vlljr jemitJjfirlii Hefali. price ore dollar frr tear. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD.' single copies five centb. VOL. 22. SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1903. NO. 33 THE HAYWOOD VERDICT. What the State Press Has to Say of the Trial and Judge Peebles. ?It is now to be presumed that when a poor fellow in llalei11 1? i? unci nuns were aisu iuaue u_y Couuty Superintendent Turliug tou, and Mr. Hardy, of the News aud Observer staff. In addition to the address, sev eral pieces of instrumental and vocal music were rendered. The recitations by six or eight of the younger students were of a high order, aud greatly enjoyed by the at dience. The exercises were enjoyable to all who attended, aud we feel sure a great deal of good was accomplished. Visitok. ?John Alexander l>owie, the Elijah the second, of Zion City, near Chicago, says that he ex pects fifty millions of dollars to How into his church treasury after he and his followers have evun gelized New York city, and that he will then build two more Zion Cities, one ou the Pacific coast and another one on the Atlan tic. Spain will send a warship to New Orleans in connection with the St. Louis Exposition.