i Lr I fl Cotton Grain ' Mr, T. C HrAX, SmitMeiJ, N. C. You wisn to know how I like the Pro lific Cotton Grower Fertiliier. I think it ihs best fertilizer I ever used. I tried it with four brand of standard fcrtiliier and fny,n that it raid better by itself faaa either of the others with 20 bushels of; wfrt Tcr acre. I put 200 pounds in the drill and from 50 to 100 pounds in with the seed. My best cotton wa where I used Prolific Cotton Grower. The Pro lific will cause the cotton to open earlier and hold its own het'er than any other I eTer used. I cheerfully recommend it to airy ons ha wants a first-class fertilizer. P. S. A vera. I haxs used and sold guano for savera! years of different brands. I find my cust omers like the Prolific Cotton Grower I. Te VfUS.w B4.t rrr. ThU Is ;b iff which ir fMrtme-hen lUk ikT no. to is tkuBT ap-4ar as it eer u. rcir new kui uis iiet. cooti:a d mmkicat hLtr: ins ftujcy backed ail Lsw hrmcMea. warfc. hrni'lfj. La- t- . Cr-m FiUry Stork- fr tie T - tM iiecUM of ts.tr f stp.- vat ptibiuktl. lae a&OOr m will k 4eiUka wit thra. - Tk IJr t to P Sir VAw Swtt. foe LadT ot ff Lk ' ' U roani ui of mk tkc rki if oU rw !s man MiSl thrnn Ml. guide p-iur xt Mi (uvi tnc4ug, ruir o! C. Tka &tm.ar Lrtter Wrftw r nl ScatWuwa. aiplete gai4s to MTfilaix, gir rt alaia dir-littos trt to asaiMs:tioa mf leucn of rv T ?. Wtottr Et! KwtlMi, t.n-cti mt A-t'u CAaraulsa, Tib'nBi. v.a'i-i. r u2tts, tr., tcor: 1Ujtk1. A. Waiacm Serltaitlwa mm J rm&c-V m farn and ewce eoUctiH lur Mtti xbitoiiit.'a ttUia mad enMrtai oanu. . Parlvr lifb and rrtril ExvrhB9ito, bar.k wiir torlU bow w pertcrra hundreds f mrrtMir.g rVk Im att.3ic mal ln.uucliv-' cxpriBzo2 vitk simp' Ml III I . The !! 7ek B!t mm Fanny Pkyst wtsw. eoaSMBiar bBadrwdf of K:-:ient ckic recipes jmI hints to hawsekeepars, alsw tciliog Bar so care ail oaia- aaa afliwsn or Ufflli Boat nway 11. Kmssm iu Cnjtsn rn la Tm A way Lss, i beak of itsttsIs. awcrib- two. mm Kr-Uar U. bai3, Kcnaers and astoa of the IT Uifwa Cauataiese SiarlM by rVwrtsr AuJHm, avcbraciTtc iow. huumroiM aad dcMctiw atones, stcri- of r of aariara, sc nuif ii "c au verr tu 13. Tw BoSrrt. af Wit. ITwTr.no-ma Pax s ln.it aol'aoifcoii of 6f nsar stotlgo. m.-ci. i-.i. 4eais. ac4 J am Bn-re bea wrlttw tor w' vmr. ; tlios' ted. M. Ir'ooAil KisvMrt par taaMlllloat. fciBdy aaok or fri tatarataiica ur ail. apoa out aosl ixioas aoBjonfs r ftiastrmaed. K. CalM Bak. A Sara. By Hsk Cob,t, aatbar FOR S re- ElilRVELOUS PRIC1S3. BOOKS EiE& MILLION Cornclets Ncra3 and Other Works, by Famous Authors, Almost Gtrert A tray ! T.-. Iblu. fiui back sr. pabliohol 5b pan.as'.M tocm. smut of tkea kudmatlr ' trateal. and. ai! aro prta f- n a s i si. nrrrn. was, Ssginarfd Uwr, ar Moaf? Or-lrr, a-xtl address at aaa 1 BRICK STORE, 3 VACANT LOTS, 1 Saw Mill, 1 Briek Machine, 1 Loc T7aoo, 1 Road Wacoa, 1 Cart, 50.0C0 Feet of Lrmber. TTe wish to close at car stock at greatly reduced prices. W request our debtors idfeUo PS-iCOCS. & ISO- SMI fUFIELD,N. C. - BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! "W tr closing out our etek of Goods at COST, except Groceries, consisting of 5ryGoodfl, Notions, Shoes, Hats, Clothing.flardware, Iloliovi - are, Tn wars. Crock TJ i& GIM7 Wooden ware, Trunks, Yali.es, Etc i il and Tobacco Fertilizer, Manufactured by the Goldsboro Oil Company. Try it Read tbe following Testimonials : Fertiliser better than any kind they hare ever used. I find it carries the cotton to raaturity by keeping it green and growing until frost, it stands the dry and wet weath er better than any I haTe used. I shall use the Prolific nest year and cheerfully recommend it to my friends. P. II. C. DurRSK. 'Messrs. Borden Ero., Goldsboro, N. C. Genii I used forty fire tons of the Proline Cotton grower Fertilizer last year It is as good as any guano I ever used, and on sandy land or when cotton is apt to take the rust, I consider it the best. I will continue to use it as long as you keep it cp to it present standard. It being a Wome entcprle, the manufacturers of it ought to be encouraged, especially when it FOR S-XjIE H3"y M. At tfce Wirifi XrrT. A ysveL By Picrcac a m.riii aotor of " Ite IWw on tlio klra." etc. IT. Mlltlresl Trrvaalaa. M oii. By " Ti thsott ass." aatioir of Mol.j Baw i. etc. 1$. Imrk Daya. A N ei. hj Har Coavmy. aataor of Caiicti ftcs. ' ete. n- Ta Mystery of ks Holly Trao. A Xooet lr the sbiboc of " Lura Tfcmnz." "19. Shadows an the li. A N-vreL j B. I.. Vor H30B. achroff 4irl-aao-Cbeo aii'i-Kioe.' t!t li. Tk Crar A oasn. A JtoI. Bj Jtrt. (.askoil. mother of " Mir, Bmria." otrt. a. Tfco Frwaea Bara A Xoroi. By "Tilkio Coil 1ms. anchor f " Th- W.Tpao ia '4"hit." e. . Kr CafPt Faraa. A Xoni. By Mrs. Ksory TToos. tatkw of " ft Liom. etc. 14. JaC-uWaNet. A Kosat. Bj the Anthorof" Dora TiWK." IV Back ta the AM ffoaae. A SovaL BrMsiyCecE EfcT. aathor of " H.i Vro fs-riiS.'- rte. i. Johw RnrriKk Wife. A 5L By Miss MuU--.iThor of -Jota Hslifux. tiemlMpmn-" cte. :7. Ijtoi wnasUat' Bnaab A -orL Bytba avthor of Dorm Tl-orotf." t c sa. Jaaar Dmor'm A Sorri. By Miss Jf. K. BrmWoe. tmoc ol - Aanx Kk tJ. ' otc LeoJIao. A NsveU By KmrT Cecil Hay, anther of Brewra Yorsr." DTr- . Vahrif-l'a ViHt. A Xtrrrf. By VllVie Collhis. aathor of o ' etc. 3! BsTlaliiat. A Sr1. By Mrs. Aaa S. Stepheaa. antaor of i soir-? mud 'smtie." e. 31. Koaatax Whirlwlasl. 1 S"A By Mary Cecil H. n;r t of " Out i ' eto. 33. mtasUe-r Carlraa. a Kou By Mus at. K Br dcn. an.hor cf - Lmdy Amdiey-s Secret," sot 5. Kaswea: oa Taa MTfmT or rara Birttiw. A. Koral. Kt lUtm W. Pt-ce. Witbor of "The Birth Mik."tts. 25. A bwUlrl llna. A XovaU By tte author of "Dora Ttorae."" etc 3a. Vaierlo'a Fate. A Xov. Br Mrs. Alexander, antor of " Trt W sains O't." ete. ST. htrr Kame, A Xr-I. By WBkio Golliaa, aathar or "Tiie Wosa&a ia White. " ate. . Asm A Kavel. Bj lirs. Hrarr Wood, aaihorar . The Itwrrl Tlwmti. A Xor-. By Kiss Mnloek. author of -Jvf'tt H:;faK. GcUeBmB.' eto. - A maw Barten. Swl. Bt r KUot, authsr of -A Jam Bede, ' like M.U oa the Fh-u." esa. ntl mar otw tnee wiw w cis. - rmrmtoeoe. eoataJafna; m-i Matting nmpen maa irr vewvjin "'r J- J American rutt. uo.r riuiaa a, ru. A 1 ENGINE, 190,000 Brick, 4 Mi lulcs. n TrTT 1 I is equal to thVVery best Yours Truly. F. C. HymaB, SmithfieldN. C. ? Dear Str I used forty tens of stand ard guano on my farm last yor; one of my tenants desired tj try the Prolific Cot ton grower and I bought one ton for him and I saw it tested besdei other brands the weed where the Prolific Cotton Crow, er ws put was one quarter J:irg-r and the yield in cotton was one third more. It is every farmers duty to buy the best ferti lizer. I shall use forty tons of th- Prolific this year. Your truly, Willis If. Ivkrt. 5Ir. F. C. Ilyman, Smithfield, N. C. Dear 5 I have used several brands FOR COUOHS AMD CROUP USt of Tho mil egni. a patborpii ftwaa a trap af tile aaaaa fSTsa, arowiac mloaa tmo otaaU msal la the Soashora Vis OS, aoatalos a stlaivlaHac ozoraat priseiala thaa leoavaa ao ahleawi proaaoiaf aaa ooxly amoraiaf ooaea. mmo atlaer. laaas ahe ehilm a anw oh tho mtss anbram ia eroaa aaB vhsootas'-etaeh- whaa aoawbiaod with tha hoaliaf aaati s la f mTLoa'a Caraaocca Bhkt of Swaar Gtrw asn i ariacteie la tha anllota alaat ef tho aid Kauara caa flaeet tarn reatoty &r Caaeha. Ciouj, Tfoowim-Cocifi aad CensaafBtiea : aa4 aa aalatahla, may ahg4 to iliml to take H. Aak ronr irorri fee U. rVtoo, 8A. aai $1. WAITER A. f AYT OP, AOanta, ga. Cw DM. BlttOEW HrrK'.RBSKBT CORDIAL Myaaastey k Ciuldxsa ToatHiaf. raraakaia ?0R SALD BY T R H003 & CO. Smithfield, N C. TTeza ImprciyacL High JLrm, 2 e-jf ISechaniaal IPrinciplea and Rotary IdG-jemznis, Automatic-, Direct and Perfect Ac iion, Cylinder Shuttle, Self-setting ITeadls, "Positive Feed, ITo Springs, F&u) Parts, Idinimum W Bight, IT o Friction, IT o XToisd, 2To Wear, ITo Fatigtce, ITo " Tantrums, " Capacity Unlim ited, Always in Order, Richly Ornamented, JTiahelplated, and Gives Perfect Satisfaction Send for Circulars. Addrsaa AVERY MACHINE CO., SB tt'Sftdway, Hew -York. SM 7 SWIFT I " SL1 SURE im SILENT It? iP' 10 t guano for tobacco, and last year I used the Prolific Cotton Grower. I know it paid me better than any kind I ever used under tobacco or cotton. I used ten tons last year and will want ten this year. Joseph Fuller. Mr. F. C. Hyman, Smithfield, N. C. Sir The Prolific Cotton grower I bought of you. through 3Ir. R. I. Lasiter, last scasoa gives me perfect satisfaction. I tes ted four rows about 140 yards long, with standard fertilizer and weighed every pound of the cotton and the rows on which I put the Prolific made 10 ponnds of cot ton more than the other. Will use Prolific next season. Very Respectfully, Carroll Langdon, Sfilena, N. C. IF1 O. . ZE3I2" ?IELB . u 1L iLil BmrATKSs there a mas with son! so dead Who never ta fats wife hath said, I will a Sower garden make. Both for my own and thy dear sake. And sow with seeds te come up qaicfe, Which you, of coursa, wilt buy of Vic f Sf such theae be, I pray repent. And have aa order e,nwrkiy sent. Then sweet thy rest, I'm sure, wQI be. And thy dear wife will smile an thee. Tha Gurost is a work of 150 pages, Colored Plates, xooo Utastrarions, with descriptions of the best Flowers and Vegetables, prices of SeedsaaS plants, and how to grow them. It telle yoa what yen want for the garden, and how to get it. Printed in English and German. Prioa only 10 cents, which may be deducted from first order. BUY ONLY TICK'S SKED8.AT HEADQUARTERS. aTJJSES TICK, 8BSDSXAK, Koc&estor, H.T. Spilona, N. C., ITas again struck soma wonderf :llj low prices, and bought a handsome sto:k of SPRING GOODS! Stjles and class of dry-goods will be mentioned in this adverti ement as soon as they arrive. He has already in stock and doily arriv- A Largs Lot IB Dill 1. 2 PLOWS and CASTINGS ; Dunn A Plows- and Castings; Watt Plows and Castings; Stwoewall Plows and Castings, Etc. A Complete Stock 01 Faroiig IMPLEMENTS; FAPlGYaafl HEAVY GROCERIES and everj thing in the farmer'c supply line, all of which I will sell as any First-Class Merchant can sell. He will guarantee prices, and will pay highest market prices for meat, corn and other country produce. FOR Beast. Mustang Liniraent is older tbaa SBoet sasa, an3 nsod more and tsare ercsy y tstr. nn Mr. F. C. Hyman, Smithfield. N. C. Dear Sir Last Spring you came to see me with a sample of the Prolific Cot ton Grower, asking me to sell for you and more particular to use it on my farm. I did cot like it, was airraid to try it, and sold all I bought except two sacks. One I used on very"poor lacd and the other on improved land side by side with another high grade fertilizer. The Prolific grow ed off thij cotton quicker and held its squares better during the drought than, any other kind I used. I will say, and mean exactly what I say, that if I had have used the Prolific on my farm of 70 acres I think I would have made at leant five bales of cotton more than I did make with the kiiid I used. Every farmer to whoa Isold the Prolific say tey are high ly pleased with its action on cotton and will have no other next season. ,R. I. Lassiter, ZMZ-A-ZLsT, JLC3-E2sTO?; N C 9 y 25 YEARS If USE Ibt Gr teat Medic's,! Triaiapfr ef the ge! SYMPTONIS OF A TORPID LIVER. Ioaa of Rpyetite, BswaU coatlvo, PitiB fa) the head, with av doll aeuafttloa la tisa tMtoat art. Pain ivndar tUm aionldar kiados Farllaeaa after emelr wicl mtU lacliaatloa to exertion af body r mtad Irritability eft eraser, Law sir! la, with m feeliagraf kaTinar nea;lcted itnt ataty, WaariaesA, Dizziness, Flatter! a.? at the Ile&Tt, Dots before the eye, Heattaehe ewer the riffht ere. Restieeanesa, with tStfnl dreaaa, Hishly celered Urine, avad CONSTIPATEON. TBT'I'S FlULf are especially adapted to snch ae, one dose effects aucfi a cbang-f. of feelinp; ai to aatonish the sufferer. They Imteramae the AtrpetitetBd cause the bady to Teave on "Iest. thus vbe system ia nonc-lshed.ar.d by thtir Tonlo Actio, oa the WKCiTeOria,Bila,a-StooJs are prwtwc. tPr1ea fte. Wnrray USf.Y TOTTS HAIR DYE. Gray Eats or Whisksxs changed to a Glosst Black tv a single applic&tioa of this DTK. it imparts a natural col sr. aota InstantaneoBsly. Sold by Droggia, er ant by express on receipt Of 91. rYlee. 44 Murray St.. Nw Yorte n will mail veil free a reval vsJnn- bie, sample box of goods that ill " ft mere oney at once, than anything else in America. Both sexes ot all ages can live at home and work in spare time, or all the limp Lfuv r uu 111 bun 1. V t I UI.IKl.O Capital not required. Ws win start you. Im. mense pay sure for thofe who start at onoe. s. yi- as.Ai.j oiin?ou of Vj., ronianu, IM ill ce. For Sal- I offer three hundred acres of land situated on the Smithfield and Clayton road, 8 miles west of Smithfield; adapted to the culture of tobacco, eotton, wheat, oats, &c, sufficency ot cleard land en it for a three horse farm, bal ance in good timber land. Will be sold reas onable. For ruither particulars apply to A. PARRI8H, Siitfcetd. N. C. Notice ! By virtue of an order of the Superior court, f Johnston county, authorizing the under signed P. W.Adams, Administrator of Ashley Benson to sell real estate for assets, I shall sell at public auction, at the court house door, in the town of Smithfield, on the 1st day of March. 1586, a certain tract of land in In grams township, Johnston coun'y, on the south eide of Black creek, adjoining the lands of D. W. Adams, Alfred Keen and others, known a; the home place of Ashley Benson and contain ing sixty two aeres. This January 2Cth, 1886. D. W. Adams, AdnVr. J. H. A BELL, Attorney. Bed SpringS, Bed SpringS! The bet Bed Spring on the Market 1 the ""HcrsQ 2Iio9 Bed Spring,"a Foi sale by W, W. NICHOLS at t . . 85-00 PER SETT- He takes m exchange tor the Springs all kinds of Cbuntry produce and pays the mar ket price. HE REFERS YOU TO J. II. A BELL, W N BENTON, Mrs. M. V. SNEED R. D. LCNCEFOHD, and various other persons in the County who have bought thm and they all aay tl at it is a good Spring. FEATHERS, FEATHERS T Feathers for sals at W. JTfSiCH0X. i n t nm I I U I 1 IT! I 1 B B S B S E once and you will want it again. Sampson County, N. C. Mr. F. C. Hyman, Smithfield, N. C. Dear Sir. I have always been partial to certain brands of Standard Guano, but last year I bought a'few tons of theFro lific Cotton Grower from you at Smith- field and I found the Prolific far the best - Guano I ever used. It kept my cotton green until frost and caused the top holes to grow larger. I will use the Prolific this year, and advise those who want a first class brand of Guano toLuy it. Yours &c. Sampson Warren. Harnett County, N. C. F. C. Hyman, Smithfied, N. C. Dear Sir. I take greatpleasure ip re commending the Prolific Cotton Grower "HAS. A. GOODWIN. GEO. B. HISS. GOODWIN & HISS. ri,-: paiExoas 1 413 Faysttev KAJjEiGii, N. C , Manufacturers ef all kinds and styles ef MosmbsIs ai EsailetOQes ;i lta.ian or Americaa marble and Amerian or Impened Granites. Contractors tor all Kinds of UF.BiNG, POSTS, SILLS, STEPS, &c o JggT'Estimates made and Drawings Fur- A WEEK'S READING FREeT FOTl SIX. GOOD FAMILIES. . lend jrour ancae snd the name andaIdrassof th of yony noichbora or flriends on a postal card ana eet ftr ftrf yoamatf and eaca of them aspestmea. eay ec THE BSEAT WEEILT, The " Atlanta CoBstituliss," OUR THREE HUMOROUS WRITERS Fsmom tt BtM Barltaa. "BfU. A3PS Hawisnut Le tars s fee Kim mo4 ttgA War Mori, aactaaaj The WoflaWlNlM. Twelv Pages. 9 BrteMaat swdeitweWt "0 A POSTAL POt A snSGWeit COPT. HESt Addxcas. "Th Goasmmsbx. aUtaatAwSa. NOTICE- By Tirtue ef the authority contained in a certain mortgage deed and executed to mc on the 10th day of Janaary. 1884. by Heary Starling and wife. Samantha Starliag, aad reg istered in the Regi tor's office of Johnston county, in Book M, No. 4, pages 75 and 76, I shall offer foT Bale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the Conrt Mouse door, in the town of Smithfield, on the 1st day, of Mar ah, 1888, en? Grist Mill, known as the Far Richardson Mill and three (3) tracts of land in Beulah Township, on Litfls River, adjoining tho lands of John . Atki..son, ThcHtaa Garner and T. T. Oliver, containing (427) fonr bun drsd and twenty-seven acres, to satisfy claim and cost contained in said mortgage deed. This 4th Jan , 1886. T. T. OLIVER, Mortgage. NTICE ! By virtuo of the authority eon tailed in a mortgage deed, executed to me oa thelSth day of January, 1886, by J. A' Ford, C. A. Eord and A. D. Ford, and duly regis tered in the Register's office of Johnston County in book "J," No. 4, pages 291 292, I shall sell at publio anctiea, for cash, at tho court house door, in the town of Smithfield, on the 1st day of March 188S, a certain tract of lard, in Smithfield township, Johnston county, adjoining trie lands cf John W. Avera and lying on the waters of Middle Creek, contain ing 100 acres, and fully described in said mort gage. This 26 day of Janaary, 1886. W. N. Bbxtqb, Mortgagee. A BELL & RICHARD SON.Jfcttys. THIS pSFSl Ueo RALEIGH MARBLE WOEKS, 417 and 413 PaystteviHe Stre . to the farmers. It in the best gia$ I ever used. It kept ray cotton jrreen and growing until the top bIea raaturd. I will use the Prolific this year. Your Very Truly, B. W. Lie. I alio refrr you to the following gentle, men : George L. J ones, J. W. A vera, J amesH. us J olmson, John "W. Telvington, Rev. J. J. Harper. T. 11. HOOB & CO., Druggists W have a eompletelystoeksd, aad well ar- rjnyred .'0HUC S TORE where prescriptions are carefully cempouadad. Our stock of PlRf CMES TOILET SOAPS and like srtic!es ia larje. We carry a goed selected stock cf Cigars and Tobacco. o 2564 Fruit Jars just received. We are running the ICE II0US2 this year, and can furnish ICE at a reasoaablo price. We hare recently purchased a very neat SCDA-WATSS ' APPABA72, from which is dispensed SODA-WATER, DEEP ROCK and VICHT MINERAL JTAT1R8 Jnst received a large and fresh stsak ef TURNIP SJSEDd. T. R. HOOD & CO., 2ad sU..g8na&al., B. 0. 6AHBIA0E VOBES. UR Ho.14 DUCGY. "Wq snanuf acturo Open ami Top Bujr- fies, consisting' of the Side Bprinjc, End prinjEr, Brewster, Timkcn and Edward Storm Spring. Also various stylos of Two-Soatod Car riages, Wagons, Cutter and Sleighs. OUn Ko. G WACO 13. liberal disdmt ta tio trada. Send for Ctstdtogve amd Price BTRiCl''"!, a Hotice i t 0 T virtae of the authority esafcaiaed ins yae-rtgage deed, executed to do on the 18th day of February. 18SS,by R. A. Janrigaa, and duly registered in tho Register's office of Johnston county in book "O," No. 4, page 416 aad 418 I shall sell at publio aB, for cash, at the court honse door ia tho town of Eniith field, on tho ISth day of March 188S, a certain tract of land in Meadovr tovagbip, Johnston county adjoining tho las da of J. W. Melanin and others, oontaining 67 acres, ad fully iesenbed in aaidxacrtgago. Thia 8ta iaj of fbrsary, 1856, B. W. Honos, Mortgagee. f II