THE HERALD, NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. lTCopy for changes in advert!:; ments must 'it received hy 2 o'clock p. m Wednesday, or the change will not be made until the next week. This rule will be strictly observed. Business Locals inserted at 5 cents pet line first insertion and 21 cents per lint each succeeding insertion. Rates for display ads made known on application. Friday, April 19, 1901. Index to New Advertisements. Allen Lee?Patent Medicines. 8. B. Johnson?Tobacco Flues and .Stoves. Kmithpielo Hardware Co.?Paints. 'Pheston Woodall, Benson?Spring Woods. TOWN AND COUNTY. ?Have you registered for the town election? ?Mr. W. It. Guill and family I have moved to Four Oaks. ?Dr. G. J.Robinson visited his! brother in Goldsboro Tuesday. ?Now is the time to expect big fish stories. Who will be the first to report? ?The Zigzag Club will meet j next Monday evening with Miss Mattie McGuire. ?The brick work of the hand some Dickinson-Jordan building on Market street is completed. ?Application has been made to the Secretary of Statefor articles of incorporation for the new hotel company. ?Mr. II. B. McGuire, of Rich mond, Va., has been here this week on a visit to his parents, Air. and Mrs. R. H. McOuire. ?Architect IV. P. Rose, of Ral eigh was here Tuesday. He will make the plans for the new hotel to be built here this summer. ?Hon. D. H. McLean, of Dunn, has accepted rn invitation to de liver the memorial address at Washington, N. C., on the 10th of May. ?We are glad to Bee Mr. F. H. Brooks out again after having been confined to his room for some time by a severe attack of rheumatism. ?Mr. H. B. Hardy, the well known travelling representative of the News and Observer, was in town Tuesday in the interest of that txcellent and enterprising paper. ?The Turlington Institute base ball team went to Kenly Satur day and played a game with the Kenly team. The T. I. boys were the victors, the score standing 10 to 3. ?Dr. E. T. Dickinson left Wed nesday for New York, where he has gone to take a post-gradu ate course in the New York Col lege of Polyclinics. He will be away about a month. ?Are the people of Smithfield interested in an organised fire company? Then, let them show how much they are inters ted by giving their support to the com pany organized here recently. ?Rev. A. R Raven, pastor of the Methodist church at Mount Olive, died last week at an ad vanced age. Mr. Raven served several churches in this county quite a number of years ago. ?Mr. M. V. Barefoot, of Mead ow township, who is one of The Herald's staunchestsupporters, called in to see us yesterdav. While here he renewed the sub scription of his daughter, Mrs. Amanda Morgan. ?The town election will be held on Monday May 6th. On that day seven aldermen for the town of Smithfield will be elected, as follows: First ward, one; sec ond ward, two; third ward, two; fourth ward, two. ?Owing to the lateness of the season the farmersare somewhat slow In planting their crops Many of the oldest farmers say that a late spring is often follow ed by a good crop year. We tiope that such may be the case this year. ?Rev. J. W. Suttle requests us to announce that he will begin a series of meetings at the Baptist church here on the first Sunday in May. He will be assisted by Rev. f. A. .Jenkins, pastor of the First Baptist church in Golds boro. ?Rev. J. T. Gibbs, D. D., Pre siding Elder of the Raleigh Dis trict, will preach in the Metho dist church at Helma next Sun day morning and evening. The second quarterly conference will be held Monday, beginning at 10 o'clock. ?The Raleigh News and Ob server of last Sunday contained the following item: "A marriage license was issued yesterday to Mr. T. E. Page, of Myatt's Mill, W al-e county, and Miss Annie F. Stephenson, of Itiner, Johnston county." ?The Fortnightly Rook Club will hold its next meeting at the home of Prof. Ira T. Turlington on Monday evening, April 20th, at 8:80 o'clock. The interest in the club is increasing at each meeting. At its meeting Monday evening it decided to buy several i new books which will be the be ginning of the Club's library. ?We are anxious to secure a copy of the first number of Thk Smithfiki.u Hjckald, which was published in the spring of 1882. To the first person who will send us a copy of that issue we will give a six months' subscrip tion to this paper. We suppose that perhaps some of our sub scribers have preserved a copy of the number desired. ?The Smithfield Fire Company has been permanently organized with the following officers: Fore man. Z. L. LeMay; Assistant Foreman, N. R. Grantham; Sec retary-Treasurer, T J. Lassiter. The next regular meeting will be held the first Friday night in May. A constitution and by laws have been adopted and the company is now ready for mem bers. ?Smithfield has long been in need of a first-class hotel. We are glad to state that this needj will soon be filled. A company | has been organized and nearly all the money subscribed for the erection of a large and well ar ranged hotel that would be a credit to towns three times the size of Smithfield. The building is to be located on the corner lot north of the court house and will front 10") feet on Market street and extend 00 feet on Second street. The building is to be of brick, three stories high. It will contain two store rooms, barber shop, office, sample room, par lors, kitchen and dining room and about 25 bed rooms. The men who are backing up this en terprise mean business and the building will be put up as soon as possible. The Cow and Calf not Related. A certain man in or about Gar- j ner, N. C., decided recently that j his table fare would be a little more complete with some milk | and butter. So he spoke to a Johnston county cattle dealer to secure for him a cow and calf. Not many days passed before the cow and calf were delivered and i paid for, much to the satisfaction at first, of both parties concerned. Soon the purchaser noticed that the cow and calf seemed to be "without natural affection" but he thought perhaps the drive had jaded them and that soon they would become more attentive to each other. However this sad state of affairs continued until it was thought proper to investi gate the matter. The investiga tion showed that the cow and calf were really no blood kin and that the original owners of the cattle lived several miles apart. Do You Want an Afternoon Daily? We have made arrangements with the Raleigh Times whereby we can send The Smitheield Herald and The Times, both one year for f.'i.OO, cash in ad vance. The Raleigh Times is one of the very best afternoon dailies in the State and is edited by Mr. John Wilber Jenkins, one of the brightest newspapermen in North Carolina. This is a great offer, as the price of The Times alone is $.'5.00 per year. Those of our subscribers living at Clayton and Wilson's Mills. Selma, Pine I^evel and Princeton would do well to take advantage of this offer, as they can get The Times the same day of publica tion, being mailed in time for the last train which leaves Raleigh each dav. Remember that for three dollars you can get your county paper and a good daily j for one whole ytar. The Smallest Baby Yet. The smallest babv in the world,: according to all medical records, was born in this city last Satur day. The mother gave birth to twins and one weighs four pounds while the other weighs only 14*, ounces. Photographer Haves this morning took the baby's picture. It is i>erfectly formed and seems to be entirely well. However the physicians say that; it will be very difficult to raise such a child.* The little young ster is about the size of an ordi nary cigar. The parents aie respected citizens, living in the suburbs.?Raleigh Times. Concerning: Starling: Wilson's Death. In our issue of March 2!>, there appeared a statement in our Selnia correspondence concerning the death of Mr. Starling Wilson which somewhat offended the friends and relat ives of the family of the deceased. 4s we are un willing to do anyone an injustice we publish the following version furnished us by the family with a request that it be published: "He (Mr. Wilson) in searching the Scripture read the fifth chap ter of James and became con vinced that the God who made him was able to heal him. and that he would, provided he would exercise faith to that extent. So he sent for the pastor of his church and other christians to come to his home and conduct an anointing service, as is plainly taught in James 5. The service was set for Sunday, March 24, at 2 p. m., and at 11 o'clock the same morning he told his son that he need not get for him any more medicine, that he would let him know when he wanted any more. So the christians met at 2 o'clock and conducted the ser vice. He then claimed that the pain in his side was removed for the first time since he had been sick. So he, much to the ap proval of the christians, who were conducting the service, de cided to take no more medicine, that God did not need medicine to heal him with. So the next dav he took more medicine to satisfy the request of his boys and at once began to grow worse, death soon presente 1 itself, and just before he died he roused up and told a good woman, one of the family, that the doctor told him that he could relieve him of the pain in his side, but he had not done it." BF.NSON BUDGET. A liberal use of paint helps the looks of town. l'reston Johnson is in Rich-, mond for a few weeks. Charles Johnson is recreating in upper Harnett this week. Hudson Tobacco Warehouse is j Hearing completion, and there is talk of another. Never but once was town poli-l tics as dull as now, on approach of election, and then it went by default. The new bank here has been in i operation a short while, and the J people find it is what they have j needed a long time. The firm of R. F. Smith & Co. have dissolved copartnership Dy mutual consent, and Ulysses i Wallace has accepted a position with Mr. Smith who continues the business. Our tow n is experiencing the disorders of a small pox scare. Exaggerated reports sent broad-1 cast over the county have had the effect of demoralizing busi ness some. There are and have; been seven or eight cases, all of j whom are doing well. There has j been no death. The sickest man we haye had is one who took j erysipelas in his arm from vacci nation. The physicians and au thorities think they have the, matter well in hand now, and' that there will be no new cases. One thousand and forty mil-j lion gallons of beer brewed yearly in the United Kingdom eouais j the total amount brewed by America, France and Austria. John Wilber Jenkins edits the; Raleigh Daily Times, brightest evening paper in the State. The Times and The Hekaed for a whole year for $3. This is an in troductory offer, cash in advance. SMITKFIELD MARKET CORKCTBD BVEKY THURSDAY. Cotton to 8 Cotton Seed 18 Kggs 8 to 10 Chickens ___ 15 to 25 Granulated Sugar 64 to 7 Corn, per bushel 60 to 65 Potatoes, per bushel 70 Peed Oats, per bushel 40 to 45 Peas, per bushel 90 to $1.00 Fresh Pork 6 to 7 C. R. Sides, per pound 9 to 10! Hams, new " " 11 to 114' Lard. " " 10to 111 Cheese, " " 15j Butter, " !' 20 to 25 Dried Apples, per pound 74 to 10 Coffee, per pound 124 to 15 Sheep Shins, each 10 to 80 Salt Hides, per pound 7 to 8 Hides?Green, per pound 4 to 5 Hides? Dry Flints " 6 to 12 Tallow 5 Beeswax 20 Meal, per saok $ 1.80 Flour, per sack ______ $2.00, 2.25 FoddeT, per hundred 75 to 90 Ha,-', per hundred 1.00 to 110 w3,l. washed 20 This llfMtan la aw every has at Mm (aaalaa J ai iti ve Broroo-QuiaiiK 50 ' T ' S *ppring 1 omcsX M ARE WHAT S if YOU NEED. jX J VA/e Hnue Them. ?3 X X Paine's Celery Compound i# b Hood's Sarsaparilla y Lee's Sarsaparilla. 50c. jg y Dr Miles' Restorative Tonic jg SDr Shoop's Restorative ^ Horsford's Acid Phosphate ? Electric Bitters 5 Scott's Emulsion J Budwell's Emulsion ? Angier'S Petroleum Emulsion 2 ? Warn pole's Cod Liver Oil ^ J Dr Miles' Blood Purifier ^ J Peruna. Kodol. * X Jf Stationery, Toilet Articles JF Spectacles, Tobaccos, 8rc. X 51 * S ALLEN LEE, Druggist, * ? SMITHPIELD, N. C. ^ Nunnally's Fine Candles. ^ HOUSES FOR RENT. Mr. Spiers' seven-room house recently occupied by Prof. Parker is for rent. A good well of water and a very desirable place. A two-room house and a kitchen near the depot, belongs to Mr. Simons. Apply to Peaty & Holt, Smithfield, N. C. Special Communication. There will be a special commu nication of Fellowship Lodge No. 84 A. F. A A. M. on Saturday, April 20th, at 10 o'clock a. in. For work in the E. A. degree. All Masons invited. R. J. Noble, W. M. The Best 10c coffee in the world at N. B. Snipes & Ilro., Selma, N. C. Short Form Lien Bonds for sale at Herald office. A car of lime on the road. Hair, plaster and cement in stock all the time. W. M. Sanders. For all of the leading daily and weekly papers, visit the News Stand of R. E. Snipes, Selma. N. C. 1 have two good mules for sale. W. M. Sanders. Dr. Clarence Porter Jones, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist, of Richmond, Va., will be at Benson, April 22d,23d and 24th. At Dunn the 25th, 26th and 27th, 1901. These days only. Old Dominion and Richmond Brand guano for sale by J. H. Parker, Selma. We have commenced work at brick yard and will have plenty brick soon. W. M. Sanders. Buy your high grade fertilizers of J. if. Parker, Selma, N. C. He sells Prolific Cotton Grower, Farmers' Friend, Old Dominion, Farmers' Alliance Guano, and Richmond Brand. Three cars hay, two cars corn ! and one car oats in stock. Also fresh meal and flour. Try my molasses. It is the very oest. W. M. Sanders. For Prolific Cotton Grower and Farmers'Friend High Grade Guanos see J. H. Parker, Selma. If you want pood Cook Stoves at very low prices, go to Snipes Bros., Selma, N. C. MILK COWS FOR SALE. For sale, several young grade Jersey cows with young calves. G. F. U/./.I.K, Wilson's Mills, N. C. , NOTICE. The Board of County Commis sioners will receive bids for the ' painting of the jail and roof of same, painting roof of the Court . House and penciling of the vaults. All bids for said ioD should be in the hands of the Register of Deeds on or before May 1st, 1901. The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. Specifications can be seen by calling at Regis ter's office. By order of the board. J. W. 8tephknson, Clerk B. C. C. April 1,1901. WHY NOT Visit my store and and examine my new spring stock of Shoes? I am prepared to fit you, regardless of size, shape or style, and more so in price. I have the most up-to-date and complete line of Men's, Ladies', Boy's, Misses' and Children's * SHOES * THAT CAN BE FOUND IN THE COUNTY. Gents, try a pair of Geo. G. Snotc's $2.50, $3.00 or $3.50 Shoes if* you want a stylish, service able and easy shoe. Ladies, why not try a pair of Drew Selby's Fine Shoes. BUTTON, LACE OR LOW CUT. FOR EA81. COMFORT AND SERVICE? NONE EQUALS THEM. The Star Shoes ARE THE ONES FOR MISSES AND CHILDREN. NONE BETTER. GENTS, SEE MY LINE OF X Straw Hats, i ; - All the new and nobby shapes. A full line of LTMBRELLAS for Gents, Ladies and Children. Two spools Clark's best six cord finish cotton for 5 cents. Yours for business, W. L. WOODALL. Suits to Suit You. Our $5,000 stock of clothing is so varied and complete as to styles and sizes that the most fastidious can be easily suited. The goods were purchased by experienced cloth iers, the prices are low, the styles are the latest. Why not come now and select a suit before the sizes art too badly broken? LOOK AT THESE PRICES. Boy Suits, $ .75 to $ 5.00 Youth Suits, 2.75 to 8.50 Men's Suits, 2.75 to 17.50 "Battle Axe" Shoes 81 to $3 'Reynolds" Shoes 2 to 4 NO RISK ABOUT OUR SHOES, The "Reynolds" and the Battle Axe" are both war ranted. If they are not as represented your money is refunded, and you are out nothing. We are not Boasting Very Much when we assert that we have the largest and best assorted line of Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, X TIES X and Gentleman's Notions ever exhibted in Smithfield. Inspect our stock. Let us remind you That we carry a complete , line of Drv Goods and Notions. Every depart ment is complete. CORN We Buy in FLOUR Car load lots FEED J ' Do you see the advamage in so doing? Our customers can point it out to you. \A/e Buy to Sell. There is no reason nor money in having goods on your shelf to look at. We wish to sell often. We made our prices low in order to do it. We Clothe you, We Feed you, We Feed your Stock 4 AS WELL AND AS CHEAPLY AS ANY ONE CAN AFFORD TO DO SO. Try us, We can suit you and We Will, Very respectfully, Grantham, Austin & Co., DEALERS IN cioiiiny, Dry Goods, Sloes, Hals. Groceries, Feed Stuffs, Fertilizers.

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