Farm Department, Conducted bv J. M. Meaty. Spring or Fall Plowing 1 have lived on a Northwestern farm my whole life, aud have been actively engaged in farm ing on lay own farm for more than t went v-Hve years, aud have found wry few seasons when any farm crops did us well on spring plowed land as i u fall plowed. Corn if exception to this rule. Some tell me that their corn gets very weedy where the held is plowed the fall before If it does, it is because the soil is not prop erly worked before the coru is plauted. The fall-plowed field has every advantage where the soil is thoroughly worked before planting. By plow ing in fall rhe earth is thrown up where the suu aud air can work upon it, and the freezing of our cold wiutar-> helps to pulverize the lumps and fine the soil If the following season is dry the fall-plowed field will withstand the drought very much better. By having the plowing all done in the autumn, the farmer is enubled to put much more labor on his fields in working and lining the soil and still get his crops in on time, which iii^nis much in a good year and everything in a poor or dry season. There amy be sea sous where the soil seems to run tfhr >t li, i- u iiliui'oii in full vw^wvuvt tiuvu u <u Hill, and it is quite hard and flinty and difficult to work up when spring comes. In such cases it should uot be allowed to get hard and dry before itislooseued 011 the surface with the harrow, and then by thoroughly disc harrowing it later, it will be as tiue and mellow as need be. In such instances it may take a lit tle more work than wtieu plowed in spring, but the extra crop will more than repay one for the extra work. Always remember that extra labor put on laud by way of cultivation is not labor thrown away, but is time well spent, as it always means the liberating of plant food and consequently larger crops.?Forest Henry. "I was trouble with constipa tion and stomach troubles, lost flesh, my complexion was ruined; Hoilister's Rocky Mountain leu brought back my health ami complexion." Alary Allen, St. j Louis. 35 cents. ? Hog Killing Times. It won't be many moons before out of the Rockies in the far northwest old winter will begin to shake out the icicles from his snowy locks and lliug them out i am >i.r. he sunny skies of the far south!,, id. When that time comes, and it cannot now be \ cry i.ii ..ft, the learned prophets hav ing I;-,. 1 -gci ncle Sam's weather bureaus will issue their 3U-hour! bulifi 1 us felling the people that hign bai eter antral in Mon tana wili ii*cipitatea cold wave over rl.c .outh which will send 'h y dow n below freezing, an-i lv people in the fit i- - |. in after the eoal sup ply and the water piping in the residences. 1 { , - t .? .1 -' 1 ^ * .. . i.? inr-prmluenr iariner, whu hi!.- rettUv laid hi his win-- I t>*r ;ij'j ? I wood, the news of! the , ive will have quite a diil' meaning. There are tii.' ?: - ? < >(.J, thrifty lar nit - I tl cotton helt who In i ?rs n >w fattening in i1 . . . '! ne advantage ii.. old snap to have ? ? JUthemers usualh .term a "cog-killing time." Am i 11n ' I r.i * t of dawn break ?ipi frus- v morning when n i- ? ri iiu;. in the watei ti" tie glimmer of log fires will i !,. ating the rocks . : ' ; the dying pigs will le* heard in tiie land. There will be iejstle ud stirriug in mail' , rijral home while knives are being whetted, water heated, gambling sticks prepared and pots and cuns cleaued. The week of hog killing, drying up the lard, Halting down the meat, grinding aud stuffing thesausage,soaking the Kit terh.igs. ind all the other ? innumerable del ails in connection with the work muke the annual i hog-killing on a southern farm j \ one of the most important events : in the year, lam always sorry , for the littl< boys and girls who < live in towns and cities, und who 1 never were present at a hog killing as we have it. A little boy 1 who has never enjoyed the luxury 1 cooking the "melt" on a hot ] rock, or blowing up a bladder ' for a Christinas gun lias never 1 realised tile truuenjoyment of an J unalloyed youthful pleasure. ; And, as for that mutter, the ] grown folks in town, while they may have their western porter house steaks and o.vsders from Norfolk, yet there is no bill of fare equal to one made up ol broiled tenderloin pork, fried j sausage, aparetibs. brains, hot coffee and ??fatty" bread on a cold frosty morning. I have ' dined at the beet hotels in the country, but for a meal tit for the gods, sit me down before the above bill of fare when tired aud hungry, ami 1 will tell you that j life is north living, no matter which way the cat jumps. I have been there many a time in the past, aud trust I may be spared for many more similar experi eu >es. So long as 1 farm 1 expect to have each year a hog-killing | time. SAVI.N'U THE MEAT. In presenting iny plan for sav ing meat that covers a period of thirty years, observation aud experience and during an aetuul experience of the past twenty years 1 have never lost a pound of pork, 1 never slaughter hogs unless my weather map indicates fair weather, the wind is from the west and ice has formed on water in exposed places. 1 try to kill and clean the porkers in the forenoon and let them hang out until late in the afternoon. The animal is then split open down the back, a little salt sprinkled on the joints and the whole laid out in the smoke house until next morning. By tlit* next day all the animal heat in oat. the meat in thorough ly eold and can be cut up aud trimmed to much better advan tage. The hams, shoulders, jowls, middlings ond heads are j then rubbed well into salt and | packed away in the order named. Each layer of meat is covered! with salt aud the whole is then covered securely against outside I enemies. If the animal heat is gotten out entirely before pack- ' ing down the meat will cure up nicely and pure Hogs weighing ' from 200 to 300 pounds should remain down in salt for three j weeks aud larger animals ,four | weeks. 11 The meat will absorb too much J salt if allowed to remain a longer j, period of time. The backbones i and spareribs are lightly | sprinkled with salt and kept in j a separate box or barrel for im- ( mediate consumption. I usually work the heads up 1 into souse, as they coutaiu but 1 little meat aud can only be cook- , ed to advantage in seasoning a t dish of turnips or salad. 1 know < of nothing better than a piece of | cold back-bone, bread and a glass I of good butter milk for supper. |! It makes me dream cotton is 1 worth lo cents a pound whether j 1 get it or not. ' TAKINO UP THE MEAT. At the end of the third or fourth week take up the meat, J' knock off the salt and hang it up ? j to be smoked for a few days. At- j ter smoking take the meat down | and sprinkle each piece lightly with a little pulverized borax, using one pound of the borax to j each one thousand pounds of meat. The meat can then be re- j bung, laid out on shelves or the! hams and shoulders wrapped in J ptiper or sewed up iu bags, j However, putting in paper or [ sewing iu bags is unnecessary as j bugs and flies will not go about j the borax. I pj It is just a common cold, people say, there's no danger in that. Admitting their statement, then there are uncommon colds, ! colds which are dangerous ; for many a fatal sickness begins vrith a cold. If we could tell the common cold from the un common we could feel quite safe. But we can't. The uncommon variety is rarely recognized until it has fastened its hold on the lungs, and there are symptoms of con sumption. At the first symptoms the careful person will heed the warning by taking a mild laxative ; some vegetable pill that will not disturb the system or cause griping. About the best is "Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets." If the cold starts with a cough, nnd it persists then some local treatment for this condition should be taken. A well known alterative extract, which has been highly recommended by thousands of users, is Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery. This tonic compound is composed of an extract of roots and herbs and has a sooth ing effect upon the mucous membrane* allays the irritation and at the same time works in the proper and reasonable way, at the seat of the trouble?the stagnated or poisoned blood. It contains no alcohol to shrivel up the blood corpuscles, but makes pure rich red blood. Dr. Pierce's 1000-page illustrated book, 'The Common Sense Medical Adviser," is sent free in paper covers on receipt of 21 one-cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. For 31 .stamps the cloth bound volume will be sent. 1008 pages. It was formerly sold for $1.50 per copy Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. V. -?? ~ MK'U. Just a little borax is all that is needed, and when the meat is to be cooked ha ve it washed good in hot water. However, I have never known any harmful effects troin borax, although some of the chemists claim it might be harmful if used in too large' quantities. It saves meat better than anything 1 ever tried. The important feature in saving nork is to Ite sure the animal heat is out before packing down and the; liberal use of salt. 1 am exceed iuglv fond of country cured hams, but 1 have never yet been able to cultivate an appetite for the canvas hams sent us from the west. 1 am satisfied that our dry cured country pork, as we cure it in salt, is healthy, it is free from the powerful acids often employed by the western packers and which some of our soldier boys in Cuba during tne Spanish American war termed the '?em balming process." It is very gratifying to know that pork production is increasing in the south. Every southern farmer owes it as a duty to himself and family to raise euough pork each yeur to meet all the needs of his family for that kind of meat. We are taking advantage of our ( rpunnrcpw up r1o We can raise meat as cheaply k as the western farmer and save -a the cost of transportation, pack- 1 ing, and a half dozen middlemen's j, profits. We can also cure our : meat better than the western j packing houses and unquestion- ' ably it eats better. 1 always [ enjoy everything that comes on a my table which 1 produce better <? than anything I can buy. I know j that what 1 raise is pure and it c is eaten with a greater relish, t Likewise ray appetite is always) a s?ood at our institute dinners j * because I know that everything. on the table is home-raised. Get j ready for hog killing.?Harvie j ^ Jordan. Mothers Praise It. Mothersevery? here praise One Minute fj Dough Cure for the sufferings it lias re- j lieved and the lives of their little ones it , has saved. A certain cure for coughs, j * -roup und whooping cough A L. Spaf iord, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich , says: Our little girl was unconscious from strangulation during a sudden and ter rible attack of croup. One Minute Cough Dure quickly relieved and cured ber and [ cannot praise it too highly." One Min :it.e Cough Cure relieves coughs, makes rreathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws rut inflammation, and removes every ?anse of a cough and strain on lungs, krld by Iiood Bros,, Benson Drug Co., g ind J. K. Ledbetter. Gladys?I refused Ferdy two . reeks ago and he has beeu drink- 11 ng heavily ever since. F. Ethel?Isn't it about time he stopped celeoratiiig??Fuck. ? Chamberlain's .Stomach and Liver Tablets are becoming a favorite for itomach troubles and constipation. For ' rale by A. H. Boyett Smithfield; Selma 8 Drug Co., J. W. Benson. Make Your Food Medicine. The garden is a great medicine 'heat. Me your own doctor and ook to your own slight ailments If you are wakeful, eat lettuce. For affections of the skin an l , or yellow skin eat oniora )niotn> are also good for colds, roughs, scrofula. For a torpid liver, eat freely of asparagus For malaria and general break lowu, eat cranberries. If nervous and irritable, eat plenty of celery. For constipation, eat fruits ripe a'.d healthy fruits. Fresh ruits are good; so are fi ;s aud lates. Raisins are beneficial. When the body is in good c:in lition keep it in good condition jy denying the appetite what las once injured the body. One ?an do everything for himself by ?ating the right thing and not :oo much of it, and by leaving llone the wrong thing and all of t. He can do more than the loctors can do for him when he s fiat on his back in bed.?Pbila leiphia Inquirer. A Heavy Load. To lift tlifct loud off of the stomach | like Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests: vhat you eat. Hour stomach, bdchiug, ] ras oa stomach and all disorders of the itomaoh that are curable, are instantly ?elieved and permanently cured by the tse of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. 8. I'. 5tons, a druggist at 297 Main street, i?w Britian, Conn savs: "Kodol Dys tepsia Cure is giving such universal snt siuction and is so surely becoming the \ tositive re'fef and subsequent cure for his distressing ailment. 1 feel that 1 am ilways sure to satisfy and gratify my astomers by recommending it to them. | write this to show how well the remedy ! s spoken of here." Kodol Dyspepsia lure was discovered after years of scien ific experiments and will possitivelv cure ,11 stomach troubles. Hold by Hood iros., Beuson Drug Co., and J. K. Led letter. "Very well, sir," said Dr. iuack after his quarrel with the mdertaker; "I'll make you sor y for this." j "What are you going to do?" j tsked the undertaker; "retire mm practice?"?Fhiladel phia ] ^ress. 'Taint no use to set down and j whine, i When no tish get tangled in ; your liDe j Bait your hook with a bumble i bee, I And keep on taking Rocky i Mountain Tea.?A. H. Boy tt, Selma Drug Co. 1 The total value of real estate ^ a North Carolina as shown by a j eport made up is $220,80.'! 339. , 'he last reports a year ago howed a total value of $178, 92,819. cASTortr A. iears the _yylhe Kind You Have Always Bought ig?r ^4^557 | ? ? ? - ^ ^ Spiers'* I ! I V 1 i 8 y{ Our Large Stock of Dry Goods. vj ; Novelties Notions, Jackets, I Capes, Milinery, Shoes, Etc., !jj v has been received We arc |9 now prepared to show our w V friends the largest stock of the J] best selected goods for Fall and Winter Wear that we have yet handled. A .V ,V I i J Spiers' Bros. I Id il u I 40 Ye ar^Nk /Wintersmith'sV i (Sill ?e 1 ? Has been curing Chills Ague, Dengue, LaCrlppe ? ? and Malarial Ills of all kinds. A 50c. bottle M % will break your chills; and you can get ItM % from your druggist, who will refund your M money If the medicine does you noM \ good. Why don't you try !t?^F It Is unequaled as a General ;j Yours Truly 1 \ | ^ r<$ We sell you CLOTHING that clothes you, if; ? 5 And FOOD that keeps you fed, tfj 5 i We sell you SHOES that keeps you shod, ?U And HATS that fit the head. -4; ("Satisfaction" is our CLOTHING line, ill "Fresh Croceries" is the FOOD, j? "Anvil and Arogan" brand the SHOES, 8$ And the HATS are Keystoue?good. jsf; 93 Our line is GENERAL MERCHANDISE, gg S 5 Our stock is fresh clear through. if; jf : Please note the number of packages. iw $3 You see wrapped up in BLUE. ?? w 9 jl* That's us, 9 iii . as i John S. Barnes & Co. * I $ ^ CLAY'7 ON, A. North Carolina. ^ p? ? ? C/l e c o si 2 o ' = 1 = E QJ 2 5 *2 >? 1 ?3 M /? <4-* 2 is o & . J Thornton Music House. Opposite Boyett's Dru* Store. * V ^ C Pianos, Organs ? AND ? Small Musical instruments. It you wish to buy a PIANO or ORGAN come to see us or drop us a card. Old Instruments Repaired. GKO, E. THORNTON, Manager. ?K******KHH t COMPLETE STOCK, g If - ^W?* "** (if My i'ma full stock of Drv (food* is now 'lorn- V(/ .1/ plete. I have a ii up-to-date line of Dress \il H (foods both in Woolen and Cotton. Silks for \ll waist and skirtss. ^ ;/ ShoesI Shoes!: ?(/ ^ I have a tine line of Ladies' Misses and If Children's Shoes, all styles and sizes. W Capes. Jackets and Cloaks. I have a full stock of Capes, Jackets and Cloaks, iti all styles, color and prices. Also a full line of ready made Skirts and Waists. Millinery Goods. Hats of the newest shapes, styles and colors. Hats ready to wear in up-to-date styles. Call and see my line before you buy and I will save you monev. * \i I* Gents' Furnishing Goods. i* ? k ? ^ I have a full stock of clothing. Shoes, Hats, ? Caps, Underwear, Cuffs, Collars, Ties and If Dress Shirts, which 1 cau sell low as the V#f If lowest. \h i 1 . * J Yours for business, ^ w. G. veivingion * BOB

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