iTtjr Smitbfirlii Mefalb. PRICK (INK DOLLAR PKK TKAR. "TRUE TO 01'RSKLVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." sinolk COPIES FIVE CENTS. VOL. 21. SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1902. NO. 97. V STATE NEWS. Evangelist Pearson is conduct ing a meeting in Tenth Avenue Presbyterian church, Charlotte. The Baptist State Convention will meet in the First Baptist church of Durham, December 10. The State has chartered the Crystal Ice Company of Wash-! ington, N. C., with a capital of! #100,000. Greensboro is making a move meut for the establishment of a $50,000 public hospital, for which $18,000 in subscriptions have been made, including a site. .Mr. J. J. Sims, a well known and wealthy resident of Char lotte, died Sunday morning of a stroke of apoplexy, aged 06. He leaves an estate valued at $150, 000. Near Lenoir last week a mad ?tog bit Mr. Nathan T. Deal and a little child, biting the latter se verely. Both victims were taken to Baltimore for the Pasteur treatment. At the meeting of the State Board of Pharmacy in Raleigh last week 22 persons were exam ined for license but only 10 pass ed. Two of the successful appli cants are colored. The State Monday chartered the Wilmington Tobacco Ware house Company, capital $100, 000; stockholders, G. R. French, G. Holmes, W. E. Worth, G. O. Gaylord, H. L. Toilers, W. B. Cooper. The aldermen of Washington,; N. C., have passed an ordinance: removing stained glass windows, screens, etc., from barroom doors and windows and the saloon men are very foolishly fighting the or dinance. Expert safe blowers demolished the locks to the vaults of the court house at Columbus, Polk county, Friday night, but they had their trouble for their pains. They found no money and only $1.50 in postage stamps. Sunday morning at 3 o'clock the woodworking establishment of Peacock & Graf, in Salisbury, was burned. The origin of the fire is unknown but is supposed to be incendiary. The loss is $12.000 to $13,000 with no in surance. In Durham county last week ! Jacob Bidford, aged -"i7, married his step daughter. Tiny Suitt. Many years ago Bidford married the girl's mother, when the lat ter was quite young. After the girl's mother died she continued to live with her step-father and kept house for him, and the mar riage resulted. Col. A. W. Shaffer, of Raleigh, died in a sanitorium at Dansville, N. Y., Thursday, aged 64. He was a native of New York, was a Federal soldier and at the close of the war made Raleigh his home. He held, the position of; register in bankruptcy and was also postmaster for four years. By profession he was a civil en gineer and was recently the en gineer of the State Board of Health. Fight Democratic members of the last Senate are re-elected to the next Senate, and it so hap pens that exactly half of them voted for the conviction of the impeached judges and half voted against it. The former are Sen ators Vann, of Chowan; Travis, of Halifax; Woodard, of Wilson, and Warren, of Jones. The lat ter are Senators Brown, of Co lumbus; Fondon, of Chatham; Glenn, of Guilford, and Hender son, of Rowan. The pension lists for the vari ous counties have been sent to the respective registers of deeds for correction. These lists were made out by the jiension board last July, and consequently must be revised by striking off the names of those who have died or moved away. There are 11,680 names on the list, exclu sive of the totally disabled class, who receive $120 a year. After the lists are corrected, the war rants will be sent out by Decem ber loth. I NORTH CAROLINA DAY. * Next Wednesday, November 26th, Designated by Superintendent Joyner. To the Public School Teachers: I have just mailed to the school committeemen for you Pro grammrue of Exercises for North Carolina Day, Wed nesday, November 2(>{h, 1902. 1 wish every teacher would observe this day and carry out the programme prepared by the state Superintendent. Below is the programme: NORTH CAROLINA DAY. si ajkit: the alhemaule suc tion. 1. Song?The Old North State. ?William Gaston. 2. Reading?The First Govern or, William Drummond.?Adapt ed from Wiley's North Carolina Reader and Weeks' Sketch of Drummond. 3. Questions and Answers for Child rem? 15y Committe# (if State Literary and Historical Associa tion. 4. Reading? Roanoke Island To-day.?Charles R. Taylor. 5. Reading?Albemarle Monu ments.?R. B. Creecy. 3. Reading?Edeuton.?W. E. Stone. 7. Song?America. 8. Reading?Hertford.?W. F. McMudan. 9. Reading?A Distinguished Citizen of the Albemarle Section. Adapted from Address by Jun ius Davis. 10. Declamation?Extract from the Memorial to Congress con cerning the Celebration of the Settlement of Sir Walter Haleigh's Colonies on Roanoke Island.? Geo. T. Winston, for Committee. 11. Heading?Cape Ilatteras and the Banks. 12. Hatteras and the Bankers It. B. Creecy. 13. Stories of the Banks.?Jen nie Langs ton. 14. Declamation?Hatteras. ?1 Joseph W. Holden. 15. Selected Hymn. Should any teacher desire other copies, I can furnish a few more, i There are a few left over after j sending one to each district. If these programmes reach you i too late to have the exercises on ! 26th, why have them some other j day. Respectfully, Iiia T. Turlington, Co. Supt. Schools Smithfleld, N. C.. Nov. 20. Some Good Farming. Mr. W. A. Bo.ykin, of near Princeton, called in to see us Monday and renewed his sub scription for another year. Mr. Boykin is one of our successful farmers who believes that the best way to farm is to plant few acres, manure heavily and culti vate we". This year he planted five acres in tobacco and four in cotton and sold the crop for $900. He sold the tobacco crop at home; for $768. He manured the five acres in tobacco as follows: Hauled in 100 loads of woods mold and dirt per acre and broadcasted it; put 26 bushels of cotton-seed broadcast on two acres; plough ed in well. Early in March he laid off his rows and put 20 bushels stable manure per acre in drill, also 400 pounds acid per acre, .fust before he was ready to set out his plants he opened the rows and put in 600 pounds standard fertilizer per acre, with above named results. Harlan Buckles. who was Saturday sentenced to life im prisonment for the murder of Robert L. Reid, at Klizabethtown, Kv., w as hanged by a mob short ly after 2 o'clock Sunday morn ing. The mob included from 50 to 75 men, some of whom are supposed to have come from Enure county. On account of their number they had little difficulty in getting Buckles from the jail. He was token to the court house yard and hanged to a tree, after which the crowd, dispersed. County News. BENSON. J. II. Moon went to Clayton this week. Ira M. Hudson made a trip to i Wilson Tuesday. Mrs. .1. W. Benson has return ed from Clmpel Hill. Alex Gregory has opened a 1 store on Main street. M. It. Langdon is now with Benj. Hudson it Son. Ira Hose has bought an inter est in Benson Drug Co. C. T. Johnson will tit up a hall over the store he is now build ing. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Jones, of Wake, were visitors' here this week. The oyster saloon on wheels has been painted and presents a very neat appearance. Dr. Parker follows the Benson Drug Co. and now occupies quar ters over their new store. Mrs. J. W. Baucom and Miss Letta Peacock, of Dunn, visited Mrs. J. W. Whittenton Sunday. Ground has been broken for two more brick stores on Main street, Benj. Hudson it Son aud J. P. Adams. Mrs. W. J. Stephenson, of Smithfield, and Mrs. J. T. John-! son, of Dunn, visited at J. F. Lee's last week. J. W. Holmes has bought the! (stock of Langdon ic Johnson and will continue the business at } the same place. A few more old stables torn down, and a lot more rubbish re- i moved will very much benefit the looks of Benson. P. B. Johnson will build a dwelling on the lot in Ryals ad- j dition recently purchased by him,1 and it won't be for rent. Recent narrow escapes from | fire suggested the necessity for a night-watchman, and J. T. Strick land has been put on duty. A sudden collision between a i' bull and the bear market, Wed- ] nesday of last week, gave rise to j1 the rumor that there was a dead j1 man at the depot. Railroad, express and telegraph business has so increased here that another man has been ad ded to the force. It may be that one of the operators can be dis- ' pensed with after this week. We are sorry to say that pros- ' pectors coming here do not re ceive proper encouragement. A 1 few public spirited citizens, or ganized, might do the place vast 1 good, but wiiere shall we import them from? i Preston Lee made an unsuc cessful attempt to suicide last < Friday. He chose the morphine i route and the doctors complete ly blocked him, after he had got ten far enough, some of the boys , said, to see over into the other world. It is to be hoped that last Sun-! ] day's (November 9) shipment of ( express from this place will not; be duplicated often on the Sab- ( bath, though the prohibition ele-1 ment could not pray for a thing that would bring tlieir wishes to j' pass quicker. ( Thanksgiving Day at Kenly Acade my. The students, teachers, trus-1 trees, and friends of Kenly Acad emy will spend Thanksgiving Day as follows: At 11 a. m. Eldc.- A. R. Flow-' ers, Principal of Wendell High - School, will preach a sermon, i At7:80p.m. Hon. K. W. l'ou, (Congressman-elect from this Dis trict, will deliver an address on i North Carolina and the future, i The sermon will be preached in the Free Will Baptist church, i The address will be delivered in the Academy chapel. All arecor- i dially invited to attend. W. A. Harper, i Principal. Rheumacide is a positive cure for rheumatism in every form. Does not injure the digestive or gans. The best laxative and blood purifier. Ask your diug gist for it. SEL n\. Mr. John Parker, of Raleigh, is here to buy cotton. Mrs. J. A. Underbill is repair ing his brick store. Mr. R. L. Rav went to Clayton Wednesday on business/ Miss Julia Fuller Etheredge re turned to Peace Institute Wed nesday. Mr. M. C. Winston returned from a trip to Wake county ? Wednesday. The Southern Hell Telephone Company will install a telephone j exchange here soon. Our streets are full of cotton to-day (Thursday) and the market opened at 8 -ents. Mrs. P. A. Creech, of Rocky Mount, spent Tuesday with her sister, Mrs. W. H. Stallings. Miss Lnla Tisdale, our music teacher, spent Saturday and Sun day with her parents in Burling-1 ton. Mr. N. It. Batten our tax col- j lector now has the town tax [ books in hand and would be glad I to have all pay at once. . j The revival conducted by thej Rev. Kenneth L). Holmes iat the Methodist church here continues to grow in interest. The meet- j ings will be kept up as long as j there is interest shown. Tobacco men who passed j through here Wednesday and saw j our sales say our market is the highest in Eastern North Caro- i lina. Tobacco sold here Wed-1 nesday from 7% to 38 cents. We are informed that mules, in the West, are from ten to fifteen dollars a head cheaper than they ; were a month ago. This is on account of the short crop of cot- i ton in the south and will be good j news to our farmers who have to buy. Mr. J. Letn Jones made on three and one-half acres of land with two tons of Split Silk guano thirty-six hundred pounds of to bacco which sold for seven hun dred and fifty-eight dollars and twenty-three cents (758.21) clear eheck. Can any farmer in John ston county beat it ? CLAYTON. "Uncle Pork" has a small pork 2(oing under his name. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Barnes spent Sunday in the country. Mr. H. 1). Ellington, of Smith field, was in t< wn Sunday. Mr. L. 1). Debnam spent Satur day night and Sunday in town. Mr. J. C. Ellington, of Raleigh, spent some days in town recently. Mr. J. M. Banks, of near Mc Dullers Station, spent Monday night here. Miss Florence Thomas left Monday for her home in Hender son ville, N. C. Miss Allyne McCullers, who is atteudiug the Baptist Female University at Raleigh, spent sev eral days at home recently. At the protracted meetings conducted by Rev. C. W. Blancn ard last week and this, about 40 professions have been made. About .'15 were baptized Wednes day p. m. at the Cotton Mill pond. "Yelir." "Of Such Is the Kingdom of Heaven." The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. N, 15. Hinton. of near Prince ton, will deeply sympathize with them in the death of their little girl who passed into heaven Tues day night last. Little Kstelle was horn on No vember 14th, 1000, being at her death only tw< vears and four days old. lb 1 ?ief existence upon this eartl ?as ?' >od pain ful but it serve 1 *pose. God holds a claim ? , e w>d ones now that cam U disregarded. To the ben v>l, tin wisdom of this disj>en ition will liecome more manifest ir tin years to come. S. The Murchi National Hank of Wilmlngtc a ha- increased its capital stock making a total of " 000? ap tal stock now. BAPTIST CENTER. . ?Mr. Aulsey Austin is repairing his house. We are sorry to say our sick are no better. Mr. G. ('. Bryan is "down the country cattle hunting"thi8 week. .Mrs. (i. (' Bryan is spending this week with her parents at Benson. Mr. Ij. It. Branhara, (who is fixing up his house) went up in Wake Sunday. Mrs. W. C. Hardee and little sou spent a few days with Mrs. \V. B. Hardee last week. Mr. .John Harrison is very ill with typhoid fever. He has been very sick for about two weeks. Mr. J. W. Boon is very sick. By his request prayer-meeting was held at h is hotne last Sunday. Messrs. Lonny Boon and John Barber went sporting Monday. They shot 18 birds. Watch champion? The "Storm Musical" at Mr. J. C. Hardee's last Thursday evening was very much enjoyed. We learn that some who were there hope to do so again. Mr. John Strickland, of Smith field, spent Tuesday night and Wednesday in the community. He was oui Wednesday trying to take the championship from the rightful owner. Miss Mary Dunn, of Bizzell, ar rived Saturday to take charge of the primary department at Bap tist Center. The people gave her a hearty welcome, and her pu pils already love her. From the racket that was heard in Mr. J. C Hardee's wood pile Saturday afternoon, the pas sers-by thought that the "var mint" had captured Master Ern est. Truth to tell his little cousiu had chopped his finger with the axe. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Gower, ac companied by Miss Delia Ellis, went to Wilson's Mills Friday and remained till Sunday. On their way back the mule got frightened, ran away and spilt them all out. Mrs. Gower is somewhat lame from the shock, but the others escaped uninjured. B^C. Hustler. ARCHER LODGE. Mr. Harney Hamilton, of Smith field, spent Sunday in our midst. Mr. J. T. Harnes and Mr. R. A. Wall, of Clayton, were in our sec tion Sunday, There will be services at White Oak next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. A. A. Pippin. The public school at Archer opened Monday, Nov. 10, with Mr. L. H. Champion, Principal and W. L. Stancil assistant Messrs. Woodruff and Harnes, of Wilson county, were in our sec tion last Saturday looking over the land of Pou & Pou with a view of buying. Elders W. J. Stephenson and J. A. T. Jones preached two very able sermons to a large audience at Salem Primitive Baptist church last Sunday. We learn that Miss Annie Lee, of Smith eld, is teaching at the Berry Barnes school house near here. W. L. S. The 1% plant of Armour & Company, which occupied three and onehalf acres of ground at Sioux City, la., was totally de stroyed by fire which started at 12:50 o'clock Sunday morning on the second floor of the fertili zer building. The loss estimated is $900,000. The insurance is $721,500. The fireis supposed to have started from spontaneous combustion. Six hundred men are thrown out of employment. Ordinary cough remedies are dangerous to give babies. An ways Croup Syrup is made for children's coughs and croup and colds and will certainly cure them. Ask to see testimonials. 25cts. at Hood Bros, drugstore. If vou wish to buy shoes and boots cheap.go to W. G. Yelving ton's store. A full stock of all siaes and styles. Prices very low. t General News. I Senator Thomas C. Piatt is to have another term in the Senate from New York. President Roosevelt, it is said, ! will continue to oppose the move ! nient to crea te a white Republican ltarty in the South. The Merriraae Manufacturing Company will at once begin the erection of aclotii mill at Hunts ville. Ala., to cost .$1,105,000. John Davis, a negro, was lynched in the courthouse yard at 1. wisburg,.Tenn., Friday for the murder of Robert Adair, a white farmer. Mrs. 11 eat on, of Midletown, Va., a bride of four months, to jk her life last week on account of her husband's flirtation with another woman. The Mobile market is glutted with cocoanuts, 7,500,000 being in store, with four cargoes to ar rive by vessels clue, adding 800, 000 to the supply. The Standard Oil Company has declared a quarterly dividend of $10 per share?25 per cent, more than the dividend for the same time last'year. Four workmen were killed and a large number injured by the j explosion of a boiler at the Ameri can Iron and Steel Wor ts, at Lebanon, Pa., Friday. Sunday the President dined in camp on Little Sunflower river, Mississippi, and the bill-of-tare included roast bear paws, 'pos sum and sweet potatoes. John K. Messersmith, a Ralti more broker, has been sentenced to two years fh the penitentiary for swindling the Merchants' National Rank out of $25,000. Rarclay White, an 82-year old (Juaker of Trenton. New Jersey, took his third bride last week in the person of Miss Adele Willis, aged 50. He was first married in 1842. frank C. Andrews, the convic ted vice-president of the wrecked City Savings Bank, of Detroit, Mich., has been taken to the Jackson State Prison to serve his 15-year sentence. From 8 to 13 percent, advance has been made in the wages of 15,000 employes oftheAew York Central R. It., adding about $1, 090,000 annually to the pay roll of the company. Miss Susan Collins, of Stan ardsville, Va, was bitten on Wednesday by a mad cat, and the mad-stone was applied to the wound. She was then sent to the Pasteur Institute. Mrs. Gordon, a seamstress of New York, committed suicide last week, on account of worry in the delay of finishing a white satin ball gown ordered by Mrs George Vanderbilt, of Biltmore. A tire which b- >ke out Monday morning in the freight depot of the Southern Railway at Pell City, Ala., was followed by a ter rific explosion, killing two per sons and wounding ten others. Because Miss Mary Harvey, his 14-year old sweetheart broke the engagement, Samuel A. Hefflefin ger, a 16-year old boy of New ville, Pa., committed suicide last week. A trifling misunderstand ing caused the sad affair. The daughters of the Confed eracy meet next year at Charles- . ton. S. C. There is now on hand $4.">,836.41 for the building of the monument to Jefferson Davis, of which $2.4,000 has been con tributed by the Daughters. B. F. Rush shot and instantly killed Will Stevens at Greenville, S. C.. Saturday morning. Rush was a merchant of the pla'-e and Stevens a railroad conductor, and the homicide wason account of the dead man's relations with Rush's wife. Col. Edward Butler, a million aire and politician of St. Cbuis% has been found guilty of attempt ing to bri tie Dr. Chnptnan of the St. L^unis Board of Health and sentenced to three years in the penitentiary. Two of Col. But ler's sou# have represented their idistrigt^-in Congress. *\4