fSlje Smttljfidii flefElk price one dollar per tear. "TRUE TO 01 RSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD.'' single copies three cents, VOL. 21. SMITIIFIELD, X. C., FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 no pay. 2bc at flood Bros.drug i store. ! | Remember that The Austin- j Stephenson Co. will feed you and , feed your stock. " ( The American and Imperial j Tobacco Companies are both 1 represented on the Selrna tobacco market and their buyers are anxious for tobacco. When you J come with tobacco remember the Planters Warehouse. When you have a bale of cot ton for the market The Austin Stephenson Co. will buy that. Special prices made to country merchants. Austin-Stephenson 1 Co. j ( Don't Disappoint Your Wife. You have been promising to buy a sewing machine for your wife. You are able to buy it this fall. Don't disappoint her by ordering a cheap, common ma chine, nut buy a good one that will last a life time. The New Home or Domestic will suit. For sale by J. M. Beaty, Smithfield, N. C. Two cars of n?w wheat flour just received by Austin-Stephen son Co. Every saci: warranted. j Puclic Speaking. Saturday, October 4th, at il j'clock p. ni. an follows: Peacocks \ Roads, Meadow ;ownship, by J. T. Ellington, W. ?5. Stevens. Pine Level, by E. S. Abell and lames A. Wellons. Archer, bv C. VV. Richardson ind VV. A. Edgerton. Let every body turn out to lear the issues discussed. VV. VV. Cole, Chin. Ilem. Ex. Com. T. J. Lassitek, Secretary. Some tobacco sold last week on he Selma market as high as fifty ?ents per pound. We want you ;o come to the Planters VVare louse. Iion't forget the Rig Millinery Opening at VV. L. Woodall's next donday and until eleven o'clock Monday night. The nicest car of hay ever came o Sinithfield is now for sale at Vustin-Stephenson Co. Good tobacco breaks every lay and the farmers are satisfied irith the prices they get on the Selma market. Bring your to mcco to the Planters Warehouse. You can get all the cotton seed hulls and meal you want rom Austin-Stephenson Co. SEASONABLE GOODS. Seed rye, barley, clover seed, Dats and wheat in stock. Meat, ard and hams in car lots. Hour n car lots always on hand. VV. M. Sanders. FOR SALE. A tract of .\J2 acres with house if two rooms and water. This is i tine tobacco and cotton land is well as for corn and grain. Vpply to Mrs. W. II. Lyon, Ral ?igh, N. C. LOOK OUT. All who are in debt to Gardner St Galbraith for horses and mules nust come forward promptly md settle. Gardner & Galbraith. FOREMEN WANTED. I know two or three farmers vho want foremen to look after ;hree to five horse farms. Fore nen will be expected to work, to eed stock and manage the farm. Honest, industrious men with some experience will be paid fair vages. Married men preferred. A'rite to J. M. Bkaty, Smithtteld, N. C. LANDS FOR RENT. I have for rent four good to bacco crops, fairly good houses, tobacco barns and lying out and. Also a four-horse and a two horse crop for cotton; good land ind good houses. I will be will ing to make special contracts with good farmers who own good itock to cultivate the cotton ;rops. I will furnish the land and fertilizer to men who will contract bo cultivate the land thoroughly. Mr. F. H. Brooks, Smithtield, S. C., will give further informa tion if desired. James H. Poit, Raleigh, N. C. FOR RENT. ? Four dwellings, one with two rooms and one fireplace; one with two rooms and two fireplaces; one with three rooms and one fire place, kitchen and one fireplace; one with five rooms and two tire places, good barn,good orchard, two acres land; ten acres good tobacco land, fine condition hog weeds on it waist to shoulder high, two good barns and pack house. Will let for one-fourth or furnish team for two-fifths: 75 acres corn and cotton lands, healthy community, good water, good stockrange.iu quarter mile of post-office and a good private school, all at Old Bentonville, Johnston county, N. C. Money to lend for benefit of farm or school, properly secured. Call on or write to J. M. BEASLEY, Beasley, N. C.