|jlmitljfidi) lleMit price onk dollar per tear. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, 01'K COUNTRY AND OUR GOD.'' single copies three cents. VOL. 2(). SMITH FIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, DECEMBER (I, 1901. NO.39. A NECK AND NECK TAX RACE. Sheriffs Ellington of Johnston and Kline of Lincoln hirst to Settle With Treasurer Lacy. It was a neck and neck race yesterday between Sheriff .f. T. Ellington, of .Johnston county, and Sheriff J. K. Kline, of Liu coln, for the honor of being the first sheriff in the State to settle 11)01 taxes with the State Treas urer. Sheriff Ellington left home Sun day and arrived here earlv Mon day morning, while Sheriff Kline had his check mailed Saturday, j The two sheriffs made what in! racing parlance would be termed a dead heat. Sheriff Kline's let ter containg his check was open ed about two minutes previous to Sheriff Ellington's arrival. Technically Sheriff Kline was ahead, but bot h Sheriffs deserve to share in the honor of being the first to settle the 1901 taxes. The amount of Sheriff Kline's settlement was $0,481.11, while that of Sheriff Ellington was $11,770. If there is a model sheriff in the State it is Sheriff J. T. Ellington, of Johnston. For fifteen years j he has been the popular sheriff of the county and in every year save two he has been the tirst sheriff in the State to settle with the State Treasurer Mi*. Wm. Dortch as tax collector of Wayne had the honor of defeating \lr. Ellington in the race for the sheriff's office twice in those fifteen years. Sheriff Ellington is an ideal officer in every respect. The peopleof Johnston are proud of their popular sheriff and they have a right to be.?News and Observer. I)ec. S. THE NEW CONGRESS. Republicans Have a Clear Majority in Both Branches. Washington, Dec. 2.? With the beginning of the Fifty-seventh Congress at noon today the national legislative body entered upon an era of action which promises to be one of great im portance to the country. Other Congresses of recent years have passed upon questions of war and strife. This one will deal with issues, the fruits of war, no less important and involving the every-day material interests of the citizens of the United States and the welfare of other peoples whose destinies war has placed in their hands. It is in part a new Congress. A goodly promotion of fresh! blood was infused into it by the recent elections. Representa tives corning direct from the people will be present to voice the wishes of their constituents. At the same time there remain in both Senate and House practi cally the same number of old leaders, men of wide experience in legislation, of thorough familiar ity with the needs of the country and the policies of the dominant party. I' would seem to he n commingling of conservatism and enterprise. i ii > House nas a membership of 357, of whom 197 are Repub licans, 151 are Democrats and J) are fusionists, silverites or Popu lists. With this division the Republicans would have a clear majority over all of thirty-seven in case the Populists voted with the Democrats on party ques tions. The Senate has ST members, there being at present throe vacancies. The Republicans will have a majority intheSenate varying from 20 to 24, according to the way certain former Popu lists and fusionists vote and tak ing iuto consideration the possi bility of at least one Democrat voting with the administration on national policies. The new members of the House number 92, of whom 50 are Republicans, .'IS are Democrats, and 4 are Fusionists, but who will probably vote with the Democrats. Thus, not only is there a preponderance in numliers of old members of the House in the present body, but it happens that most of the influential and experienced men in both parties were re-elected. GENERAL NEWS. A Partial List of the Week's Hap penings Throughout the Country. A boiler ex plosion at New Deca tur, Ala., Saturday, killed four men. Richard Crokersnys people will not see much more political lead ing; on his part. The battleships Alabama and Massachusetts arrived at Charles ton Wednesday. Last. Tuesday the Supreme Court of Rhode Island granted 56 decrees of divorce. A $10,000,000 Basket trust is being organized to include nil manufacturers east of the Missis-1 sippi. Forty passengers and ?70,000 in gold reached Port Townsend,! Wash., Tuesday trotn the Klon dike. The Irish National World's Fair \ Association has been organized,; with $600,000 capital, to repre sent, Ireland at St. Louis, Mo., in 1003. The Anti-Imperialist League, at a meeting in Boston, called on Congress to acknowledge the ab solute independence of the Filip- j inos. The First National Bank of Ballston. X. Y., has closed its] doors. The teller is $100,000 short. He had been stealing for years. mi e ii ? J ? a > I i lie copies 01 int* president. s message sent to congress were printed and bound in brown morocco, with gold border and ; lettering. The army electric school at Fort Monroe is to be closed and the men there sent to the school of submarine defence at Fort Tot ten, X. Y. Congressman Dick, of Ohio, has introduced a resolution for an investigation of alleged abridge ment of election privileges in cer tain states. A man in the Tennessee peni tentiary secured his release by' forging the necessary papers, j The Supreme Court declares he cannot be indicted for this forg ery. At Mt. Holly, X. J., Tuesday! a ma n made a desperate effort to escape just before the hour of his execution. He made a dash and reached the jail yard before cap- j tured. Terence Murphv, aged 101 years, died at Baltimore Tuesday from the effects of a fall last Sep tember. fie recovered from an attack of sunstrokelast summer, although his' physicians said lie would die. The differences between the young Queen Wilhelmina,of Hol land and her husband Prince Henry, have reached a serious rurn The Queen, it is said, will ask for a divorce alleging cruelt y. They were married about a year ago. mi... cti- .t.. n 1. uhii: ..... i hp rmuip im'.k ?>i >> iiiijiiiis ville, Illinois, was an to red by rob bers early Tuesday and the safe was blown open and robbed of >'-1,000 ineashand jewelry valued at several thousand dollars. The explosion aroused the town and citizens were soon on the scene, bar the robbers had escaped on a hand-car. The Supreme Court of Missouri Tuesday handed down a decision, finding that the Western Union Telegraph Company was organ ized under the laws of New York and is not a Federal corporation, and that the assessment of the company's franchise by the State Board of Canalization is legal and binding. At the request of Governor j General Wood, of Cuba, theitiner arv of the North Atlantic squad ron has been changed so as to have the squadron at Havana during the Christmas holidays? from December 17th to 26th. By 1 that time General Wood will have returned to Havana and he j wishes to extend social courtesies to the officers and men of the fleet i during the holiday seoaon. The man found in unexhausted condition in the hold of the f'ula tin on her arrival at New York, Tuesday, says he boxed himself up, with a quantity of food, and had hiniNelf shipped as freight Xenophon de Kalaniatiano, 1!? years of age, a native of Rus sia, has been made a professor in the modern languagedepart ment of the University of Chicago, where he will fill the clmir of lins sian language. Kalaniatiano is student in the University and a member of the senior class. Me has be< n in the University two yeurs. Fifty-two employes of the Logan Iron and Steel Company af Lewis ton, I'a., have quit work because! of the appointment of a colored) foreman overthem. Moreeolored workmen were carried thereto, work in the scrap yards, but the mill men refused to work the iron handled by them. Serious diffi culties between the white and i black workmen ?!??? feared. ESMNATE OE COT TON CHOP. t he Reports of the Government Place the Cotton Crop tor 1901-1902 at 9,674,000 Bales. Washington, Dec. 3.?The stat istician of the Department of Agriculture reports 9,674,000 bales as the probable cotton pro duction of the United States in 1901-2. an. ?:,.i?a? ?.i l lit? ill trtii j.?h ivrru ui ur in estimated at26,802,239 acres, a reduction of 730,216 acres, or , 2 6 per cent, from the acreage planted. The total production of lint cotton is estimated at 4,529. 954,000 pounds, an average of 169 poundB per acre picked or to be picked. The estimates production by States, in pounds of lint cottou per acre, is as follows: Virginia, 176; North Carolina, 142; South Carolina, 141; Geor gia,167; Florida, 117; Alabama, ' 156; Mississippi, 205; Louisiana, 260; Texas, 159; Arkansas, 173; Tennessee, 136; Missouri, 196; Oklahoma, 196; Indian Terri tory, 214. In addition to the Department's ordinary crop reporting agencies i 15,000 ginners and 5,000 bank ers and merchants have furnished valuable information concerning acreage and production. The ginners have also reported the amount of cotton ginned between August 15 and November 29, this year and last year, with the! average gross weight per bale I and the average weight of bag-! ging and ties. This has enabled the statistician to ascertain the! average net weight of the bales for each separate State a id for1 the entire cotton belt, and these weights have been used in determ ining the total number of bales produced. Theaveragenet weight for the entire cotton b?-lt is 468.2 pounds, which is believed to be the lowest average in at least ten years. The large number of light bales! being marketed and also some reduction in the proportion of, lint seed cotton areobjects of fre quent comment by correspond ents of all classes. Uncle Sam s Annual txpense Ac count. The Secretary of the Treasury transmitted to Congress Monday the fallowing estimates of appro priations required for thegovern rnent service for the fiscal year ending June .'$0, 1 903. as furn ished by the heads of the several execu tive departmen t s. The tot a 1 asked for is $610,827,688, which is $16,000,000 less than the esti mates for 1902, and $4,000,000 more than the appropriations for that year. Following is a re capitulation of the estimates by departments. Legislative, $10,188,099; Ex ecutive, $294,160; State. $2,446, .'128; Treasury, $156,484,925;j i War, $161,920,101; Navy. $100,. 701,122; Interior, $161,tlO,535; I Postofflce, $4,461,966; Depart- . ment of Agriculture, $5,509,540; department of Labor, $190,580. Department of Justice, $6,917, 330; total, $610,827,688. STATE NEWS. Short items ot Interest Clipped and Culled From Our State Exchanges. 11<>11. C >!in M. Melvean. Solici tor t>f i lie Seventh District, died of erysipelas at the Marsh-High sinith sanitarium at Fayetteville last week. F.lisha Holland, the oldest citi zen of Win ne county, died at his home near Piiiknev a few davsj ago. He was more than 100 years of aye. L ist Sunday night at Shelby Lee Dope and Frank Kendall i were fooling with a supposed empty pistol, when it went tiff instantly killing Kendall. \ charter has been granted the Farinia Flouring Mill Company, of Raleigh, capital $50,000, Wallace de Rnndean, late of New York, holding all save two shares. The Wataugtv building at the A. & M. College at Raleigh, was destroyed bv fire last week. Loss SI 0,000, with fti,000 insurance. The dining hall and kitchen and dormitories for 50 students were located in this building. The boys rooming in the building were forced to go home for lack of room. Charlotte is at last to have a handsome theatre in time for next season. The Charlotte Realty Company will build it, at a cost of $32,500, and Manager Leath, of Richmond, will be in charge. Raleigh is also to have a new, or rather a carefully re modeled and practically new one, and a New York syndicate will build it. The Gattis-Kilgo case was tried in Oxford last week. Gattis was again successful and got a ver dict against Or. Kilgo and B. N. Duke for $15,000 damages. The defendants gave notice of an ap peal to the SupremeCourt. This case was tried a year aero, Gat tis getting a verdict for $20,000. Kilgo and Uuke appealed and were granted a new trial with above result. Weather Observer Von Her mann says November was the coldest since the Weather Bureau was established in Raleigh in 1887. The mean temperature was 44 degrees, while 50 is the, normal. The lowest temperature was 20. The temperature has been as low as 17 during Novem ner. The feature was t he absence of extremes of heat and cold, and the fact that there was no warm period. Miss .May McCain, barely IS, a student at Peace Institute, and the ward of M. J. Adams, of Ral eigh. eloped last week with Ros cue Ward, of Greensboro. She left home with her books, ostensi bly for school, but stepped in a carriage with Ward ana two of his friends and was driven along quiet streets to the home of a minister, who quickly tied the knot. It is the third school girl elopement there this fall. There whs :i conference Tues day morning by the Council of State, President Chatham of the North Carolina Railroad, and the counsel for the State in the Soti'h Dakota bond suit. Presi dent Chatham said that, though the suit is a serious matter, in volving a s 11 does so me $1)00,000, the lawyers are quietly confident they can win out. Mr. Chatham went on to say tiiat the case would certainly not affect the North Carolina Railroad. At the meeting of the Board of Agriculture as trustees of the Agricultural and Mechanical Col lege at Raleigh Tuesday, Presi dent Winston, of the college, by request made a full statement as to the recent fire, saving the building burned cost f10,000, | was insured for three fourths of its value and from this deduction must be made for the walls yet standing. He said $3,000 of the loss was uninsured. He urged that two buildings replace the one burned and that a loan be secured for re-building. He ap peared to think that f 15,000 ?honld be the amount thus to tie secured. JOHNSTON SUPERIOR COURT. Hasseti, the Insurance Man, Sent lo ' Roads Two Years-Others Sent for Shorter Terms. .1 ohnstou county Superior Ifourt 1 convened here Monday morning with Hon. W. S. O'lJ. Robinson, 1 of Uoldsboro, Judge presiding ' and Hon. Aruiisteud Jones, of 1 Raleigh, Solicitor, prosecuting. The following grand jury was drawn: .1. '>. Morgan, Foreman,'' KldridgeWoodard, fluid Stevens, C. li Johnson, W. 11 Harbour, | .1. I. Hatcher, VV. H. Stanley. (1. ]! F. Woodard, 10. A. Johnson, Will. 1 11. Met'ullers, 1) .1. Wood, S. A. Lassiter, It. M. Hvrd, Henry Mor- ' g in, J. M. l'arristi,Charlie ilatch- : er. S. 1'. O'Neal, L. 8. Cotter. Israel Stephenson was appoint- , ed officer of the grand jury. Judge Robinson's charge was plain, practical and forceful and 1 delivered in his own characteris- 1 tic manner, pointing out to the 1 grand jury its duty in such spe 1 cific terms t hat no one could mis- 1 understand the intentions of the ' la w. The criminal docket was then,1 taken up and disposed of. The case that has attracted most attention at this term is that of "Dr." C. It. Hassell, who was arrested in Robeson county - sometime ago for violation of the ' State Insurance Laws, and brought here and lodged in jail. 1 He plead guilty and threw him- ' self upon the mercy of the court. I Judge Robinson sentenced him to 1 two years on the Wake county 1 pn mlu ' Hassell hud been soliciting in- ' surunce without license for an J unlicensed insurance company. ' He worked in this county aud ' others. Insurance Commissioner ' Younggoton his track and finally * cant nred him in Robeson county, j Hassell is about 50 years of age ' and this is not his first experience 1 in the insurance business. Hewas 1 engaged in the "graveyard swin ? die" of insurance companies in 1 Beaufort county a few years ago '' and received a term in the peni- 1 tentiary, but was later pardoned J by Governor Russell. N. E. Lee was' up for retailing 1 liquor without license. He plead 1 guilty, aud judgment was sus- 1 pended on payment of cost. Martha Johnson and Jane ' Blackman, wo ladies of color, ' were charged with an affray. ' They were found guilty and Mar- 1 tha, who "was dressed to kill," j was sentenced to four months in ' jail with leave to hire out. Judg ment suspended in .1 ane's case. Daniel Rediek was found guilty !1 of cruelty to animals and was ' sent to \Vake county roads for ' six months. John It. I'e din, It. C. Young- ] blood and Gary Lee were each charged with an assault with 1 deadly weapons. They plead 1 guilty and judgment was sus- 1 pended in each case on payment of costs. kinee Norritf plead guilty to 1 carrying concealed weapon and judgment was suspended on pay- ; merit of costs. \V. Henry Smith was up for ' taking a watch, not his own, and was given a year in the peniten tiary in order that he might learn to let other people's property alone. Bob Baker plead guilty to (lis- 1 tuThing religious worship aud was ( sent to jail 10 (lays and charged ' vvitli ! lie costs. Jack Williams plead guilty to 1 cruelty to animals and was dis- 1 charged upon payment of the 1 costs. John \\ atson and Sol 1 Lift man were also charged of a like offense, aud upon pleading J guilty the court suspended judg ment and taxed them with the J costs. Jesse Vinson had such a hank- 1 ering after another person's ax, j1 that he took it, and now will have 1 to serve four months in jail. The i1 commissioners have leave to hire him out. Haywood Ogburn and Adam Ogburn were tried for an affray. Adam was found guilty and had to pay the costs. I William Adams and Ella Adams were up for fornication and adul-1 fcerv. William was sent to the roads four months. Judgment was suspended as to Ella. BUSINESS IN NORTH CAROLINA. Industrial Capital Increased 133 Per Cent, in Ten Years. The preliminary report of the manufacturing industries of North Carolina shows a total capital of $70,503,894, an in crease of 133 per cent, during the decade. The number of establishments is 7,220, an increase of 97 per cent.; the average number of wage-earners is 70,570; total wages, $13,808,430; cost of materials u*ed, $53,072,308, an increase of 132 per cent., and value of products, including custom work and repairing, $04,919,003, an increase of 135 per cent. The city of Wilmington, which is separately reported, shows a total of 124 establishment; capital, $1,819,333, an increase of almost 4 percent.; 1,409 wage garners; total wages, $440,413, a decrease of over 3 per cent., and value of products, including custom work and repairing $2, 240,137, an increase of 18 per cent. A Small Cyclone. Saturday afternoon, November 23, a small cyclone struck Jos. Urocker's farm near Pi le Level. Dr. Noble, who was only about one hundred yards from where it crossed the railroad when it passed says that the first he saw :? u ? 1 i- ?e l_i ? ji 11 wum a luu ui u<ik leaves up 111 the air going west, that the wind changed almost before he could think, blowing his umbrella out }f his hand, (a heavy rain was ailing at the time). He looked across the field towards Jos. Crocker's house and saw a black doud right on the ground, near the tobacco barn, that seemed to be moving west. Then the wind changed blowing to the north, moving up a line fence between Jos. Crocker and Wyatt Holt, taking the fence as it went. The air was full of fence rails, sticks and leaves?someof the rails were as high in the air as he could see. rhe fence on the south side of the railroad on Mr. Crocker's place ,vas blown up and the county road on the north sideof the rail road was full of rails. One log aouse and a log crib on Mr. Crocker's place were blown down and the boards on the leg house were carried one hundred and fifty yards to J no. K. Watson's house. At Mr. Watson's some fence was blown down, hissmoke house moved a little, half the roof of his barn was taken off and carried fifty yards and the roof of one stable taken off. The train on the Southern had just passed and had barely reached Selrna two miles away. Two telegraph poles were broken off. It was all over in a minute. The next heard of the cyclone was at the old Garry Crumpler place blowing down some corn. Then at the Mozingo place it took a stuck of fodderoff and blew up a lot of tree-< in Buffalo. Some of the fodder was jarried a mile. Sexex Parted at the Mansion. What proved to be ntarr'a e bliss of short duration was the nuptial of a young man W. R. liriffin to Miss Lela Norris, of nur town. The solemn vows were sealed on Thursday night and on Friday morning: young Urittiu left for parts unknown, 10 we are informed. Befo:. uo marriage feast he called at Mr. 11 (}. Taylor's store and forged three orders from Miss Bettie Tripp for goods anil as soon as the forgery wasdiscovered papers were issued for the young man and he left on his honeymoon alone. The young bride shows no sign of distress at his depart ure.?Dunn Banner, 4th. The Pride ot Heroes. Many soldiers in the last war wrote to sav that for scratches, bruises, cuts, wounds, corns, sore feet and stiff Joints, Bucklen's Arnica Salve is the best in the world. Same for burns, scalds, boils, ulcers, skin eruptions ami 5lies. It cures or no pay. Only 5c. at Hood Bros, diug store.

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