-T 1 1 " 5a . W.-.At3L.waga i i r -i in S- i I r I I . 4 M 1 1 1 F- S ; : i i s.t:rLL ROORK, Editor and Prop'r. SATGRQAY, NOVEMBER 13, ISS6. PUBLISHERS AOTOUNCEHE-TT. The Smith field Herald is published erer aSats'.fdav. Ba(p$ of Subscription. One t'epy One Year, $1.50; One Copy Six sfontLs. Tcts.; 0 Copy Three Months, fcOcts. la future, r name entered without payment, Mvi do pjtper sent after expiration of tunc paid or. Every body will be treated alike, and these rules strictly enforced. KBtercd t Postofiicc as second Ciassmattcr. IV TALK.. LOOHliVO BACH. HTte heat of the canvass is over, the flection ha3 passed, and the result is Tvell .nigh ascertained. It seems to be pretty ..Troll established that the House will be in , t'le hand? of Independents and Radicals it is quite certain it is cut of the hands of the Democrats. The people of the great . State of North Carolina have said that thej do not wish to trust the regular deui- , ocratic nominees this year. It may be , well for democrats to investigate this mat ter and endeavor if they can to ascertain : the cause of this refusal of support by the people of this State. This paper, as its course clearly indicated daring the campaign vras thoroughly democratic, be cause it believed the interests of the whole people would be most effectually advanced by the su cress of the nomiuees of that great party. Now the campaign is over, and we propose to deal with solid facts, we propose to speak our convictions lot it hurt whom it may, we intend to do this first for the good of the people, and secondly for the good of the party. There is surely some meaning in this reverse of fortune, when we heard the returns from our own county, we were down-hearted, we may say We were crashed, because we frit we had been derelict of duty, and we were afraid that some of the blai of the defeat in this county lay at our door, but the defeat is not confined to county or dis triit, but it extends all over the State. This led us to believe that it was not owing to mismanagement during this campaign, but to a deeper cause and one which is much more difficult to remedy. It will be remembered the last legisla ture was largely democrat!-. Io the Sen ate there were forty three democrat? and j - nly seven repuineaus ; in tne nouse there wene ninety seven democrats and only twenty-three republicans. Flattered by these majorities and by the confidence which people reposed in their party, the members of the last legislature set them selves to the task of making Jaws f r the people. They seemed to feel from the sumner io which they made laws, from the laws that they . made, that neither the powers in the heavens or on the earth or in the waters under the c: rth could cast them out of power. They dealt out money as if the treasury ot the uuiverse Were at Raleigh and under their control ; that leg- ! i 5l.1t ure was generous in the extreme, probably but one other more liberal legis lature ever assembled in North Carolina, They seemed, too, to feel that they were eudowed with the most profound wisdom thej seemed to think that- the toiling thousands who sent them there were abso lute idiots in regard to what Was best f .-r them in certain local matters. In short a long lease f power had led them to the point wlvre they ceased to consider them selves the servants of the j ,1 -i pent t Kuleurh to carry out the wishes of the f j-eople. They gave away convicts to their favorites, when other rich corpora tions were Pegging to hire them, they not only gave the convicts, but the guards also. They made numbers of minor ex travagant donation.-, which ii the end The Richmond Dispatch correspondent from Raleigh says of the recent- election in this State. Fcr three days thinking democrats hate bad iJl the horrors of 1863 '70 before them, as they thought of Republican rule. Many gave up the Legislature, the courts, Sze., and the blackness of despair seized them. Negro rule, the abolition of county government, the squandering ol public money all thesp things rose up before all peop e who have not lost the power of re membrance. So many Democrats appear to have lost that remembrance, and to their anger or their apathy is due some, at least of Tuesday? drcadtul Work. But the earapaiga of 1SSS that is the next question, and it is a burning one. It will be equal tb that of 187t and conducted on the same basis. The color line was uo drawn this time. Zeb. Vance will come to the front again, and, if popular wishes count for anything, Thomas J. Jarvis will be a central figure. Tht man of men, on whom many eyes are now turned, will be here next month, and it will astonish your correspondent if he is not, after all that bxs been said, put in Ransom's place as senator. People talk of this daily. There is opposition to Ransom. It deepens day by day. Candid people speak of it freely. There will be a new policyjthe last Legisla ture made not a few enemies. These thuiga have cot been generally talked of. It is best to talk of them, to reason together, to set matters arisrht, for The Democratic party has set its face towards the goal o' great victory two years hence. The "old guard" of the party pledged themselves to do that in twenty-four hours after last Tuesday's sunset. This dose will do good after all, bitter as it is. lion. His duty shall be to visit each school in his section at least once a week, to make suggestions to the teachers, and to aid in controlling the "bad boys" of the schoels. If this plan Would be carried out proper ly, there would be no excuse for committee men's not eniployioy lady teachers. These superintendents could control all bad boys This would open a field fer lady teachers. The people would soon learn that the lady teachers could do better work than the men and generally cb eaper, and in a few years our public sehoots would be taught almost entirely by lady teachers. I know of nothing that would arouse greater inter st in the education of the whole people than would the putting into effect this plan. "I. T. T. TO Til E SCHOOL COMMITTEES EX. If you have no teacher employed to teach your school, apply to me at once. I have the names and addresses of several teachers who want situations to teach. Ira. T. Turlington, Co. Supt. Pub. Inst. The place to get choice fruits, confee tioos, Etc-, is A. C. Nichols, next door to Sasser, Woodall & (Jo. The Democratic majority Carolina will be about 18,000. in North If Yoxi Wish a Sao! Articlo Of Plug Tohacen. ask vonr dealer for OLD RIP." EDWARD Oil Jr. ATT0EHE7 and COUNSELLOE AT LAW, SMITHFIED, 1ST. O . Practices in all the Courts cf Wilssn, Wayne nd Johnston. WILL ATTEND TJ1E FEDER AL COURT AT UALE1G. Office in Court House. E- W TOU. !-r. H- T MASSES pOU &. JASSJEY, Att-rnajat-Liw-aasL 3s al Estate Agents, SMIIITFIELD, N. C. If you wish to buy land or to sell land, per haps we can aid you. We can negotiate loans, for long or short torm? on real estate in .Johnston county Persons wishing to lend money or to borrow money on mortgage of land nny 15 uu it to the. r interest to call ou SR. art J.A.M UllUitll The President and bis Presents Among the wedding presents tendered President. Cleveland last Jan was a grand piano, the gtftgf Mr. William S'.enway, of New York. It has beensuhject to his or der; and yesterday was sent over to "Red Top" and placed in the parW. Speaking of the piano, the President has been told that during President Grant's terra nearly every room in the White House was furn ished with a piano until the number got so large that the servant's room in the base ment had to be used to store them in. Nearly ever maker of piaruis in the coun- ry thought it a duty to present the Gen eral with one. Their appearance at the en trance of the White House was the firt known of their coining. President Cleve land in accepting bridal gifts has taken care that none of "them enter into the furnish ing of the White House. Nearly every artieleof the many receive! will be utili zed in the country house at "Bv.'d Tiy." The only covenieuce the hou.e will not have is gas, the nearest gas, main being over half a mile away. The cost of run ning one out to "Red Top ' would be too givat for the betieSt conferred, so that the elegant citndelabran presented to Mrs. Cleve land will furnish part of the parlor and dining rojni decoration. A"ec ',.rk Herald. In the North Carolina Senate there will be ten democntttc majority. FOR SALE CHEAP Two good mules, two carts, one brood sow, with pigs, 3tid one shoat, can be bought low for cash, at Wihiamson & Blake's. Ourriairo Manuiacturej's AITD UNDERTAKER VEHICLES at Hock Bottom Prices. Dewlrs in Columbus nn Cincinnati Bnfc A&i, Twiggy and Wagon Harness, Sndules, Bri J'il- eto. kert in stock, levy low for crnh- Cokm and Uurial Cases furui.-hel on snort Cxttnlt your interest situl give them a call -uu eiivmino fiieir SiocJc oetore purcna'iBg ihYWhere S;it.-l:u-tion vuiranteJ. WIDE oehstii Indiana L(gi datura Democratic by 2 j And ready for Business, with a CHOICE majority on joint ballot. This insures thie i stock of elcrtion of a Deraocrat to succeed Harrison Carefully Selected GrOCDrieS. in the U. S. Senate. J . , , Maple Drv tlouls, l?fots and h es, ( rockery. PAY UP: Those who bought Guano of! w.-ne. Snuff,' ""isar me last spring are requested to come tor ward and settle by 1-t of November: all nott-s are now due and must be paid. Respectfully, F. O. IIvmax. ten and JJ illow Ware. Tin- rs and Tobacco, and Miany other thins too nimierous to mention; we are The next Uuitcl States gonate will stand 37 dcmocrals and 30 repuhl can, with Riddlehurirer ciafel with the latter. This is a gain of 3 for the democrats. Not o bad after all. Amovo other things recently presented at the United States Treasury Department for redemption w a package of :Continnnal note. amounting to three thousand three hundred and seventy dollars, of the fcsue ol 177897, sent to Treasure. Jordan by A. M. Sea well, of Washington city. The notes are ot the denominations of 55. $0, S70 and 880. Th-v are about two and a h:lf incl es nrpiare and yellow with, t, but not torn. The Controller, has not decided yet whether this particular is sue nviy be .-elytnd. but he will proba bly ."Uecid as in the ea: of other issues that it Is not. EAD-QUARTERS . FOR- , FBESH GOODS, a'luost daily. EDTJCTIONAL.. A SrCGCSTIO.. Aclierw. Bloo-1 Elixir is the only Blood R "nieily guaranteed. It is a roitire curs I t Ul cers, Eruptions or Syphilitic Poison in. It nriSes the whole -tystem, and baul-bes nil l'heumatic and Neuralgia pains. We R-i. r.sntee it So'd by Sass r, Waoda'l f-Co. Day's Horse Powders increases the nature tendency of swine to take in Cob; it is the best in use. Dr. Hull's liaby Synip is al war safe and reliable :md uever disappoints. Give it a trnl. -7i c-nts. i l ..i.i.. i. i.: rv i..ir., i .i.: lo my last article, wifii.T km, I . i;u i ,".; i ' more t ills botore o:stiveuess beo-nics cousn t.ttea that 1 would make a surestion As we are receiving ahuost daily. W pay Highest Prices for Country Produce in exchange for Goods. We hope by strict attention to siness, and Politeness to our Customers to merit a share of their patronnge. Our motto is M MM asfl Measure, AND A Square Deal, vjuaiinjieeiiig oqous as represented. e Buy for Cash, Aid sell for CASH or BARTER, thus insuring the LOWEST FR2CES frr GOOD GOODS. Call and see us. You wiU find us cn Market Street, foui Joors i.ast ot the Couit House. Respectfully, Scott & Whittington. Smithficld, N. C, Sept. 15, 18SG. amounted to & great d ?al, atuong them 8500 to put a tence around a tombstone. They put the no-fence law dii tweuty-two counties against the cxpresHl desire of the people, and iu some c-aes with some re publican assistance th.-y forced this law . 1 .!.- over me ueaus oi lue n'ire main es uo , r:. i. ..... r it .- . t - Jik utatruity ..t e Meeting this ch.tiiire were pledged aiiainst it, and who AVere j , . , , . fi' , , r , , - 7 : is ii tilt il .il :i n,!il lM?. .r t..r oriwr...l which, if can id out, would cause our far mers to educate their daughters. Tlus can probably be accomplished in two ays. If we can sh:w them tie! necessity if educating girls; i;' wee.inshow j thtinti..:? v. e i:i u , r av.i - -daaa- ; ted and intelligent people till our I women are educated; if they can be made ! to see that the children of educated moth- j ers are much more intelligent and will make more useful men and woiien thin tlnjse whose mother-- are illiterate; if all : this e;iu Le shown them, they wi! educate t their girt as well as their lnys. i To do all this will reipaire time and a j pation. 'Sells like hot c; kes," Drexe!"s Rell Go- JooTie :1! THE GSEIT l CUBES DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION WEAKNES3, CHILLS AND FEVERS.' , MALARIA, LIVER COMPLAINT, KIDNEY TROUBLES, ' NEURALGIA AND RHEUMATISM TT give NEW LIFE to th whole SYSTEM by Strengthening the Muscles, Ton ing the NERVES, anil completely Di gesting the food. JT is Invigorat ing and De lightful to taVe, and of great value m 0 Medicine for weak and Ailing Women and Children. great deal of h ird Work. I d nMt vii-h to undertake, j The ot her wa v of effect ir tl.i It is a ta?k I ' ehted-tfjlely on those pledges. On the other hand this h-dy f j wt itnen i tiere is no demand tor educated O a : fiiiile lahor. If there rsr-. sm-li :i .'N iii in.l refust?.! many worthy objects recounition S .1 : .1 c 111 1 J - . - . i the jins f nun the farms would be attend- and assistance, the chiefest being the jp-f - 1 i o . 111 1 lvpiiat.hn to the Insane Asslum, we ; . ' j . 11 J ' 1 to IDCCI ttl4 Ui'III:init. ipnK mi mviiiu. venture there is sea reel v a count v iail in . - . . . . . the State that h isn't a craav inmate. To ! force thas poor deluded to suffer the pun ishment due only to criminals is a sin and a shame upon our humanity. That legii lature was informed, Dr: tlrissom's able re port to the legislature continued a most touching appeal, that that geuerous body of men app.opriate sufficient money to crwt a separate building for the harmless insane, but when the bill came before the House it received such cold support that it was soon frozen out. Be it said to the cicdit of the members from Johnston they 'voted for the bill. We mention these things because they are the truth, and because they were 'Wrong, and iu thy hepe that this Senate which is democratic will take warning. The day has passed when the party can rrtie through by arousing the prejudices of tha people. The people think thjy have fully paid the dewt they owed to the party Tor turning out the carpet badgers in 1S68 and 1869. They are not taking much stock in civil rihf these uays either, but ihey are turning their thoughts 10 living issues. If the present body of den o.-rats in the legislature are they will take cuj for 1B8S. CONTAINS SI t I no hurtful If l! j tion lor. which women are better suited and do pursuit which suits them better than ehoi teaching. Woman naturally has more influence over small children than men have. Woman wields mighty in fluence in the world and here is where il is first felt with the child. Where is the sne cuessful honest man who does not owe his success to a kind aiother? If woman wiclos such an inliuence over children, should she not be their teacher? Besides this we more ftcquently find first class instructors, those wno are peculiarly btteu lor imparl imr ! know-ledge., among lady teacher than among male teachers. Thera is one particular in which, ir is claimed that lady teachers are deficient, that is in controlling large boys who have never been controlled at home. The com mitteemen urge this as theoniy objection to lady teachers for the public schools. My suggestion is that the School Law be changed so as to allow the county boards ot education of the State to divide their respective counties into section, say of ten districts each. Let a good, energetic man be cmpbyed as superintendent of each se c A Book, 'Volina, trr lead in if Shysicians. telling ow to treat dis eases at HOME, mailed, together with a set of hand some cards by new Heliotype process, on receipt of zo c. rr lf. fcy ?? si met.'. flrwi s;ii11 tii t.ur t.r vtHt M kxrp TlkLIM KII Ai, rM t $1.0, suj tall tut . aulU will Im ml, Hrs a-l. riiBr over v VoSina Drug and Chemical Company, BALTUWaK. as, c a. A. Minerals, ia com posed of carefully selected Vegeta ble Medicines, combined ssill faily, making a Safe and Pleasant Kennedy. FOB. LIYEH MIWaMVbl ith a lirown fur : (Mir. in the back, lides. or Joint oAea R'eyntii ; MnP MmaB ; Im mt aa ' "n,m imw n.l witrerbiash. or indicitioQ: . "crn IcM er-jcU;ioa: hnwels alternately costtre l U: knrfwkrt los ofn-emorr. with a rHuaful sen sation of having ta::ed ,.i do umethinj; whirh ouht To r.e ten done ; aeblllrr ( low nis; a thick. yeUcw aftvaranceof theskin an i ojres; a dry c.Kh; ferer: res fcrsnes: the unre s. anty nJ hih-colorcd. and. U avowed to stand, deposits a seJiment. SISSEX0H3 UVER HEQULATOR, rfBELT VEGKTABUE, UU EfTECTUU SFEUFIC FOR Malaria, Ttynpepaia, CoiistJpatinii, Ulionness, Flck HcaMiavhe, Jaundice, Kui, Colic, Mental Depression, Dowel Complalnta. Etc, Htc. Ktc, Is cenerally used in the South to arouse the Tor pid Lircr to a healthy action. It acts without disturbance to the system, diet or occupation. It regelates thd IJvar, and causes thcbile to act as the purge. The excess of bile being removed, a tonic eiTect is produced and health is perfectly restored. The Regulator is given with safety and the sappiest readta to the most delicate infant. For all diseases in which a laxative, altera ttve or pnrfrative is needed it will give the most perfect satisfaction. The Cheapest, Purest and Best Family Medicine in the World I av- THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS l LIVER REGULATOR ! &?e that you get the genuine, with the red Z on front of Wrapper, prepared only ty J. H.ZEILIN & CO., ou nionusTOKs, PHILADELPHIA, PA. To the People of Jolmston and ADJOinirJC COUNTIES: I have in stock at both stores on Hay and Gillus.pic Street a large and well selected stock of HEAVY GROCERIES. FERTILIZFfiS, PLOWS, CISTilGS. "Wagon TTarness, and General Farming Implements, to which I invite your attention. I am Agent for celebrated TENNESSEE WAGONS, TAUT "WIIEEIjS, and Axle, and have just received a car load. There is no better wagon made than the TENNESSS3, and it justly merits its repu tation. COTTON AIMD RIAYAL STORES. The highest market prices paid for Cotton and Naval Stores, and consignments in lhi.H line are solicited. J guarantee satisfiicfion. Besure and call aud exam ine my stock when in town. Quotations mailed on application. 3 Hsmssoos?$ nrs wos IS Our Trado has greatly Inercawd, .md we have been continually enl .r in now uutirdy two small fur ui. So we have secured as a our stock so th it the toro WC O.'fH py mm mmt mm urn mum m .V C i u vf0rmer,f C7,,0d hy Mr-'- R- R,rncS- Tn one stwc we keep DRY G001K ihV li I S-Ir'the,nfwe keep CLOTHING AND NATS. We have bought a vry luii the Fall and Y inter 1 radc and we feci confident we cm suit almost anybody needing goods in cur line " We have a much larger stock of JLLi UT!? than ever before. Brides Prints, Gin.,am,P.,nt G.Kds, Plaids, Ti.-Un, Fl.mnels BW-1 n! t bleaehed T)ot,Ktir.s and other G.Kds that von fiu.l in almost ev. rv store w h-, o a niHni f ? v v vl Chores and other Dress Goods.- We have a large stock of Sese GoJd, T'ZJ to MZ' Our stock is complete as to Such as Ladies ; Collars and Cuft, Indies and Misses Jerseys, Ladies' Scarfs, Circulars, Shawl. Gores H mery CoreN Buttons and Dress Trimmings. We sell the well known . ! ' l-ort's' "Earl and Wilson Collars" and Cuffs and the "Celebrated Pearl Shiri," And a full Line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. a , jy Jty) u:L. DJ J ill! JPo We have the Wcrest Stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever brought to Smi l.fi Id. We are re arded bv Cw no i.U tr neic u iau.juaners on mjyj i o anu SliUI'A Uur stoek ot Jioots i. just pl. nli 1 Jin.- J)r.ss (',: L in Boots, Light Kip B-jots. .Medium Weight ,M,ts, Heavy Ditcher s Hoot and B-o.s f..r the Boys and .1-d T..r I!.. .n for the mailer Boys. We have almost ny Style or G:alt or Si.e of .-lio.s -.hat ean l. called for, 1 at . .ri. tint cannot be beaten ui North Carolina. We sell ZIEGLEll BllOTHEBS FINE SHOES. G.ve i:s y. ur tn. !e - a liootS aud shot's :ind v 11 will ni.r. roirrot dniti . ca J - - - - j a i. UVIU We are making a Specialty of Clothing. We have bnnnht a vorv hr? Sto,-k so as to h ab'e fo KUt anvboJv w'i may wish to buy in Quality, Style and Price. We keep Children's Clothing jB..v's Clothin- v- - r , f71othing for the Old Men. There isjosiiively no larp-r stock ol Clothina in d hrr-ton eo intv than ours '-v.j a" ,AVnk,"V.Cr 0Ur tock efUlly before buying. Our piii.es put clothini: in r aJiof ever Lo I. ps!c OA EE COATS at all Prices.- VO yive our tu ti..U;eln what the'." auL We have a Well assorted Stock of Soft and Stiff ats. We are prenan-d The HAT LINE. We can lurnish V 1 THxtra Large Sizes in Hats, Glotliing-, Boots and Shoes. Dozens and Dozens of Trunks in Stock, all sizes and nriee fcWu i hank the M;ood people who trade at Smithfi.-ld lor the liberal pitroria-e they 1, lVe -iven us We huv f tnM" -tio uouca una x aciones at tne lowest puwiblu price, .uju tir aim i- to tro ir ..ur c tom i n.'.it. WE IIUVITE YOU TO CD2V.E A ND SEE US. Tour friends, 1'; l 111 7Y l it FayetteviUe, "N. C. ATfTh m ft i r. w r 0 r. Z 1

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