers m Drags, Etc. PRESCRIPTION MADE A SPECIALTY. Our Druggist sleeps over the store, and j .t ,1. -- t-v Mia nara wi i u uwciuiiy auu aovuraieiv aompounaeu, day or uitrbt. - ' mauling our mends and the public ecneraUv for Dast. n-.trn,n- ,j a cantinuanee of thfi sam vr TPTMfli'n Vo " .'i- n ' P " 7 Jng tg merit Very respect fujlyf. Sasser,: Woodall Sc Go Groneral Merclianciitse Ever brought to this section. ALL AT o- Give me a call be--fore TfISS PAPED f .50 HIS Vtwtaapar Ad-vmrttslMa; nimirii, WHKKl AD. vaxmsiao co tracts MAT otns'D oji KIL.JCAT iIO. . do sraoesi liOM wm i mm This Space Belongs to Cotton Buyer, and Dealer; in s, timm, Dry-Goofls, Boots Shoos, Ete., 8MITHFIRLD, N.-C. 7 Respectfully,,.,