: THE HERALD'S FARM DEPARTMENT. | * * ?' - | Matters of Interest to Those Who Till the Soil. ? ; 2 Conducted by .1. M. BEATY. * " SAVE YOUR CUT CORN. I see that much of the corn cut: this summer umi fall by the new machines,thecornbinders, is still in the fields. Some of the shouks turned over by the winds and are lying flat on the ground. All this corn is damaging and thut lying on the ground is ruining. Had this been a wet season the damage would have been far greater. I'nless the corn is man aged better the sale of binders and shredders will not increase. If the use of a shredder cannot be secu red thecorn should be housed. Hetter not have the corn cut un less you can get a shredder or a shelter. , What Farmers Need Most. The question "What does the farmer need most?" in brief but j very comprehensive, and em braces many needs. The farmer should be a well | rounded man, strong in mind j and body, and possessed of good j healt h and of a wife equally en-j dowed, whose every thought and interest are in unison with his. They should be possessed of good executive ability and be capable of planning and directing their affairs wisely and intelligently, and to carry out their plans with energy and industry. They should raise their children to habits of industry, and train and educate them to a high order of citizenship. The next requisite to success is a good home farm conveniently located to some city where he is j easily accessible to churches, schools and railroad facilities. The home should be ample in its accommodat ions tor a comfort able life, improved with suitable buildings, with an orchard and | garden, all located most conven-! iently for the purposes for which they are intended. The farm should be plentifully supplied with water, with convenient pass ways to and from the same, with 1 good gates where reasonably re I quired. The acreage should be! ample for a rotation of crops j and to keep a variety of stock.; It must necessarily lie fertile to produce good crops and to pro-j vide an income sufficient to en able him to live comfortably and j to be a useful citiz n. It isneces- j sary to graze and rest our tired fields, to supply manure as fast as possible to old sod fields so as to renew them and tit them for raising another crop. Farming cannot be carried on with success on a few acres; no one can do it by reason of the necessary ex penses of living. The necessary expenses of an ordinary family are just as great on a farm of forty acres as they would be on a farm of one hundred or two hundred acres. Every business succeeds by the amount of it, and ; whether it be a school, a store, a newspaper or a railroad, the profit is all in a large business. "The iixed charges and expenses of a business do not increase in J proportion to the profits." Such lias been my experience, i1 I began life as a farmer on one |1 hundred acresof lard; it required I economy and hard work to make j' more than a living. I thentned two hundred acres, and it was not until then that 1 began to accumuluUs 6r to advance, and I have continued to advance and to extend operat'ons until I now have six hundred acres of land richly improved, !uglily fertile and productive. It is not profit able to cultivate any excep i rich land. Upon a farm of, say, one hundred acres of rich land, by cultivating fifty acres of it in I corn you can raise as much asj you can on one hundred acres of 1 oor land, end thereby sa> e one team and one hand and gain fifty acres for grass orotherpurposes. You ask what the farmer most needs. I answer, briefly, good sense, health, ambition and will power. These with a good wife whose energies are united with his w ill b ing success in life. With a good home and shelter, corn in the crib, meat in the meat house, money in pocket and with the other qualities to which I have referred the farmer is a fitting representative of the highest order of American citizenship, Education is not altogether of books; by experience also we J ? 9 lean; much that in of great value to us. The farmer starting out with a common school education can easily become an educated man, and much of his time can lie profitably employed in the study of agricultural chemistry, thereby enabling him to under stand better the character of the soil which he cultivates, and the elements which it particularly needs to make it productive. By a wife employment of his leisure time in the study of philosophy, history and the great daily news papers, he can keep thoroughly j abreast with the spirit of the) times and be fully qualified for the most important duties of citizenship. The farmer needs a religion that sees good in every season and inspires love and confidence that bring happiness in life, whether it be a life of sunshine or one of clouds and storms, for it Is by the sunshine and the storms, the rains and dews, that nature works out her highest develop ment. lie needs a religion as sweet and impartial as the dews from heaven, inspiring wisdom and love in all the walks of life, in family, neighborhood and good citizenship.?John B. Keu neday in Tribune Farmer. Curing Pork. Within a very short time cold weather is due, and with the ap proach of ice preparations wilt be made for "hog killing." Ten derloins, brains, spare ribs, sau sage and pig feet will be for a season, the annual delicacy of the most toothsome desire on farmers' tables all over the South. Little children will be made happy broiling the muchly j coveted melts on hot rocks around the big log tires at the hog killing, while thousands of j bladders will be prepared and hung up for Christmas guns by the little fellows who look for ward to hog killing with as much or more interest than the older folks. The city children who are al ways dressed for looks can never realize the highest joys of child life unless they couid be trans ported to the country and enjoy i t he unalloyed bliss of a winter's hogkilling scene, and be enabled to participate in the occasion fully. I am often asked by sub scribers ac this period of the year for information relative to the best methods of curing pork, and am just in receipt of the fol lowing communication from J. H. it., of Athens, <ia.: "1 am a subscriber to the Semi-1 Weekly Journal and would like for you to answer a few questions through its columns, if you will be so kind. "This cold weather makes us think about killing hogs, and as I have a few to kill, I would like to know the best way in which to put the meat up. When I was a , boy I lived up North and the Folks there put up their meat in a barrel and pickled it. No doubt, , if you are an old soldier you have eaten some of that same 11 pickled pork. Now, I would like to know from start to finish how to put it up, say in a common [ < lard barrel. How much salt and ] saltpetre, and, in fact, the whole |, process for hams, shoulders, ] beads, etc." , PICKLED POHK. I I beg to assure my correspond | int that I did not commence eat-11 ng pork until after the great i military struggle he refers to, as i [ was an infant at that time, but.' 1 Juriug my travels through the 1 N'orth and West in recent years 1 nave many times bad the oppor-; i [unity of testing the merits of I pickled pork. I was raised up i m dry cured porkacd have never ] cultivated a fondness for the i pickled kind. The South is the|i Bnly country in the world, how- j i >ver, where pickled pork is not i i jniversally used, if eaten at all. J The western packing houses al ways ship cold Htorage cured i meat to their southern custo-11 mers, but to the balance of their i i trade the meat noes pickled in I barrels, both local and abroad, i A barrel of pickled pork would i be a curiosity in any merchant's 1 itore where pork is supplied to southern farmers and their labor, i \ greater curiosity would be a i barrel of pickled pork in a Geor-; I ria farmer's smokehouse,having 1 Been prepared on the premises. ] I'.ut it is doubtless less expensive [ l and. safer to pickle pork than to cure it after the usually long and tedious met hods ordinarily em ployed in the South. Smoked, dry cured bacon, though, im parts a flavor to our home raised pork which cannot be equaled bv any process ever vet discovered. The only trouble is we don't cure enough of it every year on the different farms. At the first approach of ice it is safe to kill hogs. The most important item is to be sure t fie animal heat is out of the joints before the hog is cut up uud pack ed down. .Meat is oftentimes lost by hurrying that feature of the business. Hogs killed one day should not he packed down until the next morning, no. matter what process is to be used in cur ing If the weather is clear and freezing, kill and clean the hogs in the forenoon, arid leave them hanging until late in the after noon. Tttey can then be taken down, and each hog divided in half, and laid out iu the smoke house until next morning, liv that time all the animal heat will be out, the meat will be firm and can be nicely cut up and trimmed closely with a sharp knife. The hams and shoulders espe cially should be trimmed close and all tne surplus fat taken off arid made up into lard. The backbones and spareribs can be lightly salted and laia away un der close cover for immediate consumption by the family or for sa e. If the pork is to be pickled the following process may be safely adopted: Cut the middlings, hams and shoulders into convenient pieces j for handling so they can be pack ed closely. Cover the bottom of the barrel into which it is to be kept with a layer of salt half an j inch thick, l'lace in a layer of J pork, then another layer of salt j and so 011 until the barrel is near ly full. The pieces of pork should be tightly and neatly fitted in so that the entire surface is covered, if this is not doue the opening! must be filled up with salt. Pour iu enough pureeold water to fill all spaces and to cover the | last layer of salt placed above j the meat. Then for every hun dred pounds of pork use the fol lowing recipe: I Mssolve iu pure water, using just enough to dis solve the materials, four ounces of salt petre, two pounds of good brown sugai, and seven pounds of salt. When thoroughly dis solved, boil the mixture and skim off all the impurities. When'this is cold pour over the1 meat. Then take a circular board 1 which will fit on the inside of the barrel, bore a few holds through t and weigh it down on the meat. This will keep the meat in pla. e and prevent it from floating in j the brine. DRY CURED MEAT. When the hogs have been cut in half and laid out for the first night as already referred to, it is a good idea to sprinkle a little salt over the bone joints, so as to bring all surplus blood to the surface. After trimming close, the meat should bit well rubbed with salt, and packed down in barrels or boxes, p'acing a layer of salt on the" bottom, covering each layer with salt. Hogs that weigh from 150 to 200 pounds should be thoroughly salted in from 3 to 4 weeks' time. Very laige hogs should remain packed down 5 weeks. Alter the meat is taken up, the salt shouhl be krocked off each piece, and the shoulders, hams [leads ard jowls l'gh.'y dusked over with pulverized bo. ax. One pound of borax is enough for TOO or 800 pounds of meat. The meat can then be liuug up, and either smoked or not smoktd, as 'esired, it will keep without furth er trouble. I have tried this plan for seve ral years and th'nk it superior to all other methods. Some farmers lip the hams and shou'ders in boiling water after taking them up and sprinkle with red pepper, lithe *s use a brne of twelve pounds of salt, 2 quarts of mo las. js, and oae-half pound of saltpetre to sprinkle each 150 pounds of the meat, just befo.e sniok'-'g it. It is needless to smoke the meat when boiax is used, neither is tbe*e any neces sity to sew the hams and shou'd srs up in bags. bugs and flies will not get about borax, and it makes a sp'erdid preserver of meat. It iea\es no odor or flavor to the meat, as it can be easdy washed off. Saltpetre iuipor?.s an objec tionable llavor, as it strikes into I he meat, and I never use it. fork is easily preserved if killed at the proper time, when a cold spell is on, and a northwest wind blowing. Never kill when the wind is from the east or south. Sever pack down until the ani mal heat is all out, and do not kill when the weather is told enough to freeze the meat before it can be properly packed down ?Harvie Jordan, in Atlanta Journal. The fine fall days, of which we are ha ii g s"> ir.nuj t'h year, ought :o b- full, util'zid i.i get ting hoia to tueburnst ml under cover all late cropsoiha> , millet, sorghum, peas an 1 eoj beans as fast as t h< v are fit to el or T i farmers of the Sou too carele*a in attend ' g -a things, They allot . whiou have cost labor a i ney ' raise, to remain in Ur i bleaching, weathering and wast ing long after they might be safely under cover if given proper attention during the curing, and then in winter and late spring complain of being short of feed and compel stock to live on food containing little or no nourish ment. There is no excuse for this in a country where we have such a laug and usually flue fall. See that the crops after being cut are given irequent attention and exposed to the sun and wind until sufficiently cured to keep, and then at once put them under cover or into stacks.?Southern Planter. "!3!P0SS!BLt 9 the happiness of motherhood," says the doctor. Some times he qualifies the statement, and says: " Impossible without an opera tion." Yet both these "impossibles" have been made possibles by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scriptton. Many times the a hindrances to mother hood are to be found in womanly diseases or weaknesses, which jjHMj are perfectly and permanently Jtfk vorite Pre- 1 ISfe. '< scnption." great^^ ires female weak ness. It makes weak r women strong and sick women well. TSj | f \ "I wish to add my testimony $, * ' to hundreds of others as to the I value of Dr. Pierce's medicines," writes Mrs. Ida M. De Ford, of Latona, Hubhard Co., Minn. "Have doctored with a great many ( physicians?some specialists; have twice been in a hospital for treatment. My case has been | regarded as a hopeless one. and they knew not I what the trouble was. Heart was baa ; stomach all out of orddi; tired out ; t- pains in all parts of the body ; sinking ; ?>, and nearly every ailment a womau could have. I took | many a bottle of 'patent medicines' without j effect. I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pre scription, and ten months afterward I gave birtn to a ten-pound boy. All physicians had stated as a fact that / never eoufd hear a child. Both the baby and myself were strong, and I got along splendidly?thanks to your medicine." The Common Sense Medical Adviser, looS large pages, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. One Woman's Way. Mrs. Homer?Howdovou mar - age to get your carpets so clean? Do you hire a professional car pet beater? iMrs. Neighbors?No, my hus band beats them, and I always do something to make him an gry just before he begins the job. ?Chicago News. "Last winter an infant child of mine had croup in a violent form," says Elder John \V. Ropers, a Christian Evangelist, of Filley, Mo. "I pave her a tew doses of Chamberlain's Coupb Remedy and in a short time all danger was past and thechild recovered." This remedy notonly cures croup, but when given as soon as the first symptoms anpear, will pre vent the attack. It contains no opium or other harmful sub stance and may be given as con fidently to a baby as to an adult, j For sale by Hood Bros., Cave-' nauph & Benson, Hare & Son. One-third of the people who go j mad recover their senses. One Minute Lough Cure Is the only harmless cough cure that gives quick relief. Cur?s Coughs, Colds, Croup, Bronchitis. Whooping Cough. I'neumonia, Asthma, LaGrippeaudallThroat j j Chest and Lung troubles. I got i soaked by rain, says Gertrude E. I Fenner. Muncie, Ind., and con-] | tracted a severe cold and cough, j I failed rapidly; lost 48 lbs. My druggist recommended One Min ute Cough Cure. The first bottle brought relief; several cured me. I am back to my old weight, 148 lbs. One MinuteCoughCure cuts the phlegm, relieves the cough at once, draws out inflammation, cures croup. An ideal remedy for children. Cavenaugh & Benson, J. 11. Ledbetter, Hood Bros.. Benson Drug Co., Hare & Son. Hancock's Liquid Sulphur cures skin trouble of every nature No home should l?c without i it. Ask your druggists for a book on Liquid Sulphur, it will tell you how to treat skin dis eases of every kind. For sale by Allen Lee. [ | Cont! 33 to maKe Miraculous Cures i READ THIS LETTER; ALMOST A MIRACLE. J ? Dillon, S. 0., >nr. Mtb, 1MW. 9 H Gentler" - Tn September, 1899, I took rheum.-. 'ni In a very bad torm. A h In a month aft?*r the diseuse started I had to ??P m.v voik and ko to 9 y bed. It cont. ... *1 to grow worse until uiy arms anu K .< s w e badly ntwn, ? ^ bo much ?"> t! t. I could not use them. My legs w e drawn back until ray ? P feet touch* >1 i v hips. I was as helpl?-s as a baoy tor nearly tw* Ive months. M fa The mu^ . _ay arras and legs wore hard and sh. i\?led up. I buffered death fa P many times over. Was treated by six different physi. tans in Mo<" >|], Dillon aud P fa Marion, but none of them could do me any good, until Dr. J. F. Ewing, of Dillon, ^ P came to coe rce. He told me to try your'MtHicr . e ' II .t. one bottle J ^ of the mediMn? and I began to take it and before rb*1 first bottle w.i?* i ?<*(i up I ? ^ began to a* oc.*.er. 1 used five and a half bottles and T.aa completely cured. ^ fa That was t wo .?rs apo, ?nd my health has been excellent ever since. Have had fa 7 no symptom . rheiu.-u m. I regard "ItHr.L'i u id in by for the !- P fa remedy for rl imatlsm on ?"> market. I car i< t y too much or It. 1 have P recommended .. to others since a .* it has cured them. / m Will say *-d * her, that I began to w?IV In about f.i x day* afle- I heprin to take p 7 "HniuMACTe1 with the aid of crutch' ; in about three months after 1 began / ? to take it, 1 oouui walk as good as anybody, and went back to w.?rk again. ? Z Very truly, JAMES WILKES, j g All Druggists, or scut express prepaid on receipt of fi.oo. Z 7 Bobbltt Chemical Co., - - Baltimore, fid. ^ Beautiful Display of Christmas Goods ^ON ATns 5/>e CASH RACKET STORE. Lovely, select line, pleasing the1 eye of the most fastidious, are selling rapidly. You Will Have to Hurry. Beautiful presents for your sweethearts and loved ones. Most beautiful line of DOLLS ever introduced here. Call for them. ASTONISHINGLY CHEAP. Funny Toys for children. Come and look, and you will get Christmas in your bones. Best variety of O RANGES, APPLES, RAISINS, COCOA NITS and CANDY, in Smithfleld, at lowest prices. High Grade Coffee, lOcts pound. 2 Pounds Prime Boasted Coffee with tea and tablespoon, 25cts. Cheese 15cts. Snuff, any quantity attd quality. Complete Line of Crockery, Cheap, Cil|p All SHOES will be sold at Cost. All sizes. Do not r fail to ask for them. Chance of your life. Yours to serve, W. H. PEACOCK. the Bowels, Strengthen* l AS'?V, j- r, . n ? ? i i n?.., the Child and Makes \ mK/1 Costs Only h cents at Druggists, teething easy. mail 25 c?t? to C. J. MOFFETT. M. D., ST. LOUIS, MO. OFFICE OF D. H. HARDY, Secretary of State. Austin. Tex., K<>r. 21, 1900. I have found Dr. Moffett's TEETII1N A a splendid remedy and aid lor av i??-obi? -kr <? .? ?!?!; n. n mv oldest boy wag a teething child, every succeeding day warned us that we would inevitably lose him. I happened upon TEETEIINA, a id betjan at once administering it to him, and his improvement was in a ked in 21 hoars, and from tiiat day on Lo recti p: rated. I have constantly kept it and used it since with my children, and have taken great pleasure in sounding its praxes to ail motueis of young children. 1 found it iuvalu.i le even aft r the teething period was passed. ALitS. D. 11. EiAliDY. ALLEN BROS., Great Cost Sale. A Question of Money! Do you want to save the BIG profits you pay merchants for your goods ? If so, NOW IS YOUR CHANCE. From now until Xmas we are going to close out every SUIT of CLOTIIES, every HAT, every pair of PANTS and all of our Gents' urnishings, AT AND BELOW COST. They will go at some price. Remember, everything in our store except SHOES, will go at COST, or at your own price. We are doing this in order to convert our business into an Up-to-Date Shoe Store. It is only a short time until Xmas and these goods mujt go Get in line and get some of the great bargains. Don't forget" that everything but SHOES is going at cost, and we can save you money on them. Hurry up and get your choice. No goods charged. Yours for bargains, Allen Bros., Next to Post-Office. SPOT CASH \A/ill Cut Prices. Don't fail to see BOYETT BROS. & GODWIN, if you w ant uny thing in General Merchanise. We carry DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, PANTS, TINWARE AND HEAVY AND FANCY GROCERIES. Flourand Meat a Specialty. CALL FOR GOLD MEDAL FLOOR, BEST ON THE MARKET. Tomatoes at the Old Price, 10 cents. Remember we carry the best staple goods and make prices ns low as the lowest. Come to see us. BOYETT BROS. & GODWIN. ? X ? B JWbt- m

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