I HI)t jimitljfielii Herald prtwi oh dollar per trar. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." eimgu copies three cehte. VOL. 20. SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 22, 1901. NO. 2. THE IMPEACHMENT TRIAL. judge Allen Opens for the Prosecu tion?Judge Bynum for the Defense?Judges Fur ches, Douglas and Montgomery on the Witness Stand. Wilmington Star. Raleigh N. C., March 14?The impeachment trial of Chief Jus tic Furches and Associate Justice Kobert M. Douglas, of the North Carolina Supreme Court, began before the State Senate at noon to day, the accused Judges und the counsel on both sides being present. Judge Allen, of Wayne, one of the managers on the part of the House, spoke for nearly three hours, presenting the case on the part of the piosecution. He gave a complete review of the circumstances leading up to the institution of impeachment pro ceedings, and preferred the follow ing five charges against 'the judges: 1. Violation of sections 1), ar tick 1, of theconstitution. 2. V j. ' '?< of the section 8, article 14, r' ;he constitution, that no mo. - be dra'cn from the public trees rr\ < r Lczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Pimples, Sores, Ulcers and Piles. Only 25 cents at Hood Ilros. Legislation Relative to Johnston County. Senator Allen K. Smith hnsfur- \ nislied us with a list, of the acta i passed by the legislature relative t to this county. 11 The acts are as follows: < An act to enlarge the corpor- 1 ate limfts of Benson. 1 An act to umend the charter of 1 Sinithfield, This act extends the corporate limits, taking in Mr. ( C. Radford, the depot and rail-1 < road property, the Brooklyn h Manufacturing Co., Turlington 1 Institute and that part of Ilrook- i lvn west of road. 1 An act to amend the charter of t Selma, allowing an increasein the 1 tax levy. t An act to establish graded 11 schools in Sinithfield and Selma. 1 These acts were passed as pre-1 j sented and authorize an election j on the question. A special tax is 11 to be levied for the support of 11 the graded schools. I An act to establish county con- j ] vict system. This act was pub- ii listied in The Herald several i weeks ago. j An act to incorporate the I Bank of Benson. Ail act to incorporate the Clay-1: ton Banking Co. Ail act for the relief of Thomas J YYoodall. An act to provide liens for Johnston county. The fees arej to be 10 cents for probate and 30 cents for registering. This act is published in this paper. An act to charter the Smithiield Fire Co. Some amendments were made to the bill submitted. The exemptions were eliminated. An act to establish a dispensa ry at Kenly, under the same reg ulations as the Sinithfield dis penary. It will pay two liquor licenses to the general school fund. D. L. Godwin, K. K. Hales, j and are commissioners. An act toamend the Sinithfield, ^ Selma and Clayton dispensaries |, regarding the tax on them. Sinithfield is to pay three liquor licenses, Selma two and Clayton two. To go to general school fund. These are the amounts of ] taxes paid by the liquor dealers i before dispensaries were estab lished. An act to prohibit the manu facture and sale of liquor in Smithfiel i, Selma, Clayton and Beulali townships except as it is now permitted. The act provides that nothing is to prevent dis- , pensariesaud incorporated towns 1 from it. An act to amend t lie stock law oi Johnston county. Only ex tends the ten-VlCCy to the Hunter road from Sandy Grove church down to A. Wallace's, and abol ishes the inside territories; to go! into effect .Iannary 1, 1902. Also a general law authorizing the County Commissioners to declare the law in force and effect upon a petition of a majority of the land owners in any township, sec tion or territory under known boundaries. Said commission ers having complete control of all stock law matters. A more detailed statement of some of these acts will be given as soon as the laws are published. ] GENERAL NEWS. Half of Cloverport, Ky., was burned last week and 1,600 j>er sons made homeless. Another $ 1,000,000 hotel is to be built in Chicago, 111., just south of the Auditorium. Democrats of Toledo, 0., have indorsed Mayor Jones, of "Golden Rule" fame, for a third term. Miss Eliza Anderson has been nominated bv the Democrats for city clerk of Denver, Col. The New port News Shipbuilding Company lias contracts for building 13 ships, to cost $28, 000,000. Including the late Marriott Hrosius, li members of the Fifty sixth Congress have died since It was convened. Surrounded by fully 13,000 of his fellow-citizens the body of Benjamin Harrison was Sunday afternoon buiied in the family lot in Crown Hill Cemetery, at Indianapolis, Ind. Libraries for Public Schools. Editor Herald:?The writer vislies to see every boy and girl educated. To bring about this itate of affairs the Legislature ins made some advances One ?f these is the offer of the State to give ten dollars toward a library to any school district that will raise an equal amount. Every school district in North Carolina should take advantage if this offer. Every school-house trould then lieeonie a center of in fluence in the community. Many aoble boys in the country dis tricts are thirsting for knowl nlge. They have only a few dry text-books?only drinking from the rivulets und rills, whereas vith the library well established hey might drink deeply from the ficat fountains of knowledge. There might be books in the library for the help of every mem ber in the community?the wife, for her poultry, her dairy, her laundry, and her cooking; the iarmer for his slot k, farm imple ments, cultivation and seeds on . improved methods; the mechanic for his machinery plans, etc.; books to aid t lie boys in debate, and the gills in reading circles; good moral books to tume the wayward, wild and wandering; poetry, history, science, biogra phy, discovery, etc. It should be remembered that books are written by the great thinkers. The readers at once become the pupils and compan ions of the best, the wisest, and greatest who have lived. Of course twenty dollars for a library is small to start on,\yet we are sure more would bead led, and many books would be given. The writer can see that witr\ ? the advent of the library, rural mail delivery, the increased ap propriation for public schools, the numerous private schools and academies, springing up, county life will be morecharming in the future. We were about to forget it, but llenson Academy is on a boom, there being now twenty-five boarding pupils mid home pof tonage good. Respect f;'lv, ;... i?. c Hen son, N. C , Mar. 10, 1001. Married. At the residence of the bride's i-arents in Elevation, Sunday, March 17, at 9:30, a. m.? Mr. Sir Win. Lassiter and Miss Vickie Lassiter were united in the holy bonds of mati >nv, Josepfius Johnson, J. 1' fi ting. I his happy yoi couple are Wld in hign esteem by all who know them, he bride being the eldest daughter of Mr. P. W. Lasbiter, a successful farmer of Elevation, and the groom being the son of Mr?*'m. H. Lassiter, oneof Elevation's lf.ust prosper ous and enterprising farmers. The attendants were: Mr. Q?J?. Stanley with Miss Livie Lassiter,"" Mr. 1). C. Lassiter with Miss Min nie Allen, Mr. 1). H. Sanders with Mi8s Ixtuie Lassiter, Mr. P. YV. Massengill with Miss Bettie Las siter. After the ceremony waspeform ed the happy young couple and their attendants returned to the residence of the groom's parents where a most sumptuous dinner awaited them. May happiness and prosperity be theirs ever in the future and their lives together crowned with success. A Friend. Stops the Con?h ana Works off the Cold laxative Bromo-Quinine Tab lets cure a cold in one day. No Cuce, no Pay. l'rice 25 cents The I-egislature adjourned temporarily last Friday until April 3rd. About 40,000 claims, mostlv from soldiers, growing out of the Spanish War, have lieen filed against the Government. When you are bilious, use those famous little pills known as DeWitt's Little Early Risers to cleanse the liver and bowels. They never gnpe. Hood Bros., J. R. Ledbetter. Hnerft Hon.