THE HERALD. PVBLWHKU EVKRY FRIDAY MORNING. BEATY, HOLT & LA8SITER, prop1uetorh. Entered at the Pottoffice at Smllhfleld, JohDHtoD Coonty, N. C.. a? eeeoud eland matter. UATLe OF 8CBB0RIPT1ON: One year, caeh In advance, ? ? ? $1.00 Bis moDthe. caab In advance. - ? .60 Friday, November 23, 1906. MR. JOYNER'S DECISION. The decision of Superintendent James Y'. Jo.vner to remain at the head of the public schools of this State will be received with delight throughout every sec tion. When the Board of Trus tees of the State Normal and In dustrial College met in^ireensbo ro Tuesday, it was generally un derstood that Mr. Joyner would be chosen as President of the college to succeed the lamented Mclver. Mr. Joyner stated to the Board that be could not ac cept the position and Prof. J. 1. Foust was continued at the head of the school as acting president. The earnest appeals from all sec tions of the State to remain in his present position were too .A_ A A - L 1- 11 1 I strong not to op ne?uea. .nr. Joyuer, in bis decision, has per haps cast aside a cherished am bition, but his State will honor him for what he has done. His duty is to carry on the great work of building up and strength ening the public schools. Mr. .loyuer is by far the best State Superintendent that has filled the office within our recollection. The State could ill afford to lose him at this time when so much is needed to make our schools what they should be. Thanksgiving Service. A Thanksgiving service will be held at the Smith field Baptist church next, Thursday night, November 99th. Rev. I> F l'ut nam, of Benson, is expected to conduct the service. The public is cordially invited to attend. Thrown From a Cart. Last Sunday morning Mrs. Lillie Strickland, of Hentonsvilie Township, started to Antioch Methodist Church and wa? thrown from the cart in which she was riding She was sitting in a chair with her baby in her arms when the mule made a sud den move and threw her out. The babv did not get hurt hut Mrs. Strickland had one of her arms bruised and sprained, and hei nose was almost broken. fnpvfc. v When the Hair Falls Then it's time to act! No time to study, to read, to experi ment! You want to save your hair, and save it quickly, tool So make up your mind thia very minute that If your hair ever comes out you will use Ayer's Hair Vigor. It makea the scalp healthy. The hair stays in. It cannot do any thing else. It'a nature's way. The beet kind oI a testimonial ? "Bold lor ott sixty years." J Mad# bv o. Agar Oo., Lowall, Mus. yi Also muulkoturari of /I . . - ' SABSAPAEILLA. /\UPT^PIUS W# OdltHUY PKTOBAL. STRAYED. A white hoar pig with few black spots, half moon in one ear, weight about 25 lbs., has escaped from my pen. Will pay reasonable reward' for return of pig. C. R. Pilkington, two' miles east of Smithfield. If you want some nice wheat j call on The Ellington Buggy Co. ' SMITMFIELD MARKET. ^ tkittnn S^toll Eggs ___ 20 to 85 ' Chickens 20 to 85 '!* Granulated Sugar 5$ to fl ?? Corn, per bushel 75 ? Feed Oats, per bushel 55 ; fi\ Fresh Pork H to 9 ... C. R. 81dea, p?-r po-md '?>% t> Coffee, per pound 12'. to 171$ ' Sheep Skins, eae.h 50 Ball tildes, per pound 5 to 7 <>> Hldee?Dry Flints 10 tfl2? "" Tallow 3 Beeswax 20 to 8811 <|| Meal, per sack 1.55 to 1.60 "? Flour, per sack 2.85 to 2.50 ff\ Fodder, per hundrta 85 to 1.00 Hav, per hundred 50 to 81.25 ." Wool 15 to 25 ff\ Potatoes 25 to 30 | ^|| NOTICE! "fx By virtue of the authority contained In a flfi Mortgage Deed executed to A. li. Hudson on WW the 2nd day of Feb'y. 1WH. by H. H. Bryant MM and Husanah liryant, his wife, and duly reg- Jjfj Istered in the Keaiater'tt Office of Johnston XrU County in Book M No. S.jpaKe - I shall sell at MM auction, for cash at the Court house Door in {jQ the town of Hmithfleld, S. on the 24th day WW of December. 1900, the following: real proper ju A tv to wit: Beginning at a stake in the run of (jij Dismal Creek and runa 8. ft K. 20.7ft chs. to a WW stake, thence 8. K 12 chs. to a stake, thence f N. ft W. 33.36 chs. to a stake In the run of Dis mal Creek, thence down the run of aaid creek I to the beginning, containing wtk acre# more f or less and fully described in said Mortgage. This 23rd day of November, 191)6. 1 N. T. KVAL8. J. H. ROYAL. Attorney. Assignee of Mortgagee. 250 sample suits of Fine Cloth ing will be sold at just one half j the regular price. Davis Bros. 1 g SPIERS i a . s 0*I *w - 4kS We are daily adding new {roods to our present J5 || ^ large stork of I)rv Goods, Shoes, Notions, Milli- S j| 2 nery and House Furnishing Goods We strive to S I Jr keep only good material and keep our stork sup- X i plied to accommodate the needs of our customers. X Jfi You take no chances buving of us. We guarantee X I ? everything we sell unless we inform you otheiwiee. I | Spiers Bros., | j| jlf] Smithfield. H. North Carolina X I! H ' 9 II - ?"a>j - - rm ! feUAKDJOUR HEALfjgjj JI /^n Vigorous Health is the '? 11 l"' H most Dependable Wealth to , jjj possess. T///I 'l reaps a steady harvest. j Ejj Alum in food will change Health's 'if IB \ KM ruddy glow into pinched paleness by drying ll|| \r up the rich red blood, which nature provides. II ; You take alum into your food by the use of, //|l ^ jM so called, cheap Powders in which alum is used as a j 1 |U ||II cheapening substitute for pure Cream of Tartar. There is | ill only one sure way to guard your health against alum / 1 *> y/| and its injurious effects?Buy only an absolutely pure Grape fl\ j J /II Cream of Tartar Baking Powder?buy by the name? 7/1 ^ 1 Say plainly - I | II 0AVAI baking I ;f III ROTAL POWDER || J ? H I R?yal '* ma(^e from absolutely pure Grape Cream of Tartar. A(f* ^ I |.JI| Royal is a safe-guard to health. |yVB ifc When the ducks Hy?ou%_g^ (r?ih The: Best! a i Is None Too Good for the j[ Man Who is Truly Econo- j mical. : : : : j Phis is especially true for the mail who intends buying a Cook Stove. A stove cast from good Pig Iron should readily last from 15 to 20 years, giving entire satisfaction. We are in a position to supply you with the Best Ranges and Stoves manufactured today This is the Great White Enamel Line Manufactured Successfully for over 59 years by the Buck Stove and Range Co., of St. Louis, Mo. The White Enamel Lining is a distinct feature of Buck Stoves which makes the stove oven as easy to bake in as a brick oven. The saving of fuel is an item you should consider. The Buck Stove is so constructed as to save at least 25 per cent of the fuel consumed by the ordinary stove?then too The Manufacturers Guarantee the Stoves for 15 Ye^rs. #i?u civ's s COOKS 1 Buy a Buck Stove if you want peace in the house- ^ hold. Buck Stoves are the best manufactured. ft We sell the best Ranges. We sell the best Stoves! ft I Cotter-Stevens flf j