A School Close. The school tuught bv Miss Ida i Woodard at Brown school house, I District No. 1, in S?|ma township;! close! Friday. March the 0 with | a large a< rendauce. Part of the program was a? folio Si-: Froggy's first walk by Ltrrv Hatten. Sods?Little Helpers, by sev eral girls and hoys .Nobody's Child by Uveiia Brown. My Sisters, by Mollis Hose. Second Thought, bv Blanche Wall. Keeping Store, by three small girls and one hoy. Vacation Ti:1 , by Vlb rt Bat tea. The b autib.'1 B-dlad of Wata Wee. by Gray Gasotu. The Little Fosetere, by several boys aud girls. Pat's Excuse, by two charac ters. The Lost dog, by several characters. Closing Exercise, by Albert Batten. After the program was con cluded an address was made by Prof J. P. Canaday, which was much enjoyed by all present. Miss Woodard is one of John ston County's most highly ac complished teachers, aud is liked by all who know her She has made a complete success in every way. We would be very much pleased to have her to teach for us again. A Student. It Is Not Safe. it is not safe to keep intoxicat ing liquors in easy reach of boys and young men and others whose appetites have been whetted to demand liquors. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Temperance Speaking. Prof. I. T. Turlington and Mr. J. M. Beaty expect to speak on temperance at Corinth Baptist church in Oneals township the fourth Sunday afternoon in March at 3:30 o'clock. Everybody cor diall invited. WHAT THE KIDNEYS DO. Their Unceasing Work Keeps Is Strong i and healthy. % All the blood in the body passes \ through the kidneys once every three I minutes. The kidneys filter the blood. \ They work night and day. When xealthy they remove about 500 grains >.i impute matter daily, when unhealthy slAne part <.f this impure matter is left f iii filie blood Tliis brings on many di- | seayW and symptoms?pain in the bark, ( heaffllcbe, mrvousness, hot, dry skin, rheumatism, gout, gravel, disorders of the cyiVight and hearing, dizziness, ir- 1 regularX lieart. debility, drowsiness, ( dropsy, deposits In the urine, etc. But ( if you keAp tlie filters right you will , have no trouble with your kidneys. ' Mrs. Frffl Nasser, Second St.. Smith- i field, N. C..' says: "I willingly recom mend Boat's Kidney Bills as I used ] them and received the most beneficial results. Bull nagging backaches caused me considerable suffering and often when I I first arose in the morning, I would be | so lame aud sore that I could hardly get about to perform my work. At night I . was restless and was obliged to rise several times on account of the too 1 frequent action of the kidney secretions. A short use of Boan's Kidney Pills ban- | tsiied my backache and disposed of the kidney difficulty. My mother also used this remedy for a slinular trouble and ? the results in her case were just as satis factory." ( For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States Remember the name?Boan's?and take no other. Au old lady, hearing somebody say the mails were very irregular, said, | "It was so lu my young days; no trusting nny of 'em." I The Cough Syrup that rids the system of a cold | ihy acting as a cathartic on the bowels is BEES I LAXATIVE : COUGH SYRUP Bees is the original laxative congh syrup, contains no opiates, gently moves the bowels, carrying the cold off throngh the natural channels. Guaranteed to give Mtiifirtioo or money refunded. Sold by Hood Bros. A STUDY IN FACES. What a bright, earnest face this boy has! Just such a face as everybody likes to see. Many years ago a great artist wanted to make an attractive picture for his studio, and he chose such a face He called it "Innocence," and you might label this boy with the same word. Now look at the other face. What is there attractive about it? Not a feature to admire, but eveythincr to make one turn away in disgust Oae would almost be afraid to be in com pany of a man with such a face, for the character is shown in the face and if the boy is the picture of innocence, the man is a picture of all that is vile and hateful. One day when the artist before men tioned was getting to be an old man, he looked at the beautiful bov on the canvas and thought he would like to have a contrast to that face, a por trait that would represent guilt. A horrible crime had just been commit ted and the criminal was in prison nearby. So the artist got access to that prison and made a portrait of the cruel, wicked man who had commit ted the crime. When the portrait was finished and he was about hanging it by the side of the boy picture, he noticed the names, first of the boy, then of the man. They were the sam ! That beautiful, innocent boy had b'come so vile and wicked that his very face was a picture of guilt. Now compare the two faces before you. The features are similar yet s i different. Both represent the same face, but what a change. Look once more at the boy. What is that at which he is gazinc so earn estly? A glass of wine. You know there are suakes that have the power to "fascinate" other creatures. If such a snake can catch the eye of a bird it will charm it and draw it near er and nearer until the bird is destroy ed. That at which the boy is looking so inteutly has the same power. The wise king Solomon said long ago "Look not upon the wine!" He knew its fascinating power. He who looks longs to drink, and he who drinks goes on drinking. The artist has given you a glimpse of the way in which thousand of bright clean boys have been first fascinated, then defiled and ruiued. No one who learns to like wine, beer, cider, any al coholic drink, can be sure of escaping such a fate, for nothing tends more strongly to defile human beings and make them unclean forever than al cohol. The liquor traffic cannot run with! out boys any more than a saw mil can ruu without logs. The liquor traffic must go from North Carolina. ?Selected. Plney Grove and Massey Island Schools Close. I'iney Grove School taught by Mr. E. F. Pearce and Massey Is land school taught by Mr. D. M. Bizzell consolidated in their clos ing exercises at Piney Grove,Feb. 20, 1008. An excellent programme con sisting of declamations, recita tions and songs, was rendered by each school. Each piece being well recited showed that the pupils were well trained by their efficient teach ars. A prize awarded to Mies Eu nice Peele by her excellent teach er, Mr. D. M. Bizzell, was deliver sd by Mr. S. R. Brady in which he acquitted himself most elo quently. Short talks were made by Messrs. S A. Pittman, C. S. I'eele, S. R. Brady and their ex cellent teacher, E. F. Pearce, on the importance of an education. Nice music for the occasion was furnished by the Pearce end Ty ner string band. A large crowd of parents and riends were present and enjoyed :he entertainment given by the schools. Each of the said districts is inxious to secure these excellent ? teachers for their next term. i ' S. i Archer Items. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bissett 3pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Barnes spent Sunday with the family of Mr. J. 1. Murphy in the Thanks giving sactiou. Mr. J. W. Barnes had a large stack of fodder burned Monday. J It caught from some burning stumps in the field and the flames ] instantly consumed it. Mr. Bryant H. Richardson has recently had hi" residence remod eled and painted. Mr. Richard. son now has one among the handsomest of country homes. The voters of our school dis trict, (No. 1 White) will present a petition for an election to be held in the early spring to vote a special tax for building a new school house and also for a lon ger term of school. 8. L. W. Mar. 17,1908. In Memoriam. After a brief iilness of about one week, Mrs, Mary Wallace, wife of Mr. D. H. Wallace, of PrincetOD, in the fifty seventh year of her age went to be with Jesus: and our hearts are sad. The object of this writing has been a sufferer for over a year. She was carried to the hospital at Raleigh for treatment the twenty-seventh of December last, and it was feared that she would not return, so serious was the nature of the disease, but to the surprise of nearly all stood the operation tine, and was able to return in about three weeks. Her loved ones gathered at her home to gladden her return, and Oh! how sweet to again meet and converse with her. And ever since her return, how we watched for her returning health, fondly cherishing every indication that presented itself, hoping that when the chilly winds of winter had passed the return of spring would bring about in her a won derful change, and that soon she would be herself again, going in aDd out among her many friends and loved ones who were so anxious for her, her loving com panion, two married daughters and her single son, the latter still living with his parents. But alas! how soon the change. She contracted a cold which rapidly grew into pneumonia. Physi cians were called in and every at tention kindly given by loving hands, but all to no avail. The hand of death had lain his icy touch upon her, and nothing could stay his progress. While our hearts are bleeding and all so loath to give her up, we can but feel that our loss is her eternal gain, and that to-day, the first Sabbath after her de parture is to her the sweetest Sabbath ever spent on earth. Her funeral was preached at Itains's Cross Roads on the sixth of March (she having passed away on the fifth) by Rev. .). H. Worley to a sorrowing congre gation, she having joined the Free Will Baptist church a good manv years ago and who was a faithful member of the same. Her precious body lies in the churchyard to await the resur rection morn. The writer has known this pre cious woman from girlhood. We have spent many happy hours together and being a first cousin were very closely associated and I can say she was a good woman, unselfish, meek and gentle. To know her was to love her. We believe that God wanted her with Him and we bow in humble sub mission to His will. May her precious children ever follow her example and finally together with sorrowing hus band, relatives and friends all ac last meet her in the home be yond. Kblative No Use to P'e. "I have found out that there is no use to die of lung trouble as long as you can get Dr. King's New Discovery," says Mrs. J P. White, of Rushboro, Pa. "I would not be alive today only for that wonderful medicine. It loosens up a cough quicker than anything else, and cures lung disease even after the case is pronounced hopeless." This most reliable remedy for coughs and colds, lagrippe, asthma, bronchitis and hoarseness, is sold under guarantee at Hood Bros, drug store. 50c and .$1.00 Trial botqile free. I Woodard S.hool Close. The Woodard school taugl' by Mr. P. J. Kornegay, one ol Johnston county's excellent teachers, closed March 5, 1908. An interesting programme con sisting of Declamations, recita tions and songs was rendered by the school The exhibition shows that Mr. Kornegay has faithfully discharged his duty. Music was furnished for the occasion b.v the Kornegay Pros, string band. Notwithstanding theincleman cy of the weatherja large crowd of parents and friends of education ' were present and enjoyed the ex 1 ercises well. After the exercises i were over three prizes were awarded to three of the beet all round Btudents in school. These being Mies Ida Woodard, Miss 1 (Jennetta Woodard and Miss Sallie Woodard. The prizes were delivered by Mr E. F. Poarce in which he acquitted himself most ; eloquently. Mr. Kornegay has taught two terms. He has given perfect sat isfaction insomuch that the com ; mittee ol said district arb anxi ous to secure his valuable service for a third term. P. F. E. Have you pictures to frame? See Cotter-Stevens Company. Spiers J THE LADIES f |S T OR E | I(? New Goods for % SPRING and J Early Summer f The largest stock of Spring Goods ever brought to ^ ? Johnston County by any one tirm. Great many goods I have declined in price. We have taken advantage of A L the low prices and ar? selling accordingly All heavy K K cotton goods have declined with exception to a few num- F bers. We believe that we have the prettiest lot of ging- d. a hams, percals, suitings, prints, &c. ever brought to 1 Smithfiekl. The best black Taftfeta Silk ever offered I A here for 75c and $ 1 Oo ^ C SPIERS BROS. Smithfield, N. C. J ? _ M T) ? ? ? That Pleases the Eye, M 1*111 llH^ Attracts Attention & Bring Results, is our Specialty. Let us figure on your next---Beaty & Lassiter I wood Fiber Plaster. I J Just Received, well assorted i y Stock of Base Ball Goods y S and Fishing Tackle. Come y i to see us. y > Clayton Hardware Co., < y C. W. CARTER, Prop. Clayton, N. C. y VvVWVWvVWsWVWW\, V V\ <* ?>QOO?OOOO0OO<l>OOOOO<>O^0OO<ai& | Don't Wait! | lr We have just received a big shipment Colo Planters jr jr and Distributors ? X Something New A A Cole Distributor and Cultivator combined. It is a X X beauty, an<l a useful tool. Another lot of those one- If V horse Syracuse Plows just come in, they can't be beat. if jr Yours for businoss, ? 8 The Hall Hardware Co. $ * Benson, N. C. V < Florida ? Cuba > C During the Cold Winter Months a Trip 5 I The Atlantic Coast Line S ^ Would bo just 11*; thing to make life worth ^ ^ living, Superb trains, excellent schedules t" ^ ?ud tickets which offer-every advantage ^ ^ possible for a pleasant and attractive trip. ^ ^ For full information or pamphlet* call on ^ your nearest Ticket Agent, or write, ^ > W. J. CRAIG, T. C. WHITE, < ^ Gen. Traffic Manager"- Gen. Passenger Agent \ S WILMINGTON, N. C. J

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