- - . . ; 4';, . mmmm m .11.- a p i 1 if -' ' -sSF- M ''IM' Pi - m m s w 5i am K3tU 'Cfc.lWB3S- ii- H fc VfL .: ; J Ji.M f i:-i;-.W..fiT m m.mmmm mm VOL. V Sanies H. Foil, S rorjiny-'At-'t ..aw. .j.UinKi.f, 0Ki.TO;tf ttJtt.-m N. Ch, V'i!i .-ittoml tni? iVdorat Ootti'fc nt ttate.igh uJ ihilVtn'is oi lulniKtutl, h?i(Uiji.sou aiul l',,,,.,.t Ll'HIltk'. . ('tfll'-H-liniis in;ulo in Hio, cnUtitieK. J. H. ABELIi, rPM t:.V - AT I.A vv, j-uv.,rt: M'tt'iiiiviii j-as.l tn tVtti-liuS'- ami ; '1 0 t'nui't'- of .tciid-tctl AV:t; v U "EDWARD 00 JP. A7?r.:r and COtHSSLLCa if? . .( liiW; t i :t'i t ill' lUuri ' yii "iiv'ii, " i in- l,i .1.. H i-t V t i I, A !'KNi t tl H I il '.',: VI. COUUT AT ?f.H i- Ms ton s ISoiisp. !' T MASi;V Q HtriPiKLlV N. c. - o.u noiot'mte loivii!, fci lung or sliurt ,.! fii iwiv.to tu JMiu-tiitiivniniy tVm'U vil lntf to Utnl titoy V t hort'ow ,u,.uoy on ii,.-t i iKv'i.nput i!.j- ilt'it ittwthitr ihtift ti 1-llU ftl o it' H 1 "liii'lW 0 li J, A. ilS!.iiU!;li. (Jart'iairi lranulnctuvci UNDERTAKER Prices. TWer In C 'Uimtnti u(ti OiotintiHti $;Ui. Ciitl u itUvt TarLvl ''u.-' luiui liel vti .-toe; i'rti:U vihu' ibtrtr-t an I ivo litem a :ii. ,-tt.t vvuttim? t'5;lr took hufiMV 'U1a'Uuii.; . . II : I ' .. T.-l'iin-j A It - Ib.A.f(i,-AAI vhC -t! V--- "Si 1 !Sf 'C & V, Jiowh;- tlvi vi'-A n'fot ?tvU" I'.y Ijoo.U tvuv ofrjUt t j t "it i Mct enn" r T u is i t v m1 j;?-; yViy n'o". Ii Sv.it inu t. (;t au t fttf dhOiyt Ufr.l!.ibin, iil'iSui), bin if ca, nmiibiiiSiio, us, mm ne I tr;i'eJ ' est v,3::! of Ci tif CHSisP AS THS CnSAPESf. lvn"i f 't v'ot to- ckU aad r.a.sJt;e Jfty aov?l t. D. W. FULLETi -1 FRIEND Not cIy hcr;en3 ti;ao of lal-r td ! ssns thvj pain,l-tt U gre.tt ly diudulhc3 the danger to Hfo of Wth utfthr d child, and loaves th tothr in a eonditioa juv r fa vend In tu speedy reemvci y and le.vi H d.b tu l lat-diu,., Con Tu'!on. .mkI uthcr !avuuu; syiiptc.. Tt ecaey in th: tvspeet euti:le it t be aT; l ' uw ob.thor FHv'.d." and O rn;k as one of the htV savis; r.'nKHlbof thvi! HHli o.;ntury. We cannot publish eoniae-xte concerning thi re:Hly withoni "aouadtngtbedelk-aey ot the wtt-Un-?s. Yet wo hav huuiiri ik on -nl for our bvittk, M-wag o "Hiuau,v Ka4tr:tCLt Itusi tATipa Co., JLtlantA, CIi.. NOTICE! ':vrr ftl;rttit;vt 1 a.5... ca. Y. I iuc ! exvsrut.i to t-r K. It. ''Isver a? t s v uc , vxo't.t to m "v K-.t. Vwer an t t f JJM ei; Kn-lh p.p;;r:.:m' 3.0 f .t!!ivicr,a!;'l u t!y ivi!tjil ! twk , o v i'r t-' '-o i- vf Joba,n Wo:ur. t wm at uie t.-Jirv, arveog, In .vK-a- ta f .r iaii at tac t.t;rt i!eas tlt'tr tu I Ko ob:sr. each i'nutKtUu; ex tKi 1st i4T-f oeot ?:;' .; v. li. I a tmct ! Isr t !y'y- hi Iv.run. Tos 3.sah J..lafon eva:.tv. N. C. . --. i:i?i-i?o;o;:il t J. t. t':.ivf-. i'tvirru K--xa u:.t otl-o.s. mil 't!t.-.lilliv f - . -v; ft.. !... Si w . h ta i st-tttStwe?t of J-ovvo-'-rk-M au l I Inrvmrv l.akk -.m.l ,loo t. ln ;n o tnto.. r:v ai ;y fUk t.wts aw i ih;ii- t;n.h?ivU wirli '::f t'ii v.;- xvj c!o-iv.l tanday4 a stral K i? m 11 lh; i.'tk cttiVr, iMlie at ii clock sa. N. . GI I.T.KY. Mort ao.' stf !?. ';.x tiac !nd $-.We n v bi-n-o ""il lt in Satatttl'.t, known a-. tt:e (o' !'!-u-v. itMtu jf t. .; faM lt ls a iiotaft.r-l- . to.uif mh , 5. aJ..j colitsit (inv S.ju.trv r i-t w, j, 3 l vli f tor 1 r'a.'HrMai'a. Ti.E 6F1EAT fei4ilf DISEASE. r P toiulie cunlJ white n tuverml V-.th B 1 !.,( p-,i., , !!,, rk, Hil?9, Mjuinl.flct r. iiV . 1 K!;eu''1 " i "t'l' i t'Cftnol! ) ! f Al, pt"'"! wt.ifc.mi -r, '-ot-r...l,pMJ'imt.l jii l li iir-i.,;.t.( i ; ct i ..,, tM;:,tal tt. S in. 1 l !..ir.-.q I j i'.. s, ."!,i,n n l'irll m-it la .l,nt.r. .-!-My; I Ui,k.y-lW f , r...-.-, ice. it r,. i m m ! cyi: atrr r.rarh; fi.r: f. s. ';:"? . ;: - s..'.nv "H IiIImw!, ad, if F.;. B CU ii-iit. ill 1 i i :ir 111. , l ulls .v YiiStrAtJLK, an urrti'tb.u it Euifie fti ?,.r.ft,-, . f-vri-fjwS, 'in!ittt(on, i ;;io ui ti, 9Utitiit 3epr.ctt, Slowtl O.ttrt'lldJotll, ilc. lotv., lilv,, U pnemWy mm in the ftnth t-j tiro3 tht Tof Li vet to a htfik'.-v j j'i ;a. C.ui I ha iiio t Ait as ti hun." Thi picmi -,t and hi vih N poif'i.tly r-35iiei. I'll? Hrsiut'itt s wuh Kftfply f ! thf! U'afijUnt rmt'!ln to tha most riclicate infant. t-T a!l listav si in Which A itTtttir?', (trri- tiVt til tlirtf.-lf Iftfl 14 iifm!iil it pivri ts liiwi penru aiui.ni.ru. i ne vriripst, rursit fane l ssi famuy i.Jceu.inc in itti wotu I SMf tW you Bt;t th fcp;niim, with the fr J Z f.ft fix-iit cf WrftrfK't', frvi.iJ only ?. H. -2E!L!?4 ?t CO., niB vnorSfBlxms, i'tilt.AL'EM'lttA, PA. uilmus iliiu rAuu) ts':;ao. new stoii""nkw mm, MEW FUZfJ.r s. WA! !: A c?i .. !hmi. t! ; ji;; of .O;.oth,v' ;'; i u;-..l -hni : y vtul nt.u c&atamc 'W r"0v'.i of r,i!' HatD and Bonnets, .rKt'-H-t "A P.t '.v?o;- v n. ; tuly u 1- i:l fall IJv.r -,f Mii.i.l.Ni.Ui" aud i'ANtV ttv)i) MATH WORK -i i-;-v rir Vro-'f t't iti'si ;'.(! r;itn; t "rvciuity at rv-i- c r.us . vrv l'l ii'-' 't i'n.r. f. V 'l .; o; Ij . o;i Civ. ; -ti . f..)'l vU to '.(. J :',.! i.-i1' , i n i(i'';iii i'.' stok no I l ?.; tri fr?',;,"T"T,,,r ! mll ; IViriTf H i Hi.'. l i-t J " t OSS ' '."(I Vl ii.'.i - s .'I'C -S l.O.",!. I l4Ut !o's. re.. a I ! hie S..,;.;u. l.i.'i-S .-s;s j as-,.5 !rV'-v- i'i I S-iuwh, a PaU I ias of !;.-;i:ryf tV:-. '-i (Vt tvu. xe. liter v rr::n Vnrii? oiit KIPt ?".". r"e hi ihi'.l.vs-. t-0.J... I ! i i -rtrtt vio.urv. o.-tov" Vi ti.M-sy c"rf 1 r.rt ttk s.iu'; ky j b i A It i t.T i; O btclvuhn Mrt'o 5o.v of HARDWARE -v w -W at htv vrlws f r ra -?i, CVaty ;i-via. HVif-ltn "sxch.ia fn;;iM'. . tV.tt ia atoi' otn;itr -'ur twek. Virv j.'.v--ctssiin,; i.i-v. .to:v;i r.v ; treotol &a I sfro.'th i;t ;--o-- $m;tlt!tf'a, . i SETH AVOOIATaTa & XL0. CrniiKflolil nnllnmrtiiJ TrtSi!Tiip uiillliUitsU uUil'jRiaiu iiiauluiu. S;ni;hl!vhb K C JtMIN D WtV, A. M.. IRA T.TUIUAN'.TON, Ph. T IVia;tpaU. The Seet.n'.l i?-sn t$( Insn.Htion vritl i ,sn tUplnl d-iy A5 t, 1?, aa-. cu. Ttrni'O rva ?ctii. ' Ttdtiso iani v'b ut"'-?'..!-, .s"iesj spe- cIm! iti-iiir ;?citi'-iio .'-. iasic. Prim-tY Pv-rvm.-c ...3:.0;j ..a C . . !-.. ..- .?-a "k t 3.0 ! ? to'ts vr..t K :brj:.-a tu:i-- SVa tb tr - tt . f :ut,v,;r tc;i.u e.-.vt 1 . . ?' ,.... 2 i- - vr... no' : ;-;o tio( '; , ,- . . . 1 1 ; . 1 ... . . 1. .. 1 al4 - ;aod in 1,1 i tNf.vra-.iW: a,! ,!.-- tlto IVm- ) r'- r Mr.V ' i . . ... ...1...,, . j- - h StLnUvSi wocb ovtr to tLo lu ieaiue shop to . j iU??. i'.ac:-. ask yo-ir deal -.- i-r j j; H.-l in cducaun:d matteis- and we oxpeit a. ft. r'..:ol'i!.' M. , j -cvi.at.ir-r.. hie eats ahunfei luretb. , ! OL! iUP.J' - .u.-ititf Kit of suWribsM from cvt-rv xU, Ai-iculn ral fork, Vn.. i iA-XH;;.-:-.' V",,Il;aS!,, The break an: erc g-ts Ms t:n interns -"T action. The Hr.n'Ai.1, trill be clubbed! .t , v rouv-iT I V;V v; '-' i -rtl 5 " ; 7 1 J L ,, 'ii,vfv(;,i. ib l?o tor the prwe oi the hM ms3:;i. .', vr r v:. :: .... . s mic&i irnissr .TTrti virfe. siir. T.'.e Lrcuim ruts a iresu imcouriiiJ on J to !-tt-'. t. .-i i - 1..14 c ...- .jm t.tc . - . ........ .,,. i;r o. o: m w&3iEt SMITH-FIELD, N. BILL KYE OIT KAIL- COUNT OK T!J!2 Ki ltoT Til A IN, TltK lNtllAT. Tit II' WAS It AT U Kit SLOW lo!l TH;K ffMKH, AM HA!) home 1-ltAw- hacks. I !,iiry wntch, wiivcs his h;tnd, and vtlU "All nL(i!ir l" ajii). It Li up j;rado, hotvevcr r.irli'jp; tlifi'd iM no; hin i; in the !ni of , and for tWoKiib thc'itttfr'" ha to push dim'.-ry an.l improV!?nt.'nt tLutha. ..iicvrn j huhiud wi;h nil his 5 milit bcJbro the eon MKii o lam-kf.d !tv.r' in t!i" hm vvmmry J dnc tyr will allow him to get on ami ride. h,in th- r:ul'..vRfd it.-, t'iv r-tu. rnxi'o- j Th:i ! I.m uii it;? hwtor.r it-a cj.oiticcn V, hi--; e lvrnviid ;1' ihut mmdt h;So tvipfiso vhiuh hit? ;;i'ovrn till it is it cc in fort, tliHu atjcii.nrv hns pitwcd rin-.m th- firtt a fouvoni. ncc, a luxury, and yat a nrcuas patent f ir n hwmif tlva to tuovo op-ot ;i hy. I- us htiik up an! beautified th.' trick Was isut'd, xvh !( tiov W" lui d-:vrl. It his" tropt bensath the broad Viyihiiiz thr.t licatfc ran widi, ; od, U rtvor, Situlod the fint vry uiounfain, ntid hunp; fact, live Wt tut on the road than W.j d.iat by iron iirmf front ilie witjon nnd the pre horn?, v.dth ! tit tin thirty is hours between ; Jj ''avrtii tho younp; to tho land a and Nw Vot'k nwd iyir.u.'iipoiis, titid a ori J routdtiM i those, loiv souial,:-'?. It ban u.rtw In-'l -f trtint- nftd ti Hshina- room, trActi i.l.- li.p?oss to . iniid.i of now hope. bet w'i vit Mann and Oregon, wit-h i, 'hiti ' a , tnis.-i that may go to 'nakc liP rich bloiinsi, wo ro c mpollrd to cxpiv- our Wondor and adtnivai i in. To luU'r lVp v i.s largely duo th io n tivcti to ruilwaj- litt.dnpHH. ho having cnr Htructrd tho fitt liHU'tiK.tivo fver ina ' in thif e ittntry, and put it on the Hal. tic ;nd Ohio Kadroid. The Hr.t trait, ecor nj nted mo- .uiV'.i bivtl rt ii'.PlKi n&hi. 1'iivf c:.:.o th ' . ii!''ive; a h'rgo 1'aioook fuv-cxiin .dier on trueii, with n eumko-stafk hko itll bl'iWii 8pvf.lv itig tnbo with ti b ill axvj: ' the lop; thy nijiincor at ht-s post in pltw h it with an uuihsv!!a sw Ids head midhv hand n tho tbVxttV, b.irr.'Wiug'i c-ho. l'' -L:u? on tun' an i then V the tan.t. rs v.h. i p;...ed lii:i ?i ih-'i;' r.V l. t"Vt!, Ne.:r bini stood lit" ?ua:i, n- v,-' u th ".i loi.igliv;' in an ami!";. I of Wmo-1 I'r.-ni tl o fields ibrough 'ivliioh ho pafol, and tuuili g the dampor ij th smoke stack ovcry littlo whiioso that it would d;tw. Now ad thou he would go forward and ptit a pork rind on a hot box of poaod usi ttio eyhn-jor hot.d to wain pi..l - of tl.o traok. N At , 'b.; to...-.".- uV.d.'d Vi'll ldoo white bln h .'o li an . t-o:: oii.teal. style o! flto' bee iU.'? I'M k V bo eas'dy bu: to niT wltth t! o o. d i--b' x;') rotii;dn un in;'tr ;l. V, 'o ibc l: v.t.-.-l r" fin I i n he toiidof.1 Iwrol id ratnnMter :nl a t..ii L!or. i"i ;. i i r u'it'i.' r v. or c Kl n . i I'li'l ::p: a iV.:-.- SI'l ; Ol v'',;v;:il tvc'sd i i four ca'.-ii f New Kr-gland t uto. This iho ottg-n-.'-.-r h.t. rr.u;:!:t wi: u . ;n !o;' fi it .o vi ac i. now ! ea.'. t , eo m j. vcv.i no V .'o.V. l!u aoci b'tit in ad ' I'Oiuos !: iroot j-. jasntM io A . I A. I p!vtg hat ;!'. ;;t t-vn siaes ly :urg-t' h:m. ilefl- weats a long-w.iUte'! Irook coat With a I 't-"'0 t it a.id a t;.:! si::rf-."!ia'- with a f,d-;c-sM-iMd.lb the enil ot v. huh ' . . . . tlutlor gaO iu bo m.w.uglmo. A ,pv tiain lau-o-i aMho Hr;t -iti:-bo takes ! ':. o.l fT V hl.'tl 4 . . . -i li'-ror v . ; Vh. too! an'" f-r ! the tin-of tho f.ro uh,-el oi' b.ise eh. The j en-inoergvts down with a 1 on? nl Can and out j a fur!. sowing nia. hi i J t u on the ptt- t.oli he w: off with his m.ui. It h nor-- ,-ioovcre 1 that thi rear conch. cm;tai;ng a n.'fd -s f u.tvcto--s a divNi'.ui s;?. r.utcndeut. i. mt.-ur: nd tin' . Tin r;detr.v ir -s ta lb tar t.f the hi-1 cao.. CO rod ihulstbat tho i:iig by wbLh the d rectors wvr W;n atUehed is broken and that the gnid.i being pretty M op. tlic di r h'.01'5 and uno livak me.u have 10 doubt genu batk to tue sbotiug 1 :ac But thi eo,iui tt r is oo, l. IK resiovi i b.i bcii-cr.isncd plug hat, and taking out his orders and too time card, he fir. Is that tho traek is ehar, and liH.Ubt ::t a la.gc. vtdnnWo Watibury watelt, pr.setitei ' ! i:n bv a widow whose hob-.nd w? r i-i over and Willed, by tho train, ho sees he stid muk tho next st.tti.ai iu li ne for d.: oor. Ito hirS a livery tcasa to go back tor tho director' o.kk1i. and calling. '-. i s.U.,rtl f' be. swings hj.hi!y np-i the rn.x l ;g trr.K. ti Is r..M 10 oVWk, aad tr.c.t.vr. w.-ary :.ji!i,ii!l ;-trt;t'. h oit b..l Vovii bbn at:;? tlic tU-mcr stijti n. To add to ci. honors Tthe ftatton, thefrotit brckn ao diovers t! it a very thirsty boy i;i tho otairani cttr hits l-eon drinking frvni the Water supply tank on tho W-tvder, and liters is not en- ih L-ft to tarry tb.e tfam through. Much tiiuo is oon iuiod .11 bl;b:gtho larsel r,gaio. at a : u:ig :war h-;- tntc-k, but th cmdu; X ;cr t a ";p-.J tv f ou u'c vi.o.u h l iui to d-j lb Jit aNa ts:uiuos .u:a ta i-a. iomy mytu v.oou auvt o.eau caltlis acti os. : -r.-'!- the draw ! - r.cv j an. Uv.ti. :.ui.vt k; h i - . . . r.. . lo ! 1, . 1 . it v r ... ..5. tuue, ui'lu;j'i otu uia.j vi ni-j. on N.rn un i i.hai i hi;!. sailrf iut tbe oiti!i. f-i'iti 'ii '" t":t:o, an i while the 11? takes sevtrrJ of the coach whofla over to the lu-icniue sL-.; to I ... 1 . ii - t-j. wavivvi;i.iii; t 0., . JOHNSTON ' COUNTY; OCTOBER the c c(.n'rti;, 'utalSi koimc more cotton bat- tin arouur tlio, ns'cs, puts a now lynch pin in the litud wWek, sweaps the apple pcel iiitN out of t!;e smcLff) car, and lie i.- Then cmtoa the .conductor with liwjnr liat full of cxeumvn li.kct?, or-lcff, pasrs j anj iima tWk.; no looks at.hitt Water- It has :rltd the solitude of the wilder nw, j.'M J Jiwn valuable laud grants, killed . : jio,) eattle and tlien paid a liij;h pieo f 1 1 tln nt, whooped through Valley.s, spotted over lofty peaks, crept 'through Ion;, d.: k t untie!.", turning tho blight glare f day K iddotily upon those who thought th. tu;.n ! was tvc miles long, roared thi.Us.lt i U;o Ls.v7 t nd cUttcred through the day. bn i'ti' ' nliKe th.o groom to his beautilul briilo :.( i U.c weeping prodigal to the most? t'.rewn ave of hjs ntfulu-r. Yuit o iudeed a hi artless, poull sss cor pt ratio:;, and vet jou are very essential in our b'tt.1 turss. Bill Ae, in the fchiagii Tho red u o'J'-'n of in'envd ivToth:-. and tho taking oil of rvvvru-i st'mips fr'm 3'ro ( li 'tary Medit ii rs no douiit ha.' largely b. rictiaed the eotisuinci's, as well a. reliov iii. tbii burdoii of homo nianu'ac'.urer-. J'spei'i.diy is this the ease with Green'! Au;ot I'lowor and "nn'ohro.'? Gcrtuan j Syrtip, as tho redaction of thirty-tjix cents ! .op div. n Iihs la-oil :V'l to i-ioroaso tin- -iv o' tii I- ittlo iiiniaiziiag those re:edie l hereby gii : : niio lidh more nudioitio in tho To ce-it h:e. Tit.) Augtv-t Flowor for ' 'X-"i'"V aul I.lv.r t!cu plaint, end the :d Lunt: tvou ! it io.T; in ihf wi:r:d. The tidvantaira ol i;v;.a-c l iiue efihe bottle? will be gwatly approt-t.t d bylhoHo'; ai.l aiiH-te I, in e-.'; ;, town and villag ; in i-ivii:,: ;! cuu- v?.in:pi? bottles iVr 1 t-cot-" re.-m.iM . i i . Viiit 'kl'i O '!. The Itopul!Ln paty i in the lat throes ..f its di ; lb apusy in North (iti..dij.i. l -p- od',' di uluti'-r. 13 it b.ai.d. Otlier par th v.i'l coo". ; l ot they will not bj tho . 1. . " ,1.. i 1: .w n T. ''"i'.tiuii . 111. m-jiu ,i-.,u l"''' 7. ' will die child!, ss. It dosevves to die child h.., for lis oCV-priwg wnuld hour a heutage .f iii fan: y. It pvaog nom a p-nV htuio td unnatural UKtou. a paViMtng.f, oil tho one side, full -;nd I.-pv.us the old tb.-!irion party, a party of ostvy and bale, v. ithoat patrioiivr.i it irtue, an-.l whieh denounced the ( n-titution as ua league hith ho'I." !ts parent on the ether .-iie was an hon i-red j-r.Mi i-.'o until it fid! into the arms f the h:f ' the gallant, wnsewative. il O 111 ,ilvi :i j ... . i.iui j..t.iv.o ... snot-ood ilos dsiog party. Parties;: re ncc -saiy to lib rty. au f our country has not yet elided !'.im-oi" u :.,-; ;h-.t se;i'i!i! ii iib orty. A full bno of "i'levoos" paints, oiK and 'iiwr-sid;-"' colors ha vo just been reeei.ca at Sas-t, 'Vood.-dl Jt (Vs. TV&lboi-r -'Jot ton rho??hsto. I will t 'iiiithfiohl from the i?th, dty ''.)-'. bor until Gth day nf Nvembi r lSStl, f'r . o j.nrposc of retviving guano Mtfon. Tb -so that bought guano f : last -;vrinti w I' 'so arry the cotton to Smith 'I d' dnti iu she h st V. weeks of Ooto 'irr ia:! tlw first. wi.-ak of Xovei.tbuv and .::tle s- as to save trouble. ft truoot billy, d. ?d. "iKASl.r.Y. Gatijcrea Frn KscIisgoM. "Xork on the railroad between Durhar.i and I.ytifhbuig will comnience a r,u early .lay. There hsve bi en .-ix'y oases of ijth, ria i; t; o :oou n rr, und tba-rt-ui ni the past fev? we.ek.-, :nd the diso:uvi- sti-i.rea. the i -1 o:uon 'r$ :. All Enghsh oo:upaoy has pnreVsed lt. OdO acfos of tr.-peia! huolsin I?a:ko coun ty and are making Hivaiigcuieaij to Woik the tr. toes en an extensive Fealo. The Racist Si aw ton vent ion will be h.-hl in Vi!:a::: :toa. b h.sdrg Nuveiobo, 17th. 1 12. 1'liJM a A Trip TSironhi Sonf tVc-a? Jclin- Httitl. Mr Eii;: or: I w ill givo to the reader of the Her ald a briof deasriplioi'i id my trip through ?toufhsrn Johnston. I left home Thursdjy evening abou' j'our o'cloyfc in company with one of upper Johnston's cleverest yi.ung nion, Mr. G.. afterat ihrco hours drive through' fine farm ing fec! ion. AVe ariivod at th'j hono of oui friend, Mr. K., who had just returned from Nnvtou Grova, where the .SanipKon oop.ut eHisJidaios, ij jJc6Thimniy, and tit J TI Poa of this place, had indulged ia a dis cussion of the political issues of tho day. The speeches of Mr Pou, ot Smithfiold. Carr, of Clinton, and Maj fcC'lanimy, of Pender, were received in the highest tcrnis of approbation by the Democrat'.' ot that historic lit Lie place. Back to our trip. After taking soma refreshments and a cha with tho old gen-, tletnan of the place, we in company with Mr E., set out to call on Mm A aild Miss J and as vc paised along, the emitting rays of the moon reflecting agrnnst the snowy white fields of cotton seemed to kindle ar.ew in the hearts of Mi-ssis G and K, tho "luv" which prompt ed our call. 8on we were with two of lower John ston's inrvr accomplished young ladies. The' hours passed as flit'ing miiiutis, ihc old cloulc soon gave us warning of the c'ovo ! I oor, and after bidding them good night, we again passed over (be road where twenty one years ago our Southern heroes lay dyin with wounds rowived at iho last drfen-e cf their North C-orohna IiO'ees, Friday r.ijrrrsg wo f.farted for Jiontor- v'ille and soon c:i;ne to tho well :!? ivated a.il i nproved farm of Mr Wi lis Cole who i oxterst.'o?y engaged in the cultiva t ion olVigitr cane. II to wo met Mr A il Wolivirj, who .rjperiuie-n.ls the evapor ating of Mr C'l ' syrup, he showed us som i t hrt tie bad rnado tho day bofot'9 an"l we feol safo in siioa: that it is supeiior to tho Cuba or lVrtoiieo syrup. V.'c inc. ev'titineed thal.il vvv Johnsion farmers Would ilaot los?3 cotton and oi;nv ; rano they would make inure mncy and sVi'trter git'-. After an in'rr :.n cr-LTcr.nt?on v.'th Mr V.U:,;s ;j regafi to the eulti,;.t;on cf t'e p'ant, w bid thtun adieu tnd no."t drew our rcias at J.-:ntonv:ue, hue tvu were peeu'i.u'y it nick with tho wo .d'ano air of a vu'-lie uribict. An.l s tho dieker u:g rays of the vre.stern run played their l;y?t b-aiiis uprn t!n dilapi-.lat.nl w dls of lh.it idiatU-red t.ld plaoo, we doirtol and n::t halted at I-r Wuiioa.-, v, h.-re t?c spent the night, he r.rports a groat doa! of siek nes3 in that etuuiiiiiniiyj crops are poor r.n 1 polities raiug. V'o then roturaed witti ui .ny pu-asaat mentoiios to cidiven cno no !iot..ny of re flfctii 11. "i':i.V?:i.I.. Friday evonini 'JD. at fllonwood igh School, nn dor th au:.pieios cf Misa Carver's dnsi i-las , for the bor.ef.c i t t J hi; wood Seh:.il i.ibrtuy. A small a i-mi-ion fi-o wiij bo ehargfd; 10,; for cbii-dr-:i, je f.-r adult--. Tiokcis oK.y re had it th- dnrj: store.-- in fchuithf.eld, :oso at Nowtia tirov". C22CEtVOOi It;llV. ' The library received a Ia-ge donation of books, last week, from Jes- rs A hi Barnes & Co.. New York. Uarnes' texts are among the most pot uhir school books ex tant wo u-o thetn largely in our w rk at .rlenwo'd and find ths ia almost all satis factor. These love'y moon light nights make u feel poe'ietd, and environed by proper cir ei instances, a festive youth might say some thing About lair Iniuar," or, perhaps, he oo ;tld be ind iceil to articulate soaicthing about "fair 7-fary,'" if she wore near by 'Hail to th? Qosn of tho silent nig'it, Shn. olcir, slam? bright, ylcbl tl-y p is avc We to, k a heevty trip to the 'capital city" last wvek, in the h'.'cit-st of the GictiieMt:' M"n.': Every thing is quiet and orderly ebout he city since tho place has ;gne dry," and id.uig Wilininpton St., formerly known as "Gr.g AHey" numerous and 'vol! appointed grs-ceric and dry goods stoios have ir!:n-; up. as b jiiagic, to take the ph eo of tlnvo eye wnvs of former days ordy. tl e ' ottle is dug beaten into bread, and l'.:e "jiokb-r" con verted into clothe, anivn and a:sK:n ! V, arc lookiu forward to a crowded bouse, at the i.-i:fi'V o'V on the H'.Uh we want li'00 pe-.pe to be present. Kvery thing int-icatcs a rc-itrchs entovtfdnmcnt in every respect. OoiiiO and bring rdl the family ! The -jrrows ta popularity every dav, and its Grt i;s.te will be an event m t :e his ry of our county a power ton -23, 1886; B'k..; Mfmu ujj j, ' .Ljeji. U-l: vati j four weeks ha as enabled the formers to gave dmoft the entire crop of cotton ' absolute ly free from stain. Notwithstanding the hort iTops, if frost does not occur soon, farmers wiil have little room for grorob'ing 1 i- year, as all the late cotton can be saved :s frost grade; and late corn and peas will yield abundantly. Tru'y, wo live in a goodly land, and we -.bouhl be thankful that affairs are .?o pros poroas. 3 iie latest contribution to the Library is a bottle in tho shape of a book ppirit ual series ,known among "sports' as the 'Preachors' Bible." llev.h;T, it is quite a uriosify, and wo ere in doubt as to its I'ispoidlion, as we have little need for that kind of "spiritual" comfort suppose we will put it into the jMuscuiu collection. K. The hmnvt stock of Furniture and urou'est varletv over in Smif IgolJ just re .oived V L. Voodall rf: Co. Tf you arc in n joi of fins linen paper, euvohipos, pens ink. ink stands, etc., yon hould not fiil to c:d! at thellruj; storo of -f ; sser, VoodaU k Co., and examine their oi gant new s ock . c v ) k ls DYSPEPSIA, tND'GESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, KALAE2A, LIVER CCalpLAINT, K5DNEY TROUBLES, NEUHALGIA AND RSicUMATISM. TT ia Invigortt- ' fX gives NSW T ttMJ a. .t Hsrhtf tful to to'tc, ; r who! a SYSTEM ci crcatvaliu w by Strengthening i fc&edicinn --r 1 v the Muscles. Ton- and i HS H kmi mm no hurtful h ;' S.S bleadin. Mincrr.tE, is coi- Jji fi rhysiciana.tellin-; posed of carefully lTrv'r' t.o-.v ta treat is scicc'cd Vajctv- iS: i ra-c at KOMK, bti Msdiciiica, jS. combined s;:ii;- Msdicinca, J, v-'. i ij-ji r;:i;iiecl, torelLar 'Jbined sltiii- K Vi -J with net cfhaa-i- tu:iy, ii.axing a Coma earus by new Saf; and Flet.fa;ii; n I.cliotypoproccui, Kecicoy. o:i rocu &! roc. For I'.' l;rnf.!r!i n.'. Oro?pr-.. S rnM t'"- .WW no r T.O not i..-;i !. .- v o:.i-:vi, iti.s il.iiH, .ui luU tta bultitt wili Uisbiil, ii.-. 1 1: :. pu: hu:; ! fircr.T VT Vo'i.-.a Drug end Clicr.iica! Company, B .i.Ti.i;aH'. ii 1. s. a. I'J liHU Mil" Cli!'MM in bUit mVi oibui' ! S (OPPJTfK OLD STAND,) .' It.'l li.'O i.'tlT,T..-t M'-cK of Ev;r oft-red to tho ,iVchas:rig public of Johnston and stirroanding counties. As an evidence of our inereasirg bus iness, wi te-Hivako buyers tire b.-iag con vi i-- 0 1 that 111 Tcliante v. ho handle one line of jrnods tn)y and buy ia largo lots can give bargains. Fresh ffroanil or.t of Now W!:oat, in -f receive;' :it . Vim.imsov' & !,.o: Price from ii to ..-i'1- per btitr.l. O Oar Loads Salt, Course .itol fine qrotm.l Almn rn-l,jiov n jtist reueivoit r;t Vv'i i.;a'i--o. & I'uke's. 10 Boses C. H. Sides, : tl t l-.'C'. iVfu t Wt!.t.lAMSOX ii l'l-MLK'S. At ira--;iry Pricoa j;t;-t r.-ct ive-l nt I!';;.i.;a.'hc.- t Plakk's. 25 Boxes Tobacco, Fro.n 23 cuts per jsoa ! ap, ju-t vnco've.l at Wn.i.i.iii.oK Biajck's. T .7 ?rtfcjr -firzei C-i-"ci At ie.Iiicf.1 jiricos. itt rfcoivt-il si t Williamson i Blank's. 20 Hoxcs TaidMill OIiocs-o ('J'iie Fino--t en Karih.) and other p-toles j-.ist it cc:vd at Wn.1.1 a.vson Ulakk's. 25 CASES STAR lA'Ma Just r?'oho4at Vi-,.t.?..Mse:i ! lake's. 2o CASS HORSEI-OIID'S BiSKAD i'tiniMIlATlOXjast 1-fccoive.lat Williamson & Blare's, Crotkery, Wood and Willow Ware, ("5 lass Ware. Lamp Goods, Tin Ware and a thousand other things just re cvdved ar. Williamson' & Klake's. Th.'y haVn i he go-; Li and - ho lowest pvioes. fkmsa't Vi-urinf rest by giving them a eu'.I bv.:V re buyi tig cbewhere. cry rrsprct'uiiy. WiiliaiiisotL Blak3. UTOPIAN fflSTITOTB, C i - AY T O X, f J!ie to s':el yvir h-r.s and -rirls, if v.i v.": i he r:: j 00 ten.jhnr!. rn.-v -':d. !:;iVO Oio;-.- a..;,.:.s neiir.y Lilt c.-Ji.; thora io., au'i i!:c j:'i;:ij: -u wiil ;ee th---! tbey fire put ! wot-i:, 8 rivlo.iis r:-c-iv,-t at ii:;y !.:r:.e. Cirvipon-.i with wrcail on tlm Principal, E tt. BI-CKWITII. Ji UAiiN 1 1-: N , S Y i .'A 7M I A thejao.--! -a-!'' i-i Fvr,: i'.-ed 1'si til -,-lirttl in c".-t- n c. t-.-r. l !..; , ,iiiopuo C 4 T a, -i v'li t Mis.LS. X'f.Wl EX- OrV fil-K.-3. ui: r-i-.v .::. CIDKU MILL'.. Thri:s;-. Adii'ip,, (V; r. .-Jlsellers f.tSKili'r-l A'! i'-;i"!ir:!' fji'-Oi.-T.-. v,:.-: c-nersl'y j?eii-J n-r i.itotiM;,-!? ciL-.-iii). NO. 17 mm mi mm i Grosi ZzzOsmzzt in Saithfleld - Tiic rcrji'LE r.us:n.ua to tiih scr.sz. Yp-tcrJ.-iy mriur.c flic? st. -p Ilotiso ccitpicl ly ";in.lei (S A Masy. riill, rninnirnc-J ta sink. 'Ilicy just roc- ive l nr. i.ni:i-ai.- stock stt IleavT (irocfi-ios. gon i-;tin-- of 2- ' Llarrtl.? Fio.ir. all 1., 2 far Loads of Sail. 10 i'iclinioml Me.il, 00 Poau J i T'liiioco, f Barrels SnufF, 10 JJosim '2W.I0 Pcti-jJa Lira. 10 fiarrcN Sugnr. 10 lii'xi Coffee. S000 Yards Unzzh, 2' Bun.lie Tics, '"" Iicsi-les a fresh lot of Fancy Groceries, Coa iectio!if.!cs, Sc. . They .leem it unsafe to h i tac s-oo.ls remai. m tl.e house; many li.iy, -o.ue.'iuentlj tiiey arc cios;n- sut at a very small ADVANCEABOVE COsT Country 1'roJnce taken in' exfha-.s fi.r C:?:'J. "he lSet cash prices lsiud tr seed 'Call early an lceure Barsaias. llespect fully, Site & Mail UIClIESr VRV 13 paid. . I am ptUl ejiMTu,; ;,, .i,,. i?- ? -r, ,s'- - iii'l-;i'll l uriini. (. l on n.e ..t my clj st,.l. aI M,,i't Lll until 3'ou tec me" lttJi-l-t'i;Ily. w. I.. Ill LEV. JjVfry&ody to know that sscr, ;vrootIaI k Co., Keep on fcaaj the largest slotk of Pains, Willie Load, Linseed Oil, W m Oil p Red nn.l White "O" OIT.S, V M n d S i3, etc., i:tc. They ke::p only the he qualify 0f tIicSC And sell them for less than Inferior Qualities AUK SOLD AT GENERALLY. m ills if O ' o O We wish to direct the attention of the public to our large and Well selected sUck f goo.Is no.v in store. Yvro carry tho largest, stock of Hard vnre j'n the country, and can and will sell hardware cheaper than can bo sold by any g.-nera, dealer. It you Want stoves and tin ware, If )n want crockery aitd glass ware, If you want wood and willow ware If you want builder's hardware, ' If you Tfant to build or repair a wa?on If you want to build or repair a bin'V' If you want saddle, brnihs nnd turned, If you want to paint your house ' If .you want to dry or preserve your frnit, If you want to cut your wheat, gravj a? J oarji, If you Want sash drmrs and blinl, If you want to run a cotton girlor saty mill If you want files, oil, lace loath-rand If you want guns and ammunition, belts If you want pocket and takde entk-iy, ' If you want tho bent raz ,r in the wor If you want to fence you farm. If you want to shoe your horse, Tf you want the best plows and cubivator If you want the best hoos, rakes and forks' if you want the best iron and wood pumpa' if you want traps and fly h.n.s, If you want to rest whod yon are 'tired If you want to be rich and bappy, 2uy ) our goods of ' ' r:.j. & j.'s. hot r Sudtlnidd, X. C. dpEApnsir Makor-5 ;u.l rcpaii-fia af Bajrfes, "fy.igon? Carts. I '.ovs au-1 aJt kinI of v.iioil woi sf. W ha-, j our-Ivyea Hm tVooru, otiff of t' I 0: t t!w in t.lo State, who h;ls frmi 1-rt; oa-.piye.! i,y .-it i.) A Moi-j.ii, uioJ : jn-t -av-it Vj. a1 !i::innr of iron au.l 'ti vovi;. ' Horses. sl.c 1 lr rijihty oentg. AVi;"itA,c fLLJA;lS E AKTHQ UAKKS I Earthtji'ks:; ct.iy h uninlercstir.g. bv I!i:i:.e:iB "i.ck 01 pltUGf-. jmist?. OILS, TOBACCO, SNUFF, Etc., Ete.,; l.ewn.K;ir2ly lyw prices, can't tail . tract aisO'titui:. - 1 :, 1 6t.a lvi CiiJcu. 1

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