PROF. ALLEN'S STORY BOOK. NORTH CAROLINA HISTORY STO RIES. The Book One That Should be in Every Home in the State?Written in a Terse, Splendid Style that Children Enjoy?The Subject Mat ter?Points ot Interest. ?. B. C Bryant in Charlotte Observer. Prof. W. C. Allen, Superinten dent of the city schools ot Waynes ville, Haywood county, is the au thor of "North Carolina History Stories," a very charming as well as valuable book concerning per sons and events prominent in the history of this State. In select ing the subject matter for his book, Mr. Allenhasused splendid teste and excellent judgment. In every way the book is attractive. The material make up is good and the style of composition most fascinating. The B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, of Richmond, Va.. issued the book, it contains 20(1 pages and is bound in cloth. The picture on the cover is in honor of the Mecklenburg Declaration! and bears the following inscrip tion: "Reading the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence." The type used in printing the book is large and easy to read. THI<; I'UKFOSE OF THE HOOK. The purpose of this book is to stimulate a desirefor North Caro lina history in the hearts of the small boys and girlsof the State It is designed forusein the public schools and is written in simple language, such as can be easily understood by children of the third and fourth grades. It should be in every school and every Lome in North Carolina. The l>uokli is been well received. Leading educators have said that it is the ideal book to teach child .ren North Caroljnahistory. The author's subjtct matter is so in teresting and his style so simple and so attractive that the small est boy or girl must become fas cinated with the various stories as they are told or read. In order to give some idea of Mr. Allen's superb way of intro-1 ducing choice bits of North Caro lina history, 1 shall quote from the very first chapter in the book. The subject is: "Two Indian Hoys." In part, the authorsays: "Three hundred years ago there were no white people in North Carolina. Onlylndianslived here They owned all the laud, and lived in their wigwams near their hunting grounds. Thev were very happy in their homes in the forest. They knew nothing of the great cities and the fine people on the other side of the big ocean. "Little Indian boys and girls played games in the fields and j woods, and plucked the wild tlow-1 ers with joy and gladness, just as boys and girls do now. They j beard the birds sing and saw the squirrels and the deer. How happy they were as they chased the butterflies or watched the birds build their nests in the trees! "The names of two of these In dian bo vs who lived on an Island called ("roatan, are well known. They were Manteoand Monchese They were about the same age, and were brighter and more ac tive than the other boys of the island. But they were as differ ent from each other as possible. Manteo was kind and obedient; but Monchese was cruel and stub born. "This difference, however, did not keep them fr< tn being great friends. They weivoften together, aud fished and hunted side by side They knew nothingof ether lands, but sometimes wondered where the big sea ended and what was on the other side of it. So these boys grew up to be men in this wild country, often wishing that they could s?-e beyond the great sea. They did not know how soon or in what way they would get their wish. "One day when Manteo and Monchese were about IS years old. a wonderful thing happened. They were going in a canoe to one of their tishing places to see if their fish traps had caught any thing. dust as they turned a bend in the shore line they come in full view of a large ship anch ored and standing perfectly still in the smooth water. At first they were puzzled and could not tell what the strange thing was. Monchese and another boy who was with them proposed to turn back; but -Manteo insisted upon going nearer. < "'How can wemissthischance,' , said he. "which the (ireat Spirit has given us to find out what this strange thing is?'" i j The story goes on and tells of I the first white t?eople who came i to North Carolina. Mr. Allen's sentences are short and his words simple. Any child raised in the average North Carolina home could understand them. THE CONTENTS. The book is made up of forty five stories dealing with persons and events, giving the history of tin State trom the (irsc landing on the Hoanoke Island to the close of the Revolutionary war The subjects treated are as fol lows: "Two Indian Roys " "Visit to a Strange Land." "The Loss of a Silver Cup." "Lane's Search for Gold. ' ' The Lord of Iloanoke," "Story of Virginia Dare." "A Sad Grandfather." "The First Settlement." "A Cattle Ranch on the Cape Fear." " The First Governor." "The Tardy Governor." "John Lawson and the Alliga tors " "The Albemarle Ross." "An Adventure on the Xeuse." "An Indian Massacre." "Capture of Fort Barnwell." "Capture of Fort Xohucke." "King Rlunt." "The Carolina I'irate." "Daniel Boone." "Tryon and the Regulators." "British Stamps at Wilming ton." "The Kdenton Tea IVirty." "First Sound of Liberty's Bell. "Second Sound of Liberty's Bell." " I'he Fair Tory " "Defeat of lbs Tories." "The Noble Four Hundred." "Corn wall is in nHornet s Nest." "The Heroes of Mclntyre's." "Rough Riders of theSmokies." "General Green Without a Benny." "The Fall of a Patriot. "Adventures of an American Say." "Death of tin* Bugler Boy." " H o w Colonel Py le Saved Tarle ton." "Minute Men of the Hills." "CornwaIlls on the Run." "A Strange Night Attack." "A Brave Woman's Wit." " The Tory Bandit." "Hunter's Stone Steps " "The State of Franklin." "Story of Bath." "An Old Time School." In the pages of Mr. Allen's book there are frecpient references to the historic towns and cities of the State. Charlotte, Wilming ton, Salisbury, Greensboro, Hills boro, Newbern, Halifax Fayette ville, Fdenton and many others furnish the scenes for the stories Hvery story whilefounded on his toric fact has some romantic coloring to secure and hold the attention. THE BOOK WELL RECEIVED. "North Carolina History Sto ries" is being introduced with singular success into the town and city schools throughout the State. It will no doubt be put on the State list of books, for every child in North Carolina should read it. It is there that the boys and girls can learn ot their historic ancestors. If one would give a North Carolina bov or girl a Christmas present in the shape of a book Mr. Allen's sto ries would delight himorher,and then they would stimulate the desire for more of our history. Mr. Allen will soon add a second volume to the one already out. THE AUTHOR. Mr. W.C.Allen is a graduate of Wake Forest College. Heisan able teacher and a popular gen tleman. The people of Waynes ville are proud of him. He has built up a good school. His little book will stand as a monument to his great energy and splendid ability. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever is a bottle oft Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic, it, is simply iron and quinine in a i tasteless form. No cure?no pay. Price 50c. 0 j About 173,000 persons are em- J ployed in the postal department of (ireat Britain and Ireland. Saved Hts Lite. "I wish to say that I feel I owe my life to Kodol DyspepsiaCure,"! writes II. C.Chrestenson, of Hay field, Minn. ' For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so' that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally I was confined to my bed. Doctors said I could not live I read one of your adver tisements on Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and thought it fit my case and commenced its use. 1 began fo improve from tbe'irst bottle. Now I am cured and recommend it to all." Digests your food. Cures all stomach troubles. Ben son Drug Co., J. R. I^edbetter, Hood Bros., Hare iV Son. MRS. STANFORD'S MUNIFICENCE. Gilt ol $30,000,000 to University Founded by Her Husband. Sau Francisco, Cal., Dec. i).? Mrs. Jan? L Stanford today transferred to Stanford Uni versity properly worth -f'50,000, 000. Kigliteeri million dollars is in sto ks and honds, ail gilt-edge securities, while the remaining ??12,00O,000 is in real estate, comprising almost 1,000,000 acres. Among the most import mt items in the real estate transfer is the great Vina ranch of 50,000 acres, another ti a -t of over 00, 000 acres and the home ranch at Palo Alto, which constitutes the university campus. This con tains 0,000 acres. The real estate lies in 20 counties in this Si ate. The securities Mrs. Stanford gives to the university consist of income-bearing stocks and bonds. Most of these lire the paper of California A'aterCompany, st reef railroads and municipal bonds. All the bonds are first mortgage and all are paying good rates of interest I5y separate deed Mrs Stanford 1 gives her home in this city, esti mated to be worth not less than $400,000, which will be converted into a museum and art gallery. The PriJe ol Heroes. Many soldiers 111 the last war wrote to sav that for scratchis, bruises, cuts, wounds,corns, sore feet and stiff Joints, Hucklen's Arnica Salve is the best iu the world Same for burns, scalds, j boils, ulcers, skin eruptions and piles. It cures or 110 pay. Only 25c at Hood I5ros diug store. Out of 150,000 houses or Hats in Glasgow 00 000 were found | to have Out one room and 70,0001 but tso rooms. Of Benefit to You. I). S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md.: ?'Duruig u long illness I was troubled with bed sores, was ad vised to try lie Witt's Witch Hazel ?salve and did so with wonderful results. I was perfectly cured. It is the best salve on the market." Sure cure for piles, sores, burns I Beware of counterfeits Hood j Bros., J. It. Ledbetter, Hare & Son, Benson Druir Co. j At S.iUu.m Argentina, a list of I boys and girls who have failed to attend school is published in the newspaper. if Harness*, MHB Too can iuk? year hae /JffiKfflD jHVWI UMa rva soft aa a gleee MIPmAw ? And aa tough aa wire kj V l]H jb1i ualng el'KIKA Bap- uv lobk J^mb\W| leagthea Ha life?makeit iV/nEjj9 1"t lwlr? M iung AA It 1 IVSh ?ntlaartly weaiA. 1 EUREKA W I Harness Oi! 1 nnkw ? pMr Ittklnc bar- ([EH noes like new. Made of lllRi pure. heaey bodied All, ee- llgWl pes*tally prepared to with AUuid the weather. 7 Bold eerrywhere til cane?all slxee. ''4 ? Made fcy STANDARD (HI CO. ' The Third Bessie n of twenty weeks at Preston Academy, Bkanley .Johnston Co.. x. C , (Old JJi-ntonvllli-.) Will Jan amy o h. 19' 3. MissS. Ann i P?'ker, of lJ'-Ofon. C , n LTHduat' of th?- Stuti- X'r inul ('odi-jfi' of Nor:h Carolina, Trnrli r PATllOXAO;. SOLICITED. m hectors. J. JT l.iMtiUr. J M. I? aslev. S M Weaver. E. T. Westbrook. Jonn Stephens Sr THIS IS The New Number 8 Domestic Sewing Machine, FOB SALE BY J. M. BEATY, 8M1TIIFIELD, N. C. NEW FALL GOODS. My new ktock of Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery. Cloaks, Capes, Shoes, Hats Caps, Clothing and Gents' Furnishing Goods is now complete and up-to-date in each depa>tnrent. IN DRESS GOODS, I have a full line of the latest weaves and colors in dress goods. A1 oa full line of trimming iu silks, velvets, gimps, braids, jets and applique. SHIRT WAIST GOODS. My line of shirt waist goods is ' bang-up." I have a nice line of silks, flannels, all wool Albatross, Percales. All in beautiful shades. My Millinery Department is Full and Complete. I have put in a full stock of the latest shapes and colors for fall and winter. Also full line of CAPS for misses and chil dren. Ladies wishing anything in this departim nt will find Miss Beckwith at her post ready and willing to serve them in a strictly ^up-to-date stjle. SHOES, SHOES. h + .V SHOES, SHOES. I carry a full line of Zeigler Bros ' fin- shoes for ladies, misses and child en, the best shoes made for wear. Every pair war ranted. 1 also carry a full stock of other makes of fine shoes fur men, ladies, misses and children, which are first quality and you can buy them very cheap. CLiOTHING! CLOTHING! 1 have put in a full stock of clothing of newest make-up styles it, all sizes for men, youths and children. Prices from f 1 to $12.50 per suit. Also a nice line of PANTS from $2 to #5. Aso I have 8 good line of I- IN E.,HATS, all colors, and a good line of GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. Don't buy j our uoods until jou get my prices, as I am sure that I can save you monej', as I discount all of my bills and will give my customers the benefit of it. \AI. G. Yelvington, SM1THFIELD, N. G. Silverware. I wish to call your attention to the fact that 1 have just added to my stock a complete line of tilverware. It is ROGERS BROTHERS' 1847 GOODS and consists of Knives, Forks Table and Tea Spoons,JCiCJCK Soup Ladles, Sugar Shells, Etc. I Carry a Full Line of Spectacles and other Optical Goods. A large stock of Watches, Clocks and Jewelry always on hand. Repairing a specialty. Call and see me in my new place in the Professioal Building, T. C. JORDAN, 017?tf Smithfield, N. C. JOHN A. McKAY. E. F. YOUNG. THE JOHN A McKAY M'F'G CO. Kdged Tool. Foundry and .Machine Works. One of the very best equipped plants in the State. Machine Repair Work of Every Description, High Grade Saw-Mill, Engine and Boiler Work a Specialty. THE FAHQXJHAlv. All Kinds iron and Brass Castings. Store Front Irons and other Heavy Work to Order. WE ARE AGENTS FOR A. B. Farquhar Co.'s Machinery. { Engines Boil. rs, Saw Mills. 4c. We are aito spent* for the Southern Saw Work* and have a pood Hock of tlnlr (mill) saws on katd. ENGINES jLzm BOILERS F Of all Styles fron r,. 4 to 600 horse power J We Handle All Kinds of Machinery and JY Machinery Supplies. Steam Fitting*, Pipe, Inspirators, Shafting, Pulleys, Post Hang ers, Grate-bars, &c.,'&c. WE DO HIGH GRADE WORK ONLY. GET OUR CATALOGUE AND PRICE3. The John A. JWcK^ay M ? 9 Co.. dunn. n. c. Corn removes from the soil large quantities of Potash. The fertilizer ap plied, must furnish enough Potash, or the land will lose its pro- . ducing power. Read carefully our books os crops?sent Jr??. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Iff 93 Nassau St., New York. D DR. S. P. J. LEE, DENTIST, OFFICE ON SECOND FLOOR OF PROFESSIONAL BUILDING on Market St, SMITHFIELD, N. C. Dr. J. W. Halchtr, DENTIST, Selma, IN. C. Office in iTare& Son's Drnc Store. DR. II. P. UNDER HILL j, Physician and Surgeon, KENLY, N. C. Office at Mr. Jessa Kirby's. essmith. mp hatcher. wd smith* Smith, Hatcher I Smith, Attorneys - at - Law, BEaSON, N C. ofkick over r 'i. bkady 8 stork. Prompt attention g.ven to all matters' entrusted to them. Treasurer's Card. I John W. Futrell, Treasurer of JohuslOv j County, will be in Smithfleld everj Monday and Saturday and Court Week? Office in back room of the Hank of Smith j field. In his absence county orders will bo ' oaid at the Bank for Rent, If you want to rent any kind of a house in Smith field please let me know it. J. M. BEATY, smithfield, n. c. FLOYD H. PARRISH, 8MITHFIELO. N C. Fresh. Meats, Beef and Ice. Highest Pkiors I'aid for Hides. IV~ Heel cattle wanted. bj | i At mv market will bet /IPrKfiT. f?unr 'or sale Fresbi IIIUI null Pork, Beef Sausage. I Fish ant Oysters. I waut to buy Fat Cattle and Fresh Pork ^and will pay highest prices for same Cattle bought by the pound or at prices agreed on for eacbone. J. YA/. LILES, 0.1-3m SELMA, N. C, i NOTICE I I am overstocked with John ston County Corn Whiskey anii have 800 gallons which I am sell ] ino at 81.40 pergallon, or about cost. Ic is bound to go. First come, first served F. F. COLF, Four Oaks, N. C. I <1 Bend model, sketch or photo cf inverticil for ^ <> fret) report on pntentnoilitv. 1< : fr?c book, r KocM Dyspepsia Cure Digests what yon eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. Is unequalled for the stomach. Child ren with weak stomachs thrive on it. Cures all stomach troubles Prepared only by E. O. DrWirr kOo., OhlcafOi The 21. buttle contains 2* timesOfceiOc. aIra.