i , - I II iiiiiiiiiii iiiiim IMUWalJUIWffMWMgy ii (Editor and I'rop'r. Hfrald iapnMished every j J?MTTliriT.I.D 1 st rtoffvw as second dawnmttor. Katom: EDITORIAL We lave noticed villi ra;n unattcn.pt on the pat. of some of tLe loading Item ,a ir.to polities m ti;e eou.u.s ya.gn. tv mirrrchccd tlie B"smn .emtio party, we certainly We certawj f the d;iv-oenitie tepprcLcnd the prt principles it in- TO CU , and keep aglow tos?rve iocai pwri - nl I 1 0n Itn T Oil 111 1 to these men who propose to drag impertinent question into the po,ti cfthispai,ntothiakeretheyact of tic -re-vt principles trbicb have brou-ht UiLlcoiahbtcry. Re take U tint those are some of Us moxim. A tariff for revenue onV confer, eialcppoitwity for all soeuon,, "Free; d- m of areeeh,M -Freedom of rehpon. .White rule in the South;' -Severely ofthiny eight States, but all bound to tberbr indissoluble ties everlastm Snioa" These, aorceofthe nollest thts i v,- human onanuation ! ever - - idea Kow think of thLS vrhat uou oi we call it ? A- or B. says he wid not PPort the candidates ol this orgamaatton J they plcJgc that they wul tear awav by law. lot of rotten ml fences, L. nr D tvs he will cot support the caadi- dates, xmie they make some kiuu w ,lcd-4 to keep, the old fences in the same place for the next century or more, i is logical reasoning. Here is a democratic This ndidato. a mnn put forward as didaie, a man put ior-.- - Wnent of these lofty principle, ruleiathe'soutlu" Ac., be is in i favor of lotion cn the subject from a party point ef view, tbew&re A or oi vote for radical or vote not at all which i half a radical vote. This we cad logi calrotin. There is bo more sense m ran- the fence question into politics, than Wre as in the vain attempt to drag the proKbition questi-n into poh ties. It ?eems to us the safe and se.nsibl way ot settlicg the question is to have the peo ple rote cn the question as they can do any time by applying to the commissioners. Ia that cvect if fences are abolished, all will be FttifSed. the poor man who owns net. lcryingplac wiJ acquiesce in the result. If the fecees remain all will be FatbSed, the qarstion will be eliminated frm n.vit: and its r-sibie pernicious v.o .T.-mormti rartv will be HTU.IJ -' ... averted. ROPE OF A CIIAXCC f i An iatcrvii w recently puWiseed seetns to indicate something of a change in the poliey ef the project Adniir.istration. The eonver eatioc alleged is to have taken p!ae between Senatcr Kuslis, aud the President; and by way of paremfcasis we may rcmaik that there seems to l-e a charge in tho ida"s of Senator Eusti. During the first months of the AuminLtnttion. the Sena tor from JjouiMana did not cuderrc the Ad wmitrati.jn because it did not remove Republicans frcia r Rice as rapidly as he desired; now Mr. Eustis cmes out with the assertion teat some of the President's appointment nr.' bad, that he has fur nished the Senate with too much rejected material. We can understand, however, that much good may come of the inter view, it is the first advice to which Mr. Cleveland has even listened. It is stated that Mr. Cleveland took great interest in the interview and that he read it over be fore it was sent to tr e press. It u not too late for the President to change the excentric coarse, which has characterized his Administration to the present time. It is not too late for him to commence listening to the advice ot the leading men of his party. It Li net too late for him to arrive at the realization th.4 he ia not bigger tlian the great Na tional Democratic party. It L not toe late for him to open his ears to the ue ceasing damcr of the whole people irres pective of party, to comedo fF the fence and stand by the colors that placed him in hia lofty positien, the greatest among the rslers of the earth. It ia not a difficult matter for a President to lose the support of his party friends. To whom then, will lie tura for support? Perhaps to the handful of independents, that set of politi cal bigots, and Pharisees, who eontia Hourly fill the air with a great clamor o' corruption in the lines of all political par ties, that set of vain tranks, who are ah 'i ways advising.but never doing. These will be Mr. Cleveland's counselors, when he ehall have failed as a President. - The HlRAfJ plain, it is Democratic. Jt is anti-repubiican, and anti civil right, and it will not approve of anything undemocratic. IJDtfOATIOHAIi. ."12a. ?. TURLINGTON, Editor. At in v reuuest the editor of tho HERXtD ha Very kiudly consented to give. t the teavhoi of the count j onq column of Jib paper esi h week in which to discuss edu cational matters. This request was made rot ior personal uianuci.uu lor the jic purpose oi encouraging uto teachers in their noble work. To thii end I snail apply one of the noblest principles in school teaching, namely: We leurn to do a thing by doing it. I shall give the teachers eotuo work to do and hope that they will cheer fully resrond. Topics for discussion, will be introduced occasionally. There wCl appear each week" a list ol questions to be answered by the tcachsrs. While this space in the IT ERA to has Veen obtained especially for the use of the public school teachers, we earnestly en treat the teachers of the Hi.th Sthools and Acadeniks to co operate with us in tlii work. The Siate Boird of Edusition baa re--com mended flr use in the public schools Harrington's Speller and Swinton's Lan guage Lessons. The speller is to take the place of Wei ster's,and the Language Lessons is intended tor beginners inrra&i mar who are nt prepireil to take Reed and Kellcgg's Graded Lessons. These are gool books and the public school teiehers shouFd try to introduce them in toe public school. Arilhusclic gncstlns. I wish every public school teacher in the county to work the questions below and send me the the full analysis of each. 1. Two persons start at noon from towoa 60 miles apart. One walks at the rate of four miles an hour, but stops 2 hours on the way; the other walks at the rate of three miles an hour without stop pin. When and where wi'I they meet? 2. At f.n election the majority waa 1G2. which was three elevenths of the whole number of votes. What was the num ber of votes on each side ? The TTerc Method vs. The Alphabet IMetbod. Ti word metW is the method used even bj the teaoher who begins to tench his pupils to it-ad by f.rt teaching them the al phabet. The pupil is first taught -hb Inters" by the teaer pointing to each one nd call ing its na:n, and tfce pnpil repeating the asaeafler the teacher. The pupil i3 taught to fpil, cvumettcing with wonls f one syl labi: the tocher pronounces the word, and he names the let ers of the word. lie ia taught reading pest. If he does net know th word at sight he ia probably asked to spell it; if he cannot pronounce it after spelling it. which is the case nine times out of ten the teacher pronounces it and then he provinces it, imitating the teacher. It vcxy" often hap pens at, instead f retiring the pupil te fptUthe weni. the teacher pronounces it a ence, the child following. The fact is, the pu pul has learned to proneun the word by hearing tae teacher pronounce. Why not teach tho pupil to pronounce the WOW Of first Without the rirru tm.ocutioa earning the alrhatfef. and of learning a little speIliuR? Row has the irork ef learning to read been ficilitated by the learning of "the lexers and the fnbeequent drill in spelling? Fut lit tle, if at al?. IQ the spelling drill the pupil meets the wont he is tc rr ad.and by rep etition the spelling and the proaunciatioa of it become a seriated in such a way as .o ena ble the wort! to be recognized. But there ha bee no mental actirity repetition simply 1 as produced the result. Ir some very few cases the pi pil way have learned in a small legree, to associate with the letter the sound r-presected by it, and thus when he si ells he may be able to prono .nce better than if he had Hot spelled. But this is the exception the very great exception. . The pupil taught to read by the alphabet method lepras to pre nounce words by heating them pronounced. His knowledge of words ia a matter of memory , aided by tht poorest kinds of aasoeiatiena. Be is led from 4U'j unknowm to the known, from the abstract to the concrete. Far. Ia spelling he learns th words as abstract, and even if he gets the idea belonging to the word (whjh is not at all likely), it ia in the abstract aa well; Thecrder ef natural development is re versed by this process.-- J. Bm IKUard m Tht Teael er' t las tifo tfm . AH communications in this department ahould be sont to Ira T. Turlington, Smith field. U. A bill his been introduced in the TJ: S. House of representatives striking "at lot teries and other games of chance. The penalty is ? 100 or $500 fine, thirty day or two years' imprisonment or both fine and imprisonment. .Newspapers which publish lottery advertisements are to . be classed as ooa-maikble matter. Senator Vance will give his views on the civil service reform in a speech in the Sen ate at an etriy day. Ho on a recent oc casion introduced a resolution calling on the civil service committee to report back his bill, introduced some time since, for the repeal of ti e civil service act. lie then I uked that lie might call it up and' speakj tpon the Etibjcct ia the near future. BttclulB'B Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for - Cats, Bruises, Sores, Ulcera, Salt Rheum, Fever Soxe Tetter,. Chapped handi, Chi'blaica, Oorna, and all -skin Eruption, and posi- 1 dvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It 1r money nfanded. Prioo 26 cents per t? f i it J r s-SettThTmaa is a daily visitor al he Department of Justiofe at Washing ton. AlthmgQ the Solioitor-Oeneral is to conduct tho suit against the Bell Telephone Company, inc jVdsement of Mr. Thurman wllVbe deferred to, and, to' all intent and proposesj he will have charge of the case. ; : ltUliU It lltl IUV mums v" - peblicanM, a aoll of tSe Legislature ahow- I ing a majority for hiai in 1888. Gov For aker is said to regard himself as a vice Presidential possibility on a ticket headed by Blaine. , 5- $500 cash and a fine plantation and sev fine uiulee, one poiator dog and one fine double barrel shot gun (Parkers mate) will be given by the Demttcrat to any one, ho will bring to thi3 office a true demo crat or republican who is not a partisan. Wc want him, w: want to see him, we want to put him in a cage and take him to Washington City on exhibition. Bring him for his and our fortune is made. Barnum has agreed to give us $500,000 for him after we t through with him; and we and the njonkey will divide the J MEWS ITEMS Aroaad ilie World. Frank Ilurd conducts his own casein the contest for the Toledo, Ohio, seat. He could not have a better lawyer. Senator ftf ahone wears a No. 3 shoe and a No. 7 bat. He is sa all at both onds and all the way throu jV. The municipal elections throughout New York State recently held, resulted favorably to the Democrats. The Republicans gnash their teeth at the prospect of $50,000,000 being brought into the South by the Blair bill. Socialists have been rejected mcmber phip into the Knights of Labor at Chicago. This speaks well for the society. The Democrats of the House hare taken the preliminary steps toward organizing for tho campaign. There should be a gen eral furnishing of arms and armor in the democratic ranks. Another victory is to be won. Arte and Observer. The labor question has assumed se.ious proportions In Riohmocd. Thusjfar there has been no settlement. It has gone so far that the cooks refuse to work in fami lies where the Haxall flour is used. The Knights ef Labor reach all classes ofbusi ne?3. Ex. The Supreme court of GeorSiahas de cided tha appeal ease in the reeeot Atlan ta option election, in favor of the prehibitioeists. -Ex. How the Money Goes. Tlie people of the United States eecm to have a good deal of money to spare. The baukoTs say that the hard working Irish girls, to their ctedit be it raid, send between two and thrca millions of dollars a year home to their parents and relatives in the old country. The Chinese, we know, send all they make to China. The Ger mans send home very large sums, the Scan dinavians also. Besides all this, every true American who ean aiTord it goes to Eu rope, and makes the money fly wherever he goes and wherever he stops. No other country on earth could stand this strain; and the fa;rt that we f tand it so well, shows how much. more prosperous we arc than any other nation. Ex. Economical Habits. Good Ilonsekeepfng. If a woman sets up her ideal that an es tablishment is irdispeasiblo to married life, she is not fit for a wife. If she must step from the elegantly appointed home of her parents to a similar abode, without tha ex perience of self-denial and toil that leada to it. she is only a dead weight to her hus band. The knowledge of this opinion held by young ladies has prevented young men from entering married life. They cannot ratify this desire, and so they do not mar ry. It has become fashionable for many young couples to board, they thus enjoy a luxury and leisure they could not com mand in a home of their own, bet it utter ly unfits them for the duties and diriee sanctions of tho family. However elegant the home and ample the income, the mis tress should know by experience and prac tice how to manage it. If she does not, it result in a wicked waste of money, dis orderly sod impudent service, and she is unthle to take that prominent- and eora manding position in benevolent work, which hor leisure and life otherwise would allow her The American fa-nil y has not yet beguu to know ihe secrets of elegant economy., Important, Tho Board of Commissioners issued the following order at its meeting last Monday: We the Board of County Commission- era of Johnston County do hereby notify all persons who Want to apply for license to sell liquor, that said man shall bring two good men before said Commissioners to swear that the men who shall apply for license to be men of good moral character. P. H. C. Dupree, C. B. C. Q. ; t Lend. Leans negotiated oa good security. Of fice !Q court house Edward W, Pony Do w ADAMS,. BismarJc, N. O, 19 BRAS! f!0 BLOW ! ! FALL ANNOUNCEMENT. DAILY RECEIVING Fall and whiter Goods Consisting or DRY GOODS, WUlTK.dOODS, NOTIONS, CLOUTING, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, HARDWARE, TIX WA RX, QCJPEXS WARL', WOOD AD WILLOW WARS. Hiu ai Ma Brews, IN EVERY VARIETY. TTJS THOUSAND YABDS IWEii CASHMERES. IN ALL COLORS AND OF EVERY SILK and".WOKS?ED PLAIDS, Banting ai las Veiliig, Of oil Cloi-s n ncl GradeH, Shepherds Piatds, Etc., Etc. (oy 2qOOO white Goods, Laces & Hamburgs, Cream? and black Spanich, Oriental. (O) : A large Stock of UMBRELLAS Webave tbe largest stock of - . General Mereliaxidie Ever brought to this section. ALL AT -o- Give me a call be fore iOlNG E eg mmm yds mm : , Rsflpactftuly " J; W. ADAMS. it! f.'.i ; mi i0 -iiirtTi "' ...mi.' We wish to return thanks to our cus tomers for the liberal patronage GSVE US LAST YEAR. We hope to deal so as to merit A CONTINUANCE OF THEIR PATEONAGE. We shall spare no pains in trying to please them, both in We aro closing out our stock of Miais, Tinware, Crockeiy aiflsGroceries. and after now we shall devote our en tire attention to the sale of in lothing, Shoes, This will, enable us to keep a much Customers in whatever they may We believe fair, hone st dealing is the ONLY : BASIS FOR FEN If Elf SASSER, WOOD ALL & CO.., lllffiE 10 BETE GiBEISTS and Manufacturcrt of Aromatic Sjrup for D'sjuisinj tas buleof Quinine. Railroad Street, Smithfield, N. C. 11 EAD QUARTERS FOR I OIGAH. ff ; fir i " -jl PTTSB SUTT'?, Msiismes, CTisnicals. Faints, Oils, Glass, Patty, 7ardli.-es Dve-Stuffs, Tobaccos, Cigars, Trusses, School Books and Stationery. falHiae of standard Garden and "ie!d Seeds. Onion sets. ?n faof evervth-ng nsn tfy kept in a FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE. Special terms te Physicians and dealers in Drugs, Etc. . PRESCRIPTIONS MADE A SPECIALTY. Our Druggist eeps over the store, and any prescriptions entrusted to kis o re will be carefully and accurately compounded, day or nisht. Thanking our friends and the publie generally for past patronage and hoping: to n-.ri a cectinuance of th same, we renKiin, Yery respectfully, Sasser, Woodall & Co. Ti IT T A I am offering to the lariaer of tins and teUlizer, which ar well kojivii 10 bj second lo none, an J sujrior to ;iia;iy. lal .f you are goin; to use Guano, it is eocnuiay to use the best : Navassa Guana, phate, Lyster Bro's Dissolved Bone, WHAM'S M-BQHH OB PLOW BBAHD, PINE ISLAP PATAPSCO, DIANOND AND LAZORETTA. H(1B GEfiUIHE GERMAN KAINI f. ! 1 I Keep the largest stock of General JJferchanndise in the town, which I sell eh .p J or cash or on time. Respectfully, j i S- 8 SMITHFIELD, N. C. Hats and Trunks. larger stock of t!teee goods, and to suit cur 1ANENT PROSPERITY." RESPECTFULLY, 1, T tr"' O f aJjoiniug ooulL-s tUe t'dlowing braaiso: NavassaAcid Piios - "I 5 A TTT7I We would Inform oa and tas public Sca rally, that we k, Staple aad Faucv Drr (oa,V ....u Pmock wi -awi Casiimares Jkes, Ems Wool Mats, 7ard ware and Liae of Heavy Groceries at EOW PRICES ibr CAStj County produce taken in 43U;han-eforfff at market prices. - " ,urKds We have the ROTAL ST JOHN ?-wtv MACHINE, which Las uo superior. We have ia store Sea Fowl, Farmers Friend P2EUYIA1T MIZTUSS, AKD I ! AMERICUS BRAND GUANOS. Thsse are all high grade Undard feril:iW BOYSTER'S m Emm. ALSO LONG S PREPARED CHEMICALS. Triae reduced to 12o pounds MidJlino. p, ton per ton. tore corner of Second and Sroith St-e.. Taiithfield, N. C. SETH WOODALL & CO KEMOyEDT I haue moved my fiUOE SHOP throe tlr.org South of 8eih Woodall & Co., on SwptLfieU Street, where J shall he pleased to customers day or niglt. Farmers i0 well to call on me and get a pair of whole stock Stitch down Shoes, warranted. Repairing 3Dons IUiHj at Short IT&tica, Ihankful f ir past favors, by trit atteotiwi t buaineBa I Lope to mai it a- coniiouaaoe of the same. Ksspectfullv yours. II. W. GIBBS. NOTICE-I-XIR RENT. My house and lot'in Scima. ITie lio-tje Ls four roni.-, with ook room and pntrj at tached. Ther; is an acre of land, cumpnsiuK a good garden and some fine fruit tree and grape vines X well of good water conviectij located AI30 horse stabl. For further jr tieular and terms apply to Francia S. Levbter. Felma, N, C, Uth Jan HOFESSIONA L. DR. B. F. pul CAN died on Thursday. February 4th. Iboo, IH'j wife. rrs. ROSA DUNCAN, will continue his practice, st tho homestead, about three n:il.s from Clayton, and will trt every case with the greatest care. Hoping the gcneial public wili cotitin tietogive we such consHltations as my hus band received, I am respectfully, KOSA DUNCAN. Notice! By virtue of an order of the Superior Court f Johnston County, made in tbe eivil action of Jatnes Hay against J. M. Oliver, Ada. of Bryant Howell deceased, and others. I will e!l at Publh; Auction to the hiijest bidder, at the Court Houbo door in the town of .Smith "ltlJ, on Monday t' c Cth day of April, lshfi, a certain tract of land in Boon Hill townsbip, Jchnstoa Coiihtv, adjoiuiug thelands of fm. Halt's hairs, Willie Holt. Henry Holt and others, cifttinisg twohuiiditd ('2W acrts, and more fully dd-cribed in a certain mcrt j;ge dd executed bj Kryaat Unwell to James Rav on the 17th day of Aujuft ltiTT, and reistared in the Ro:stei-'s office of John ston County "in Bock 'Som X. page 307. TEP.MS V? SALE. One third oarii, the balance oc a crodit of - is and twtive mnutLii, with interest at 8 p-rtnt. froi"day of faie. Thi tlio 2it day of February. 18Ht;' J II. ABKLL, C-wKinjiwicner. The in coed r-f .jricd will savo monay by oall--n we at PEACCCZ'S OLD S7A1TD, opjosite Vu!lt-r's StaMw. I kep ooiitautly on hand a jood Fin f Dry Goods, Hardware, Hats, Boots, Shoes, Etc. SBPLEfMFancy BR0CERIES. PATAPSCO And ORANGE GIvOVE FLOUR. mm Mil sum mm Timothy y ay. Seed and Feed Oate, Wtoet BrD and (?orn. IIarve3''s Tierce Lard. All Grudos of Sugars, ('offtti r.nd ?4eais. I orVr t therianter: (3 Obr & 5ena Ammo niated ttuano. The J'aciac Co Acid Phos phate and Oenaan Kinit, .StU't:r i A!i-na Star Cinvno for CotH it aii'J ri'.ba(-cti inv-or r-n-1 l.-.c. v iV. if nn'i ifi: r !-.---.' t'. v- r.ii '!;'".!-. Kdgt-r;? v.;-i "..hc.'..t-: ',a' W ill. M. vt. i i,!S'- MkA:1i 1st, ro. FHOTOORAPHS. i v --w K t V mm 'mmm FTTTT1 f j : (''i.'i' rif,rc:.-" i 't: .-.-t .i. K. ?r? i.': - 1 -? v; i . '. .!-:pir ". Ii : n A Ufa Bzyeriencn. Rerra-rlcabla snd Quiclc euros. Trial J,r, z ?ea. 3o3 stamp Cor sealed i.art: ..j JLddrosa Dr. VAFID & CO. L'.vlana, bio. turn rar&ia Kiw ITewepscr Advertising Bnnu STBEBT), VKKTiaiNO ), WHKKiC AD- Pf f f !flTiH mo CONTKACTS I m l Mifiiilf 1 OOZ. may bt