?l)f *mitl)jirlii Hrrnlii. 'rice one dollar per year. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD.'' single copies three cents VOL. 21. SMIT HFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, MAY 30, 1902. NO. 12. GENERAL NEWS ITEMS. Brief Summary of the Week's Happenings. Some of the Most Important News ot the World Condensed tor the Readers of the Herald. The State Press Association will hold the annual meeting at Hendersonville, June 2"> and 20 Work has begun on theOberon Cotton Mill, in the suburbs of Burlington. The plant will cost .*200,000. A meteoric tftone weighing about tenpoundsfellatSt. Louis, Mo., Tuesday morning. It seems to be composed of iron, and is strongly impregnated with sul phur, being so hot at. first that it could not be handled. Work has begun on the exten sion of the Cape Fear and North ern Railway from Angier, in Harnett county, to Dunn, on the Atlantic Coast Line. The other terminus of this road is Apex, on the Seaboard Air Line. (ioliad, Tex., May 20.?With the death of three of the persons iujured in Sunday's tornado the total number of dead is ninety five. 11 is believed at least twenty more of the 100 persons who were injured cannot survive. The bronze statue of Count de Rochanibeau, who brought the forces of France across the sea at the hour of greatest peril in the American revolution, was un ^ veiled on Lafayette Square. Washington, I). C., on Saturday. The entire northeastern por tion of Iowa was submerged by a .cloudburst Wednesday, when eight inches of wa er fell within 30 minutes. The damage at Decorah alone is estimated at $000,000;' two lives were lost there. Chicago, May 21 .?The hi. best price for Texas cattle in the his toj'.v of the stock yards was paid today for a carload belonginOc., large bottle, at druggists. For sale by Hood Bros., and Benson Drug Co.