2V j?initljfirl5 Jlcralk Price One Dollar Per Year "TRUE TO OURSELVES, OUR COUNTRY AND OUR GOD." ! _ Single Copiee Five Centa VOL. 28. SMITHFIELD. N. C.. FRIDAY. APRIL 9, 1909. NO. 7 COTTEN IS GIVEN 30 YEARS. For the Murder of Dr. E. W. Smith, Of Richmond, Wake County Jury, After an all-night Session, Finds the Three Defendants Guilty, as Charged?Cotten Receives the Limit of the Law, While Holder- i field and Hopkins Get Ten and Two Year* Respectively. Raleigh, April 4.?After being out ' all night the jury in the trial of ' three men for the murder of Dr. E. j W. Smith, of Richmond, Va., this j moruing brought in a verdict of mur der in the second degree against Earl Cotten, Tim Holderfield and E. A. Hopkins, otherwise known as "Red" Hopkins, young white men. With regard to Hopkins the jury rec ommended mercy. Judge Lyon, of the Superior Court, sentenced Cotten to 30 years in the penitentiary, the full limit, holding him as the leading spirit in the mur der. Holderfield, because he was in the employ of Cotten at his cafe, and because of testimony that he was of good character, was sentenced to only 10 years in the penitentiary. "Red" Hopkins was sentenced to 2 years. Cotten and Holderfield moved for a new trial, and then for modifica tion of sentence. Both were refus ed and they appealed. Both men, as they were taken back to jail from the court room after being sentenced remarked that they had expected ac quittal. Public opinion seems to be that the sentences are by no means excessive. On the morning of November 15, 1908, the body of Dr. Smith was found at the edge of a rock quarry in the eastern suburbs of Raleigh. An investigation developed the fact that on the night of November 14, he had been seen apparently drunk In Cotten's cafe. Evidence produced by the State showed that Dr. Smith had been drugged to death with chloroform for the purpose of obtain ing his watch, ring and diamond pen, later traced to Cotten; that Hopkins furnished the chloroform, that Cotten administered an over dose which caused the victim's death and that Holderfield took the body in a hack to the rock quarry. The State's witnesses were Ed Chavis, a negro hack driver, and Richard Wil liams, a negro cook in the employ of Cotten. Hopkins was a stranger whp lac ded here some time ago. Holden iOld was a cotton mill em ployee and Cotten is the son of a prominent Raleigh physician. Later?Hopkins and Holderfield have decided not to appeal and have begun their sentences. Marion Butler Found Guilty. Greensboro, N. C., April 6.? "Guilty" was the verdict rendered by the jury in Guilford Superior court this afternoon^ in the case of the State vs. Marion Butler and his broth er, Lester P. Butler, who have been on trial since last Wednesday morn ing on the charge of criminal libel in publishing libellous articles in the Caucasian of and concerning former Judge Spencer B. Adams, accusing him of accepting bribes, and official corruption as chief Justice of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Citizenship court. Judge Long imposed a fine of $500 on Marion Butler and taxed him with half of the costs. He fined Lester P. Butler $250 and taxed him with half of the costs, adding that the reason for making Lester But ler's fine less than his brother was distinctly on the ground that he was a younger man. The chairman of the Georgia State prison commission has issued an or der that under no circumstances are shackles or chains to be placed upon women prisoners, either in the pen itentiary or upon what is known as the "roacj gang." The order was the result of the furore created upon the discovery that a Mrs. O'Dwyer, a prisoner at Athens, was not only shackeled but chained, after her con viction on a misdemeanor. With the heaviest vote in local ; history, Clark county. Ohio, Monday of last week, voted "dry" by eleven majority in the local option election. The total vote cast in the county was 17,831. The election affects 97 aaitft pnv Xjnnoa sqi uj suooies breweries. A TEXAS CITY SWEPT BY FIRE. | Large Part of Residence Section of Fort Worth in Ashes.?Five Mil- ! lion Dollars Estimate of Loss? Six Persons Killed?Railroad shops Churches and Many Residences Burned. 500 People Homeless. I Fort Worth, Texas, April 3.?Fan ned by a wind a fire which originat ed in a barn at Jennings Avenue* and Peter Smith street, in the southern portion of this city this afternoon, swept over an area of ten blocks in length and seven in width, destroy ed property roughly estimated in value to be in excess of 15,000,000 and caused the death of six per sons. The fire, which broke out in a fashionable residence district, was beyond all control within 15 minutes after it started and was not check ed until dynamite was resorted to, four hours later. The local fire department being unable to cope with the situation, assistance was rushed from Dallas and Weatherford on special trains, but even with these reinforcements the spread of the flames was not checked until they had eaten their way to the Texas Pacific Railroad reservation on the east. On the south the fire was checked at the Texas Pacific passenger station, this steel and stone structure forming a bulwark that saved the wholesale district of the city, which at one time was in imminent danger of Hostriirtinn The Texas & Pacific roundhouse | and 20 engines, the Pacific shops, ? two public buildings and four church es and Walker Sanitorium were the public buildings destroyed. Xhe others were residences, most of them new and pretentions in the most e elusive residence section of the city. So rapidly did the flames spread that people living within a radius of three blocks of the place of origin had no time to save anything ex cept the clothing they wore. A pa tient whose identity has not been learned, perished in Walker's Sani torium and three men were electro cuted and their bodies burned to cinders in the Sawyer Electric plant. Herbert Stacey was fatally burned in an endeavor to save his dwelling, and a fireman fell from a house top and was killed. Rev. H. O. Cowan, assistant pas tor of the Broadway Presbyterian church, is missing. The burned dis trict tonight is being patrolled by troops to prevent footing and it is estimated that 500 families are homeless. Many of these have gone to Dallas where shelter has been offered. IN WAVE OF PROHIBITION. Majority in Michigan Carries Over to the "Drys"?The Election. Detroit, Mich., April 4,?"We have broken the backbone of the liquor traffic in Michigan," declared Superintendent George W. Morrow, J of the Michigan Anti-Saloon League at midnight. Definite returns at that time showed that of the 27 counties which voted on the question of abolishing the sale or manufacture of liquor in their borders today 19 had gone "dry," seven had gone "wet" and indications were that the remaining county, Jackson, had vot ed for prohibition by the slender margin of 30 votes. Before today's election eleven of the 83 counties of the State were "dry." Backward, Turn Backward." Backward, turn backward! o| time In your flight, feed me on gruel just for tonight; I am so weary of j sole leather steak, petrified biscuit and galvanized cake, oysters that sleep in a watery bath, and butter as strong as Goliath of Gath. Wea ry of paying for what I can't eat, j chewing up rubber and calling It j meat. Backward, turn backward,; how weary I am, just give me a 1 swipe of grandmother's jam; let me drink milk that hasn't been skim med, let me eat butter whose whis- ) kers are trimmed; let me once more 1 br.vo an old-fashioned pie; then I am ready to curl up and die.?Ex. ???i It doesn't take much to satisfy i most people who are ?elf-satlsfied.? i Chicago News. i FIND RUINS OF CITY IN MEXICO. Wall Which Surrounded Ancient City in Fair State of Preservation. It is Made of Giant Granite blocks. Other Prehistoric Ruins In Vicini ty of Tonola Which Are Unexplored Mexico City, April 2.?Archaeolo gists of Mexico aro much interested in researches being made in the ruins of what was once a great city, standing near the town of 'ionola, on the Isthmus of Tehuante -y The ruins are now easily accessible, the Pan-American Railroad pass through the new town of Tonoia, within an hour's Journey on horse of the ruins. Dr. George A. Dorsey, curator of anthropology of the Field Museum back of the ruins. , cently and was greatly impressed with the magnitude of the ruins and the possibility for throwing light up on the prehistoric civilization of Southeastern Mexico and Central America. The wall which surround ed the ancient city is still in a fair state of preservation. It is made of giant granite blocks. Contained 50,000 People. The city had an area of perhaps twenty-five square miles and its population must have been more than 50,000 people. The buildings were of the type that characterized the earli est known civilization of Mexico, as shown by ruins in Yucatan. Some of them were of imposing nature, and the ruins still give evidence of beau tv. Tin to this time verv little ex ploration has been made. Dr. Dorsey says that the ruins are of far more interest than the famous ruins of Monte Alban, exten sive explorations have been going on under the auspices of the Mexican government for some time. It is stated that there are other prehistor ic ruins in the vicinity of Tonola which have not been explored. Ingersolt Silenced. A good story of the manner in which Ingersoll was once silenced has been told again in the "Presby terian Banner." For the benefit of some of our readers who have not read it we repeat it here. Shortly after the noted infidel was defeated in his race for the gover norship of Illinois, he was one day broadly proclaiming his infidelity on board a railroad train between Chi cago and Peoria. After being for si-.-.e time offensively voluble, he turned to a gentleman near him, and defiantly demanded: "Tell me of one great result that Christianity has ever accomplished?" The gentleman, not wishing to open an argument with the boaster, hesitated to answer. The train had stopped and all was silent in the car. Just then an old lady of eighty years, who sat just behind the infi del, touched his arm with trembling hand, and said, "Sir, I do not know who you are, but I think I can tell you of one great and glorious thing which Christianity has done." "What is it, madam?" said Inger soll. "it nas Kept Kobert O. Ingersoll from being governor of the great State of Illinois!" If a streak of lightning had flash ed through the car the effect could not have been more marked. Ingersoll turned literally pale with rage, and remained silent. The grand old lady lies under the prairie daisies now, but her courage ous act is remembered.?Ex. Health Record in Canal Zone. Health conditions on the Panama canal zone in 1908 were more favor able than at any time since the American occupation, according to a report made by Chief Sanitary Officer Gorgas of the isthmian canal com mission. With 43,890 employes there, there were but 571 deaths, or 13.01 per 1000?Springfield Republican. Gifts amounting to $176,960 from John D. Rockefeller to the universi ty of Chicago were announced at Chicago last week_ by President Har ry Pratt Judson at the 70th coiro cation of the university. The an nouncement was a surprise, as M Rockerfeller gave the university 11, 000,000 on January 19. Of the I ? w Sift the larger part will be de<'>trd to the development of the colle ? if education. TAR HEELS KILL PROPOSITION. North Carolinians in the Lower House With the Exception of Mr. Kitchin, Cast Their Votes Against The Proposition to Put Lumber on The Free List. Washington, April t>.?North Car olinians stood up today and were counted against putting lumber on the free list. The Tawney amendment was before the committee. The vote of the Tar Heels stood: Against the amendment, Webb, Page, Godwin, Sinall, Thomas and l'ou. Democrats, ' and Mini head. Cowies and Grant, 'lepublicans; and for It, Kitchin. The , measure was defeated by six votes. ' The North Carolinians could have passed It. The Democrats of the North Caro ' llna House delegation, save Mr. Kitchin, are for the present tariff on rough lumber. The saw mills of the South have a vigorous lobby here, but the consumer is not represented. In opposing their leader. Champ Clark, the 39 Southern Democrats made themselves liable to criticism from men like John Fitzgerald, who has been called a traitor recently. As Henry Clayton, of Albania, went down to vote against free lumber Fitzgerald said to him: "Why, Clay ton, you are in danger of getting read out of your party. You, the chair man of the Denver convention that adopted the Bryan platform; you the chairman of the House caucus, and the spanking committee, the one that chastised me." In voicing the sentiment of these Democrats who voted with him, Mr. Pou said: "I shall not vote to put lumber on the free list. If the tariff is a blessing it should be equally distributed; if a burden, equally borne. This amendment is not just. I do not sacrifice my principles as a Democrat. As a member of the minority I have a right to insist that you treat my State and my peo ple justly, even from your stand point." The record vote will come just be fore the bill leaves the House and the friends of free lumber believe that they will change enough votes to pass the Tawney amendment. The Senate may let the lumber schedule remain as it is now. The Southern Senators favor the $2 duty. ?Charlotte Observer. From a Scientist's Note Book. Umbrellas w< re first used in Chi na and Japan. Some authorities claim that a diet of goat's milk makes one immune from tuberculosis. Seventy-five per cent, of the meat consumed in Great Britain is import ed. British automobile exports now amount to about 122,000,000 a year. At the present rate of increase the population of this country in 1919 will be 100,000,000. The largest pin factory in the world is at Birmingham, Eng. It turns out 37,000,000 pins every day. It is likely that a monorail system will be experimented with in the up per part of New York city. Three hundred thousand concrete cross ties have been ordered for the Italian State Railways. A leading German electrical compa ny has in contemplation the erection of a new plant for the exclusive man ufacture of airships and aeroplanes. It is quite likely that an American bank will be established soon in Pe kin. That city has had British, Ger man, French and Japanese banks for some time. The Japanese government is mak | ing an energetic fight to prevent the plague. In Tokio alone between 2000 | and 3000 rats are killed and examin i ed every day in the search for a pos sible source of infection. The fire losses of the United States and Canada for the calendar year of 3908 aggregated to sum of $238,562, 250, which is exceeded only by the years 1904 and 1906 when the yearly totals were swelled by the conflagra tions at San Francisco and Baltimore. During last year there was no great j number of large fires excepting the le at Chelsea, Mass., but there was ii unusual number of small ones.? 'hiladelphia Record. Following a quarrel, John Wood all murdered his sweetheart, Viola Lovey, at Grove, Okla., Friday and committed suicide. CERVERA YIELDS TO DEATH. ' Loser of Battle of Santiago Expires at Cadiz?Once Taken Prisoner? Commanded the Spanish Fleet De stroyed Off Cuba. Cadiz.Spain, April 3.?Admiral 1 Cervera, who commandt-d the Span ish fleet which was destroyed at Santiago, and who was for some time a prisoner at Portsmouth, N. H., died here today. l'ascual de Cervera Topete, Conde de Jerez and Marques do Santa Ana, the ranking rear admiral of the Spanish navy at the time of tho Spanish-American war, was born Feb ruary 18, 1839, in the province of Jeroz, where his father, Carlos, de Cervera, was a man of immense wealth and a leading wine merchant of hpain. In 1898 Admiral Cervera was In command of the Cape de -Verde fleet, with the first-class cruiser Maria Teresa as flagship. When the trouble between the United States and Spain first arose Admiral Cervera was writing to the minister of marine advising that everything in reason be done to satisfy the United States, for his own navy was in no condition for war. Finally under the insistent de mands of Capt. Gen. lJlanco in Cu ba that the squadron be sent there or all would be lost, the government culled a council of eighteen admirals and captains, and they decided that Cervera must sail to Cuba and meet the enemy. Cervera started for Porto Rico, but heard that Admiral Sampson had been sent there to in tercept him, and he hurried on to Santiago, entering the harbor unob served. This was on May 19, and in less than a week Admiral Schley and Admiral Sampson had Cervera bottled up in the harbor. On June 3 the minister of war sug gested that Cervera dash out of the harbor, go to Manila and crush Uew ey, and then go back and finish the American fleet at Santiago. Capt. Gen. Blanco also insisted that Cervera run the bloc kade, in spite of the fact that Cervera said it would mean his annihilation. On the morning of July 3 the admiral tried to get his fleet out of the har bor, but when he saw the fight was hopeless he ordered the surviving ships beached and they were then set on fire. Admiral Cervera was taken on board the converted yacht Gloucester, and in due time he was taken with the other prisoners of war to Portsmouth, N. H. While Cervera was coolly received in Spain after he was released, he got permission a year later from the Queen to publish his correspondence bearing on the war, and the attitude toward him changed. He was ap pointed chief of staff of the navy in 1902, was made life senator in 1903, and was for a year following 1906 chief of the maritime district of Fer rol. CHARLOTTE INVITES GOVERNORS Chief Executive of Thirteen Origi nal States to Participate In Cel ebration. Charlotte, April 8.?The Central Committee which 1s directing the j program of exercises to be held here on the twentieth of May in celebration of the 134th anniversary of the signing of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, has in vited the Governors of the Thirteen Original States to come to Char j lotte for the three days' festivities. Governor Eben S. Draper has accept ed. The people of Charlotte are pre paring to give Mr. Taft the greatest reception ever accorded a President of the United States in a Southern city. Local officials of both the Southern and Seaboard Railroads have given the assurance that ample train accommodation will bo -"-ovid ed and that reduced rates will be offered. Special trains will be ope rated into the city on the 20th? "Taft Day"?from all directions. Pupil? 'Please, teacher, was It a man or a woman?"?Boston Trans cript. A Federal quarantine has been placed along the Texas border against yellow fever sections of Mexico. A human being breathes about 20 times a minute. DIRECTORS OF PEN MEET. New Prison Board Reduces Salaries ?J. J. Laughinghouse is Elected Superintendent. New Warden Not Chosen. The new board of directors of the State's Prison at their initial meet ing yesterday elected the following officers. Superintendent: J. J. laughing house, of Pitt county; salary, $2,500 per annum, reduced from $3,000. Prison clerk: T. \V. Fenner, of Halifax: salary, $1,500, reduced from $L\000. Prison physician: Dr. I. G. Riddick, of Youngsville; salary, $75 per month The election of these gentlemen was recommended by Governor Kltch in, as was also the election of T. P. Sale, of Haleigh, as warden; but Mr. Salo is confined to his home with pneumonia, and the board deferred the election of a new warden until the next regular meeting, which will be held in May. The salary #of the warden is $100 per month. Until his successor shall have been chosen Capt. J. M. Flemming will continue to serve as warden. Superintendent Laughinghouse has already assumed control, and the re tiring superintendent, Mr. J. S. Mann, left yesterday for his home in Hyde county. Mr. Fenner is not in the city, but was notified yesterday of his election. Dr. Riddick is also here, and will move his family to Rnlnlfli " I ?????? luimcuiaicij, xiegaruiess I of his election as Prison Physician, j Dr. Riddick had already decided to I make the capital city his home. All the members ot the board were present at yesterday's meeting except Capt. J. M. llavis of Mecklen burg county, who is confined at home on account of sickness. The other members are: George A. Norwood, Goldsboro, chairman; R. L. Dough ton, Laurel Springs; George Holder ness, Tarboro, and George E Hun ter, Raleigh.?News and Observer. WRECK ON THE COAST LINE. Ten Cars Were Piled up Near Sharpsburg Last Monday. Rocky Mount, N. C., April 5.? Caused by a "sun kink" in the track the Atiai.tic Coast Line freight train No. 20" >vas wrecked about one mile :i>ith of Sharpsburg, block ing the main line. Ten refrigerator cars were piled up, blocking both tracks, causing several hours' delay in all trains. No one was hurt, though ttt