fpjc jlmitljfidii Herald price one dollar per tear. "TRl E TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD.' single copies five cents. VOL. 2a. . SMITHFIELD, N. C., FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1904. ' NO. 2. PULENTA NEWS. Mrs. J. J. Burnes is critically ill, and her friends fear the worst. Generally speaking the farmers will manure thoroughly this year. The road- are in a terrible condition, so much so as to make traveling slow. Airs. Cadmus Young spent last week with Airs. Robert Sanders, of Smithfield township. .Mrs. J. J. Young is on a visit to her daughter, Airs. Juo. t). Islington at Smithfield. There will be preaching at Elizabeth next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. Air. Fisher. Air. J no. Hardee will go on the road soon to sell fruit trees. Alay he meet with abuudaut success. Only a few have sowed plant beds. The tobacco crop will be excedingly small in this section, .lust as it should be. Air. Will T. Johnston leaves in a few days to push the sale of a well fixture patent, of which he has bought the right in a large territory. Aliss Lou Young's school, n^ar Alount Zion, closed Tuesday night with an exhibition. A usual the exhibition was a grand success. On Wednesday evening of this w eek the school at Red Hill will close. Aliss .Nellie Johnson, the teacher in charge, has given en tire satisfaction. Aliss Klleu Eldridge, one of Smithfield's accomplished daugh ters, has been spending the past week with her sister, Airs. Emma Tomliusou. She returned to her home Tuesday. During the winter there has been a good deal of sickness among the colored people, most ly confined to pneumonia. Not a single case, however, has as yet resulted fatal. The Polenta school will close next Wednesday; under the man agement of Aliss Catharine Wil liams, the session has been a profitable one. Aliss Williams is a teacher of no ordinary ability. So far very little plowing has1 been done, owing to the fact the I ground has been too wet for such work, which will iiecessarilv cause a rush when work does begin, and may m cessitate in i some instances a curtailment of the cotton acreage. Air. J. Walter Alyatt believes in making improvements. He is having built one of the largest barns iu all this section, which will give him sufficient room to store away his crop, and add materially to the comfort of his stock and cattle in cold weather. Air. Alyatt is becoming more and more of au ideal farmer. A large crowd was at Shiloh Sunday morning to .hear the pastor Rev. B. Towusend, who preached from the subject: ''Drawing Water," and admira bly did he handle the subject. All present were entertained, in structed and saturated with gospel truths. Bro. Townsend grows in the esteem and affection of the people of all persuasions. He is destined to be a preacher of great power. 'lbe"gripp" is an unwelcome visitor to our section at the present time. The following have suffered on account of its presence:1 Air. Z. T. Jones, .Mrs. F. T. Booker, .Messrs. Reubin, John and Alford Alyatt, Aliases Lena. Edna and .Master Edward Booker, Airs. Dr. E. X. Booker, Aliss Addie Barber, Air. H. E. Weeks, .Misses Audrey and Alary Booker and Air. Will Tomlinson. All now, we are glad to report, are on the mend. Airs, llenry Austin, who for some years past, has been suffer ing with tumor, in company with > her physician, Dr. E. N. Booker and wife weut up to Rex Hos pital, Raleigh, last Saturday, where an operation was per formed on her. the tumor being taken out. Dr. Hubert Royster assisted by several other phy sicians performed the operation, which, proved successful, and it is beiieved Airs. Austin will be able to returne home in a few days greatly improved. Let us all hope for such aconsummation. KENLY NOTES. Mr. I>. B. Sasser wenttoSmith-1 field Tuesday. Mr. E. J. Barnes, of Wilson, was in our town Monday. Mr. J. H. Davis made a busi ness trip to Selma Tuesday. Several new students were enrolled, Keuly Academy this week. C. W. Edgerton, Esq., is attending court in Smith field ' this week. Rev. It. H. Wbitaker, of ltal- j eigh, tilled his regular appoint ment here Sunday night. Mrs. 11 F. Edgerton was shop ping and visiting relatives in Smithfleld Tuesday. Mr. C. B. Bailey has purchased from 1). L. Godwin, of Smithfleld, his house and lot here, in which Mr. J. R. Sauls now resides ' Mr. Weathersby, who has been here since the R. R Section forces struck, as watchman at the water tank at the river bridge, j returned to Rocky Mount Mon day. | Mr. Shriver, the special It. F. 1). Route Agent, was here Wednes day and Thursday making some , j changes in routes No's 1 and .'5, ! and he also lahi out a new route ( which makes four routes from here. i KeMy is on a boom now in ! i building. Messrs. J. T. Edgerton ! 1 & Bro.| have just completed a < nice cottage near the Academy; i Mr. R. T. Renfrow has a hand-;! some two story dwelling in course of construction, and Mr. D. B. j j Sasser has begun building a , beautiful six room cottage; also j Dr. J. C. Grady is rapidly making | preparations to build a large two story residence on South ( Railroad street. The chief of police here, arres | ted a suspicious looking young | man, Sunday evening who gave! 1 his name as B. 11. Pittman, of ( Blackstone, Ya. The mayor of ! the above place was telegraphed ! concerning him, but he had . nothing against him. So the I man was released Sunday night, and he left Monday evening say- 1 ing he was going to Bamburge, \ S. 0. Afew hours later a message c was received to arrest him as he ( was wanted in Blackstone. I Kenly was visited by a baud of f safe crackers last Tuesday night. 1 Tbey broke into the stores of t Mr. Geo. M. Morris and Messrs. i .1. Stancill & Renfrow, and blew ! their safes open, but they did i not get anything from Mr. Mor- \ ris as he had taken all his money i out that evening. They got near ; $1900.00 from Stancill & Ren- t frow's safe. Mr. Stancill losing c $1300.00. His dauirhter $110.- i 00. Mr. Renfrow $150 00 and 1 the firm near $300.00. As it was raining next morning blood hounds could not track them and they made good their escape. As yet nothing detinit has been , heard of them. () K Stoves, Smithfleld Hwd. Co. ' < BEASLEY BITS. i Rev. Mr. Strickland will preach at Preston Academy Sunday 20, < at eleveu o'clock. Miss Mattye Belle Beasley re turned home Monday from a few j days visit to friends and rela tives in Benson. Mr. J. J. Dupree, of Dunn, has : been spending a few days in this section with his mother, Mrs. j Martha Dupree. , Mrs. Max llirsch who has been spending some time here left ( Thursday for here home in , Spartanburg, S. C. i Mrs. Lem Barfleldand|daugh ter, little Thelma, of near Mount 1 Olive visited relatives in this \ community Saturday and Sun day. Mr. B. A. Grant who has been i spending the past few months at home with his parents, has ac- ( cepted a position in Benson. f Mar. 1(5. E. j ?Mrs. R. H. McGuire went to f Richmond Monday having been 1 called there on account of the \ illness of her little grand son Pat. i McGuire. < CLAYTON CHIPS. Prof. R. T. Williams weut to Raleigh Saturday. Mr. 1). T. Barnes, of Raleigh, was here Saturday. Mr. George Broughton, of Ral eigh, was here last week. Miss Flattie Wall, of Raleigh, was a visitor here this week. Miss Kitty Baucom and Miss Grace Betts attended the recital Friday night. Messrs. Troy Narron and W. H. Godwin of Emit section were in town Tuesday. Messrs. W E. Narron and Mil lard Hinuant visited friends in Archer section Sunday. Misses Cleve and-Nora Barnes have received their spring stock of millinery, and a nice stock to be sure. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ellington and Mrs. W.J. Young, of Raleigh, spent part of this week with Airs. 1 E. L. Hinton. Mr. A. J. Barbour left Tues- ( day night for northern markets to purchase spring and summer stock for his firm. Hon. Ashley Home, President of the State Fair went to Raleigh Monday to have premimum list adjusted for 1904 fair. i Messrs. J. G. Barbour & Sons , will in a short while have their ] stores moved and a massive brick structure erected where the I aid stores now stand. c The funeral of the late Wm. t Smith will be preached by Grand Lecturer B. W. Hatcher, at the < residence of the deceased on the \ 3th Sunday in May. 1 Miss Lona Williams returned >\ Tom Richmond Sunday. While j i bhere she purchased an up-to- i t fate line of millinery articles, e Her advertisement will be in this 11 paper soon. The pupils entering Clayton' 1 High School this week are: Miss \ "rella Parker, Four Oaks, Miss Mary .Jones, Wilson's Mills, Miss Mary Stephenson, Smithfield. c Mr. .1 E. Parker, Emit, and Mr. \ David Hocutt, Wendell. j Since the elocution class was :>egun in Clayton High School, ^ we have had some excellent con- v :erts, and entertainments, but >n Friday night every previous c jerformance was eclipsed. We t expected a good affair naturally, t 5ut were certainly captivated by i :his. the most perfect. We can > lot speak in too high praise of i Mrs. R. F. Williams, under whose I ( uanagement the entertainment 1 was gotten up. The young ladies [ c tnd gentlemen participating!} ilaved their parts to perfection, t leeming absolutely unconscious j t if surroundings, they played as f they were in the regular rou- i iue. f 1 SELMA NEWS. ( R. B. Whitley was at home j' Tuesday night. [ ^ N. B. Snipes & Bro. have bad a phone }>ut in their store. The infant child of Mr. Alonzo Standi died Tuesday night at , the home of its parents about ( two miles east of Seltna. Tramps just now are giving j Dur chief a tough time. Look ing after them and the street lamps as well as keeping the street crossings open is making ^ him live hard. Stick to it chief, it want be long before moon light nights, then you will have a y Mr. Thos. 8. Turner, of Nor- j oik, Va., and Miss Lomy Tal- f ton were married in Selma on ! f Wednesday by Rev. Mr. Coltrane, if Smithfield. Mr. Turner is a J conductor on the A. & I). Divis on of the Southern and Miss Talton is the sister of our jeweler, Mr. Charles Talton Our best 1 vhishes to them. Mar. 1G. Sknex, ( It Saved His Leg. P. A. Danforth of Lafirange, 1 la., suffered for six months with i i frightful running sore on his 1 eg; but writes that Bucklen's \ Arnica Salve wholly cured it in lye days. For Ulcere, Wounds, I'iles, it's the best salve in the ( vorld. Cure guaranteed. Only 15 cts. Sold by Hood Bros., Iruggist. I ?? I Superior Court Proceedings. The spring term of Johnston county superior court convened here Monday with Judge George H. Brown, Jr., of Washington, ' X. C., presiding. The state was . represented by its able Solicitor. ! Hon. Arniistead Jones, of Kaleigh. The following were drawn as grand jurors: I A. J. Farmer, Foreman. \V. If. Iliutou, S. A. Wellous, G. W . Stanley, Phillip Lee, Coudary | Stancill, Ed. Game, Jr., J. D. , Carroll, J. H. Broad Well, Jesse j B. Creech, C. A. Wallace, J. V Kirby, 11. A I'eterson, S. (iris wold^ 11 M. Tart, Joe Oneal, X. j, A. Honeycutt and J. T. Peediu. Mr. John T. Avera was ap-.1 pointed ollicer of the grand jury. ' Alter the Judge's charge to the grand jury the following erimi- 1 ual cases were taken up and disposed of: Lonuie Green was tried in two cases, one for carrying concealed 1 weapons and one for injury to a house. He was found guilty and charged with the costs of the action. (' Byuum Watson was found 1 guiity af an assault with a dead- j ly weapon and released on pay- J inent of cost. _ ' Boss Duncan was charged with carrying concealed weapons. j Judgment was suspended upon payment of cost. W Henry Matthews was up 1 oefore the court for carrying < ;oncealed weapons. Judgment j suspended upon payment of cost. Archie Artis was charged with in assault with deadly weapon, j yas tried and found not guilty. He is the negro that was charged 1 vith shooting Jim Underwood | i few months ago, near Mr. Tom >nead's, but as there was not mlHcieut evidence to convict lim he was found not guilty. Joseph Evans and Bonnie! c Evans were tried for an assault vith deadly weapons, found guilty and fined $1.~>00 and cost. Ezra Godwin was found guilty if an assault with deadly veapon and judgment was sus pended upon payment of cost. |*j Thomas H. Vinson was fined j 1 jllo.00 and cost for an assault j ^ vith deadly weapon. Will Harris was found guilty if breaking into a store and e lenteuced to three years on the J Smithfield roads it will be re- r ueuibered that he is the negro ? vho broke into Mr. W. M. San- 1 lers' store a few weeks before Christmas, attempted to destroy , lis cash register and stole a lot r if goods. Willie A. Jackson was t jiveu four months on the Smith- t ield roads for an assault with j leadly weapon. c Luke Crowder was tried for an { issault with deadly weapon, t duud guilty and judgment sue- t jended upon payment of cost. t Harry Cook was found guilty | 5. carrying concealed weapons ind fined $o.00 and cost. f E. Parrish was tried for forcible ( trespass. Judgment suspended t ipon payment of cost. j Sidney W. Adams was found j, ruilty of an assault with deadly v veapon and was fined $10.00 ^ md cost. t J. T. Creech, J. L. Creech and t E. Y. Creech were found guilty of ? in assault with deadly weapon *r ind fined $50.00 and cost. v Arthur Xorwood was sentenced , ;o three years on the Smithfield j ?oads for house breaking. j Clarence Glover, the young j vhite man who killed W. J. Lee ^ i few weeks ago, was tried for f nurder and found guilty of man- ^ daughter. He was sentenced to s ifteen years at hard labor in the f leuitentiary, but the sentence j vas later reduced to twelve years. ( There were quite a number of j uinor cases tried and either dis- r nissed or continued. Court f idjourned yesterday, having r :ompleted its labors. Judge Brown, who has the reputation of being one of the ^est Judges in Xorth Carolina, ins dispatched business with uich rapidity and in such a t air and impartial manner as to I win praise from everybody. ?Mr. H. L. Hall, of Benson, j* spent last night here with hie 1 ion, Mr. I). M. Hall. p I) K Stoves, Smithfield Hwd. Co. 1 PRINCETON DOTS. VV'e regret to note that Mrs. Hailev it* confined to her room, suffering with rheumatism. Mr. J. Hen Howell, one of our hustling sawmill men, went up to Fine Level on business Wednesday. Mr. A. M. Martin is putting up a new sawmill plant on the lot adjacent to .J. 1). Finlayson. He says he is going to prepare him self to do sawing, dressing, dry ing, etc. The series of meetings at the Holiness Church is still going on They say much interest is beiug manifested. Rev. S. C. Perry is doing the preaching. Mr Grump ier was here one night laet week and preached for them. Rev. (). Guthrie filled his regular appointment at the Methodist church Sunday and Sunday night. He preached two very instructive sermons. Mr. .Joseph Tonans, who for the last five years traveled over Johnston and Sampson counties celling goods, has gone to Golds boro and New Bern, N. C., to bid his native people good-by. He will sail for Beirut, Syria, about the first of April. We wish him a safe trip across the ocean and ; Mediterranean sea. Mr. M illie Ellis says he doesn't ike to peddle goods through the country, and that he is going to iccompany his uncle. Joseph Tonons to his home in Syria. We hope he, too, will arrive lome safely- Joseph Ellis, a irother of Willie, wyi remain in Vmerica a while longer. March 16. E. ARCHER DOTS. School opened at Vcher Aca leinv Monday morning with a toocl attendance. Mr. W B. Bovett l(jft Sunday 0 accept a position in the State Tospital at Raleigh. The school at the Whitley ichool house, taught by Mr. E. [ .lies, will close Saturday night, J arch 26th, with appropriate xercises. Last Sunday evening at Arcb r, Mr. Adolphus Atkinson and diss Mollie tyarham were mar ied, W. B. Eason, .1. P., olficiat d. We wish for them a happy ife. While writing an obituary lotice sometime ago your cor espondent was interrupted and lid not finish it before sending it >ff. The man mentioned was dr. William Smith, one of the ddest men in the community, le was burried with Masonic lonors. We understand thgt lis funeral will be preached on he 6th Sunday in May by Mr. tenjamiu Hatcher. Last Saturday afternoon at i'clock Mrs. Fannie Stancd, wife >f Mr. J. II. Stancil, of this sec-' ion, died at the home of her ather, Mr. Walter Johnson, near Imithneld. Sometime ago she vent to visit her father and was aken sick while there. She had >een in poorbealthforsometime, laving had a tree thrown on her 1 year or two ago and had never ?ecovered frogi the injury. She vas twenty-six years, one month, ind fifteen days old. She was luried Sunday afternoon at the umily burying ground at her ather's. She was a good neigh Kir, kind and affectionate friend ind a devoted mother and wife, the leaves a husband and three imall children, a father and sev ?ral brothers and sisters besides a lost of friends to mourn her un imely death. We extend our leart felt sympathy to the be ?eaved ofies, and may God corn ore them in their hour of sor-; ow. March 15, 1904. S. L. W. Working Overtime. Eight hour laws are ignored by hose tireless, little workers? >r. King's New Life Pills. Millions ire always at work, night and lay, curing Indigestion, Bilious iess, Constipation, Sick Head iche and all Stomach, Liver and towel troubles. Easy, pleasant, iafe, sure. Only 25c at Hood tros., drug store. Verdict of Manslaughter' I tip most important case in court this week was the trial of Clarence (iloyer for the killing of Mr. J. I ee. The ease was started I uesday and closed Wednesday morning, the jury bringing in a verdict of manslaughter, (jlo. ! ver's testimony has been con flicting all along since he did the killing. He first claimed that Lee was killed by some man who ihein and later that he was killed by the mules they were carrying home and on trial he claimed that he killed Lee in self defense. The general opinion seems to be that the killing was the result of a drunken fight in which both took part to some extent. (Hover wus sentenced to fifteen years in the penitentiary but the sentence was changed to t\\. 11)04, X. Tragedy Averted. Just iu the neck of time our little boy was saved" writes Mrs. VV. \\ atkins of Pleasant City, Ohio. "Pneumonia had played sad havock with hiiu and a terri ble cough set in besides. Doctors treated him, but he grew worse every day. At length we tried I)r. King s New Discovery for Consumption, and our darling was saved. He's now sound, and well." Everybody ought to know, it's the only sure cure for Coughs, Colds and all Lung diseases. Guaranteed by Hood Bros., Druggists. Price oOc and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Chillie news. Mr. E. A. Holt, of Princeton, has been visiting the familv of his uncle, Mr. George L. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pitunan spenMaturday and Sundav with their parents. Misses Rena and Maie Ellis ure visiting at Mr. A. G. Jones'. Mr. Edward Llewellyn, of Rai eigh, has been spending a few davs with his mother, Mrs. If. N. Mitchiner. Miss Ruth Jones returned home Saturday from Earnsboro,where she has been teaching this win ter. Owing to the wet weather our neighborhood was well repre sented at court Tuesday. Eadeexe. '