BRYAN IN NEW YORK AGAIN. A Great Speech at Madison Square Garden Greeted With Thunder ous Applause. The World's Richest Woman. New York, Oct. 27 Win. .Ten niiiirs Rrvan's second coming to this city was the occasion of one of the greatest political demon strations of theenmpaign. Four teen thousand people heard the' Democratic candidate speak at Madison SquareOarden. He had been speaking till day. This morning was spent at New Ha ven ami this aft rnoon he spoke at several 'points between New Haven and thiscity. lie was ac companied to to this city by 200 Yale students. When he arrived at the rand Central Station there were more 5.000 people to greet him. He spent the remain der of the afternoon, at the Hoff man House, where he went over the business of the campaign with the leaders. After a dinner in his honor at which there were forty-tive quests, he witnessed the great pyrotechnic display. The sky was' carpeted with red and Madison Square was ablaze in his honor when the carriage which was to take him on his tour appeared. The streets were crowded with people and his trip to Madison Square darden was a triumphant one. The first stop was at the Broadway Athletic club, where Mr. Iiryan spoke to 10.000 enthusiastic people, the majority of whom were Italians. He reached Cooper Cnion about ) o'clock and addressed a large gathering of Germans. Then Mr. Iiryan drove to the Corner of 14th street and second avenue, where he made a soeech from his carriage to a crowd of about ii.OOO people. He made another speech from his carriage to a irath-; giving away a million to anyone Itk-hnmnd Times. Isidora Cousina, of Santiago, Chili, heads the list of enormously wealthy women. She has two hundred millions of dollars. She js opting on," as folks say in this country, in yeai-s, and. although possibly near the half century, is still remarkably beau tiful, and appears more youthful than do manv women who have spent their thirty years in those ayeties which tend to age them. Her ancestors were among those who compiered the simple folks and who occupied the great countries in our neigh boring con tinent. The lust for gold was on them all, and it was sated. Her maiden name, and this should be carefully written down, was (ioy enechea. For generations not only her family, but that of her husband, had owned vast tracts of land. In her father's lifetime, evfii, the fortunes of the two lat ter had increased enormously in value. Mines were developed on their property, ami wealth flowed in upon them. When her father died Senora Cousino then as her father's only child, inherited all of his wealth. Her husband died a short time afterwards, and with two great estates to manage Senora Cousi no became a business woman. She did wonderfully well with her property, and maintains three establishments at Santiago, Ma cul, and Lota. The lirst is her town house, and the two later are country estates. Senora Cousino lives and spends her money without regard to public opinion, which, however, is not supposed to be censorious in Chili, especially to one so gen erous. She would think little of A Famous Beauty's Rescue. street and Sec- Madison Square j men, and has always about her'roj erinir at t wentith ond Avenue. Mr. Rrvan's speeeli was nor oegun unrn aud io o'clock. It w as unlike his for mer speech at that place. It was eiit lie might ianey. She is fond of briirht voun Writing of "The Loveliest Women in all the America," Wil liam Perrine, in the November Cadies' Home Journal, recalls the thrilling adventure of Emily Marshall, the famous Boston beauty, at Niagara Falls. She, with Nathaniel P. Willis and a young, ungainly college student, Job Smith, attempted to go un der the falls, in those days a per ilous undertaking. After they had proceed a short distance un der the sheet of water there was a ruinblinir noise, Jind a commo tion, and a part of the ledge, which formed the path, disappeared, cutting Miss Marshall off from her companions by an abyss six feet in width, and leaving her but a small stone in the swirling tor rents to stand upon. "In the commotion Job had been forgot ten, but instantly a ray of hope shotfjnto Willis's" heart when he saw his rugged features, his sandy hair plastered over his forehead, his scanty dress clinging to his form like a skin, and his hand trembling on the poet's shoulder as he steadied his steps. With out saving what he intended to do he crept down carefully to the edge of the foaming abyss till he stood up to his knees in the break ing bubbles. It seemed impossi ble that he could reach the lovely creature or that she could jump forward safely from t hr slippery rock into hisarms. Willis cover ed his eves in fear and wonder. The next moment when he open ed them there lay at his feet the quivering and exhausted girl. Job was nearly sewn fer high. He had flung himself ver the gulf, caught the r m 4: with finger ami with certabi death if he mis.-cd his hold. Miss Marshall had quh-k-Iv walked over his hodv in its bridre-like posture. x thismo- m"- nieiit the Lruide relurded with a er 1 rope, fastened it around Thousands Have Kidney Trouble and Don't Know it. How To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours; a sediment or set tling Indicates an o) ""miiy tuiiui- lY tion of the kid neys; If it stains your linen it is evidence of kid ney trouble; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is also convincing proof that the kidneys and blad der are out of order. "What to Do. There is comfort in the knowledge so often expressed, that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kidney remedy fulfills every wish in curing rheumatism, cain In the. back, kidneys, liver, bladder and every part of the urinary passage. It corrects inability to hold water and scalding pain in passing it, or bad effects following use of liquor, wine or beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often during the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extra ordinary effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its won derful cures of the most distressing cases. If you need a medicine you should have the best. Sold by druggists in 50c. and$I. sizes. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful discovery and a book that tells more about it, both sent absolutely free by mail, uuics ur. turner oc Home of Swamp-Root Co., Binghamton, N. Y. When writing men tion reading this generous offer in this paper. o .y r o a. .. . Moved. L4 uiiutn flKFRV nnnne V i.yuuj, Brick Store. r,.w STOCK IN JOHNSTON VV) I'XTV The Hawthornes at Home. ii if ram ur upmost com, p,.,.... ' rvi Jt j V General Re i pair Work, i X Mfey ff Repairing Carts and it Bicycles Sold and Eepai-ed W va pi, ,,,,, l )r Jf at Reasonable Prices. cnkShave y"nr'u & Cam, and ski; ch. ' A i R. F. SMITH & CO,, KTrrU- BENSON, N. C 6 I. w v- im mm wia w i m m im , m, m . - p - -nvwMm wivAih. xiv m. f. nddrt'ssed to tbo iiuleneii: rlass mainly, ami hv vvivvrwl tt the linaneial issue. Manv times he was force 1 to stop because of They had a royal time, ami the the tremendous cheering. From i whole citv was at their disposal, the time he entered the hall until I They could pay for nothing in he quit speaking the outside of j shops and restaurants, and the the hall was i inxinr with cheers, j theatres were thrown open to As a climax to the day he madei them. (.'arriaiivs and horses, two other out-doorspeeches. The; too, were likewise free: thcSono tirst was from a stand near Dewey ra paid the bill. Arch, where he spe ke to lf000j Her houses are liner than any persons who could not net into 1 palaces anvwhere. and she is M . . one o! t . i i.. i. -.v. ........ i.i i i.: i i . a small court oi clever younic-; N l ' nini (u.ica nun juick sters. When the American licet thronuh th whirlpool. When was at Valparaiso, some vears he recover'd from his immersion airo. sln invited Admiral rpshur and his officers to visit her. She sent a special train for them. he f -1 1 on his km es in pniyer of thanks to iiod. in which th ot heautv devoutlv Wayside, the home of the! law thornes in Concord, was a com fortable little house on a shady, grassy road. To please hi wife he had built an addition to it, a tower into which he could climb, locking out the world below, and underneath. little parlor, in whose daintv new furnishinjrs Mrs. Hawthorn took a woman ish delight. Vet. somehow, jray Brussels ru:s and rildel frames were not t fie background lor the! morbid, silent recluse. i Mrs. Ha wt home, however, made few such mistakes. She was a j soft, affectionate, feminine little i woman, with intuitions subtle! enouiih lo follow her husband j into his darkest moods, but with. IJtWe to call the attention of the public to the f;.. ,j mystock of Hardware is moie complete than ever. Cook Stoves and Heaters, Guns and Ammunition of all kinds. -Kichmond Clip, . Blue Grass'' Axes. Best made. Corn Shelters. l',lu .' and AJechanics' Tools of all kinds. Bijooy ;in,i AVa , n , . Bridles. Saddles, kt: Paints, Oils, Vaniihes. Ibi:- , - r mder anddachine Oil, Bubber Beltin-. Sash, Doors, Blinds, &c, At Bock Bottom prices. See mc before you puichaH-. i' i stock is large and must be sold. '. L. HALL. Benson, K. C S'2 joined -too. a cheerful, practical Yankee i I "cai'acit v" with which to meet! met hod The best the liver is the use of little pills known ; Little Karlv Ilisers. Kasvtotake. ever irripe. I loot! iros.. Hare Son. -a.l" t 1 IT 3la(lisoii Square itaruen. in made another short speech at Madison Avenue and 24th street. He was then driven to the Hoff man House where he retired for the nirht. really a queen without assuming to be one. ller coal lands alone pay her .SO.OOO a month, or nearlv a million a year. Freak Election Bets. mat THrobMng Headache. Would quickly leave you, if you used Br. Kind's New Life Bills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless mer it for sick andXervousHeadaees. They make pure blood and build up your health. Only 25 cents. Money back if not cured. Sold by Hood Bros., Druggists. and the him." i ............ ...... ........ ! KllI'lLl .11.1 lftl..ll... .vlwk.l.! j u.uvri liiill IMHI IM'l . .MIIMMM i of cleansing! (.M1M have been better litted to' the tanious j st ami between Hawthorne and' S BoYYitt's rile u-ni Id She ilid if etteeNVelv ' When I was at Wayside they had j been livinir there for two years i i ever since their return from Ku rope and I was told that in that ; time he had never once been seen on the villain street. : I fiiwlun ( )t-t i-ci it-dice-' Ti,:. . ....... .. I to a dispatch from Cape Town to j family trait. Hawthorne's moth-, the Daily .Midi, a force of I5oersj.r hall managed to live the life of I attacked and surrounded a ! a hermit in busy Salem, and her i patrol of Cape police, with a con-! sister, meeting a disappointment ' vov, near Hoopstad, Oranrel in earlv life, had fone into her! 15,000 Boers in the FieU. Must Have New Army. 27. cominjr Washington, D. C, Oct Unless Congress at the session provides for an increased army. When the volunteers are withdrawn the United States will "Of all the freak election bets, the worst vet was made in Cleve land the other day," said Mr. C. K. Lama, who comes from the )hio citv on the lake, and who was a guest last night at the Metropolitan. "The men who made the bet I will call Smith and Jones. Smith is a Democrat and Jones a Republican. If McKinley is elected, Smith has entered into a solemn agreement that on Sun day, November 18, on Superior street, in front of the Perry-Payne liuilding, where Senator llanna has his office, for six hours he will stand on his head and hands. stretches of two minutes each, with an interval of one minute between each stretch for rest. As River Colon v, last Wednesday and a sharp tight ensued. "The police,' says the corre spondent, "were compelled to aoandon two Maxims, inti mately re-enforced by the Yeo manry, they succeeded" in getting awayVith "the convoy, but they lost 7 killed, 11 wounded, and 15 captured. The colonials were outnumbered ten to one, and the engagement lasted for two hours. "The Boers have 15,000 men in the field, nearly half of whom are in Orange River Colony. These are divided into comman does of some 300 each, but are TM... ....... . 4-1.,. I.,.- .. : .1 .. 4- onlv have sufficient troops left in ,A1 " l u? Ul Ve ti.;i;-t r.,a 1"? shall stand in that position in The rest of the Philippines will have to be left without protec- 1AU The latest of iicial reports show-1 lle is to spend six Jiours actually j the Queen 1 ed that on October 1 there were ! !ipon ills h?'ul, it will be nine; diate retur in the Philippines 34.385 regu- j I,OUI II(mi ne yine xne periorm-; lars and 32.470 volunteers, mSk- ! nce bV?,,ls "J11!, l. 18 .ver- Jh? it,o. ?, ..,1 s iu sr.r. 'i.i ' Perry-lyne liuilding is rust at i men, or adding commissioned ! U.le m of te. bl SllP(iri sti:eeJ officers and Signal and Hospital i viaduct, and is one of the busiest Corps, a grand total of 71,528. i Wveland, so Mr. Smith Will UWt 11A.JY ILil Clll (I UU1U11LU tl LI chamber, and for more than twenty years shut herself up from her kind, and dug into her own soul to find there what truth and life she could. During the years j in whicii Nathaniel, then a young i man, lived with these two women, he, too, chose to be alone, going out of the house only at nfcrht, and finding his food on a plate left at his locked door. Some times weeks passed during which the three inmates of the little gray wooden house never saw each other's faces. Hawthorne was the product of j irenerations of solitude and si-' capable of combination for large j lence. Xo wonder that he had! operations." j the second sight and was natural- Cape Town. ( )ct. 28. Three j ized into the world of ijhosts and thousand Rand refugees, their : could interpret for us their speech. I patience having become exhaust-1 America may have great poets : ed, have determined to petition and novelists,' but sh? naver will to permit their inline- have but one necromancer. Selling: Out at Cost. I- ti To the public. I am selling out at c-t f l my entire line ol f f idph Goods, snoes, I S Bfais & ivoif ns. ffi ill give you some good bartrains if you will come m m c- u.e. js the goo.U must Ite sol.l. I also carry a nice line of FAMILY il, h Croclierg snd Tinware, Glassware, I y. Lamps and Hardware that I am offering extremely low. It will j zf Pa3 vu to come and see my coods. I cin save vou sntiw. nnm-v. V. 1 ours to serve. WADE H. ROYAL. ffg Au$r:H)--3m At C. C. Ryals' old Stand. BENSON, N C of the KENLY BARGAIN I10L'5I: has just ri'tunitNl from tlic Nm lli Simon ISl . t IVlclWcinSlV V where he bought n lar-e and s ' lcct stock of Clothing, Gents' Furnishing Goods, &c WHICH HE IS SELLING CHEAP. turn to their homes. WAH IS STILT, ON. Although the war has been officially declared over, the mili his performance. If Bryan is elected, Jones is to travel all the way to Lincoln, Neb., and on the A Christmas Gilt New Round. all tne Year' Question Answered. Yes. Aimust Flower still the lamest sale of tarv authorities do not hesitate i specified Sunday is to sit for nine to say that the war is going on just as much, as it ever was, and that every one of the 71,000 men there are needed to maintain even a semblance of authority. Confidential reports show that outside of the citv nf f nnihv mwl cry out - . - 4 I iW. a few ot the most important gar rison towns the conditions are so bad that any American who wan ders a few hundred yards away from the military lines does so at the risk of his life. "I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and find it to be a great medicine," says Mr. E.S. Phipps, of Poteau, Ark. lIt cured me of bloodly flux. I cannot speak too highly of it." This remedy always wins the good opinion, if not praise, of those who use it. The quick cures which it effects even in the most severe cases make it a favorite everywhere. For sale by Hood Bros. hours in the middle of the street in front of the Bryan residence, clad in the costume of a Turk. At intervals of three minutes each he is to salaam with his face to the ground, and in a loud voice "Oh great and good William Jennings Bryan, I be seech ye not to refuse to a second time to become our President." The fact that Jones would have to travel so long a distance in order to discharge his obligations is in the nature of odds on Mc Kinley's chances of election." Washington Post- Great Lack of an Editor. "For two years all efforts to cure Eczema in the palms of my hands failed," writes Editor H. N. Lester, of Syracuse, Kan., "then I was wholly cured by Bucklen's Arnica Salve." Its the world's best for Eruptions, Sores and all skin diseases. Only 25 c at Hood Bros. In choosing a Christmas gift what can afford more present or lasting pleasure than a subscrip tion to The Youth's Companion? The delight with which it is wel comed on Christinas morning is J renewed every week in the year. I Those who wish to present a year's subscription to a friend may also have The Companion's beautiful new "Puritan Girl" Calendar for 1901 sent with it. This Calendar reproduces in 12 color printings an ideal portrait of a Puritan maiden of Plymouth. In addition to this, all the issues of The Companion for the remain ing weeks of 1900 are sent free from the time subscription is re ceived for the new volume. Those wishing to make a pres ent of The Companion and men tioning it when subscribing will receive, in addition to the gifts offered above, a beautiful printed certificate of subscription to place among the presents on Christmas morning. Illustrated Announcement of the volume for 1901 sent with sample copies of the paper free to any address. The Youth's Companion, Boston, Mass. liar anv medicine! in tne civinzeu woriu. ious; mothers' and grandmothers' never thought of using anything else for Indigestion or Bilious- i ness. Doctors were scarce, and ; they seldom heard of Appen-j dicitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system and stop fermentation of undigested food, regulate the ac tion of the liver, stimulate the nervous' and organic action of the system, and that is all they took" when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green's August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is nothing serious the matter with you. For sale by Hood Brothers. Counting: Chickens. Justice What were you "doing in Col. Pullet's chicken coop?" Uncle Mose Fo de Lawd, judge, I was jes' takin' de cen sus." Harlem Life. Stops tne Cough and Works off the Cold. Laxative Bromo-Qquinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Five Dollar Men's Suit go at A Ten Dollar Sunday Suit for An Eighteen Dollar Wedding Suit for Five Dollar Men's ( )ver coats for Ten Dollar Overcoat goes for Everyday Pants, 4.jc. Five Dollar Sunday Pants for . PANTS all the way from 45c to A two and a half boys' suit (from 14 to 15y'rsold) for S2.40 6.25 14.50 2.25 6.00 2.50 6.00 1.25 One dollar and a quar ter everyday SIhus goes lor One dollar and a halt Sundav sho' !' im A three and a half Sun dav shoe :')( s for One and a quart!- L.i dies? everyday .-ho" goes for One and a quart i l. i ilies Sunday Sin .it A two dollar Lad !.-' Sunday Shot at Ladies' Capes from ."() cents to Ladies' Trimmed Hat from (JOc. up to S.Too. 80c 99c 0i , 51.25 Now for Dry Goods. Seven cents Plaids for 5 cents. White Homespun yard ui'i' cents. Calicoes at 4 cents. Ladies' Nice Dies Goods Henrietta, Cassimere, Silks, kv., LOW DOWN. NOW FOR TRUNKS AND VALISES. Come and see for yourself. We can give you bargain.-. Stancill & Klawansky, Proprietors Kcnly Bargain Store In Advertisement in Herald IS A GOOD INVESTMENT FOR BUSINESS MEN. Try it. Rates Reasonable. gsr