THE HERALD, rtJBUHHKIi CVKKY I'KIHAY MiIKNINU. BEATY & LA8SITER, PKOPKIETOK8. ? Entered AY the PoeYottire AY HmlYhtield JohuYou Court}', N. C., an ?econd-rlae matter. KATKH OK KIIHHCKIITION: One year, cam)) In advance, ? ? ? fl .00 W? montliH. cull In advance. - ? .50; L_ Fiuday, MAIICH 20, H)0H. One Woman's Story. The Home ami Farm is a well known journal published at Louisville, Ky. Id its issue foi March 1. litOH, there appeared in its Woman's Column the follow-; iug letter of inquiry which carries in it a sad story: "Dear Aunt Jane:?I have been married six years and have three childreu. My husband has always been a drinking man. lie promised when I married him to give up the habit. For awhile he lelt off, then began to take a dram and so on, until for the past three years he has been drinking constantly. He treats me cruelly. When he comes in drunk he uses vile language, beats mt; and often brings vile men to the house. What can 1 do. 1 have no father or mother, no one to help me. I have no money and can earn none. When he is sober he provides for the family and is kind. Hut he is not often sober. Our small farm is runniug down and 1 am a most unhappy woman. A. L. M." This is a sad letter from a wife and mother in great distress, and no one but the Kuler of the Universe knows how many hun dred similar cases there are all over this land. In the same column of the above named paper several answers are given to the sorrowing wife's question. The first answer Bays "leave him," but she had no where to go and then there were her three children. What about them'' Another suggested that "the neighbors hold an indignation meeting and a dozen or more go and take the drunken wife beater out aud give him a severe flog ging." Hut the trouble about this plan, though it may be de served, is that the law does not allow the individual to adminis ter punishment, and neighbors who do such are violators of the law aud would be dealt with. This badly abused wife says that her husband is kind and| provides well for ins family when sober. This shows that there is some good in the man. Now let every man answer this question Which is the most humane way to treat a fellow-man?a brother ?who is too weak to contiol himself? 1. To advise his wife to leave him. 2. For the neighbors to take him out and brutally beat him, 3. Or to take whiskey so far away from him that he would have to be 6ober. Which of the three? The first two violate the laws of God and man. The last fol lows the law of love aud affec tion, the law of sympathy aud good will to men and keeps in violate t he laws of God and man. Which of the three? On May 2(>, you have an opportunity to ans wer. How wili you do it? State Sunday School Couvention. The fifth annual convention of the North Carolina Sunday School Association will be held at Burlington, April 7-9. Messrs. Tullar ami Meredith, of New York city, wilt have charge of the music and a line musical pro gramme is promised. Among the speakers on the programme are VN'.C. I'earce of Chicago, the! Teacher Training and < Irganizeri Adult Department Superintend dent of the International Sunday School Association; Mrs. J. W Da ">?. Superintendent of the I Element D p i i.ipnt of the I lot t ' in ai iatio ?. W. Spilmau, oi this State;] Dr, J as. A. R. Slierer. presiden ?)f Colp S UX! ' ephool in me r ? -?. .- money Cotter Stevens Company. Lost Large Part Of Their Insurance. Mr. I. M. Massengill, of Four Oaks, was here Tuesday and told us of the heavy loss his firm sus tained in the recent tire in his town. lie is a traveling sales man for a Norfolk hardware house. Karly this year he and his ! brother, Mr. W. A. Massengill, J and Mr. J. E. Allen formed the , Massengill Hardware Company J and bought a good stock of | hardware amounting to $2,800.- j 00. Their invoices, with threeor i four small ones lost, amounted I to $2,7I-'l.OO. They took with j the Dixie Fire Insurance Co. of j Greensboro insurance for $1,- J 000.00, and with the Atlantic of!' Kaleigh, $80000. They had sold a few goods be fore the fire and taken in cash:! amounting to about $l7f>.00. I After the fire occurred they!! naturally expected to collect |l $1800 00, the amount of insur- J ance they had paid for but they 11 found no such settlement. After f considerable trouble with the in- } surance adjusters they received ' only $1,180 81, thereby losing over one third of what the poli cies called for. The companies i got out of paying by technicali- 1 ties. J At the back of the store in I which they did business was a j J ware room which joined thestore J J and its contents were protected I by the lock and key to the front e door of the store. They had ! placed in this ware room about I |600 worth of the goods. I'he { insurance adjusters disclaimed ji any liability for these goods be-1 jj cause they hud been placed back ( in the ware room. | The companies had a clause in IS their policies, we are told, requir- J ing merchants to own iron safes f to keep their books from lire. ] The Massengill Hardware Com- j pany had selected a safe but it v was not in the store and so this ( point was tuken against them by ? the insurance companies. ^ This was a new experience to j these young men but thousands r of others have lost money in j these, or similar ways. Men rest i much better with their property ( insured, but they often think j their policies worth much more j before a fire occurs than they J (iud after it has occurred. When J a company insures for an amount ! it should pay that amount if j the claim is just. | It Is Not Sate. It is not safe to keep intoxicat- ! ing liquors in easy reach of boys j and young men and others whose j appetites have been whetted to i demand liquors. Godwin-Hooks. j A beautiful home wedding oc i curred last Wednesday night, : March 11, at the home of tiie I bride's mother, Mrs. S. F. Hooks, ? when Mr. Pharoah Godwin led | to the altar her charming daugh- i ter Miss Ora B. The bride wore a gown of white i satin and carried a bouquet ol j bride's roses while the maid of honor, Miss Nettie Hooks,cousin ot the bride, wore white silk mull and carried white carnations. At the melodious strums of a beautiful wedding march so sweet ly rendered by Mrs. H. T. Kent frow the happy couple entered the room, the bride with her maid and the groom with his best man Mr. G. W. Evans, where the ceremony was beautifully performed by Uev. J. W. Nobles. We congratulate theui and wish success to be theirs hoping their pathway through life may be strewn with life's happiest flowers. Both the bride and the groom are amoug our most highly es- < teemed young people, the groom j beiug oue of our prominent busi j n-ee men. | The out of town guests were as follows: Mr. tJ. W. Evans, id j Solum; Mies Nettie Hooks, of Set- i ma; Mr aud Mrs \V. J. Hooks, j of Ayden; M C. 11. Bailey, Four Oaks. Kenly, N.C. A Friend, ji Burnell Items.' We are glad to r port that the ; , i the mouse nave nearly uoue their do and t he eld Bwuell see tion is in good tlx again. We are pleased to note that Nuurffiv School will open at [Olivers Urove Baptist, church [ the fifth Sundav afternobn in this month. Every body invited to utteud. March 18 0. 1 |Where Low Puss tail! | Economical Buyers Will Gather! 1 || This Fact was Fully Demonstrated Yesterday at the Great Money-Saving |g | Fire, Water And Insurance Sale | Opened by Davis Brothers, When the big stock of the Will H. Lassiter jpi Dry Goods Co. was placed on sale at prices that appeal to you and |j| your neighbors as nothing has ever done before. The reason for this B|j H great fire sale is as follows: Fire broke out in the rear of The Lassiter H Dry Goods Co's big store?Fire alarm turned in?Fire engine quickly on ^ P the scene?Store filled with smoke?Firemen unable to locate fire?Large |g ?? streams of water turned in store?Fire quickly extinguished?Water and ffi smoke slightly soiled and damaged goods?Insurance adjuster arrived--- ||| Satisfied Mr. Lassiter---Goods sold by adjuster to highest bidder--- fe ^ Davis Bros, the buyers---Goods moved to Boyett Bros, old stand where Spl they have been rearranged and marked down lower than low, and will jpj pi be distributed among the people of Johnston and surrounding counties ? I You Cannot! You Dare Not Miss This Sale! gj Dress Goods jSa 25c Dross Goods, various colors, sale 16c egg 50c Dress Goods, all descriptions, sale 23c g|tQ 50c Brilliantine and Mohairs in all colors, sale price 22c m } .00 Rain proof dress goods, sale price 68c I gag 1.2o Broadcloth, Mohairs, etc. in all latest IjgS shades, sale price 79c jS?} 1.25 Taffeta in Black, Brown and White, pi sale price 38c m 25c Waistings of all descriptions 11c I Sotfj 25c Mercerized waistings all kinds 11c ?!|j 25c Linens, sale price 14c '?3 Ladies Shoes [Sjijg Drew Selby children's shoes and oxfords, ngnj 1.50 and 2 00 quality from 98c to 1.18 &?( 1.50 Everyday shoes, sale price 89c pjy 1.75 Southland Belle, 1.00 tag 1.50 Dress Shoes, sale price 98c S?? 2 25 Dixie Girl, oxfords sale price 1.48 Sgs 3 00 Drew Selby shoes and oxfords 1.97 MBS 3.50 Drew Selby " " " 2.08 Hp Children s Shoes CW 50c Children's shoes B4c Bin 1,00 Children's shoes 68c *SX 1.50 Boys brogans 98c 9b 1.50 Misses shoes 98c 2.00 Misses in all leathers 1.18 Sm 1.25 Misses everyday Shoes 79c EM Come, meet me face to face, and then con Sj vinced you will be that what I say is True. Don't Fail To VISIT OUR 5 AND 10c Tables A General As sortment of 25, and 50c articles from 5c to 10c. Specials jS| 35c Ladies Underwear, sale price 16c tSg* 1.50 and 2.00 Underwear 68c 25c Men's Neckwear, sale price 14c Sg?f 1.00 corsets, sale price 49c |||g2 20 bolts pant cloth from 8c yd. up Hug 500 rolls fine ribbon from 4c yd. up SbS 1 large lo* ladies belts 25, 50c qual 5c up mSr. 1 lot black silk lace 15, & 25c qual 4c Children's rubber shoes 25c i|lS One special lot baby caps 15c 10,000 yards Embroidery in all colors, styles and widths 3c yd. up gag 100 pieces ribbon lc yd One large lot remnants , 50c & 1 00 qual....25c iSg 1 One large lot trimmings lc yd. up age / One large lot chiffon at 20c KRatj'l Domestics |g 12? and 15c Percales in all colors and fig- 2K ures, saie price 6c aSSx l2fc and 15cChambrays all colors, sale 6c jB?j 15c A F. C. Dress Ginghams, sale 6c , j?3 12?c Flannelettes in all colors, sale 7c Mn 25c Turkey Red table damask, sale 15c /jjjgl 10c Ladies Hose, sale price 4c ' jSg 10c Men's Hose fancy, sale price 4c Mra 25c Suspenders, sale price 10c SgB 150 doz. 4 ply linen collars, sold everywhere at 15c, sale price 3c 10c Towels, sale price 4c Ip9 Coats Spool Cotton, sale price 4c rap 10c Men's Handkerchiefs, sale price 3c BSj 1 50 China and Suisane Silks in all colors, SgB sale price from 18c up ? jcs $1500.00 Worth of MiUinery Will be Sold at 25 Cents in the Dollar ||| | This Stock Will be Sold in 30 Days! | Yesterday long before the appointee! time of Opening, the people had ggj gathered in great crowds and 'hen the doors were opened, the Great j|| p Sale, like a mighty pendulum swing into action and our many clerks were ^ IB * ' P taxed to their utmost capacity to aCcorornod ate theieajg?*r buyers. They ||* ? a C ' jjniiii^niM-irj" ^ ? *'.%? * ** C? iOUS . . ,, Ctj f--' ^ ^