THE HERALD. I PCBl.' HKl> EvKM RHIKAY MOHNINO. BEATY. HOLT & LASSITER, FKOPRI ETORS. Enteicl at the Poetoftice at Hmlthfleld, Johnston Comity, N. C.. ae second-claee natter KATK8 OF BFIMS'HIFTION: Jne year, oaeh tn advamv, - - ? f 1 00 Jlx months, cash in advance. - ? .60 Friday, March 16,1000, VOLUME XXV. For twenty-four years The Smithfield Herald has been visiting the people of Johnston County weekly. 1 n all these years it has been the aim of the man agement to give the people of the county a paper worthy of their support and confidence. For the past ten years it has been under its present manage ment who have done what they could to build up the town and county. In these ten years we have seen our subscription list doubled, our advertising patron age increased more than 100 per cent, and the paper almost doubled in size. The Herald has now entered upon its twenty fifth volume with bright pros pects for another successful year. We shall continue to strive for the upbuilding of our County along all liuee, educationa, mor al and political. Ah in the pust we ehall Btand up boldly, fear lessly, and honestly for the right as we are given to see the right. And in this we feel sure that we shall continue to have the co-op eration and support of the good people of Johnston County. Senator Simmons delivered a lengthy speech in the Senate Tuesday on the Railroad Rate Bill, which is highly spoken of in the papers. At present it looks like there is small chance of the bill passing the senate. An Italian magazine published at Rome has recently published jsome statistics gleaned from the Russian census taken in 1897. The figures show that Russia's population at that time was 126,580,535. Of these 99,070, 430 are illiterate. With su -h ft large illiterate population it should not be any cause for won der that the masses of Russia are still steeped in superstition. Russia can never rise to the heights that should be hers until she becomes more interested in the enlightenment of her people. Christian IX., late Kingof Ren mark, who died January 29th, in his 88th year, occupied an in teresting position among Kuro pean royalty. His second son is King George of Greece. The Dowager- Cm press of Russia, mother of the present Czar, is his 1 .1 V- * _ ?l:. - vII fcrccuuu uHu^uitr, wune ms eiue?i daughter in Queen of England. The new Kingof Norway, Haakon VII., is his grandson. King Christian was succeeded on the Danish throne by his son, Fred erick VIIl., who is (52 years old. Christian became King of Den mark in 1803. Associate Justice llrown of the United States Supreme Court, has handed his resignation to the President. Justice Brown was appointed from Michigan by President Harrison in Decem ber, 1890, to succeed Justice Mil ler, and was 70 years old on the 2nd of this month. The name most often mentioned in connec tion with his successor is Secre tary of War Taft. Secretary Taft is one of the very ablest men in the Republican party to-day. He has long had an inclination toward a seat on the Supreme Court Bench, yet refused to ac cept an appointment offered him three yearB ago. He was inter ested in establishing the Philip pine government at the time and did not feel willing to give up the work in its incompleted fctate. Governor Glenn has refused to interfere in the case of A. L. Bish op, who is serving a five-year term in the peuitentiar.v for the murder of Thomas Wilson in Charlotte three vears ago. In stead of asking for a pardon Bishop should be thankful that he was not sentenced for thirty years. All lovers of law and jus tice will commend the Governor | for his course in refusing to grant a parnon. It costs something to run a big city like New York. It is said that the police alone cost the city #18,000,000 a year. The city's indebtedness has reached i be staggering sum of #420,000, 000?more than the entire debt of the Chinese Empirp. Perhaps in no city in the world does the government spend money so lav ishly as in New York. If costs us much to run New York a year as it does to run Condon and Paris combined. On March 1st there were85,031 rural free delivery routes in op eration in the United States. No other branch of the government service has grown more rapidly j in public favor thun the rural I mail service and no other has been more pregnant of beneficial results to the masses of the peo ple. Kverv where a route has goue a new interest in affairs in general has been aroused. The | rural free delivery service is un doubtedly a great educator. Buy wood at a wood Yard. Don't pay 8 cents per pound for wood. If you buy 100 pounds of White Lead in kegs you get 88 pounds of White Lead and 12 pounds of Wood. When you buy L. & M. Paint you get a full gallon of paint that won't wear off for 10 or 15 years, because L. & M. Zinc hardens the L. & M. White Lead and makes L. & M. Paint wear like iron. 4 gallons L & M. mixed with 3 gallons Linseed Oil will paint a moderate sized house. Actual cost L. & M. about ?1 20 per gallon. Sold in the north, oast, south and west. C. S. Andrews, Ex-Mayor, Danbury. Conn., writes: "Paint ed my house 19 years ago with L. & M. Looks well to-day." Sold by W. M. Sanders, Smith field, N.C.; E. L. Hall&Bro., Jicnson, N. C. Dr. W. H. Wakefield, of Char lotte, N. C., will be in Benson at Holland House on Saturday, April 14th, for one day only. His practice is limited to Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, and Fit ting Glasses. All that buy Gunno from Cot ter Underwood Co. nnd want to haul same from Four (>aks, N. C., can get it by calling on J. W. Sanders, who will deliver at that place for us. Five car loads Cotton Seed Meal and Hulls received at Cot ter-Underwood Co. W. G. Yelvington is now re ceiving his new line of spring dress goods, and notions, ('.ill in and look through his stock when you come to court. Two cars of the best Nitrate of Soda just arrived at Cotter-Un derwood Co.'8 store. W. G. Yelvington has a good lino of brogan shoes from $1.00 to $1.50. At old prices. Tobacco plant bed covering lor sale by Cotter-Underwood Co., Smithtield, N. C. Lynchburg steel plows one and two "horse. Cotter-Stevens Co. If you want to buy the best Pence seefCotter-Underwood Co, They have the Ellwood. If you want to buy a good pair of boots to use in cleaning out your ditches call at W. G. Yel vington s store. Car Ellwood Pence just receiv ed at Cotter-Underwood Co. Cotter-Underwood Co. 's store is the place to buy tine Furni ture of all kinds. 2000 tons of fertilizer for sale by The Austin Stephenson Co. Can deliver it to you any where. Prices right. Education Column For School Teachers, School Committee men, Patrons and Friends of the Public Schools. Conducted by Snpt. Ira T. Turlington. School Reports Encouraging The final reports that have come in show improvement in the schools alOOft man.v lines. When all the reports and reg isters are in 1 expect to tell the public some of the improvements that have been made. I want to show what sections oftheCounty are making the most headway in the great educational move inent. Watch this column for some in teresting facts from week to week after all the schools are out. SPECIAL KATES VIA SEA BOARD AIR LINE RY, Account of thy Wheeler Memo rial Day, March 27th, and the Second Annual Re-Union of the Blue and Gray, March 2sth-29th, 19' 0, Atlanta. Ga. The SEABORD announces ac count of the aoovo occasions they will sell round trip tickets from all points in the State of North Carolina, to Atlanta, Ga., and return at rate of one first class fare plus 25cts. for the round trip, tickets to be sold March 25th and 20th, and for trains scheduled to reach At lanta before Noon of March 27th, final limit, (prior to which pas senger must reach original des tination before mid night return ing) tifteen (15) days in addition to date of sale. For further information as to rates, schodules, etc., call cti your ticket agent or address the undersigned, Chas. B. Ryan, Gen'l Passenger Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Chas. H. Gattis, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C I offer for sale on easy terms a very desirable brick store on Market street also lot on Third street, adjoiningE. J. Holt's store. See advertisement for other property. Edw. W. Pou. You can find at W. G. Yelving. ton's store a nice line shirts, col lars, ties, shoes, hats, clothing and anything that is kept in a gents furnishing store, also at the lowest prices. 50 guns at cost. Cotter Stevens Co. FOR SALE. I offer for sale five hice young milk cows?all fresh. One ex ceedingly fine Jersey cow. Can be seen at my farm at Wilson's Mills. L. F. Uzzle. OVERSTOCKED. I am overstocked with Bug gies, Wagons and Harness. In order to sell these I shall offer them for sale at reduced prices for the next few weeks. Come now if you want a bargain. Alonzo Pakrish, Benson, N. C. SOW STRAYED. Strayed from my p'ace in De cember, 1IHJ5, a sow medium size light color with black spots and frizzles on the back. Half moon over the right ear and half moon under the left ear. Any one who will give information so that 1 can get the sow will be liberally rewarded. 2t J. E. Evans, R. F. D. No. 1, Four Oaks, N.C. 148 Now Is the Time to Paint! | I It is Economical to ;|s It Increases the value of your property if It destroys disease germs to Pairvt |f It makes your house last longer 10 Paint It is Time now to Paint Come and let us figure with you. f See the guarantee on our paints before || V Buying ? jMvours to Serve The cotter-sievens c?.J Plodding together through the sand. Here, then i9 the old situation which has been dear to mankind, young and old, since the days of Robinson Crusoe?a shipwreck, an uninhab ited island. Defoe found one single human being sufficient for his purpose; nowadays a man and a woman are preferred; we must have a "love interest."?NewiYork Mail and Express. \ - The Wings of the Morning BY LOU 15 TRACY Here is a story filled with the swing of adventure. A beautiful girl and a gallant gentleman?who for the time is disguised as a waiter on board a ship in tropical seas?are shipwrecked, and of all the guests and crew twB of the ill-starred vessel they two alone survive. On a desert island, filled with all sorts of hair-raising dan gers, these two fight for their lives against dreadful odds, and incidentally, they learn together the alphabet of love. There are no dragging intervals in this vol ume; from the moment of their landing on the island until the rescuing crew find them there is not a dull moment for the young people?nor for the reader ei ther, for that matter.?New York Times Saturday Book Review. The Wings of the Morning Will Begin in Our Next Issue * * >k i 1 ? ?" : Ladies : * * * * * .. ^ J Say Johnson * | Say it Plainly ; Or When you want Fruit of the * J very nicest variety, Candies