Progress of Rural Libraries in the State. Capt. John Duckett, chief clerk in t he office of the superintendent of public instruction, said this morning that the total number of rural libraries to date is 754, and there are 53 supplementary libraries. There are in all these libraries about <>0,000 volumes, an average of 80 volumes to every library. Applications for warrants for the establishment of rural libra ries are constantly coming into the State superintendent's office, and many counties have long reached the limit in number of libraries, and there are only two counties?("lay and McDowell? which have no rural libraries. Twelve libraries make the limit allowed any county. Those hav ing this number are: Alamance, Alleghany, Anson, Deaufort, Bertie, Buncombe, Chatham, Edgecombe, Forsyth, Iredell, Jackson, Johnston,Mecklenburg, Northampton. Orange, Pitt, Randolph, Robeson, Rocking ham, Rowan, Sampson, Fuiou, Vance, Wake, Wayne, Wilkes and Wilson. A large number of counties have more than six rural libra ries. Only libraries established under the law of 1901 are entitled to supplementary libraries, and a great many counties have tried to get them whose libraries were established under the laws of 1903.?Raleigh Times. Auld Lang Sync All the mellow sweetness of ripe old age is written intoKarah Orne Jewett's storv "A Spring ? Sunday," in the May McClure's. \ An old couple looking back over three score and ten well spent years are prompted to visit the old home, the scenes of their childhood, courtship, their mar riage, their start in life. Tender memories of the days of auld lang syne come flooding over them and once again they stand together looking out on life as when the glory of the morning ; streamed o'er all the earth, i There is a beautiful appreciation j and understanding of both nature and human nature reflect ed in the story that makes a deep appeal. Good Things to Learn. Learn to laugh. A good laughj is better than medicine. Learn to attend strictly to J your own business?a very im- j portaut point. Learn the art of saying kind ana encouraging things, espe : cially to the young. Learn to avoid all ill-natured remarks .and everything calcula ted to create friction. Learn to ket p your troubles to yourself. The world it too busy : to care for your ills and sorrows.' Learn to stop grumbling. If you cannot see any good in this world, keep the bad to yourself. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. No j one cares whether you have thei earache, headache, or rheuma- j tism. Learn to greet your friends with a smile. They carry too many frowns in their own hearts i to be bothered with any of yours, i ?Christian Life. To some "backwoodsy" peo ple it seems very much out of place to read in the news items from some of our educational institutions the account of the germane. It is bad enough that the society around ati institution of learning makes the dance pos sible; but when one reads the names of the participants uud; sees among them "l'rof. and Mrs." , it comes to be very! objectionable to a large number of Christian men and women es-1 pecially when the said germans are at those institutions sup-j ported by public taxes. One does not wonder that our young men often come back from such in stitutions with their love tor the church gone. When our educa-1 tors give countenance to the ball room and card-playing, let parents be careful for t* eir child ren. Whenever Christian men and women withhold their pa tronage from such institutions, unless such conditions are stop ped, then there will be a change. Such practices, therefore, can exist only by the consent of Christian men and women.?-The Little River Record. A Chinaman's "Howdy." In Chin*, the customary greeting is "How Is your Liver?" If Rydale's Liver Tablets were us well known there as In some parts of America, the answer would be: My liver Is all right. I use Kydale's Liver Tablets. These tablets cure con stipation, biliousness and all liver trou bles J. R, Ledbetter, Hood Bros. i Death of Rhoda Richardson. On Tuesday morning, May 3rd, 11K)4, Hod in bis iutiuite wisdom and by that all seeing eye saw tit to call from this world of sor row into that home of bliss where all is peace and love, one of the very sweetest girls in our com munity, Miss Khoda Richard sou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Richardson, of Wendell, aged seventeen. Miss Rhoda was a consistent member of and a very devout worker in, the M. K. church at Karpsboro. She never knew nor did the family think until they saw that ail that human hands could do would not keep her with us that sweet Rhoda had such an im mense host of devoted and sy in put hetic friends. We never saw her when she didn't have a kind word and a sweet smile for every one. We can't, always understand at first just why God sees tic to shower His blessings upon us in that particular way, but, we are told that all things work together for good to those who love the Lord. When we think of her death we are reminded that one of the very sweetest flowers of this garden has been plucked, not that it should even wither but only to be planted in thatgarden above where only the purest of j flowers bloom. rnL 1 _ J e ? i i I j ue oereaveu lainny ana schoolmates soould realize al though it in hard to have to give her up, that our earthly loss is her eternal gain, and bow in humble submission to God's will. Wepray that Heaven's sweetest benedictions and Hod's richest blessings may accompany the family. A Devoted Schoolmate. Summer Colds. Summer eolils, usually bang on stub bornly anil are bard to cure, livdale's Elixir speedily cures summer colds and lingering coughs. T^is modern scien tific remedy is n prescription, especially adapted to the successful treatment of all chronic, throat or lung diseases. If i ou are atllicted with a summer cold or ling ering cough, get a trial bottleof Hydale's Elixir. You'll be surprised at the re sult. Trial size. 25c. i" amily size 50c. Hood Bros.. J. It. Ledbetter. The Pioneer Bride's Outlit. Pathetically simple was the outfit of the American pioneer's bride, described as follows in the story of "Rebecca Boone," the second of the series cf "Great Women of Pioneer Times" in The Delineator for .1 une: "The bride's inventory during her first year of housekeeping re vealed two ancient pewter plates, one able and two decrepit spoons, besides a large wooden one; a couple of old forks, a substantial wooden bowl, a tolerably good trencher of the same material and a choice assortmentofdrink ing mugs fashioned out of hard shelled squashes. At a some what later day the pro, ressive young wife added two or three wooden-handled case-knives and a few of the crockery plates that were now tardily following {the course of empire but the experi ment was regarded with di favor by her neighbors, who looked with suspicion upon any innova tion upon the old order of things." i buck- i draught! stock ^i poultryi medicine! Stock and prultry have few fl troubles which arc not bowel and fl liver irregularities. Black- EJ Draught Stock and Poultry Medi- I cine is a bowel and liver remedy I for stock. It puts the organs of I digestion in a perfect condition. Prominent American breedeis and ' farmers keep their herds and flocks I healthy by giving them an occa sional dose of Black- Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food. Any stock raiser may buy a i 25-cent half-pound air-tipht can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous j health for weeks. Dealers gener ally keep Black-Draught Stock and jj Poultry Medicine. If yours does not. send 26 cents for a sanipln can to the manufacturers. The -i Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat- ' tanooga, Tenn. Rochsli.b. os., Jan. SO. lwn. , mj Black-Draught Htook and Poultry Medioine is t he bsat I ever tried. Onr . stock was looking bad when yon sent me ths medicine and now they ere getting so tins* They are looking BS per oent. better. S. P. BROOK1NQTOH. i ! Types Gave Him a Wife. Albert Bonnichsen, author of! "Deep Sea Vagabonds," was! recently put in a vert uncom fortable situation by a typo graphical error in an article about him printed widely in the western papers. Among other j things the interviewer said that he found Mr. Sonnichsen "smok ing fat cigars which his Filipino wife had taught him to love." [ Mr. Sonnichsen's friends believed him u bachelor, and this was - astoushing news. Mr. Sonnich sen's father wrote regrettiug that his son had not confided in him, and the author of "Deep Sea Vagabonds" spends hours ea h day now explaining that he is not married and that the author of the article wrote | "Filipino life" instead of "Filipino wife." When the Sap Rises Weak lungs should be careful. Coughs and couls are dangerous then. One Minute Cough Cure cuies coughs and colds and gives strength to the lungs. J Mrs. G E Fenner, of Marion, ind., ! says, "I suffered with a cough until 1 j run down in weight from 148 to 93 lbs. j I tried a number of remedies to no avail I until I tried One Minute Cough Cure j Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured uie entirely of the,rough, strength ened mv lungs and restoied me to my j normal weight, health and strength Sold by Hood Bros., J. W. Benson and J. R. Ledbetter. Raffle on Exchange. Business was dull on the Stock Exchange yesterday, and one broker, "just to pass the time away," put up a $5,000 auto mobile to be raffled off at from one cent to $10. For an hour the members did nothing but draw tickets for themselves and customers, (rambling in any thing but stocks on the floor is ] forbidden, so tbe drawing will be held in Philadelphia to-day. The above we clip from the! New York American of April 28th. Still there are some who contend 1 that dealing with the exchanges and in future is not gambling. (!00D fcPlIUTri. Good spirits don't all come from Ken tucky. Their main source is the liver? and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred-and-one ill ? effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. 1 Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant, happy and j hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vig-: orous and successful in your pursuits. I You can put your liver in fine condition ! by using Green's August Flower?the i greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspep-1 sia or indigestion. It has been a favorite | household remedy for over thirty-five < years. August Flower will make your j liver healthy and active and thus insure . you a liberal supply of "good spirits." j Trial size, 35c; regular bottles. 7oc At j Hood Bros., druggists. Daughter?' What! Marry Mr. Monibags! I hate him, I despise him, I abhor him!" Father?" Hush, child! You needn't tell , him that until after you marry , him.?"?Buffalo Times. j i I Cured His Mother of Rheumatism j "My mother has been a sufferer for j many years with rheumatism,'.' ssys W. II. Howart, of Husband, Pa. 'At times I she was unable to move at all, while . all times walking was painful. I pre. 1 ; ! ed her with a bottle of Chamberlk" I'ain Halm and after a few applicat she deelded It was the most wonder pain reliever she had ever tried, In fs the Is never without It now and Is tit limes able to walk An occasional a i plication of Pain Balm keeps awsy tl pain that she was formerly trouble ' with." For sale by Hood Bros , Selmi Drug Co., and Benson Drug Co. JosepliUH Jones was out ot fix, Tli** world was out of tune. "My biz," said he, "is in a mix, My head is full of rheuiu." His face was sallow, drawn and sad, Mis eye had lost its light, "If things don't mend I 'll soon be mad," Declared the broken wright. ?'Alas,-alas, dear wife," quoth he, "I wish that I were dead, 111 health, starvation, poverty, Are all I see ahead." "Oh. not so bad as that, my dear, 1 know just what you need; Your Liver's wrong. 1 greatly fear; Let's try some JULY WEKI)." Jones took his good wife's words as true. And they were true indeed. He's all made over, all made new, He's taking JULY WEED. July Weed is truely a wonderful rem edy. frice 50c and ft.00 at all Rrug Stores. Excessive Roosevelt. The following figures are im pressive; they are also official: Cost of Hoosevelt Administra tion. $2,640.000,000. Cost of McKinley Administra tion. $2,329,000,000. Cost of Cleveland Administra tion. $1,757,000,000 Excess of Roosevelt over Mc Kinley, $211,000,000. Excess of Roosevelt over Cleve land, $888,000,000. For compressed argument in favor of the restoration of "sane and safe," instead of "swell and strenuous,"administration noth ing could be more forceful.?Phila delphia Record. An Open Letter. From the Chapin. S. C.. News Early iu the sprlnsr niv wife and I were taken with diariboea and so severe were the' pains that we called a physician who prescribed for us. but his medicines failed to jjlve am relief A friend who had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera ami Diarrhoea Reined, on band V. i?v,.. v; l ViO (t re usinu the entire contents we were j entirely cured It is a wonderful remedy and should be fourd in every household. H. C. Bailey, Editor. This remedy is for sale by Hood Bros., Selnia Drug Co., and Benson Drug Co. The decorator had just made his estimate. ''I'll tell you what I'll do." said the householder. "You go ahead and decorate the house, aud then I'll give it to you in payment of your bill." "No," replied thedecorator. "Icouldn't afford to take ttie house for more than half payment."?Chicago Post. OASTOTII A. near, the ^Ihe Kind You Have Always Bought Passion, in ity first violence, controls interest, as the eddy for a while runs against the stream. ?Johnson. RYDALE'S TONIC A REAL CURE FOR M AIJAhia. It has recently been discovered that the germs that produce Malaria, breed ind multiply in the intestines and Irom ;here spread throughout the system t>y means of the blood. This fact ex- I plains why Malaria is hard to cure by the old method of treatment. Quinine, Iron, etc., stimulate the nerves and build up the blood, but do not destroy the germs that cause the disease. Tydale's Tonic has a specific effect pon the intestines and bowels, freeing tern from all disease breeding mi obes. It also kills the germs that 'est the veins and arteries. It drives in the blood all poisonous matte; 1 makes it rich ana healthy. . YDALE'S TONIC is a blood bin dcr, a nerve restorer, and a Maiarii ties royer. Try it, it will not disap> i-ob ? you. I ood Bros., J. R. Led better. " Domestic." Better Then Ever! ? /*& " ". t THE STAR THAT LEADS THEM ALL The Sewing Machine for the home; to b. used by mother wife, daughter, seamstress. That's our specialty. Either Chain or Lock Stitch. Write for circulats and prices. DOMESTIC SEWING MACHINE CO., NEWARK, N. J FOKSALE HY J. M. BEflTY, SMITHFIELD, N. C I asjj -XtAipioJa LZZ | | .uiBdmcQ iaju^adAj. UOI3UIUI.I,; ; UOjSlHlOO^J i aqi jo Xovuiajdr.s ainjosqtt aqi soAOid sXi'Mjt 33IAJ3? JO : -?. H | ss9x 9iix [ TYPEWRIT Kit sViTUKS. CARBON PAPERS and RIBBON. 706 East Main Street. - - RICHMOND, Va. dUY THE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Hewing Machine for $20.00. Tliis kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $13.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Hewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the \e? Ifoiuc the best Hewing Machine to buy. Writefor CIRCULARS sbSk&S we manufacture and prices before purchasing THE NEW HOME SEWING MACHINE 60. OHANGC. MASS. 28 Union Bq. N. Y., Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Go., HL Louis, Mo., Dal las,Tex., Ban Fruuclsoo, GUI FOR SALE BY J. M. BEATY. J. m. BEATY Sole Agent in Johnston CJdtjnty fob the Domestic and New Home anc* Other Sew? in% Machines. Smlthneld, N. C. , i ' NOTICE. .The undersigned having qualified as executor on the estate of Mrs. Martha Eveline Barnes, deceased,all persons hu\ ing claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 7tli day of April, 1905, or this notice will be pleud ed in bar of their recovery and all persons in debted to said estate will make immediate payment. This 4th day of April, 1904. F. T. BOOK EH. / Executor. NOTICE! By virtue of a judgement of the Superior Court or Johnston County, rendered at March Term 1904, in a certain civil action where Wiley Narron was plaintiff and J. W. Morris, Wade G. Morris. James F. Morris, George I). Morris, John It. Mqrris, Annie L. Morris, Gillie B. Morris, the last six monors, by their Guardian ad litum, were defendants. On Monday, June 6th. 1904, at 1: o'clock m., the undersigned commissioner will offer tor sale, at the Court House door, in the town of i Sinitbfield. N ( for cash, at public auction, the lollowing lands: A certain tract of land in Oncals township, Johnston county, N. ('., situate on Horse Branch,and adjoining the lands of Joseph Bell. Samuel Strickland. James Maden and others, and bring part of the K. E. Bell, deceased, lands, containing 40 acres more or less. This April 6th 1904. JOHN A. NARRON, Commissioner. NOTICE. By virtue of the authority contained in a mortgage deed executed to me on 22d day of June, 1903, by V. A. Tart and wife, M. A. fart, and duly registered in the registry of John ston county, in Book O, No. 8. page 340, I shall sell at auction, for cash, at the Court House door in the town of Smitbfield. N. O.. on Sat urday, 28th day of May, 1904, the follow ng real property, to-wit: First tract: Beginning at a pine on the south side of Mill Creek, Henry Smith's corner, and runs N. 2 E. 140 poles to a black gum in the mouth of Little Swamp; thence 8.86 K. 45)4 poles to a dog wood: thence S. 2W. 140 poles to a stake fu Henry Smith's line; thence N. 86 W. 45 S poles to the beginning, containing i4tP acres, more or less. Second tract: Beginning at a stake. M. Lee's corner, near the old for-1 on the run of the swamp, and runs K. 213 poles to a stake, T. T, Lee's corner; thence S. 39 poles to a stake. J, L. George's corner, in the Smith line; thence west 106 poles to a small pine; thence 8.20 poles to a white oak stump; thence W. 58 poles to a blackgum on the run of said swamp, Henry smith's corner: thence up the run ot said swamp, as it meanders, to the bo ginning. containing (116) acres, more or less. This April 26, 1904. T. G. ALLEN, Mortgagee. wELLONS & Morgan. Attvs. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as execu tor on the estate ot i, w. Dt.dd, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are ?ie re by notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 29th day of Anril. iwr?, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery, and all persons indebt ed to said estate will make immediate pay ment. This 27th day of April, 1901. I J. T. ELLINGTON, Ex. Thornton Music House. Opposite Bo> ett's Drujj Store. ' -m " Pianos, Organs ? AND ? Small Musical instruments. It you wish to buy a PIANO or OKGAN come to see us or drop us a card. Old instruments taken as part payment for new ones. Old Instruments Repaired. * c. ^ C Geo. E. Thornton, MANAGER. HOUSE MOVER. ??= mo^ed at renonnable rate*. People want in?f that kind of work done plea*' let m? know. Matiefaction guaranteed. Mr. J. M. Mi-Lamb, Benson, N. I? with me, J. N.CRF.EL. I)unu. N. C. ?B CHICHESTER ! ENSLISH Pennyroyal pills raanriraaflMS&aM JR. II. KKII ??! Urn)* ?.Min e", u" Jp s=t / BP Druggist* <1J* MMUtnUUptptr M?4U?? I'lllLA^ rA? I YOUR KIDNEYS W1 Unless they are, good health is impossible. | [M Every drop of blood in the body passes through and is filtered by healthy kidneys every three minutes. Sound || kidneys strain out the impurities from the blood, diseased kidneys do not, hence you are sick. FOLEY'S KIDNEY * J 1 CURE makes the kidneys well so they will eliminate the poisons from the blood. It removes the cause of the p|| many diseases resulting from disordered kidneys which have allowed your whole system to berome poisoned. Rheumatism, Bad Blood, Gout, Gravel, Dropsy, Inflammation of the Bladder, Diabetes and Bright's Disease, ?54 and many others, are all due to disordered Kidneys. A simple test for Kidney disease is to set aside your urine in a bottle or glass for twenty-four hours. If there is a sediment or a cloudy appearance, it indicates that youf , 14 kidneys are diseased, and unless something is done they become more and more affected until Bright's Disease er Diabetes develops. M FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE is the only preparation which will positively cure all forms of Kidney and 3 Bladder troubles, and cure you permanently. It is a safe remedy and certain in results. ' ; If You are a sufferer, take FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE at once. It will make you well. iSomi Pronounced Incurable Mr. G. A. Stillson. a merchant of Tampico, 111., writes: "FOLEY'S KIDNEV CURE is meeting with wonderful success. It has cured some rases here that physicians pronounced incurable. I myself am able to testify to its merits. Mv face today is a living picture of health and FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE has made it such." T as? Nad Lumbago and Kidney Trouble Edward Huss, a well known business man of Salisbury,Mo., writes: I "I wish to say for the benefit of others, that I was a sufferer from lumbago and kidney trouble, and all the remedies I took gave me no relief. I began to take FOLEY'S KIL>NEY CUKE, and after the use of three bottles I am cured." A ? ? _ ? nu ijizes, ou cents ana 3>i.uu. "?'tesssili sold and recommended by A. H. Boyett, Dr. J. A. Griffin, Benson Drug Co., G. G. Edgerton & Son, J. R. Ledbetter.