To Heat Cold Rooms Quickly i , ~"*u. Every house has its i] f \\ cold room. Abnormal weather S conditions, inadequate stove or ^W\ | furnace heat often result in some particular *?? part of the house being cold and cheerless. You ^^k can make home warm and cheerful with the ^^k / PERFECTION \ f Oil Heater 1 I (Equipped with Smokeless Device) f J Carry It about from room to room. Turn wick high or low?there's no L?i danger. Smokeles device prevents smoke and smell. Easy to operate ? as a lamp. All parts easily cleaned. Brass oil fount beautifully em ? bossed. Holds 4 quarts of oil and burns 9 hours. Gives intense ? ^k heat. Twotinishes?nickel and japan. Handsome, useful, reliable. ^k ^k Every heater warranted. If not at your dealer? write our I 11 ^k nearest agency for descriptive circular. r ' 'L. \ T1* Raz/b Lamp ssa you can buy. Equipped with I latest improved burner. Gives bright, steady light at lowest cost. Made of brass throughout and nickel plated. Suitable for any room whether library, dining-room, parlor or bedroom. Safe and satisfactory. Every lamp warranted, Write to nearest agency If not at your dealer's. ^^^^^Standard OH Company f WE HA^RESUMED | BUSINESS i i Don't Fail to Call on us \ X We Are Still Doing Business at the X A same old stand, and carry a full X & line of General /Merchandise at the ? ? Lowest Prices. V X We will carry Fancy and Heavy A Groceries. TC Country Produce 11 X Bought and Sold, S V We do a Safe and Conservative Time Busi- * X ness. ( !( The Bari\es=Edgertoi\ if ? Company ?> \)000000000(|>00(>00<>09(>00 Attorneys. Commissioner. . .llH Tobacco is a rank, r a p i d < growing ' and heavy ? feeding plant. In fact, tobacco requires more Potash than any other cultivated plant. A complete fertilizer containing not less than 9 per cent, of I'otash in the form of Sulphate should he used. Valuable books on the cultivation, growth and fertilization of tobacco will be sent free to all interested farmers. They give the results of scientific ex periments. t OF.RMAN KALI WORKS M New York-03 Nassau Street, or I fu* Atlanta. Ga.?1224 Candler Building P'-4 NOTICE! By virtue of a power of sale, contained in a Mortgage Heed, executed by Owen Whitley to S. B. Johnson, on January 8th. 1903, which mortgage was duly probated and registered In the Registry of Johnston County, N. C? in Rook "D" No s page 580, the undersigned, as Mortgagee, will sell at the Court House Door, In the town of Smlthfleld, N. C . on Monday, December 24t h, 1906, to the highest bidder, at public auction, and for Cash, between the hours of 12 and 2:00 o'clock, the following tract of land, situate, lying and being in the bounty of Johnston. Smithtleld Township, idjointng the lands of James H. Pou, and hounded as follows: Beginning in the run 01 Pole Cat Swamp. on a water-oak corner of lames H. l'ou, and runs said Dou's line North East 130 poles to a stake; thence East 50 !?oles to a stake: thence South 2X West 82 holes to the run of Pole Cat Swamp; thence lown the run of said swamp to the begin ling, containing 8S S AOtM, more or less?and heing the tract of land purchased of S. B. lohnson and wlte, Nora G. Johnson. The ob iect of this sale is to collect the balance due is purchase money. This November 30th, 1906. TOHN A. NAKRON, 8. B. JOHNSON. Attorney. Mortgage NOTICE! By virtue of the authority contained In a Mortgage Deed executed to A. B. Hudson on he 2nd day of Feb'y, 1906, by B. R. Bryant ind Susanah Bryant, his wife, and duly reg stered in the Register's Office of Johnston bounty in Book M No. 9, page 2 I shall sell at uiction, for cash at the Court house Door in he town of Smithtleld, N. C? on the 24th day if December, 1906, the following real proper y to wit: Beginning at a stake in the run of )ismal Creek and runs S. 5 E. 20.75 chs. to a take, thence S. 87 E. 12 chs. to a stake, thence 5 W. 33.36 chs. to a stake In the run of Dis nal Creek, thence down the run of said creek o the beginning, containing 3! * acres more ir less and fully described in said Mortgage. This 23rd day of November, 1906. J. T. KYALS, J. H. ROYAL, Attorney. Assignee of Mortgagee. NOTICE! By virtue of a power of sale, contained in a nortgage deed, executed to L. H. Boykin by :harlie Hare and wite. Diana Hare, on De ember 10th, 1887. and duly registered in the tegistry of .Tohuston County. N. C., Book K'' No. 5 page 527. the undersigned as Mort ;agee, will sell at public auction, for Cash, o the highest bidder at. Court House door on ?aturdav. December 15th, 1906, at about 12 ?'clock, the following tract of land, situate, ying and being in Johnston County, N. C., )ncals Township, and bounded as follows: beginning at a stake Lot No. 4 and runs hence North 8734 West 28>4 poles to a stake, ornerof Lot No. 7 in Gillie Johnson's line; hence South 3 West 107 poles to a small ash n the run of Little Creek; thence down the un of Little Creek to a stake, corner of Lot Jo. 5; thence North 3 East 113 poles to the be inning, containing 18 acres, DON or loss; al o 9 acres of Lot No. 5 in the mutual division, nd being all right, title and interest of barley Hare and wife. Diana Hare, in ami to aid Lot. Also one horse cart. Object of sale l) satisfy the amount duo. November 14th, 1906. NO. A. NAKKON, L. H. BOYKIN, Attorney. Mortgagee. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. orth Carolina, t Smithtteld Township, ohnston County, f Before Z. L. LeMay, J.P. In the Matter of the Homestead of Pherebe Westbrook, widow, and W. a. Westbrook, age 15 years; Emma I. Westbrook, age 13 years; Bena A. West brook, age 6 years; and Flonnle West brook, age 2 years, children and heirs at law ol W. H. Westbrook, deceased. Pherebe Westbrook. widow of W. H. West rook, and W. A. Westbrook, age 15 years; rama I. Westbrook, age 13 years; Bona A. Westbrook, age 6 years, and Flonnie West rook, age 2 years, children and heirs at-law f W. H. Westbrook. deceased, of Johnston ounty and State of North Carolina, having ii'n County, N. C., O'Neal's Township, and ing the land convoyed to Mary Ann Roy ; a by W. a. Crocker and wife. Christian! ocker,which deed is duly registered in said gistry. Rook "I" No. 4 page 108, and bound ! r as follows: Beginning at a stake in Hil- I rv Boykin's line and corner and runs South a a light'vood stake to Rrunson Boykin's l le; thence West to a stake; thence North to 1 itake; thence East to the beginning, eon r ining 18 seres, more or less. Oojectof sale e collect the balance duo. v November 14th. 1906. ?? rO. A. N Alt RON, L. H. BOY KIN. Attorney. Mortgagee. I GET THE BEST Recently Enlarged WITH 25,000 New Words New Gazetteer of the World with more than 25,000 titles, based on the latest census returns. New Biographical Dictionary containing the names of over 10,000 noted persons, date of birth, death, etc. Edited by W. T.HA11HIS, Ph.T)., LT,.T)., United States Commissioner of Education. 2380 Quarto Pages New Plates. 6000 Xllodtratiooa. Rich Bindings. Needed in Every Home Also YvcJster'e Collegiate Dictionary 111S Pages. 1400 Illustrations. Regular Edition 7x10 x Clinches. J bindings. De Luxe Edition 6%x8%xl?? In. Printed from samo pl.-.tos, t n blblo paper. 2 beantlful bindings. FREE, "DlctioniaryWrinkles." Illustrated pampfaleta. G. b C. MERRIAM CO.. Publishers, Springfield, Mass. New Home Machines I am still agent for the light running New Home Sewing Ma chines. If you need one write to me. Mr. J. H. Easora is with me and can carry one to you. J. M. BEATY, Smithfield. N. C. New Firm. We have associated our selves together to do busi ness under the firm name of J. J. Ferrell & Co. We shall occupy two stores, in cluding the one formerly used by Edgar Stallings. We expect to keep a full line of Dry Goods, Notions. Groceries, Fruits, and Con fectioneries, Christmas Goods in great variety. We Ask Your Patronage. J. J. FERRELL. T. R.CARROLL. H. POOL. CLAYTON N. C. NOTICE! By virtue of the authority contained in a ludgment in the special proceeding entitled V. J. Adams. Admr. of W. H. Jernigan, ra. Jrsula Jernigan and others, the undersigned /ill on Saturday, 15th day of December, 1908, t o'clock, in front of the offloe of J. M. Mor gan in the town of Benson. V. C., sell at pub ic auction for cash, the following described and: Beginning at a stake in the Kaleigb i Wilmington Road. thence W. 218 poles to a orner not made in J. M. Surles' line, thenoe *. 2H E. *0 poles to a stake Surles' corner, henco E. 218 poles to a stake at said road, hence 8. 40 poles to the beginning, oontain ng (56) acres more or less. November 13th, 1908. J AS. A. WELLON8. Commissioner. NOTICE! The undersigned having qualified as Ad ninistratrix on the estate of Richard C. iangdon, deceased, all persons havingfelalma gainst said estate are hereby notified to (resent the same to me duly verltied on or telore the 14th day of December. 1907. or this lot ice will be pleaded in bar of their reoov rv and all persons Indebted to said estate /ill make immediate payment. This 7th day of December, 1908. MRS S. F. LANG DON, Adrax.. J 14 x R. I'. I). No. 4, Four Oaks, N. U.