fElje Jsmiittjfidi) IHcralb. price one dollar per tear. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." single copies five cents VOL. 22. SMITHFIELD, X. C., FRIDAY, AUUGUST 7, 1903. NO. 22. THE OLD SOLDIERS' DINNER. At a meeting held in the Court House on .July 31st, committees were appointed to undertake cer tain duties with respect to the soldiers' dinner . Tomlinson, W. I) Avera, D.J. Wellous, Ashley Horue, E. H McCullers, R. J. Noble, H. F. Ed gerton, M. C. Winstoo, W. G. Wilson, B. B. Adams, James F. Lee, W. H. Lassiter, W. H. Aus tin, Ed. S. Abell, James A. Wel lons, John A. Narron, H. I). El lington, W. R. Long, Willis H. Sanders, L. I). Wharton, W. A. Edgerton, It. L. Sanders; .Misses Eva Hood, MattieMcGuire, Marie Abell, Nellie Morgan, Aliee Rad ford, Rosa IVaeock, Rena Ring ham, Lena Rose, Nellie Lunce ford, Mary Myatt, Avis Dickens; Messrs. J. D. Underwood, R. O. Cotter, W. R. Long, W. G. Wilson, J. 11. B. Tomlinson, T. J. Lassi ter, Robert M. Nowell, G. W.Cav enaugh, J. H. Kirby. it is likewise expected that the wives of all the committeemen for the various townships will (srve upon this committee. It nas been impossible to communi cate with all the ladies and gen tlemen above mentioned. It is possible that some of them may not De able to serve, but all who can do so are earnestly requested to act. Let it be understood that everybody is welcome on this occasion, but all who can do so are requested to bring bas kets. From present indications an enormous crowd will be present. The veterans will be the guests of honor. All veterans are expected to report to ColoneltE. J. Holt immediately upon arrival in town. Col. Holt will provide them with badges, which will in dicate who our guests are. A committee of three has here tofore-been appointed from each township as previously announc ed. All the members of this com mittee are requested to be pres ent, and their wives aud sisters are requested to act as a com mittee on the part of the ladies in preparing and serving the din ner. All persons who desire to make contributions in money will please communicate with Walter A. Ed gerton, Treasurer of theCommit tee of Arrangements, Smithfield, N. ('., and all persons who desire to make contributions in addi tion to the baskets above referr ed to will please see the commit tee appointed to solicit contribu tions. Let us all unite to make this a memorable day in the history of the county. POLENTA NEWS. Preaching at Shiloli next Sun day morning. Mr. W. 1). Young has returned from his trip to Smithfield. Tobacco curing is now the rage; some excellent curesai* reported. Dr. E. N. Booker, who has been quite sick, is slowly improv ing. The outlook for the cotton crop has considerably improved of late. Sunday School pic-nic at Oak land Saturday of next week. All invited. Mrs. J. Walter Myatt is at Fuqua Springs where she will spend a few weeks. Mrs. Inez Harrison, of Rich mond, Va., is on a visit to the Misses Tomlinson. Miss Tida Parish of Itiner, at tended preaching at Oakland on the fo"rth Sunday. Hog cholera fs reported over ^ in Pleasant Grove Township. : None in this section as yet. Protracted meeting in prog ress at Mt. Zion this week con ducted by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Fisher. MissAva Yelvertongave afruit party to her friends Friday night of last week, which was enjoyed by those who attended. A number of our young people attended pic-nic at Baptist Cen tre last Saturday. They report a nice time and plenty to eat. Messrs. J. C. Holt and F. M. Weeks will operate the Parnsh. Gin this season, which will open up about the first of September. Miss Minnie Cox, one of Alaba ma's Slobaman's highly cultiva ted youug ladies, is on a visit at Capt. J. J. Young's. Sne islikely to spend the summer in this sec ti nn null, The outlook for a good corn | crop is much better than it has been at any time during this year. The improvement in the ! crops has been visible for the past ten days. Miss Margaret Turner, of Pitt county, Mr. Roht. Fleming 1 of Pitt county and Miss Minnie Moore of Whitakers, spent a few days last week in this section visiting the Misses Tomlinson.j On his plantation in this sec tion, Mr. J. O. Ellington, will be gin at once we are told, the erec ! tion of an up-to-date ginnery ! and saw mill which will give us three gins in less than two miles of each other. A number of our tobacco grow ers carried tobacco to the open ing sale at Smithfield last Thurs day. They came back very much discouraged, reporting poor prices. If tobacco sells low ' this season, so far as we are con cerned in this section, it will be abandoned in the future. Typo. FOUR OAKS NOTES. The Dunn Oil Co., is erecting a cotton gin at Four Oaks. Mr. Gaston Adams is visiting his son, Mr. B. B. Adams. Several of our people went on the excursion to .Norfolk TUes rlay. Miss Eunice Warren, of Selma, is visiting Miss Bettie Keen this week. The farmers are very much dissatisfied at the prices that tobacco is bringing. Miss Virginia Stephenson, of Smithfield. was a visitor in our midst Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. It. E. Lee. of Dunn, is at her father's, Dr. J. D. T. Wellons until the small pox is over there. Mr. J. W. Keen stepped on a nail Sunday and made a very bad wound and is hardly able to walk since. Four Oaks is having a run on entertainments. There was one at Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Baker's Tuesday night and the time set for one at Mr. C. H. Grady's Wednesday night. A musical entertainment was given last Friday night by Misses Clyde, Ida and Mat tie Cole; vocal and instrumental music was the Iirogramnje. The occasion was uglily e njoyedby all present. M. PENNY NOTES. Mr. Ransom Penny is on the sick list this week. Mrs. Will Penny is visiting rel atives around here. Crops are looking fine since the refreshing showers. Miss Lizzie Bass, of Raleigh, is ! visiting Miss Ruby Penny. Mrs. Will Powell, who has re cently been ill, is convalescing. Miss Julia Austin spent last week with Miss Rena Johnson. Miss Ava Smith returned from a visit in lower Johnston Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Yarbor ough visited relatives in our midst last week. Misses Althea Jones and Nellie Johnson are visiting at Mr. Gas ; ton Jones' tnis week. Mr. Gentry, of Bethel Hill, was a visitor at Mr. Ransom Penny's last Saturday and Sunday. Several in our midst attended the picnic at Baptist Center Sat urday. They report a pleasant occasion. Mr. Strahan, from near Cary, tpent last Friday and Saturday with his sister, Mrs. Charlie Beasley. Misses Mamie and Elsie Penny are in Wake this week visiting friends and relatives near Mc Cullers. Miss Lillie Turlington was the guest of Miss Alice Penny and sisters last week. She made many friends whose wish is that she will visit our section again soon. Miss Jeter Penny returned from Murfreesboro Saturday, ac companied by her hostess and sister, Mrs. Ike Pipkin. Mrs. Pipkin will spend a few days at her parental home. Mr. Ernest Jones lost a fine cow Wednesday. He had her tied out near a ditch and when he went for her she had become en tangled with the rope and broken her neck by falling into the ditch. "XX." STATE NEWS NOTES. The Spring ILope Cotton Oil ; Company was chartered last week with a capital of $30,000. Robbers broke into the Mocks ville postofiice last Saturday morning and stole $572.69 Worth , stamps and $82.99 in cash. A negro brute outraged Mrs. Paschal Long, five miles from Rocky Mount. Saturday. The ; woman fought for her honor but 1 was overpowered. The brute made his escape. Last Friday night at Advance* | ii Davie county, 12 barrels o' whiskey, which had been coufis | cated by the government and placed in a freight car for ship ment. were stolen. At Salisbury nine barrels were stolen from the government warehouse. Ressie Ipock, a twelve-year-old girl, was accidentally killed in i the knitting mill at Washington 1 Saturday. Ilerdress was caught by a rapidly revolving shaft and ; she was whirled around, her head striking the floor with such force as to crush her skull. She was j killed instantly. The Merchants and Farmers Rank at New Rerne closed its doors Tuesday, and its cashier, Thomas Dewey, has been found | short in his accounts to the j amount of $75,000. John O. | Ellington, State Rank Examiner, 1 is looking into the affairs of the institution. It is presumed that Dewey lost heavily in specula tive deals and had used the bank's funds to see if he couldn't regain his losses. There is dan ger in speculating in futures. The Death Penalty. A little thing sometimes results in death. Thus a mere scratch, insignificant cuts or puny boils have paid the death penalty. It is wise to have Rucklen's Arnica Salve ever handy. It's the best Salve on earth and will prevent fatality, when Rums, Sores, 11 j cers and Piles .-threaten. Only ! 25c, at Hood Ifros. Drug Store. GLEN,WORE GLEANINGS. ? Mr. I). A. Graham, of Smith field, spent Sunday in our burg. \Ve are very sorry to note the illness of Mrs. Dianah Johnson. Rev. Robert Strickland preach ed at Bizzells' Grove Saturday and Sunday. Rev. C. B. Strickland left for Glen wood Thursday to conduct a series of meetings. Rev. Mr. Taylor will preach at Antioch Holiness church Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Messrs. C. S. IJpchurch and .J. E. Mahler left Monday afternoon to go on the excursion to Nor folk. Mr. T. R. Snead spent a few days in Haw River last week, re turning home Saturday after noon. Mr. Herman E. IJpchurch spent Saturday night and Sunday in Smithfield with his uncle, Mr. G. R. Radford. Mr. Claude Reasley and sisters, Misses Mattie and Alma, of Ben j tonsville, attended services at New Hope Sunday. Misses Geneva and Louie Al len left Monday to spend the week with their cousins, Messrs. Robert H. and Willis Allen. Mrs. Robert Strickland left Wednesday for Smithfield where she will spend a few days with her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Jernigan. Prof. G. R. Strickland spent last week with his parents. He left Wednesday for Lucama and , will go from there to Wilson. Misses Etta Wheeler and Ber tha Hodges, of near Benson, at j tended New Hope meeting last ! week, returning home Monday. Rev. N. B. Strickland returned home Tuesday from Burgaw i where he has been assisting Rev. ; Mr. Taylor in a protracted meet ing. Miss Lettie A. Strickland, of near Benson, spent last week here with relatives and friends and attended the meeting at New Hope. Mr. Merriman Thomas and brother, of the Benson section, returned home Saturday after spending a few days here with friends. Miss Kitty Allen, of near Four Oaks, spent last week with her cousins, Misses Bettie and Mattie Allen. She returned home Mon day, accompanied by her cousin, little Miss Beady. ARCHER DOTS. Miss Essie Carroll, of Clayton, is visiting at Mrs. R. J. Castle berry's. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Jlinnaut, of near CI iyton, are visiting rela tives in this community. Miss Bessie Wall has returned to her home near Auburn after ?spending several days here with friends. The best game of ball seen here this season was played Saturday between Wendell and Archer. The score stood one to nothing in favor of the home team. Some of our young people go | fishing to bealey's mill about twice every week. They seem to be lucky, as one fellow said he i caught half a bushel in one day. There was a marriage in our midst last night, the contracting parties being Mr. Irving Wall and Miss Mary Barnes. We wish for them a happy voyage through 1 life. Yesterday morning at three o'clock Mrs. Add Wall quietly passed away. She was a victim j of consumption and her death was not unexpected. She was a i consistent member of the Mission i ary Baptist church and had sev eral times expressed her readiness to go. The revival meeting at this place closed Saturday night af ter continuing for ten days. It ; was conducted by the pastor, ; Rev. A. A. Pippin, who is a great I revivalist. Quite a number of souls were saved anil several will , unite with the church next meet | ing when the ordinance of bap tism will be administered at Sea ley's pond. "B. X." SELin Raleigh. Messrs. L. F. Austin, R. H. Whitley and Capt. J. J. Young were here Monday to attend the bank and cotton mill meetings. Mr. I). Q. Lowry, our scientific painter, has just finished painting the dormitory and is now putting a new coat on Dr. Griffin's dwell ing. Mr. T. Neil Johnson, of Ral eigh, spent Sundav here. The purpose of his visit here was to organize a Bible class for the young ladies. The Baptist church is just about completed, all except a little painting. It is an excellent iob and reflects credit on the building committee. Dr. Hines, of Raleigh, made a professional visit to Mrs. J. A. Griffin Sunday. He thinks there is no improvement noticeable in Mrs. Griffin's condition. Mr. J as. H. Wood, a Confeder ate veteran of near this plate, will decorate the speakers staud at the old soldiers' dinner in Smithfield August 13th, 1003 with products of his farm. The young men of Clayton are making vigorous efforts to help the old soldiers have a good time August 13th. They will hold a meeting tonight (Wednesday) fur the purpose of raising money Y and other things to add to the pleasures of the day. George Hinton. a negro, was drowned Tuesday morning about seven o'clock, whils help ing work on Barbour A son s traps in Xeuse river on the Branch farm. He got separated from the others in swift water and was drowned before help could reach him. m "YKUR."