J SMITHFIELD, N. C, JOHNSTON COUNTY MARCH 4 1886. NO. 39. ft 'liiO? KSSION A L CARDS. 1DM W.10O, Jr.; James r ir OU. UlIintU), JOHNTSON COUNTY, K. C, vpn ,t-tfnJ regularly the Courts of John r..a. Sanip,u i Harnett counties. Collections niade in these counties. ,- .., V. .-He of Court I oust Square, near VTTO N KY AT LAW, SMITIIFIKI.IX X. C. Ob'f ici-: in riiE co Cut ikhse. jjyvial '::oution paid to collections and set V"Jo;;e in th? Courts cf Johnston Wake ani TTavud. t- w roi". P- T MASFEY. I)OU Sc JJASSEY, A'-sTa-aV-Liw'ani Usal Estate Agents, SMIIITFIKLD, N. C. Ifv.vi wi-h to buy Liui or to sell ltnd, yer h.p'we cin aid you. A,: cin negotiate loans, for Ions or short tevm- on voa'. estacc in Johnston county. lVi- n wNhinjito tend nio'ne-y ov to borrow Bi-!wy on mortgaj: of land may find it t their ititsrt to call on us Miaul! Ci v v iair o Maim fa c t n re AND UNDERTAKER. VEHICLES at Rock Bottom Prices. IWi't. .s Clnm'nus an. Cincinr.ti Buj jtitJ, Bugv and Wagon Harness, Saddles, Bridal?, etc. kept in stock, cry low for cash- CoSas and Burial Caes furuiehei on snart notica , ChsuU your interpt and five taeai a ca.i aal examine their Stock t.fore purchaMB aaywhere Satisfaction yutranted. Selma Academy, I.ma. jojxsrox corxrr. x. c. Henry Louis Smith, Principal. A High School, d -signed to prepare Toyn Bad Girla for College or the practical duties of Life U.aJey the vreent management the ?elna Academy has grown with unexampled rapidity in numbers and influence. Hoai'd can "e obtained at from 6 to 10 iIci'iKr? ra. iiih. fuel and 1 ghts furnish d. Clitaenie. Muic. i aiKtint;, Bootc Kee; iBf. LRtin Nreek. F ench. Vhy-io' y. and Higher .ifatli-JniAiies vnrai.-s I in the titrfe u' -h will prrr.-re for any "oige desired, "r fr.tb .utc University. Tuition r-nlldi course fvora '2 to 8 doiWrs i'vr ia The icri ' i- !.: li-d rvith 'as. UluKe. Uoadia-:- : H-d Piiysioioir.tal "ftrts. Kract-u'j : ' " :o -rot B'ok, etc . fte, r-ir i-;ri:ie- particular-' --td t th" Vri!i-:;o:il!'ir "-tta .;i- SmitLlield Ccliegiata Institute. o MAI.i: :ml KKMAIiR 3n::2id, Jaajtss. Csnty, IT. C. I. S. CTi-, A. M Ir T. tnriliisloa, Ph. B. rPiie. ."r.-t term of this Institution -will ief,"in ;bo fir-t day of March lccS.aud or'iiiinui --ixteer. reekp. Tuition Per Month. Tui'-i- ii tuust lo ;ii! ntunttitf. unless ?j"?cKl arranzcuii r.ts arc mart Pnniar.- ! parni- nt, !$2 -0. IntT;t:cdite Department H'u-Vr Kr.-l-h IKM-Hrlmont. .. 3.0. Latin, Greek, French. German, Al gebra, Geometry, Surveying, Book Keeping, each 50. Stuenr.s will be ciarr:tl for tuition fro tho time of entering Scktud until the tn-1 of the term, exvept in cn.o of protract ed illucs, or by special coatract. Board Roar 1. includinsr Fuel and Lights, can l-e obtained ia pood families froa SG.00 to $10.00 per month. Eiscipline shnll enforce a .strict but reasonable code of rules. W shall devote our Inst energies to the aioral cultivation of our P'ipils, and cause them to observe proper respect for each othor. Msticds of Instruction. We hhall adopt such methods of Teach injr as will bosf cause thcuht,mind-growth, and tkorouiilinees ttct-epti nr nor rejecting meth simply becttu.se it is neip or fid. ; Special Advantages .'-re offered to tli.se who are pr. paring to teach in th Pnb'.ic St hool?, as ws ehall teach all the studies embraced in the com mon school course. Building. We have in const ruction a lar?e and arranged school huildimr, furnished with proper apparatus, and with a suf5 cieut nuuiWr of the "Victor" School Deatcs to seat, comfortablv. one hundred and ten fupil". (The "Victor is claimed to be the wt desl ever made.) Heniarks. Th pupils of the Primary Department should supply themselves with 7arrintr- S oeliers, Appleton's Fibers; and nail Slatas. Fer further informaUon d re.s th Priefpals. FJ FOR TE CHILDREN. Tbc CQiistitulIon'a Training Srbool forBoyM arI Girls. It -jW TO J -(':' .. Rri-ve the n , ri'at, Wys, Hit it on the Lend; Strik with all your mi'fct, bays, lHtlie the irou'8 red. When you've work to do, Toya, I)t it with a will; They who reach the tor boys, Fiist must climb the hill. Stand "'g at the f;-ot, 'ooys, Gazing at the svy, How c.n you ever gt up, boys, If you nerer try? Though j-ou stumble oft-, boys. Never be downcast; Try, and try again, boys You'll suceeeJ at last. Very sad. When the Prohibition bill was before the iVorth Carolina Legislature some four or five years since, Henry K. Skott, Sena tor from New Hanover county, was one of its supporters. 'I hat- is to say be favor ed submission of the question to the peo ple and then best all the energies of his nature to making the bill as unsatisfactory as possible in order to securest defeat be fore the people. When J he question of adoption of the bill was submitted, Scott opposed. As a politician he was shrewd, sdroit. knavish by odds the b!o;t sap porter of the drunkard-makers ir Eastern North Carolina. By infamous manage ment of the poor house of the county atd the keeping of a low arrossrery in the city of VT hnington ha massed quite a little for tune. But he has fallen plain by his own weapon. Ia Chicago last week he ap peared before the city court charged with disorderly conduct. He hd spent his last cent, and his own mother appeared a pros ecutor and begged thjourt to srnd him to a temperance reformatory, as drink was the cause of his ruin and every effort of his relations to reform him had failed. Hi mother fainted from grief while triving in thw testimony and it tonV mmn ime to ro- stor; lu-r. He was hned flu and sent on to the "Washington Home. Preshyt r'an. FEmtrARY 24th. 1RS6. Mr Editor: Th- farmers of this sntinn are buv nonrrhinfr nd prr--ing for anohr CTop ?ntn of thorn are o"ninT to trv tobacco : sucess o thrm t'' rrtav ;V?nor eott-on" V Pthri-nd -"d h?t nbioots restored to the Ti"bt. of eitiznsVin Work on the "shor cut" is r.r'TT'inr moderatetv woTl; thv work A-x and nicht rd dn't sfor nTr"?hn fo'fvirh hours tvr week for Sunday. Vour rorresp nden! i opin:on tb;t kisir will he suspended for a fow dav a the rocent oold W'"ds have loft more cracks in wir than to our fonee. Mr. Editor, T have a ike which som readers pny pronounce a htde nh-nrd to write, but it ? too good for mo to keen As mrsolt and a eomrvioion of nine wer'1 TCfurnlni frm Smitbfiold tast "Wodn-'sday niithi, and cotnp1ain:ng oTthe cold. T made the following simple offer to him. "I will dve von fifty cents to p-all off your coat and vest sn J rai to the top of the bill." "T will pull off my tost, over coat, vest, shirt and pants and then go," rep'bd he, seem ing to think it money too easily made. The eonversation went on nntil we reaehed the top of the hill, when he said. "1 will now co to the foot of the hill and back for fifty 0 nts," agreed; and he stood in tho foot of the bugjry and eorarocneed to undress, hav ing removed all but his pant, he helped himself to a convenient log where he tug. ced them off over his hoots and galloped off down the hill bareheaded, naoro than tho bargain; when he returned I drove offand left him, remarking at the same time that 1 did not haul ghosts, at which he caught up his "trousers" in one hand and we bad a race down tho next hill and across the ranch where I halted pid hira for his cold race and had him redress. I laughed till I criedjeveD the stars seemed to twinkle more merrily than before. Ife said he felt so light when he startea down th hill, it seemed to him he could have flown arc-ay had it not hern for his boots, if he he had a feathered cap I think he could act "moo key" with the bet'of them. So I will clo?e for thw time hut will write more when I go to Smithfield and get me a bottle of iuk. I am . Very Truly. " T.J.Y.. fluckt'esB'B trialm Ssslve. The b t salve in the world for cols, bruises, srae, ulc- rs. salt rheum, feyer sres, tetter, happed hands, chilblains corn and a!" skin t--f:.:p''ons, and positive ly cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis fiction, or money refunded. Priee 25 cents per box. For sale fey T. Hotd h C. STORIES C? TBS WAR. GLIMPSES OFTIII2 CAM PFIRE, THE MARCH A!VI BATTLE FIELD. PlaySng- fer TAfe. TIY AN KX-RFBEL. ( Detroit Free Prens ) When General Early made his great raid on Washington I was scouting be tween his advance and the city, and was captured within the city limits twenty four hours before his battle flags appeared n sight. I was dressed in citizens' clothes pretended to be deaf and dumb, and claim ed to have been driven out of Richmond because I had written threatening letters to Jefferson Davis. I had been inside the fortifications for half a day and was slowly Tvorkiag out, when a coupla of young men, both of whom wereconsiderably the worse for liquor, haulted me and wanted to fight. I had a pencil and a block of paper with me, and I wrote: "I am deaf ano: dumb." That made no difference with them. In deed, they declared that it would be a no vel idea to lick a deaf and dumb man, and one of them gave, me a uff on the ear. In those days I weighed 160 pounds and had the muscle of a prize fighter. I tried to get away from .them without fur ther trouble, bat when they seemed de termined to have a row I gave them all they wanted, and wasn't many minutes about it. .A crowJ of soldiers and civil ians collected, the provost guard came up, and the result was as I had anticipated. I was arrested and carried off to a guard house. One of tie young men, who after ward turned out to be related to a member of tha cabinet, followed me to th office of the provost marshal and charged me whh being a spy. No one seemed to entertain a doubt that I was deaf and dun.b, as T cla;aied, and ray examination was carried oa in writing. 1 was asked my name, age, where born and a. hundred other questions. and then searched. They found nothing on me of a criminating nature, and T rea soned that I would be detained until after the excitement had passed and then turned loose. After heinsr detained three days an of ficer entered my quarters one morning and said to me: " Well, dummy, you can pick np and get out " The minute T hnrd bis step outside I was on rny cuard. but he spoke in such a natural ton" that I caroe nar givinr my self away. On three different occasions durinc th; war T played tho part of a doa' and dumb man, and T tell you it takes all the nerve and presonce of mind a man can o-H up. T sat faeincr tho door, and, whiTe T heard his words, I made no movement. Tie came closer to me and said: "Come, pick up your tps; you are to ho turned loose." I looked him traio;n7, in the eye with out winking, and after a hit a look of cha rrrin stole over hia face and he motioned for me to follow him. He took me to the provost marshal's office, and I ws ushered ino a rrWnte room where the marshal anil three or four other officials were seated. On the wav to tho office, we crossed a wide street, the officer suddenly xelainied: ,:Theros a rnnawav horse look out!" If I hsdo't been expecting some snob thing on his pirt T uid have betrayed myself. A T gse no aign, continuing on with my head down, I heard him growl ing: "Thev think they've got- a sucker, they'll find out their mistake!" T entered the office, knowing that every trick would be ra-oned to break me down, and my nerves were braced as if to charge a battery of artillery. T was left standing by the door for a moncnt, when one of the officials looked up and quietly said: "Take a seat, sir, and well attend to you in a moment." I made no move, hut looked around" the room in a atupid sort of way. I was look ing out of the wmdow on to a roof when the same official said: "You may come forward and take this chair " i stood like a stone, and he rose up, came over to me and led me to a chair at the tabic. When I was seated one of the" others remarked. "Write your same, age and place of resi dence oo a slip of paper." That was trick number three, and it failed as the others had done. By and by the marshal wrote on a slip of paper : - "Who are you, and where from?" j I wrote in reply: j "I am Charles Jones, of Richmond." "But you are a union man?" suggested j one'ot the officers aloud. I saw his lips move, but he got no sign from me. The examination continued in this manner for a full bour, the men using very artifice to (rap me, but they failed to score a single point. I knew they would reserve the sharpest trick to the last, and was thcrefsre nerved ep for tc. At length the marshal pushed back in his chair point ed his finger at my breast and angrily ex claimed: 'Where did that Confederate button come from?" It was another failure. Then he turn ed to his companion and said: "Gentlemen it is no use. The man is certainly beaf and dumb and a D n fool besides!" ' "We wasted our time," replied a second. "He is not only what he claims to be, but may be of great service to us. I'd have the officer take him over to tha secretary of war." "I guess I will," said the officer, and he rang a bell and 1 heard the door open. There he turned to me careless as yoa please, and sa d: , : - "Go with the officer!" It was their last shot. I never moved a muscle until the officer approached and placed his hand on me. I was taken back to the guard-house, kept a prisoner for another week and then the disgusted mar shal turned me loose in the streets. SCRATCHES. trough the garden Ran the maid, "I must have a rose she 8nid; "Take a lily," some one whispered, "Take a lily, child, inntead." But the roses hung in posies, Brightly blushing, overhead; Up ehe sprang and, lightly laughing, Snatched one; but her finger bled. So the choose Her own sweet rse. And her own sweet will he had it. Had a cruel thorn ah well; Wouldn't tell old Pride forbade it, When a maiden says, "I will !" Tin may prick in bridal favor. Still she bears it, wears it ti!l All things end no aaint eau sare her. .Temple liar, TSie Bridal Wlaic-Cup. "Pledge with wine, pledge with wine," cried the young and thought tlcsj Harvey Wood. "Pledge with wine," ran through the bridal party. The beautifu' bride grew pnle; the de cisive hour had come. She pressed her white hands together, and the leaves of the bridal wreath trembled on her brow; her breath "toe quicker, and her heart beat wilder. UY Marion, Hy aside your scruples for thi e," said the judge in a low tone, aroing toward his daughter, ''the eompiny expect it. D" not so seriously infringe upon the rules of etiquette. In your own home do as you please; but in mine, for this once, please me." Pouring a brimming cup, they held it; with tempting smiles, toward Marion. Sc was very pale, though composed; and her band shook" not, as smiling back, she grace fully accepted the crystal tempter, and raised it to her lips. But scarcely had she done so when every hand was arrested by piercing exclamation of", how terri ble!" "What is it?" cried one and all, throng ing together, for she bad slowly carried the glass at arm's length, and was fixedly regarding it. "Wait," t-he answered, while a light, which seemed Inspired, shone from her dark eye3 "wait and I will tell you. I see," she added slowly," pointing one finger at the sparkling ruby liquid, "a sight that beggars all description; and yet listen; I will paint it for you, if I can. It is a love ly spot; tall mountains, crowned with ver dure, rise in awful sublimity around; a river runs through, and bright flowers grow to the water's edge. But there a group of Indians gather; they flit to and fro, with something like sorrow opon their dark brows. And in their midst Ho a manly form, but his cheek, how deathly ! his eyes wild with the fitful fire of fever. One friend stands before him nay, I should say, kneels; for see, he is pillowing that poor head upon his breast. "O ! the high, holy-looking brow. Why should death mark it, and he so young ? Look, how he throws back the damp curls! See him clasp his hands! near his thrilling shrieks for life ! Mark how he clutches at the form of his companion, imploring to be sived 1 O 1 hear him call pitcously Ins father's name, see him twine his fingers to gether as he shrieks for his sister his on ly sister, tho twin of his soul, weeping for him in his distant native land. "See !" she exclaimed, while thJ bridal party shrank back, the untated. wine trembling in their faltering grasp, And the judge fell overpowered upon his seat 'see! his arms are lifted to heaven he prays how widly ! for mercy; hot fever rushes through his veins. He moves not; his eyes arc set in their sockets; dim are their piercing glances; ia vain his friend whiapess the same of father and sister dc-uth; is there. Death' and no soft band, no gentle voice, to soothe him. His head sinks back; one convulsive shudder he b dead !" A groan ran through the assembly, so vivid was the description, so unearthly her look, sc inspired her manner, that what she described seemed actually to have ta ken place then and there. They noticed, also, that the bridegroom hid his face in his hands, and was weeping: "Dead," she repeated again, her lips quivering faster and faster, and her voice more broken; "and there they scoop him a grave; and, without a shroud, they lay him down in that damp, reeking earth, the only son of a proud father, the only idolized brother of a food sister. There he lies, my father's son. my own twin brother, a victim to this deadly poison. Father!" she exclaimed, turning suddenly ,whiU t?ars rainad down hefbeautilal cheeks, "fathar, shall I drink it now ?" The form of the old judge was convulsed with agony. He raised not his head, but in a smothered voice he faltered: "No, no, my child; no !" She lifted the glittering goblet, and let ting it suddenly fall to the floor, it was dashad into a thousand pieces. Many a tearful eye watched her movement, and in stantaneously every wine-glass was trans fered to the marble table on which it had been prepared, Then, as she looked at the fragments of crystal, she turned to the company, saying: "Let no friend hereaf ter who loves me tempt me to peril my soul for wine. Not firmer are the ever lasting hills than my resolve, God helping me, never to touch or taste .he poison cup. And he to whom I have given my hacd, who watched over my brother's dying form in that last solemn hour, and buried the dear wanderer there by the rirer in that land of gold, will, I trust, sustain me in that resolve." His glistening eyes, his sad, sweet smile, were her answer. The jude left the room, and whon, an hour after, he returned, and with a more subdued manner took part in the entertainment of the bridal guests, no one could tail to read that hn had deter mined to banish the enemy fore ver from his princely home. Ex. An Enterpriser, Reliable House, T. R. Hood & CV.; can always be rtlied upon, not only to carry in stock the beet of everyting, but to secure the Agency for su di aticles as have well-known merit, and are popular with the people, thereby sustaiuing the reputation of being always enterprising, and ever reliable. Having secured the Agency for the celebrated Pr. King's New Discovery for Consumption will sell it on a positive guarantee. It will surely cure any and "every affection of Throat, Lungs.and Chest, and to show our confidrnce, we invite you to call and get a Trial Bottle free. The ProSilbHion "flatter. Mention was made some days ago of th fact that an earnest effort would be made by the friends of the prohibition move ment to secure a vote on it in Raleigh township. There are about eight petitions in circulation among the white and colored voters. A reporter was told yesterday that 1,000 or 1,100 signatures had thus far j rimonial mania, he has got it bad. It has been obtained. . One man bad obtained ! been reported to him that marriage license 170 signitures, and said -lie would secure has advanced to S25; he now wanders dis thirty more at hast. He thought there consolate, end mourns over the fall in th were some 3,000 voters in the township. The matter was brought up in ne of the white churches lst evening. It will also be brought up in the colored churches. Several clergymen are in charge of peti tions and they are earnestly seeking sig natures. News and Ohterver. An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a ense of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric bitters will not speedly cure? We say they can not, as thousands of cases already perma nently cured and who are daily .recom mending Electric Bitters, will prove Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Rack, or any urinary comp'aint quickly cured. They purify the blood, regulate the bowels, and act djractly on the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. For sale at 30 cents a bottle by T. R. bod & Co. tl.OOWortb cf Garden Seed ir'rrc A good many people make gar lens, and those who do should try Northern Grown Seeds this year. They produoe more vigor ous and earlier plants, as has been proved again and again by experiment. The pub lishers of the IIousfkeptrr (price $1.00 a year) give 81.00 worth or garden or flower j seeds, your own selection, as a premiun to every subscriber for one year, thus giving $2.00 for $1.00. Send for specimen copy and particulars as to offer to Buckeye Pub. Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Subscribe to the Herald. ITIEWS. We have .aid tht we wLhod nothing HE TELLS ANECDOTES OF TTX3 VISIT MOWN j bnt for Mn Bat dje C0Mnni., SOUTH, AND HSLATE8 f JMPRKS- j .;on we fcjm, f(?d fnm fa . rQZzcr SI0W. 1 - - , i iit'cr an exquisite piece of irony or it' rp, j is very funny." How he can be glud in tho" The announcement that cx-Gov.rnor St. Nations of a half hundred papers ancf John, the apesdet prohibition, would j mvaK oniy , ia d,nounci tJ intd,f. speak at Chicgenng Hall ycstor-l.y -fi-r-J j,,nee ,nJ culture of every man in North noon on the temperance qoctu.n in the j (w; wblJ cv du ny for the South, drew an enormous crowd to that j advancement 0f the State b beyond our un buiUmg. People occupied every So:,t in j demanding. We have given him the bene- me oooy oi tuc nail and end stage, aud stood up-all the way down the at -les. a was ooru on tne irontier, began -the i speaker, "where I had slavery on (iia side ! and abolition on the'other. Truly, in those j days I regarded it as the Christain duty of every decent white laan'to wake up at midnight and spend an hour in hating a Southern Democrat, I"did this .thing" for some time. Well I did expect to have a har l timcS'Uth. I thonght of a Iv .ntuck ian as a great big six -footer, with Ion 4 yel low hair, wearing a big loucbed hat and carrying an arsenal of pistols and bowie knifes. I was confident of finding every house a saloon in Mississippi. The first place I went to was Louisville, in Ken tucky. The first night I lectured, there were fifteen ministers on the platform. I said to myself this Ls a very decent intro duction. Next I went to Harden county, the birthplace of the be'oved Lincoln. There were very f,w salooons there. From Harden I Went isito lluilitt county, I looked for a saloon; I could not find any. "I said, -'Where are your saloons?' They replied. 'We have had'none in this coun ty for twelve years.' Right here I would like to sny that Tsaw the famed Salt River, and looked for the other fellows. T said, 4 IVTiere are Rh ine and'Butler'and 'Belva Loekwocd? They told me they didn't know; .they guessed they hadn't com e aIon yet. From Kentucky I Vent tto Corinth. 0!d soldiers know where this place is. I got off thd train at the station at 4 a. n-. Another fellow got off at the" same time. He said: 'Stranger, can you tell m where T can find a hotel?' T replied that I could not, as I was a stranger here. 'Then said he, 'let s take our grips ar J try and hunt up one.' I" said : I wis agreeable. We found one. The morning was very chilly. When we had dropped our valises my friend said: 'Stranger. I said I want a tod dy, wh..t's your?' I said I thought a hot stove was good enough for me. He a.ked the landlord,, who said they did not keep it. 'What no toddy? 'No, here, nor any other place in Corinth.' The stranger went out without his toddy, hoard me speak that niht, and became a Prohi bitionist himself. ,:I found that throughout the ent're j South, it vs the sme way. Li Mass- chuset's there is a law forbiding the sale of intox:cating drinks within four hundred yards oi a school bouse. In thoSmfh they cannot sell anything within four miles. The J - South is all right on ths temperance ques tion. I only wish the 'North was more like her.' Matriitiorsal Mania. There is an old man in Whitskers labor- j ing unt'e.- what mayjustly be termed mat luxuries and the advance of the one prime neccessifj? of life. He is now a reformer indeed and truth and wants everything president down to congressional bootblack, from governor down to school committee men, kicked out and new ones appointed. Battleboro ITt-mTUgltt. There ar? two forms of chronic rhema tism, one in which tho joints are swollen andred irithout fever, and the appetite and digestion good, in the other joints are neither red nor swollen, but only stiff and painful. In either form Salvation Oil may be relied on to effect a cure. It kills pain. Price 25 cents a bottle. A LETTER. ' We have received a letter from Mr. W. II. Page, correcting the statement, which had already been made iu the ftar. rel i .-.i.r..-t.: -l.-r. . -it t it-ii J : t,tvc to ins seeKiuii :i cnair ac vuapei inn ,' and the Swporin-cridcnoy of Public In- structic.R. lie protests that he iia.s "an t revenge to gratify, do" ill will to vent, no diaappointment to complain of." He agrees with us that the Chronicle is better now than when und r his manage ment. He has written -nothing except irom Pur Ior v,aroma, ana ne n i e XT t -i 1- ii proposes ju w m in mis oiate anu uie here, "simply because'1 of the "love" he has for it and for no other reason. lie writes: "I wish simply to thank you for all you have said and reprinted about me, because the more you say rather the mord the subject I complain of is discussed . piO aiid con tt;o h-::t;-r ti c ; vaii d thtt I i'.-a-J iV,r. ' - j fit 0f his points. Siar. -o o o o CASH The No. 2, $2.50. 35, 2.00. 45, 2.25. (C Dixie, 8.50. I. X, L, 3.00. Boss, 3.00. Daisy, 3.50. Star, 3.00. Stonewall, 3.5o. A Full Line of Wardj Plows at Factory 1 Prices. A big lot of Collars. Harness. Trace, Plow Lines, Back bands, II time-strings, Axes, Hoes, Bush-hooks Etc. Etc. i COTTON HOES OS TnE ROaD, and a lull and eompkte stock of le?e!s, Bakes ai ForKs. Cail and see us. E. J.&.T.S. FIOLT, 39-1.7- Smith field, N. C. Manuel o: MoJe3- Thi new alii;ine of commerce and litera ture is ; dited and published by a r.r.j vhose editorial connection with o2, and favorable relations with tnai y of the best hones in three eities, enables her to treat he subject from prominent standpoints. ad to' cover excep tional territories on topics of ebsorbing in terest to readers and buyers remote from th rcat centres f trade. The work is thorough iy endorsed by the Pre'3 of the country, and the public at lare, 1 as a schedule of ?iifh facts, figure p.n-l f i!iions as cannot fail to ba of u?e to "bnye-H out of town, it should find icdment n every house hold in the land. Send ten centj ( l(Vt-) for sample copy te Mrs. Ssile J. Dattsy, Press Exchange, 7i Kearney street, Nevark N. .J. NOTICE By virtus of the authority contained in A 1111-1 er;,re d-od executed to me on the lth dy of November, lio, by W. U. Rowland -J : - .... i : . j . . :"' auu uuij niMiTen 1:1 me Ke?iMer i office of Johnstoneouuiy ir. book '-X," No. 4, pages 08 aiid CO. I hh---.ll stil t public auction. 4.-, ,,4 1. f IT I . I nil I'l l ie i i i no.' i' i;nor m ri.o Awn of Sinithfleld, on the "2nd day of March. lf8, a certain tract of laud in Elevation township, J.ihnston county, adjoining the lands of Hiutrn Etinis Daniel St awurt Lot it Ennis and others, contain in gil.jO acre", and folly described in said inortgage.Thi? 17thisvo Kebrwary.188. k H.GJ!A i:S, Mortaicee. J. II. JLU::i.L, Attorney. HOWjCH LS ! T I : X M I X UTES is not a very long time, but it is sufficient for us to convince you that wo have prize to ofter every man. woman and child, that wishes to pave money. A vi.it to our atore will result in yaur Iny eaticration, Acimii-ntion. negotiation, Gratification. A BIG BARGAIN th;t will interest and pleao yon. Ifov awaits yen in cur srlect new stock of Family Groceiiesj, Confectioneries and Farmei'a Sup- GOODS THE BEST, PRICES THE LOWEST. Oar choice newtfk doih glndden every eye, And those who come to look, remain to buy. They find our prices scarce effect their store. And when they've bought feel richer than be fore. We are selling tha following brands of fer tilizers . Anchor Brand and National Tobacco Fer tilizer. Anchor Braud for Cotton, Hih Grade Premium for all crops. Boykin, Canner & Co's Home Fertilizer, Orcbiila, and Genuine German Kainit. Thanking our friends for pat fwor.. wo rcppcctfully a-k a continuance of their patron, age. Very respectfully, Mm k Msill, Third Street, Next door to Peacock & T.rm. K0TIC3. J5YT'r'ue of the auti'ority contained in laortsrajre deed, executed to me on the 3rd day of March. 188-, by J. W. . Kd wards, mad duly registered in the Reeioter' oEc t Job net oh county in book 'N," To. 4, paye 510 and 511, I shall eell at publioftuction, ftr C&th. at the Court House door in tle town cf Sm:thfield, on the 2'Jr. i dy f Marcn. a cr.rtnin tr..et of bind in Oneni'.a townshif, Johnoton county, adjoining the lands of Eron son Oneal, Jo?eph Kdward aad others, con taining 50 acres, and fully described in iaii mortgage. This 5th day cf January. 1886. a T (lorwi J. H. ABZLL, Att'y Mortgagee. --.- ; : r i