Slje Herald price one dollar per tear. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." singie three cents VOL. 20. SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1901. NQ.2L FLOODS DAMAGE CROPS. Cotton Grows Too Rank and Weeds Injure Tobacco. LATE CORN IMPROVES IN GRAIN STATES. Wind as Well as Ram Has Wrought Much Damage to the crops in the South Atlantic and East Gult States. The Weekly Crop Bulletin for North Carolina, says the past week was remarkable for heavy rains from the 12th to 14th, anil subsequently light showers until the close. Creeks and rivers were again very much swollen, and in some sections the freshets were reported to have been the high est for the season; much damage was caused by overflowing streams in the west and south, and many fields were badly washed by the heavy downpour, particularly in Franklin, Halifax, and Nash counties, where the total rainfall for 24 hours on the 14th varied from 5 to 7 inches. The temperature was about 4 degrees above the daily normal, and the hot sunshine and high humidity during the later por tion of the week caused a very sultry atmosphere, and some crops fired on sandy land or low places. No farm work could be accomplished during the week, and weeds and grass grew rapidly. Cotton in some places improved somewhat, and in very favored localities, with a good autumn, nearly a full crop may be made, but throughout the larger por- j tion of the State the crop has not made much progress; cotton plants are very weedy and long jointed on stiff lands, small on sandy land, and generally are not forming bolls well on either; blooms are still reported; shed ding of squares and bolls is in creasing. Old corn is practically made; the late crop is tilling out fairly well. Fodder is ripening fast and pulling commenced during the week, but what was gathered was damaged by rain. Tobacco in the central-west section has suffered from exces sive rain and weeds; curing is progressing with texture good, but yield light. Crops like sweet potatoes and peanuts, of which the conditions can only be judged by the ap pearance of the vines, are seem ingly doing well, as the top growth is very vigorous, but tears are expressed that the fre quent rains will diminish the quality of the yield. Turnips are comming up nicely. Considerable grass intended to be cut for hay was ruined by the freshets. Melons and fruit continue to deteriorate; the apple crop will be almost a failure. Washington, Aug. 20.?The Weather Bureau's weekly sum mary of crop conditions is as fol lows: "The temperature conditions of the week have been favorable except on the North Pacific coast, where it has been excessivly warm. The middle and South Atlantic and East (iulf States, including Tennessee, ha ve suffered from heavy rains, the South Atlantic and East Gulf States and Tennessee experiencing dam aging winds as well as injury from overflows. The greater part of Texas and portions of Mississippi and upper Mississippi Valley and upper lake region continue to suffer from drought. "A very general improvement in the condition of late corn is indi cated in the principal corn States. "Good rains in Illinois, Indi ana and Ohio have improved the outlook, especially in Indiana, but, as in otner [tortious of the corn belt, the greater part of the early corn has been ruined The propitious outlook for corn in the Middle Atlantic States and New England continues. "The (Central and Eastern por tions of the cotton belt hnve1 suffered from heavy rains, while drought has become more serious over the greater part of the Wes tern districts. In the Carolinas J too rank growth is reported especially on stiff lands, and in Georgia, Florida and Alabama, heavy rains and high winds have caused injury, shedding being j quite prevalent. In Tennessee, Mississippi and in portions of Arkansas the crop has improved. Cotton needs rain throughout Texas, and is failing rapidly in the Central, South and South western portions. Picking is general in Texas and is begin ning over the South and Central portions of the Eastern district. "Tobacco has sustaiued injury from heavy rains in portions of Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina and Tennessee, but has been greatly benefited in the last named State, as well as in the Ohio Valley, where cutting is in progress." Mosquitoes m Court. Yesterday Mr. James H. Pou left for Greensboro, called there by a "Mosquito Case" as he pithily terms it. It is a case in which the Revo lution Cotton Mills Company, of Greensboro, charged with being guilty of having about its mills breeding places for mosquitoes is on trial. This is considered a menace to health and a nuis ance, hence the suit and the in dictment. The State is represented by Solicitor Brooks, Messrs. Scales, Glenn and Manly and Wilson, while for the defense will be heard Messrs. King & Kimball, Bynum & Binum, Spencer B. Adams, F. j I. Osborne and James H. Pou. This means a hotly contested case.?News and Observer. CLAYTON NOTES. Mr. John T. Talton is away for a short recreation. Mrs. W. I). Lindsay is visiting her parents at Whitaker's, N. 0. Mr. Clias. 11. Boooe, of Raleigh, was down to attend church Sun day. Miss Lilly Creech, of Benson, is visiting her sister, Mrs. W. H. IS tailings. Miss Pauline Hood, of Selma, has been a guest in our town for the past week. Miss Smith, of Garner's spent a part of this week with Miss Claudia Mitchell. Mr. Will Griswold is spending this week with his parents in the vicinity of Archer. Supt. A. J. Rose, of the Clayton Cotton Mill, made a business trip to Raleigh Monday. Capt. J. J. Young was in town Monday. We are glad to see him able to be out again. The pastor. Rev. John I>ewis, preached two able sermons at the baptist church Sunday. Mr. L. I). Debnam went to Wil son Thursday in the interest of the Clayton Cotton Mill. Rev. J. A. T. Jones and Miss Mattie spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mrs. N. i?. Hales. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blaylock who have recently moved front Florida to Raleigh, are visitiug Mrs. M. Holland. Mrs. Samuel R. Gullev, after spending a week with Mr. Galley's parents, returned to her home in llurhnm Saturday. Mr. Ellen Daughtery has re signed as engineer of the Clayton Cotton Mill. He will accept a position at Charleston. We anticipated seeing an inter esting ~;.mc of ball Monday, but owing to the timidity of the Shot well team fell short of our expec tations. Misses Julia Ferrell, Rernice Ellington, and Katie Cuminings, of Raleigh, are the guests of Miss Pearl Robertson and Mrs. E. L. H in ton. At a meeting of the directors i of the Clayton school, the old school house was sold toMr. J.C. Ellington, of Raleigh. A new house will soon be in the course of erection. Ray. BENSON BUDGET. Miss Lillie Creech is visiting her sister at Clayton. Fred Crews will sojourn with the boys at Fayetteville awhile. Miss Maude Grimes, of Stephen son, entered school here this week. J. H. Boon is off lecturing to his brethren of the Masonic fra ternity. It. T. Surles has seut his family to the country and he rambles on a rambler. \V. J. McDonald, of Fayette ville was here Monday and con templates moving his family here. \V. J. Talton and Enoch Moore, of Clayton section, were here Wednesday prospecting with a view to locate here. Postal Clerk, Miss Nannie Ftley has resigned, and thinks that certain loungers about the post office are not orthodox christians. J. D. Bain was in Sampson Sunday. He says he was too late for the huckleberries but hopes his trip was not altogether fruitless. Revs. Forbes and Woodall are conducting a revival meeting at the Methodist church. The Bap tist closed their meeting and bap tized 16 Saturday. Among the visitors here this week are Misses Annie and Lula Prauo;hon, of Bennetts\ ille, S. C., Miss Esther Smith, of Peacock's Cross Roads, Miss Hood,of Smith field, Miss Lettie Peacock, of Dunn and Joe Rose, of Washing ton City. ?1. W. Ryals' flat boots No. 2 settled the loose earth where they struck it Monday night when he tried to overtake "Hot Stuff" Johnson and Will Robins, two negro boys from Fayetteville. who had attempted to shoot a flagman. ?J. E. Ivey took in the Norfolk excursion, and on his return, as the train pulled out from the depot at Sinithfield, some one from the outside hurled a missile at him. breaking the car window and inflicting a slight wound be hind the left ear. ? Prof. J. 1'.Canaday is conduct inga teachers' institute in < (range county. He is one of the most enthusiastic educators in the State and his ability is recognized as well away from home as at home. Frank Woodall fills his chair in his absence, and the pri mary department under Miss Millie Bailey proceeds without a jar. Henry Ruttliff (col.) chief cook at Hraay Hotel has developed an abnormal appet ite for hen's fruit, so much so that on certain occa sions he has been known to stow away a goodly number of this poultry product in his pockets to enjoy in the quiet seclusion of home life where the rattling of dishes and clainoringof impatient guests would in no way disturb his utmost satisfaction. Sarah McLam, daughter of Joel McLam, Jr.. did not come back Monday when she went to a neighbor's on business. Investi gation threw light on cupid's antics, revealing that the young lady and her fiance, Right McLam. were arranging for the consum mation so devoutly wished, ex pecting to set up housekeeping for themselves at once. They were married Tuesday night. POLENTA NEWS. Curing of tobacco is nearly at an end for the season. llogs continue to die with cholera in large numbers. Constable Tomlinson has been pre, ty busy recently looking after evil doers. Mr. A. It. Taylor, of Raleigh, is on a visit to relatives in the l>eMay section. Miss Dixie Young is down sick with fever. Hopesareentertained for her speedy recovery. Several more of our farmers are talking of goinginto the tobacco culture next year. Evidently it is a much better paying crop than king cotton. Mr. A. M. Barber, the miller, says wheat is making a poor turnout this year, much more so than was expected. Sorry to hear of Mr. A. Gower's indisposition. He has been in bed tor several days. Hope he will soon be out again. On account of the continuous rainy weather the indications now are thatcotton will be back ward in opening this season. Capt. J. J. Young spent several days in Haleigh this week. Though able to be out, he is still quite feeble from his recent spell of sickness. We are told that just across Swift creek the Barbour boys have an extra finecropof cotton. They fertilize with homemade manure principally. The protracted meeting at Shiloh closed last Friday evening. The piistor, Rev. Duncan McLeod did some earnest preaching. No conversions are reported. Mr. Ralph Stevens, after spend ing two weeks amongst friends of this section returned to his home in Smithfield the latter part of last week. Ralph says we have not seen the last of him. The corn crop has improved some, but the cotton crop is at a standstill; the weed is somewhat larger in spots, but the fruit is not there. Unless cotton sells high, this year will prove a hard one to the farmer as well as the laborer. It is likely another rural deliv ery route will penetrate this sec tion at no distant day. Why should not the whole county re ceive the benefits of this system? Let the people get up petitions and ask for the establishment of routes in their section. In the series of meetings now in progress at Oakland, the pas tor. Rev. It. W. Hines is being ably assisted by Rev. Dr. Morton, of' Rocky Mount. It is under stood that Dr. Morton will preach at Oakland next Sunday morn ing and night, Rev. Mr. Hines tilling his pulpit at Rocky Mount. It is expected that Hon It. X. Sim.ns, of Raleigh, will on the second Sunday tin truing it. Sep tember, deliver an address at Shiloh on the Twentieth Century Fund. He is one of the finest public speakers theState affords, hence every body in t^ie surround ing country should avail them selves of the opportunity of hear ing him. The l'olenta and Rand's Mill baseball clubs crossed bats on the'latter's grounds last Satur day evening. The game was a close and exciting one through out, though the best of feeling prevailed. When the eighth inn ing ended the score stood live to five. The ninth gave the game to l'olenta, the score standing six to five. It was a hotly con tested game, and our boys had to play ball sure enough in order to defeat Rand's Mill crack nine. Grantham behind the bat did superb work. Win. Young as , pitcher out did himself. Clem , Bryan as short stop always on the alert, did most excellent work. Howell on the 1st base, Price on the 2d, Martin on 3d, did tip-top playing. As fielders, Tomlinson, Ilardee and Hill are not to be < Iteaten. Fn fact, it was a well played game all around and re flects credit on the boys? Rand's Mill as well as ours. Everyone! speaks in the highest terms of Rand's Mill boys. Thetwo clubs will play again on the l'olenta diamond at an early day. 1 * Typo. < What a Talc it Tells. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a ! jaundiced look, moth patches and | blotches on the skin it's liver trouble; but I)r. King's New Life ] Pills regulate the liver, purify the blood, giveclear skin, rosy cheeks, ( rich complexion. Only 25c at . Hood Bros, drug store. Believing Dr. Rath Arnold's Balsam a reliable remedy for all 1 bowel disorders, we hereby guar antee every 25c. bottle sold by us to give satisfaction or money refunded. Hood Bros, Allen Lee. FOUR OAKS ITEMS. Mr. Willie Beasley, of Garner, was in town Thursday. Mr. Milton Massengill of our town went up to Benson Sunday. Rev. Mr. Everton, of Newton Grove, is visiting friends in town. Mr. B. B. Adams went up to Raleigh Wednesday, returning Thursday. Mr. W. E. Stanley went to Wil son Monday on business, return ing Wednesday. I)r. E. T. Dickinson, of Smith field, was in town Tuesday on professional business. Mr. E. L. Cole went down to his old home near Bentonville Tuesday, returning Thursday. Misses Rosa and Cornelia Man gum, of Raleigh, arrived Tuesday to visit their uncle, Mr. J. G. Coats. Massengill Bros, arehavingthe store recently occupied by Mr. Chas. Woodall repaired, which they intend occupying soon. Miss Sarah Beasley who has been visiting her uncle, Mr. T. E. Oliver, for the past few days, left for her home in Wake county Friday. The many friends of Mr. Geo. W. Keen are glad to note that he is again able to be out after having been confined to his room for several months. Mr. Chas. H. Wellons left Sun day for Maxton, N. C., where he goes to enter the employ of a dry goods company. We wish him much success in his new home. Messrs. Haywood and Walter Stanley of our section left Wed nesday the 14th inst. for Wrights ville, to take part in the Con federate Veterans Reunion at that place. Messrs. D. W. Adams and Win Iloneycutt returned Wednesday from Cumberland county, where they have been visiting relatives. They report crops looking well in that section of the country. Mr. Thos. Underwood came near losing his life Sunday. He was somewhat under the influ ence of liquor and when about one and a quarter miles from Four Oaks, he lay down with his head upon theend of the ties and it is supposed went to sleep. He was struck by north Bound mail No. 78, and would have been killed were it not that the traiu was only running at the rate of 10 miles an hour. He was taken on to Rocky Mount hospital and at last accounts was getting on nicely. Xkhxes. SELMA NEWS. Miss Ilonia Hood has returned from a visit to friends at Lowell and Kenly. Mr. H. L. Mitchener and sister, Miss Blanche, are visiting friends in Kentucky. Miss Mattie Ellington, of Man chester, visiting her broth er, A. It. Ellington. Miss Aaron, of Mt. (Hive, and Miss Ilenly, of Greensboro, are visiting Miss Fannie Jackson. Vr. Thomas H. Atkinson, Jr., of Washington, 1). C., is here to see his father, who is quite sick. Miss Marion Preston left Wed nesday morning to visit friends and relatives in Washington, l>. C. Miss Mamie Richardson return ed to her home Saturday, after an extended visit to relatives in Washington. Mrs. M. C. Winston and Miss Ethel returned home Sunday from Mt. Airy. Mrs. Winston was greatly benefited by her trip. Dr. J. W. Hatcher, Roliert Mil lard Nowell and George D. Vick went to Raleigh Wednesday to see the ball game between Wil mington and Raleigh. Mr. T. T. Candler, the giv^erin tendent of the Graded Schools, arrived here Friday morning. He spent Sunday at Princeton, returning Monday. He is de termined to make a success of, the schools. 1 ' ARCHER NEWS. Mr. Charles Carroll, of Clavtou. was in our midst Sunday. The little child of Mrs. Susan Cook is reported much better. Miss l'ittman, of Selnia, is visiting Miss Ruth Button this week. Curing tobacco is nearing com pletion and pulling fodder will commence soon. Miss Delia lid wards who bis been visiting Miss Hula Whitley, returned home last week. Miss Ruth Button returned from an extended visit in the vicinity of Selma Monday. Dr. and Miss Mary Hatch r were in our section Sunday, the guests of Miss Ida Barnes. Mr. John Blaekman, of Selm i. and his sister, Miss laffie, werethe guests of Miss Cm ma Castleberry Sunday. Elder J. A. T. Jones preached a very able sermon at Salem Primitive Baptist church Sunday morning. There will be preaching at White Oak Baptist church Saturday and Sunday by the pastor, Rev. A. A. Pippin. Miss .limmie Batten went to Selma Saturday on a visit to her parents, Mr.and Mrs. Rufus Bat ten, formerly of this section. (Juite a number of our people went downtothepic-nic at Earp's school house Saturday, which was very much enjoyed by all present. Socn. LEACHBURG ITEMS. Mrs. Mary Wood who has been on anexteuded visit to her daugh ter, Mrs. W. II. I.yon, of Raleigh, returntd home recently. Miss VessieC'oats, a very char ing young lady of Spilona. wl > has been on a visit in our midst. returned home last week. Miss Lessie Baru< s attend -l the pic-nic in Wake county lac week and also visited relath < and friends in Auburn Sunday. Mr. Louis Martin and Mi - Nellie Johnson, -pent l ist Satur day and Sunday in the Baiu.t r section the guests of Miss Lil 1 Turlington. At the pic-nic at Sliiloh chur. a recently, Mr. John Hardee the Superintendent, made.1 net pro;' of #11 13 on the sales of co'd drinks, which he donated to the Sunday school for the benefit of a Christmas tree next Christine-. Son. AROUNi) SANDEPS CHAPEL. M. F. Hill is visiting relatin - in Wilson this v vk. Charlie Stevens, of Wayne, spent last Sunday in the neigh borhood. Mrs. A. J. Whitley and Mast-1 Paul, spent 1 ist Sunday iji o> r community. Charlie M. Sanders, of Duplh county, is visiting relative.- in the neighborhood. Messrs. .1 C. Whitley a I Charles Powell, .Jr., want to Ual eigh Saturday, returning Sunday. Messrs. W. C. Smith and .1. C. Whitley left for Clinton Monday morning, where they will spei 1 several days. Rev. Duncan Mcl.eod filled t: appointment at Sardis hist Sun day, and as u-nal preached i.a interesting s< n on. Messrs. C. S. Powell, W. A. Smith, C. lh Saudi rs, ,1. K. San ders, Will Hamili >n. John Pan . - Robert Pate ad .1 in Winfr. ? spent last w> . et Wrightsvilh Reach. W. Examinations for admission to the N. C. CV "? of Agriculture and Mechanic V * will 1 held in Raleigh at tl teinbci 3rd and 4th at (> o'ch k a rn. The College will Of n SeptemU i 4th. Students ?1?*-H. ?* rooms must be on hand at the opening.

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