FOLEY'S KIDNEY CURE Will cure any case of Kidney or Bladder disease that is not beyond the reach of medicine. GIVEN UP TO DIE. B. Spiegel, 1204 N. Virginia St., Evans/ille, Ind., writes: "For over four years I was troubled with a kidney and bladder affection. I lost tiesh nd was unable to work. Three physicians failed o help me aud I was given ul> to die. Foley's Kidney Care was recommended and the first bottle gave me great relief and after taking mo second bottle 1 was entirely cured." Two Sizoa 50 Cents and f 1.00 HOOD BROS., Smithfield, DR. J. A. GRIFFIN. Clayton. HOUSE MOVER. ?= moved at reasonable ratee. People want iuft that kind of work done please let m? know. Satisfaction guaranteed. Mr. J. M. MeLamb, Benson, N. C., it With me. J. N. CREEL. Dunn. N. C. HouSeS ^ for Rent If you want to rent any kind of a house in Smith field please let me know it. J. M. BZATY. SMITHFIELD It. C. Treasurer's Card. Alex. Wiggs, Troagurer of Johnston County will be in Smithfield every Monday and Saturday and Court Weekh Office in back room of the Bank of Bmltt field. In his absence county orders will paid at the Bank J. /V\. BEATY Sole Agent in Johnston County for the i Domestic and New Home and Other Sew> ing Machines. ?mithfl?>1d. IN. C. OR. A. L. i m i LOR, DENTIST, ? Has Returned to Selma and lias his Office over Lane's Store. MULES AND HORSES, Please remember we keep a large lot of Mules and Horses on hand during the entire stock-selling teason. WE KEPT ALSO Wagons . AND Buggies oi several makes, and can suit you in style and price. We want to Buy Cattle and Cotton Seed. Call and see us. J. D. Parrish & Son. BENSON. - - North Carolina. Schedule for Shoofly. Lv. 5.60 a, m. Fayetteville, Ar. 11.15 p. ra. " 6.33 a. m Dunn, " 10.20 p. m. " 7.12 a.m. Smlthtteld, " 9.45 p.m. " 7.19 a. m. 8e!ma, " 9.38 p. m. " 8.07 a.m. Wilson, " 8.52 p. m, " 9.05 a. m. Hooky Mount, * 8.06 p. m. " 1.05 p. m. Richmond, Lv. 4.10 p. m. Yours truly, W. G. CRAIG, (i. P. A. WORLD'S FAIR, ST. LOUIS, MO. Parties wishing to take in this great Pair should bear in mind that the closing date is rapidly approaching. Low rates, quick schedules and excellent service can be secured by availing your self of the ATLANTIC COAST LINE. Season Tickets. Sixty Day Tickets, Fifteen Day Tickets and Coach Excursion Tickets. The choice oi three routes is offered. For rates, routes, schedules, etc. call on the Ticket Agent or ad- \ dress the undersigned. Coach excursions every Tuesday and Thursday during the month of October. No trouble to answer questions. All inquiries prompt ly responded to. H. M. Emerson, W. .J. Craig. Traffic Mgr. Gen. Pas. Agt. Wilmington, N. C. - i PARKER'S ] HAIR BALSAM 1 CImuim* ???! bwuitlfiH tha ban. PrnmotM ? hixurtanli growth. ' Navrr Falls to Restore Gray IT ait to it? Youthful Color. Cure* araln diaDN * hair falling, fry,and gl.cti at Dniggif What The Bible Is. Some writer gives the follow ing analysis of the "Hook of hooks," the Hible: It is a book of laws to show the right from the wrong. It is a book of wisdom that makes the foolish wise. It is a book of truth which de tects all human errors. It is a book of life and shows how to avoid everlasting death. It is the most authentic and entertaining history ever pub lished. It contains the most remote antiquities, the most remarkable events and wonderful occur rences. It is a complete code of laws. It is a perfect body of divinity. It is an unequaled narrative. It is a book of biography. It is a book of travels. It is the best couvenant ever made, the best deed ever writ ten. It is the best will ever executed the best testament ever signed. It is the learned man's master piece. It is the young man's best companion. It is the schoolboy s best in structor It is the ignorant man's dic tionary and every man's direc tory. It promises an eternal reward to the faithful and believiug. But that which crowns all is the Author. He is without partiality and without hypocrisy with whom there is no variable ness, neither shadow of turning. ?Religious Intelligencer. Manv Mothers of a Like Opinion. Mrs. Pilmer, of Cordova. Iowa, says: '"One of iny children was subject to ci oil]! of a severe type, and the giving of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy promp tly, always brought relief. Many moth ers In this neighborhood think the same as I do about this remedy and want no ctlier kind for their children. For sale by A H Buyett.Smithfield. Selma Drug Co,; J. W. Benson. The Christian who enjoys ten thousand blessings from to-day, and yet feels no special gratitude for them, would do well to exam ine his heart most closely in order to see whetht r he is really iu the faith or not.?Wesleyan Advocate. If troubled with a weak digestion try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets. They will do you good. For sale by A. If. Boyett, Smithfield; Selma Drug Co. J. W. Benson. So long as we love we serve; so long as we are loved by others I would almost say that we are indispensable; and no man is useless while he has a friend.? Robert Louis Stevenson. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The noblest contribution which any man can make for the benefit of posterity is that of a good character. The richest bequest which any man can leave to the youth of his native land, is that of a shining, spotless example.? R. C. Winthrop. ? Josephus Jones was out ot Ox, The world wnt out of tune, "M.v biz." said he, "is in a mix, My head is full of rheum." His faee was sallow, drawn and sad, His eye had lost its light, "If things don't mend I'll soon be mad," Declared the broken wright. "Alas, alas, dear wife," quoth he, "I wish that I were dead, 111 health, starvation, poverty, Are all I see ahead." "Oh, not so bad as that, my dear, I know just what you need; Your Liver's wrong, I greatly fear; Let's try some JULY WEED." Jones took his good wife's words as true. And they were true indeed, He's all made over, all made new, He's taking JULY WEED. July Weed is truely a wonderful rem edy. Price 50c and $1.00 at all Drug Stores DISSOLUTION NOTICE. This is to give notice that the firm of H. F. Bryant & Co., com posed of H. F. Bryant, J. D. I'arrish and Alonzo I'arrish has dissolved copartnership, and we will not be responsible for any further debts incurred by said firm. J. I). Parrish. Alonzo Pakrish. Oct. 10, 1004. FARM FOR SALE. 100 acres near Benson in (trad ed School District, two horse Farm cleared, two good tobacco barns, a 10 room house, and ex cellent water, cash desired, but will sell right. N. T. Ryals, Benson, N. C,, Masonic Funeral. A special communication of Mill Creek Lodge No 480 A. F. & A. M. will be held at N. K Thornton's late residence in John ston county the third Sunday in Nov. 11)04, for the purpose of paying the last tribute of resjieet to our deceased Bro. N. K. Thornton The funeral will liepreached by Dr. J. J. Harper, I'res. of the At lantic Christian College of Wil son N. 0. All Masons in good | standing are cordially invited to be present and take part S 1). Thohnton, W. M. Willie Eldkidoe, Sec. ?CASTOniA, Bum th? II" Kind Von Have Always Bought 7 SUBSCRIBERS MAY READ THIS. I According to our usual custom we are sending out statements' j to those of our subscribers who are in arrears. We ti ust that no one will be offended at receiving a statement. These statements merely show how much the suh scriberis due us. We leave it with thesubscribertodotherest. Look on your label and should you find immediately afteryour name the following: 5 | 3, it means that your subscription is paid to April 5, 1903. if it is not convenient for vou ' to come to our office and you do not see The Herald Man, you can send the monej by registered letter, postoffice money order, express money order or a bank check. You can easily get a check from the merchant jou trade with. All these ways are safe. | Hut please do not forget us and we will not be displeased if you j Blend us what you owe before you j receive the statement. Always remember that it takes money to run any business?and aj newspaper. A Power For Good. The pills potent in their action and pleasant in effect are DeWitt's Little [ Risers. W. S. Philphot, of Albany, Ga.. | says: ' During a bilious attack I took i one. Small as it was it did me more good than calomel, blue mass or any other pill I ever took and at the same time the effect was pleasant. Little Early Risers are certainly an ideal pill.'' Sold by Ilood Bros. Benson Drug Co. and J. R. I.edbetter. He?"You've got to have a pull to get ahead." She?"Yes; and you've got to have a head to get a pull."?Boston Globe. O A. fit T OX1I . Bears the 1,18 KM V"8 HavS >. flight T" 5F Chicago is to have the largest hotel in the world. It will cost $lN.BAFE. AI way ratttfclB. I.ndtf*. Druftflt * 4( for CIUCHKSTKR'S KNHLISII vi Jmt IIi ik .ii.n n..i.iii. K..... u.i..< PJ wtthblu. ribbon. lnki>iio othrr. Brfu?n J Substitutions *n<1 linlta Fy l'on?. Buy of your Druggist, or sted to. in f ?i*/n j>s fhr I'nrtloUrs, TrMl.i...nlsl? f an 1 "Roller ft?r Ladle*." in i?ir*r, by re* turn Mall. 1 O.OOO Tr.tlwonlsl. BoM br I ? r *11 Druggist*. <'blrhcatcr Chrmlul ? >n tin-estate .?t (iray J. Alford, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before tho 21, day of October 190ft or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all per sons indebted to said estate will make im mediate payment, Thia 20, day of October 1904. Oct. 21?4x L. O. B. Alford, Adms't. LAND SALE. By\irtueof power contained in a certain mortgage deed executed to me on May 27,19UL by J. S. Penny and his wife Katie Penny and duly recorded in Book "O" No. 8. page Registry of Johnston County North Caro lina 1 will >sell at public auction, for cash at the Court House door in Smithfield, on Sat urday, October 29th. 1904, at 12 o'clock M. the following described lot of land in the town of Smith field aud bounded as follows: Begin ning at the South west corner of the inter section of Caswell street and thf Eastern line of town of Smithfleld before the boundary was enlarged at C, Bradford's corner and runs southwardly with the line of said towu and C, Bradford's 210 feet to a stake, thence westwardly and parallel with Caswell >tre? t. MX feet to the line of Fifth street, thence aorthwar-ily with the line of Fifth street out and parallel with first line 210 feet to Caswell street, thence eastwardly with the line of Caswell street 52X feet to the beginning and containing one (X) fourth of an acre. This Sept. 29, 1904. H. COLE. Mortgagee. NOTICE. The undereigned having qualified as Ad ministrator on the estate of N. W. Bunn, deceased, all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 38rd day of October 1906 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery and all persons indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. This 17th day of October 1904. A. B. HOCUTT, Admn. NOTICE. The undersigned having qualified as Execu tor on tho estate of Mrs Lorinda Narron deceased, all persons having claims against said eatate are hereby notified to present the same to me duly verified on or before the 14 day of October 1905, or this notice will \*e pleaded in bar of their recovery and all per sons indebted to said estate wifl make 1 in me diate payment. This ldth, day of Oct. 1904. ALFRED B. BOYKIN, OU-4X Ex. If you want to Ret your mo ney's worth in shoes, ro to W. 0. Yelvington's store. j I