'yf&zom Tc0^0N I L auj jr.. i iiiB miililllL iv&j PE-RU-NA jj FOR ? catarrh H OF THE HEAD.THROAT v lungs stoma? ^ KIDNEYS.BL AODER '1 K AND 11 PELVIC v ORGANS^ "Kill With Club." The way In which the Utes plan- j dered und ovnded the troops the other day nhowB that the red man has not lost his cunnlnK> and recalls an inci- ; dent of Sherman's career. When | the old warrior was on the plains he was one day accosted by a "heap big Injun," who begged the gift of some worn-out guns "What?" said Sherman. "You want me to give you guns for you to shoot nty sol diers with?" "Ugh! no!" was the reply. "Injun no hurt soldier with gun. Want gun to kill buffalo. Kill soldier with club!" Yet in the long run Uncle Sam's boys are too much for even the wildest and most endur ing of the tribes.?New York Tri bune. I'apa Was Wise. Pretty Daughter Hut I'm sure you misjudge Reginald, papa, lie Is very ambitious. Her Father- Mow do you know lie is? _ Pretty Daughter Oh, I've often heawl him talk of the things he was going to do. Her Father Huh' Did he men tion my name'.' Chicago News. II You Read This It will '00 to hrrn that the leading modi cal writers and teachers of all the several schools of practice recommend, in the strongest terms possible, each and every Ingredient entering Into the composition of Dr. Pierre's t lohlen Medical Discovery for the cure of weak stomach, dyspepsia, catarrh of stomach, "liver complaint," torpid liver, or biliousness, chronic bowel affections, ami nil catarrhal discuses of whatever legion, name or nature. It Is also r. see ?ilic remedy for all such chronic or long standing casi s of catarrhal alter tions and their resultants, us bronchial, throat and lung disease (except consump tion) accompanied with severe coughs. It is not so good for acute colds ami coughs, but for lingering, or chronic .cases It is especially efficacious in producing per fect cere'. It. contains Illack Cherry bark, Golden. Seal root., Htoodroot, Stone root. Mandrake root and Queen's root?all or wbi h are highly praised as remedies for all the above mentioned affections bysilch eminent medical writers and teachers as Frof. Uartholow, ofVJofferson Med. Col lege; l'rof. Hare^/if the Univ. of Pa.; Pro'. I-iniey?f'Httiigwood, M. 1)., of Den nett Med. tail log**, Chicago; Prof. John King. M. If,of Cincinnati ; Prof. John M. StuJdeirM. p., of Cincinnati; Prof. Edwin M. D., of Hahnemann Med. 0"e>o"fi practice. _T| ? "GoidenMedic.il Discovery "is ihe ninnlit-ap?Xr3.'?r 'ao"..,ii ? tues take a vaca tion. Fisher* of men ' need to prepare . their hait for >th U| ei lish beside Slickers. Alauv people da I nut like tlx1 Bible, because it pictures tliem just us they are. It takes mure tlruii a prayer-book | and a string uf beads to make u j Christian. When we think of following our J own desires, we forget they lead to our deserts. Some people seem to think that it' they "belong to the ehnreh" they rail do hh they pleas.-. Von are not likely to stand up for ?lesus when you are trying to stand III with the crowd. A praise meeting is a poor place to talk about your troubles. You may think yourself a Cbiisl nin, hut what does tio.l think 1 It' you are seeking Heaven, you are not afraid of having your heart scorched. Buying your pleasure ul the price -if another's pain is hut paying for perdition. I Many a preacher thinks that when he says nothing twice, he has said something. , He is likely to have little power j with men who has not learned to play ' with children. Many people would he willing to" follow Christ if He would lead tliem where they want to go. Some professed Christians are al- i ways ready to say something, hut j never willing to do anything. Idea is an image in Hie mind, opin ion a pinion in the heart, and thought a conviction of the conscience. The man who advertises himself as n regular rip-snorter generally evap- i orates himself before the work he- j gins. Foibles of f.lternrjr Men. Keats likeil red pepper oa his toast. Dickens v.as fond of wearing jew- 1 elry. Joaquin Miller nailed all his chairs to the wall. Edgar Allen I'oe slept with his cat and was inordinately proud of his [ feet. Daudet wore his eyeglasses when | asleep. I Thackeray used to lift his hat when ever he passed the house In whloh he j wrote "Vanity Fair." Alexander Dumas the younger | bought a new painting every time ho had u new book published. Robert Louis Stevenson's favorite recreation was playing the tlute, in order, as he said, to tune up his ideas.' Robert Browning could not sit still. With the constant shuffling of his feet holes were worn in the carpet. Longfellow enjoyed walking only at sunrise or sunset, and he said his subllmest moods came upon him at ; I these times. I Hawthorne always washed his j I hands before reading a letter from | his wife. lie delighted in poring over old advertisements in the news | paper fllos. Darwin had no respect for books, j I and would cut a big volume in two ! for convenience in handling, or he would tear out the leaves he required : for reference. Oliver Wendell Holmes used to carry a horse-chestnut in one pocket and a potato in another to ward oil ! rheumatism.-?London Outlook. A BlUUS' BALLROOM. Where the C'oek o' (In* Rock Per forms Like a Whirling Itrrvisli. Untieing is bv no ?means rontlned [ to quardrupeds. A writer in the Strand says that It is the principal \ l>luy of many birds. Perhaps the finest of bird dancers j is the South American cork o' the J rock. These birds have regular t dancing places, level spots which they keep clear of sticks and stones. A dozen or more of the birds as- i soluble around this spot, and then a cock bird, his scarlet crest erect, j steps into the centre. Spreading his wings and tail, he begins to dance, at first with slow, statgjy steps, then gradually more and more rapidly un til he is spinning like a mad thing. At last, tited out, he sinks down, hops out of the ring aud another , takes his place. Some of the quail tribe are great dancers, and so are the American 1 sand hill cranes. It is a most ludic rous sight to watch a crane dancing, he Is so desperately solemn over the i whole performance, lie looks like a j j shy young man who has just learned I ? to waltz and is rather ashamed of the , accomplishment. Scared Both of Them. When Mr. Justice Maute was o-a the bench a bullying counsel was of" j day browbeating an elderly male j witness in a case before him. Hav- , lug badgered her into a state of utter | | speechlessness, tho lawyer appealed j to the Judge to make her answer his | nations "Why do you not answer, , madam?" asked the Judge. "Be cause, my lord, he scares me so," re plied the trembling woman. "So does he me. ma'am," said the judge ?Law Notes. A PI HI.H MTV. Miintpi-ller. O., Man Kii'li ('<>n11> earn that there is at least one dreaded dis ease that science has been able to cure in all itsstages, and that is Catarrh. Hall 's Catarrh Cure la the only positive cure now known to t he medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's CatarrhCure is taken inter nally,acting directly upon the blood andmu cou? surlaoee <>f tlie sy stem,thereby destroy ing the foundation of the disease, and giving tbe patient streugth by building up the con stitutiou and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so mueh faithin its curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Hollars for any case that it falls to cure. ; ??< i.d Jor list of testimonials. Address P. .r. Chknkv A Co. Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family l'llls for constipation 1 Attributing his failure at the last French elections to the frequent breakdowns of his motor car, a can didate has brought action against a motor manufacturer and claims $2 000 damages. College r a ride, a drive, a foot ball game, an attraction in the thea ters or for any of a thousand and one side Issues. We had a girl here once who asked permission to go carriage riding one afternoon with a young man who was visiting in town. "Are you engaged to him?" we nsked her In a severe tone. " 'Why, no,' she replied very thoughtfully, ns if struck for the first time by that aspect of the ques tion. Then she brightened up won derfully and added: "But maybe if von will allow me to go riding I shall be when I return.' "There was another girl who re quested leave to go riding with her brother, and the woman of whom she nsked permission queried, looking at her with an eye loaded with no twinkle: 'And Is your brother any dative of yours?' " Boston Herald. Wisdom In Tabloid Doses. A man's conscience tells him what sinners his friends are. In the pursuit of wealth, wealth generally manages to get its second wind. The best way to console a widow i ; to tell her how well she looks In black. A man tries to live up to his ideals. A woman tries to live up to her photographs. Only a few of us can have our faces on banknotes. Most of us would prefer to have our hands on them anyway. Those who act upon the theory that it is more blessed to give than to receive are often forced to go Into the hands of a receiver. IT S THE FOOD. The True Way to Correct Nervous j Troubles. Nervous troubles are more ofteu eaused by improper food and indiges tion than moit people imagine. Even doctors sometimes overlook this fact. A man says: "I ntll two years ago waffles and butter with meat and gravy were the main features of my breakfast. Fin ally dy spepsia cam 1 on and I found myself in a bad condition, worse in the morning than any other time. I would have a full, sick feeling in my stomach, with pains in my.heart, sides and head. "At times I would have no appe tite for days, then I would feel rav- I enous, never satisfied when 1 did eat and so nervous 1 felt like shrieking at the top of my voice. I lost flesh badly and hardly knew which way to turn until one day I bought a box of Grape-N'uts food to see if 1 could er.t that. 1 tried it without telling the doctor, and liked it fine; made me feel as if I had something to eat that was satisfying and still 1 didn't have that heaviness that I had felt after eating any other food. "I hadn't drank any coffee then in five weeks. 1 kept on with the Grape Nuts and in a month and a half I had gained 15 pounds, could eat aimost auythlng 1 wanted, didn't feei badly after eating, and my nervousness was all gone. It's a pleasure to be well again." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Head the book, "The Road to Wellville," in pkgs. There s a reason. Consul J. J. Rrlttaln, of Kehl, re ports that Joseph Rest tied, a me chanical engineer of the Royal Ital ian marine, has recently Invented a new diving machine, which has proved a success In experimental tests made with it In deep-sea diving. I AWFUL SUFFERING from Dreadful I'ains l-'roin Wound oil j toot ? .My?ten? All Ituu Down? Mi raculous Cur# I>y Cuticura. "Word* cannot speak bighJy enough for thevCuticura Remedies. 1 arn now sev enty-two years of a(,e. My system bad been all run down. My blood was so bad that blood poisoning bad set in. 1 had several doctors attending me, so finally 1 went to the hospital, where i was laid up tor two months. My foot and ankle were almost beyond recognition. Dark ; blood flowed out of wounds in many places and I was so disheartened that 1 thought surely my ]a?fc chance was slowly leaving rne. As the toot did not improve you can readily imagine how 1 felt. 1 was simply disgusted and tired of life. 1 stood this pain, which was dreadful, for six months, and during this time 1 was not able to wear a r.hoe and not able to work. Some one spoke to me about Cuticura. The con s^uencea were 1 bought a set of the Cu ticura Kemedies of one of rny friends, who was a druggist, and i-he -Maise that 1 gave after the second application is beyond de scription; it seemed a miracle, tor the Cu ticura Remedies took effect immediately. I I washed .he foe4 with the Cuticura Soap before applying the Ointment, and J took the Resolvent at the same time. After two weeks' treatment my foot was healed completely. People who had seen my foot | during my illness and who have seen it since the cure can hardly belie *e their , own eyes. Robert Schoenhauer, Ncwburgh, N. \ . Aug. 21, 1905." Some women are for getting mar ried. and some are forgetting that the? are. Marion Hariand. The celebrated authoress, so highly es teemed I)} the women of America, says on pages 10.1 arid 445 of her popular work, F\eV Daughters; or. Common Sense for Maid, Wife and Mother:" "For the aching back?should it be slow in recovering its normal strength?an All cock's Plaster is an excellent comforter, combining the sensation of the sustained pressure of a strong warm hand with cer tain tonic qualities developed in the wear ing. It should be kept over the seat of uneasiness for several days?in obstinate cases, for perhaps a fortnight." "For pain in the back wear an All cock's Plaster constantly, renewing as it wears off. This is an invaluable support j when the weight on the small of the back becomes heavy and the aching incessant." The man who gets blue over trifles 1 is apt to alter the color scheme by j painting things red. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children teething, softens t begums, roducesintiamma- 1 t ion, allays pain,cures wind colic, 25c a bottle Fools never know when to stop i talklDf) but win men always know i when not to begin. FROM GIRLHOODJOJOMANHOOD Mothers Should Watch the Development of Their Daughters Interesting Experiences of Misses Borman a.d Mills. ^ Every mother possesses information which is of vital interest to lier young daughter. Too often this is never imparted or is withheld until serious harm has result ed to the growing girl through her ignorance of nature's mysterious and wonderful laws and penalties. Girls' over-sensitiveness aud modesty often puzzle their mothers aud baffle physicians, as they ao often withhold their confidence from their mothers and conceal the symptoms which ought to be told to their physician at this critical period. When a girl's thoughts become slug gish, with headache, dizziness or a dis position to sleep, pains in back or lower limbs, eyes dim, desire for solitude; when she is a mystery to herself and friends, her mother should come to her aid, and remember that Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound will at this time prepare the system for the coming change, and start this trying period in a young girl's life without pain or irregularities. Hundreds of letters from voung girls and from mothers, expressing their gratitude for what Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has accomplished for them, have been received by the Lydia E. Pink ham Medicine Co., at Lynn, Mass. Miss Mills has written the two fol lowing letters to Mrs. Pinkham, which will be read with interest: Dear Mrs Pinkham:? (First Lettar.) "I am but fifteen years of age, arn depressed, have dizzy spoils, chills, headache and back a*he, and as I havo heard that you can g\v helpful advice to girls in my condition, lata writing you."- Myrtle M lis. Oquawka, 111. Dear Mrs. Pinkharn:? (Second Letter.) ?' It is with the feeling of utmost gratitude that I write to you to tell you what your valuable medicino has do le for nie When I wrote you in regard to iny condition I had consulted several doctors, but they failed to understand my case anc I did not receive any benefit from their treatment. I followed TOUT advice, and took I vdia B. Pinkham'* Vegetable Compound and am now healthy ana well, and all the distressing symptom* which I had at that time Kavodisappeared "? Myrtle Mills, Oquawka, ill. Miss Matilda Borman writes Mrs. Pinkham as follows: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :? ?? Before takinc Lvdia E Pinkham s ' table Compound my periods were irregu lar and painful, and I always had such drea 0*1 I IJWBMi? Its the easiest aim) , only way to get \ the best Sold everywhere 1 ??*????(? ?iti'Oi >>?> I ^ You Cannot CURE ill inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal con ditions of the mucous membrane such as nasal catarrh,uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, soro mouth or inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic which destroys the disease germs,checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtim represents the most successful local treatment for feminine ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. ^ Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO.. Boston. Mxss ?'ir^Tbompson'sEyeWater [Standard Quality] Hi > ?~ id HOGLESS @@isS ? Made Under U.S. % j Government inspection ;J L.., [The Southern Cotton Oil Compaq ?, W. L. DOUGLAS $3.50&*3.00 Shoes BEST IN THE WORLD W I n shoe Dealers. / fi W. I.. Douglas' Job- / B bing House ia Hie moat I flW complete in this country ( jfc. I fflj ; fp .? I N^^pl SHOES I'0K."FVZRY80DY AT ALL PRICES Mail's Shoes 95 to $1 60. B>ye" Sh-??8 $.'* o $1.35. Wjmen's Shoes. $4 00 to 91.50 Hisses' 6c Children's Shoes. ?2 25 to $1.00 Tri W. L. Doiiglan Women's, Misses itinl . kiltlren'* nhoeg; tor stylo. Ht anil nea< thoy excel other makes. If I could take you Into my largo factories at Brockton, Mass..and show you how carefully W.L. Douglas shoes are made, you would then understand why they hold their shape, fit better, w ear longer, and are of greater value than any other make. Wherever you live, you can obtain W. I.. Do j g I at shoe*. His name and price I*, stamped on the bottom, which protects you against high prlcer and Inferior fth?es. Take no subset* tute. Ask your dealer for W. L. Doug's* shoes and Insist upon having them. Fait Color Futlets used: then will not uoar bra*. ^ / Write lor Illustrated Catalog of Fall Styles W. L. DOUGLAS, Dept. |5, Brockton. Mass. A. V fc.KUSE IN IH1S l'APEK. !T WILL PA . I v u JO PENSION fOR AGE. i. Write tte once for tMenks en.l lnetrn?ti ?;v? Free of cberee. No Pension, No Per. Addree* ?t H WILLS. Wills bTxlllinfl. i.l lndiet.? aV<>.. *t?? i ington, D. a. Patents end Tt*!e Mark* SoKi'ert