VOL i V . - " - ' - . -.---. " : ' . 1 - r - ... - , n i , , ,. . , . - - r Tiio r ess tox a l oak t s. James H. Pou, ttoriiov-At-t iav, - Y ' :--tt t!l Court at Kalcc;h I ',iar?ti Jol:nstou 5?aisjvsa anil Ti c. i u r utitis. u:vv:ius m ule in thv cvnntios. jTh ABELIi, ATTOaXKV-AT-lLW". - " . SMITHFIELD. N. C. or i ics ix tus wckt imrsr-. "liilWJOIl Jr. A"i:2X3T CQUSCELL03 A? LAV, SMITHFIKIX X C 1 ru-tiov in. all ike Court of Wilson, Wayne WILL A rrO'J "HIE FE JESAL COURT AT in Court ISoue. t- V" rl !-TMASSEY J30U & yASSEY, SMIIITriELD, X. C. If rou to ?uj ludor to sell larnl, pr ti we cms aivl yoa. VVe t.nt nojC:wte loans, for long or eliort t4(Sirp o-:i riwl oitue in Johnston county IVrsuus -tuir5 to U-uil nuaej or to borrww ritiir tui rtsr4ief !nd may nad it totiieir S I. it J. i MORGAN, UNDERTAKER VEHKIS3 at EdcS Eottaa V? ? n S3 toJrs in CIBba ant Cincinnati Bu VJsy n4 V'aon Ilarmvj, tJa.Jdle?. oVis- ete. ktj iu stck, low fr rsh- CmHs aai Burial Cas furuMed on saex i itir- Consult vour irtfere-st awt piTe them a ell ?ujl exaixiine their !5tek. before pireUa iag yw shoxrinr the largest and nire-t ftvles of L'rr G:ods ever bxu!i to tLis saurket. RTYLISH HATS, vXex, Xoboy and JCiee, in soft and stiJ, to lit aui ptease alL Sni-pn.Iers. Neckwear, Collars. Cutf,. till lis, lie, U. I guaraBtee bet qtiality of Coeds as CHEAP AS THE CHEAPEST. Lcn't forget to eali and xamin my novel- D. W. FULLER FRIEND Not enly shortens time of labor and lesens the p;i?o, but it xreat ly diit.iiii.-hcs the danger tt life ot both mother ana child, and Knives the taother in a ctcd;:iw favor..bIe t ? p dy recovery nd Iec-s liable to Floodinu, (.'on1 vu!ions, and other alarn.ing sy toms. Its efficacy in tliis respvt entirl.-s it to le c:tlled "The Mother's JViet.d." an to rank as one of thi hfe faviug remedies of the century. We cai;!ot publiSJi eertlauatcs concerning this remedy without enmling the delicacy of the wri ters. Yet w e havejiumhvtls on file. Penl for iiur tn.xi!i, " Message to Y"onisn," r'ailol inc. T UaiiriE!.D FEGiuTeBro., Atlanta; Ca. J-iaiEmiD tK0EUCBSIAi23r Corrected Weekly by Williamson & Blake, Wholesale and Retail Grocers. We torn Sides, -N. C. flams, " b'ides, w Shoulders, Hoc round, Lird, N. (., : Ijiird, Ncriiiern, Corn, Meal, per 100 lbs, Oits, M-ur, l!ay? 1 'v, (rr.,b grass) Lime, 'hiekcns, 8aSl 2al3 JO 1) 11 lal2 9al0 73a80 " Sl.5UaSI.G0 5Ua55. e4.tH)a8(L0 Sl.O'oaSl.lO 4t3U Sl.t: J2iul5 rr.. ...... . istsui i-iv o. tiactl to K'laliiKs8 as tlioir ! sa-nrce. TIm jv arvj inrnv v.. in ti-.-h ciic is thcacaiittva ufuicnov, in sjotiuir it and S.vinr the hear; jn it as an ohject vor;hy to Wadril. The most Hfjtii Gwl l.k Uovrn fn.!tn the height of his ;!ory at;l jnnuaces the man a fi.Kl. Ful for m mistaking the true cuds of "iife; ;fbt! for thinking the wtil ctm h? satisfied with dast shd wrrUitiou. l-Wl for heapin; op riches and kr.owm: not wh shall jnther ihent. 't his i Iwd eKnh, hut what is worse the t-ttian of Mpllislmess is a man if gui!t, ofeu d.-ep vhmUie dyei jitttlt. SeiSs-hness de thrones the lUtvej (Jod front his proper p'aee in the 1 u:ia l.etirt. SrIKshness is a r.uk ido-atar. he wwrshij. the treat uis (-. r th.in the Vrtt. r. IK- iirv-u!Is f i--lassos whtit ho eii jiaiu l-y so di-iwii. oe scliishtu'&s - forih in ttie place ot UikIs nooinlay suit to take posessiun of his fellow mat's farm uncler reteuee of betaj! l.-ound u close the in .rtj;ajre when he lyas already wrunj; friUi the dependent pnr nuh tt last his children some years in riotous h'viuj". Iivi heapeth up riches and Ltioweth not wlw shall ptther them. Sel S.-hnrv is a gnuit- nJrocate for justice, al tnough lie is deaf to thv vdeo- of the help le fataiTy he has jti.-.t turned out on the cold unci arit aide world, lie smtha to him self and says another tartu "added to my rent rvdL lie sets the commandments of God at naught. He has more thau he needs or ever vol reett yet dtj in lh manger like he vnnrls aud .f.aps and tries to keep it alL Sclii-huess is a da.d sea receiving all nd giving nothit g save misery, want and death. - Seliiahness is a great advoo-tte for the protection of his owa interests. lie lias b.wme iLh, yet he is not rih toward God. lie h&s luiitgajes but- akt! Tor him he is mortgage-! to ih i devil, and when the t:rae expires the devil will forac'o-KJ nd take psessio!i. lie h cape it up riches and knoweth not who sholi gut her them. 1 hare not heard a preacher prvaeh ab.mt cx t rtien and the rights of the oppressed in toil vcanuand I hae beam tv-j hundrcd I aiy up iKUesaiKl km.WeJh not wlu. vhanthtr tlun. l 8. HD chapter. lVrhaps alt the ri ar.uVtatk.ns of sin in sermon. Oh. worldly minded tn.n v- a ! kndcJ ca0 I We - may step u? on the wreck of time with j biWl faruin ud P,iE?n- hlDa Wl your cari(et bag fall of gtd.i. when Gabriel 11,1,1 Uth to KlrMU ,Vom n,Ixiu- lho r1 trumo shall shake the globe tnuir pok I 1 hrvcrtwl t!,ijS po!e and ask adaiutaaoe bni it Will be de- r' This 8 'i l h:,s -,no out in t i ... i - . ...... t ni In th.,t harmv wor!,! .n...-v vil! nnt V? le recop.ul2ed aaMrling totlie rt.lest;f niaiTs arttl.mctle, iH;r value! according to the etiuiutcs f worldly miudi-d men, taany will anxiously crave admittance ii with thc houseless, hotuelesc gnllilcuta pi!gri::t that Walked this earth and had no where to lay his head. Too iate tliett to say I did not tnow it was wrong to be selfish and heap up riches. B. 43exitYoocl Sew. We were nutch )leaseal to have with u- the Editor of the IlE8ALt, ar;ur Musical ctnetrr. on the 2iith ult. By the way, spcak'nj of the concert, we have he:ir! Tle callthcnic exercise was excellently rendered the little fuiks, csp-jcially, were aJmired and the admiration increased as the square of the wxe of the participants increase-1). The large audience hi attendance mani fested their approval by hearty rounds of applause at the close of every selection ren dered. In the November KviitJf'g, we snail cive a more exte'TlcU notice ot the exerciscslhe Gientcl MohIIJj had a , ...... . . . i partot lfs el!tnnat corps" liking notes. j On Thanksgiving D ty, which fails, we suppose, on the 25th jnt.. (Thurslay), the principal of G bin Vi u-ui school will de liver thv third monthly jecturc,on u Health the sclKI nam, and the care of Clitldreii at Houie." After tlri Ijecture, an infor mal Thanksgiving tiinrier will la? spread by the pupils for their hnends who may be in attendance. We lo pe every bvdy will attend and "bring their baskets as well as their knitting." The exercises of this en- leitainment are wholly free dinner ami all; aRd we hope that a crowded house will greet us. The lecture will be specially ap proiriate, treating as it dues, a subject which, at this time of year, is of so nim-h importance to ths patrous and teachers of t-chojU. " Quite a number of our Fayet textile and Avcrasboro friends are in the community; anion- them, we hd tne phsisure of con-"t vi-rsmc, lor a siiort mri.', witu .r aisu vim j A vera. Mt . Barnes and Mr Parker of Averaaboro; and the Fawttwille. These ML-wes Ciirver of kind friends are srano h Kii-innrters of our school, and We are. alwavs jrlad to have them in ourmidst. t " i h. se forties h ive azreM to tuts r.nd jJiaientarj ttrms by critic who have had , leilltlate issu5n.; a circular espreive large acquaintance with such ivrrmancos. , solithlie.Ji!? on ,his SHb;ect. -The melancholy days have "com'o,.. the to look at it on. all sides before he agrees sadest of the -year," and the -old brown j trt enter upon it. When ouco fully per grasshopper and the ttinly clad katy did t ,hat anj line ofaction m advisable, mournfully lament-' their numbered days, j , Frtwt eery morHmg r lakes the old r j he begins with a detenu:nitin never to voang) b itehelor look t ut for some one to . . , - i . j Kj-ep ins ticartn orin- ami to uani bp t ' - i winter socks truly his lot. is s. hari "on, h but, verily, he is riovt be pitied; ir inS lives in a hind Sowing with beauty and love, and it Li his owu fault if be shivers alone. ITU FIELD.- N; A Woman's StraiiiTa Keason.for Sloiagwith Another Man. A N-Yark fX. J.) pcl:d yiyp." A stmll, fidiHlIowkinfr Woman told a queer Ftory to .fustit-e lioder hore tht littWnin:..' Y"ostrr!.iy she prcontcnl herself WCre the Jutht and said that her husband. AVii iiatn Ksnerick, a cigar maker, arwl thirty two j?as, had stolen her Watelt and her t o yet.r-t!d child, and that she dobircd himjamitel. Jutiuc Kodt-r told her that r. a husband could not steal his wife's sooda f ur ''er -dild, as" the law say.-t what is hers i? his. The wottran then Went avy, hut later i tbi veHtMjj Vhft cilh"d on oflfeer V rtins to arr-sst the man for drunken - ness, jutd h'u he wsw behind the prison iars the rttpottxl it at he ntiuht be held forbh;iUt!Y, and in corroboration of her eharj; !;e told and eventful sttiiy of "her ! '- vs lam," de said, - hi New j Yrk 8:ate. hut when aWut twelve yetirs of'ajje 1 n.oved into Jackson counnty, Mich. In about my eighteenth' car I mar ried a veil-to do farmer, who resided near the town ot Jackson, Mi:h., and for twou-ty-eiuht years I liwd happily and quietly With him, and had four children, "all of whom are Hviiisr, My kusltand Wa a quiet man, and xas wonh about S30,M0. A!iul two yejirs since last spring limerick come rund to our house, and was tmploy- ed as a farm laborer, and staged until the J fall. 3uy first husband, whose name was Hill, at that time $rave him notice to leave, as he did not like KmeiH-k'e way of be having. The tatter, however; ll.itfy refused to go from the place without me,andsaid we shouid never piirt. He made suuh threats and aeted so strangely that, iu order to ave L Hills life al pmperty, and the lives of ; mJ children, I consented to run away with sho atlA?rwartl rcturued to her husband, but was followed by Knterick, and she again rsta w.y with htm ai.d came to Ne- f Wark. . Tobacco Pianf rrK, Head (bis uiul Profit by It. A". I". 7Vfrr Lr-nf. - " With all the emphasis which double a" J "ufc " y nl be inSut-nejd by it, but it is our duly to sec tlsut it - brought to the, at ten: son of every grower and prizer in Ihe untry, and we hereby prfona that duty. The markets ot the world are full of popr to bacvu, and the frood tobacco in stock id very limited. The growth of the past year has bees rge, and what - has beeu fr.stbitten tan well be spared. It Will not do to put thefro-ted tobacco along with that which is gcaal, for the hi fold reason .that it will ds rre. the alrtvidy l.r prices still fnriher, and factors, large buyers am! jobbers will J snot touch a hogshead jf the ISdG yield if I a i-inuie hand of the frosted leaf is in it. con of bject Frozen to'sKtct-o has Ina-n found Jserviev ble in times pju-tLnt fnnu-d tolacco never. It Is utterly unfit for use .and when brought into the bams and hung along with sound leaf miy cause fire burn throughout ike entire mass. It the frosted tabacco is to be garnered and prizrd at all. let it be cured and ri-d by :ts,?!t. There must be no taint on the crop of ISSG if it t e desired to realize a (of ; fil mit or the old stocks still j on isn, lYbal a l'aukcr Saj h ol I'm. FprtnjjietJ IZepuuLctt. No S Hit hern State furnished as many men to the Cuiif-jderate army in. proportion to its population as North Carolina, al though its people went into sixjession with the utmost reluctance. It is a' historic f.ict Viualed for by the reeor Is on file at Washington, that of the tniops surrendered by Gcncral4.Lee theru were more from North Carolina than from ali the rest of the Con federacy. In the words of a veteran, "We Tar heels stuck to it after xve once got in." This characteristic of sucking to a thing once begun is manifest in the public works sun pnait vbj3 Ul this that makes theui: crocressive while thoroughly conservative. The .-'Tar-heel Joes not act impulsively, bat considers well every proposes undertakt.sg aud tries s.OD until his object attained. It is this e - . , , ,, . .1 ..KkMF!ttn i.iTvwcr. Mi:it lis r-nnriUM the ullui.iH'w mv..w . -. State td earn he just praise which Col. , r.t. TJi .-v .i .'..i.:.. 7V,.. S SiCOIUre OJ lUO i aiuujnii j it 3a his New Smth. 0., JOHNSTON COUNT Y, NOVEMBER 6. 1886. Tlje Idiwasiera ot ' (JStilfimore STh. Up to the present time the year 1S5G, so far as the United States are concerned, has been a most eventful. onc It has been signaliied by serious fires in some parts of the country, hv wind stofiiLs that have in- flieted isuoh damage tn jitoperty, by pro' longed droughts in Texao and among the cattle ranges in Montana, creaticg consid erable loss in stocki by an earthtjuake. that" has laid a largo part of Cliarltsrfon in ruins, and besides destroying many' live) causing a loss of property amounting , to sfcveral miHions of dollars. To thvsc disaters nre- now to be added the entire destruction by storm and floTa! of the vilkgof Sabine laT,. Texas with ihe loss of one hundred and tweniy-scven Uves out of a toal of five hundred, and sweeping away of the villa ges ot Ji.hnSiin's Hajou and K ad lord, in Cameron jmrNh, jOiiish:ua, by the same xtotm that ovevwl.ehued abine Pass, his miles distant from the Louisana settlenu nts Scattpcl over the ridges of the bayou war a population of twelve hundred souls. Rad ford, at the head of navigation, Was the post office station and the principal settle ment. It had a cotton gin which turned out tight hundred bales of cotton annually and the usual stores adapted to the warts of aa isolated community. About it were cotton and cane fields, stretching over the textile ridges facing the gulf stream, and rca ;hing back to the inaftdics were the graring grounds of eight thousand cattle. Over those ridges, the foremost of which was tweelve feet above the sea level, the waves of the gulf swept until a considers ble part of the parish was ten feet under water. Under the combined jcion of the wind and water, '-house after honse fell in and was swept away, either burying the doomed people in the tit bris or drowning them. SThexotton and the stores next sue-, cumbedand Radford and Johnson's bayous were destroyed s completely as if un invad ingarmyTiaddone the Work. Even the hous es that withstood the storm were comple tely gutted. Such of the inhabitants as escaped were fortunate enough to reach the higher ridges; where thay remained with out food or water fit to drink until the wa tcrs receded." Htghty-five lives were known to have lcen lost. Of eight thou&xnd head of stock six . thousand were drowned, aud the remainder jt is fcard, Will die of thirst s;s all the water is salt. It is at the West where the tornadoes swept to destruction even thing they encounter in their path, and in the States bordering on he gulf that the terrible power of the Wind and nan storms of this continent ' is most frc-oHC-utly felc But at Sabine Pas.4, aud in Cameron Parish, Louisiana' the destruc tion was principally due to the riing in ovora helming force of the water of - the gulf stream. The series ot earthquakes so disastrous recently in South Carolina had added a new terror to death and a sense of danger heretofore unknown. . Mappily, such shocks are of rare oocurane, and when the subterranean forces have read- J justed themselves anew, no further disaster may be apprehended for a long time to come. But the people ot the StatOs whose homes .are destroyed and whoso "Hvcfe are put in jeopardy by tornadoes, cyclones, fires a:;d floods, di!servoit all time the ut most sympathy of the Sui'es that are free from such terrors, and sutdi material help a their com ait ion may require. . Iltcn a lid Xow. A high'y intelligent old gentleroin, and a yhoemaktr by profession, told vus the other day that 25 or 30 years ago a man eould have a g;od pair of . shoe made ot home-made leather, for $2 00' to 2.50 a pair, that, with two half w!ingsr woild last hiiu a yaer. Now he. buys Notherb, shoes made of Northern leather, and by shoes cast I hsi from $3 to $10 hr ever mem ber of th family. Is it any wonder money i scarce , ' . MOST EXCELLENT . J.J.Atkins, Qhu-f of Police, Knoxvillo, Tenn., writes: My family and- I are beneS ciarties of your most ezccllent medicine, Dr. King's New Discovery for consnmp- t tion; hauing found it to be all that you claim for it, desire to testify to itf virtue My frinds.to whom I have recommended it. praise it at every opportunity." ' Dr. King's New Discovery: for Consnmp tion Li guaranteed to cure: Couglss, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma Croup and every af fection of jPhrout Chest anb Lungs. Trial Bittles Free at T. R. Hood & c os. Drug Store. Larga Sizj SI.00. ; A LAD a IN .TEXAS WRITES: "My case . is of iorg standing: has baffledaiany physicians;, have tried every remedy I could luar of, but Beadfield, Fe- e Regulator is all that relieved nie; writ Th'rt :'Brfit,ni-l.l '. K-la:or "Ca" AtJ ...-. --... ---a. r 1 t n .. - - . i Lnta; Ga. I STATE j f . STATE NEWS- Gathered t-rum Eschanc, TIendersoH . (fold L&tf : The tobacco, crop is about being ronnded up. Nearly all the farmers am done curing; I " auesoon j ,. iyeucer. J-atcrday niyttt ' ,ast ab,ut bud --n dwelling house ! of Mr. Tom Stuck Threadgi.l was burned. i .'Dunng October sixty-three drummers' licenses were issuep from ihe State Trea sury, which yielded a reveuue o'S(,500 two Wing lipuor licenses, lor .which 200 each is charged, . , A fiilui.g - smack belonging to Vilming- ton,-Nerth Carolina, 'arrived after a cruise j- of ten days off tlteMSaapper "Bank r, with t rcauA-6f jdnrnt 300 puiid?:-ol firih.'iticlu-' ding red, white and black snrq-pers, and j some of the fintat blu'jk fish cv vcr seen in that mark. t. There is nr much talk of a railroad being built from Jlfurphy, N.O. to Cleve land, Tenn., am at an early day. This road the Waynee.ille News ssiys, will give an j pening to the rich iron and coal mines of Exst -Tennessee, and will be of iu valuable servtec to the people of Western North Carolina. . - ' The Krics & Observer of last Friday says a bold rubbery v.is committed at the ticket agents' ofiiceatrthe depot. While Mr. Walter C- Kiehardsn, the agent, wasscl- j ling tickets the thief slipped in the office in a few feet of him and seizing a large pile of lnon.y lying on a table mades off with t. i lion: was alutut.Sl 6U in the pile, it is said. Mr. Ricl ardson's loss is regretted. lie is a clever -rentlem in and an exee'lent agent. Etuc-Iiy filonat Fair. Brother Elo.n, d or of the Wil 6oa Mtrrttrt -Fays: F.orn the present outlook his will be the largest Poultry Exhibit that has been held in the South cm States. I-it'iam and Williams, of the Iron Mine iountry Yard, will exhibit one hundred ;;nd tWcn'y five gasnc fowU of diiT-rent vaiiotii. Th-;-re will he at least 500 fowls of the different varie'i-is tin exhibition. Frait!itinl In Axlu-x. The !' ra;iklin!-n Tt'cv.- is;ted an ex tra last Friday which gavr.n account of the loss of property. The fire originated in that portion of the town between Main street .and the Railroad from Mason street down to f'illsboro road was entirely consumed. The hisses aggregate 19,000 with partial insurance. The cause of the conflagration remains a mystery. Back o.j- iraicaalre. The best alva-in the world for Clist, Bruises, Soi-es, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped hands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin Eruption, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect saiisfactiou or money refunded. Price 20 cents per box. For salu by "P. R. Hood & Co. The largest stock of Furnifure and greatest variety ever m Smithgeld justi; ceivcd W. L. Woodall cf Co. ' " DYSFEPSIA, INDIGESTION, WEAKNESS, CHILLS AND FEVERS, MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, r KIDNEY TROUBLES, ' NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM. JT is Invigorat- TT givea NEW whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES, and completely Di gesting the food. M. mm A Book, 'Volina,' bv leading physicians, teliins hew to treat dis eases at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Safe and Pleasaaft ' V - Hdiotype process. Remedy. en receipt of io c. For tl fc an pnHegfa'a urnl Oroeem. B:iobW the denlor r jvm ant kr VOUSiA COMiHAI aeuii (l.WS wi a AUI kale will ! lent, nimrew imid. , . Volina Drug and Chemical Company, v " BALTixoaF, aa V. S. A. 5 WAGON SCALES, Iron 1wm. Sei B-riiri. Bnas and MNtS h. jyn thf rlht for ra . Price List mention tv ierrren4 ddnMiBRESCF EIH6HAMT0M, Blaeeeniee, g. ik nSrr VALUABLE - EEAL : ESTAT3 FOlt LAEE. . " - Tlie nnilensincd offers f.r sale tlie tollo wing real estate; , ;" " ' . One tract eotttiwnirwr ,840 acres, 2-"0 acres in cultivation, tea milosoutli of . tVtujtirr'tetd, ami within six uiite3f the Wilaou &. Florence ShartCut Kailrai. " . . One tract con taiain 23 acre-, all ia culti vation, three ini'a.-i west of Snlitlifiehi. " One trct of 80 acres, 2-5 iu cultivation, one mile Suth of elma. . . . , , " . v One it at elui with a t oro ttary- Store 77ouse 24xuy. ' - . Oae t raet of. 6o acre-, all in - hiu state of cuUiv.-ttion, at Selma, N. C. The iove property is adapted to corn, cot- for or on Uu,e FvC -JartbM ia i . it -. i i .!.r Lftrmat-tt call on or audrcOT' D. H. -GRAVE-, Sniitlii.e.d oi Selma-, NVCV 15 2.H. I!ghtful to take, pSF arrd of great value Jl S 3 a Medicine for L-?6tM weak and Ailing !?2f Women end Chil- i-lf 4 drsn. ' Q ITT iw I TTT i I VdM t H j&tJME H i: tar CONTAINS 7 hurtful M Ulnersls, is com- fi "t t posed of carefully IV selected Yegeta- VSS Yj bie Medicines, a iM-lS combined skill- YrSyB - Takes pleasure in greeting the jrood people, of Johnston connty, and conrratiiUfes 41ora upon their extended Railroad facilities. With pardocable pride we aaiunheehr.t we har the lar gest store, the largest stock and the most perfectly arranged establishment in the cyjtire Vtate. a s:ngic glance-at th- ius-de .of our Mnu:nioUi Store will convince ftBTon tft lai-Eest bINfc. Or3 GOODS contained under any one icf, aouih of Maaou J Pv 5SI IjKS H e show perfect lines in elegant Black Gi-as' Grain- Stri ' ains, vtur assort meiit is unsurpa.sel m heautiful black, colored, striped and mar cat. If VELVETS An unusually handJOiiie ex It ihi t isaade of -Silk Velvet, strip ed Velvets, Tutt Velvets and Diocaded Velvets. 1W SILK f'hSIi US,&r seen all colors in greU Variety. IK FINE DRESS GM.DS. - Ail the novehies are 'scdziNwl and x hibi ted. among whieh are P-iriped lioncle, Ajiaet, all wool 8uiiin;n, 40 ise!ieswde Oueko. all wwd suitings, pi inched wide; Cashmere Diagonals, Cashmere Suh?in Lne-atl wool Tric ots Brilliant ines, Cashinere I eiiue, 'ravers, Fancies. Serges, Colored FaJWe.Xolorel llkada- ie.r m BTt. . .. III W mAW mi w e give a beaut ruUMpslny of Felt Ball Edging. Kliair Maraboat TriiimfftW, Fesr, abeui liiiwmiKRS, Keihieu iuips, all colors, entirely new; ricot Braids, lacings Cords Bev ue.l 1-assamantnc, and all the new designs, in Buttons in nalce deaiZna. IXJ&ACK GOODS im Hss'jriuivui is pel ieei. neita , CTepe Cloth, Vel directin'r yoar attention viiuiii"T snori wraps, in etotli and lirncaIe lr . i .. . . . . Wfuliewrip,mU ln 'e "e,,eSt des'sns; in Carpets a very heavy and handsome stock is shown embracing every available Novalty ia Chinese Carpeting in laid an I stripes, Ingraois 3 lilays, Tapestry, Tapestry Brussels, Body Brussels, Broche, Vilvet. Axniius.er, stair Carpet iu Ingrain and Brussels, Hemp &e In shoes oar assortment is perfcet in all tirades. tVe for tke eelegr&ted.'Zicgler Bros Fine shoes, and no one else can buy or sed them in this terri tory. There ave bo other 'ieglers' make of shoes, hut to get the genaino enquire and look for the brand "Ziegler Bros.'l Every pair is branded. . We show these goods in every tyle and designs knowu to the aristic trade. . We use Our Best Endeavors in the arrangement and extent of our stock to save the Ladies trouble of going from one store to another in order complete their memorandums, and we natter ourselves that we caa. vria out troubie, fill any memorandum in the Dry Goods Line, hereby obviating to the purchaaer much annoyance. FOR. THE B tiN E fc'I f OV OUit LADY IMTlioNS we have connected with our c-tahlMhment a hanasoiuely furnished Farlor, anil Toilet Koom, a feature ia the Dry Gowda laisiness ut.t possessed by any other House in the city. MAIL ORDERS, and orders for samples solicited and promptly attended to. FRANK THORNOK". 4 fayettevilLe. n.c. is it iff (OPPOSITE OLD STAND,) . -VTith the largess. Stock of Staple and Fancy Groceri3&, Provisions, Etc., Ever offered to the purchasing public of Johnston and surrounding counties. -. As au evidence of our increasing bust ineos, wide-awake buyers are being con vinced that mcrchantc who handle one line of goods only and buy iu large lots can giyu bargains. 400 BARRELS FLOUR, Fresh ground out of New Wheat, just received at WH.LJAJSSOX & .lake's. Frice from $4 to per barrel. 2 Car -Loads Salt, Coarse and fine ground Alum end Zflnwn just received at Wi liamsox & Blakk's. 10 Boxes G. R. Sides, Just received at Williamson & Blake's. 50 Boxss Cakes and Crackers, At Factory Pi-ices just receive-! at H'illiamsos & Blake's. 25 Boxes Tobacco, From 2o cents per pou-id np, just received at Williamson & Blakk's. Car Load Bagging and Ties, At reduced; prices, just received, at . Williamson & Blakk's. 5Q TJoxes Tai-bell's Olieeso (The Finest on Earth,) and other grades just received at - .Williamson & Blake's. 25 CASES STAB JA'E, Just received at Williamson & Blake's. 25 CASES 110RSEF01irrS.:BBEAl PREPARATION just received at Williamson & Blakk's. Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, Glass Ware, Lamp Goods, Tin Ware aud a thousand other things just re ceived at Williamson & Blake's. Thcv have the. goods and the lowest pricesConsult your interest by giving them a call before buying elsewhere. Very "respectfully, Williamson & Blake. STOP AT TPIE CUMBERLAND HOUSE, " Near the Depot, . . FAYETTEVLLE, N. C. T: HBELiIj, Proprietor. This is the largest house in the city, is lo cstsd in aJheautiful grove, hasrecerit tmprovc inents and is iu the business part of the town Polite attention and good tare". A. E. Rankin, g. C. Rankin A II. Slocomb. A: E. Rankin & Co., Wholesale Grocers and -DEALERS-IN Fertilizers, Old Hickory WAGOXS and CABT: Post-OfBce Burl ling, Person Street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. 0. Keej iu stock a idee line of Clocks, Watches, ":; N3 JEWELRY. , .. j? . Repairing done in the best possi.de manner. .Sontlv Side, Hay. St.. near Market pblce, C. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. ' r ' NO. 19 thai, we c&rrjr & ii3n's Ha. ned and Colored . . . ' . Kilk - nm,rl..io ; ..ik j t . 8'a! i'l-i8U luea.'W inchesjong, satin lined-a are the Kole contrfiUinr&ni. in tl. ii mm m o o o . ... We wish to direct the attention of public to our large and Well selected ft of goods no in store. We carry largest stock of Hardware in the cenn and can and will sell hardware che than can be sold by any generads If you want stoves and tin wars, If you want crockery and glass vrsro, If you want wood and willow ware, If you want builder's hardware, If you want to build or repair a wag. It you want to build or repair a bug If you want saddles, bndka and harm. 11 you want to paiut your house, If yon want to dry or preserve your fr If you want to cut your wheat, graf oats, ' ; If you want sash doors and blind", If you want to run a cotton ginor ' mill t. (. If yu want files, oil, lace leather and If you want guns and ammuniiion'b If you want pocket and tahle cutlery, If you want the best raor in the r If you want to fence you farm, If you want to shoe your horse, If you want the best plows and cultirat i If you want the best hoes, rakes and fen If j-ou want the best iron and wood pun If you want fly traps and fly fans, If you want to rest whed ya sre tired If you waut to be rich and happy, Buy your goods of J - - - E. J.& J.S. HOT r 3.9-1 v. Soiithficld, N. C. WELCOME' To all Visiting' Our We would extend a cordial WELCOJJE and inviiatiwn to call at our . ,- DRUG HOySS, ----- 0a Kyles Corner,- I, Payetteville, K. C-. Pemberton & Prior,"- Wholesale and Retail Druggists. E A RTH Q G AXES Earthquakes may be uniuteresting. Wt sassss, woodall : - " :'. . y'. I : t immense stoca ot . . . . , j DRUGS, ,i taints... 'K OILS, v - - ' TOBi0Ot' ;- . . . v. , ; f-i-i t.i; .... .. . - "... Wl.trj. ' ' -: ''-"'Ef:,,Ete.,a Such hewiliTeringly low pricea, eaa't &il attract attention. ' '. ''.'. " Cekla are eewe, but fliee vko eiiSU t ' Sii;o ACo-.eertin4, ni,win t fre, nU li.rora.tiea mboms. verk erlii.e tbr-w do. eMi UwwA boncthet wU5 ear ' thm from fi I S4S per iy. IMC n.,iirrd. Te areetartea free. TlKwhfflM" aM!e matMluu4rwf awe , A'.l iw. , a large ana run line of Mourning goods, iocluoinz sitk IVrmn iiaa lnrs Broche, Blaek lthads.i es, et?. In Wraps we take pleasure ia to the IHOst coimdet.e ai-rn iv ulinnn l.i r ik. . iu wuuir r . 'la mm ! i i V 'i 1 I. it i !!,': '.:.r