YOI iJ th woarnful r-riUeg dT walking thi 'i do-e n''a,iU'e-"$ "u wo- ust rv'XT bade ''' M-ve. sdie peuacd li.ie. rating his prop .sal in the now f ,,v. lriwt ox.pii-dte sentiment that ever sooth d and so'aeed human disappoiataic.it : Thine eyes elw.yueat. Its li.tit brin-s back ihe hallowed past. Win re ott my memory goes To either avr.it.lie wrecks up-east tt" moment gone. The one li i-rt relic of a lov That stUl I mourn. Alio her take Vis place. No. n, it c miivt b ; With !u-n poor grace fvelH.rnethe anguish two long years, I II be.-ir the years to come Wr let my flowing tears 0;e memory fond etfaee Of aU that made hi heart my home. Ask nwt my love : 'tis d ad. Tho tolled oak that rouiiijT lie, Is n-t ih r. biro of "eu;y ; ; seek a thta of li e And ay thy head upon some breast Wnoe j ulse is ii-t a duty ; Tr.-u hat N'ii swret to me. And Veaveu knoNvs i like thee. A tii-re than friendship feel. Hut from my heart the seal The memories make No h.;e can nine, ua promise break. HIS UKPLV. If there V n:glit in glances That can speak. If tlteie re eloquence in eyes. Mriiihc. here or mot. Thou lo ndne speak of all My heart ear. tell. An i -weet'.y utter W hat it feels so we'd, W armed by the lve 1 :ive Thy heart shall glow With a new H.ime, And from its n,w sealed fountain There shall rtow A in that olden time. The same sweet current of delight. That once he knew ; And in iry bosom s nijih fteal like tho balmy breath of May, Kissing the frvsts and glooiu t)f inter all away. S;y no thy love ?s. dead And bare of lea ty ; Thine eye tiU she I A lustre not a"l du'y. And memories that now seal The sacral tire v ithin thy breast. Soon. snn, will feel. The kindling name ana molt to rct. So from tl.easlsos tf the rasf. 2s'v life, now I-.vo snail ri.o And plume its t.iai:s towarJs theskies I hlesseil home at last, Ati'l rounJ thee I will w eave Life's sweetest mysttry. And, it thou will believe, Fill every ttee.in: hour AVtth a lover's titu d;ti'n, As we y;o s.ii!in.; or, j In TonJest rapture huuiTtd, Lite's sweet snJ l.!is'ul oeean. Glcnuood l'arasrnplss. The Glecnwocd Literary Socety ias j lhugltt too large chandeliers, ho ding two j 2 imps each, for the society hall ; aud now the yjung men will have light upon the -s abject which they may dueita. Miss S. J. Carver, of Sherwood. X. C, j jsemls us two books for the Library one is especially valuable, a history of the use and pr grcss of the Grange. Most people are gloomy over the e!e:- nonreturn.; but nothing definite is yet j kiwwn (4h) here, as to the result at . lrge. Humor has it that all the lnde pendents, are elected ; we hojc not sure ly, such an excellent man as Mr. Harper, nominee for Treasurer, could not be de feated by any ''Had" that could be ruu in this counfy. Mauy peoplo are going to the lnyette vtfiii Fair this week ; hope all may enjoy it. New ; opils continue to eom in to our school; Messrs. Bosil and lofc.ert low den, of Dudley, X. C, are witi'i us ; and we hear of many others who aiv: coming soon. Welcome all ! A number of the j-oungcr girls of Glcn wood school, accomiKinied by the Pj iici p:d, etijoyed an afternooti, last Saturday, hunting hickory nuts and locusts ; and at night, at the residence td I'dr. II. N. B: 8 2 H, they had an old style "candy pu'l ins' linked sucrosity, long drawn ou b, juveuile sweetness, without a doubt. Next week, the order for the new book J f r Crienwuod Library will bo sent off, and as soon as our ltkis arrive and are put in order, wc want every body to c 1110 over and take a book. The museutu will epen at that time also. Ih n't forget the lecture on the 2."th invtaut especially don't forget to br ing rn... I.....!. 1 C I. .1 :,t, ul,nl-cmn "m. Fixing" Thee w.l. be music and ot -ter exercises by the pupils of ihe school al er the lecture, and a general good time. Subscriptions to the" Monthly come in almost every day, notwithstanding t he delay in getting out the first issue. "V ."c fchall try to be ahead next time. K. truest, purest, and t , over Tvo; 1 veil of enchantment ! r.iou. -,v0WVf a husband, and sweetened i Charlotte luisa viui sn ot a most pin Ho"i:nH wlh te !clkiK odors o' an 1 z!; cfcar:K.tor a:tl on.; wj,Wl ttlU rrovo ;, sr tvin-horv. was forced procure a ,,J,;u' or c;wv.u voivj. Mil sot relet-? an nUores'ing : u j.et fr tnJy by scie- tTi,n s,i jed iU .a"Uher tU 8,1,1 ,lu,Kwn ln'n "nl,l lfc is ! ettevil!. On th lOtU of OeU.bvr as the j ,l'uTe"ri,mvHl,ia itpu.ity the proc- a tm orrattu-r a pair of tn-.s, in the v. fun Was hiJI,,., its self t.ehi.1 ti e Wes- ! melody of the dear old h.mrs dea,l ,.:ky ,lf wlliv lfj!sr!v ,.Very d,y at :i j ur!l I boarded the cars at SiiiilhScld. ,' liei-tlifit" lovclv. atn.1 Hie sett i . :!0 wr'.-Vrt.ni' eha-ms fell upon an- eUv k, a shower ot rata J.u.s. The phe- j 8 h.ii the iron horse i-ivs the signal, and lii'ri',i Oi l 1 rk .if " 1 f-r heart, and melted u iren cltannel '.V. -i .Mi-dims ' of ttee;ioiitte ardor and x "ion e showed her 1S heart, rich u i'.mlH.H-'a AllvH.tH.il and ft dov.lion given ,.l ., Mppreciated his oik-ring, hut !-?.., da relocate - fission and its in-she-be-sv- him for lier sake, t ail v From A i kar siiv. non'non was voter t ly wUnosO'l by a ; crowd of at ! ast ri;is ns, before whose i . - 1 p,e the ruin f,U tho soae, ot two ; hours. Tno locabty of thi sfr,.n-e occurrence i at iho vonuT of Xiot. an4 D streets, ' Thr. e weeks a-o :l vras reported that every j xt i at . ik-i.'vn n stonver tu ram woukt j j Mi at tha sP.,t, but m-wt d ur citizens : : ihoug.it U a suj-ct f r ch. t-h.suut bed. : ; fating too ast kw u . s, n.,exer, itiey , hav- begun o i.k at the matter in a dii- j ! ferent light. Tin-re is n joke abmit it. j but the vain ready d .-s fi'l. as indited , above, and it can bk w,.,- d any d iy : aher li oViock in tli ; aiV rn-'oo. An UUcrcei r p. i ter, anxious to test t the truthfulness of the report, yesterday I vis" ted the spot and found a crowd t-f at S least .Hl people already assemble!, waiting ! At the rain to cr-mmonee. Tne ;ivs s were perfectly eh nr. the sua was shinintr ! brightly, and eve yihing in the vicinity j was drv and C'tsty from prolonged j i drought. (n rei -hitigthe jlaee w'n re j the people was assembled, the reporter en- ! puired for t!v spt on which it wa said j that the rainfall Was to be seea, and was beautiful residences. 1 will call the read pointed to two .vrubby oak trees growing crs attention to a few ot the stores I visit in a yard at the co iti r of Ninth and l t.J ; Fiir, the lare aud handsomely streets, "i'hore wa n.. thing unusual about e.p.ij p d sti re of .Mr. F. Y". Thurntou, the at-neaninee of the trees, save that they j where I was shown uver the whole estab- ... ! woe nut vcrv well 'aHed with loaves. At . iihment. One of the attractions that j h i'.f pa-t o'clock, the oxpoetant muhi- ' tude v.as iewav-le 1 by the appearau.'e of ! the rain. It ocean couiingdowa between j ; the two trees in a kind of mist which ' ,gra.tia. b it u.ndonbtcTv a iuine. rainf.dl. ' Though the rain Was falling bef re the j cu-i nuJ ph-as.mt and has ia his empioy eves of aii present, ao one could be seen j UR.m Mline sixteen salesmen in all, who are endngdowr. fioni a point above the tops of the trees, and continued falling un i! 3 o'clock, and that was all that c uld bj i realized. Kverv iudii iu;d present e.uild J see it plainh". An uaibrclla bdd under j the t'alii ig water was .inlekly mad.? drip- ping wet. Ua'i i x-'iciue. s sprem ou the ground were a'!smade wet. Oaclady plae -d a gs-anu-- at the loot of the tree, and when she took it up it contained a j tahlesuo nfiil of Wafer. The water is icy tel l. Am. ng those present yesterday j wj, , .a's very ext. ndve'y in gro and who cm testify to the trut hfuinoss of - . c rs t.t(. t. i.s tu,e ef Fav- what is above record, d. were Mr. James ; it ..i,.,.v., .if i1..t mal st iti. n in this city : Mr. D. f . Untchui- son, and a large number of the youn: g h'dy j pupils oi !' tbo PI :.iIotte l t'iii-i vi Institute in v irge of rirs. Atkinson, in ad.Iiti.ui to J a number td' prominent citiz.-n. ! Barry wis so imjre-s.d with what he wit- nessed that, lie reported the occurrence the Chief Signal Station a- .W.ishingt The.plat of ground covered. by tTlraiofalt is about ten Icet square, im wo.iu.-nui 5 vender. vv hen you vt.-tt i-ayette-ocourrciice l.;:slicii goti r on di.ily lor j vjjjv wilcllser oo business or pleasure" be the past four wctks, as the residents d s ti, j .xlu trv th .ir refreshment,, that vicinity c.n testily. j T.ieii if you arc not ready to leave the Whde the r.iii was falling Mr. Hutch- ' tp Jul wjjl to i,ny A tt, Watch aud inson clirtibed up one of the trees to make , cji;1jn fur t!0 least money, or an engage an investigation, but failed to unravel the j UK.nt rju;r ,r y,.ir betrothed, or ev. 11 mysttty. The leaves and twigs Were j W;U)t ,u Mlt yxnir watch by the standard perfectly dry, and while he was in t,ic4 time, call on Bensley & Houston, and Mr. top of the tree, be could see raiu coming - rrr in wjh very politely fit you up. I Joxvn jr,n, abve him. These are tl i -iet an l ,hc ni. n can now take tho j i case. Charlotte OLvrvcr. j 'J'oTlie.Uarrifl Married life is n it all made up of sunshine 1 . 01. . 1 ..-:m ..n;.rc .1 ii-L-.-n ' an 1 pcac' . ouauown vua.-uuivuiui.i ,.... ..v... . . j, :.. .b wil! oft.-n l lie UIMHUMIU ... . ( . . . , , '1 .1 - 1, bide behind a cloud which apparantly lu.s tt,-;.,.. Ttt do not fret over it. ! lit? t Make up your mind start new. Uegin i.-...4;n vimr boo".- of e voerie-nee. and try 10 foi-'et tho Wots and erasures on the lactone. Above all things, preserve aacredly the privaces of yotrr house and married liV No -.d is .gained by im-1 to ihtivo friend th irow and disappointments you endure; and so .r.er or later you rj sure to regret miking wieh a confidence. There are few- who can be trusted with the secrets of yolir dady life-there are few who will not whimper the story of your marital difficulties to j some "dear confidential friend." and doou . your private affairs are freely discussed by all your aepaainee, and emi nmtel upon without stint, turnishing food fbr gossip over many a tea-table. Duild your own ijuiet world, not alio ving your dearest earthly fiu-nd to bg the confidant ot aught that concerns your doni'jstic peace. Knelt e:ts ArnJcaalvo. The best Salve in the world for Cust TJruisos, Sores, Ulcers, ait lviieuui, ee.. Sores. Tetter, Chapped bands, Chilblains Corns, and all skin Kruption, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required, it iso-uaranteid to give pcrteet satisfaction or money refunded. Price 21. cents per l&z. Tor sale by T. U. uooi v v.u. SailTHFlELT), N. C, A "i'i-i; Orf.r.8'2jy .iiort Cut. Ma EnrroUt. "Yiih y.'Uv consent T will give to tle readers ofy-mr valuable paper a brief ac count of a trip on the Short Cut to Fay 0'F we started I found a seat by one of J,,hustoji' brightest aud cleverest voitn" i -, " J . m.Ht who was hi way to Wade tu take chariieof the Ilailroad business there. Wo y,:ltt,d away the time very pleasantly un- til wes eama to hU dtiny, where he alighted and loft me to finish the trip. I j wsthen m the bona Is ot that most nt.tett t o!j 0tMny, rutnberia.vl, w hioh was f..rnied "a; v--..r 175, and a eW vems i .. r or a.out ..Ki, l.iuit a Utile vdlago CJi,-tl l'a,i.i,ll;i.wt. ; alter ward, its name Was changed to C ross Creek, and still l .ter it, 1TSlj i:s ltll0 XV;1S c a:ig. d to Fy- I otlCvil: , ,!,.. .r of G.Mieral Ijifiyette, -, "ho wis a native of Francs and who px-rilied his life aiivl ibrtu e in the cause 0 liberty. It retains that name today ;,J may it ever prosper under that name j.. sin,s,.r;s wish. Well, back to my u m. I arrived at the Fay depot, there ;i i numbv r o the you ng men and la- dies, besides some older ones were gah- cr.'d to weleotne the shrill whistle on the novv road. I rtthained a couple of days ; tl, historical old town and took several strolls viewing its maoniiiixnt stores and caught vty eye was the elevated Gash ltoad , that is very peculiarly arranged so that eaoh salesman ends the cash of each aJ0 to the cashier, who is a pleasant look- cetiier of the store. The proprietor is p.iote atii aiteiKtve I then called at a Messrs. ll.se and Leoak's, where 1 met with many atttraciiotis. There I found another "Cash iload"' similar to the one 1 have already s;-okcn of. One of the eh ver prop:ieior, Mr. Leeak, to k me on a trip over their handsomely arranged buihli ig. We went up to the third story on their elevator .and there toy eye met with the nu;St beautifulline d" carpets I ever saw. p 1U there I vidted Mr. Niuimoek's j iHtc Viih "s largest cotton buyers and quite dever remleiunu I think. k pv;,kin C- Co's large and Wl.u furnW.e-l buildi.ig, I spent a short j time. I then dropped in at the O'wrvcr j o5Hee, was warudy received by Mr. j Myrovcr, who Was very jolly and entertain- imr. I tb.en wen, on my tour to Messrs. Ptmbeiton Jfc Prior's, who are engaged in the drug business, also il, is h -a l-i't u ters V'fitr the rsit mineral waters, ice cold soda, wij if any id' Johnstou's good people . i.vVv.tevule ana happen to such luck . - - as to n.,,.j phyician, want a leg or arm I sphY.U rcd, or a dose of physic, call on Dr. Ivy at Smiih's drug store. As I strolled uown the f-treet from the Lurt House some ladies cams meeting m? ; the siglit. .... , . I 1 1 j. of those ladies 111st at that place brought l tnose 1 . to m -mory that n..b:e and heroic ...ra ! McDonald of th Revolutions who (history ! tells us") lived on that street near the j bridge: l ayettev.de, (ros Creek, o. j whatever banner it has boomed under w ! umb-ubtediy one of the most historical towns in the State and until this day can M-t of some of th. inherited beauty and j netor m. rive Rules rr Rys. 1. How ever much you admire any one. never allow yourself to bo influenced by that one to do what nu know is wrong. 2. Never follow any one bl.ndly; make sure what it is you are asked to do, and what pnqi se is to be served by doing it. 3. Always think of what the thing you are tempted to do would lead you to, and 1 am you t fist 4 F,lUo,v tho loail,.rship of no one who sneer? at those whom you know to bo good people 5. Rather deny yourself pleasure that are lawful than expose yourself to tempta tion you are too weak to resist by be c ming a close conipauion of an evil doer. Kx v linn jr.. The largest stock of Furniture and greatest, variety ever 111 Smithgeld just re ecived W. L. Woodall f Co. i JOHNSTON COUNTY, NOVEMBER Mrs. Cleveland AnpJauded. Mrs. President Cleveland not only Rraco nilly dut jiutly s-ubbod tiio brazen-laced rtb els of tlm ikoith who would have her commingle with the daughter of tit-it hell-barn rebel. Jeff lavis. it was arranged that Mrs Cleveland should receive oills with .he dauph'er of Jetf. Kavis, the wife of ex-l'rcsidcat Tylur and Mrs Lee, the wife of the Governor of Iwohmond. T-ere could b no reasonable objection on Mrs Clevclend'a jrt. tuassociate tvith the two last named Indies because their husbands are repenhantjand liav oooi forgiven, but it is universally known tunc old Jett sti 1 Haunts the 'cVl ua i i the fieo of the nation and it was . , - . , , , , ... 1...1- ,1, VVli .rtav dt lier t mix with his daughter. yfiS19 ""' P'M' ' yre ia tLt infatuous tVV loacged d in jminao ap whose beafw is aa Klf,i- na n..f;iMrt.n ns tho het of oM hini,el. nd who llt t0 S0l., out fifty years in a dur.geou, if his life shlUiknast nn , chained down betwoen p!,0 cat ;U, a hy g ich futuIs a,j . .i ,t . , ,.i i, ,..,..; I( ft ckvi;iz;( clUll ry. Xo place ou (lol's f)tt,r,i cnld produce .Uoh a hell-born j demon but lbs .Northern section of this Union, and we arc thankful that but few spots in that section can get up uch vil liany and deviltry its this gaoul would if he cottld. Such cattle ought to be ignored and.os tricised by all decent people everywhere. Jeff. 'Davis towers above him and his lik in true, nobility, greatness and manhood like the llocky mountains above Lhe sur rounded pebbles. In patriotism, virtue and honor there is no compaiison. This villion and all like him, and all who believe as he does, are unworthy to unloose the latchet td Jeff. Davis" shoes. They arc unlit to lick the dust Irom his feet. 3Its. Cleveland never met and never will meet a purer, nobler specimen o woman-kind than Misj Winnie Davis. She is no bet ter herself, if so goodf and if We could so far forgot our own manhood as to believe that, to avoid meeting Miss Davis, she stayed a way from JJiehmond we should forever despise her and all liKe her. We hope all ueh vioians as the Author of tlx? above will stay away from the South, and if Mrs. Cleveland or any one o!se is inspir ed or impregnate with any such hellish and diabolical thoughts and motives as thi.i fiend seems to be, we hope and trust they will always remain North and never come South. To be forever flinging at Mr. Davis, and pouring out the accumulated vi.ds of wrath on his defenceless headed, is so mean and eon'emptible, that none- but human dogs and hyenas will engage, in it. jlfr Davis is farther fon being a traitor or guilty of treason thnn the scoundrej who penn ;d the above, and is as far from being a traitor under thel aws and constitution of his conn ( ire n ibe reat General who led the Un- - ..;. ..-:..,. T T.. i ami j other then Soutlurn Centrals are repentant., f. , v contemned and despised of all inen. It we had possessed t'le power jlirjn tbe War, Wc would have killed in j i.-j.p, ,tK, jast IR,on man. Without that power, we did all we could to gam the re sult. We have not repented of it, and God forbid we ever should. It We had not done all in our power to make the last one bite the dust, we should despise ourself to day. The war has ended, the Uuiou has been lveon-tiucted, and we have become "nr ought to have become brothers and com mon countrymen. Wesiy damn thrive damn the villian who are forever stirring up the embers in search of live coals to rekindle the old fires. Scotland Neck Da itt'tcrat. Republican l&ot at Senator Senrtor Henry L Dawes was one of the speakers at a Republican rally held recent ly in llostcn. The manner in which he was received f bowed that he had lost his hold on the 11 -publicans in this part of the State. No sooner had he begun his ad dress than the entire audience began to yawn and scrape their feet. This was followed by the ringing ot chestnut bells, hooting and cheering for Tohn D. Long, the opponent of Mr. Dawes in the soiuing Seuatenai contest. Tho meeting became so boistrous that Gov7ltobiD.son was com pelled to inform the audience' that he Was presiding over the audience that he was presiding over the meeting and that they could preside at Some other meeting. He was obliged to come to the rescue of the Senator no less than three times. The af fair is town talk aud ex-Gov. Long's friends refer to it as a very significant straw. New York World. Walter Gordon, of Atlanta, is said to have made three fortunes in six years. In Georgia Pacific ho and his brother E. C. Gordon, drew out 107,000 each in clear cash one-fourth of which Walter Gordon invested in plantations. In Sheffield they cleared SIOD'000 each and hold large b'ocks of the stock, now- sis f r one and rising. Just before leavihg for New York thcyT.leared Sl2d'0OO by tha sale of thiir Tetni' s-ee Railroad to the Louisville anb Nashville ysteui. DunU Xurse Sunow. It is never wise to live in thest. Tlicro are ues to hs made of our past which are helpful and which brine; blessings. We should remember our past lost condition, to keep us humble and faiMtfnl. We should remember past failures and and mistakes, that wc may not repeat them. We should remember past mercies, that we may have confidence in new needs or trials in tho fu ture. We should remember past comforts that there may be stars in or sky when ni"ht comes nsniin. But while there are "these true uxes of memory we .should guard against liviug in the past.' We should draw out our life's inspirations not from memory but from hope; not from what is t gone, but from what is yet to come. Por- getting the things which are behind wo should reach forth unto those things which are? before'. Ta!. a ingle point at present: Wc should "rget past sorrows. There nra many peopw who live all the while in the shadows of th ir past griefs and looses. Yet nothing couU bo more unwholesome. What could we say of the man who should build a house for Ii'mself out of black stones and paint all tho walls black curtains over the dark stained wit" dows and put black carpets on every floor and festoon the chambers with funeral crape arid have sad pictures on the wall and sad bookv on the shelves and should have no plants glowing and no flowers blooming anywhere about us home? Yet that is the way some peo ple live. Tiny build houses for their soul like that. They have memories like slaves that let all sweet and joyoas things tnrough J and ret-iu only the sad and bitt-r things. They forget every pleasant thing, but the painful events aud occurrences they al ways remember. They can tell you trou bles by the hour 1 roubles they had many years ago. 'I hey kevp their old wounds unhealed ia th ir hearts. They have pho tographs of all their sorrows arid calami ties, aad all of their lost joy-', but none of their glad things do theykeein mind. The result u that living in these perpetual looms and shadows all the brit 'itness passes out of their lives and they evev lose the pow-r of seeing j-.yous and lov 'y things. The lesson i.s that we ought to- let tho , dead past bury the dead, while we go onto new dmies and seek new joys. We can not get back what we have l.xt by wip ing over the g.-ave where it i buried. Be sides, sadtiess doe not give any Lies.-ing. It makes no heart softer, it brings out no feature of Cnrist-likeness; it only embitters our present joys and stunts the growth of j all beautiful tilings in our soul. The j graces of the hen are like flower plants; thoy will nt bloom in the darkness, but must have sunshiue. We should forget what we have suffer ed. The joy set before us should shine upon onr souls as the sun shines through the clouds. We should cherish sacredly and tenderly the memory of onr Christian dead, but. should think of them as' in the home of the blessed, safely folded, waiting 'for us. Thus the bright hope ot glory slfbuld fill us wiili tranquility and healthy gladness as we move over tho waves of trial. We should icmembcr that- the bles ings which have gone away are cot all that God has for us. This summer's flowers will all fade by and-by, when winter's cold breath smites them. We shall not be able to find one of theai in the fields and gar dens daring the 1 i;g, dreary Months. Yet we shall know all the while that God has other fl iwer preparing, just as fragrant and beautiful as those which have perished. Spring will come again and under its warm breath the earth will be covered once more with rich flora I beauty as lovely a that which perished in the autumn. So the joys that have fadud from ourhotnas and hearts are not the only joys; God has oUir in store, just as rich and as fragraat as those we have lost, and in due time ho will give us these. Then in heaven he will bestow unspeakable joys, which never- shall be taken away. Ve should therefore forget the sort- w in things 5f the p 1st an 1 re.aoh forth tor the j iys that wut on the-earth, and to the eternal blessings that wait in heaven. In our darkest night we should look up and forget the darkness a we gaz y. pon the bright stars, "vhieh twinkle so brightly and so beautifully above us. IieUy Miss Lamar. Among" the "''cibinet rosebuds'" who will blossom out into society here this winter the most attractive by far is Mis Jennie Lamar, the eighteen -year-old daughter of the Secretary of the Interior. Sin? is al ready known in society, since she has been for a year the chief social support of 'her widower father. She is a typical South ern beauty. 7er form is somewhat tall, lithe and willowy, her movements particu larly graceful, and her manner marked by the parliculiar high culture observable in blus blooded Southern ladies. She has an oval face, almost perfect in contour, olive complexion, a pretty rosebud mouth, and velvety brown eyes, which are wonderfully expressive. For the first time since Mr. Lamar came to Washington he has taken a whole house and proposes to entertain this winter on a scale only below that of Secretary Whitney. Washington Letter to Philauelphia Pres. 13. 1830. Takes pleasure in greeting: the good people of Johnston counts, and eonfrratnbites tliem iiport" their extended Railroad facilities. Ulth pardor.p.Me pride wo announce thnt we have the lar gest store, the largest stock and the most perfectly arrnio'cd establishment n the entire State. A single glance at. th! insMe of our Mauimoth Store will convince anyone that we carry tha largest LINE OF flOODS contained under any one l oof, south oj .iadon & Dixon's line. 1 N SI TTvS J, e snow perfect lines in elegant black Gins' Grain. Striped and Colored IN SATINS. Onr assortmcbt is unsurpassed in beautiful Mark, colored, striped and in ar--cat. TJ VEWFTS An unusaally handsome exhibit is i. ade of .Silk Velvets, strip ed Velvets, Tuft YelveU and Brocaded Velvets. IN SIEEi IIA SH2S are Been all colores in great variety, IN FINE DRESS GoODS. All the novelties are secured and ex hibited, among which are "Striped I5ucle, Asuabet, all wool suit'ngs, 40 Inches wide; Oueko, all w.ol suitings, 54 inches wide; Cashmere Diagonals, Cashmere .V'uhlimo l.nn2, ali wool Tric ots, lirillianliiies. Cashmere I'ldqtic, Travels, Fancies. Serges, , Co lured Faille, Colored Ithada mes. . . r . Wc give a hcant'ful dipslayof Felt Ball Edgings, Woliair Marabout Trhnminj, Fcathors Mar about T' imniiiijrs, liea .eu Gimps, all colors, entirely new; r icot Braid,' Laeinjrs Cords, Bea ded l'assannintiae, and all the new designs, in Buttons in uuu.ee doshgns. If BLACK GOODS our assortment is pet feet.' A large and full line of Mourning good, including sitk Wrap Ilea rietta , Crepe Cloth, Velwurs Broche, Black Bhadsiiies, etc. In Wraps we take pleasure in directing j-our attention to the most complete array ever shown in this part of the country, u cluding short wraps, in cloth and Brocade silks: Newmarkets in cloth and Brocade nilk. all handsomely 1 imnied in the ncircst designs; sea! l'lusli aacipics, 40 inches long, satin liacd a beautifully wrap. 3ILDAIKS IF lEIEUlf DESCmiPT3I)H. In Carpets a very heavy and handsome stock is shown embracing cvrry available Novelty in Chinese Carpeting in I laid an I stripes, Ingrains 3 plays, Tapestry, Tapestry Brussels, Body Bmswels, Broche, Velvet, Attains. er, stair Carpet in Ingrain and Brussels, Hemp, Sic. In shoes our assortment is pcrt'oet in all grades. Ve are Ihe sole controllingagent in the city for the celcgrated Zieglcr Bros' Fine shoes, and no one else can buy or ne.l them in this terri tory. There are no other Zieglcrs make of shoes, but to got the gensin einpdre and look for the brand "Zicgler Bros." Kvcry pair is branded. We show these goods in every style and designs known to the aristie trade, "We use Our Best Endeavors in the arrangement and extent of our stock to save the Ladies trouble of going from one (store to another inorder complete their memorandums, and we natter ourselves that we can, with out trouble fill any memorandum in the Lry Goods Line, hereby nbviatbig to the purchar much annoyance. FORTH I" BENEFIT Or OUR LADY I'ATUON'S we have connected with our establishment a handsomely furnished Parlor, ami Toilet Room, a ioatu ,-c in the Dry Good business not piMsessed by any other Houaie in the cily. MAIL ORl'El'3, and orders for samples solicited aud promptly attends 1 to. FRATSTK THORNON- FAYET'EifiVILLE, N. C. IM 11 ) ilD on M II Ul ii r 1 (OPPOSITE OLD STAND,) With the J-argosi Stock of Staple and 1137 Gi033rlS3 P r ovisions, Etc., Ever offered to the purchasing public of Johnston and surrounding counties. As an evidence of our increasing bus in.ss, wide-awake buyers are being con v.'Ticsd that merchants whohandlc one line of goo-ds only and buy in large lots cau givff .bargains. 40t BARRELS, JPLOUR, Fresh "round put ef New Wheat, 'nst received at " 1 10.1 AKSON & iLAKE's. Trice from 4 t.1 So ?v barrel. 2 Gar Loads Salt, Coarse and line ground Aiion r.rft Mown just received at Wi i.iamsO & IXike's. 10 Boxes C. R. Sides, Just, received nt Wiia.iA.MSox & i'l-VKi;.. 53 BOXeS CakeS and CraOKerS, At Factorv Prices just received at (ilia.lAMSOS & ULAKE S. 25 Boxes Tobacco, From 2-3 cents per pou id up, just received at Williamson & Blaku ; s. Car Load Bagging and Ties, At rcdnccd prices, just received at W illiamson & Blake s. qo j3o3ce- Tai-bell'-s Clueeso (The Finest on Earth,) and oilier grades just received at Williamson & Blake b. 25 CASES STAR LYE, Just received at Williamson & Blake's. 25 CASES IIORSEFOIID S BREAD P'lEl'A RATION just received at Williamson & Blakk s. Crockery, Wood and Willow Ware, Glass Ware, Lamp Goods, Tin Ware and a thousand other thiugs just re ceived at Williamson & Blake's. They have the goods and the lowest prices. Consult your interest by giving them a call before buying elsewhere. Very respectfully, Williamson & Blake. STOP AT THE CUMBERLAND HOUSE, Near the Depot, FAY ETTE V J LLE, N. C. D 'HBEIiL., Proprietor. Thjs is the largest house in the city, is lo cated in a beautiful grove, has recent improve ments and is iu the business part of the town. Polite attention and good tare. A. E. Rankin. S. C. Rankin. A H. Sb.comb. A. E. Rankin & Co., Wholesale Groccrsand DEALERS IN Fertilizers, Old Hickory WAGONS and CARTn. Post-Office Building, Person Street, FAYETTEYILLE, N. C. wy & mi Keep in stock a nice line of docks, -Watches, IND JEWELRY". Repairing done in the best possude manner Sonth Side, Hay St., near Market Plaice, FAZKTTEYILLE, N. C. 111 iu 1 1 1 11 LW OMILW 111 B A & H0M01 NO, 23 mmmm n IP ft I) LI ) 0 j- We wish to direct the attentat-; tha public to our large ant I Well selected slrock of goods 110. v in stoj e. We canj tko largest stock of llardi vare in th country, and can and will sa 1 hardware- tbeaper tban can be sold by any gix-vij desLsT. If you Want stoves acid tin warwy If yon want crockery and glas ware, If you want wood ainl willow TTatc, If you want builder's hardware. If you Want to build or repair a wagon. If you want to build or repair a iWggy, If you want saddl-'s, bridles ;n 1 Wueur U you want to paint yniir liouet If you Want to dry or preserve your fruit. If you want to cut your wheat, gra-wi a?4 oats, If you want sash doors and blinds, If you want to run a cotton ginr saw mill If you want files, oil, iaec Ieathcrand If yuU want guns and ammunition, belts. If you w.:ut pocket and table cutlery, If you Want t he best razor in the wor If you want to fence you farm, J If you want to shoe your h0re, la I - Ja want the best plows wsand cubivatora. ft ou want the best noes, rakes and forks, It you want the best iron aud wood pump f you W;Tut fly' traps and fly fans, If you Want to rest whed you are tired If you want to be rich and happy, Buy your goods of E. J. & J. F. HOT Y 3-1-1 y. Smith field, X. C. WELCOME To all Visiting1 Our We would extend a cordial WELCOME and invi.ati&n to call at our DRUG HOUSS. On Kyles Comer, Fayetteville, IT. C PemLcrton k Prior, Wholesale and Retail Druggists. SMITHHEZJ) P20SUCE Corrected Weekly by Williamson & Blake, Wholesale and Retail .Grocers. Western Sides, N. C. Hams, " Sides, " Shoulders, Hog round, Lard, N. C, Ij:ird, Nortiiern, Com, Meal, pc 100 lbs, OaL, Flour, Hay, Hay, (crab grass) Lime, !! -"Vr.' 1 .Chickens, Beeswax, 8aS 1215 10 J 11 10at2 9al() 75aH0 Sl.50aSl.C0 50a"5. S4.OOaSd.00 81.00aS1.10 40a50 1.50 12al5 121a25 20a22j II III mm 1LUJ M UUift ! i ! I -1 j 1 ! ,1 Mi

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