f ? ? ? ro>;4l| % 'Baking / Absolutely Pure A GRAPE CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER It makes the most delicious and healthful hot breads, biscuit and cake FREE FROM ALUM, LIME OR PHOSPHATIC ACID ? ???????? Alum baking powders are unhealthful. Do not use them for raising food under any circumstances. So detrimental are aluin 'baking powders considered, that in most foreign countries their sale is prohibited. In many States in this country the law com pels alum powders to be branded to show that they contain this dangerous acid, while in the District of Columbia, Congress iias prohibited the sale of all food that contains alum. Alum baking powders are sold to consumers at from 10 cents a pound to 25 ounces for 25 cents, or 25 cents a pound, and when not branded may generally be distinguished by their price. ( COUNTY I I CORRESPONDENCE J M The Week's Happenings Told by The % W Herald's Regular Correspondents. ^ L?(^>r?11 ARCHER LODGE NEWS. Mr. Cy Barnes is sick, we are ?sorry to jote. Preparations are being made to repair the church at Clyde's Chapel. There will be services at Salem Sunday by the pastor, Elder J. A. T. Jones. Mrs. W. 11. Auston, of Rose ville, is spending tiiis week with her parents. Miss Eura I'arham hus return ed to her home in Ox'ord, after spending sometime with the family of Mr. W. A. Newton. The school at Archer Academy will close Wednesday, March 21st. Mr. E. Liles, the efficient teacher, is preparing quite an interesting program. The following visitors were in this section last Sunday: John 2. Barnes, Joe T. Barnes and Miss Genorra iVall, of Clayton, and Arthur Owens and his sister, Miss Zithie, of Selma. i-ittbt Saturday morning .Mr ?Jhester Wall and Miss Florence Kitchen were married by Squire Estridge. The ceremony had been arranged for Sunday morn ing at eleven o'clock at White Oak church, but for some un known reason the contracting parties called in a magistrate and were married Saturday. May happiuess and success brighten their pathway. Mar. 18. 8. L. W. Sunday School Convention. The Johnston (Jouuty Sunday ?School Associat ion will hold u ?convention at Kenly Saturday and Sunday, March 81st and April 1st. All Sunday School superintendents, teachers, and workers are earnestly urged to be present. Let every Sunday School in the county send two or three delegates. Homes will be furnished all delegates who send their names to Mr. 1). B. Sasser, Kenly, N. C. An intert sting program is be ing arranged and some of the best Sunday School speakers in the state have been secured, among whom will be Kev. Dr. J-'. D. Swindell, of Wilson; Rev. E. W. Souders, of Fayetteville; Rev. John T. Jenkins, of Wilson; and Mr. J.M. Broughton.of Ral D. T. Perkins, Sec. Corrugated rooting at all prices. Cotter-Stevens Co. SELMA NEWS. Mr. Charles Talton has return ?*?I from u viwit to Jacksonville, Florida. Mr. and Mrs. .las. 1). Jeffreys spent Sunday at their old home in Wilders. Mr. and Mrs. H. If. Pearce, Jr., spent Sunday at their old home near Smith's ('Impel. Mrs. Pauline Noel, of Rich mond, left Sunday, after a visit I of some days to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. li. I>. Hood. The patients of Drs. Noble and Person had a lest Tuesday as Dr. Noble went to Richmond,Va , j and Dr. and Mrs. Person spent the day in Fremont. Mr N. Smith, of liagley, spent Wednesday here with his broth j er, Mr. W. E. Smith, who we are I glad to say, is doing a good { business here in the dry poods and mlllasry line. A party of Northern capitalists were here Tuesday prospecting. 'Tie rumored that they will make I investments here. They appear ed to like our situation and the people?said our town was sure to grow. The Johnston County Medical Society met here last Monday. Those present were: Drs. Parker | and Moore, of lfenson; Grady, of Keuly; Young, of Clayton; Hooks ' and Wharton, of Suiithfield; and | Person and Noble, of Selma. Dr. Scarlett, of Selma, was present aud invited to participate in the meeting. Reports of course were j made by every member present and after tbe meeting u sump tuous <? nn> r at tbe "Merchants Hotel ' tendered the visiting inembt * in I'rs. Noble and Per son. 'i h 'dayor, lion. C. W. j Richai lsou, took dinner with ! them. a present declared it be the most le tsaut meeting of the Society I >r. Young asked that the Society meet in Clayton, and Dr. Urn y presented the claims of Kenlv Kenly was selected as the plact of the next meeting. Senex. Beuiah Township Meeting. The next meeting of theReulah Township branch of the South ern Cotton Association will meet | at Kenly Saturday, March 17th, at 2:00 P. M. Everybody invit | ed. Gaston Watson, Secretary. ] If you are troubled with Piles and can't find a cure, try Witch Hazel Salve, but be sure you get that made by E. C. DeWitt & Co., Chicago. It is the Origi nal. If you have used Witch Hazel Salve without being relieved it is proba ble ttiat you got hold of one of the many worthless counterfeits that nre sold on the reputation of the genuine DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve. Sold by Hood Bros., Benson Drug Co., J. B. Ledbetter. Cotter-Underwood Co. have two horses they will sell cheap KENLY NOTES. Mr Theo. Hassell spent Sun day in WilHon. Miss Lilly Sanders leaveB us tomorrow, (Thursday) for fier home near Faisou. Misses Essie and Cora Sasser spent Saturday with their broth er, I). 15. Sasser. Miss Rena Edgerton who has been teaching school near Smith Held is spending this week with relatives here. Mrs. Fannie Overman, of Wil son, speqt a few days here last I week as the truest of Mrs. J. H Alford and Mrs. <1. i'. 1'ope. Rev. R. W. Horrell, of Seltna, a Missionary Baptist preacher, tilled his regular appointment here Sunday in the Presbyterian church. He has just organized a little body here that promises to be a thriving church. The public school closed here yesterday, the 13th, but the en tered school continues until May 13th. We perdict a wide awake school until the end as in the past as we have a man of push to direct things. Many board- i iug students have come in from the free schools and we hope to have many more. Boarding ac-, commodatious will be furnished! all who will come. Max. || ? 1 BENSON NEWS. Mies Floy Johnston visited her parents near Four Oaks last Saturday and Sunday. Miss Ellen Eldridge spent list Saturday and Sunday with her parents near Smlthfield. Miss Carrie Spence left last Saturday for her home near Buies Creek, after spending sev eral days here with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Hall. After an illness of only a few davs Mr. I). J. Stone died on Tuesday evening of this week In this death our town has lost one of its best citizens. Miss Sarah Staneil, after spending several days here with j her brother, Mr. J. C. Staneil, left last Saturday morning for her home in Wake county. Fire broke out last Tuesday night about 9:30 o'clock in Mr A. L Barefoot's store. After do ing considerable damage to the building and store the fire was ovfintrniuhorl V>??. WU^UIDUUU . Solon. NOT A PATENT MEDICINE. Hyomei a Scientific Treatment For Catarrh by Breathing: Medi cated Air. ? Breathed through the pocket inhaler that comes with every outfit, Hyomei destroys all ca tarrhal germs in the air-pas sages of the throat and nose, soothes and heals the irritated mucous membrane and effectual ly drives from the system all traces of catarrhal poison. No one should confound Hy omei with the patent medicines that are advertised as catarrh cures. It is as superior to them all as the diamond is more val uable than cheap glass. The complete Hyomei outfit, consisting of a neat pocket in haler, a medicine dropper, and a bottle of Hyomei costs but $1, and extra bottles cau be obtain ed for 50 cents, making it the most economical method of cur ing catarrh, as well as the most reliable. Hood Bros, have sold a great many Hyomei outfits and have seen such remarkable results from its use, that they sell it un der an absolute guarantee that' it costs nothing unless it cures. English crockery guaranteed not to craze. Cotter-Stevens Co NOTICE. , Notice is hereby given that application will be made to his Excellency R. B. Glenn Gov ernor to pardon Deal Howell sentenced to the roads of Smith tield township for three years, at September term 1904, John ston Superior Court. John Jones. Mar. 1, 1906. Mi >M:V ti ' LOAN. I can lend money at 6 per cent. Good secury required Jno A. Narron, March 1, 1906. Attorney. NEW HOUSES FOR SALE ON LONG TIME. We offer for sale our new houses at Cotton factory. Price including nice lot )j*575.00 each. Will sell for small cash payment ?long time given on balance with six percent, interest. Ap ply to F. H. Brooks or Edwd. W. Pou. LAND FOR SALE. I have 10? acres of highly improved land with a good live room house, located I mile from Selma on the Selma and Smith held road For full information apply to me at Battleboro, N. C. J. W. Blackman. Thi? March 5th, 1906. | Clayion : High : Grade : Guano | 1 Analysis 8-3-3 Analysis y 8-3-3 X 6 For sale by all Guano dealers at Clayton 6 0 and Selma Supply Company at Selma. V 1 9 Give this brand a trial. 9 | CLAYTON OIL MILLS, I; |jf CLAYTON. N. C. J' x>ooooo<>0o0oo<i>cec<oo<>ec<>o0<x j 1 Sjrins & Sur 061 fift ?^?3E3tgg?aL!.>MIM< P SPRING |j| Clothing pi Shoes Hats |5? Caps Trunks ggi Valises HI Suit Cases |gj Traveling ggj Bags |S Etc. m ^ ? j || Summer Our Line of Spring and Summer Goods is Arriving Daily V Strouse Bros. Fine Clothing, any Color now on display here SPRING p Shirts |j| Collars fig Cuffs jg| Underwear w| Hose |j|j Suspenders |g Straw Hats le Fancy j3* Vests ||| Summer ||j IS 1 DAVIS BROTHERS 1 j?j T HE "5 K IN G 3 C L ? T H I E R S || liwiRfifji : r t'tavu to ci..!!n ci-c.' at p.cady r.'xdr. pRic.r.:,. .. hen suth a si?n attracts !he oje [is meet lhatjjou should thusl^hiev Jk offer sucK as this you MOWN Would put a turtle on the yo 1 or seldom does & siya attract Vfiih such aTRUIHRJI little fad After reading the above hint, come on to our store and have your Faster Suit made to measure from one of the 1500 samples of lovely Spring fabrics we are showing. Takes just ten days to get it to you. GULLEY GULLEY | CLAYTON. N. C. 1'. S. A Fancy Vest is mighty "Fetching." ? >0ionououononono>ti0(0oo)0i0)0(0(/ THE JOHN A. McKAY MFG. COMPANY Dunn. N. C., Jno. A. McKay, Sole Proprietor General Founders and Machinists. All kinds of Machinery and Mill Supplies. Ovir Swinging Saw Machine, Best and Cheartst. \ I he ??McKay" Stalk Cutter Sold by us, Dunn, N. C. W. M. Sanders, Smithfleld, N. C. W. A. Myatt. Raleigh, N. C. The Adams Co., Four Oaks, N. C. Ashley Home ft Son. Clayton, X. C. Farmers Pleese Keep Your Eye'on this Mach ne

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