3t)e Smitljfieli) fiietHlft i price one dollar pee tear. "true to ourbelvks, our cot n ; iiy and our god.' single copies five cents. VOL.25. SMITHFIELD. N.C.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 8.1007. NO. 4!1. COLD WAVt SWttFS COUNTRY. Heavy Snowfall Delays Traffle?The Northwest Blizzard With Ther mometer Below Zero. New York Feb. 5?Ten inchest of enow fell last night aud today | in New York and vicinity, equal iug the record for twenty-four hours. The railroads suffered severely iu demoralization of traffic, and late today the situa tion had not materially improv ed. The cross-town car lines were tied up completely and the elevated roads were badly ham- i pered. As a consequence the subways, which are not affected by surface conditions, were more largely patronized than usual. Philadelphia, Fa , Feb. 5.?The snow, which began iu this vicinity early Monday, developed into a genuine blizzard, the worst since February, 1899. More than j twelve inches of snow has falleu, and the high wind has drifted it! In places to a depth of three or i four feet. The storm has seri- j ousiy interfered with all kinds of transportation. In many parts j of the surrounding country the snow drifted so badly that no attempt was made to run trains on tbescheduiee, and consequent ly many were abandoned. Chicago, Feb. 5.?The heaviest snow-storm of the winter com menced last night, and was still in force today. The Western railroads were badly delayed, the trough trains from California arriving five and six hours be hind time, and on the shorter runs trains were from one to four hours late. St. Paul, Minn., Feb. 5.?With few exceptions there has been be low zero weather in this section for seventeen days, and for three ^ days thermometers have register ed 22 degrees below zero. In North Dakota 30 degrees below was common, and this was coupled with terrific blizzards. i Winchester, Va , Feb. 5.?A storm that last night and this morning bore every appearance of a severe blizzard, has turned out to be the heaviest snowfall of the winter and the deepest February snOw for several years. Snow has fallen to a depth of twelve inches. Nashville Tenn., Feb. 5.?Ad- i vices from Middle Tennessee re Eort a deep snow, followed by itter cold weather. Boston, Feb. 5 ?The traffic of Greater Boston was seriously hampered by the storm, which developed last night, bringing with it the heaviest snowfall of the winter. The enow made rapidly and was caught up by the northeast wind into trouble some drifts. Train Killed Man at Four Oaks. Oar Four Oaks Correspondent sends us the following: Last ; Friday night about 8:30 o'clock Mr. Isaac Strickland, about 00 years old, was in Four Oaks and started to cross the Railroad tract. As he was on the crossing a local freight while shifting and running backward ran. on liim and cut off his left arm at elbow. He was taken at once to the depot building where L)rs. Stan- j ley and Wellons amputated the J, crushed arm. Mr. Strickland ( seemed to be getting along nicely . for a day or two but it seems that there must have been some internal injuries, for notwith standing the amputation was healing nicely, he died Wednes day morning about 8 o'clock. Mr. Strickland leaves a family to mourn their loss. Hunting for Trouble. "I've lived in California 20 years, and am still hunting for trouble in the way of burns, sores, wouuds, ooils, cuts, sprains, or a case of piles that Bucklen's Arnica Salve won't quickly cure," writes Charles Walters, of Alleghany, Sierra Co. No use hunting, Mr. Wal ters; it cures every case. Guar anteed at Hood Brothers drug store. 25c. Four Oaks Items. Mrs. D C. Adams is visiting in Norfolk, Va., this week. Mrs. I). K. Massengill is visit iug relatives io Duuu tnis week. Mr. G. W. Keen is now build ing a new residence in the eastern surburbs of town. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. C. H. Wtilooi is ill. We hope to hear of her speedy re covery. The new residence of Mr W. E. Stanly, uear the Primitive bap tist church, is oueof theimprove ments of our town. Mr. A. B. Adams, one of our promising young business men, is gone north this week to buy his summer dry goods. We are glad to see that the location for our new school bu'ld- j iug is selected and purchased and work will begin at an early date to erect a nice building that will; be a real credit to the communi ty. Itisgreatly needed. The loca- j tion is just on the south eastern edge of town 011 the it. E. Baker tract of land near the cemetery. Mr. J. W. Hollowell, who has been with The Adams Co. for two ! years has purchased a one hall interest in the firm of C. H. Wel lous & Co. They will continue LUC UUC1UCOC1 UUUt'I LUC OtllUC j name, C. H. Wellous & Co. Mr. E. L. Cole was the former partner iii the firm. They have moved ,1 iu the old J. W. Sanders store' next to the J. T. Cole store on Main street. Mr. .). C. Keen's new residence on Main street is uearing completion, and will be for rent when finished. H. Kenly News Notes. Mr. I)ennisd>avis has been ver> sick but is some better. Mr. Paul has gone to Richmond i to have his eyes created. Mr. H. L. Humphrey left to day for his home iuGoidsboro. Mrs. J. M. Stancil left yester day for treatment in the W ilson Sanatorium. Mr. Willie Blaylock, of Fremont spent Sunday with his sister Mrs. A. O. llooks. Miss Kate Harden is visiting Miss Crama Richardson, of near Spring Hope. The oyster supper given by Mrs. J.K. Sauls Friday night was very much enjoyed. Mr. H. M. Humphrey, of Golds boro, has been visiting his broth er, Mr. H. L. Humphrey. Mrs. J. C. Grady has been visit ing her sister, Mrs. Smith, of; Goldsboro, who is very sick. Mrs. S. A. Darden is visiting her daughter, Mrs. J. C. Adams, of Eayettevilie, who is very sick. Rev. E. W. Souders filled his regular appointment at the Pres byterian church Sunday and Sunday night. Keuly, *pb. 0 BEWARE OF "DIGESTIVES" The Only Way to Cure Stomach Disorders is by Strengthening the Digestive Organs. The ordinary "dyspepsia" tab let has ruined more stomachs than all other causes combined. C5iving temporary relief, it leaves the digestive system weaker than ever, and the tablets must be continued with increasing frequency. The only way to completely cure stomach troubles is by strengthening the digestive organs with a Mi-o-na stomach tablet taken before meals. Used in this way, Mi-o-na excites the secretion of gastric juice, and when the food is swallowed, the stomach is ready to digest it. Mi o na stomach tablets aie nevef sold in bulk, but in a neat box convenient for the purse or vest pocket, at 50c. A guarantee is given by Hood Bros, with every oox of Mi-o-na. that money will be refunded if the remedy fails to eive satisfac tion. This shows their faith in the merits of the remedy. SMITHFIELD SUPPLY COMPANY. ! The Past Year a Successful One for This Enterprising Firm?New Officers Elected. The stockholders of theMuith lield Supply Co., held their annu- ' al ineetiuir, Monday, February I 4ib. The following officers for ? the ensuing; year were electee: 4 I). L. Godwin, I'tetrideur. Rufus Creech, Vice President. B. L. Stevens, Sec. and Treas. 1 and General Maunder. Board of Directors? L>. T. J Creech, J. \Y. Stephenson, Bufus Creech, W. 11. Johnson and B. L. ; Stevens. This concern was established a f year ago and the report of its officers shows a satisfactory year's business. This firm carries a large stock of generul Merc ban- j1 dise, fanners' supplies and ferti- t1 lizers aud is well prepared to 1 serve the purchasing public. With capable aud obliging busi- H ness men at its head it is rapidly e buildiug up a splendid trade. w Its success is evidence of the fact J' that a well-conducted business always commands the continence J and patrouace of the public. Clayton News. ? !r l'ue recent elect tore tlie shade| p trees badly and broke downjr some ol the telephone lines.Is Things ure now in pretty good, shape. j. Owing to the very bad weather, things are pretty quiet there. Nevertheless the several indus 1 tries here are going right along ,l at tne same rapid puce. .Mr Ralph Johnson, one ot Clay-' ton liigh School's students, alter (| an illness ot several weeks at the uoiue ol his parents, has return- j' ed to resume his studies. v ' I ? Mrs. Piety Barbour, uu aged lady who ltVed at the home of ^ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Page, died i;. after a few minutesliluesson last j e, Suuday morning about one * o'clock. f( Tonight (Wednesday) at the|H Baptist church, tue marriage of B Mr. Vernon Williams to Miss V Maud Turley, will be celebrated. C Tne marriage program as plann ed will be a very pretty affair. | C Misses Ethel Creech, Daphne ?' Williams, and Maud Broughton, 1{ students of the Baptist L'uiver- ^ sity at Raleigh, are here to at- ? tend the fbarriage of Miss Maud H Turley to Mr. Vernon Williams. ? If you haven't taken stock with ^ the new cotton mill you will do p Wbll to confer with one of the sub- g scription committee at once, t, You may learn some very impor tant tacts that will help you in the future. Yelir. The corrupt aud graft-steeped dispensary of South Carolina is doomed. The peoole of that j, good state have disowned their kinship with the polluted creature ^ of politicians' fancy aud have p decreed that thereafter the mat- s, ter of whiskey or uo whiskey g shall Lie lefo with the several j couutiea. That is Democracy, and it means, we are pleased to t< say, that instead of a solid whis key State a great part of South tl Carolina will hereafter be under f, prohibition laws.?Charlotte n News. ? - tl fi Neighbors Got Fooled. "1 was literally coughing my- a self to death, aud had become b too weak to leave my bed; and ? neighbors predicted that 1 would ? never leave it alive; but thtey tl got fooled, for thanks be to God, tl I was induced to try Dr. King's b New Discovery. It took just y four one dollar bottles to com- tl pletely cure the cough and restore me to good sound health," c writes Mrs. Eva Uncapher. of n Grovertown, Stark Co., Ind. This King of cough and cold cures aud healer of throat and tl lungs, is guaranteed by Hood d Bros , Druggists. 50c. and fcl.OO. b Trial bottle free. b o Information received by the S government from various Creek t provinces indicates that the irai- n gration to America is increasing, p I Southern Announces it Will Put on New Train. Raleigh, X. C , Feb. 2.?Th*> Corporation Commission received ;bis afternoon otlicial notice rotn the Southern Railway thatj jegining Sunday, February'10th. in entirely new passenger train vtll be operated Irotu Greensboro o GolJsboro, meeting every de naud the Commission lias made u the noted Seluia Connection , ase, requiring the road to main- , ain connection with the Atlantic , least Cine. This train will leave J ireensboro at 10 A. M., arrive ( it Raleigh, 1 P. M. and Golds >oro, 3 1*. M. Leave Goldsboro it 4:30 P. M , leave Raleigh, 0:80 ( M. and arrive at Greensboro it 0:30 P. M. No arrangement j, ias ye^ been made for mail on [ his train, but it is stated that his service wili be put on as oon as the schedule is establish d. The ruuuiug of this train t rill be a great advantage to eople all over Eastern North arolina, greatly facilitating the ^ ravel between Wilmington, lla- t ;igh and immediate points. It is understood that since the ecision of the Sontseru to put - u thisnewTraintheCorporation ommission will withdraw all . ending suits in connection with he Selina case.?Wilmington ' tar. ? I,. jhnston County Concerns Chartered, j ? V. ithin the past three weeks barters have been granted the jllowiug enterprises: Clayton Telephone Company, r ) build and operate telephone t nes. The capital stock is $.1,. 00 authorized aud $.'3,000 sub- r bribed for. The principal iucor- p orators are: Ashley Home ?k d on and J. G. Harbour <fc Sun. I Clayton Buggy and Furniture p oinpany, to do a general mer- ii nit tie bnsiness. The authorized ti ipital is $10,000; paid in. L(j 7,000. The stockholders are as > illowe: A J. Harbour, 1). W, arbour, W. A. Harnes, H M. obertson, 1r. F, Austin, (Charles J. llorne, ClaytoD; L. Gregory. 0 ha>-e CJtj. j? The Fanning and Mercantile j ompany, of Cleveland township ohustou county, to operate a ^ irge farming enterprise and to , o a general mercantile business t n the premises The capital . tock is $100,000 authorized nd $25,000 subscribed. The icorporators in this unique en erprise are Messrs. John O. El- f ngton, of Fayetteville; G. B. mith and I). T. Smith, of Clay on. CATARRH GROWING LESS. ue to the Use ot Hyomel. Cures S Without Stomach Dosing. ' There has been a marked fall- < tg off sales of catarrh cures v 1 the local stores the past year. , ledicines which were formerly ^ urchased in gross lots are now g Bldom called for, and the drug- * ist rarely buys more than a y ozen at a time. ! Hyomei is a notable exception .J d this decrease in sales. It is, r 1 fact, largely responsible for tie lessened sales of catarrh E ledicines, as it has cured so , lany people of catarrhal troules t hat naturally there is less call ^ jr remedies for that disease. ^ There is no disagreeable stom ch dosing with Hyomei. It is reathed through a neat pocket lhaler that comes with every lyomei outfit. Hood Bros, gives I heir personal guarantee that f he money will be refunded un- j e jss the treatment cures, so that t ou run no risk at all in buying i his reliable remedy. , r The complete Hyomei outfit t osts but $1. extra bottles if , t eeded, 50c. 1 Legislatures all over the coun- r ry are making an effort to re- < uce railroad rates. The Ala- t ama Legislature has passed a a i'l fixing passenger tares at 2)* I cuts the mile. The Indianu enate has passed one making I he fare two cents and allowing , o excess charges for failure to urchase tickets. COUNTY WITHOUT FUNDS. Tne Shortage of Sheriff Aman Larger Than Expected -His Whereabouts Unknown. * Cliuton, X. C., Feb. 5.?Further investigation into the affaire of A W. A man, defaulting sheriff and treasurerof Sampson county, 1 and geueral merchant of Clinton, shows his shortage with the county to be larger than was at ' tirst supposed, it, looks as if it ! will reach $25,000 which, added to his mercantile liabilities of I jj! 10,000 will amount in all to t total liabilities of about $.'15,. i 500. His assets, consisting ol t mercantile stocks will approxi mate $12,000. Sheriff Aman has ? ibseuted ltimself since tiling his c feed oj assignment and his r vhereabouts are unknown. His londsmen have appointed in- ^ ?omiug sheriff 1). C. McPhail tax collector and he has taken charge v if the tax books and is collecting | lie balance standing uncollected ( in them. The failure of Sheriff Vtuau h deplorable in many y rays. There is no money in the reasury to meet the current ex lenses of the county or to pay vouchers of the public school earhers. Hut provision is being nade to meet these obligations ind it is hoped that the most 0 iressing will presently be dis- ^ barged. This is the worst fail- u ire of an individual nature that ? ias ever ucurred in Sampson ,] ounty.?IVi^piingtou Messenger. H '? __ |_q. Secretary Sherrill's Daughter to Wed. j, We acknowledge with thanks, n eceipt, of the following invita , In Mr. and Mrs. John 15. Shdrrill ^ sipiest the pleasure of your iresence at the marriage of their j laughter, Mary Lilly, to Mr. t )oyle Murkett I'rivett, at half- t iast six o'clock, Tuesday even- j. ig, February twelfth, nineteen ? undred tiu<i seven, Concord, forth Carolina. ;? Marriage at Clayton. Wednesday evening at eight J H 1'clock rit, the CltytOo baptist, iu huteb, Mr.? Vernon Williams and K' liss Maude i'urley were united ri n marriage, the cert-uiouv being lerformed by Kev. C. W. blanch-; a ird, pastor of the church. The a hurch was beautifully decorated a or the occasion and presented u '! ovely appearance. Ir'' The bridal party entered the ; P hurch to the strains of Mendels-1 P hou's march skilfully rendered ? >y MiBS Daphne Williams, sister ? ?t the groom. First came the P tshers, Messrs. Foster Harries, Lrthur blanchard, Hezzie Jones ind Tom Cook. They were fol owed by the attendants: Miss!. on* Gulley with Mr. Thurmaoj1 Smith, Miss Mae Gulley with Mr.1 P lohn T. Talton, Miss Maude troughton with Mr. Bonnie. Ireech and Miss Pauline Hales ^ nth Mr. Ira VV. Medliu. Then Cl he groom with his best man, Mr. ^ Vill Weathers, entered the right P Lisle while the bride, leauing on H he arm of her maid of honor, f liss Kuby Harbour, advanced 11 ip the left aisle. Meeting at the 11 iltar the vows were spoken which * nude them husband and wife. Immediately softer the cere- w uony the bridal party went to c he home of Mr. 1). H. Williams. ~ ather of the groom, where anele ;aut receptiou was tendered hem. Rising From the Grave. A prominent manufacturer, ^ Vm. A. Fertwell, of Lucama, * i. C., relates a most remarkablo q ixperience. He says: "After | aking less than three bottles of j l0 Electric Hitters, I feel like one [ ? ising from the grave. My! rouble is Bright's disease, in 0 he Diabetes stage. I fully be- i ^ ieve Electric Bitters will cure ^ no permanently, for it has al- c eady stopped the liver and blad ler complications which have fl roubled me for years." Guar- 0 inteed at Hood Bros-, druggists. t] Price only 50c. t] l you have tried, and have not won, i Never stop tor crying; o ill that's great and good is dote Just by patient trying. ?Lord Francis Paeon, n General News Items. A negro National Fair will be held in Mobile in November, 1907. At least four persons were killed and four injured by the , wreck of a train Monday night near lies Moines, la. State Treasurer Frank O. Briggs was Tuesday elected 1'nited States Senator to succeed Senator Dryden, of New Jersey. Near Lexington, Ky., Tuesday wo freight trains collided head >n, one locomotive instantly ex ploded and three men were killed ind others injured. The Southern Railway has igreed to increase the pay of lonductors, traiumen and yard nen, the increase amounting to WOO,000 to $400,000 to the >ay roll. In the Senate committee's in vestigation Tuesday into the trownsville affray, Senator fverman, of North Carolina, rruug from a negro sergeant fho was a witness, that he re eived no ill treatment from the dates at Brownsville. Some Legislative Notes. The bill for the establishment f a dispensary by a vote of the reople of the town of Dunn, Har ett county, now under legisla ive prohibition, came up Mon ay and after a spirited discus ion, passed its readings, the roll all vote on the last reading be ig 39 to 24. The Senate and Mouse Com littees on insane asylums, in lint session Tuesday night, uanimously agreeu to report tickets bill, creating a hospital oard and providing a bond is ue of hulf a million dollars, if he necessary money is not in the reasury, to provide accomoda 10ns for the insuue of the state nd mental defective, such as pileptics, idiots and dangerous lcurables. Tue tali provides that ot more than $250,000 shall e expended each year, the same mount next, and if the money is ot in the treasury a bond issue nail be made by the treasurer to nise the money. bishop Cheshire very stfyerely rraigns the legislature for its ction in passing what is really private divorce bill, that is, tie one making 10 years separa on a cause. It is said that the erson for whom the bill was assed was in the capitol at one f the sessions when the subject as discussed.?Raleigh Corres ondence. Whiskey the Cause. Most of the crime and misery ) the world can be traced direct 7 or indirectly to drinking and runkenness. The New Bern ournal quotes Judge Walter H. eal, who is holding Craven ourt this week, said, to quote he Journal: "that during the ast ninety days he had tried ixty-three criminal cases and of hese forty-seven were directly or idirectly crimes caused by the ee of liquor. He told of the rickery used by men to evade he law in order to supply men -ith drink. Ho made the law lear and their duty was plain." - News and Observer. \ Valuable Lesson. "Six years ago I learned a aluable lesson," writes John 'leasant, of Magnolia, Ind. "1 hen began taking Dr. King's lew Life Pills, and the longer 1 ake them the better I tind them.'' ^ey please everybody. Guar nteed at Hood Bros., drug ;ists 25c. The Smoot agony will soon be iver. The Senate has decided to ake a vote on the question on he 20th. In three weeks the ountry will know whether Mr. Imoot is of sufficient moral char acter to set with those other ighty-nine occupants of the lorth wing of the capitol.?Wil uingtou Messenger. Although there are twenty po itical parties in Germany, one ?dependent was chosen to the lew Reichstag.

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