POLENTA NEWS. The public and private schools have all closed. Mr. Jos. Parrish has had some work done on his giu which adds materially to its appearance. No services at Shiloh last Sun day. The pastor was absent in a meeting in Wake county. A large congregation was present. We learn that Mr. L. T. Byrd has bought land near Fuquay Springs, in Wake county, and) will move to it the coming year. Sorry to report the sudden ill ness of Squire J. J. lax;. He was taken last Saturday. At this writing he is considerably better In this section the crops are much better manured than they have ever been, and if they fail to yield copiously it will not be for the lack of stimulants. The hail storm did no material damage hereabouts. Overin por tions of Clayton Township, as a result of the storm, cotton and corn will have to be planted over. Miss Mamie Johns, of Auburn, who has been on a visit to Miss May Young, returned to her home the latter part of last week. Miss May Young accompanied her. Mr. A. I). Taylor, of Raleigh, .spent a few days visiting Mr. A. Ciower's family last week. Here ports the hail storm as having done great damage around Ral- j eigh. Mr. Claude Price has bought the old homestead of Mr. 1). I). Parish, deceased. Mr. Price is, one of our most energetic young: farmers, and is destined to win success. Glad to report the condition of Dr. James Edmundson, who a few days ago underwent surgical operation under Dr. McGuire, of Richmond, Va., is much improved. It is to be hoped his recovery will soon be complete. Mr. G. B. Smith has an exceed ing fine field of wheat, containing about twenty acres. Good judges say it will average twenty-five bushels to the acre if the seasons continue favorable, lie used cot ton seed and Nitrate Soda on it. Miss Edith Harper, sister of Mr. Calvin Harper, died at the latter's residence week before last of consumption. She was about forty-five years old and her suffer ings being of such a nature, she expressed a readiness and desire to die. Peace to her ashes. Typo. The Herald and Home&Farm one year for $1.25. Grantham, Austin & Co., sell | ready-made clothing. The Dog For the Boye. "Now, boys," said the teacher, "I need not tell you anything further ?of the duty of cultivating a kindly disposition, but I will tell you a lit tle story of two dogs. "George had a nice little dog that was as gentle as a lamb. He would | sit by George's side quietly for an hour at a time. He would not bark at passcrsby nor at strange dogs and would never bite anybody or anything. "Thomas' dog, on the contrary, was always fighting other dogs and would sometimes tear them quite cruelly. He would also fly at the I hens and cats in the neighborhood j and on several occasions had been J known to seize a cow by the nostrils j and throw her. He barked at all the strange men that came along and would bite them unless some body interfered. "JNow, noys, wmcn was me aog rou would like to own, George'9 or Thomas' ?" Instantly came the answer in one eager shout: "Thomas' !"??Pearson's Weekly. | Wonderful Memories. Of M. de l^scepede, a well known French writer on natural history, it aa recorded that he composed and corrected his works from beginning to end before he wrote them down. A similar practice is ascribed to Prescott, the American historian,, who, it is said, used to compose and finish his narratives in his mind be-1 fore a word of them was committed to paper. That a man should be able thus to store his own writings in his memory is harder to understand 1 than that he should recall the writ- I ings of another, because in the one case every word is immutable, whereas in the other nothing is ab-. solutelv Hied. It is a significant fact that a powerful memory is more generally coveted than is either the imaginative or the ratiocinative fac ulty. This is apparently because a strong memory can be turned to so many uses, not onlv in literature, hut in the conduct of life. SELMA NEWS. Mr. and Mrs. M. ('. Winston went to Kaleigh Tuesday. Rev. K. B. Holmes will preach here next Sunday,?his regular ! appointment. ^?ur smallpox case, Daniel Bur rell, is doing nicely. It was re I ported that he was dead, but Dan says, "it aint so;" that all j he wants now is a plenty to eat. Misses Mamie and Nannie Bald win and Miss Forme >'legg, of i (ireensboro, who have been on a ; visit to Miss Fannie Jackson re- j turned home Wednesday much to ] the regret of our young folks. Mr. W. B. Driver left for Ashe ville Monday to attend theses- 1 sion of the (irand Isxlge of Odd Fellows, which met Tuesday the ] loth, as the representative from ? Oliver Branch Dodge No. 37, 1. ! 0. O. F. Well, our boys are down in the mouth to-night, (Wednesday) 1 Smithfield Just wiped up tne earth with them. The worst ! beating they have ever had, 27 ; to 12 in favcr of Smithfield. < Well, they say it is time to let Smithfield have a game and for ] them to make the most of it, for it will be our time to laugh next time they play. The newly electe 1 town officers,' met last Friday night and were sworn in by Mayor, lohn M. Par ker. They were, It. B. Whitley, mayor; W. H. Hare, Y. I). Yin son, C. W. Richardson, and W. B. Driver, commissioners. They elected S. W. Parker, town clerk; j W. H. Htheridge. treasurer; Dr. R. J. Noble, health officer, and Rufus Batten, policeman. Nearly! allot the old town ordinances were adopted. Mr. 1M. V. 1 teuton, ot llaieign, and Miss Lizzie Vivian Itebnnm, a daughter of the lute Dr. Wal ter Debnam, of Earpsboro, were married at the residence of Mr. Clarence W. Richardson on Wed nesday, May 15th by Rev. 11. W. (lines, of Smithtield. They left on the 8 o'clock Southern train, via (Jreensboro, for Washington, New York and Buffalo, where they will visit the great Pan American Exposition, Niagara Falls, Toronto, Canada, and other places of interest. scorn EMULSION OF COD-LIVER OIL WITH HYPOPHOSPHITES should always be kept in the house for the fol lowing reasons: FIRST- Because, If any member of the family has a hard cold, it will cure It. SECOND ? Because, If the chil dren are delicate and sickly, It will make them strong and well. THIRD ?Because, if the father or mother is losing flesh and becom ing thin and emaciated. It will build them up and give them flesh and strength. FOURTH Because it Is the standard remedy in all throat and lung affections. No household should be without It It can be taken in summer as well as in winter. 50c. and $1.00, all druggist*. SCOTT & BOWNE, CAemists, New York. SUMMER TERM OF Turlington Institute. On Monday, May 27 th, I expect to tiepin a short summer term of school for the benefit of those who would like to pursue the pub lic school studies for a snort j time, or who would like to take a short commercial course. Tui-1 tion per month f-'l.OO. Board 17.50. Those who wish to take ad- J vantage of this summer school' must let me know their intention by mail or otherwise not later than May 22nd. Ika T. Turlington. Grantham, Austin & Co. sell Hay, Corn and Feedstuff. You an* about ready to buy Tobacco Flues. Please see me or write for prices before you do. R. F. Smith, Benson, N. C. Battle Axe shoes at Grantham, Austin Ac Co.'s. Ice Cream Soda 5c. at I^ee's Soda Fountain. Larce stock Straw Hats at j Grantham, Austin Ac Co.'s. The Best 10c coffee in the world at N. 11. Snipes & Bro., Selma, N. C. Grantham, Austin & Co. 'carry a large line of Gents' Furnishing Goods. Soda water, any kind you want. Made right, served right. l^ee's Drug Store. Arrow Brand Collars and Cuffs at Grantham, Austin & Co.'s. Car of Patent and Straight Flour ]ust arrived. Cotter, Underwood & Co. If you want pood Cook Stoves at very low prices, go to Snipes Bros., Selma, N. C. We have just printed a large supply of Short Form Lien Bonae and can fill all orders promptly. Herald office. Try our Soda Water if you like it served right. I>ee's Drug Store. The Herald and Home and Farm one year, $1.25. Grantham, Austin & Co. insure all their projierty with J. H Kirkman. OPIUM C0CAINE and WHISKY I' lUlTS Habit* Cored at your home or at ?anltortum Boat ol reference*. Book on Home Tre atment aent FRIJL Addreaa II. M. Wool FV. M. D.. ( b?? Ji, Atlanta. Oa. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OK The Clayton Banking Co. At the close of business on the 24th day of April, 1901. KESOURCE8. Loans and Discounts - 937,616.68 Overdrafts 228.46 Banking House 1,991.24 Furniture an?l Fixtures 717.64 Demand Loans ~ l,600.oC Due from Ranks - 12,323.0fi Revenue Stamps 22.5C Tash on hand 3.259.7C Total 947,669.22 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock paid in ., 910,000.01 Undivided profits, net 1,120 rt.' Deposits subject to check 3n.478.lf Cashier's Checks out... 00.44 Total 947,669.21 I, C. M. Thomas, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above state i ment is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. M. THOMAS, Cashier. Correct- Attest: tsrliv hornk. W. A. Barnes. A.J.Barbour, k D. h. McCult.brs, ( hap. w. hornr, Directors. State of North Carolina?County of Johnston. Sworn to and subscribed before this the 13th day of May, 1901. O. O. SMITH, Notary Public , NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as execu tor on the estate of George B. Bridges, d< ? ??ased, all peisous having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 17th day of Mav 1902 or this notice will l*? pleaded in bar of their recovery and ad persons indebted I to said estate will make immediate payment, rhis 16th day of May 1901. Anderson Gowkr. Ex. P. O. I/emay, N. C. | M 17 4hr. Look! i>ixik plows 88c Each -VA/e- Sel I?? Hardware and Furnitur6 Regardless of Cost Our Furniture is mad* in Dunn and we can save ynu the fielght. We carry thi largest line of Rubber. Gandy and Leather Belting. Engine and Mill (supplies it tbia part of North < arolina, and can flit your orders promptly. Write us for prices Dunn Hardware and Furniture Company, DUNN. N. C. | The Fruit it Bears, | K Tlie people know the fruits of the prescriptions tilled and the IK A medicine bought, at Hood Brothers' Drug Store and purchase ; A fl th Ir goods there, where they get the purest drugs that can be /J jj bought an 1 the most prompt at'entlon that can be rendered. ^ ? p For the Best Cold Drinks | & Come to cur fountain Soda Water, Sherbets, Lemonades, I re 5 Limeades, and many others. We also keep Fishing Tackle, ; ffi A Stationery, Toilet Articles, Fresh Candies, &c. < A I HOOD BROS,, Druggists, | yt Corner Market and 3d Sts, Smithfield, N. C. \| WE SELL R&G CORSETS I Every woman knows what the R & G Corset is. It is the corset of com fort with the essence of style It is the only corset that Will Not, Cannot, and Does Not Stretch. If you buy an R & G corset, that does stretch, or prove unsatis factory in any way, bring it back to us and we will give you a new one. We have in stock the famous No. 397, Moderately Straight Front, which is popular with most women who do not demand an ex treme straight front. Those who do will find it in the new straight front shown in our illustration. We Sell No. 397 for $1. OUR CORSET STOCK IS LARGE AND WELL SELECTED W. L. WOODALL. Smithfield. N. C. BARGAINS! Bargains! Bargains! LOOK OUT! Owing to t! e small pox rcare here recently, which is now over, 1 have on hand a very large stock of season able goods, which 1 must sell in next 30 days at very low prices, and in order to reduce my stock I shall offer lots of goods at and below cost. So come one and all and examine before you purchase YOUR SPRING GOODS, As I will certainly make it to your interest. I mention some few items below that I have some special bargains in. Ty-? "Pir,T7 rinnHc I carry a full line of nice wors y VJUUUB je(j boat fabrics, Dutch Suiting, Jacquards, Plaid White Goods, striites, India Linen, black and white Covert Cloth, Organdy Lawns, Crash Silk Foulards, Bostic Zephyrs, Dotted Swiss, Dimity Chanby. Also full line nice Dress Prints Ginghams, Cheviots, Plaids. Domes tic, Cottonades, &c. Special bargains in all Dry Goods. In Notions 1 have Dress Shirts, Working Shirts, COLLARS. CUFFS. NECKWEAR Of all kinds, Umbrellas and trimmings of all kinds. Full line of Underwear of all descriptions and special bargains. Samples; at wholesale prices. In Hats 1 have the prettiest line ever brought to this county, both in Straws of all shapes and nice Furs, all styles, at very low prices. yVlillinery. I have the finest in the county and would be glad to have my milliners, Mrs. Smith and Miss Britt to show any who would like to see a nice line of Millinery Goods. ^ have them as 1 always do. In anything you OIlUoO. want in slippers for the babies, and also ladies and men's of every style. Special bargains in them. Come to see my Ladies' Slippers, Dongola patent leather tips and spe cial bargains at 50c- Also special bargains in gents' fine shoes. Clothing, Clothing I have the finest line in Johnston county, and everything you want. Special bargains in men's and boys' extra pants. Also light weight coats, serges, boys' and men's nice dress suits, &c. I also sell the WHEELER & WILSON SEWING MACHINE. which is undoubtedly the best made and would be glad to sei d my sales j man to any who think of purchasing a machine. All the above goods and more too numerous to mention I will be sold at very low prices, either for cash or credit, and I I would be more than pleased to see all my customers and friends ! procure some of the bargains. So come at once before they are picked over. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting continuance of* same I remain, Yours respectfully, C. T. Johnson, BENSON, N. C. Here is the Story and I want you to Read it. It may Help you or you may Help me. During the past three years we have traded for right many old sewing machines. We have been busy at other work and had not taken time to fix them up and fell them. They have all been re paired lately and we are determined to sell them tills sun mer Large families often need two machines and could use one of these You may have some person working for you who needs a: a cheap machine, a Perhaps you can help me in selling them. I have for sale about fifty of these machines. The prices on them are | $ 5 00 $10 00 ; $ 7 50 $12 50 j and $15 00 ' I : Most of them are Cood Machines i ? j All machines sold for ten dollars or more are guaranteed. If 1 you want to buy one of them come to see me or write to me, stat ing what price machine you want and how much you can pay cash. New Sewing Machines. I have for sale the New Domestic and New Home and other sewing machines. I can suit you in style and price. Iiet me know if you want to buy. J. M. BEATY, Smithfield, N. C. Bill Files, Letter Files, LEGAL AND FOOLSCAP PAPER, PENS and Penholders for Sale at Herald Office,