The Decline of Marriage. The decliue of marriage has at tracted the notice of a Maryland clergyman, who has declared his purpose of finding a remedy?by lottery, if no bet . r moans can be found. The reverend gentleman, in ex plaining the situation, said that iiis congregation of onethousund adults,' which formerly had a record of 18 marriages a year, lias now dropped to four, in looking for reasons for this low ering ol' the marriage rate it was admitted that one of them was most likely the lack of social in tercourse. That there are more women than men in the church, and that young men are led away from rural places to centers offer ing better business opportuui ties, must also account for u cer tain percentage of the declines. But still here is the statement: Here are all these young peo ple, some of umrriageable age and some of more than marriage able age. But they are all very backward when it comes to mar rying. The preacher furnishes his own answer and it is one startling enough: Down at the bottom of it all lies the generally prevalent ten dency toward luxurious living, (lirls are not satisfied with the simpler style of living. Instead of that they look forward to having home furnished extrava gantly and elegantly. And the men know they are unable to provide the luxuries that ate ex pected. The demand for luxury limits the girl's ambitions to suiters out of her rench, and overlooks the men who may be the master ten years later. It leads to mis erable strife in pursuit and to miserable disappointment later on.?Atlanta Constitution. Don't be satisfied with tempo rary relief from indigestion. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure perma nently and completely removes this complaint. It relieves per manently because it allows the tired stomach perfect rest. Diet ing won't rest the stomach. Na ture receives supplies from the food we eat. The sensible way to help the stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which di gests what you eat and can't help but do you good. Hood Bros., Hare & Son, J. R. Led bet ter. Reidsville Weekly: It i? said that Guilford county has a citi zen who prides himself on the fact that he has been married six times and is the father of 58 chil dren. In the lotare four pairs of twins and one set of triplets. One wife was the mother of 21 of the children. The Greensboro Patriot, which gives the informa tion, savs that the man is 58 years old and was to have mar ried his seventh wife last week. To Save He- Child From friglitful disfigurement Mrs. Nannie Galleger, of La Grange Ga., applied Buckleu's Arnica Salve to great sores on itur head and fast', and writes its qitfek cure exceeded all lier hopes. It works wonders In Sores, Bruis es, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Burns, Scalds and Piles. 2oc. Cure guar anteed by Hood Bros.,druggists. The more we can be raised above the petty vexations and pleasures of this world into the eternal lite to come, the more shall we be prepared to enter iato tluit eternal life whenever God shall please to call us hence. ?Stanley. James White Bryants ville, Inf., says I >? Witt's Witch Haael Salve healed running sores on both legs. He had suffered 6 years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWitt's. Accept no imitations. Hoad Bros., Hare & Son, J. It. Ledbetter. Life's sublime purpose is at tained only in loyal, loving ser vice; for how beautiful and true that conception of life, as one has expressed it, " Life is neither a pleasure nor a pain, but a serious business which it is our duty to carry through, and terminate with honor." * * * Commu nion and service are the two wings in the believer's career with which he will Hy up and on to God, bringing his sheaves with him.?E. S. Holloway. Stops me Couyft and Works off the Cold laxative Bromo-Qmnine Tab lets cure a told in one day. No Cure, no Pay. Prion 25 cents Thk Hrrai.d and the National Magazine, of Boston, both one year for ?1 .50 fn advance. The National is one at the best 10 cent magazines published. Reg ular price is f 1.00 per year. a Police Dour. The police of Mount Vernon en joy the common possession of a dog, known as "Nig," whose genius seems to fit him us pecu liarly for a police canine as does that of many other dogs for the occupation of "tire dog." Nig has reported regularly every morning at roll call with the patrolmen for many years, lie seems always to scent a prospect ive haul and is generally on hand when it takes place. The police say that Nig has rendered ihaterial assistance to them in the capture of many gangs of tramps or chicken thieves, lie 1 ambles around the neighborhood of the police sta tion and whenever there is any trouble brewing, he appears ex citedly before the Sergeant's desk, wagging his tail and evincing perturbed sympathy with thei situation. Nig got angry or disconsolate one day when the police station was remodeled and his bed was demolished. He disappeared and was gone for some weeks. The police feared that he had gone away to die. But he returned at last, having shown his resent ment, and lived at peace with his fellow-policemen. The fame of Nig has gone abroad, and it is said that thieves have an exceed ing averson for him.?New York Times. Their Secret is Out. All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the cause of the vast im provement in the health of Mrs s. P. VVhitaker, who had for a long time, endured untold suffer ing from a chronic bronchial trouble, "it's all due to Dr. King's New Discovery," writes her husband. It completely cured her and also cured our little grand-daughter of a severe at tack of Whooping Cough. It positively cures Coughs, Colds, LaGrippe, Bronchitis, all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c. and $1.00. Trial bottles free at Hood Bros, drug store. News and Observer: Twenty people have been killed in Wilson county within the past thirty-one months, and the good people of that county are alarmed about the rapid growth of crime that has come about in their county. When the murderer Jefferson, who killed Calvin James, in cold blood,-was acquitted it was the j worst day's work for law .and justice in the history of Wilson county. Such acquittals breed murder. P. T. Thomas, Sumttfrville, Ala., ,,I was suffering from dyspepsia when I commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Care. I took several Kittles andcandigestanything." Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is the only preparation containing all the natural digestive fluids. It gives weak stomachs entire rest, re storing their natural otmdition. Hood Hros., JL It. l.edbetter, Hare It Son. The Mayor of Hoopestown, 111., serves for an annual salary of 50 cents, and members erf the City Council get half as much. There has never been a saloon in the place, though its present popula tion is 4,000. If the action of your bowels is not easy and regular serious com plications must be tie- final re sult. DeWitt's Little Early Ri sers will remove this danger. Safe, pleasant, and effective. J. It. Led better, Hare St Son, Hood Bros. \ Toledo Judge has issued an injunction to restrain a flock of some forty ducks owned by Louis j Gould from quacking at night, so they will not disturb the slum bers of Harry C. Teal,ft neighbor. If the ducks shall disregard the injunction they will be punished for contempt of Court. In cases of cough or (group give the little one ()ne Minute Cough Cure. Then rest easy and have no fear. The child will be all right in a little while. It never fails. Pleasant to take, always safe sure and almost instantane ous in effect. J. R. I-cdbetter, Hood Rros., Hare & Son. Christianity is, above all reli gions ever known, a religion of sacrifice. It is a religion founded on the greatest of all sacrifices, the sacrifice of the Incarnation, culminating in the sacrifice on Calvary.?Stanley. Mrs. i. H. Aliport, Johnstown, Pa., says: "Our littlegirl almost strangled to doath with croup. The doctors said shaOpsldn'tlive but she was instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Case. Hare A Son. Hood Bros., J.B. Ledbetter. CATARRH Cutrnrh has become such a cqnunon disease that a person entirely free from this disgusting complaint is seldom met with. It is customary to speak of Catarrh as uotliiiig more serious than a bad cold, a simple inflammation of the nose and threat. It is, in fact, a complicated and very dangerous disease; if not at first, il Very soon becomes so. The blood is quickly contaminated b* the foul secretions, and the poison througl the general circulation is carried to al parts of the system. Salves, washes and sprays are unsatis factory and disappointing, because they dc not reach the seat of the trouble. S. S. S. does. It cleaases the blood of the poison and eliminates from the ay stem all catar rhal secretion.., and thus cures thoroughly and permaneutly the worst cases. Mr. T. A. Williams, a leading dry -good* met chant of Spartanburg, S. C., writ'es " For yeari 1 Ittid ft freveiC CHS? Of nasal Catitrh, with all ??e uisagre-abU effects which belong to that disease, and which firake life painful and unemlnralU*-. 1 uned m<&li<-wif? prescribed by leading ptftsiciuiiM and sugee? ted by numbers of mends, but without getting atiy better. I Mieti"bcs^iii to Viae S. 8. S. ft Fad the desired efTet?t, and cu ed rue J attjr tak::ip eighteen ^.sausar f rrftazzn lK?t"U**s. I it my opinion S. S. S. is the only medi j <yne n<-w in use wUk will erect a f>erin; ueutCUff of Catarrh." S/fETfc is the only purely veg ?K^ etable blood purifiei j "K knowti-^ and the great- [ " est ?* blood me|ii KZSSr cines and tonics. If you have Catarrh don't wait until il becomes deep-seated and chronic, but be gin at once the u^-e of S. S. S., and send tor our hook 011 Blood and Skin Diseases j and write our physicians about your case THE tWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA. CA. Efforts, to be permanently use ful, must be uniformly joyous, a J spirit of all sunshine, grateful J from very gladness, beautiful be- j cause bright.?Carlyle. IMPROVED FARM Toll SALE, j I offer for sale my highly im proved farm containing 230 acres with 110 acres cleared, 25 aces in a good fish pond. Two miles j east of Smithfield on the Golds- [ boro road. The land will grow J any crop that can be grown in this part of thecountry. Remem ber it is highly improved. Will sell part cash and part on time if so desired. Come and see it. B. B. YELVINGTON, Smithfield, N. C. Aug. 1?tf. Saved His Lite. Hon. J. A. Oates, Mayor of Dunn, N. C., says: ' I am sure Dr. Worthington's Remedy saved my life It was prescribed for me in a very severe case of cramp colic by Armstrong, of the Confederate | army in 1-63. and it gave me instantane ous relief. Since that da' I have used it! continually, and think it the greatest remeoy on earth and it should be kept in every home." Price 25 cts at Hood Rros. I ha ve used I >r. F. E. White's Worm and Condition Powders as a blood purifier for horses. It improves the appetite, fattens! the horse, expels worms and gives a glossy coat. Polie Gardner. Guaranteed and sold by Allen Lee, Druggist, Smithfield, N. C. Oesmaa cpcaint .-rd whisky I luf IVR HtvbHs Cured at your homo 4 or at SKaltOflnm Best of reference#. .Book on Home T e atment sent FREE. Address B. iW. WOOI.BY, M. 1).. Box 33. Atlanta, Qa. Our clubbing offer of The Her ald and the Atlanta semi-weekly Journal for $1.50 is withdrawn. No more subscriptions will be taken at this price. NEW MILLINERY. Go to H. W. Mitchell's for bar trains in fancy millinery poods. Hats Trimmed (o order ?BY? Miss Annie Glisson, a special saleslady. Call and see us before baying elsewhere. Respectfully, Miss Claudia Milehell CLAYTON, N. C. You NEED IT. It is (Jood to "nave on hand. X A Bottle of T * * a Mozingos Liniment Nerve and Bone Made strictly by an o.'d and reliable formula. Has been used tor thirty-five years. For Man and Beast. You Get a Large Bottle for 50 eta. MADR AND FOR BALK BT J B MOZINGO, Smlthfleld, N. C. For nlnh/Hood nro,.,Pmithflcli1: llarwoo4 Price, Beul ah township; Hare Sc Son, 801 ma, N.C.; W. R. Smith, Micro. N. C.;G. F. Wood ard, Princeton; Aler, Kdgerton, Pinkney; Pope Ilroa., near Renly; J. U. Bains. Bajflcy. March 19?tf A BRAN NEW HOUSE And % acre lot on Oakland Heights for sale. At the court house door at 12 M., the first Monday in September we will sell to the highest bidder, on easy terms a four room house, yard all nicely fenced, with new stalls, chicken house and yard, with every convenience ready to live in. This house and lot be long to S. S. Holt, Walter Band and W. J. Stephenson and we want to sell for a division. W. J. Stephenson can be found most of the time at the new hotel and will be glad to show the proper ty. If you ever intend to own a house in Smithfieldnow is the ac cepted time, for we mean sell. W. J. Stephenson. GOOD FARM FOR SALE. I have for sale a tract of land (540 acres, on MiddleCroek, about six miles west of Smithfleld. Seven horse farm cleared. No better land to be had for cotton, to bacco and corn. Five buildings two of which are five-room houses. Fine place to raise stock. Gin house, steam engine and to bacco houses on this farm. 1 have for sale also one pair good mules, one Auburn two-horse wagon and harness. Will also sell one pair horses. G. W. F. BARBOUR, Smithfleld, N. C. Aug.l?4or5t. This siffrxrture is on entry box of the genuine Laxative Bronio=Quinine Tablet* the remedy that puwr n cold In one day VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. t have for sale a valuable farm of 542 acres three miles south west of Smithfleld. Well timbered with four-horse crop cleared. Suitable to raise cotton, tobacco or any other crops grown in this section of country. Houses and everything in good condition. It is an extra fine place for stock raising. Could be made in three tracts if buyer so desires. Will sell part cash and balance on good time. Call to see me or write to me. ALEX MUNS, Smithfleld, N. C. Aug. 1?2m. Treatment Horses?Pneumonia and Colds. Give White's Fever Medicine every half hour and apply White's Black Liniment. f olic and Kidney troubles, give White's Colic and Kidney Cure. Staggers: Give White's Purge tive and White's Fever Medicine Worms: Give White's Purge Hve and White's Worm and Con dition Powders. Allen Lee, Druggist. FCvCORSETS Make American Beauties. We have them in all styles and shapes to fit every figure, and every ^corset is sold under this mos! liberal warrant? "Money refunded after four weeks' trial if corset is not satisfactory." Look for this Trade Mark on - inside of corset * and on box. 4 KALAMAZOO CORSET CO. Sole Maker*. Ka la ma zoo, Mich FOR SALE BY \AJ. G. Yelvington, SMITH FIELD. N. C. KoUY THE Do not he iiiciiv#! 1 y [1 '>?? who R<1 vortlxe a f>(i. ",.i > . y Machine for $20.00. l'iil- kitrl m: ainsi hinecito l>o ft i: < <riy of our dvu. m ft ?>. .;; jo i-lS.OC. as v < a v.\t? in. the kf.'.v Hr.rr? ;s t::z ekst. Ttie I'lfil ?:ci fourth or Wflnknris of - -.i-'K Machines. The miultlc Fo"t i nxliiiuii with other HtrortR ]x>int? 1:1.1k ?- Xcw Homo the host Hew ug Mm hiue to buy. liltCBMsSTsSS wo mnnufarturoaml pricr* before puruhiulnf THE HEW HOME S2WIHC MACHiHE CO. OMN6C, NASI. BB Union Rq. N. Y., rhltMqfo, III., Atlanta, (Ja, IK. Louis, Mo., I>a'laft,T<?x.,8an Kmnclsoo,Q*| rc? RALI BY J. /VI. BEAT V, 8MITHFIELD, B. C. Schedule of the RALEIGH i CAPE FEAR RAILROAD. IN EFFECT JUNE 2. 1001. SOUTH BOUND THAINH. No. t 1 No. 3 No. 1 STATIONS. _ . LoodayJ Monday. " oines Tuesday Tuesday, I day and Th'sday Th'sday Friday. and and Saturday Satu'dav A. M. P. M. A. M. Lv. Ka!el*h 7 00 4 00 7 00 Carulcigh June 7 U6 4 (16 7 U5 Caraleigh Mills 7 15 4 10 7 10 Sylvan la 7 30 4 15 7 15 I Harms 7 37 4 33 7 33 Hobby's. 7 37 4 7 38 MoCullera I 8 on 4 40 7 47 Banks I 8 03 4 45 7 54) Austin 8 00 4 48 7 53 Willow Springs 8 25 5 00 8 05 Sextons 8 441 5 10 8 30 Ar. Sippahaw 8 50 5 15 8 35 NOltTH BOUND THAI INS. No. 2 No. 4 I No. 6 STATIONS. Monday. Monday,! , Iuesday ruesday, W ednes Th'sday Th'sday ! day and and and Friday. Saturd'y Saturd'y A M. P M P. M. Lv. Sippahaw 8 40 5 30 j .3 30 Sextons I 8 45 5 85 | 3 85 Willow Spring 8 55 5 45 i 8 50 Austin 9 05 5 50 j 4 00 Banks 9 10 5 53 ! 4 05 MoCullera 9 25 6 OA 4 80 Hobby's 9 30 6 25 435 Harries 9 35 6 30 4 40 Sylvaola 9 45 6 40 4 50 Caraleigh Mills 9 55 6 55 5 00 Caraleigh June 10 05 7 H) 5 10 Ar. Raleigh ! 10 10 7 15 5 15 All 8ehedule trains carry passengers. Ap proved: JOHN A. MILLS, Pres. and Gen. Man. NORTH AKOLINA, f In the Johnston County.! Superior Court. Claudie Surles J vs. v Notice to II. Surles. B. Surles. \ B. Surles, the defendant in this action, will take notice, that an action entitled as above, has been commenced in the Superior Court of Johnston County to dissolve the bonds of matrimony existing between the plaintiff and defendant, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the next term of the Superior Court of John ston County to be held at the Court House in Smithfield, on the first (1st) Monday in Sep tember, 1901. and answer or demur to the com plaint filed in said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief therein de manded. This July 15, 1901. W. 8. STEVENS. Clerk Superior Court. ED. 8. IBKLL, Attorney for Plaintfff. NOTICEI The undersigned bavin* qualified as admin istrator on the estate of A. K. Duncan, de ceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 2bth day of July, 1902, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted ] to said estate will make immediate payment. ! This 19th day of July, 1901. P. T. DUNCAN, Administrate*. | NOTICK. The undersigned having duly qualified as | Rxeeutor on the estate of Nancy P.. Wilson. ! deceased, hereby notifies all persons having 1 claims against the same to present the same to me for payment on or before the 1st day of August, lmg. or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebted J - to the estate will please make immediate pay ment. This July 271h. 1901. JOHN T>. nrPRWE. 1 Executor. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notice is hereby given that the Secretary of State has issued a certificate of incorporation to J. E. Johnson. C. T.Johnson, O. W, Cave- , namrh, Preston Weodall, and others as fol lows: 1st. Name?The Benson Tobacco Ware house Company. 2nd. Principal place el business- Benson. N. c. 3rd. The object is to build and operate To hacco Warehouse. Frize Houses, etc.. and buy and sell tobacco 4th. The capital stock is 92.000, divided into 200 shares. 5th The stockholders shall not be Individ ually liable. 6th. Duration, thirty years. W. s. Stkveks, Clerk Superior Court. Aug. 2-4wks. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Execu tor on the estate of Adam Richardson, de ceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same t > me duly verified on or before the ICth day of August, 1W?, or tbi? notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persens in debted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 9th day of August, 1901. J AS. A. WELLONS, Executor. NOTICE! The undersigned having uualith <1 as Execu tor on the estate of John Johnson, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the Hltb day of An gust., 1W2, or this notice w ill be p ended in t?ar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. fhis 13th day of August. 1901. J NO. B. JOHNSON, Executor. gbJliahTUi' GUARANTEED f '? |WM| Ijb || ?>?' ? l t ^ *? aaa r\nr*AC?T ^j,uw ucruji I R. R. FARE PAID 200 FREE S?tu>1arsh1pa offered. LLAbfiK-i&Lee WriM Quick f OA.-ALA. BUSINESS COLL EC C, Maoon.Oa. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. The partnership heretofore ex isting between U. W. Allen and J. V. Narron, under the firm name i of Allen & Narron, is dissolved by mutual consent. All obliga tions of the firm will be assumed , by J. V. Narron, and all accounts i due firm must be paid to him. This July 1st, 1901. C. W. Allen, J. V. Nakron. Aug. 9?3w. A nine line of visiting cards al Tub IIkrai.d office. Southern Railway. _i_ ? ?? ? THE STANDARD RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. The direct line to all points. Texas, California, Florida, Cuba and Porto Rico. Strictly FIRST-CLASS Equipment on all Through and Local Trains; Pull man Palace Sleeping Cars on all Night Trains; Fast and Safe.Sched ules. Travel by the Southern'and you art assured a Safe, Comfortable aaC Kxpeditious Journev. Apply to ticket agents for Time Tables, Hates and General Information, or address, R.L.VERNON, f. R. BARD V, T. P. A. C. P. A T. A. Charlotte, N. C. Ashe\ t e, N. ' . NO TROUBLE TO AN6WFR QUE* TIONE 5. tt. HARDWIGK, G. P. A. WASHINGTON, I). C. WILMINGTON & WELDON RAILROAD And Branches AND FLORENCE KA1EROD. (Condensed Schedule.) TRAINS GOING SOUTH. 8k aj:. i, ? Dated Auirust " - ! r-~ -?= '.I*1- *?? *?? -?>.? &? ? Z -c X 1 A M P M P M A k| 1 M Lv Weldon 11 50 K 5f ? Ar Rocky Mt.- 1 to 9 52 .... | Lv Tarboro 12-1 7 22 - Lv Rocky Mt.... 1 05 1002 7 52 5 15 12 52 Lv Wilson 159 10 41 8 31 6 60 -'40 Lv Solum 2 55 1125 - - Lv Fayetteville 4 :#> 12 4*' Ar Florence 7 35 2 5?j P M A M Ar Goldsboro... 9 20 Lv Gokisboro 0 45 3;-*' Lv Magnolia 7 51 * 40 Ar Wilmington 9 25 t 15 TRAINS GOING NORTH. Dated July S 8 & ^ 22, 1899. -? =' c* >. = d= e- a~ - ? -, ~ .s ? -a: 2. ? V,~z 'J- Z-c| Z-dI Zt ~A M P M Lv Florence .... 9 50: 7 4 Lv Fayetteville 12 2 t 9 44 Lv Senna 1 ?>" 19 55 Ar Wilson. 2 36. 1154 | P >1 A V Lv Wilmington j 7 00 9 30 Lv Magnolia .... ' ^30 11 ?"> Lv Goldsboro.. 3'? ! 9 37; 12 23 P >! A M P M| P > Lv Wilson 2 35' 8 20, 11 34 1045j 1 S Ar Rocky Mt J DO 9 00 1210 U Si; Li Ar Tarboro 1 9 141 Lv Tarboro 2 31 j Lv Rocky Mt.... 3 30' 12 0 Ar Weldon 4 32 102 P M .\_M Wilmington and Weldon Railroad. Yadlnii Division Main Lino?Train lea\ es W ilraiugion 9 (JO a m, urrives Fayetteville 1205 pin. Iwfrvet Fayette\ ille 12 25 p m, arritesSauford 1 4 i.*< a. Returning leave Sanford 3 05 p m. arrive Fay etteviile 4 :.(< p m, leave Fayetteville 4 80 j m. arrives Wilmington 7 1"> p m. \\ llmington and Weldon Railroad, Bennett* ville Branch- Train leaves Bennettsviile it iO a in. Maxton 9 06 a m. Red Springs 9 32 a in. Park ton 10 41 a m. Hone Mills 10 55 a in. arrive* Fayetteville 1110. Returning leaves Fay ette\ ille 4 45 p in, Hope Mills 5 00 p in, hod Springs 6 43 p m. Maxtor. 6 ltf i? m, arrhefe Leo netts\ ille 7 15 p m. Connections at Fayetteville with train .Nu 7H, at Maxton with the Carolina Central Kai road, at Red Springs with the Red Springs and ilowiuore lailroau, at Sanford with nln >ea board Air Line and Southern Railway, at Gulf with the Durban, and Charlotte Railroad. "rain ??? the Scotland .Neck Branch Road lea es Weldon 3 15 i? in. Halifax 8 29 p m. ar rives Scotland Neck at 4 10 p ra. Greeny lit* 5 47 p m, Kinston 0 45 p m. Hetuniing leave* Kinston 7 3t> a m, Gret nville # 80 a m, arrh is* Halifax at 11 05 a in, Weldon 11 20 a tp. dalij except Sunday. Trains on Washington Branch leavvs Wase ington S 00 a in and 2 45 p m, arrives Pairtiei* s 65 a in ami 4 10 p m. Returning lee\ Par mele 11 10 a in and '? 22 p in, arrive V a*hmg ton 12 30 a m and 6 15 p ni daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tart >oro daily except SUM day at 4 35 p ni, Sunday 4 15 p m. arrives Plymouth t> 36 p m, W 10 i) m. Returning leaves Plymouth daily except Sunday, 7 30 a m and Sundt? 9 00 a m, arrives Tarboro 9 50 a m, 11 00 a m. Train on Midland. N. 4'., Branch leave* Goldsboro daily except Sunday 600 a ru. arrive Smithfield e 10a m. Returning leave Sunt.* lleld 7 00 a m, arrive Goldsboro * 25 a iu. Trains en Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount at 9;*) a m, 3 40 p m, arrive Nash vill* 10 20 a in. 4 OB p in. Spring Hope 11 00 a'in, ? 21 p m. Ret urning leave Spring Hope li 2d a m 4 56 p in, Nashville 11 45 a m. 5 26 p m, arrive at Rocky Mount 12 10 a m. S p m, daily ex. Sunuaj. Train pn Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton daily except Sunday 11 40 ? m anil 4 21 P in. Returning leaves Clinton at 6 9 u m and 2 50 p m. Train No. W makes close connection at Wee don for all points North daily. All ran via Richmond. H. M. EMMER80X. Gen'l Paseengei Agt. J R KKNLY, Gen'l Manager T. >1. BMMERSON Traffic Man'r. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. It artificially digests the food aod aids Naconi la strengthening aud Wxiu* strucllng tha exhausted digestive or gans. It lathe latest discovered digest ! ant aod taalc. Ko other preparation can approach It In efficiency. It tn ?taotly relieves and permanent^ cures O/spepsla, lodlgaatlon, Heartburn, Flatulsuaa, Sour Stomach, Nausea. Blek Bsnrtanhe, Oastralgla,Cramps and i all other malts of tic perfect digest .00. 1 L?(tslii?)sUluMti;. a nsaU sins. Bsok ait stxjui d vpcpsls mMtob .'rtss Pveporvd fey C. C. OeWITT * CO. Cljlso jo

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