JiL AAA, A,- d A. V K!( K SU'O PER YEAR. SINGLE COPIES 3 CENTS. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD. CIRCULATION EXCEEDING 1700. VOL. 10. SMITHFIE1.D , C, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1900. NO. 28. dYI iff 41 h ii W.vVca Should Vote for Gen. tarr. 'has never sciirlit t i.luee ujioii Mr. Simmons' Friends Write in His 'ability, so far us relates to his ! for us, we are, with feelings of ! ber of this town, Ashley Smitli a the Demoeratie ticket a Populist i Rehnlf. Personal. Diivate ami liublic i Inchest esteem. r oloieil meieliaiit . Henrv.l Smith ii.AVTox, X. C, Oct. 30. for Congress, nor in any way to j character? irood honest l)emo-i Very resiiectfullv, j a common colored tlravniiin and the Democratic oters oil"" lt4lt- i I'ejuu- i0 the Democrats ot .Johnston: era is oi .lunnsion louiuv, reau ' h.hnston rountv ' cratic Convention to further his j 'the following testimonials: j ' ' , . ; ,lv own personal ambition. I Johnston County iias a lepu- ' . ;he e ection to be held A o-; .d v . 1 t-.tinn hi Wii-Hi ('ivmi;-i tin- Some davs ano Hon. . C. tl , ! Mil. tieneral I armsoimosed to xuln m .oirn laiuiiiai 101 . ; a,.,- rh their will be a box , r,. . i .. , . 1 . i a.. a. ...... ..,..1 Aewkind ot Lenoir. A. C. wrote a 1 ' ' " - I "T.." flk.-wh -,l-k4.i- - li.v- . . II 1 II I I I I lf'l J 1 " I ;IIIII.1III-biii.--.-& - 111 1 7 - T 1d.1l m which every white ! ... ilV ,, r...i. : -m..vtiou it ; tl.r It'ttcr to Governor-elect Charles , . 1 . 1 ix iu.- iur. iir villus mi ivjliv 111 ilin ; ' " ' "" - "- I ... 1. C 111 - 1 :. who voted the Democratic : . . 1 T ' this well anu-d remit:. Hon mav A eoek of doldsboro, askiim-; (Signed) li. II. DUNN, 4th X.C. Dis. J. S. IIEXDKRSOX. 7th X. C. Disl VM. A. IJ.HItAXCH, 1 ni Aniist last or who . . J oluwhen the ipport nni tv ! ml a continual al.idiii- liem . ,H f attacks that , , :oi-thelemoiTat II . ; The fair.minded. conservative ha(l been inade and were being bnnoeratur ( ongressiiieii at; ,)th (;tMU1,:1i (Snri.n 1,1 .nl.'men do not condemn anv man . 1InV,tt? nJu! 111 wot the -fact, i -.-.x.. 1.... 1 - ..... . , ... -rn.iriKkfi.- i-. .!.... - . r'. d er. and servinl durin!the waras tt:e ciiaroe ot one side until He r":, ' . . - esent .ortli l.aro-, tiui 'nV;,.,i y..i, ; h;is liml mi mmortimitv to k m me .-aine secuon and naci ' . 1 . , . . i uixut: in 1 ur 1 1 1 ii vi .lvu in j - j . . - - . :.,..,.,. T I , ... ....... . . .1 ted states .senate; r, tv.,,,! i,imw,lf- .n..l ul.on it. k- '--minions personally. anonHutlor. ; lm,K (;i.nenii Cnn. is the 4 ,1H. known that it is attempted to do J lA' . l. lu' i varrai.or r. di(nttl of the farmers. uHhanics, any man an injustice m this v i," ; r' V ue the canuidates. : n , j lal)(Mvrs. n,. county, by the vote of its citi-:""1- 1 hdloing is (,3vern- weoo. ttiat m tne T(il, w..it;,w, ,,.,..; zhis. or otherwise, the :nVh sen ',,1Vl rVfoew sreiiy, w nicn to repri tlie I ni s-;ir"SSr to : ral .1. ; -; mons ; :; -vi!)ir as , of a man to fill so im-. mi , ht an honest onen of honestv and miniess i isi s up , Af-vyHiu.1 asks to be printed, it is : We make ;he following extract . ,;i;t a position iistms, wo, ! , n)(i , .t,,,,,,,,,,, 1 in its nower to condem slu.- auoersTooo, uitn Governor Ay- horn a letter written by Kx : i (1 r that man who can , 7 :..'., ;,it,-v, .li'ti. i: .t, proctMlure. it a:n,eai to us ck s consent: Senator .larvis to a letter from best represent Xorth',,,, rf, l.'.' in ti.l. now. much as we re-ret it. thai October Lr,, 1 HH). .1. V. Huusucker. asked Mr. such attempt is now bemu-made. non. ni t,. .ewiaml. fialeiii. .larvis some i:esi u;, .-. as to .Mi Judge Henry a colored drayman also Hvman Ford a colored hack man, wearing Carr buttons. We hear Tom Massey declaring for Can. Again, we snv, we oppose isi .. ius. i iiieiiisi rnumouoii name auce s H. F. GILVDY, I letter, the strength of which is rd X. C. Uis. j charges of Fops and Republicans S. F. A LFXAXlJl'IL I and Xlv work done in theiounty olh X. C. Iis. for a, b'cmoernt aiaoULV JI'Mubli W. T. CJLIWFOKI). jeans and m-ro-s. i;th X. C. Ins. 1 Above all, we reciuniat nil Mr. F. A. WOODAUF. i Simmons to J he I:mo ia of iJnd X. C. His. j Johnston countv, not onlv for W. Ii. HOWMFi, j the work which he has doin"- for Sth X. C. Dis. 11 1 :. and uiai ve snumii se- w. , . I'l Mlllt. ctuiscientious. Christian ;;,;!!. a statesman, and not a olit ician. We ask you :; tv to the )ol!s and vote , 1 :'arr for tlie Senate. Y. Con for Congress and . :i for I 'resident . .: a tid surely will ehvt ; 10 C'.mil.'1'css. (iive him vr.port on the ground .-is vs'.-'a- v,te. it is impor- v,v tv-M-t Mr. Frvan t( oi S Nov. - we have an tppoitunitv now have two men asking Ic bi"' C. : Simmon's ju iva.te characi v and Democracy of North Caiolina. in bearing aloft and to victor,) the banner of white supremacy, hut we honor him ami love him and recommend him to the goi d white people of Johnston county for the enemies he has made among the revenue officers, Re publicans. Fopulists, negroes and opponents of good government. RespectfulJv submit ted. CS Fowell. F T Rooker, I d S bell, .Ino A Xarron, J W St - ;;.:: 1 ! t Le ; y.v. .'rva send a statesman inthej.ersoh inu' support at the Senatorial My Dear Xewland 1 am in re- u n.v Senator Vanee ojj ,se I his "Cencra! Julian S. Carr tohe Frlmary: The present Chairman ccijit of yours of the l'(Uh. asking . confirmation: iiate from North Carolina and or the State Democratic ivxecu- me wliai I know of the life and have Li:own Mr. Simmons weaskou at the polls to cast t iv Committee. F. M. Simmons character of Mr. Simmons. 1 intimately it r more than twenty vmiii- 1 , 1 1 . r ev liim Me, iw ami Julian S. Carr, oi" D.M-hnm. havti known Mr. Sinimous for years. !. appointed him the vour iiiuuei.e for him. ' has been said by Mr. Ctov's twenty years, personally and State's ; i -o xy in 1 he A t lantic and j)llel,son. J T IJlington, R A Yours most tiuiv, friends that he is known : j)rofessioually. His public life i Nortii Ca.oiina Ilaihoad Com- ro;lls, FT Sndth, AMl!ai!is Ii L Avcock. Dr J J Young. Jesse people of North Y,;( ! - ai d Mr. known of all men in the State. I i"l'-' iicn I was (iovernoro the; Acjuilla Price. C M 'ibllloman. 4 WihuL Dock Mevenson. W ; Simmon's friends !:a ce sa id he is have a, I ways known him as a :!.:"-,. ;'.nvas-ed t ie ;sr ate j y()Vii p,,-oull, Walt er IMgerl on, IVii.m, v: 1 s ... i- m v;if,, also known to t iieni. st nmir. able, a-ii -ressive. uiaiiiht u- i' him in 1 wit h iover-; c-.w.)..,- si II It ,t N.r. William liichaidso-. J 1 Smith.' Rut lie re in the last days of the and sincere man. who has done uoi". r.yi: when he was firsreaair-' i'i,.i,s y ( Winston. CFKiibv. t we ciecetten- v ( K VVr .J campaign Mr. Ca.rV friends a r- and is capable of doing the State 'ian oi t l;e tate I omimije, I, S Fit t man, Jesse Farker. W'i' enate. who wnt FoI-d. Viliiani S Kldridge, Asblev trying to tell some of oureiiizens great and. valuable service. I am was very Ho. v'-' eonn-ctc,, with ; ( iVlil(t Oliver, J V Fei 1 v, van ai enact eg Ho,,.. j n iolu.ris,n. IM -ine news, not co; ,( -r-ang Mr. astonished that the question he peat campaigns ot j j D I'iula vson. J II Howell, I'll Ilu'i,;?t Vu' lb it.' P. U Jone.lohn Nt Wilson. Carr ahnebut 1 hey l ake t keot her should be raised. I have just land 1000. I ha ve mixed , c ,h - Cole, (i R Rriit.S inu. V,.!" V ; rlli R Vinson N F side and teil some ti.:ng- about -cad wi: h much pleasmv tiiear- 'h ith t he people ol t he east. w L.xsii vV , ,j ROH.. J W Woo.i. . e i Carrshould I ili' 1 1. i 1 1 . 1 0 i - .'.e !c:ov h'icrai Ii-aic.d. Chrisiia ;i i a st a. ti-sii!ii!i 'I! lie Vi d'd. ' 'e- ;'! t::-:1:.- a b .1 ; er I Nluvrt on. ( ill 'arker, R A Web Ni r. Simmons. Tlu., ao- licg 1 i ie of ( 'ap! . T. W. Mason, a gen- ub'-iy he was bom and raised ! LM ,'v.lis; ,.: H Woodall'. N '!' Ions, .las A Y'e!Ioiis. R 1 Fas-it -r, tins ..y cin-ulat mg t: e.-v,t: .1 ( I.e. rrv (iodwin.. W r tanai g a letter wni.ca ry y,v rn ivi.: a M , iive. .! T NI - aa ri.- Leo.. i i' C. de. C i!'b)!ii:iiiM)ii. an. . Ada ius. i !: MeKinne. W A ! 1 S: V" it Aden. Y -I Lawhan cnaia.-ier. c r ;on a S piai'e a 1 v::o a,. 1 ' 111 ' 1. HI , S .c.i ii; i , a- Xorri; L; ' i i -re, -e ; oil. , .... ; 1 : 1 ; e ui.i . a . K, L.ll e--....i. v.. j . s. ! - 1 i.iilii-. e r, O. !'e; loi:c :.v";ii. 1 , i ; wv. in a as'Ver ; 1 i t J a c;:;; ... . . .ll.lllll'.1 . ' - . '---g h. r '.' 0:1- iai and wise man. who sees good and I take .pleasure m saving I ! nv.,s rVis Johnson JTfoK Mr. bv Tiicf.-ri:ce. am! pdte a-rc-e uver heard aught against his ! , -( , Kt n f j. r,vt,(., ..j, Si e. Mr. with bin. that tin-senatorial con- private character. I do not ! phens(m.' W C Reason. John St c : ve lestiuinis Stat.- ought to he k;'Ve any ma:: 0? any t u 11 sd mg in j j,il(.lls(Ml) ,f ; Fduiundson. J T nal n-ced froni ii..-. bitterness. 'h tne cast will, over Ins own Whit ten! on, J A Mar-,cng.ll. i 'na Witii best w'w 1 am, as al- name, nay that he has everneard ; y u,r Sanders J ', ,: Ve I ! - - ! : ' ". ! ! : . ' V. -' i s . ii. and 1 ..... S;;ic -re'', (,ur tViend. V P.. A '" :CK . aag aagan.s, n.s cnaracT.-r. . ! Hoj.Hm, i L Jones, D L I hi tiipik .nmy -a- a s (har;ute,.,s:L(,w u A Ha rues, J M 'i ' a:.a-saile- aa.f.aariss.- ihdv D I Me'dnlle: P : NbC;:!;. ; ; . o. 1 - . , , , , , . 1 M M 1 4 1 i.e. iiontaMn.'e t ae r ma nee t ion : .A 1. a.ana .as a -i coliec; or. c ) S.! .'.i Sa na. rs. ( y . SS(- Da ar n:a dcaa ;.Ci,:a.M, ' 1 1 . . : t . t ... . i . 1 1 a m ; . Poa;:!:, ; s ; . a ; ; 1 - . 1 " ' is a n k md . u v i v.. , i . !.. 1 , 1 .- - l 1 ( aua:it tee F.S. Scant 1 1 I'.iln-.niii a a I d r. . , , ! i..)v and ;i K t a ! 1 1 a tt 1 iw 1 and Re-ubl:'-:. ! d!c rs i:i :;; " ' ; ' :I; S:aP i..i. :d Mop- ' eh ,0 a largi' and cnth,.- ' - . : li o I ! ; t i .a: t ; 1 t end SOU' I ' i ill e ; ate. u a.-i- no lean gc a jie.n: ni mc in Try. mnw.- r c i.' " ii: t :;!. j .: aunaration ai.d ove ot ;-,ort !i . f:cnl:e;nea---Were-r. .taillvask i;oii,iM v P,('ril -: ;' r;a:am '( . 0ut of jy rf;nnt.ji r..' " v'vid. v;t:r iamoi n!!e lioti v fa: sm-i !iad t he honor and ' a a. i 1 j j . i . .z. 1 . 1 1 ' v c v a a ! 2 a : 1 , o.: ! I ciamrn-at ion 01 I'eii! L,' e; I !e,-; ( a him i hi Wil: b'ced to get G-!y :::;:,:.-. . , I.,. I 'he. ; : I ) - j ! Think am : 1o a:: .dr. a :e -ec-. . ions. t . i 1 a :av. - a j c - a ; : vcr i ( ? :.!'" ; '. '. i : . ! : e t n. 1 int: '- . . 1 . a : 1 V ' . d .e u;ca. 1 . a t . c . 1 . ; : n:. -t rr!y ni;a. tc i.e not or ! ; abllty I-;b c aid t a ; d'O i . t . ;!,(' great. ,;; .- .... ' . a., ' a . - j l 1 11!. j ' V ' ' , j : ' i'ot- t n Found !!; (; iv.- .-''( ' : of Nea th Caodhm. Mr. a :ae ana :a n.'e a. a I a vs a V"-' !:.i;ad. wit him Tl V w Veil: i:ir; a .:! a " Mi. 'a' c v a- a a -a 1 . 1 i;:.!!;::i;s .ie- ni dUaln a 1 , 1 , i : 1 . ' ni . . ' s . u- cx-a ;t : u h : d e s : a a a i : : 'a : a cara. a. 1 b!c 1 . .. 'c . ; 1 in hi.h ,,; l!i c , . ; ..fit o die. ' wit a him oe C. a.;- ( i the a!:c r a : t iii: e - " ' a i a c act 1 .... ,, . . i a . ; . 1 1 ie I a . e -1 . . 1 v i i a a a:: o h d h Viin . . . ( ... ' a i;.M a . . : i ! : atdd :a o. . ae ; t;dd ;ei a . -a ea . '. : . do . are I s sella ,"i He disci::-s :'l t he t , asls aac! i:a-, s,;:ri :,! . ,1 itoi tins c a. ..a 1 nana ' I ' - . 1 ,' e : 1 than :gs in whicij i !irYercd wit h . -a:e :n rapvlra to his in- aim was ais oppo.d.aoh to ta d , eha ran" ; !ia nbilii v co; i.'irmai ion of N.'r. Simmons, i taa.ea wit: a hun aacad it. and tried, to dkcaa: !;i:a dom iP P'e a a ve me ful'v. as I t:adc-r;data! it . that the e! ct io.: i Prva assured. I I'-a a . it s !i 1 icpu : . .e, u--..a . . ;c. d , . . 1 i : Acu 1 auans!:..- . a a ' S V I '. dc 1 ' :acts 10: t!a' ; . . aidf o ; eta :aa aadaa" ion by the area 1 sat iafactiou ad i t"-ce is anad... 1 Old can i :! e 1 a ca un.i ; ; .cd (Sr;du d) ' ' 'da rm:., evr made lure. Mr.: mem. .e a. .. .1 . r r -a . . m : .a . ; a a ;a;aHd-.'-,and win.; A showed bv his s;rrdi ' '?:,-s ' i:" V"!v. addd aa:;isaccessdn;r;;i. i(.1);lW xh,- 'f;r.r:-: i eju.u o. a;a man di inta.iidi ..... . -aaiaoas is a naaiaai . . , ;5 a .a fcJ. ..i,,,,,,,,, ; can; P. )ti:o da. a. !aa;a. :a: a; '.iranoas, 1 ou : , 'whom Aori !: ( a: oana aocaa; ire;di v noni-1 as WC.i. , ... , ..... : . ... it.. . 11.. ..v., a. a ,-. iu:uwc. w no. ana v. :i fs tr.f.i- . I I i IK.' llllllUt II I',' Will Willi lidlll-i . , , , , oi this firm : , t t.1 -- ? ,,,,1 i.,;.i: to ciiataate aha;-gcs mad- ay ita.itt, ..... ... .'. ..... ....... .... . If . .1 1 ' ' iv 1 : : t re ..-1 o .....d i,dli : 1 1 Hu, .;ii'i ni'.i : b a t !J)o(i . a . e vt a ; gona: 1 .. 1 1 .-. . 1... ..... . . at i d i -f ..'...( . ( . ; at a.. ,w did- ! A'ho is g-. in t 1 1 - .'Kit iwuiii e.i. .1 l -, 1 1 ' - Pcaaa-aai. and l , : d : ; . ; dctaa ud ior ... ; 1 a a . ' ) be ..''cat a-dv;a.ts, I i" :s ( arc. ; aa. 'ike. P. P :sin)I-)-". ' P NP Farmau. 1 ; 1 i : ! a on Claims, i i t a :se ( i '' resell t a t i ves 1 ; S Yash"ii;gcjn. D.C., la la D". i ;-tP i: a ; !:.;;! P. u arris. ! . . !:-. raa-'-OUS i".V his DjtPDMliilil and in do aua.'e nadanfc aid 1 s 1 1 s. Id; 1 Lhoai I . ." t ! " ' ' ' de d . ev . 1 a'-y. i ! ; . d. V 'i.H'oi!, ia. i i; a . . a. sodi. ' h e a dd a T I '1 n i '. : a 1 . .d . , ay ; ; , di-giuia, d: ': .aaa. : ( 'arohtaa : Sa.d e , ' m -org 1 a . i -d : '' 1 i a 1:0 v 1 , . cv-'i- a:--igii a r. asau t nut rcdect- . j - . a-.,, , cd ai lie lea.-t aeon .Mr. Sim- 1n,.. v. 1 . . mons mtegrd i-oe ena I'.a tcr. a1 (1. P. o P' . 1 j , 1 ' r . 1 1 a na, aa i.-aia: d ! 1 , t honent tea Mr. Stmmons Ira K- t.,.. . . ro a n, ."d Kansas. D): Te at ; ( aim. taken -id.-s against I : i 1 ii; a.a.tae . ..4.,. . ... 4 i . . .... : 'P'-P11: 1,1 "PF-'M'1' j !i ' rtalo.d: V. vomiag. t i ; : ; t af : ; : s I 1 1 4 r M : : T " i e . e v e ' ; t : ; . . . . , . .. , . , . ' . . . : iaal.o. . .; Ida' . ' rdoa-'i it, to Jus ojijiosiiiuli to 'p(,t ..j jc" A! r. Simmons. J. think thos' are' i.'P'.a . ! a v. .. ... . , i - w u i 1 j ; ; . .i i . j i i .. . ' , . . . - ta- mcts Hi tia a.- c dk v' hag von .-onsnit-r the ao a ve 'r.. a..,.., r'l . . , ..I , ; , J 1 1 i ....... , i . . . I.e'- - " , .-.lt ifvt;;i!!;ii;!'SC!:vii Vd-:: should have: a- .. a. . ...ail.: , "no, . 4lt 4 ' !'-l'l ''r'.: - " , f'trtci tn the StaUa m district in d l 'v. d r PPi, tia! s ed a?ai to tac . fT t i , . dd)!a ::e: .Pan RM a:c-d a a-p ., ''P'-'P -.p'-' d( h.i.i dele- t a.., . .a.. r ). .a. n ,..i i ,4. , .- ' ue Journa" ae5fd i ('ii it' biM'a (ml l.Ji' nil ti.'i: i : . . , 1 I . . 1 1 - , , . ; i , . . . . I . . ,.4 . - ; ( . , t O t i i r 5 - S -1 1 e e e . . . . sMtrddee d. ,w- bean, d:o ivdows t..- nana- ot g.oi.m ,.. tia- ,io a--,t w pK-wn- .-,...(. . . . .; ... drvaaVdh lie rVta! a.iiaad, akaad. ta.o M:-:v isiV, V,;;!, , , V," i A .'iNPuiod Rutier. ami tu, - ndaiiV-dai: tne iiommatua. o! t ic c adaat s o; t ae yciio .v w:, . v; ,.'Vc in : aaP; Carolina!; 'k- eV - d:ew i Ptss'v and PP. Ii. J. liaie. ; s bm. P. NP diramans nstoilc-t or i.y t he per.-t .-n,- oi Mr. Carr s d, . ;: . supjiortorof NJr. Simmons. i Cetera) District be speedily con- ot I in: iidnar;) :h,s vr-c. he Now wesav liaw can our Demo- i hrmcd by the Senate. , !?h m r.-j'.vto s,ai a 'o : a v ,( handed vou a c rt aiti v ii av shcaL fu! of insinuations wit h uf a direct cl::-";e or one word lec;!pd ma i ad; OO'.dc e.d. 1 I I, . ..... !'.'-. , , . 'a,.-' a i . is lac unanimous o prooi or :i svdabk' P i rt:; ii i otai. . . p a -.i i't-i a rv ti e.cct i o; d--a::d !.c va;, ; ' i . i i . . . : . ;- iaaaon.. tag I i y. at wlii a i ' at nal c ;,t . e ever r. aov I ; lie i .doc and 1 Ua i?i- : V a : .;.' ; ;;:'' .... . . .a - 1 : . . O ; i ' i i . . V . . i . r , . Si' aaa.;.-' d aC; : a., ,:: ( , .t. - a t , . . ; ,e i i ...;.;., . . .. . ; " a ' : cratk- friends who are sapnort-: "v. ?nnmons is a, gent icman ; we a no., io.-c a , i- . vr. Carr, a,tter:i,t to destrov ! I11'" l'x-'Jl -ltaracter and ! this sdect V....H: ' ' aaatvd chara-d. v of :u' 1 oi !j" f;f i'i'dest int cgnty. He is ( raic class P- ,.-ad ..; ' n.. dr'.'d.,-; w- ' .'.. t lie ciiaiitaan of t lie Democratic ! ulists did. by s.-syia ....,,,,!. ...l.a.c : n. rdveeut ; ve ( (aumittee ot our a larmcr ; a a! : a. .-. i ... C 4i.f In ' ' nil i . 1 S i I . v.. , . . . ( . .. is -r, ;ddi a.-tt seed Sf ate, audi as s:n.d: renderea very ; lawyer, i :!- ' I'd: th.a State o;d ,.. k.- P . ' ein ( i . .': . la - ;; .-'):. s aa nj'i ia . e J..d !-e i . . : i no, ..a - Pkcieid j-crvice in the ia;-t earn- did one k P. ..-.a . n. . . :r.i'-u. end dkl t inch to secure lann. I aaaka- .1 ll IIV '.Il.t.l I iM " l lll, I I , ; -Pn-'t 1 r. S'.a an a:-, t'-ev i h" mav.nilicent victory w- won. dakoier a a: v aaa p. ....j v,a ;(, d-i drst .e'-an tk'e- d'aedihae cf your oody to . did a dnya, v- ' - ' Sx .orviitesuidvamcnth --dhrn! him n amid greatlv em- Who sayaPad NP-. Lrt. r.s do witii clean oarias as. am: ser.ousiy ii nure acou t., s.., :. i e. stiflv 1 1 ! t 1 v.'v-. ' ' a I' ; : e ..inv.. i.. '....t. , .ii i.i4. the Democratic parry m' our!moir at love ot 1 vddeh, ; Pang looked cad v , ,t-t a. . . "i . .. i .. . . 7 . .i ;, i iU-ili. 4 l ; J i.eivcs hi:a, in o'up()j; "i i ' taai! U'O.'v iiL itl H'ir 1 Jl(( i the S.'aa da. ' . a darns a. man ot o ;1 j v jr, field edicai record is clean. He vcr attenuited to force i andidatis out. of thera.ee t01 du nomination for Congress ;u kfthat,he hi? elt might be 1 ;U!-ded to the Senate". He ... . 4 . 1 ' a-, a. a. r a 1 . - . none: a i;eii.oci.os. i e::. i-iut . .. , . , .... , l . ,. , . ' :,.,.. . . ., ;, ,i-..,r ;;;d"c i r-., d r, ... M r 'a dee's h P t er : P it would ocjiatdci with delight iH'di ;i m. ml), r oi the .;rm op ( , ( ... . ( , f . : ; ih: ; ,i:,;:tdPs:-,;d,r fj.r-ivp.v.vit..- eird-ns hy aata Ik a a ; i -i ica t:s and Fopu-' Simmons. Pea: and Ward since . ;;ctter tkaa MeMa : . anaicson 'the outside is a sate of Crtaaadte: C. R. l-'h piracy, J.J. hadarsaa patatttg tne seal ot soma tun- !a loretno. (mgicssion-, j;( .(. i):j.u t:::,,,.. t 1 .1 ..I it. . - T r 1 ' IT 1 .(,ilil'lll!,,ll.(l'l l'IKIII -t"tl ll(i:'HI (.1 ) 111 C.'lIlVi'tll lllll 11 ... ' 4' .... I'... . I . I lex to a -nice snow on me m- : diannoa, .1 . d . Aaaais. a . i . i a'- . :. i .n'- j .......... , , um i an aa oc.e;i i 4r -.Ma- ....e. , 'ni,., i, ,,,-, ev -e -id n f "-a-;..,)-.- d v cj,,;,.,,., ; t ) a r ; ; - al i.;. a i . n an.za cion. j .ur. vai r nas ne er ociore m.s v.'-' ; Rt an v'!l !- ' ,e ood. WilFdiowat Smith- W. S. Stewart, V. A. Cn-sham, ! e appean o you t am us ni eai ueeu em eu i mu.c ........ next F resident oi thc.-e Ltidcd ,PMondav, November 12. i W. R. Kidd, W. F. Strange. 0. C. ; !i!IS msitter: lo not allow us to . Again, ne uo noi ci no se u"tat0S( . hcn Tames IMlnier F Cans-' be sacnr.ccd in the liouse or our I course oi Air. Larr anu ni menus, -; Kernington single and double W V V hlriltlfrinids- (among the Fops and Itepublb T Cliumlnj aiii'H Stoinach and rel guns, lie-loading tools, j Clarkson F M Brawn and ao! You make such use of this let-leans. We have seen in this town, Aauiets u.. - u uu..m. f r a 11.. v w r- v i I'l iieni i i ii i i in i i i n i iii i i o 11 in-. i it v tp jw vm wis Hi s :ii;u r n r ;l imuiii v n i - i yw - - I V V . H Ut -" - " m - - - J" ----- - ' ' f - bar sheds, wads. ete. Come ouick nilunv a t, i ji e id Tl.QTiLinii. r.n in ovonnrt fr-r I nhii lb n'-ri no- n. fkiridilltl .)n. We auuiauiBiuanuii. no you want, rurtner prooi oi I tr vix ""'""v-v, x-.x :r f 77 i K, ifffft For .s in. bvlldod liros t I? iiiofriT. Uf- ! ,1.. d. .. .,,i nnvth iwj vnn nmr spo fit. to do see Math McCaulev. a. neerro bar- ntcx . i oi bait uoou oics. u. J - x.vvx..v-.'i.i..x . I .11 r- iTMIflllH III IS l-IIrll iXi: ItTl 4111'J I O ' " ' are easy to take and pleasant in i