<il)c Smitljficlb |icral&. ?iicz on* dollar prr t*ar. "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." sinql* ooriu fit* oin< VOL. 2<>. SMITHFIELD. N. C.. FRIDAY. JANUARY 3.1908. . NO. 43 Clayton News. Last week being Christmas week, we didn't get time to say our little say. Rev. and Mrs. .1. YV. Smith, of Richlands, N. C., spentChristraas here with relatives and friends. Clayton's visitors were so num erous during vhe holidays that we are unable to note allot them Mr. Millard Hinnant, who for the past four months has been with Mr. Joe Barnes, has resign ed. Mr. Preston Stringfieldand sis ter, and Mr. June Reekwithspent the holidays with Mrs. Ashley Horne. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Creech. of Wake Forest, spent the holidays here with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Gulley. Messrs. It. R. YY'hitley &Co. will discontinue business soon, we hear. They are selling their stock at cost now. Mr. and Mrs. Flack, of Shelby, spent Christmas here with Mrs. Flack's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stansell. Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Gulley, and little son, and Mr. Charley Gul ley, of Durham, spent Christmas here with parents. The family of Rev.T. H.Thorn ton, the pastor of the Raptist church, have moved here. Our people gladly welcome them to our town. Mr. John I. Rarnes, formerly with Messrs. Ilorne & Son, has bought the J. E. Page planing mill outfit and will run it at the same stand. Notwithstanding theextremely tight money conditions just pass ed through with Clayton's indus tries are able to pay their usual big dividends. Not much changing here this time, only some moving around. When everything gets settled so we can tell what's been done, we'll tell you about it. Messrs. Mallie C. Gower and J. C. Wallace haveconsolidalf-d and will hereafter be at Mr. Wallace's stand. They feel that they are in position to better serve their patrons in this way. We have had a jolly good time here during the Christmas holi days. Fortunately there was very little drinking, no boisterous - doings?everything went along in a becoming and praiseworthy way. T^e Ladies Missionary society of the Methodist church held an oyster supper at the parsonage on Tuesday night. Quite a num ber were present and enjoyed the good things to eat, also adding some shekels to the mission fund. Mr. Jim Price, a white man, and Dome Horton, a negro, were found guilty of selling liquor, and were each fined $25.00 and costs. Price was later taken up before Hon. John Nichols and held un der a hundred dollar bond to the Federal court. AII of Clayton's college students were at home for Christmas ex cept Messrs. Douglas and Eric Ellington who are too far away to bother about the trip for so short a stay. Taking them al together, there's quite a number of college students from Clayton, something over twenty. Mr. D. Quint Lowery and fam ily spent Christmas with Mr. Lowery's father, Mr. A. It. Low ery of bneals township. Among the many visitors present, was a son of Mr. A. B. Lowery, who for the past 17 rears has resided in Texas. Mr. Lowery, the Texan is a cattleman of considerable note. Old Mr. Lowery celebrated bis 81th birthday while all the boys were with him, aud on the day after Christmas went on a rabbit hunt with them and en joyed as much as anybody the fun of the hunt. Jan. 1,1908. Yelir. We learn from a correspondent that Mr. J. "W. Moore, of the Piney Grove section, near Four Oaks, recently killed a pig that tipped Mi" scales at 581 lh?. Selma News. Mr. anj Mrs. R. W. Hutcberson npent the holidays in Reidsville. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Graves, of Goldsboro, spent a few hours in ! the city yesterday. I A. M. Noble returned yesterday from Belhaven where he went to spend the holidays with frieuds. Rev. 0. R. Mangam, pastor of the baptist Church, spent, the holidays with his old friends in i Henderson, ?# Dr. J. J. Harper. President of Atlantic Christian College, spent | a day with his son, Mr. C. P. Har per, last week. Mrs. A. Jones has moved her millinery establishment into one of Mr. Thad Whitley's stores op posite her old stand. Attorney L. H. Allred has re turned after spending the holi | days with his brother, Mr. J. C. Allred, in Raltimore. Mr. Sam P. Wood, of the firm i of Wood Grocery Co., has return ed to the city after having spent the holidays with friends at Hu field, his old home. Misses Ruby Richardson and Eunice Parker, students at Davenport Female College at Lenoir, are spending the holidays j with their parents here. Mr. R. B. Whitley, who for sev eral years was one of Selma's leading citizens, and who is now residing in Wendell, is in the city for a few days. We are all glad to welcome him in his aid home again. School began .Monday with ail the teachers in their places. The school this year, under the Super intendency of Prof. A. V. Cole, is doing a great work, and the peo ! pie of Selma should be proud of j the fact that they have such an I excellent school in which their j children can tie educated. Jan. 2. Senex. I Upper Meadow Items. Mr. Ellington Tart spent Sun day in Harnett. Miss Lessie Johnson spent Christmas in Sampson, Miss Georgia Wood visited friends near Turlington last weeek. Mr. J. W. Tart and Miss Ar matha Parker recently visited in Harnett. Miss Henna Wood spent Sat urday and Sunday with Misses Lessie and Addie Johnson. There was a paity at Mr. P. B. Johnson's last Friday night. All seemed to have ajolly time. The Holly Grove Literary So ciety has been organized with I Mr. Ellington Tart, President, and Mr. James Barefoot, secre | tary and treasurer. Dec. 31st. Snapshot. i umiaian r uima. Mr. and Mrs. M. M.Jones spent ! last week in our community. It is rumored that there are to | be two weddings in our vicinity in January. Mr. Jesse Jones, of Raleigh, spent Chriptmas with his father, Mr. J. C. Jones. Miss Viola Duncan, of Clayton, spent part of last week with her cousin, Miss Roberta Jones. Misses Mabel Jones and Rober ta Jones spent part of last week with relatives and friends in Clay | ton. Messrs. A. L. and Archie Jones, of Raleigh, spent Christmas with | their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. | H. Jones. The union meeting at New Chapel church was enloyed by a large crowd and plenty of some thing to eat. Senoz. It Does The Business. Mr. E- E. Chamberlain, of Clinton, Maine, says of Buck len's Arnica Salve. "Itdoesthe business; I have used it for piles and it cured them. Ap plied it to an old sore and it heal ed it without leaving a scar be hind." 25c. at Hood Bros. Drug Store. Polenta News. Miss Mina Johnson, who has been at the State Normal, spent Christmas at home. Mr. H. T. (iarrarti, of Norfolk, spent a part of Christmas in' this section, visiting friends. The Oakland Suudy School en tertainment passed off pleasantly to all, a tremendous crowd be-, iug present. The Sunday School Convention at Shiloh Sunday was thinly at. tended, due to the inclemency of the weather. On Mouday night of this week our young people gathered at! Mrs. E. It. Johusou's and spent | an enjoyable evening. Wonder if the Squire would like to take another ride with the : i girls, he seeuied to eujoy the last oue hugely^ and the girls say he I is an excellent driver. On Wednesday evening of this week Mr. E. S. Edmondson and j Miss Dora Young gave their Sun- | day School classes a social party j at the rasidence of Mr. F. T. j Booker. Two delightful oyster suppers were given to the young people j during the holidays, ou>j at Mrs. John Tomliusou's Thursday night of last week; and one at Mr. J. H. B. Tomliusou's Tues j day night of this week. Dr. McLernore spent several j days recently in Sampson, visit ing relatives. His sister Miss Nellie, came back with him ami will enter the private school at Mr. Willis H. Sanders taught by Miss Lillian Holt. We hope her stay Johnston will prove a pleas ant one. The Christmas holidays passed off quietly?nearly everybody conducted themselves as becom eth good citizens. There was some drunkenness, to be sure? but considerably less than usual; no rowdiness to amount to any thing?in fact it was a week of enjoyment to all. , When did it become fashiona ble ior gentlemen to wear two , vests! One of our young bachel-1, ors recently just before starting! out to visit the fair sex, so far ; forgot himself that he put on 1 two, and failed to discover the mistake until be was apprised of 1 the fact. The young ladies say he is a trump. <1 Wednesday evening of last1 week the marriage of Mr. Willie; Stevens and Miss Vonnie Jordan was solemnized at the residence ; of the brides mother, J. E.Jones, 11 J. P., officiating. Miss Jordan i is a pretty and lovable young! woman and has hosts of friends who wish her much happiness. ( Mr. Stevens is a popular young farmer, and is well thought of by ' all who know him. The following young people from abroad visited us during Christinas week:?Miss Mary Sanders, of Smithfield, at Miss 1 Mary Bookers; Misses Mitchiner and Lewellyn, of Wilson's Mills, at Miss Annie Myatts; Miss Julia < Austin, of Clayton, at Miss Ava i Yelvington's and others; Dr. Stevens, of Raleigh, at Dr. E. N. 1 Booker's; Mr. Leon Stevens, of Smithfield, at Mr. Malcorn San- . ders; Mr. Marvin Smith, of Franklin County, at Mr. G. B. . Smith's; Otha Smith, of Wake, at Mr. J. W. Myatt's. There may have been others but we have failed to get their names, j 1 There will be prayer meeting at j1 Shiloh on the second Sunday j; morning at 11 a. m. After the prayer service a church meeting will be held, at which the call of the pastor will be considered. I j Every member of the church is ui- ( gently requested to be present in j order to consult together for the good of the church. This is one of the most important meetings the church has ever held, hence i every member who values the I interest of the church should be present The salary of the Pas- ? tor for the past year has been settled, so let no one stay away 1 on that account. < Typo. i i Mr. H. C. Hood returned to. Trinity College yesterday. ? Archer News Nfrtes. A happv and prosperous new year to all. Mrs. Sarah Houevcutt is visit iug relatives in Durham this i week. Our public schools opened Mon day morning with a good at tendence. Christmas passed off very quiet-! ly here. Every one seemed to en joy the occasion. Mr. J. A. EasoD, of Mebane, is home to spend some time with his parents. Miss Annie brooks, of Garner, is the guest of the family of Mr. .I.J. Carroll this week. Mr. William Earp, of Durham, spent last week hero with his sis ter, Mrs. .las. M. Wall. Mr. ana Mrs. .lohn Irving Barnes spent Christmas with his father, Mr. .J. W. Barnes. Mr. A. L. Bailey and Miss Liz zie Bailey returned Friday from a visit to relatives at Forestville. Rev. Mr. Thornton, ofClayton, will address the White Oak Sun day-School Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Mr. Uhas. H. Anderson, of Raleigh, was in our community Monday, looking after his tim ber interest. Mr. E Liles, who has been confined to bis room for sometime with typhoid fever, is reported to be slowly sinking and the end is hourly expected. Miss Genorra Wall, of Clayton, and Mrs. Ava Wall, of the Nor mal and Industrial College at Greensboro, were visitors in our community last week. Dec. 31st 1907. S. L. W. Beasley Bits. Mr. Howard Beasly went to Four Oaks Tuesday. Mr. C. C. Beasley spent Sunday afternoon at Newton Grove. Mr. Itosmal Smith, of Four (Jake, passed through this sec tion Monday. Mrs. Luna Toler and little daughter, Maud, spent Christ mas with her mother, Mrs. Stevens near Goldsboro. Messrs. Lemon Brittaud Itheir Stevens and Miss Stella Stevens spent Saturday and Sunday in the Smith Chapel section. Mr. and Mrs. 1). Stephenson returned to their home at .Vlc Cullers Friday after spending several days in our section. Miss Ethel Barber, who is teaching near Benson, came home to spend Christmas. She was accompanied by MissAddie John sou. Miss Card Cox and brother, Fred, returned to their home near Smithfield Monday after spending a few weeks in this sec tion. Mr. Ben Weeks and sisters,! of Newton Grove, weiethe guests of the Misses Thornton and Misses Westbrook a few daysj last week. Mr. M. L. Blaekman returned to his home in Charlotte Sunday after spending the holidays with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Blackman. Misses Mabel and Ula West brook and brother Grover, were the guests of Misses M ary and Isabel Weeks, of Newton Grove,; Saturday and Sunday. Miss Florence Bryan returned to her home near Newton Grove Saturday after spending a few! days in this section and attend ing the Thorn ton-Jordan recep. tion Christmas night. " The following spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Alma Beas ley. Mr. and Mrs. Richard j Thornton; Misses Lizzie and Hlyda Thornton; Mifis Florence Brvan and Mr. Albert Bryan, of Newton Grove; Miss Mamie Jordan, of Mount Olive; Mr. Al den Thornton, of Rocky Mount; and Miss Flora Musgrane, of Durham. Dec. 30. CorNTRY Boy. 1 Leachburg Items. Hurrah! for the prohibitionist who won tin? election iu Baleigb last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Taltou, of Wileoir's Mills, were here to at tend the Stevens?Jordan marri age. Mrs. W. A. Jordan and chil dren visitatod relatives and friends near Wilson's Mills last Saturday and Sunday. The party at Mr. John Har dee's last Friday night waslarge ly attended, and was greatly en joyed by all present. Mr. David Wood, accompanied by his sister, Miss Kittie, attend ed theCreec i?Johnson nuptials near Benson last week. Mr. Thad Stephens will leave to morrow, Wednesday, tor the southern part of Johnston Coun ty to take the gin reports. Lost, by Mrs. Santa Claus on the evening of Saturday, Decem ber 2Sth, several accouut hooks of much importance. Finder will reeeive reward by returning to Mrs. David Wood. Christmas passed off quietly in this burg. Among the visitors we note the following: Mr. and Mrs. David Holland, of Benson, Mr. Noah Thornton, of Fuquay; Mr. Mauley Creech aud sister; Miss Callie, and Mr. Clarence Johnson, of Elevation; Mrs. Ida l'ittmau and children, of Smith lield. Dec. 31st, 11)07. Sol. Around Elizabeth. Miss Mattie Byrd, of Benson, spent the holidays in this section. Misses Ilosaand Nora Williams, of Durham, are visiting at Mr. Benj Casey's. Mrs. Henry Moore, who has been quite sick with lagrippe, is improving. Miss Harriet Moore spent Christmas with her sister, Mrs. T. B. Johnson. Misses Alma and Flossie Lassi ter, of near Four Oaks, spent part of last week with the family of Mr. S. W. Johnson. Mr. J. L. Johnson and sister, Miss Nellie spent Christmas with their sister, Mrs. J. J. Eason, in the Sanders Chapel section. Miss Mabel Tomlinson, who is attending (ireensboro Female College, spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. t B. Tomlinson. Dec. 31. AlF. F. Piney Grove items. The negative won in the debate on the query, resolved, That a gun is more beneficial to man than a dog?at the I'iney Grove Literary Society Friday night, Dec. 19th. The njxt meeting 01 the Piney Grove Literary Society will be Friday night Jan. 3, 1908. North Carolina Day was ob Herved Friday, Dec., 20th 1007, by the Piney Grove and Massey Islaud schools. The programme consisted of patriotic readings and Bongs by the schools. This part of the work was conducted i by Mr. E. F. Pearce, teacher at Piney Grove. Instrumental rau Bic was conducted by Mr. D. M. Bizzell, tpacher at Massey Island school. Quite a number of the parents of both schools were present. Messrs. D. M. Bizzell and E. F. Pearce are excellent teachers. M. L. Post Office Robbed at Dunn. Last Saturday night burglars made auentrance to the post of fice at Durham by breaking open a side door, breaking its lock. They blew open postmaster Wil son's iron safe und took from it about a thousand dollars in money and stamps. It is thought the robbery was done while a freight train was shifting cars at the depot and so no person heard the explosion when the safe was blown open. Besides some oithe post office money Mr. Wilsou had part of his own money in the safe. The people there are much i excited over the robbery. Kenley Items. James St yncil, of Clayton, was , here Tuesday. H. F. EJgerton w -nt to Wilson Wednesday on business. J. M. Kennedy, of Raleigh, was here Tuesday on business. Prof. VV. A. Harner, of Klon Colleg^ was here Monday. ? It. O. Martin, of Wilmington, arrived Wednesday on a visit. Mr. and Mrs Fred Richardson are spending the week at Spring Hope. W. 11. Woodard, o! Bellfleld, Va , was hero Sunday on a visit to his family. ? Mrs. F. M. Allsbrook and daughter are spending the holi days at Ahoskie. Mrs. A. G. Hooks returned Sunday from a visit to her par ents at Fremont. Prof. R. T. Teague returned Saturday, from Macon where he spent Christmas. Lovett Roy kin has moved from our city to Buck Horue, six miles North of this place. Prof. F. A. Kdmundson and wife were here Monday 011 a visit to Mrs. R. 1\ Ranfrow. II! n 1 ? ?"?? " " - * .miss nimc nora lett l' rnlay for u visit to her sister. Mrs. J. E. Grimes, of Norfolk, V'a. Mrs. A. .1 Smith, of Gibsduville, arrived Tuesday to visit her fa ther, Hon. C. W. Edgerton Mrs. W. L. Thomas returned from a visit to her mother, Mrs. Sallie Johnson, at Fremont, Sunday. J. 1). Flowers, of Kenly, route 1. killed his 22 months old uig this week. It tipped the scales at 705 lbs. Jabez Hollowed and bride, of Tarboro, spent a few days with Mrs. Dora Gilbreath and Mrs. J, VV. Harden this week. Mr. VV J. Hooks, after spend ing the Christmas holidays here, left Monday for Ayden, where he is located for the practice of law. The Dennis Simmons Lumber Co., of this place, closed for need ed repairs Tuesday night. They will only be closed for a short whde. J. C. Bowman, the popular agent of the Atlantic Coast Line at this place, returned Sunday From VVadesboro where he spent Christmas. Kenly Academy opened Mon day and the enrollment now reaches 108, the beet in the his tory of this institution. We feel proud of our school. Dr. G. S. Coleman has fitted up a nice office on the corner of Rail road and Main streets, where he will be glad to have his freinds and patrons call to see him. W. I. Holland, an experienced hotel man of Renson, took charge of the Merchants hotel here Wed nesday, and he will keep this pop ular hotel up to the record made in the past by the former prop rietor.). R. Sauls. Mr. Sauls will move iu a few days to his hand some residence on Hailey Avenue, which is receiving the finishing touches. Mr. William L. Hooks, a prom inent employee of the Atlantic Coast Line, was happily married Wednesday Jafternoon at + o'clock to Miss Nettie Godwin, the accomplished daughter of Turner T. Godwin at the resi dence of the bride's father. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. W. Nobles, pastor of Kenly Baptist Church. The bride Is a sister of Mrs. John T. Revell, Mrs. G. M. Morris and I'haroah Godwin, of this place. This prominent couple left on 85. Wednesday night for Florida and Cuba on their bridal tour, and upon their return will make their home in our city. Kenly Jan. 1, 08. X. Y. Z. Mr. Wade Hampton Sanders returned to Trinity College yes terday after spending the holi days here. He is a member of the Senior class this year.

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