p Local Items ^ Tb? Be w> ?(the Week In *nd J Around Town. L Mr. Irving Grantham, of Duud, | was here Sunday. Mr. Ira W Medl'n spent Sun day afternoon in Goldsboro. Mr. J. W. Yelviugton, of Cleve land, was in to see us Tuesday. Mrs. A. M. Sanders has re turned from a visit to relatives in Wilson. Miss Rena Bingham spent Sat ' urdav and Sunday in Benson i and Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Ward of La Grange, N. C., are visiting rela tives here. Mr. Rosmal Smith went to Four Oaks Sunday afternoon, returning Tuesday morning. Mr. Arthur K. Summerlin, of The Herald force, spent Sunday at his home at Mount Olive. Mr. R. H. Biggs, of Wendell, was in town a few days ago and renewed hie subscription to The Herald. Mr. F. H. Parrish made a trip to Richmond this week aud pur chased several nice horses for his livery stables. Mr. It. U. Craves, of Carthage, was here Saturday, arriving a short while before his mother died. He returned Monday. Miss Bettie Lee Sanders will go to Raleigh this afternoon to spend Saturday and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. T. W. LeMay. Mrs. E. W. Pou and children who have been spending some time in Washington and Pitts boro have returned to Smithfield. Mr. Elmer Wellons, a student of the University at Chapel Hill, spent Easter here with his pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Wei lows. Misses Mildred and Ruth San ders and Miss lone Abeil, stu dents at Peace Institute,Raleigh, spent Sunday and Monday at home. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morris and little son, of Tampa, Fla., spent Easter here with Mrs. Carrie Fuller. Their son, J. W. Morris, Jr , also spent Easter here. Mr. James H. Abell and Miss Rettie Cobb and Mrs. W. N. Holt went to Raleigh yesterday after noon to see De Wolf Hopper in "Happyland" at the Academy of Music last night. Mr. M. A. Allen, of Danville, Va., was here yesterday on busi ness. He is expecting to come back to Smithtield next season and buy tobacco for the Ameri can Tobacco Co. Mrs. C. Radford and Miss Anna Underwood went to Wilson .Mon day to see Mr. C. Radford who is receiving treatment at the Wil son Sanatorium. They returned Tuesday afternoon. Rev. G. F, Cuthrell will make a temperance speech at Live Oak Raptist church the first Sunday in May at 3:30 Rev. J. H. Shore speaks the same day at Eliza beth Methodist church. Mr. J. i). Hoyett has opened up the drug store of Mr. A. H. Boyett, having purchased the stock of goods from the trustee. Mr. A. H. Boyett is in charge, assisted by Mr. W. H. Canaday. See ad. elsewhere in this issue. We are rexuested to announce that evangelists K. B. Jackson and M. D. Sellers, of Dunn, are holding revival services under their tent near the tobacco ware houses in Selraa. Services are held at 3 and 8 p. m. All are cor dially invited to attend. ?" Representatives from Smith field, Wilson's Mills and Selma met in Selma yesterday after noon and organized a Johnston County Baseball League. I)r. R. P. Noble was made President D. 0. Uzzell, Vice President and Seth W. Myatt, Secretary and Treasurer. The Johnston County Tele phone Company held its annual meeting Tuesday night. The stockholders elected the follow ing Board of Directors for the ensuing twelve months: J. H. Kirkman, W. M. Sanders. J. I). Spiers, T. R. Hood, J. D. Under wood. N. M Lawrence, W. W. Pole, F. K. Broadhurst, and H. P. Stevens. Man Zan Pile Remedy comes ready to use, in a collapsible tube, with noz zle. One application soothes and heals, reduces inflammation and re lieves soreness and itching. Price 50c. Sold by Hood Bros. \lr. S. H Hobbs, of Clinton J the organizer uud lecturer of tbe j Cottou Growers' Association ofi ibis State, was here Saturday. Mr Hobbs is anxious to see souie cotton warehouses built in this County. It seems that our farmers uud business meu are very slow to plan for the storage of tue.r cottou. Such a 4move would doubtless mean much for our farmers, as it would enable them to store their cottou when prices were too low to sell at a profit. Messrs. W. S. Stevens and T. R. Hood, of Smithtield, and Mr. B. B. Adams, of Four Oaks, left Monday forChattauooga, Tenu., to attend the Laymen's Confer ence of the M. E. Church, South. Gen. Juliau S. Carr, of North Carolina, responded to the ad dress of welcome and a great speech was made on Missions by Hon. James Bryce, Ambassador from Great Britain to the United States. The crowd in atteudauce Tuesday night was estimated at ten thousand. Indian Graveyard. Here and there over the coun- , try can still be seen Indiau grave- . yards. On a high hill near the , creek on the farm of Mr. Ashley Wallace, who lives eft miles west , of here, is one of these relics of former days. Two meu from , Smithfield were there this week , and brought back some bones , which can be seen at Riadick and Dicknison's office. A jawbone with the teeth was found there a few years ago. Juniors for Prohibition. The Wilson Lodge, Jr , O. U. A.M., to a man?and there are one hundred and sixty of them? have expressed their determina tion to do everything in their power to drive liquor from the borders of North Carolina. In the State there are seven teen-thousand and six hundred members of this noble order? and it is safe to say they will follow the example set by the Wilson Juniors.?Wilson Indus trial Advocate. Card of Thanks. The family of Mr. Alex Muns return thanks to the kind people of Smithfield for their ministra tions, sympathy and kindness during the recent illness and death of their loved one. May the Lord bless and comfort each is the wish of the family. No Paint Better Than Hammar. The Cotter Stevens Co. Smithfield, N. C. Gentlemen:?About nine (9) years ago I bought of Mr. E. J. Holt, Hammar Paint to paint my residence with. I told Mr. Holt at the time I bought that 1 j wanted a good paint and judg ing from the preseut condition of my house I do not think any paint better than Hammar. Sincerely, Mrs. Anna M. Poc. Smithfield, N. C., April 21, 1908. Buy the paint that does not crack or peel?That is Hammar. Cotter Stevens Co. Hammar Paint saves you money. Sold by Cotter-Stevens Co. I Have in. My j Sta.bles i i For sale one well broke family Horse 6 years old. One pair of sorrel mare mules 4 years old which weigh 1050 each. One pair brown mare males 6 years old 1300 pounds each. The horse and mules are extra good ones, and I invite the public to see them. .W M. Sanders, i i Smith field, N. C. i NOTICE. ? C The undersigned having qiialfied as admr. ? on the estate of Cnllcn Creech, Sr., de- { ceased, hereby notifies all persons hav iug claims to present the same to mo du- t ly verified on or before the 24th day of t April, 1909,or this notice will be pleaded ? in bar of thei1-recovery; and all persons j indebted to said estate will make imme diate payment. . This 16th day of April 1008. C Jesse B. Creech, Administrator. , Pou and Brooks, Attorneys. J Not a drop of Alcohol Doctors prescribe very little, if any, alcohol these days. They prefer strong tonics and altera tives. This is all in keeping with modern medical science. It explains why Aver's Sar saparilla is now made entirely free from alcohol. Ask your doctor. Follow his advice. Jk Wo publish our formulas Xl ? Wo banish alcohol i from our madiotuas / 1 )i/?rc We urge you to am consult your ^ ^ ^ doctor Unless there is daily action of the bow els, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nausea, dyspepsia. We wish you would ask youi doctor about correcting your constipation by taking laxative doses of Ayer's Pills. ???Made by the J. C. Ay or Co., Lowell, Mass.? Smlthfield Township Convention. A convention of the Democrats of Smithfleld township was held at the courthouse last Saturday at 3 o'clock with Mr. VV. M. San ders chairman and Mr. S. T. Honeycutt secretary. Messrs. ?J. H. B. Tomlinson. Walter Hand, C. S. Howell, W. W. Cole and A. M Noble were chosen as an Executive Committee. The convention endorsed Mr. E. W. Hou for Congress and Mr. Ashley Home for Governor. CURES COUGHS AND COLDS. Hyomel Gives Relief In 10 Minutes?. Cures Over Night. Everybody knows, or ought to know, that Hyomei is recognized among scientists as the specific for Catarrh, Asthma, Bronchi tis and Hay Fever, but there are a great many peole who do not know that Hyomei will cure a cough or a cold in less tnan 24 hourr. But every one should know that the soothing, balmy and antiseptic air of Hyomei when breathed over the raw and in flamed membrane of the nose and throat will instautly allay ?e inflammation, and wi.l effect a prompt cure. Complete Hyomei outfit, mcle ding inhaler, costs only $1.00 at Hood Bros., extra bottles, if af terward needed will cost but 50 cents. Joseph M. Harbaugh, Hel dredge, Nth., writes; "I have used your Hyomei in my family for two years or more, and find it one of the best remedies we ever used for a cold or sore thioat. We find that it gives quick relief in cases of catarrh. SMITHPIELD (VARKET. Uotton Best (trades 9% to 10 Cotton Stained 6 to 8 Eggs 15 Chickens 15 to 81 Dranulated Sugar 6 to 61 Corn, per bushel 90 to 1.00 Peed Oats, per bushel 75 Presh Pork 8J to 9 C. R. Sides, per pound 9 to 10 ham " " 15 hard, ?' " 10 to 15 Cheese, " " 20 Butter, " " 85 to 80 Dried Apples, per pound 10 to 12)., Coffee, per pound 12\ to 17% Iheep Skins, each 25 to 50 Salt Hides, per pound 2% hides?DryFllnts 7% to 8% Tallow 3 Seeswax 20 to 22% ileal per sack 1.75 to 1.85 flour, per sack 2.75 to 3.00 fodder, per hundred 1.25 Tiinotay Hav, 1.25 to 1 85 hay 50 to 75 Wool 15 to 25 ^at Cattle on foot 3 to 3% fat Cattle Dressed 6% to 7 Jweet Potatoes 75 feas per bushel 2.00 to 2.25 i ? m " 'ii i [TREQUIRES NO ARGUM ENT ,o prove the advantage of hav ng a bank account. The fact hat a great majority of business nen have one shows that a bank iccount is well worth having. THE BANK OF SM1THF1ELD iccepts accounts from men of small affairs as well as from hose of large interests. It sug gests that you open one even hough your business is not on i large scale. The advantage of he account will become more snd more apparent with every lay s experience. nterest paid on Time Deposits ;!; SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSESS 8S St w o - points! W ?i iY< w Hi You want to buy that Brand of JK Paint that will m Wear VW The Longest v/ Hammar Paint bears a written Hll guarantee for FIVE YEARS. You want to buy the Paint that JA Costs Least Money (B per gallon consistent with good ISj durability and preservative qual- |B| W (]\ ^j|| If yon Keep Both of These Points in View You Will Use Hammar Paint jjj |lj because it bears a longer guaranteed for durability than any (tl \l/ paint on earth, and also costs you at least 25a/> less than the ||| III ordinary good ready-mixed paint. Sold by /|\ g I 8 \ r GSTTESI-STEVEHS C0.II 1 ? j New Clothing Store, j ?1 The Swell New Clothes are here, right up to the minute in ? Style. Just the thing a man wants to be well dressed. Now 1| H is the time?Here is the place to buy your Spring Suit. We jjg H sell Clothes that fit right?Clothes that look right and Clothes P H of quality. || L Mens' - Suits from $3.75 to $25.00 sg jp Youth's " " $3.50 to $15.00 ^ P Children's " " $1.50 to $ 7.50 || || Remember our stock is new. Our stock of Shoes. Hats and ? J|| Furnishing Goods would be a credit to a city store. P P Respectfully, ^ IN. B. GRANTHAM,! oft Head to Foot Outfitter for Men and Boys ? ?? Market Street ^ Smithfield, N. C. eft 1 ^ if \* sWe Mean Business!! w (!\ * '?> ^ We have in stock in Smithfiold and Four Oaks all kinds of Fertilizers for Tobacco, Cotton 3; m f* ^ and Corn and will deliver it at your home anywhere in Johnston County at prices aa low ^ as the lowest. It will pay all who buy Guano at Four Oaks and Smithfield to see us before you buy. ff\ Ul '?* HI We also have on hand a nice lot of Young Mules and Horses, Wagons, Buggies, Surrys, ill Harness, Stalk Cutters, Disc Harrows, One and Two Horse Steel Beam Plows, Dixie and viz Stonewall. We have just received 2 Cars Hay and also a large lot Corn, Oats, Bran and ff\ Ship Stuff, Cotton Seed Meal, Hulls. We carry the best line of Flour sold in Smithtield and W ? if you will try a sack of our Dan Valley, Tip Top or Dunlop you will buy from us again. ^ w if* We have bought now for this Spring the best line of Dry Goods, Shoes, Hats, that we i^ir have ever bought and it will pay you to see our stock. ff\ it Furniture! - Furniture! I We cave got it, and we will sell it for Cash or on time at the right price. We have about jj|| o cars now on hand and we are going to sell it regardless of price. f^\ Now if you want to buy goods of any kind, we have them. We have four stores full of ^ all kinds of goods, and if you want to save money it will pay you to see us, for we are not jj| Hi going to be undersold. j|i Yours for business, I Cotter-Underwood Co. i ?jj Smithfield. N. C. ?