7 f. ' f t V V ICE 61.00 PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 3 CENTS. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD.' CIRCULATION EXCEEDING 1700. VOL. 10. SMITHFIELD, X. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1900. NO. 27. (H If , MM J SELMA NEWS. CLAYTON NEWS. A TRAGEDY OF THE CIVIL WAR. GENERAL NEWS. Gone But Not Forgotten. ;; Fannie McKay is visiting , Pl Pf-AV- Xewbold spent Sun-Mi- Margaret Ftheredge. j da.v 111 La -range. We are glad to be able to sav ! Miss Vivian Debnam is spend t!, it Dr. Yick is improving. lm 1 air week in Raleigh. Mr. Temple is having his home I Miss Jennie Heal, of Franklin, S A 1 .... 1 i IT ,)'!-osiie iiie .uasouie ixiuge re- i tl" ur- i;urr-i n jh?. i. h McCullers It. J. R. Person. Jr., went to j Robertson & Young's new n moiit Wednesday to see his store on O'Neal street is about j --rents, completed. Mr. K. R. Whitley is having a j Mr and Mrs . Cnrv J Hunter hea-e hunt next im V ASoutnernBndeKilledby a Cannon1 President Kruger, of South! On last Monday morniii" )e Ball While the Marriage Cere- ; Africa, has sailed-from Lorenzo tober 22d, 1900, just after' the uivuy wa uumg uu. .warnues. ior Europe. clock tolled thehourof midn hr. The Legislature of Vermont , ! he .J,01 .f and Mrs Isaac i ? ivi,. w. , A, . Smith was indeed mndp snd clustering about South Carolina's j teu n nnam I'atii inning- f, , , pnf , nnfl , " - - . . I i , . I ...... I w . ' . . i - - - ..,.... v . . v . ;i ' i v Recalling the historic incident xt his house near 0f Kaieio-h attended tl e ccTncert ieU " orn V-p. uiuuu j. aijiiiueu loI1( ei 1 ; lmmediatelv aiter her tV - . llere tlle 1-th 1Ilst- ! to Lieutenant Le Rod T . -a a executive .Mansion, Mrs. ruad-!""" v" ---iawav on its white pinions the deus Horton writes, in the Octo-1 The Kentucky Legislature has! spirit of their dear son "Jesse" ber Ladies' Home Journal, of passed a new election law, to take which we rest assured sleepeth in the shocking tragedy that oc-j the place of the (Joebel law. The the cold and silent grave only to curred there toward the close of j new law is said to be non-parti- await the resumption morn.' northwest oi IU nson. and intcn-ed the war. I his was the death of san. Hie Legislature adjourned1 Jesse was a voimgmaiiof noble ' Sunday eveuinganiid a vast host life passed away. Thelittle, busy, helpful hands are motionless, and the cheerful voice is silent. We feel the sting of pity and sympa thy for the bereaved family, yet has not "every cloud a silvery lining?" 'Death is only a dream, Hon- peaceful tbe slumber! How happy the waking!" The deceased was taken to the family burial ground six miles thedaughterof (Jovemor Pickens i Monde '. Winston W. II. Call, who was at time cashier for the Southern S Ima. has arrived to take T. I. Mclvinne's place at the mill. 'imor has marriage ; ChiirltS I-'Kji.-:-hHi. of Hnston OClielle. ''Oil iUlu t tlu. ,.-,- r.r.,ni,,.,.- u,, ViK I'uilfl !l (W'tCMTl I1TT I HOC:. .-. - , il,. . ... d.,.. , i i . , . V ' . uirii.T hi mi.? luuiui , lias uraei l a to sDend ran week with m.r (,t t l(1 m.i,.,. o.tp t p m-t im-t, . .1 t:..i. .. ...i" ' t i i i . -r- ........... ... .,v,.,..w .m jimiiuev, iur HJiomnevoieu friends m Laleign. ; Army l)eg-an sighing Columbia. fonr vea.rs ago, and is now strong- Prof. J. Ii. Williams, of Chai.flj Llllt preparations tor the wedding Hill, attended theconcert Fridav ' continued. Fifially the guests it that another of evening, the 1 '2th. were all assembled and thei iergy- j man was proceeding witn ti:t supporting Uryan. Prof. Charles U. Eastman in- character, ever striving to live I -A -L 1 1 A P f up xo ine uuties oi me so lar as health would allow, being stricken down with rheumatism when but a boy compelled him to remain in his room up until about two years ago. During these two years he spent the most of his I'eiison . . . 1 m 1 1 . 'm 3l;. Maiden. 01 . mdsor. js. t .. t.m ,.. ,.,,111,. .,,,,1 ,.tli ;,,r. ;.:-mg a helpmeet nere. I he ;.:.,-...,.,.:.:;,,... 1. . 1,. , ; solemn ceiemom. ana nad jusr i ' a i in town iitmg iitr daughter. .i tii v;.-iif 1i.ti.i , !' i;;i" coui)le nave our best ' i : . . 7 ,.to 1 u 1 , -ijoineii the light haad 01 uie 31 1A)ta K- ; happy pair. when, suddenly, there Airs. . A. liobortson left f M: I. h. Mas-ey sj-ent a day (;0idsboro. Snurdav to spend v.r;:hi people this week. I at low tjavs witji relatives. 1 1 ! ttonh won ior mm m.i.iv friends 1 ui a iermanenr place on A. C. L. at Weldon. Success .:::.. He is a good one. K. M. Fox and MU Lilv were married last Wed- lay. 17th. It was kept so -: that vour coi-resiondent i 1 1. tit tind it out 111 time to re- : it lat week. We wish them h jny in their married life. 1 1 orrv indeed to sav t McKinne has decided 1- ave Selma and locate in the : i t wn of Foncord. X. F.. r lit will conduct an up-to- Yl-: valid a!e stable. Mr. . ilobertsoii left fori was an awful crash, and a ball 1 j from the enemy's cannon pene 1 1 rated the mansion and burst in ; the middieof the marriage cham i ber, scattering its de-ith-de.o.!::ig : missiles in everv dir'C"i?.!U. T'ier, :.. v..i . . - 1 1 . ii!"- in r-iiij.i n . ti. iiieie .-L1UCHJ1 111 .ViJLW UL I1UOU1U 1 , l.-wl .11' i . . T- . , uith ins kind acts and loving charged with the murder of his brotiie lVii i..,, iiii.in u,m, 8 .".ti lUt but content with a hone that he shoocmg was accidental. js jn ;.n Henry K. Youtsey, formerly! Mav (iol send a comforter to Governor laylor s stenographer, comfort the bereaved l'ainilv and oi' sorrowing relatives and friends. Hkk Tj:Acin:u. Sad! Ah a good set-off to theextrav 'agant ideas of some ritualists about rigidity of work, read t he following: A Lodge in Indiana was presided over by a Master who had an exaggerated idea of discipline. One night he had met U ,,llU lUC lUillCl Ol ni'li- .it-, irx.mtli .....I.,. 1 I UlClUlllie. UUU J r-in-law, Richard 11. Fro- m tl P llis L iu wiy meeting (not Lartman drains that the i .L nH . I1 1 ?m. ni 'i1 c' a member absent) to instruct prepare them to be readvtomeet dear Ji-.-r-.e in heaven, tii.it place eternal in are . 1 1 . it - v.. i -iiui ii, vi l ur .1.11- 1 -1 .ii 1 .1 1 . t v . - cultural Department. Washing-! l)e.r- llJr. .'VV t 1 (I bel1;? il r..., 11 i t...,-,, ..,,..1- missiles m every dnvc. 1011. i .ieiv.- inncipal 111 the shooting 01 dov. : v fit' ci k iiiu."- itiiu ii iu-inL.i 11:11; ; i iiwaiiiuueuHi.ui ive;n uciv , illlJl i IlOl ma';- Willi HailUS Home vV iii-oii's Lumber I groan : mirrors crashed; the 1 sentenced to imprisonment fori heaven. -Mills are running day and night : house shook: women fainted: life. Youtsey has been ordsred ! in order to keep up with orders, j and walls rocked to and fro. removed to the Frankfort jail. j Mr. I . T. Smithwick. captain ! " When the lirst confusion was j The Fir,t Xatioual Kank tit j of the Naval Reserves, Windsor, i 'r IT oiscoere'i mat m an v tv,.,,4T ; the crowd only one iserson was . ' - 4iXin4. lit. 1 V I 111. week. T ' n. ' iniuied, and that was the bride iiei.-eii. Piif i,i pal ti'. vii i ne Miss Allene .McFullers returned ! noor and partly in her lovers Moniiay oi last week to the iap-; arms. cruslied and bleeiling. pale tist 1 emaie i niversity at dal-;imt verv beautiful, h'-r bridal lii- will. we hope, do well in ; :h Messrs. VA S. Abeil and Ja? U'ellons, of Smithfield, were i gown drenched with warm blood. A.'hd a great cut in her breast, in ! Laving her on a lounge, theiran- Oiit? hy niu' earth's ties are broken. As we sec our lo 'e ih cay; ! Ami ibe hope so forully hei islu i, ! lili "lltlT! Iiilf t. ti:i I'll V lroiidvav and Wall Street, Xew I , , . , ork. lias been robbed ol 1 00,-! As -ve uwar t5he pnore; 000 or thereabouts by its note j For we kuow across the river, teller, Cornelius L. Alvord, Jr. i W uits our lovel one gone before. Alvord has be n in the employ of' the bank for something like; twenty vears. is 5 vearsold and i s dis-! w iiiuia. in. ;i i ... i ... ... . ...i ; ....:,!. ..... 1 1,,.,. I . i - 1 1 - i ii u i ; v Oil I U'( iieSSH 1 1 1 J 1 i t'l it vivniiii i it .v ilii ii i it; i' . unit ior anvt hniL?-. e !' s 11 - li'-llt'l.v Wii iuu. . unui - , LUlSlUt se him and liis ex t. oncord is to on ins locating weighs :jOO )unds. He ha appeared. The Census Bureau has made verv term of tenderness and en- public the returns of population them in the work. Teach inir them the use of the gavel, he had iust called them U with three knocks when he leaned too far back, fell against the window that was behind him, fell through, and to the ground, four stories below, and broke his neck. Picked up the next morning, lie was buried decently, but not a Mason cameto thefuneml. More strange still, not a Mason appeared any more in that village. It was in explicable. Forty women left widows, two hundred and twenty children left orphans, eighty-four merchants left in the lurch with unpaid bills. Twenty years after that somebody went up in that fourth story, broke open the I The one dramatist of the Pari- door, and beheld the Lodge, a ! sian theatres who is doing mar-; Lodge of skeletons ! Strange, but Devoted cousin, Fstiikk. Prolits Made ly Rostand. ...nd . ted huh was cast over -.t Monday morning w ih o: Mrs. Lola M. Fan "si imable wife of I'loi. ..... i f e.i ! -Tnenr to ;i 1 If v T )- cer.-ir., mv iH AKliMlIlil. i l.e I jo 1 Jlll.lilOll OI . . ' . ...r.. . - Miss Janet Fool, who has been ; Tl,.(,f., , t(! h ,,t-lVt!ie State in 10( m is 1 .nLs.;7 as ! K.'tni.,l,1v. Tvt theatres orders oi the w. il., and waiting : vi smng Miss iV-arl lioberttn. . .' ' ' ' i -i'r,ir i ion r ... ' nigr?tly arah I5ernliiirdt s with I ior the knock to sen- t 1 ;:'. returned to her home in Raleigh vu:ito mVle-s'widteThan nsentiug' an 'increase since 1 80() ! '-I-'Aiglon" and the Forte Saint-1 stared to death. Fach was Tuesday. : 1 , . ; , K ', t.i M1-.i.'o n- -o s i.mi- t-u artm with "Uvrano de He-r- i standing in an attitude of re- oar- '". t he cameliias oi ne- bridal oou- OI !.. o.o. v :;.rs pel ceiii. .... . . - . 1, v- ' i i i j i 'I'mU i-itJ i iis-.rK- i w1(riitiv gei.H he is reaping a golden j speetiul attention, "looking to hen or has commenced on the - 4;uet. her bivath coming m sh?rt inisiateoi iiMease is si.ghtu ..' . ,...,r.a i." . i... i 7.:, .. 1 - I 1 'If 11 l t . l ,,i r- -it ii- tMli 1 hot ti.i- t ii. i in .i iiui t t.U. I lir ." I J II ir ill il vj " " i lllf I il. I . 1 1 M i 1 1 ij i 1 J 1 1 1 1 (111- ill - '!- t vo oricM builtliniis which Mr. irasiis. and r Ii blood .iowmgrmm a tei than mat ioi the i-cade , . , , . . . ' t . , ...J . , 'i- . , -i, , . ti..n I';;!) t,. Ken ...i,,,,, ....... me t toei- n;i v. i ij.oi 1 in;' ;unnsi : ing cu i.ens .iOvi'n 1 iici 1 ; n o v 1 1 a 1 1 1 1 . ( hari'-s A. Home wih erect on , this great, angrv ws.'un.l. sh lluil! 1 vM,tl! hea 11 a . J T!. r.t1 , . .. , , , ... i th" daughter 0 Maine street i! 1. .McKiniu ! I re Lei- s'.lf":' .1 oi 1 iiiHf rings wit h loriitude. ii" was a out rive days. Siu beell With r.s a short made many :i ienb: Iliiilble disi io-liio::. who moat hi1 with tht of Clayton people 7 1 ri 1 11 lull 1 Ufsoav. eii- 2 1 .0 y-r . 1 t I t t . I . i h'.th d b aii- 1. is lie 1 in: a ven s gam. lie:- ie taken to Cohlsba-o it. The pali bea.r :. D. Driver. T. V. if. LthereIge. i lem A n-imoei went nesday and Thursday to attend t ii Slate Fair. 3iiss i'e-sie lb ib ri Worikiiig t n. i .v.il-on. who has been visit iii g Mrs. liardie Hoi-ii'. has r.-tui in d home. Mi.-s Ihny Saiarl I 'age. ot Mori i viile. vlio has be 11 visit inn Miss Vivian Debnam, re turned home Fridav. murmuivd ves r t ii man. and received, her hush; rirst kiss. A moment more all was ov.r. Hid".-air. M. Y"'s :M:I T T-et i-r t magnoiitis. and the -learibi bi inegn.;om.reekh-ss wit Ii de. vtf.n :.-'d to his ig;:n.-iit.' .'ie-.-Is r ls, m. M . F. 1 .tlLieltoli. Winston ami BENSON BUDGET. 1 M. Benson is sojourning at ily. v- r,-d if tl.e 1'ovs went to the ; this week. : ; kare being laid down for t;:nk building. ::-ot; ;AV hiiS .lliot 1 l V dealer ' ); -S i I III I'.iUlt v ' . i i i 1 1 e : 1 1 i : i h a s o 1 i 1 1 a c t - r a neat cottage I'd not get sc;jivi n your .ieari uoabl.-s you. Mot Iik-ly y ei suffer from indigent iom K- (.' ) Dysp.epsia Fr.r ligets -vlia.t y j eat ami gives the worn oat stom ach perfect rest. It is the only preoaration known Thar com- i i , -r 1 pleteiv diiiests all classes oi ioons: re here last j i . -. , t inat is way ii cures iiie worsi 1 cases of indigestion and stomach lolm Lewis )ieaclied twoj trouble after everything else has mav be tak n in all clergv- i -'.s p. r cent., but somewhat less than tiiat :or tiuj aei-ade irom l.TO ti lS.t). wlieit it was 2. p-r i-ent. Hon. John Sk; rm..:i. 1'ormer I le a e.-eiita 1 i V'' in t h-..1 nouse, for :i long Term a member of the --i:;Ue and twice Holding cabinet !;.' in 1 he 7"WT h i-.t' air. fabulous. liis author's fees for j tender v removed them, thev Julv. a month m whicii the swel- would liave been sliiud'ng there t'iing heat affected the run even j vet. Masonic Jewel, of "L'Aiglon.". -x eed. d sC.oOO. ' (n August they rose to .ir'0.000. and there is little doubt that Holding" Cotton a Bad Disease. tr m now nut 1! ra, el'oses hr season M. L 1 S'ei-nhardt ! tostnm! v. ill ! foi The habit oi holding colt higher prices is earried ))! receive considerably more than such extremes bv some t h lOth of each; that it in ( -omes ; 'h:-"..- t ' Ml to 1 ' :m:e . 1 ana a 'onay moi n-. month the 1 in v-dn v of French 1 i;id oiie. 1 00 Ii (,! 1 -re is -u i 1 i : year OI ills age. J pMTieitist s in ;iddil inn to the ' t'nv s;iv eents nee nti'.iiiii ;h".- !; li.i iad bei-n e.iected lor nuthor's fees, there are the seats I it for seven eiits, if m- en ;( aiid loving irieiids rVim to the author for everv thev hoid it for eight cat-, il J. C. Ikiingtoi?, Jr :ive hun tm'ir unremitting care j.erformance. t ad attention to the end. The i lrin'S in at lea 1 h-:is. H. Del via. Jr., and Edwin McKee. of Kaleigh. wen ut-ek on a hunting trip Sir lig sei iiions hi :;ii.ge coii- 1 e- 1 rmied. il ma o gations at tiie lki)tist church 1 conditions and cannot help hut Sunday mornm.g ami evening. j t0 vuu good. Hood ISros. da v gavt linn 1 : miinediate au.-eo: death was de- t a moderateestimate, Kostand scribed as brain exhaustion iiu i- j h;l made 5dOO.OOO since the first lii t-viieun- ' -ovixe.-.s line iti : nant 01 'uvranone r.ergerac. ! more than it win tiring. . v-m-old ;tge and to several attacks of ! NVV York Vereict. i ago none of us expected to s.. sickness fioni which he had suff- cotton ten cents per pound again ere;.: ior tne pasi year ami a nan. ; , - -"7 , "t ' V '11,. soon. e planted last spring the sale of which i eight thev hold it ior nine and st S0OO a month. so on no mat ter how high oi ton goes. Thevalwavs want to -ill it ior about (me cent per pound 'U- Mrs. F. P. McCullers, Mrs Ashley Home and Mr. and Mrs. F. W Home went to Raleigh Monday to witness the "Prisoner oi Zenda," at the Academy of Music Momlav evening. son Drug Co. well to k now t hat I e Witt ihcmsehold that uses me M inute ; , ;.t JJS InU!.b ;1S ;.Vt. si(ongh Cure, the only harmless ; Mfi , r ..oulJ(i p,:1 ,V(.(1 ' 1lll.u l' Til" IT" Tll'ftMl 1 ? I t 1 tl 1 I ti I 1 ) 7 L J. . . . it ?Ir. Pou's Appointments. Hon. F. candidate 1 to be built 1 orarv ;,-.. o...,,.i ii.,...f.. tImc 1 011 it a .ll..-- 11 till !! l .r i I r-- -i . ' ... 1 .-11 .... . i tt .. vnll sneak as iollow nitH-t. fiusi ;"'Ti :m7ir:!Ti(i rimi- Marshall io rongressioiiai Wake Fountv. (Jet. Pou. Demociatii Congress in th. District iL t. ,i '. u it' nil' 1 n linn. IT it 11.1 n : , ,. . 1 -i. , ' t. - 11 tr 1 t 1 1 , 1 U j j i 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i Vi.ch Hael Saive will heal a ; mil,1v produces iinnn-diate up toJl0,' solU(. Uull!(1 IJ(;J .urn ami stop the pain at once.; lvlts- It is inialhbie (,rcoughs ; tl lml ,,,, Tl;,.v r will cure ecema and skin dis-: Ul croiy and all throat and;th( itwo;i!(j u; ;u e ,;f will If f-'Jl I 1 . v 1, I. 1;; , 1 lo cents, it jooi.s :o in IDros.. Di-ii-;cotton ,,,:irh wa,. u, Johnston 'Count t represent I . " 41 ?T v Vl; ? v i - he .rni ; eigh. (at night). Tl I !i 4:- O 1 eases and ugly wounds and sores. It is a certain cure for piles, i.ountei feits :nav be offered you. .hat '. ii;; get the original De Witt's v- iti h i-a;:el .Salve. J. II. v. I la re vk .Son. troubles. It constimntion. Hood son Drug Co. In ftemcriam. e 1 l.e 4 . V Jg'- and L" cats will be sold for ie.-s t'nan nine said right often Led bet t- Hid and R. F. Poole it-. Centennial ,-h-bratinTi at Win-! " ll,v v"l,Itl' l'r ston-Salem -'; i ober -in to Nov. o. , . .-, x. - , iiie Liuiuu, v'tu ox x.ti itors were here. Rock. t A s:on- vviil convene re Thursday, - 1 Monday from Cram):er"s ? ! ; g. are gh.nl to note changes improvement in Reason .V. naugh drug stt)re. River Raptist (Mis sociation hard i h !:b''T- j St. :. i sa.d ilci-th in our com : .' .-a.- Fnat of Jesse Smith, ! :y night. He had been con ; t"o iris ied about one week: . and. Mrs. J. Kimon Stewart the sympathies of the entire i ianitv in the loss of their ghter, Filie. who ur.lav morning. Waucieii Withdraws. cents. You 1; ir it at 1 his ,'tri n of ine vear everv vear or two that the crop is short and the pre e will go .higher bur th" v.riii r ot le Wilmington, X. C Cnh A. M. W;nhlell has Fridav evening, the igtli inst., Wake County. Oct. 31 Wake-! fvrktn ti.oSoTintnrinl noTitst hut tu attend the concert. 1 he con-, field, (at night). j jn favor of neither of the other cert was uignly sueeessial. Uie, Johnston County, Xov. 1 i candidates. He gave out the fob iveiprs an-ouuted to a-out ! Hare's Store. ! lowing signed statement today: The uia.nd concert given at j Johnston County, Xov. 2 Ren- j 4Tq the Democratic -voters" of Acader y Hall Friday evening, tonsville. , Xorth Carolina : was a splend.nl success, .mansion v.omu , , . .-i.u,u j .qliness in mv famiiv requiring i-iiefl With ; inrii-tM""' I ,.,.u..- 'iiw. I Jolmston Countv, Xov o ! (,r ., .;..-. tsvh- i Smithheld (at 11 o'clock a. in.; On last Saturday morning at lO:l."t a pall of gl(;om fell upon our town and community when it was announced that little Fvi. thes- um-s nas noti".- i hat v.h - n C Oct 22 the eleven vear old daughter of all parts oi" tbecouni ry are jjea rd as withdrawn I Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Stewart, was bom there is genera lb. ; h;g ioi ol cotton made. e Knew a man v;ri. i The ha.!! was I epres- . t at ive exercisi s :;d the :u:iienei diel last apreciat ion by re 'eated encores, if was on" of the best comvrts eve'- heard in Clayton. The fol lowing ladies appeared on the programme: Miss Ressie Her bert Worthington, of Wilson: Many people think that the red Miss Daisy Rage, of Morrisville: :iu t prosecution wasintended to ; Miss Janet Pool, of Raleigh: Miss jiiake republican votes but it is Miss Martin. Miss Allen, and Miss having another effect. Much in-!Allene McCullers, of the Raptist t r. st is aroused over the matter, j Female University; Mrs. Ashley ;aid doubtless there will be a j Home. Mrs. liardie Home, Mrs. hu ge crowd to hear the trial at j C. M. Thomas, Mrs. J. J. Young, smithtield, Monday. ; Miss Pearl Robertson. Miss Lota ' Harden, Miss Blanche Barnes, Tin: Hekalp and Home and and Miss Blanche Hales, of Clay Pann one year. 1.25. ;ton. liowed their ! 1 w.v speakings commence at iu o clock a. m., and night at o J. R. i'ouxo, Chairman. o'clock. my absence from the State, has prevented me from keeping my appointments to speak to the people in this campaign, and it is now loo late to make new ap pointments, or to change the situation, I therefore withdraw from the Senatorial contest. With grateful appreciation of the A new remedy for biliousne s is now on sale at Hood Bros, drug store. It is called Chamberlain's stomach po J.ner jameis. tivo Committee in behalf of the gives quick i. -r .man in pie e u llomineesof the Democratic partv. the attack if given as soon as the ; kj-.v dead. Her death was sad, though ii was not unexpected; she had suf fered eighteen daysfrom a malig nant type of typhoid fever. The familyphysician. 1 r. F. T. Moore, had lost hope of iter recovery days previous to lie i , d ;d several death. Fvi was a charming girl, sin was truly beautiad. hiiviti.- a vigorous, well shaped form, a tine, fair face, lovely eyes and, mouth and soft flowing hair. Whilp slip was angelic in teuture. if ,vnc lien- swtt iiiiiinv tliiit control ol a man we can it u 1 iiere are thousands oi dl e Knew a man se-.iiaj ' .ii iigo to bay moi e han a.e lnin d red bides of cotton at ','.'' , cents, lie put tliis ion v. his own erop of cot t o; ! n no . ; o it away. The priceenja awhile at cents. I j ? ; t he o not sell, it w-iit gradmdly do , n until iT ieacJicdsix c"jits. Th- ii it look a turn upward ami i i to '.)"(, hut he held all his .::' ; .a until it went back down loni.v cents a.ni tlien sdd o:;t . Whe'U the habit of holding s had sntmort of mv THends T tender ! made her such a favorite with disease. 1 heie are thou -am..-, (. suppoit oi m liiCnus, 1 tenclei and vounr alike men who could have paid, a I my services to the btate i,xecu. , ol(J0g it was ! their debts if they had s!dd cot tiro ninnntfpp in hpiinlt ot t.hei x-'uiiii-, nfi ;AV-rvivT . ... ... . . i ... . first indication of the disease ap- j pears. Price 25 cents per box. j Samples free. "Alfked M. Waddell The Herald and New York Thrice-a-Week World one year, 31.G5. Stops the Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qquinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. touching to see her little school mates gather around her bedside and so anxiously look on her fast withering form. And when the scorching fever had frenzied her brain ana she was no longer con scious of surroundings she would talk as if to them in school. But the end came. Her sweet ton some time ago, but now it is doutful about their paying up. If cotton is as low as 4 or A' or even five cents we could not advise that it be sold, but when cotton is selling at a fair price it is a good rule to sell it as fast as it can be picked out and ginned. J. M. B.

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