Smiilificltl $cr;ilih 4luvlitor auJ l'rop'r. THURSDAY, FFH. 2", 188S. "fuSLISIISIlS "ASWTOiTNCBSnSSJT. Tho Pmitmuklp H8At Is publish! ntrj Hate of StibflHptlon. Cue ropt Sno Yiwr, ?1 Months. 75.: Ono Copy Thr Months. fatn'e.Hrt nam entered without payment, ad Bopnpornont Hrtnr expiration of tin pi! for. livery hofl.v will ! trwiU-d hke, and theee rule utrieUy e"'"'"' Kntcred rtt lVstoflicOHSsceond ehissnirttUr. FstUIRilT S ISC II 1 51 1 AT I O j. Section 19 GG cfthe Code reads as fol lows? It shall ie unlawful for nnj railroad corporation, operating in this Stat to .charge fort ho transportation of our freight of any description' over its road a greater amount as toll or compensation than shall at the same time be charged by it for the transportation of an equal quantity of the name !ass of freight transported in the panic direction over any portion of same railroad of distance, and any railroad -company Tu.lutiug this section shall forfeit ' and pay the sum of two hundred dollars foreacnand every oflenoo to any person suing for the same. No:hing in this chap ter fchnll betaken in any manner a abridg ing the right of any railroad eonipni.y from tnakiug special contracts vrith shippers of largo quanities of freight, to bo of not less in quanity or bulk than one oar lor.d. The freight wo understand from Ral eigh to New York on a bale of cotton is $L30 while the freight on a balo from Smithfield is 82.02 J. We cannot under stand the reason, of the difference wheu the distance from PniithfieM tN'ew Yor k is not as great as that of Raleigh. If ire tan read the law correctly, it is a clear vio lation of the Statute, and the injury that it works upon the people is enormous. The injury to Johnston county aJuuo cun mt amount to less th.n $2,500 per year The people of ou? couoty uro taxed $'2,500 that a city 25 miles distant may prosper. If the law printed above is inoperative to djtroy the on!, thcu the next legisla ture ought to paes a law which is opera tive. A? the last sows-ion of our legislature $5,000 was appropriated for tho establish- j mentof an Industrial school, which should bo located at tbe town or city, which should make tho lartjct offer of money cr ma terials, etc. Mr. It, P. Rattle and Gov. Scales deci ded that $5,000 in money and $3,000 iu buildings offered by Raleiuh w;is inade- quale to commence on, and havo decided not to establish the school at jreseut. This ia the cause, aa we uuJtrstand i -f the great fus between the llaloijjh papor. aadr Rattle. Without iviug the matter any fcr'oa thought are iaeKa d to the oj i iou t jt OoTsrnor SoahiJi and Mr, Rattle acttd wisely in refusing to act until soma towu could offer grenter iudueemeuts than eeo. To attempt to fvund tho institution, "Which the legislature had in contemplAtu.-n, with $l3,000,would be ridiculous, and the project, unless unforeseen aid suddenly ap pears must surely fail fur want of means. Govemtr ScalvsaudMr. Battle acted wi&elv, Mr. Tngalls, vf Kansas, bitterly antao biaod the Blair Educational bill iu tho U. S. Senate last week. He said tho North, Northwest aad West aid not want this bill. Ou the contrary they spurned it. The people of Kansas hid gnantly spurced the assumption that they desired a gin from the national treasury to susiaia their com mon schools. Mr. Inalls was "fatigued'" with the presumptions he had heard that Korthcrn and Western people wanted ibis moucy. "Let us drop disguises audcome down to ettiiBvu seuse. Do cot iusuit the p?Ile of tho Northern and Western Statea by declaring that they want any portion of thiaonaticn." The Mil, Mr. Iugrdlssaid 'Was essentially dbhouest aud States that would take money under it were actuated by precisely the same spirit that would iicka pocket or rob a graveyard. (Laugh ter.) It was an act f grand larceny en the treasury. WThen the Stated of the South aAed for this money on a basis of the whole number of its illiterates above ten years old, they knew and the whole oouulry knew that ther were obtaining laoney under fate prctecoes. W have noti?eti in several of our ex. surges 8vcre remarks critieiiing Mr. Walter II. Pg former editor of the liadeigh Chroakk, aud now corrc6rs.n &ut of that paper ia 2iew York. The ritiewma have been called forth by certain f Mr. Page letters in which he niade fnaxs Tery phuu, nd by no means flatter ing sUtem en U about tne waj we aU down Jwre ia Nortk Caroliua. Whether it w the incisive trth or the glaxiug falsity of fell sttemcn, which so disturbs some of , it our contemporaries, w uo no unarruLe to say. IS very man must juoge ior inu- cif. Thta much is sure'y true, no man a.n be injured ly r Ung Mr- Page's let- I jffT3; '! limn jyjy?? 'a tttunly tt 'rk-Ilousc, Th Fpri;ig cnn of our court has ad j. milled, leaving six .piiaoni'M iu our coun tyj-iil, most of whom are to work out costs. Honor judge Conner directed that they ho hind out, but wc apprehend hut in nearly every caso tho cot wi'l bo n largo that no one will hi) willing to r'sk (ho chances of g.tting back hu money. The result will be that they must remain a dead burden oc tho county till tho cx pit?ionsof their irentencrit, which ranje from two to twelro month. Wc beli.rc the sentiment of the coonty would be to turn the intuatrs out at cue free of all costs, rather than pay their board far such a length f time n d low? their costs in addition. Sis prisoners will cert the county nearly two dollars per day, hdng nearly seven hiuidwl dollars for a year, an amount gnfficirnt to give five hun dred children throe months schooling. We sec no way of ridding the county f the burden, but to establish a work house where undtir the supervision of some good man, those offenders whose crimes are not punched by uupisonmont in tho peniten tiary, could bo forced to work out their costs so that the county could at least not lof'e anything. Wo think it would bo well if our efficient and faithful County Com missioners would consider the matter at an early meeting. It might bo well to ap point a committee tc ascertain, whether or not U would pay the eonnty to establish such an institution. It seems to us some thing of the kind is badly needed. Mr. F." X. Stntdwick, of Durham eoun- ty, has entered the race for Congress in this District. The following gentlemen havo been mention-id in that connection: Messrs. J. II. A bell, C. M. Cook, R. II. Runn, F. N, Strudwick, W. A. Graham, and the present incumbent, Gen. W. R. Cox, all guod men. Senator Hoar has iutrod iced a bill in tha United States Senate appropriating $150,. 000 fvramoaum int to Gen. Grant at Waih ington. Ou the motion of Senator Logan the amount waa increased to $250,000 and tho bill was referred to the Library Cota mittee. Three Democratic candidates for the Presidency since the war have died with in the past four months MoClcllan, Han cock and Seymour. Of the caendiuatos who did not reach tho White House, Mr. Tilden is the sole surrivor. The U.S. House ha ps-d the Fits Johu Porter Rill by a vote of 171 to 113. Closing of the School tu OfstrZet A'a. f. Yesterday the closing exercises of our sehool, Uught by W. T. Turlington took plnec. At an early hour the children, parents and friends began to gather from every di rection and in a very short while tho house Was filled to its- utmot-t capacity. As soon as th j K'll was rao for silence, tho following exercises took plaie: Match spelling by the little folks, which was highly complimented .by all. Next in order was matrU spelling by the larger ho vs aad gir'.s. which was supeibin ihecxtruue leading cxirjis.v iu concert thcu took place by all tne diiTcrenc cl oses, which marked conclusively the ability of Mr. Turlington for training children. At this time ?n hour inUrmiion was si von, after which the following exercises took plac: Declamation, by Willie II. Stephenson, subject, the mas who advertises. (It is worthy tossy that this piece was taken from the columns of the Herald.) Datamation, hyjas. Q Earns, subject the wind, Recitation, by Ida Stephenson, subject pussy; recitation, by Alma Stephen son, subject six yrars old: recitation, by Lilla Enn s, subject ha cartful in your play; recitation, by Rebecca Knuis, subject remember; declamation, by Zeb V Stephen .von, subject I II never use tobacco; dechi. uiaticn, by Oscar Stephenson, subject the evening hour; declamation, by Louii Stephenson, sulject honor; declamation, by Thomas StephcWn;sulyVet our national Donald Stephenson, subject our country's honor our own; dec lamation, hy J A Stephenson, subject Western emigration; declamation, by Wil liam Ausun, self dependant; recitation, bv Peony II SteptiensoB, subject we are severe; a word for each of the months by twelve little girls; the seasons by four lst le lojs:dialogu?. tho schoolmaster abroad, thy J A SJepbentoo, A L Coats, Lou:s Stephenson, Wui Austin,Thoaias Stephen ensou, Oakcr Coats aul Donald Stephen son; tho man aad the money, by J A Stephenson, MiUtha K Coats, Sallie A Honcycutt aud Talitha S;ehensop; tha wonderful scholl ur, by Sella V Stephen son, A L Coats aud Sallie A Parrish; the way to John Suith's, by J C Knuis and Louts A Euais; the everlasting talker, by Perry H Stepheason, Martha K Nancy A Austin, Dora Eonis and WUiie Parrish: vtilcdietory by W T Turlington. The children all acted their parta ad mirably well taking iuto consideration the very rftort tiase they were in gvtting up their l ieees. A fter h excr-s-'s were over tll young peeinn were luvited to the houi of r.irsu ! Sl honsoQ wl ftU Ejoved oium ana axcciag through thceaily part of the night. Space iorbiis other comments. A Spkcttor. - - A negro ElnuKcil tbr a. Heinous Crime. Jartinsuuuo, W. Va., Feb. 19. Three weeks ago Joe Burns, a repulsive looking negro,ootuiuitted an assault upon a Miss Fillers, of Baltimore, while tho lauy was on her way from the railroad depot at this place to tho house of u friend a short distance outside of the town. Thin morn ing Ruins paiil tho penalty of his crime. At 12:15 o'clock a body of masked men, numbering from seventy five to on hun dred, approached the jail, took Rum there, from and dragged him to a point two miles outside of the limits of the borough,wherc they hanged him to a tree. Men to bo OtMibted. Jen to be doubted arc those -who account for a black eye with a stick of stove wood. The politician who says ho is only run ning for office because the people damand if Tho man who boasts of his honesty, but never pa- a sent. Tho lUua who carries a whisky flask in the iuid-wintr to guard against snake bites. Before abor can be five it must have the right to labor and receive the full re sult of toils. Kansas Sun C Globe. Healthy Girls. (Albany Express.) It is no longer fashionable with tho fair sex to feign, delicacy, nor are the girls of the coming generation actuated by an inane desire to appear fragile aad genteel at the expense of health. The scores of buxom, bright-eyed youug ladies ono will meet upon any of our public thoroughfares any after noon is ample cvideuce f the truth of the assertion. No longer do the fair ones seem Wan aud pale to look upon, nor is their style wf leoomotive suggestive of efTon; hut oa the contrary nearly all seem stroug and lithe of limb, and with cheeks suffused with the ruddy glow of health. Doctors general ly aree that there is far less of sickness among the sex than baa formerly been the case, and this could be attributed solely to the glorious practice young ladies have of late acquired of testing their capabilities as pedestrians, and io engaging in other forms uf light physical exercise. It is to be hoped that the ood work will go on. IMi3 slciuiis Have Fuuud Out. That a contaminating and foreign ele ment in the blood, developed by indiges tion, is tho cause of rheumatism. This settles upon the sensitive sub-cutaneons covering of the muscles and ligaments of the jt'in s, causing constant and shifting pain, and aggregating a.s a calcareou. chalky deposit which produces stifTncm and distortion of tho joints. No fact which experience has demonterod in regard to to Hostctter'a Stomach Bitters, has stron ger evidence to support than this, name!' that this medicine of comprehensive uses checks the formidable and atrocious disease nor is it less positively established that it is preferable to the poisons often used to ar rest it, since tho medicine contains only salutary ingredients. It is aho a signal remedy f r malarial fevers, constipation, dyspe-pfria, kidney and blad-;er ailment?, debility and other disorders. See that you get the genuine. REMOVED! ' I hau.' moved n;y IIOK SrtOr three doors Soutimf 8etli WocvVdl & Co., on Smithfie'd Street, where l sh::l he plcised to meet niy customers lav or ni.:ht. Farmers will do well to call on me nid get a pair of whole stock Mitch down Shoes, wnvrantcd. Repairing lens lT3itiy at Short Nctico. Ihankfnt f.r pa?t fvors. by strist attention t lutsiuess I hope to merit a continuance f the same. ltosooetf-illy yotn-s. H. W. CIRDS. NOTICE. The undersg;ed having qualified a Admin istraior on the estate of Hopson Onea. de ceased, will sell t public auction, at the late rwd'uee ofaid deeae1, on the VSh day of March, 18S5, the versonal proicity of said deceased, consisting wf the following articles, til- , Hourehold and kitchen furniture, farming implements and other articles unnecessary to nteution. Terms made known on day of sale. N B All parsons indebted t the estate f said deceased are hereby notified to mako iiniaeliate payment, and ail persons hainsr any claims aiinst sid estate will exhibit thesn to me u or before the 2oth day of iFeb ruary, This thel3rl day of February, lS?o. W. II. O.vkal, Adm'r. pilOFKSSIONAJ PK. K. F. PC SCAN died on Thursday. February 4th. lSSu, His wife, Jrs. ROSA 11UXCAN, will continue his practice, at the homestead, abnt throe miles fro. t laytoa, aad will treat every cr.?? with the cre.-i'cst car?. Hoping the general public will c?ntin r.etfive me such consultations as my hus band received, lam respecJ fully, ROSA HUNTAN. XOTTCE The undersijrrsed li wing qualified as Ai. niimistrator on the estate ot li. F. lhmcan, de ceased, will sell at public auction, at the late residence of said deceased, on the 17th day of March, lSSS.tae personal property of said de ceased.eonsistinjj of the following; trticles, vis One Hope engine saw wild. cotton cin.cotton press with all the belting aad fixtures belonj inff to both saw mill and cottou tin and other article? unnecessary to meatiou. Terms made j known on day of sale. N. B. All persons indebted to the estate of said deceased are hereby ratified to make immediate payment persons having! D7 claims aenst U-4 et."lte n tbem j to me 3n or before the 2--th day of Febmr.ry 1SS7. This, the 2ord day of February, 1886. W. ll.McCiu.CBS, Sr.. Adm'r. TDBPiSmr2S3KES ifalthtisid Collegiate lasiilute. MA T.K and FEMA Snnthlicld, Jdmsto County, IT. C. I. J. Cat Is, A. 'J., Ira T. Tnrliagtoa, PH. B mi NCI I'll 1.8. Ilio firet tern; of this Institution will begiji the Jirft day of March 18ttG,and cortinu sixteen weiks. Tuition Per Month. Tuition must be paid monthly, unless special arrangeu-ents are made. Primary Department, :....82.00. Intermediate Dep;:rtmcnt, 2.50. Higher English Department, ?."iQ. Latin, Greek,, German, Air ghm. Geometry, Surveying, Booh-Keeping, each 50. Stu h uts will be charged i'ur tnition from tho time of entering School until the end of tho term, except in case of protract ed illness, or by special contract. Board Board, including Fuel and Light, 'can be obtained in good families from Su00 to SI 0.00 per month. Eisciplina We shall enforce a strict but reasonable code of rules. shall devote our best oueries to tho moral cultivation of our pupils, and cause thtm to observe proper respect for oach other. Hottcf.3of Instruction. We shall sid-'pt such methods of Teach ing as will b.;.t cans:' thought ,mind growth, and thoroughness accepting nir rej-ctihjr any method simply because it is 1110 or old. Special A&vantaga; Are offered to those who arc pr paring to teach in tha Public Schools, as we shall teach all thj studios embraced in the com mon school course. Building. We have in construction a large and well arranged school building, furnished with proper apparatus, and with a suffi cient number of the "Victor" School Desks to scat, comfortably, one hundred and ten pupils. (The " ictor is claimed to be the best desk ever made.) Remarks. The pupils of the Primary Department should supply themselves with iirring to:i's Spellers, Apj.lcton's Reabers; and small Slates. For further information ad dress the Principals. H0W;STH1S ! TEN MINUTES i. net a very long time, but it is sufficient for us to convince yiu that we have a prize to offer every man, woman and child, that wishes to save lauiicy. A visit to oar tore will result in your Invest iyrnt ion, Acini i 1 1 1 ion. Negotiation, Gratification. A BIG BAHRAIN that will interest and 'ple.v-e you. Now awaits you in ear e!ect new stock of Family Oroceiies, Con feci ion cries aad Farmei's Sup plies. GOODS THE BEST. PRICES THE LOWEST Our choice new stek doth gladden every eye, And those who come to buk, reir,"m to buy. They find our pric-i scarce e'lVv.-t their store, Anl when they've bought feci richer thai? be fore. V. are gellinj the following brands of fer tilizers . Anchor Brand and Tobacco Fer tilizer. Anchfr Bra d f.-r Cotton, Ilih Grade Premium fT all crops. Bovkio, Carmer cc OAs Home Fertilizer, Orc-hiila. ni Genuine (Jcrnian Kainit. Tiianhina our friends for pat fiver?, we respectfully a .c a c:ti(ifuance nf their pat ren ame. Veiv repe.-tfuliv, Mmk Hmiill, Third Street, N?xt u;or to Poaco.fc & I'-ro. ITOTICE.- 1 Y virtue cf the authority enntaira 1 in a n"rtiii;o deed, cxecuied to mo on the 3rd day f March. 18 , by J. W. . Pdward. and duiy lejjistered ia the Register' ofiice ot JdinsioH county in b?v.k "N," No. 4, pnre Oloana;ll, t a.i.iil sell at . pubitcaui ti n, fsr cash, at the Coun House door ia the town of Smuhtield, on the 1'2m day of Marcn. 1SSG.? a certain tract of land in Oneal's townshir, Johnston county, aJjoining the land cf Bron son On.vtl, Joseph Kd wards ami others, con taining oO acres, and fully ('escribed ia sa'd Mortgage. Tina 6tk day of Jauuarv. T. T. Gomvis J. H. ABEI.L, Att'y. Mortgaccc. "3?3ssi:2xr' AP2TT CTPPOIITBR CbiSilren'B, 1 to 5 yenrs, .iS4J attadisaents, - " " . 1 SC. Indies' " - - 1 5c. M?ss-s -with a belt, ' . - - 8 Oe. lAti " " " - 2 Sc. Stoofcius?. Abtlominnl, and Catame nial Bamljg) Supporter coia- TT" It h Skirt Pupooitep, - - - a 5c Urishlou Ueafa Garter, - 1 5c FOR BAUS BT ALL FIRST-CLASS STOKES. RaiTTVs sent post-paid to any adUrsss upon receipt of price tu S-cnt stamps. LEWIS STEia, Sole Owner and Manufacturer. ITS Centre Street, Netr York. i I DAiv pwiecty Safe aiKl always NrectaJ. t?sf to-J."T rm!KrtT l'),Utt American M'ooira. ClBantattai nyrtpr to all km. r rsw nfsndfd. Ion"t wnsta munv on mrtklmi nwlraitw. Try maiUnl lo any adtlris. Send 4 cnts for particular arAEyiav JJ A D A M S Bismark, N. C, NO GeAC! NO BLOW!! FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. . DAILY BEOEIVING Fall fmd winter Cooils Cousisiing 01 DRY GOODS, WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, GLOTniNO, BOOTS, SHOES, IIATSCAPS.2S HARDWARE, I'm WARE, Q UVEA'S WARE, WOOD AAD WILLOW WARE, Hot mil Fancy Groceries, IN EVERY VARIETY. TEN THOUSAND YABDS3 SS C2T o- WINTER CASHMERES. IN ALL COLORS AND OF 13 VERY STYLE SILK and WOKSTJED PLAIDS, s veiling, Of all ClorF nxicl Gi acles, Shepherds Platds, Etc., Etc. (o) . OOO white Goods,. in t Laces & Hamburg's, Cream and black Spanich, Oriental. (o) A large Stock of UMBRELLAS vWe have the largest stock of Groneral IMerclianciiwt Ever brought to this section. ALL AT -o- Give me a call be fore Ti' ! 1 i HI m9 Blti ana Nan V 10 1 1 SO II ! nil num. .it u mi W (UJlll Respectfully. D.'W, ADAMS, mm We wish to return thanks to our cus. tomers for the liberal patronage GIVEN US LAST YEAR. We hope to deal so as to merit a mmm of We shall 'pare no pain, in trying to Wc are closing nut Anr cfrJ. ,e JSSft Krl YT8 TS tw. Mm, Tinware, Grasierj ai Grocerli, and after now we shall devote our en tire attention to the sale of Clothing, shoes, Hats and Trunks. ThL. will enable us to keep a macb larger stock of tl jpods. a, l to our Customers in whatever they may "WA1TT I "We believe fair, honest dealing is the SASSER, WOOD ALL & CO., WHOLESALE iO RETAIL DRUGGISTS Railroad Street, Smithfield, N. C HEADQUARTER: , in i' ii mm PUEE Medicines, GheTnicals. Paints, Oils, Glas3, Patty, Varnishes, Dye-StufTs, Tobaccos, Ckmrs, Trusse, School Books and Statioary. A fnllline of standard Garden and Field Seeds, Onion sets, in fact evervthinsr n en ally kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. Special terms to Physicians and dealers in Drg. Etc. PRESCRIPTIONS MADE A SPECIALTY. Our Druggist fcleeps over the store, and any prescriptions entrust! tn Li be carefully and accurately compounded, day Ihanking our hinndd and the public general for past patronage and hoping to merit continuance of the same, we remain, Very respectfully, Sasser, Woodall & Co. G U AN I am offering to the fanners of this and i . , . ... . tnfi iVi-i BTl-ki.K .. ..II I I -iv nii r.uuwu io oe s;eooj are soiurT lo us uuaiui. it is ecouoiuy to use y" ... Navassa Guana, Navassa Acid Phos phate, Lyster Br o's WHAM'S fflii 01 PiM MM, PINE ISLAND PATAPSCO, DIAMOND M GBNDINE I Keep ' fujr cash or uu ID. HMITnriEI.P, N. Q. . st. r"f r -. JmWL m 7 WSS3vVjj ibh pawage. please, both in RIISPECTFULLY, FOIl or niirht. adioinin?? counties .h f.,ll ; t, ... tvrt.v.i nil- UIJUU.IU' to none, and siitnTiMr to m-mr n.l if ' 1 - yon the best : Dissolved Bone, AND LAZORETTA, GHffMAB KAINIT. Jf.-i-i-h.-.undi.v.: in tl 1-titluliy, vn, hi.h I n : cli-a